Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA Attendees: Paul Satoor (Chair), Paul Coombs, Andy White, Phil Lloyd (For Operations), Paul Smith (NED), Jane May (NED) Apologies Alastair Peoples, Nick Carter, Kathy Gillatt Ann Owen, Liz Osborne, Jo Warden Guests Secretary: Tom Middleton 0. Introductions 0.1 The Chair welcomed the attendees and no declarations of conflict of interest or any other business items were declared for this meeting. The Board were informed that all decisions made at the meeting are subject to final approval from the Accounting Officer. Which were subsequently approved. 0.2 1. February ICB Update (DVSA) 1.1 The Board noted the ICB update as presented; in particular the Board noted the DVSA Inspections proposal, which was approved by the ICB. The Board felt that despite the work not fitting strategically it should be done to assist a sister Agency. However, the Board were concerned we could be seen as the best option to provide the service by the Department in the longer term and the new Policy Director needed to look at how the issue is managed. Decision: The Board agreed to the proposal to continue to carry out the vehicle inspections on behalf of DVLA; on the assumption that the length of the agreement should be linked to the VIC scheme and a revised commercial arrangement was required to ensure costs to the Agency are covered and linked to the payment of the Driver Conduct work. ACTION Phil Lloyd (Policy) August TB14/03/01 To ensure the new Policy Director manages the issue of carrying out the DVLA Inspection work and that a more longer term way forward is agreed with the Department 1.2 The ICB also endorsed a request that also required TB approval for the Investigative Contract Re-Tender. The Board had concerns over the tender process which left a single remaining bid, so asked for assurances to be provided. The Board also discussed the issue of potential control weaknesses of investigation fraud cases. Decision: The TB approved the awarding of the Investigative Contract to the preferred bidder. ACTION TB14/03/02 1.3 1.4 Paul Coombs 1 April To provide assurances over the tender process for the Investigative Contract re-let. The Board also noted that the ICB approved the NGT Exception Report, which will be provided to the April Board. The Board asked that the paper explains why things happened and the impact on budgets. The Board discussed the ICB proposal to govern the MEC changes through a project and asked that a PID is submitted to the TB to agree a benefits realisation plan. Decision: The TB approved the proposal of governing the MEC changes through a project. ACTION TB14/03/03 Paul Satoor To bring a PID for the MEC changes to the TB 1 of 7 May Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA 1.5 1.6 2. 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Decision: In addition the Board agreed to the proposal that the SRO for all projects should present the FBC to the Investment & Change Board. The Board were informed that the spend approval request for Mobile Examiner IT was rejected by the ICB and a decision has now been made to put greater governance around the project and stop further activity until an FBC is created. Mobile Compliance 2 FBC (DVSA) The Mobile Compliance 2 Full Business Case was presented to the Board following endorsement from the ICB. The Board were informed of the business imperative of the tool, which allows front-line enforcement activity to take place at the roadside and allows a range of other activities such as HGV Levy and issuing fixed penalties, as the current system is out of date and out of support. The benefits of the new system are reduced running costs, modern IT software and reduced encounter time which will improve vehicle targeting. The Board asked that benefits are made more explicit through the use of KPI s to show the predicted level of improved efficiencies where possible. The Board also asked for changes to the document to describe how the risks are being mitigated and the positives of using an agile process. In addition the dependency on the IT Modernisation hosting platform project needed to be made explicit, although the Board were assured that the software will be able to run on the existing platform in the short-term. The Board asked for assurances over the finances and financial treatment in the Business case and agreed there is a wider issue to address of ensuring the quality of finances in project governance is improved. Following concerns from the ICB that the optimism bias level of 20% seemed low the project team re-evaluated the level following discussions with the supplier and felt it was sufficient, especially as some of the software has already been built. Decision: The Board approved the Mobile Compliance 2 FBC subject to the action TB14/03/04 being carried out. ACTION Andy White 1 April TB14/03/04 To carry out the following in respect of the MC2 FBC before going to the MSIAB Risk mitigations being included Clarity of the benefits to show the measurable KPI of what can be measured and what can't Reword the agile process to include some positives about the process; such as managing to a budget Clarify the finances and financial assumptions in a meeting with Paul Smith & Kevin Davies Ensuring the dependency of the IT Modernisation hosting platform is clear Receive final approval from Alastair Peoples ACTION Andy White, Paul Coombs & Paul Satoor 6 May TB14/03/05 To create a solution to the issue of ensuring the quality of finances in business cases and project governance are improved. 3 3.1 MOT Modernisation Risk Mitigation (VOSA) The Board discussed the risks set out in the paper to the MOT Modernisation project and accepted the risks and agreed they should be added to the KBRR. Further work is now required to understand the contractual and operational risks to the Agency. 2 of 7 Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA ACTION TB14/03/06 April 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Andy White 1 April To add the MOT Modernisation risks to the KBRR and update the TB of progress in IT Sourcing FBC (DVSA) The IT Sourcing Full Business Case was presented to the Board, which amalgamates the separate DSA ICT Business Change and the VOSA Service Delivery Transformation OBC s based on instruction from DfT Board Investment and Commercial Committee (BICC). The Board was informed that additional new work resulting from the merger, such as unified calendar/email, will be covered in additional Business Cases and any costs of the contract included in the case that are higher than stated will need to get further Board approval. The Board asked for the outcome of the Gateway review to be circulated, to amend the wording of the NPV costs and provide briefing to assure the accounting officer and the MD of the Motoring Services. Decision: The Board approved the IT Sourcing FBC ACTION Andy White 1 April TB14/03/15 To circulate the IT Sourcing Gateway review, to amend the FBC wording of the NPV costs and provide briefing to assure the accounting officer and the MD of the Motoring Services. 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Draft Budget 2014/15 (DSA) The Board were provided with an update on the changes made since the previous meeting, which included a reduction in income from the theory test, due to a higher fee level reduction being implemented. Efficiency savings were identified in the theory test contract (which has been passed back though lower fees), IT and through vacant posts savings. The Board asked to check whether any savings were realised last year, as they should only be accounted for once. The Board agreed that any in-year test centre closures could lead to further savings and there was contingency built in through a high level prediction of reduced income due to test cancelations because of bad weather. The Board were uncomfortable with having no corporate contingency built into the budget, so asked for a 1% level to be included through reducing the forecast of bad weather days. The Board also agreed to the proposal to repay loans during April 2014 and a longer term plan will be created for managing the Agency s general fund going forward. Decision: The Board approved the DSA budget and capital allocation for 2014/15 subject to a 1% contingency being built in. The Board also agreed to the repayment of loans in April 2014 as set out in the paper. ACTION TB14/03/07 Paul Coombs 1 April Adjust the level of efficiency saving from ICT to better reflect a high confidence level ACTION TB14/03/08 Paul Coombs To create a 1% contingency into the DSA budget, 3 of 7 1 April Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA 6 Draft Budget 2014/15 (VOSA) The Board were provided with an update on the changes made since the previous meeting and noted the efficiency savings identified in IT, Estates, vacant posts savings and in the car fleet costs. 6.2 The Board felt that if there was a low confidence of achieving the efficiency savings, it would be better to state a lower amount with a higher confidence level. 6.3 The Board asked for the amount of contingency from the optimism bias removed from projects to be provided. 6.4 NGT has now been recorded as its own Directorate, merger costs will be identified with the scope defined through a PID and assurance was given that contingency has been built into the VOSA and DSA Shared Service migration costs, although further costs could be needed for the DVSA migration. 6.5 The Board felt that discipline is needed to manage to the budgets set and the contractor costs needed to be closely controlled. Decision: The Board approved the VOSA budget and capital allocation for 2014/15 6.1 ACTION TB14/03/13 Paul Coombs To provide the amount of optimism bias removed from VOSA projects 1 April 7 DVSA Key Business Risk Report (KBRR) 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 The Board were advised that good feedback had been received from the MD of the Motoring Services at the Agency Risk Managers meeting and commented that he was assured that management of the risks is happening. The following risks were discussed by the Board: KBR46 VOSA: Shared Services. No changes were received for this risk this month and the score remains at a level for reporting to DfT. CRR04 VOSA: Failure to have the right staff with the right skills to meet VOSA s business needs. No changes were received for this risk this month and the score remains at a level for reporting to DfT. Initial discussions suggest DSA do not have the same issues as VOSA. KBR70b VOSA: Road User Levy. Text updated and considered risk exposure but no change so still within tolerance for reporting to DfT. In the Risk Workshop it was confirmed DfT know enforcement cameras will not be in place for start of April. The Risk Steward noted this. KBR67 VOSA Delivery of Modernised IT applications and later on C87 ICT DSA: Business Change. New Risk Owner is conducting a Risk workshop to review their portfolio in the current environment. No changes this month. Still above level for escalating to DfT. KBR81 NGT Transition & Rollout A new risk has been created which reflects NGTs dependencies on other areas of the business which are impacted by equally important changes such as Shared Services. The Board was content with the text and the risk exposure is reflected accurately KBR80 DSA: Inadequate BCP & DR. The risk bubbled up last month and has now been incorporated in register as requested. The scoring leaves it at a level for reporting to DfT this month. KBR78 DSA: FCG5 Travel & Subsistence. The Risk Steward confirms this is being managed at Directorate level and the Board agreed to retirement. The Risk Scrutiny panel put forward the recommendation that, if not in place already, control measures be considered for those who would rather not do the work than use the right process. The Board asked that all Risk Scrutiny recommendations are discussed with Directors ahead of Board meetings. The Board discussed links to a wider DfT policy due shortly. It was 4 of 7 Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 confirmed that the follow-up audit would determine whether this remains at Directorate level or comes back to the KBRR. KBR75 DSA Government Procurement Card: The current and future controls in place are now captured more fully and the risk exposure has been reassessed reducing the current likelihood from high to low and forecast likelihood from medium to very low. The Board agreed retirement to the Directorate register. KBR74 Modernising Employment Contract: The risk owner has updated the controls in place and amended the current and forecast impact from high and medium respectively to very low. The Board agreed retirement to the Directorate register. The Board noted that Risk Scrutiny Panel membership had been updated - In order to better reflect the wider DVSA objectives. The Board did not wish to cascade the MEC risk to Directorate level as it had already agreed to initiate a related project. Managed Motorway risk It was reported that Operations are currently working through an issue related to the introduction of lower speed limits on stretches of the motorway by Highways Agency. This has had a negative impact on our enforcement activity in some locations where it has been implemented and there is a potentially a risk if Highways spread this means of traffic management across further DVSA stopping sites. The Board asked for a risk spotlight paper to be produced setting out the impacts and mitigation options. The Board debated this year s Risk Stewardship certificates for the two Agencies. It requested that a new simplified template be designed for Directors to complete, which can be used for both Agencies and give a more ready comparison for the Accounting Officer. ACTION Phil Lloyd (Policy) 1 April TB14/03/14 To provide a risk spotlight paper setting out the Operational impact of the Managed Motorways strategy and options to mitigate to be provided by the Scheme management ACTION Phil Lloyd (OCE) 1 April TB14/03/09 To ensure the Risk Managers review the Stewardship Certificates template to create a common light touch pro-forma 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 Staff Survey Update (DVSA) The Board were updated on the progress on developing a corporate action plan, following a series of workshops with managers to look at the results of the staff survey results, which will also lead to local plans being developed. The key areas of focus from the results involved leadership and managing change and getting more effective communications to staff. The Board felt that the Corporate Senior Leader Group should be chosen and made separate from other senior managers. The Board felt that there are good staff initiatives being used such as good egg awards and that it was important that an effective whistle-blowing system is in place to help challenge negative behaviour. The Board agreed with the proposed plan but felt it was a series of tactical measures and less time should be spent on diagnostic work, as action was needed before the next survey comes around. It was felt that more focus is needed on lower grade level managers and make it clear to them what they can and can t influence. It was agreed that a separate paper was required to develop a longer-term strategic plan to create a more positive culture in the Agency. 5 of 7 Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA 8.7 Decision: The Board agreed the Staff Survey action plan, which will be monitored at the BPB, with a six month update to be provided to the TB. In addition a long term strategic plan will also be developed. 9 ARC Update & Internal Audit Plan for 2014/15 (DSA & VOSA) The Board noted the update from the February ARC. The ARC endorsed the 2014/15 Internal audit action plan subject to minor changes being carried out. The Board were updated on the actions since to look to match audit resource to the level of risk and ensure that all audits look at compliance to the Macpherson recommendations. Assurance was given that the plan can be amended when a new Head of Internal Audit is appointed shortly if required. Decision: The Board agreed the Internal Audit Plan for 2014/15 and it was asked that agreement is also received from Directors not in attendance. 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 ACTION Phil Lloyd (OCE) 1 April TB14/03/10 To ensure that the Internal Audit receive approval from all Directors for their Directorates internal audit plan 10 Board Update Reports VOSA BPB Update 10.1 10.2 The Board noted the BPB update as presented; and it was agreed that a OBC and PID will be created for the merger project and following the usual governance process. The Board raised concerns that the implementation of the test timing changes would be delayed until 2014/15 and requested an update on the progress. ACTION TB14/03/11 Phil Lloyd (Policy) 1 April To ensure that an update is provided on the test timing changes implementation DSA BPB Update 10.3 The Board noted the BPB update as presented but raised concerns over the level of absence reported. Assurances were provided that this is a key area of focus at the Board with actions being put in place to reduce the level, which is thought to be a cultural problem in the Agency. DVSA February Operational Estates Steering Group (OESG) Update 10.4 The Board noted the update paper provided DVSA Fees & Charges Steering Group 10.5 The Board approved the revised terms of reference for the Fees and Charges Steering Group as presented. 11. AOB 11.1 There were no AOB items at the Board. 6 of 7 Transitional Board Minutes Wednesday 12 March 2014 S1: 2nd Floor Conference Room Berkeley House, Bristol, BS5 0DA 12. Meeting Administration 12.1 The Board approved the Minutes of the 12 February Transitional Board as an accurate record for publication. The Transitional Board Action Sheet was updated. The Board noted the action update on IVA strategy but requested further assurance that all POTOF future interest has ceased, so requested the Scheme Manager attend the next meeting to provide assurance and to explain the deployment of staff arrangements for the active sites. 12.2 ACTION Phil Lloyd (Policy) 9 April TB14/03/12 To ensure that the Testing Scheme Manager attends the April TB to provide assurances over the cessation of progress over the future interest of POTOF s and explain the staff deployment arrangements for the active sites 12.3 Board Agendas Forward Look The forward look agenda was reviewed and updated and the next meeting is on 9 April 2014. 7 of 7
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