Istanbul September 2014 Optimising Alternative Fuel Combustion and Benefits By Constantine Manias, FCT-Combustion Pty Ltd INTRO FCT established 30 years ago to bring more science into the art of industrial combustion. Since then it has gained a reputation for technical excellence and introducing innovative and value adding technologies to the cement industry and other mineral processing industries FCT aims to establish long term mutually beneficial relationships aimed at delivering value to our customers The kiln/calciner burner systems have a major impact on the bottom line results for a cement plant, and thus customised optimisation of the flame for any given kiln is critical to get the best plant performance. FCT has core capability in cement process expertise, combustion expertise and various types of modelling used extensively since 1984 to optimise burner designs and deliver superior performance in FCT burners 2 ALTERNATIVE FUEL AND THE CEMENT INDUSTRY Cement Industry consumes 5% of world’s industrial power generation and emits 5% of the world’s CO2 Emissions The Industry needs to make amends in today’s climate of increasing environmental concerns Alternative Fuel usage makes sense for The Environment Community Service Sustainability Economics 3 ALTERNATIVE FUEL CONSIDERATIONS Wood Waste Paper and Plastics Technical Economic Environmental Product Quality Tire Shreds As AF is so varied, the above considerations need to be targeted to the actual AF to be used 4 The kiln material temperature is what’s relevant… 1600 Belite Short Flame 1500 Long flame Temperature (C ) 1400 Alite Short strong 1300 Long strong 1200 1100 1000 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 D istance from firing end, (m) Clinker temperatures have to be sufficient for clinkering reactions to occur Furthermore, heat up and cooling rates must be optimised for best quality clinker 5 ALTERNATIVE FUEL TECHNICAL CONSIDERATIONS Fuel Properties Firing Points Kiln Burner Calciner burner Riser Environmental CV Sizing, Shape, Burn rates CO, NOx, Heavy Metals, Dioxins etc Product Quality Clinker Mineralogy, Reactivity, Grindability, Variability, Refractory Life 6 CALCINER BURNER DESIGN The Main Game is optimal fuel/air mixing and fuel burnout The calciner burner design and location along with the calciner aerodynamics and fuel properties will determine the fuel burnout and emissions from the calciner. Calciner and riser duct air flow patterns tend to be very unsymmetrical and stratified Generally, the lower grade alternative fuels and non-hazardous fuels should be used in the calciner where heat transfer occurs mainly via convection and flame temperature or length is not critical. There is a large often hidden cost in sub-optimal burner performance that may be costing in production rates, fuel consumption, kiln stability, emissions, fuel substitution levels or product quality. 7 KILN BURNER DESIGN The Main Game is heat flux profile and fuel burnout The Kiln burner design along with the kiln aero-dynamics and fuel properties will determine the heat flux profile in the kiln. Generally, the highest grade of alternative fuel (or hazardous fuels) should be used at the kiln burner where it is important to maintain a hot flame Optimised combustion conditions and flame characteristics are important in every cement kiln, but are even more so when alternative fuels are used. There is a large often hidden cost in sub-optimal burner performance that may be costing in production rates, fuel consumption, kiln stability, emissions, fuel substitution levels or product quality. 8 FCT KILN BURNER DESIGN PROCESS Study of kiln and process to determine burner heat liberation Study fuel (physical & chem) characteristics for sizing of burner Site survey to determine operating conditions and geometrical layout of cooler, kiln hood and kiln Preliminary burner design based on the above Physical modelling of kiln system to determine aerodynamics Physical modelling of preliminary burner design to investigate fuel/air mixing and flame shape CFD/Mathematical modelling of heat flux profile in kiln - need sufficient heat transfer for the clinkering reactions but not excessive for refractories Fine tuning of preliminary design to final design Assessment of cooling effect on burner to prevent mechanical damage 9 MODELLING IN KILN BURNER DESIGN Water Bead modelling for aerodynamic 10 MODELLING IN KILN BURNER DESIGN Acid/Alkali modelling for fuel/air mixing 11 MODELLING IN KILN BURNER DESIGN CFD Modelling for greater detail Biomass Kiln Biofuel Injector & Burner Model 12 Modelling Reduces Risk and provides the basis on which to Optimise… • • • • • • • • • • Fuel Mix for AF firing Burner position and insertion distance Quantity of primary air required Primary air pressure Ratio of swirl to axial primary air Fuel injection velocities Burner angle in kiln Design refractory profiles or supplementary air jets if needed to modify kiln hood aerodynamics Kiln Heat Flux profiles 13 Refractory temperature profiles CASE STUDY FCT-AKCANSA CEMENT HISTORY: A partnership forged in years… • • • • • • • 2002 BCM Kiln 3 New Petcoke burner 2003 BCM Kiln 2 New Petcoke burner 2004 BCM Kiln 1 New Petcoke burner 2005 Re-design of Calciner/new calciner burners 2005 Canakkale Kiln 1New burner 2008 Canakkale New Kiln 2 project kiln/calciner burner systems 2013 Modification kiln 1, 2 and 3 BCM burners to fire higher rates and different AF combinations 14 AKCANSA 2002 BCM PLANT OBJECTIVES • • • • • Increase use of pet-coke – limited at time to 30% at kiln burner due to excessive build up Reduce build up in kiln and pre-heater Reduce CO in kiln exit gases Improve operational stability Improve product quality 15 KEY SUCCESS FACTORS FOR PETCOKE FIRING • • • • Chemical balance of kiln materials (feed and fuel) to provide achievable alkali/sulphur ratio Correct burner design (flame shape, position and length) Correct kiln operation (sufficient excess oxygen, acceptable kiln thermal loading Adequate fuel fineness for complete burn out in flame 16 Original and New burner Modelled Original Burner New FCT Burner 17 Mathematical Modelling Kiln Wall Heat Flux 70.00 50.00 New Flame Length, m 120 Existing Flame Length, m 100 Wall Heat Flux, kcal/m2s Actual Flame Length, m 60.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 10 20 30 Excess Air, % 40 50 60 80 Existing Burner Multichannel Burner 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Axial Distance from Burner Tip, m 18 New BCM Kiln 3 Burner (2002) 19 Results from Akcansa Kiln 3 Before After Max % Petcoke 30 100 Fuel Consumption, kcal/kg 865 850 excessive No build up in 12 months 1750 Build Up Production Rate, tpd Clinker Quality 1650 10% increase in 28D strength 20 2013 Requirements for BCM burners Description Kiln 1 Kiln 2 Kiln 3 7.5 8.2 8.7 1,500 1,500 1,500 AF1 solids channel tph* Up to 4 Up to 4 Up to 4 AF2 liquids, tph Up to 2 Up to 2 Up to 2 AF3 solids channel tph* Up to 3.5 Up to 3.5 Up to 6.5 Ignition channel 50mm NB 50mm NB 50mm NB 8% 8.9% 7.54% 1.65% 1.5% 1.3% Coal/Petcoke nominal tph* Natural Gas nominal Nm3/h* (warm-up only) Primary Air Flow *– Total Axial + Radial - % of stoich RDF lofting air – 3tph - % of stoich 21 2013 AF Fuel Properties Property Petcoke/Coal AF1 AF2 Liquid AF LHV kcal/kg 6800 5216 2475 9458 HHV kcal/kg 7000 5640 2610 Ash % 15.4 10.7 44.5 Moisture % 0.8 1.4 3.6 Volatiles % 20.9 80.6 50 Sulfur % 1.7 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 22 New BCM AF Kiln Burners (2013) After careful evaluation it was decided that the most cost effective way to achieve the objectives was to modify existing burners. FCT had previously physically modelled all kilns so was familiar with the aerodynamics in the firing zone. With the new fuel properties and mixes, FCT used its in-house CFD modelling capability extensively during the re-design of BCM burners. Due to the nature of the AF, FCT also offered its lofting air design to assist in the dispersion and combustion of AF in the flame. 23 Air Assisted Dispersion of RDF and other similar fuels Lofting Air supply Lofting air solid dispersion pattern RDF Pipe – easily removable 24 Lofting Air Design RDF is in common use fired through the kiln burner in a separate pipe with air assisted dispersion. FCT Optimised lofting air design through CFD and test firing 25 Effect of lofting air on volatiles burnout - RDF RDF volatiles mass fraction (coloured regions show RDF concentration) Lofting air OFF The effect of lofting air on flame temperature map Flame temperature Lofting air OFF Burner tip Lofting air ON Lofting air ON 26 Effect of FCT Lofting Air Promotes early release and burnout of the volatiles Substantially improves the char burnout Alters the particle paths to stay within the flame envelope longer and hence produce a symmetric flame temperature map Produces a more favorable kiln wall heat flux profile Leads to more stable operation and less variable product Effect of FCT lofting air on kiln wall heat flux profile 27 2013 Modified Kiln 3 AF Burner 28 CALCINER AF CASE STUDY Objectives: The use of alternative fuels (spent pot liner and liquid wastes) in the calciner was causing build on the walls and premature refractory failure in the calciner roof. The plant wanted to resolve this issue and extend the time between stoppages 29 CALCINER AF CASE STUDY High temperature region due to coal particles burning adjacent to this wall – see coal particle trajectories Bonnet next plot. SPL port Fuel & air inlets Tertiary air (18 kg/s) 30 CALCINER PARTICLE TRACKING Coal particles SPL particles 31 CALCINER AF FLUID PATHLINES Tertiary air pathlines Primary air pathlines 32 CALCINER AF CASE STUDY Co-flow config Counter-flow Config 33 CASE STUDY – STEETLEY MINERALS OBJECTIVES Increase use Alternative fuel Reduce Fuel Consumption Reduce Oxygen use Improve Refractory Life Reduce build up in kiln Reduce CO in kiln exit gases Improve operational stability Improve product quality 34 ACID/ALKALI MODELLING Original Burner New FCT Burner 35 RESULTS FROM STEETLEY INSTALLATION 2012 % of Total Heat Input Fuel Split 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Solvent Tyre Solvent Coal Coal Before After 36 RESULTS FROM STEETLEY INSTALLATION 2012 Savings 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% Before After Clean primary air Before After Specific heat consumption Before After Industrial oxygen use 37 PRODUCT QUALITY Product Quality may be affected by: • • • • Impurities present in AF that influence clinkering reactions Variability of CV and composition of fuel Changes to heat flux profile in kiln Variability in fuel rates for difficult to meter fuels 38 CLINKER MINERALOGY CHANGES WITH AF 39 CLINKER QUALITY CHANGES WITH FLAME SHAPE 40 CLINKER QUALITY Best Option is to monitor and control Clinker Quality On-Line with COSMA Direct Mineral Phase Analysis Continuous Real Time Analysis In Plant On-Stream Location Linked to Plant PLC Data Trending Elemental Analysis also 41 CLINKER COSMA QUALITY MONITORING 42 CLINKER COSMA SYSTEM 43 CLINKER COSMA FREE LIME ANALYSIS Free Lime excursions with different causes 44 CLINKER COSMA With real time clinker analysis now available, operator can: Control free lime better to an optimal value See cause for free lime excursions (under-burning or chemistry variations) Monitor the alite (C3S) and belite (C2S) content of clinker to adjust for variations Monitor C3A amount and forms (cubic or ortho-rhombic) and adjust if possible 45 Istanbul September 2014 Optimising Alternative Fuel Combustion and Benefits By Constantine Manias, FCT-Combustion Pty Ltd MF3 = Petcoke + HP Biogas MF4 = Petcoke + LP Biogas Planar Temperature Contours (Celsius) MF3 MF4 BG 47
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