Form-Based Codes: The Basics Jorge E. Rousselin COA Planning and Development Review Urban Design 2 Form‐Based Codes: The Basics Purpose of tonight’s presentation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. What is a Form‐Based Code (FBC)? What are the key concepts and components of a FBC? What are some local examples of FBCs? What does a FBC look like? How do we implement FBCs? FBC Resources Questions FBC Basics 3 What is a Form‐Based Code? Form‐Based Codes: based on the idea of New Urbanism, a.k.a., old urbanism The way we’ve been designing cities for centuries… FBC Basics 4 Form‐Based Codes: A new method; an old idea Austin’s Waller Plan ‐ 1839 How properties would be laid out; how buildings sit on lots; relationship to the street and each other. 6th Street Cesar Chavez St. FBC Basics IH‐35 (East Ave.) Congress Ave. West Ave. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. 5 What is a Form‐Based Code? Form‐based codes foster predictable built results and a high‐ quality public realm by using physical form (rather than separation of uses) as the organizing principle for the code. These codes are adopted into city or county law as regulations, not mere guidelines. FBC Basics 6 What is a Form‐Based Code? Form‐based codes address the relationship between building facades and the public realm, the form and mass of buildings in relation to one another, and the scale and types of streets and blocks. FBC Basics 7 What is a Form‐Based Code? The regulations and standards in Form‐based codes, presented in both diagrams and words, are keyed to a regulating plan that designates the appropriate form and scale (and therefore, character) of development rather than only distinctions in land‐use types. FBC Basics 8 9 Emphasis on Urban Form Form Use Mgmt. Form Conventional Zoning (buffers) FBC Basics Mgmt. Use Form‐Based (transitions) Conventional Zoning vs. Form‐Based Code Existing Zoning Design Guidelines Form‐Based Code FBC Basics 10 Based on a Vision FBC Basics 11 VISION: Neighborhood Plan Recommendations 12 “Townhouses can provide an effective transition between commercial or higher density multifamily residential and single‐ family residential areas.” [Emphasis added] North Loop Neighborhood Plan, Page 12. Adopted by the City Council on May 23, 2002 under Ordinance No. 020523‐30 North Loop Neighborhood Plan, Page 12 FBC Basics VISION: Neighborhood Plan Recommendations 13 “Encourage a mixture of compatible and appropriately scaled business and residential land uses in the neighborhood and mixed‐use development on major corridors to enhance this diversity.” [Emphasis added] Brentwood/Highland Combined Neighborhood Plan, Page 6. Adopted by the City Council on May 13, 2004 under Ordinance No. 040513‐30 Brentwood/Highland Combined Neighborhood Plan, Page 48 FBC Basics Formulation and Ownership of the Illustrative Vision Involved in the community to demonstrate support for the recommendations FBC Basics 14 Illustrative Vision: a compass – not a site plan 15 Illustrative Vision: a compass – not a site plan 16 Form‐Based Codes: Rules to help realize a Vision Place‐specific Context sensitive The Vision details inform the specifics of the Code Draft Airport Blvd. FBC – Neighborhood Transition FBC Basics Draft Airport Blvd. FBC – Commercial Transition Draft Airport Blvd. FBC – Local Mixed‐Use 17 18 What are the key concepts and components of a FBC? Key Form‐Based Code Elements • Regulating Plan Denotes character districts • Development Standards Public Space standards (open space) Building form standards o Tailored to each character zone Administration (includes non‐conforming uses, non‐ compliant structures, amendments, etc.) • Other standards Architectural design and materials Landscaping and streetscaping Building design/urban design Signage Transitions FBC Basics 19 Form‐Based Code Elements Form-Based Codes – Sample Regulating Plans Lamar/Justin TOD Regulating Plan FBC Basics East Riverside Regulating Plan 20 21 What are some local examples of FBCs? Downtown Austin Plan FBC Basics 22 East Riverside Corridor FBC Basics 23 East Riverside Corridor Regulating Plan FBC Basics 24 North Burnet/Gateway Master Plan FBC Basics 25 North Burnet/Gateway Regulating Plan & TODs FBC Basics 26 Airport Blvd. Form‐Based Code FBC Basics 27 28 What does a FBC look like? Examples of FBCs: Camp Bowie, Ft. Worth TX FBC Basics 29 Examples of FBCs: Downtown Mixed Use Plan Benicia, CA FBC Basics 30 Examples of FBCs: Bridge Street District Dublin, OH FBC Basics 31 Examples of FBCs: Waterfront District Master Plan Hercules, CA FBC Basics 32 33 How do we implement FBCs? Pathway to implementation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Community Vision is achieved Refining of the Illustrative Vision Community roundtables and input Community open house Code framework generated Drafting of Code commences Draft Code complete • Internal Staff review Council‐appointed Advisory Group Review Community roundtables and input Refinement of the Code Community open house Boards and Commissions Review Planning Commission Neighborhood Planning Committee Planning Commission public hearing(s) for City‐initiated rezoning Council consideration of the draft Code FBC Basics 34 Pathway to implementation FBC Basics 35 36 FBC Resources FBC Resources Form‐Based Code Institute: A link to the FBCI website with a treasure trove of information regarding FBCs and their use and impact throughout the county. This institute coordinates and showcases best practices around the country and is the steward of the most up to date information regarding FBCs. Form‐Based Code Articles: Excellent source of articles related to FBCs discussing multiple topics of interest specifically related to the use and successes of FBCs. Form‐Based Code News: An extensive list of past and recent news articles addressing FBCs. Form‐Based Code Books: An extensive list of publications emphasizing FBCs. FBC Basics 37 38 Jorge E. Rousselin, Project Co‐manager [email protected] (512) 974‐2975 FBC Basics 39 Questions?
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