J AW AHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY ANANTAPUR ANANTHAPURAIAU - 515OO2 A.P. (rNDrA) notions Bronch Notificotion for ,-lB.Phorm I| II Yeor I semester (Rl3'l Regulor Exominotions December 2014 | (For ?OL3admitted botches only) I - - Condidotes oppeoring obove exominotions the for commencing De,ce,mbe,r ?Ot4 ore informed thot the cpplicotions will be received time schedule give,n below: ExominotionRegistrotion Lost Dote Without Lote Fee With Lote Fee of Rs. lOO/With Lote Fee of Rs. 10OO/With Lote Fee of Rs. 300O/With Lote Fee of Rs. 500O/- 26.r1.2014 28.tt.20t4 ot.t2.20t4 5. No 1. 2. 3. OSth from os per the 03.t2.2014 05.r2.20t4 Exominotion Fee For the wholeexominotion Rs.7@-@ MorksMemorondum Costof Application Rs.10-00 Rs.05-00 Note: (i) Applicotions ore ovoilableot the office of Ihe Principoland duly f illed-inopplicotions shouldbe hondedover in the collegeoffice olongwith necessaryf ee. (ii) Holl tickets will be issuedonly to the eligiblecondidoteswho fulfill tha ocodemic reguiremants of the University. (iii) The Principols ore requesledto verity the eligibilityof the registrotionfor exominotion in respectof molproctice/ courtcoses/credits. (iv) The Principols ore requestedto informthe studentsthot merepsymentof examinotion f ee doesnot guorontee eligibilityf or oppeoringfor exominotions. (v) Detoiledtimetobleswill be notifiedin the websitewww.jntuo.ac.in underexaminations. Dote: 17.tt.2Ot4 Note: /r+/F- Director. of Evoluotion *C}.U./ DemondDrofts/Chollonsolong with oll necessoryenclosureshove to be submittedot the UniversityExaminotions Bronch (i) on 04.12.?Ol4(Thursday) for DDswithoutfine, with Rs.100/- fine ond Rs.100O/-fine only. (ii) on06.12.2014(soturdoy)for DDswith Rs.3ooo/-andRs.Eo@/-fine only. @ JAWA HARLAL NEH RU TECHNO LO GTCAL UNIVER5ITY ANANTAPUR ANANTHAPURAI U - 515OO2A.P. (rNDrA) Exominotions Bronch B.PharmfV Yeor I Semester (Regulor& Supplementory) (For 2OO9, ZOLO,2O!I Regular& ZOIO,?Ott, zot? Lateral Entry odmitted batches only) B.Phorm fff Year f Semester I (Regulor & Supplementory) (For 2OO9,zOtO.?OLt,ZO|Z Regular &?OtO,zOLt,?O12,2013 Laterol Entry admitted batches only) B.Pharm ff Yeqr f Semester (5upplementory) F . e g u l a r& Z O L O , ? O t L , 2 O t 2 , 2 0 1 3 L o t e r a l E n t r y a d m i t t e d b a t c h e s o n l y ) "OtO,zOtL,7QLZ Ltt:t3 Condidotes oppeoring for the obove exominations comm encing f rom OSth December 2014 o;re informed thot the opplicotions will be rece,ived os per the time schedule given below: Lost Dote ExominotionRegistrotion Without Late Fee 26.lt.20t4 With Lote Feeof Rs. 100/- ?8.tt.?ot4 With Lote Fee of Rs. 1000/- o1.t2.2014 With Lote Fee of Rs. 3000/- 03.t2.2014 With Lote Fee of Rs. 5OOO/- 05.t2.20t4 ExominotionFee For the wholeexominotion For onesub.iect(theory/ procticol) For two sub.iects(theory/ procticol/ both) For three sub.iects(theory/ procticol/ both) For four subiects& obove(theory/ procficol/ both) MarksMamorondum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. For requloronly Rs.7OO-O0 Rs.30O-00 For Rs.400-0O supplementory Rs.50O-00 only Rs.7OO-OO Rs.IO.OO Rs.05-OO Cost of Application Note: (i) shouldbe ondduly f illed-inopplicotions Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the office of the Principol hondedover in the collegeofficeolongwith necessary fee. (ii) Applicotionsfor supplementory exominotionsshould be submitted olong with ottested photocopies to eorlierottemptsmodeby the student. of morkssheetspertoining (iii) Hollticketswill be issuedonlyto the eligiblecondidotes reguirements of whofulfill the ocodemic the University. (iv) Principols to verity the eligibilityof the registrotionfor exominotion in respectof ore requested coseslcredits. molproctice/court (v) The Principols ore requestedto informthe studentsthot merepoymentof exominofionfeedoes eligibilityfor oppeoring nol guorontee for exominqtions. (vi) The studentswho hove foiled ond oppliedfor recountingore odvisedto register for the supplementory results. exominotions withoutwoitingfor Ihe recounting (vii) Detoiledtimetobleswill be notified in the websitewww.jntuo.oc.in under'Exominotionsi Dote: 17-tt-2074 Note: /H _Dirqctor.ofEvoluotion -* Ot y DemondDrofts/Chollonsolong with oll necessaryenclosureshove to be submittedot the UniversityExominotions Bronch (i) on 04.12.2014(Thursdoy) for DDswithoutfine, with Rs.10O/-fine and Rs.1000/-fine only. !!) on 06.t2.2O14 (Soturdoy)for DDswith Rs.3OOO/-ond Rs.5OOO/-fine only. /A' (i@)i) rffi6 T AW AHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGTCAL UNIVERSIry ANANTAPUR ANANTHAPURA^U - 515OO2A.p. (rNDrA) Exominations Bra Notification For ; ; ; ;;'; J I ^-.=,I..'iil ;; :r:ry, 2oo8 Reaaroor ::r:, ;ii,.l"; ..'", "oI'ay". ;"; ;7 ""', _ _i Candidotes oppeoring for the obove exominqtions commencing from OSth December 2014 ore informed thot the opplicotions will be received os per the time schedule given below: ExominotionRegistrotion Withouf Late Fee Last Dote 26.tt.20t4 28.11.20t4 With Late Fee of Rs. 10OO/- o1.72.2014 With Lote Fee of Rs. 3000/- 03.t2.20t4 With Lote Fee of Rs. 5OOO/- o5.t2.2014 With Lote Fee of Rs. 100/- 1. 2. 5. For two subjects(theory/ procticol/ both) For three sub.iects(theory/ procticol/ both) For four subjects& obove(theory/ procticol/ both) MorksMemorondum 6. Cost of Applicotion 3. 4. Note: Rs.3OO-OO Rs.4OO-OO Rs.500-00 Rs.700-00 Rs.10-00 Rs.05-OO (i) Applicotions ore ovoiloble ot the office of the Principol ond duly filled-inopplicotions shouldbe hondedover in the collegeoffice olongwith necessary fee. ( ii ) Applicotionsfor supplementory exominotionsshould be submitted olong with ottested photocopies of morkssheetspertoiningto earlieroitempts modeby the siudent. ( i i i ) Hollticketswill be issuedonlyto the eligiblecondidates whofulf ill the ocodemic requirements of the University. (iv) Principols orerequested to verity the eligibilityof the registrotionfor exominotion in respectof molproctice/court coseslcredits. (v) The Principols ore reguestedtoinformthe studentsthot merepoymentof exominoti onfeedoes not guoronteeeligibilityfor oppeoring for examinotions. (vi) The students who have failed ond oppliedfor recountingare odvisedto regisler for the supplementory exominotions withoutwoitingfor the recounting results.if anUL.- Dote:17-11-zot4 Note: ExominotionFee For one subject (theory / procticol) I I P-F' EW"\"P.luotion For opplicotions without latef ine,theDD/Chollonsore to be dotedYll6t+ Foropplicotions with late fineof Rs.100.00, the DD/Chollons ore to be dotedZg.lL.ZOt4 Foropplicotions with larefineof Rs.1000.00, the DD/Chollons ore to be dotedOZ.lZ.?Ot4 Foropplicotions with lste fineof Rs.3OOO.OO, the DD/Chollons ore to be doted O4.ll.ZOt4 For opplicotions with latefine of Rs.5000.00. the DD/Chollons ore to be doted 06.lZ.ZOt4 Filled in opplicotionsolongwifh necessor?enclosesond DD/Chollonshove to be submitted ot the University ExaminationsBronchon (i) onO4.t2.2Ot4(Ihursdoy)for DDswithoutfine, with Rs.10O/-fine ond Rs.1OOO/_ fine only. (ii) on06.t?.2O14 (Soturdoy)for DDs with Rs.3OOO/-andRs.5OOO/_ only. fine JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHT{OLOoICAL UNIVERSITYANANTAPUR ADA4TNTSTRATIVE BUTLDTM, ANANTHAPUPAMV515OO2 EXAAAINATIONS BRANCH Dr. P.R.Bhqnumurthy Dir.ectorof Evoluqtion dt. t7 .tt .20t4 to The Principols All collegesoffering B.Phormprogromunder Anontopur 5irlModom, You ore requested, To uploodinternol marks of B.Phorn If yeor I on or before 05:30 PM of considered. Hord copy of the some duly si Regulonstudents (AY 2014-15)to exominotionsportol'JNTUA E^ S' fntennal morks uploodedafter 05:30 PM of 6'n December2O!4 will not be ond stomped by the college principol on eoch sheet should reoch on or befone 11.12.2014 ffhursdoy) by r egistered/ speedpost.Pleosesupensc r ibe t he Exoms/<College Code>. To conductloborotory exominotionsfrom contoining the hordcopyof internolmorksos B.Phorm/II-IlIM/Dect4 oddnessmentionedobove on or before ll.l superscribed os B.Phorm,/If-T/ P.eg/ Decl4 / La6 without foil by registered/speed post. The covenmoy be Lists/<College Code> iculors of ihe students for regulon exominotionsby ioking presumptive You ore reouesled to finolize the attendonce otiendoncefor the lost week of the ocodemic portol'JNTUA EMS'onor before 05:30 PM of To note ihoi schedulefor onlineregistrotion (f With Rs.100/-lote Schedulefor submissionof demonddrofts/chol 6 Studentswhoore writingsubstitutesubjects porentcollegeonly. 6. To submit the followingot the iime of undertoken (o) Detoined List signed by the college (b) CondonedList signed by the college (c) CollegeAcodemicCommittee(CAC) (d) 'EliSiblebut not registered'list signed (e) Copyof ClearanceCertificale. 7. 8. ond send fhe oword lists in seoled covers to the for the semeslerond to uploodthe detoined list to the exominotions withoutfoil. R09 regulotionsonly) is os follows 17.t1.2014 26.tt.20t4 27.r1.20t4 28.fl.2014 ot.t?.2014 03.12.2014 04.12.20t4 05.12.?Ot4 for verif icotionot Heod Quorters Withouifine,with Rs.100/-fine ondRs.1000/fine With Rs.3000/-fine ondRs.5000/-fine odditionolsubjectsshollbe registeeedmonuolly with centre beingthe olong with DDs/Chollonswithout which verificotion process will not olongwith DD/Chollontowords condonqtionfee opprovingdetoinedond condonotionLists. the collegeprincipol. (f) Copyof UCSFeeP,eceipI (Ay 2013-14) proofof fee poyment). Deduction by lhe colleges is penmissible os per t proceedings of the Registron dqted16.04.2014, copyof whichis ovoiloble in www.jntuo.oc.in under'exominotions'. To note thof holl tickets willbe generated only t givenby the Universityond whoseexominotions on O4.12.2O14 (Thursdoyl for downlood. eligiblestudents who hovepoid the IJCSfee, for whomcleoroncehos been hos beenreceivedond will be avoilobleto the collegesin the JNTUA ErllS Yoursfoithfully, /r Copy lo Ihe Controlld of Exomidntions. The AddationolConholl+ of Exoninotions Fi|,. Direqtor of Evoluotion eyy JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOoICAL UNIVERSIry ANANTAPUR ADMINISTRATIVEBUILDINo, ANANTHAPURAMU 515@2 AfiMINATIONS BRANCH Dr. P.R.Bhonumurfhy Director of Evoluotion ONUTNE REGISTRATION To The Principols All collegesolfering B.Phormprogromunder JNTU Anontopur 5ir/Modom. You ore reguested, 1' To uploodinternolmorksof B.Phormlrr & rV yeor r semesterRegulorstudents(Ay zol4-15) to exominotions portol 'JNTUAEI{S'onorbefore05;30Prt4of 06.12.2014(Soturdoy'|. fnternolmorksuploodedafterOb:3op1yl of 6rhDecember 2014will not be considened. l'lardcopyof the somedulysignedondstompedby the collegeprincipolon eochsheetshould neoch Brcnch Administrotiv" Buildino.JNWAnontopu. Ananthoouromu - 515@2 (A.pl on or 5efore11.12.2014(Thursdov) by registered/speed post.Pleosesuperscribe the covercontoining the hord copyof internolrnonksos B.Phorm/flf-f,IV- I/TM/Dec !4 Exams/<CollegeCode>. To conduct loborotory exominotions fromot.l?.2ot4 to 06.12-?014 ond send the oward lists in seoled covers to the oddress mentionedobove on or before 11.12.2014 (Thursdoy) without foil by registered/speed post. The cover mavbe superscribed os B.Phorm/ff -T,ITT-T,IV-I/Reg & Supple/Dect4/Lob AwardLists/<College Code> You ore reguested to finalize the ottendonce porficulors of ihe studenis for regular exominotions by toking presurnptive ottendoncefon the lost week of the ocodemiccolendonfor ihe semesterond to uploodthe detoined list to the exominotions poriol 'JNTUA E/r45'on or bef ore 05:30 pA,lof 22.11.2014 (soturdoy) without foil. To note that schedulefor onlineregistrotion (for RO9regulotionsonly) is os follows Withoutlatefee With Rs.100/-lotef ee Opens6 Closes No.of Doys 17.1r.2014 26.tt.2014 10dovs 27Jt.2014 ?8.11.2014 02 days 29.11.20t4 ot.12.20t4 03 doys 02.12.2014 03.t2.2014 02 dovs 04.12.2014 05.12.2014 02 dovs With Rs.1000/-late f ee With Rs.3000/- late fee Wiih Rs.5000/- late fee schedulefor submissionof demonddrof tslchollon for u..if l-ti* ot H"od quo.t".s 04.r2.2014 Thursdoy All Districts Withoutfine,with Rs.100/-fine ondRs.1000/fine onlv 06.t2.?Ot4 Soturdoy All Districts With Rs.300O/-fine and Rs.50O0/-fine only Students who ore writing substitutesubjectsond odditionolsubjectssholl be registered rnonuolly witlr ce6tre 6einothe ponentcollegeonly. 6' To submitthe followingot the time of verificotionolongwifh DDs/Chollons without whichverificotionpnocess will nor undertoken (o) DetoinedList signed6y the collegeprincipol. (b) CondonedList signedby the collegeprincipololongwith DD/Chollontowonds condonotionfee. (c) CollegeAcodemicCommittee(CAC)resolutionopprovingdetoinedond condonotion Lists. (d) 'Eligiblebut not registered'list signedby the collegeprincipol. (e) Copyof CleoronceCerfificote. (f) Copyof UCS Fee Receipt(Ay ?Ot3-!4)(or proof of feepoyment). 7. Deduction by the collegesis permissible as Per the proceedingsof the Registnor doted t6.e4.zot4, copyof which is ovoiloble in www.jntuo.oc.in under'exominations,. To note thot holl tickets will be generoted only for eligiblestudenfs who hove poid the IJCSfee,for whom clearoncehosbeen givenby the Universityond whoseexominotionsf ee has been receivedond will be ovoilobleto the collegesin the JNTUA Erl4S on O4.12.2O14 Ohursdoy) for downlood. lt Copy to The Controller of Exomiontions. The AdditionolControlle of Exominotions. rte. piryftoq ofEvoluotion "VY UNIVERSITYANANTAPUR JAWAHARLALNEHRUTECHNOLOGICAL ADMINISTRATIVEBUILDINo, ANANTHAPURAMU 515002 EXAMINATTONSBRANCH Dr. P.R.Bhanumurthy Director of Evoluotion A,IANUALRE6I5TRATION Lr. No. DE / JNTUA/ ATPI B.PhormIII IV vear I semesterG07 & R05l Supplementory Exominotions / Dec ZOt4lInstructionsdt. t7.tt.2Ol4 To ThePrincipols All colleges progromunderJNTU Anontopur off eringB.Phorm 5ir/Modom, Youore reguested, 1. 2 To note thot ragistrotionfor R05 & R07 studentsis monuolond the centre for writing the exominotions is parentcollegeonly. To conductloboratoryexaminotions from Ot.t2.2Ot4 to 06.12.?Ot4ond sendfhe awordlists in sealedcoversto theoddressmentioned belowon orbefore 11.12.2014(Thursdoylwithoutfoil by registered/speedpost. The cover maybe superscribedas B.Techlfff-f,IV-flSupple/DecL4/Lab AwordLists/ <College Code> Dr. R Bhovoni AssistontProfessorof Civil Engineering ond AdditionalControllerof Exominotions Exominotions Bronch, AdministrotiveBuilding, JNWAnontopur, - 515002 (A.P) Anonthopuromu 3. 4. 5. Schedule of filled in opplicotions for submission alongwith demond drofts/chollan for verificotionot HeadQuorters 04.12.2014Thursdoy All Districts Without f ine,with Rs.100/-f ine and Rs.1000/-f ine only 06.t2.2014 Soturdov All Districts With Rs.3OOO/-fine ond Rs.5000/- fine onlv Deductionby the collegesis permissible as per the proceedings of the Registrordated L6.O4.2OI4, copyof whichis ovoiloble in www.jntuo.oc.in under'exominotions'. Youore herebyinformed,by directionthot in cosethe owordlists of the procticolexominations ore noI receivedby the dotesspecifiedobove,suitobleoctionwill be initioted. DD/Challans Chollon dotesshouldbe strictly odheredto. Copyto The Controller of Exominations. The AdditionolControllerof Exominotions. File. Br6Y"{2auation ./
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