Journal of Civil Engineering Technology and Research Volume 2, Number 1 (2014), pp.351-362 © Delton Books Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi R.V. College of Engineering Abstract: The strength of hollow concrete block masonry depends on various factors like strength of unit blocks, mortar and their bond strength. An analytical non-linear investigation to predict the compressive strength, failure and crack pattern of hollow concrete block masonry prisms has been done by adopting 3-Dimentional Micro-modeling in ANSYS R14.5. The required non-linear parameters like the multi-linear stress-strain has been obtained by laboratory experiments for units and mortar. Willam–Warnke’s five parameter failure theory has been adopted to model the failure of masonry materials. Key words: Masonry, Prisms, Micro-modeling, Compressive strength, Nonlinear Introduction: The compressive strength of masonry is the most important characteristic of masonry for using in the design. Compressive strength of masonry depends on strength of individual blocks, mortar used and their bond strength. From literature it found that correlation between the compressive strength of interlocking masonry and prism and the wall panels has been established as fcp = 0.47fcb, fcw = 0.83fcp and fcw = 0.39fcb[1]. In standard codes of practice of masonry design the strength of unit type and mortar is related to arrive at the compressive strength of masonry. Micro modeling is preferred because of the facts that in macro modeling there is no distinction between individual units and joints and further more the masonry is considered as homogeneous, isotropic or anisotropic continuum. The well known reason for failure because of plane of weakness in mortar joints cannot be addressed as required for arriving at accurate required results. Non-linear analysis is adopted as the masonry material can be stressed exceeding the elastic limit to predict the ultimate compressive stress and crack pattern accurately. Finite element (FE) tools were utilised in developing models to predict masonry behavior in the late 1980s[2]. Initially linear FE models were attempted and later non-liner 352 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi FE models were developed. Some of the FE models were effective in predicting the global behavior of masonry such as crack pattern and strength of masonry in compression etc[2]. Development of suitable FE model is a complex due to the involvement of large number of isoparametric elements to account for the large variation of stress in the block and around mortar joints. To accommodate the material non-linearities in failure process a 3D model is necessary to simulate the appropriate behavior. In the present investigation an attempt has been made in 3D micro-modeling of masonry prisms subjected to concentric compressive loading to predict the compressive strength and crack pattern by making use of Willam– Warnke’s five parameter failure theory to model the failure of masonry materials. The FE model is validated by comparing the predicted results with the experimental results. Objectives: (i) To obtain the Compressive strength and stress-strain characteristics of hollow concrete block, mortar and grout. (ii) To obtain the Compressive strength and stress-strain characteristics of Unreinforced Masonry (URM) and Reinforced Masonry (RM ) prisms (iii) Developing of non-linear micro-model of unreinforced and reinforced masonry prism and Validation of FE model results by comparing with the experimental results. Review of related literature: 2008- F. L. De oliveira [3], j. B. De hanai -Axial compression behavior of concrete masonry wallettes strengthened with cement mortar overlays: steel mesh reinforced overlays showed the best efficiency, possible explanation is that the steel meshes could mitigate the effects of damages in the block and sudden loss of rigidity was avoided and the composite element could attain a higher load capacity 2010- Ch. V. Uday Vyas , B. V. Venkatarama Reddy [2]- Prediction of solid block masonry prism compressive strength using FE model The crack pattern predicted by the FE model shows vertical splitting cracks in the prism. Such vertical splitting cracks across the prism height were seen in the masonry prisms tested for compressive strength. Research methodology: — In this study both experimental and analytical studies was carried out to investigate the behavior of hollow concrete block masonry prism of five block high with and without reinforcement under axial compression. — In the experimental program preliminary tests were carried out on 200mm hollow concrete block, mortar, and grout to obtain its basic properties. A total four numbers of reinforced and unreinforced five block height stack bonded masonry prisms were casted and after 28 days of curing period, tested under compression following IS: 1905-1987. — Compressive strength and failure pattern for both reinforced and unreinforced masonry prism was studied. Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model 353 — In the numerical program, three dimensional non-linear FE model based on the micromodeling approach was developed for both unreinforced and reinforced masonry prisms using ANSYS (14.5) — The FE model was validated by comparing the predicted results with the experimental results. Experimental Data: Compression and modulus of hollow concrete blocks Compression test was carried out on the hollow concrete blocks adopting gypsum capping[4] of 1:1/4:2 as per IS: 2185 part1 [5], whose 3 day 50x50 mm cube average compressive strength was found to be 6MPa. Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity were found to be 6.57 MPa and 7830 MPa respectively. Compression and modulus of 1:6 cement-sand mortar as per IS 2250:1981 [6] Table 1. Compressive strength and modulus of 1:6 cement-sand mortar cubes Particulars 7day compressive strength MPa 28day compressive strength MPa Initial tangent modulus MPa No of specimen tested Value C.O.V 6 2.57 9.5 6 6.3 19.7 6 10558 - Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of 1:6 cement mortar were found to be 6.3 MPa and 10558 MPa respectively. Compression and modulus of grout concrete as per IS 516:1959 [7] M20 Grade of concrete was adopted with a proportion of 1:1.5:3. Grout concrete consisted of 12.5 down size aggregates with water-cement ratio 0.75 to get a flowable concrete of 220 mm slump. Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of M20 grout concrete were found to be 23 MPa and 26314 MPa respectively. Table 2. Compressive strength and modulus of 1:6 cement-sand mortar cubes Particular 7day compressive strength MPa 28day compressive strength MPa No of specimen tested Value C.O.V 6 14.91 7.7 6 23 9.4 354 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi Initial tangent modulus MPa 6 26314 - Compression and modulus of Unreinforced Masonry Prisms (URM) and Reinforced Masonry Prisms (RM) as per ASTM C1314 [8]. Table 3. Compressive strength of URM and RM Prisms Particulars No. of samples Mean compressive strength, MPa Coefficient of variation, % URM 4 4.21 18.6 RM 4 8.02 22.3 Compressive strength and modulus of elasticity of URM and RM prisms [8] were found to be 4545 MPa and 10199 MPa respectively. Analytical Programme: Finite element analysis of masonry prisms are carried out using ANSYS R14.5. 3-D dimensional non-linear FE micro-modeling is adopted for deveploing both URM and RM prism. This FE analysis requires multi-linear stress-strain relationships to model the nonlinear behavior of hollow concrete block, mortar, and grout. A Willam-Warnke’s five parameter failure theory has been adopted to model the failure of masonry materials. Finite element modeling of Unreinforced masonry prism (URM) Unreinforced masonry prism of dimension 400x200x990 mm adopting a mortar joint thickness of 10mm was considered for modeling. The hollow unit blocks and mortar joints were modeled using solid 65 element, which is a eight noded element with three degrees of freedom at each node i.e translations in the nodal x, y and z directions. Solid 65 element is capable of developing cracks and crushing in the masonry elements. The model of URM is finely meshed to predict accurate results as shown in Fig1. Micro-modeling of individual elements allows to address the connectivity of the elements in the continuum. Loading is applied to the net area of the top block in terms of pressure and the bottom net area is constrained in Y direction to simulate exact experimental condition as shown in Fig1. Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model 355 Fig 1. Meshed model of URM Finite element modeling of Reinforced masonry prism (RM) Reinforced masonry prism of dimension 400x200x990 mm adopting a mortar joint thickness of 10mm was considered for modeling. The hollow unit blocks and mortar joints were modeled using solid 65 element, the reinforcements are modeled using link180 3-D 3 spar element which is a two noded line element having three degrees of freedom for each node, translations in the nodal x, y and z directions as shown in Fig2. Fig 2. Components of reinforced masonry Fig2. shows the components of RM prism with the grout in fill and the reinforcements in longitudinal direction of #12 and transverse direction of #8. The model is finely meshed and 356 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi the loading in terms of pressure is applied to the top gross area of the prism and bottom gross area of the prism is constrained in Y direction. Material Properties Table 4. Linear material properties for Solid 65 Linear Isotropic Masonry unit Material property Young's Modulus, E (Mpa) Poisson's ratio, ν Mortar joint Grout 14,393.50 10428.63 26367.47 0.18 0.16 0.18 Table 5. Multi-linear material properties for Solid 65 Hollow concrete Cement-sand block mortar(1:6) Grout (M20 concrete) SL No. Strain Stress Mpa Strain Stress Mpa Strain Stress Mpa 1 0.0002 2.87 0.00012 1.251435 0.00001 0.263675 2 0.0004 4.97 0.00024 2.291335 0.00002 0.525712 3 0.0006 6.70 0.00036 2.910289 0.00003 0.786112 4 0.0008 8.05 0.00048 3.323839 0.00004 1.044874 5 0.001 9.22 0.0006 3.79269 0.00005 1.301998 6 0.0012 9.55 0.00072 4.153252 0.00006 1.557485 7 0.0014 10.41 0.00084 4.41542 0.00007 1.811335 8 0.0016 10.92 0.00096 4.899172 0.00008 2.063547 9 0.0018 11.20 0.00108 4.961844 0.00009 2.314121 10 0.002 11.48 0.0012 5.024515 0.0001 2.563058 Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model 357 11 0.0022 12.44 0.00132 5.087186 0.0002 4.962361 12 0.0024 12.69 0.00144 5.149858 0.0003 7.19791 0.00156 5.212529 0.0004 9.269704 14 0.0005 11.17774 15 0.0006 12.92203 16 0.0007 14.50256 17 0.0008 15.91934 13 Table 6. Concrete constants for Solid 65 Material property Masonry Mortar unit joint Grout Shear transfer coefficient for open crack, [2] 0.3 0.3 0.3 Shear transfer coefficient for close crack, [2] 0.6 0.6 0.6 Uniaxial cracking stress (MPa) 1.2 0.6 2.3 Uniaxial crushing stress (MPa) 12 6 23 Table 7. Material properties for Link 180 Linear Isotropic Young's Modulus, (Mpa) Poisson's ratio, ν Bilinear Isotropic Yield stress, (Mpa) Tangent modulus, ′ (Mpa) 2.00E+05 0.3 415 0 358 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi Non Linear Finite Element Solution Unreinforced masonry prism (URM) Fig3. Displacement plot Fig4. Stress plot Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model Reinforced masonry prism (RM) Fig5. Displacement plot Fig6. Stress plot 359 360 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi Fig7. Stress plot of Reinforcement Crack plot of Unreinforced and Reinforced Masonry Prism Fig8. Crack plot of URM FE model and Experimental Prediction of Hollow Concrete Block Masonry Compressive Strength Using Fe Model 361 Fig9. Crack plot of RM FE model and Experimental Table 8. Masonry compressive strength Mean compressive strength, MPa SL No. 1 2 Masonry Type Unreinforced masonry prism Reinforced masonry prism Experimental FE model 4.21 3.7 8.02 7.8 Discussion: The finely meshed FE models of URM and RM is appropriately constrained and pressure is applied at the top of prism in substeps in order to carry out non-linear analysis until the solution was converged. The FE model results shown in fig 3 and 4 shows the displacement and stress distribution respectively, clearly the predicted results showed stress concentration at the corners, web of block and mortar joints as it was seen in experimental investigation. The FE model results shown in Fig 5,6,7 show the displacement plot, stress plot of RM prism and stress plot of reinforcement of RM prism respectively. It could be seen that the predicted result showed that there was stress concentration at the top two blocks as it was seen in some cases of the experimental investigation. Fig8 and Fig 9 shows the predicted FE model crack pattern and the experimental crack pattern of URM and RM prism. It was observed that the Predicted crack pattern could be appreciably compared with the crack pattern read from the experimental investigation. 362 Mr Shivaraj kumar H Y & Dr M V Renuka Devi Conclusions : Ø Percentage increase in compressive strength for 0.56% steel adopted in RM prisms, was found to be 90.5%. Ø Also Modulus of elasticity of Reinforced prism increases to 2.24 times of unreinforced prism. Ø The experimental and ANSYS model results is seen to be matching around 90%. Ø Crack pattern predicted could show the vertical splitting of the blocks. Recommendations: Ø Masonry behavior being complex involving several variation factors, it is recommended that more investigation involving 3,4,5 block height masonry prisms is needed to be carried out to arrive at a fair conclusion. Ø The results encourages for Experimental work and numerical analysis to be carried out for wallets and full scale wall. References: Mohd Saleh Jaafar et al.(2006), " Strength correlation between individual block, prism and basic wall panel for load bearing interlocking mortarless hollow block masonry" , Construction and Building Materials, vol 20, 492–498 Ch. V. Uday Vyas B. V. Venkatarama Reddy (2010)," Prediction of solid block masonry prism compressive strength using FE model", Materials and Structures, 43:719–735 F. L. De Oliveira and J. B. De Hanai (2008), "Axial compression behavior of concrete masonry wallettes strengthened with cement mortar overlays", IBRACON Structures and Materials Journal, vol. 1, p. 158 - 170. Robert G. Drysdale and Ahmad A. Hamid (2008), “Masonry structures behavior and design” Third edition, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. IS: 2185 (part 1) “Specification for concrete masonry units”, BIS Publication, New Delhi.1979. IS:2250, "Code of practice for preparation and use of masonry mortars", BIS Publication, New Delhi.1981 IS:516, "Method of tests for strength of concrete", BIS Publication, New Delhi.1959,reaffirmed 2004. ASTM C 1314, “Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Masonry Prisms”, 2003.
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