An optimality formulation for the design of mixed-phase inverse filters Milton J. Porsani∗ , CPGG/UFBA, and Bjørn Ursin, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering and Applied Geophysics/Norwegian Univ. of Sc. and Tech. Summary We describe a new algorithm for the design of mixedphase filters. Solving the extended Yule-Walker (EYW) equation, for lag α of the auto-correlation function (ACF) on diagonal of the matrix, and multiplying the Z-transform of the solution by the minimum-delay wavelet, a finite polynomial of order α can be obtained. Its α roots correspond to an estimate of roots for the minimum-delay wavelet. By systematically combining and flipping these roots from outside to inside the unit circle, one can generate mixed-delay wavelets and their corresponding mixed-phase inverse filters. The optimal inverse filter is the one which gives the maximum value of the Lp-norm of the filtered signal. Deconvolution of synthetic and real data examples shows the performance of the new method. Introduction Inverse filtering or spiking deconvolution is routinely applied to seismic data to remove the effect of the wavelet (the source pulse convolved with earth filtering effects) in order to obtain the reflectivity series (Robinson, 1957; Robinson and Treitel, 1980; Yilmaz, 1987). This produces good results in minimum delay wavelets. However, in the case of a mixeddelay wavelet, the result is rather poor (Leinbach, 1995). If the wavelet is known, or can be reliably estimated, an optimal pulse-shaping filter may be applied to the data (Treitel and Robinson, 1964; Berkhout, 1977). By delaying the desired output pulse an additional phase-shift is introduced, resulting in a good filter performance. Eisner and Hampson (1990) have presented an algorithm for decomposing a mixed-delay wavelet into its minimum-delay and maximum-delay components. This could be used in inverse filter design by convolving the causal and anti-causal inverse filters of the two parts of the wavelet, resulting in an anticausal inverse filter. In many cases the wavelet is not known and only an estimate of its auto-correlation function (ACF) is available. For minimum-delay wavelets, the YuleWalker (YW) equations can be solved to give the minimum-phase inverse filter. By computing the ACF of the inverse filter and solving the new YW equations one can obtain an estimate of the minimum-delay wavelet. Porsani and Ursin (1996, 1998) solved the extended Yule-Walker (EYW) equations, where the lag α of the ACF is on the main diagonal of the filter equa- tions, to decompose the minimum-delay wavelet into a finite polynomial of order α multiplied by a polynomial of infinite order. Then they consider these polynomials as the maximum- and minimum-delay component of the wavelet, respectively. Its inverse generates the causal and anti-causal components of the mixed-phase inverse filter. For different values of the lag α (α = 1, 2, . . .) the mixed-phase filter was applied to seismic data, and the Lp-norm (p > 2) of the output was computed. The filter which gave the largest Lp-norm was selected as optimal. The result was insensitive to the choice of norm, as long as p > 2. We present here a generalization of the previous procedure. For each value of α we compute the roots of the Z-transform polynomial of the short filter. Each root (a pair of complex conjugate roots is treated as one root) may give rise to a maximum-phase component of the inverse filter. By systematically selecting all possible combinations of roots and flipping them to inside the unit circle, we generate, at most, 2α different filters. One of these is the minimum-phase inverse filter and one is the mixed-phase filter, described in our previous paper. Again we select the filter which maximizes the Lp-norm of the filtered output with p = 5. We only give a brief overview of mixed-phase inverse filtering and the method. All algorithmic details can be found in our previous paper (Porsani and Ursin, 1998). In order to investigate the performance of the new algorithm, we first apply it to a synthetic mixed-delay pulse and then to deconvolve a marine seismic section. Finally, we show its application to improve the resolution of the semblance plots for velocity analysis. Methodology Porsani and Ursin (1998) have shown that mixedphase inverse filters, can be computed by solving the EYW equation, for different lags of the ACF on diagonal of the matrix, and choosing the filter which performs best when applied to seismic data. Here we start with the same decomposition of the mixedphase inverse filter, but the phase of the all-pass filter is varied by combining and flipping roots from outside to inside the unit circle, in a systematic way, providing a much larger number of possible inverse filters. And again, we choose the filter which performs best when applied to seismic data. Starting with Rp (τ ), an estimate of the ACF of the pulse, we ˜ t = c0 , compute the minimum-phase inverse filter, h t by solving the YW equations. This is the optimal Mixed-phase inverse filter filter in the sense of a minimum-delay pulse. Next we compute Rh (τ ), the ACF of the inverse filter, and compute the minimum-delay pulse p˜t by solving the YW equations using Rh (τ ). As in Porsani and Ursin (1998) we solve the EYW equations with α = 1, 2, . . . to obtain the series cα t. Then we compute the finite, minimum-delay wavelet bα ˜t ∗ cα t =p t. (1) Factoring its Z-transform results, α α B α (Z) = 1 + bα 1 Z + . . . + bα Z = α Y j=1 (1 − Z ) , (2) rj where the complex roots always occur in complex conjugate pairs. The roots of B α (Z) are outside the unit circle, so that |rj | > 1. In our previous approach (Porsani and Ursin; 1998) B α (Z) was used directly in the equation, e H(Z) = H(Z) B α (Z) . Z α B α (Z −1 ) Once the optimal filter has been computed, we can obtain an estimate of the wavelet form by taking the inverse of equation (5). Examples The new inverse algorithm was tested on a synthetic mixed-delay wavelet with two real and one complex conjugate pair of roots inside the unit circle, and two real and three complex-conjugate pair of roots outside the unit circle, as given in Table 1. The results of applying the optimal inverse filters, for different values of α, are shown in Figure 1. We remark that both filters have same amplitude spectrum. It is seen (also confirmed numerically) that α = 8 gives a perfect inverse filter, much better than the minimumphase inverse filter (α = 0). The estimated roots which were used to generate the mixed-phase inverse filters are given in Table 1. It is seen that the algorithm first selects the roots closest to the unit circle. (3) Now we vary the phase of the inverse filter systematically by only using some of the roots of B α (Z). This is done by forming B β (Z) = β Y (1 − j=1 Z ) rj (4) and applying the filter e H(Z) = H(Z) B β (Z) Z β B β (Z −1 ) (5) to the data. B β (Z) corresponds to a maximumdelay component of the pulse with roots rj−1 , j = 1, . . . , β. By varying the roots rj and the number of roots β, we obtain, for a given value of α, at most 2α different filters. These may be less than 2α filters, because a pair of complex conjugate roots is treated as one root (they are either both inside, or both outside the unit circle). β = 0 gives the minimum-phase filter and β = α gives the mixed-phase filter of Porsani and Ursin (1998). For each filter we compute the performance criterion, P α,β 5 |e | Φ(α, β) = Pt t0,0 (6) 5 t |et | where eα,β is the deconvolved trace for given values t of α and β. For each value of α only the best filter is saved, and then the optimal filter is chosen by selecting the α which gives the largest value of Φ. Figure 1: Inverse filtering. Minimum-phase inversion (a). Mixed-phase inversion for α = 1, . . . , 8, (b)-. . . -(i). The next example deals with the prestack deconvolution of marine seismic data recorded with a 4 ms sampling interval. A seismic section consisting of 50 CMP gathers with 24 traces each was deconvolved and stacked using the same velocity function. The optimal mixed- and minimum-phase filters, shown in (b) and (a) in Figure 2, were obtained from the averaged ACF of a CMP gather selected inside the seismic section shown in Figure 3. These filters were applied to all traces before stacking. The stacked section of the original data without deconvolution is shown in Figure 3a. Figures 3b and 3c shows the stacked sections with prestack minimumand mixed-phase deconvolution, using the filters in Figures 2a and 2b, respectively. Clearly the mixedphase filter performs better than the minimumphase does. Mixed-phase inverse filter ESTIMATED ROOTS OF THE MINIMUM-PHASE WAVELET α=1 α=2 α=3 α=4 α=5 α=6 α=7 α=8 1.197 1.053 1.111 1.111 1.111 1.111 1.111 1.111 -1.441 1.100±130◦ 1.100±130◦ 1.100±130◦ 1.100±130◦ 1. 100±130◦ 1.100±130◦ 1.792 1.250±5.31◦ 1.251±5.4◦ 1.248±5.08◦ 1.248±5.02◦ 1.463 1.313± 29.2◦ 1.337±30◦ 1.479 ACTUAL ROOTS 1/1.111 1.100± 130◦ 1.25± 5◦ 1/1.333 ± 30◦ 1/1.428 1.3 -1.5 1.7 ± 40◦ Table 1: Estimated roots associated to the finite polinomial, B α (Z) for different values of α. Acknowledgements The authors wish to express their gratitude to the geophysicist Adriano de Pinho Lima/PETROBRAS for processing the marine seismic data presented. To Petroleum Geo-Services and to the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient´ıfico e Tecnol´ogico, (CNPq), Brazil, for their financial support. References Berkhout, A. J., 1977, Least squares inverse filtering and wavelet deconvolution: Geophysics, 42, 13691383. Figure 2: Inverse filters: mixed-phase (b). Minimum-phase (a) and Figures 4 and 5 show the resolution improvement obtained in the semblance plot for the velocities by using an optimal mixed-phase inverse filter. The mixed-phase deconvolution, in Figure 5a, shows better continuity and resolution of the reflected events as compared with the minimum-phase results in Figure 4a. The semblance plots using the data in Figures 4a and 5a are shown in Figures 4b and 5b. The velocities are better defined in the semblance plot for the mixed-phase deconvolved CMP. Conclusions We have described a new algorithm for mixed-phase deconvolution. By using an estimate of the ACF of the pulse and solving EYW equations, it is possible to estimate the roots of the minimum-delay wavelet. These roots may be used to form all-pass filters in order to change the phase characteristics of the minimum-phase filter. The optimal inverse filter was found by maximizing the Lp-norm of the filtered seismic section. Synthetic and real data examples demonstrated the effectiveness of the method. Eisner, E., and Hampson, G., 1990, Decomposition into minimum and maximum-phase components: Geophysics, 55, 897-901. Leinbach, J., 1995, Wiener spiking deconvolution and minimum-phase wavelets: A tutorial: The Leading Edge, 189-192. Porsani, M. J., and Ursin, B., 1996, Mixed-phase deconvolution of seismic and GPR data: 66th Ann. Internat. Mtg., SEG, Expanded Abstracts, 1603– 1606. Porsani, M. J., and Ursin, B., 1998, Mixed-phase deconvolution, Geophysics, in press. Robinson, E. A., and Treitel, S., 1980, Geophysical signal analysis: Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs. Robinson, E. A., 1957, Predictive decomposition of seismic traces: Geophysics, 22, 767-778. Treitel, S., and Robinson, E. A., 1964, The stability of digital filters: IEEE Trans. Geoscience Electronics, GE-2, 6-18. ¨ 1987, Seismic data processing: SEG, Yilmaz, O., Tulsa. Mixed-phase inverse filter 25 1.0 50 25 50 25 50 Time (s) 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 (a) (b) (c) Figure 3: Stacked sections: without deconvolution (a), after minimum-phase deconvolution (b), and after mixed-phase deconvolution (c). 1.3 10 20 Velocity (m/s) 1400 1500 1600 1300 1.3 1700 1.3 10 20 1300 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 Velocity (m/s) 1400 1500 1600 1700 0.6 0.5 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.3 2.3 0.6 Time (s) Time (s) 0.6 0.6 0.5 1.9 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.5 2.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5 2.5 2.7 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 0.5 2.9 2.9 3.1 3.1 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 (a) 0.8 0.7 (b) 0.6 0.5 (a) 0.6 (b) Figure 4: Minimum-phase deconvolution of a marine Figure 5: Mixed-phase deconvolution of a marine CMP gather (a) and semblance plot of the velocity analysis (b). CMP gather (a) and semblance plot of the velocity analysis (b).
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