Radar studies of mid-latitude ionospheric plasma drifts L. Scherliess, B. G. Fejer, J. Holt, L. Goncharenko, C. Amory-Mazaudier, M. J. Buonsanto To cite this version: L. Scherliess, B. G. Fejer, J. Holt, L. Goncharenko, C. Amory-Mazaudier, et al.. Radar studies of mid-latitude ionospheric plasma drifts. Journal of Geophysical Research, American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2001, pp.1771-1783. <hal-00979238> HAL Id: hal-00979238 http://hal.upmc.fr/hal-00979238 Submitted on 15 Apr 2014 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destin´ee au d´epˆot et `a la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publi´es ou non, ´emanant des ´etablissements d’enseignement et de recherche fran¸cais ou ´etrangers, des laboratoires publics ou priv´es. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 106, NO. A2, PAGES 1771-1783, FEBRUARY Radar studies of midlatitude 1, 2001 ionospheric plasma drifts L. Scherliess •, B. G. Fejer•, J. Holt2, L. Goncharenko 2, C. Amory-Mazaudier a, and M. J. Buonsanto 2,4 Abstract. We use incoherent scatter radar measurements from Millstone Hill and Saint Santin to study the midlatitude F regionelectrodynamicplasma drifts during geomagneticallyquiet and active periods. We present initially a local time, season, and solar flux dependent analytical model of the quiet time zonal and meridional ExB drifts over these stations. We discuss,for the first time, the Saint Santin drift patterns during solar maximum. We have used these quiet time models to extract the geomagneticperturbation drifts which were modeled •s • function of the time history of the auroral electrojet indices. Our results illustrate the evolution of the disturbance drifts driven by the combinedeffectsof prompt penetration •nd longer lasting perturbation electric fields. The meridion•l electrodynamic disturbance drifts have largest amplitudes in the midnight-noon sector. The zonal drifts •re predominantly westward, with largest amplitudes in the dusk-midnight sector •nd, followinga decreasein the high-latitude convection,they dec•y more slowlyth•n the meridional drifts. The prompt penetration •nd steady state zonal disturbance drifts derived from radar measurements•re in good agreement with results obtained from both the ion drift meter data on board the DynamicsExplorer 2 (DE 2) satellite •nd f?om the Rice Convection 1. Introduction Model. The midlatitude ionospheric plasma drifts can be simultaneously driven by several electric field sources. The two most important ones are the ionosphericwind dynamo and the direct penetration of high-latitude convection electric fields into the plasmasphere. The ionospheric wind dynamo generateselectric fields through the dynamo action of the thermospheric wind circulation driven by solar heating and during geomagneticactive periods, also by thermospheric disturbance winds driven by enhanced Joule heating in the auroral re- Over the last two decades, incoherent scatter radar observationshave been used extensively to study the midlatitude ionosphericelectrodynamic(ExB) plasma drifts during geomagnetically quiet and disturbedperiods. Blanc and Amayenc [1979] have used incoherent scatter radar observationsduring geomagnetically quiet days over Saint Santin during the 1973- 1975 solar minimum period to derive an analytical seasonal model of their quiet time F region plasma drifts. This model included a steady drift componentand the first four diurnal harmonicoscillations. Wand [1981] has used Millstone Hill observations during May 1976 to November 1977 to analytically model the upper mid1987; Mazaudier and Venkateswaran, 1990; Scherliess latitude solar minimum electrodynamic plasma drifts gions [Blanc and Richmond, 1980; Mazaudier et al., and Fejer, 1997]. Prompt penetrationelectric fields for geomagneticallyquiet and disturbed periods. The can affect the midlatitude plasma drifts nearly instan- disturbance taneouslyduring transient periodsof insufficientshield- Kp index. Buonsantoet al. [1993]haveuseda significantly larger databaseof Millstone Hill plasma drift ing by plasmasheetcurrents[Jaggiand Wolf,19731and drifts were modeled as a function of the also during periodsof strongsteady auroral convection. observationscomprising73 experimentsfrom February 1984 to February 1992 and determined the averageseasonal quiet time plasma drift patterns for both solar •Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences,Utah State University, Logan. 2HaystackObservatory,MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Westford. aCentre d'Etude des Environnements Terrestre minimum and maximum conditions. The characteris- tics of equatorial, low-latitude, and midlatitude plasma drifts measured with incoherent scatter radar were re- viewedby Richmond[1995]. More recently,Buonsanto and Witasse[1999]presentedan updatedstudy of the local time, season,solar cycle, and geomagneticactivity dependent climatologiesof the Millstone Hill F region plasma drifts and thermosphericwinds. In this study, magneticactivity effectswere again accountedfor as a et Plane- taires, Saint-Maur-de-Fosses, France. 4DeceasedOctober 20, 1999. Copyright2001 by the AmericanGeophysicalUnion. Paper nulnbcr 2000JA000229. 0148-0227/01/2000JA000229509.00 function of the Kp index. 1771 1772 SCHERLIESS ET AL.' MIDLATITUDE A detailed study of the middle- and low-latitude F region zonal plasma drifts measured by the Ion Drift Meter (IDM) on boardthe polar orbitingDynamicsExplorer2 (DE 2) satelliteduringthe 1981-1983solarmax- PLASMA DRIFTS three directions and with the assumption of a uniform velocityfield [e.g., Buonsantoet al., 1993; Buonsanto and Witasse,1999]. The measurements in our database correspondto an altitude of 300 kin, have a typical er- imum periodwaspresentedby Heelisand Coley[1992]. ror of •08 m/s, and a cycletime of •-l hour. We will use They derived the average latitudinal plasma drift pat- here drift componentsperpendicular to the Earth magterns during geomagneticallyquiet and disturbed peri- netic field. In the F region over Millstone Hill, a plasma ods correspondingto Kp _(2.0 and Kp_)3.0, respectively. velocityof 22 m/s corresponds to an electricfield of 1 They could not derive the seasonaldependenceof these drifts since the DE 2 measurements cal time had season and lo- interlocked. Recently,Fejer and $cherliess[1995]haveintroduced The Saint Santin incoherentscatterradar site (45øN, 2øE, 40ø magnetic latitude) operated originally on a bistatic mode with a transmitter in Saint Santin and a new methodology which was able to separate,for the a receiver at a distance of 302 km in Nancay. In 1973, first time, the effects of different electric field sources two additional receiverswere installed in Monpazier and on the plasma drifts during geomagnetic active peri- Mende (•-100 km from the transmittersite), allowing ods. $cherliessand Fejer [1998]and Fejer and $cher- for the determination of three-dimensional ion drift vecliess[1998]have usedthis methodologyto analytically tors at a typical heightof •0300km [Baueret al., 1974]. errorwasof the orderof 5-10m/s and model the temporal and latitudinal variations of the The measurement low- and middle-latitude F region zonal perturbation the integration time was •030 min. The Saint Santin drifts measured by the DE 2 satellite during geomagnetically disturbed periods as a function of the time history of the hourly averaged AE indices. They determined the drift patterns owing to transient prompt penetration electric fields and of longer lasting distur- radar operated until 1986. Over Saint Santin, a plasma velocityof 25 m/s in the F regioncorresponds to an electricfield of 1 mV/m. We have used 15 years of Millstone Hill incoherent scatter radar observations from 1978 to 1992, comprisbances(time constantslongerthan a few hours)because ing more than 4500 hours of plasma drift observations, of the combined effects of ionosphericdisturbance dy- which have been recently reanalyzed. We have also namo electric fields and leakageof high-latitude electric used 14 years of plasma drift observations from the Saint Santin incoherent fields to lower latitudes. We have used extensive incoherent scatter radar ob- which were extracted scatter radar from 1973 to 1986 from the National Center for At- mospheric Research Coupling, Energetics and Dynam- servationsfrom Millstone Hill and Saint Santin to study midlatitude F region zonal and meridional plasma drifts during geomagnetic quiet and active conditions. We initially present a comprehensivesummary of the local time, seasonal, and solar cycle variations of the quiet icsof AtmosphericRegions(NCAR CEDAR) database. We discarded Saint Santin late afternoon and nighttime drift observations(1600-0700 LT) obtained be- time drifts over these two midlatitude expectedlylarge nighttime drifts (westwardvelocities stations. This in- tween September 1981 and March 1982 owing to un- quiet cludes,for the first time, the seasonaldependenceof the exceeding200 m/s, evenduring geomagnetically average solar maximum plasma drifts over Saint Santin. periods). The reasonfor theselarge drifts is unknown The main focus of this work is the study of the tempo- to us. The average values of the solar decimetric flux ral evolution of the midlatitude plasma drifts during indices for the Millstone Hill and Saint Santin data sets geomagneticactive periods using the methodologyin- are 140 and 125, respectively. The number and dates troducedby Fejer and $cherliess[1995].We haveused of the Millstone Hill and Saint Santin experiments used our quiet time drift model to determine the disturbance in this study can be obtained from the NCAR CEDAR drifts which were then modeled database. as a function of the AE index. In the following sections,we will first briefly review the radar measurement techniques and describe our data analysis. Then we present our quiet time model, describe the storm time dependent disturbance drift patterns and compare them with results from earlier studies. 2. Measurement Analysis Techniques and Data 2.1. Quiet Time Analysis We have used these data to determine empirical analytical modelsfor both the quiet time and disturbance plasma drifts over these midlatitude stations. For our quiet time plasma drift models, we have included only data with a current 3-hour magnetic index Kp<3.0 (Kp -•1.8). We will discusslater the implicationsof this relatively relaxed quiet time criterion. The electrodynamiccomponentsof the plasma drifts (perpendicular/eastward and perpendicular/northward The MillstoneHill radar (42.6øN,288.5øE,Apex magto B) were modeledas: netic latitude 54ø) measuresthe line-of-sightplasma drift velocity from the Doppler shift of the 440 MHz backscatter signal. The three-dimensionaldrift velocity over the radar site is obtained from measurements in 8 6 v(t,d,Sa)- Z • ai,kfkNi,4(t) i=1 k=l (1) SCHERLIESS ET AL.: MIDLATITUDE with PLASMA DRIFTS 1773 equatorward edge of the shielding layer is poleward of the radar fl = 1 May-August f2 = 1 fa = 1 November-February March-April, September-October f4 -- f• (Sa - 140) f5 = f2 ($a- 140) f6 = fs ($a- 140) Here t denoteslocal time, d is day of the year, and $• is the daily 10.7 cm solar flux index. Outside their above definedlimits, the functionsf• to f3 are set to zero. The site. We further minimized the inclusion of auroral drifts, and also of unusuallylarge drifts (associatedwith subauroralion drifts (SAIDs), for example) into our database, by limiting the magnitudes of the perturbation drifts to values smaller than 150 and 80 m/s for the zonal and perpendicular/northward drift component, respectively. Following the procedure describedby Scherliessand Fejer [1998], we have characterizedthe level of enhanced high latitude geomagneticactivity, using modified hourly averagedauroral electrojet (JEd) indices, with AEd = AE- 160 nT. For the time period prior to July 1988, we have used the standard AE index based coefficients ai,1 to ai,3 determinethe basicseasonal patternsof the electrodynamic driftsfor a solarflux of 140, on measurements from 12 auroral stations and, for the and the coefficients ai,4 to ai,6 representthe linearvari- later period, a provisional index based on 11 stations. ations of these drifts with the solar flux. The local time For the secondhalf of 1988 and also for 1989 (with dependenceis describedby eight normalized cubic-B the exception of March) AE indicesare not available, splinesof order four with equallyspacednodesat 0, 3, and, consequently, data from this period have not been 6, ..., 21 hours[e.g.,Fejer and$cherliess, 1997].These used in our perturbation drift analysis. The AE in- basicfunctionsare well suitedto describeplasmadrift variations up to terdiurnal oscillations. The model coef- dex has been empirically related to both the polar cap crosspotential and to the hemispheric high-latitude en- ficientshavebeendeterminedby weightedleastsquares ergy input [Jhn et al., 1983, 1992]. This allowsus to fits to the individual data sets, with each individual compare our empirical disturbance patterns with results observationweightedby the inversesquareof the mea- from global convection models. surementerror. However,in order not to overemphasize For each radar station the ionospheric perturbation measurementswith relatively small errorbars, which do drift components were expressedas not necessarilyrepresentthe averagequiet time pattern, 6 we have set errorbarssmallerthan one half of the dayto-day variability, obtained by the standard deviation v(t)- • [ai,iAAE(t - 30rain)+ i--1 of binned data presentedbelow, equal to this value. We have observed that variations of this criterion do ai,2AAE(t - 90 rain) + not changeour model resultsin any significantway and ai,3AEd(1 - 3 hour) + that evenan unweightedfit leadsto essentiallythe same (2) ai,aAEd(q- 9 hour) I Ni,•(t). drift patterns. Finally, a simple linear interpolation schemeover a The first two ternas under the summation resemble the range of 4- 15 days was employedfor the transition be- parametrizationusedby Scherliessand Fejev [1998]to tween our 4-month seasons.This interpolation provides accountfor prompt penetration drifts related to changes a reasonably realistic transition between seasons. 2.2. Storm Time Analysis As mentioned above, our quiet time model drifts correspond to an average Kp index of •-1.8. In the next step, we have determined the perturbation drift patterns during geomagneticactive periods and their storm time evolution. To extract the perturbation drifts out of our data set, we have subtracted the seasonand solar cycledependentaveragequiet time drifts, usingour new empirical quiet time models, from the measured in the auroral current systemswith averagetime delays of 30 and 90 min: respectively. To account for longer lasting drift perturbations, which have been parame- terized by $cherliessand Fejer [1998]by an averageof AE• indices over the past nine hours, we have instead used two separate parameters, i.e., the averageof AE• indices over the past 1 - 3 hours and the average over the past 4- 9 hours. This parametrization significantly improves the temporal evolution of the longer lasting perturbations and provides a better representationof the perturbation drifts during the initial hours of geodrifts (for a detailed descriptionseeFejer and Scherliess magneticactive periods. After severalhoursof auroral [1997]). The resultingperturbationsare due to storm activity, however,this parametrization givesessentially time generatedelectric fields and alsoto the day-to-day the same results as presented by $cherliess and Fejer [1998]. The limitations of the use of the AE• indices variability of the ionosphericdynamo electric fields. Sinceduring large nighttime storm periods, Millstone in our analysiswere discussedby Fejer and $cherliess Hill can be in the auroral zone, we have excludedplasma [1997,1998]. Our empiricalmodels,basedon the AE• drift observationswhen the maximum Kp index over the index, do not take into accountsomepotentially imporpreceding period of 6 hours was above 5.0. This crite- tant processesand averageout the effectsof a number rion restricts our Millstone Hill storm time analysisto of ionosphericand magnetosphericprocessesthat could moderately disturbed periods, i.e., to periods when the play important roles on the magnitude and phase of 1774 SCHERLIESS ET AL' MIDLATITUDE PLASMA DRIFTS MILLSTONE HILL MAY-AUG MAR-APR 60 Kp<_3 SEP-OCT NOV-FEB Sa=180 - .. Sa=190 40 - Sa=200 20 .• • 0 -20 _ " • , T T _ _ -40 __ 40 Sa=85 _ Sa=85 2O -20 _ 111] '1 '111 _ ., _ ,._. -40 I IIIIIIIIIIIII111 00 04 08 i IIIIII 12 16 20 24 00 04 08 12 LOCAL 16 20 24 00 04 08 12 16 24 20 TIME Figure 1. Quiet time averageperpendicular northwardplasmadrifts overMillstoneHill for low and highsolarflux conditions.The solidcurvesindicatethe velocitypatternsobtainedfrom our empirical model. Here $a denotesthe averagedecimetricsolarflux index. the electric field perturbations as well as on the shielding time constants. For example, results presentedby 3.1. Quiet Time Electrodynamic Drifts Fosteret al. [1986]suggest that IMF By mightcause Figure I showsthe average seasonalquiet time pat- Millstone Hill. A comprehensivestudy of these additional processesrequires a significantly larger database than currently available. In summary, we have developed individual empirical analytical models for the Millstone Hill and Saint Santin electrodynamicalplasma drifts for geomagnetically quiet and disturbed periods. These models include the seasonaland solar cycle variations of the quiet time drifts as well as short-term and longer lasting perturbation drifts during geomagneticallydisturbed periods. Combined, these models can describethe averagemidlatitude plasma drifts during various geomagneticcon- ponent over Millstone Hill for low and high solar flux plasmadrift comlarge changes in the perturbation electric fields over ternsfor the perpendicular/northward Results and Discussion In this section we will discussbriefly our solar minimum and solar maximum average quiet time drift patterns obtained models. Then from our Millstone we will describe The data have been divided into summer (May-August),equinox(March, April, September,October), and winter (November-February). The average decimetric solar flux indices are •85 for the low solar flux intervals and 180, 200, and 190, for summer, winter, and equinox high solar flux periods, respectively. The standard deviation of our averagedrifts is between •20 and 40 m/s. The averagenumberof samplesper bin is •20, resulting in standard errors of the mean between•5 and 10 m/s. Figure I indicatesthat the perpendicular/meridionaldrifts are northward in the early morning and prenoon sector and southward at the later times, with a return to the northward direction in the late afternoon during low solar flux summer and equinox conditions. The northward morning drifts ditions. 3. conditions. Hill and Saint Santin our disturbance drift patterns and compare them with other observationsand also with predictionsfrom global convectionmodels. reachmaximum valuesbetween•20 and 30 m/s, and the afternoon southward drifts have maximum values of •10 m/s. Although, large solar cyclevariationsare observedin the perpendicular/northwarddrift component (e.g., equinoxearly morning), no significantsystematic effects are evident. The results in Figure I are SCHERLIESS ET AL.' MIDLATITUDE PLASMA DRIFTS 1775 solarflux data. The averageKp index is again • 1.8 with ported by Buonsantoet al. [1993]and Buonsantoand slightlylarger valuesduring summerand equinoxhigh Witasse[1999],whodiscussed their main characteristics solar flux conditions. The Saint Santin drifts resemble and large day-to-day variability. The latter work also many of the featuresobservedover Millstone Hill, with in good agreement with the average drift patterns re- reported differences between the vernal and autumnal drift patterns, which were most pronouncedin the early morning to noon period. These effectsare not being accounted for in our current study. The thick solid lines in Figure i represent our quiet time model predictions, which have been calculated us- northward drifts in the prenoon sector and southward drifts in the afternoon. In general, the solar minimum resultsshownin Figure 2 exhibit strongsemidiurnaloscillations and closely resemblethe solar minimum pat- ing (1) for eachdata point and binnedand averagedthe terns presentedearlier by Blanc and Amayenc[1979] who used 3 years of drift observations.However,they reportedlarge downward/southward drifts during De- same way as the observations. As expected, our model results are in good agreement with the average drift spondingresultsindicateupward/northwarddrifts. patternswith typical fluctuationsof --•1-5m/s. Systematic discrepanciesbetween model and data are observed only during low solar flux winter afternoon conditions when the empirical model underestimates the equator- ward/downwarddrift velocities. These differencesare largely due to our use of a linear solar cycle variation cember solsticenighttime periods, whereasour correThe Saint Santin northward drifts showstrong semidiurnal patterns near solar minimum and diurnal type variations during solar maximum. Saint Santin solar maximum drifts have not been studied earlier, and therefore ours is the first model representation for these drifts. Figure 2 indicates that from -•0800 to 1400 LT, the equinoctial drifts do not changesignificantly Figure 2 showsthe averageperpendicular/northward with the phase of the solar cycle, whereasthe solsti- in our empirical model. quiet time plasma drifts over Saint Santin for solar minimum and maximum conditions and the corresponding empirical model results. The average solar flux values for summer, winter, and equinox are •85, 85, and 75 for the low solar flux data and 180,205, and 180 for the high tial data show opposite variations with an increasein the northward drifts in the summer data and a decrease in the winter. The relatively large southwarddrifts in the morningfrom -•0400 to 0800 LT and in the afternoon from -•1400 to 1800 LT drastically decreasewith Saint Santin - MAR-APR Kp<3 NOV-FEB MAY-AUG • 60-SEP-OCT 40: Sa=180 Sa=180 • _ Sa=205 _ 20 _ 0 T _ -. _ / .- __ -20 _ -40 40 _ , Sa=75 _ Sa:85 20 Sa=85 _ 7- -- -20 _ _ 40 - - _ IIit11111111111tll 00 04 08 12 16 20 24 00 04 08 12 LOCAL 16 20 24 00 04 TI ME Figure 2. Same as Figure 1, but for Saint Santin. 08 12 16 20 24 1776 SCHERLIESS ET AL.' MIDLATITUDE PLASMA MILLSTONE HILL 6O -- MAR-APR - SEP-OCT - ., ß 40 TM - Kp<3 MAY-AUG - - - - NOV- FEB - - - Sa=180 '"•Sa=190 - 20 TM DRIFTS Sa-200 - ß '- _ ,. •/•-i• -2O • -4O __ _ ._ ß i -- _ _ ,. .. .. .. _ __ _ . ß 40 TM Sa-85 - - Sa--85 " -- Sa=85 20 -l , _ ,, ., . -2O ..... ./ -4O .. , __ ., I II 00 I[ 04 111 08 II IIII 12 I II 16 II I111 20 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I"1 I.I I I 24 0 04 OR 12 LOCAL Figure 3. 1R 20 IIIII :1. 0 ( IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 04 08 II 12 16 20 2, TI ME Quiet time averagezonal plasmadrifts over Millstone Hill for low and high solar flux conditions. increasing solar flux during equinox and summer and even reverse toward the northward direction in the June solsticemorning sector. It is not clear if the December solstice drift pattern is entirely realistic or biased by instrumental offsets. First of all, the December solsticedaytime and nighttime drifts are significantly different from the equinoctial values. In addition, as pointed out by Takami et flux values given for the northward component. The zonal drifts over Millstone Hill are westward at night with maximumvaluesof •60 m/s in winterand 40 m/s in summer. During daytime, and particularly around noon, the zonal drifts have eastward amplitudes with largestmagnitudes(up to 35 m/s) duringequinox.During summer, the average zonal drifts are always westward. The standard deviation is between •25 and 50 al. [1996], the nighttime Saint Santin winter drifts m/s, indicatinglarge quiet time variability. We will shouldbe strongly affectedby the correspondingconjugate summer ionosphere,which lies at a geographiclatitude of 31øS. Therefore we would expect a closesimilarity between the Saint Santin December solsticeand the show later that some of this variability was introduced by the choice of our quiet time binning criterion. The thick solid lines in Figure 3 represent again the predictions of our quiet time model. Generally, the zonal Shigaraki (35øN dip latitude) June solsticenighttime plasma drifts at Millstone Hill tend to be more westward drifts measuredby the MU radar [Takamiet al., 1996]. at night and more eastwardduring the day with increasHowever, the June solstice solar maximum nighttime ing solar flux, although, systematic variations are relaaverage drifts measured by this radar show southward tively small (of the orderof 10 m/s). Theseresultsare drift velocitiesof only •5 - 10 m/s, which would sug- also consistentwith thosefrom earlier studies[Buonsanto et al., 1993;Buonsantoand Witasse,1999]. gest a DC bias. Clearly, our solar maximum December solstice Saint Santin drifts should be considered with a Figure 4 showsthe average seasonalsolar minimum ahd maximum quiet time zonal drift patterns over Saint high degree of caution. The seasonallyaveraged Millstone Hill eastward drift Santin. The average solar flux indices are the same as pattern for geomagneticallyquiet conditionsare shown for Figure 2. The solar minimum drift patterns are in in Figure 3. The data are again shown for low and good agreementwith the resultsof Blanc and Amayenc high solar flux conditions with the same averagesolar [1979],with the exceptionof the summerearly night- SCHERLIESS ET AL.' MIDLATITUDE PLASMA Saint Santin - MAR-APR "- SEP-OCT 80 -l 1777 Kp_<3 MAY-AUG - - NOV_ FEB - ' _ 60 I -- 40 20 - DRIFTS _ Sa=180 .... :: ?',,,•,•. _ __ _ .... -20 -40 - ß .. -60 .. z .. o N 40 _ - Sa=75 _ " - _ Sa=85 _ - Sa=85 _ _ - _ - 20 _ _ _ _ .. -20 ß -40 -60 -I I I I I I I ] I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1- lJlllllllllllllllltJlll 00 04 08 12 16 20 24 00 04 08 12 L¸CAL Figure 4. reversal 20 24 -I I I I I I I'1'1 I I I I I I I I I I I J I I00 04 08 12 16 20 24 TI ME Same as Figure 3, but for Saint Santin. time drifts for which their study indicated a westward drift 16 which is not seen in our results based on hemisphere,which is located at a significantlylarger geographiclatitude (45øS),largelydeterminesthe Arecibo a significantly larger data set. The Saint Santin zonal drifts vary significantlywith the phase of the solar cy- nighttime plasma drifts [Fcj½r, 1993; Ta]carai½t al., 1996]. The conjugatepoint of Saint Santin, however, cle. The nighttime drifts increasefrom •20-30 m/s to lies at a lowerlatitude (18øS)than this station. There•40-80 m/s betweenour low and high flux conditions. fore, as expected, the solar cycle variations of the Saint Figure 5 shows the combined winter and equinox average solar cycle variation in the early nighttime period. In this case, we have used solar flux bins of 30 units for indices between 60 and 210 and a single bin for larger values. The vertical bars indicate the standard deviation in each bin, and the solid line is our empirical model representation. These drifts increase linearly with increasingsolarflux at a rate of •40 m/s per 100 flux units. The solar cycle variations during summer are •50• kOSaintSantin September-Apri • 'G' 100 I---' Empirical Model . smaller. Zonal plasma drift observationsat Jicamarca (12øS aA, Arecibo(18øNgeographic, magneticlatitude30øN)[F½jet, 1993],and from the IDM onboardthe DE 2 satellite [Sch½rliess, 1997] indicate increasingsolar cyclevariations with decreasinglatitude, in good agreementwith the observed solar cycle dependence at Millstone Hill and Saint Santin. It is interestingto note that solarcycle variations at Arecibo are smallest during December solstice,when the ionosphericdynamo in the conjugate 50 %o"i'b'o' "i56'"i5&"'i&&" Solar 5i6'";>6 FIux Figure 5. Solar cycle variation of the equinox and winter early night Saint Santin zonal drifts. 1778 SCHERLIESS i 100- i i i i i i [ i [ i i i i i i ET AL.: MIDLATITUDE i i i [ i 1 PLASMA i -- _ - Millstone Hill 4020- - ..... - Kp(0-6hrs)=l.8 Kp(0-6hrs)=0.7 i , , , ito,t1[t,2 , i , , it3,t4it5, , i ,tl6 - •-500 - LU 3001ø 8060- DRIFTS 100•- _- -3 -- ' , 00 ' , I , , , ;, ' I" , 0'3 06 09 , , 1'2 " 15 Storm-Time (Hours) 0 Figure 7. -20- Idealized scenarioof the variation of the AE index used in this work. 40- _ _ 2øfTTT II!TTT quiet drifts (Kp = 0.7) correctedfor seasonaland solar cycle effects. Under the same conditions, the amplitudes of the Saint -40 .................. 02 06 10 Local 14 Time Santin zonal disturbance drifts about a factor of two smaller than over Millstone 18 are Hill. The effectsof the steady state leakageof high-latitude zonal electric fields, which drive perpendicular northward disturbancedrifts, are essentiallynegligiblefor Kp 22 Figure 6. (top) Yearly averageMillstone Hill perpendicular eastward drifts for two levels of magnetic activity. (bottom) Averagezonal drifts by subtracting the drifts in Figure 6; top. The solid curve indicates the pattern from our disturbance model. Santin zonal drifts are smallest in the summer, when they are determined mostly by the dynamo action in the local hemisphere. The quiet time model described above allowed us to determine the perturbation drifts which were used in the storm time study presented in section 3.2. As we will see, high-latitude electric fields affect the lowerlatitude plasma drifts with decreasingamplitudes toward the equator, even under quasi-stationary condi- < 3 even over Millstone 3.2. Midlatitude Hill. Disturbance Plasma Drift Patterns Figure 7 shows an idealized storm scenariowith an increaseof the AE index by 300 nT above our quiet time value of 130 nT during a period of 9 hours. Figure 8 presentsthe Millstone Hill disturbancedrift patterns for the storm times defined in Figure 7. The data and the scatterbarswereobtainedby binningand averaging the data for the conditionsin Figure 7 and smoothedby a three-point running average. The averagevaluesfor the parametersdefinedin (2) are givenin Table 1. The solid curvespresent the results from our empirical analytical modelobtainedfrom (2). It is important to note tions. Therefore,for a givenquiet time criterion(based that our data binning can only approximately reproon the Kp index, for example), we expect our quiet duce the idealized storm scenario and that it does not time drifts to have latitudinally increasingcontributions completely separate the responsesof the prompt penedue to electric fields of high-latitude origin. Figure 6 tration and disturbance dynamo processes.In spite of shows that the zonal disturbance drifts over Millstone these limitations, the binned data is generally in good Hill havesignificantamplitudesevenfor Kp _<3 (Kp = agreement with the results from our simultaneousmul1.8). In this caseFigure 6 (top) was obtainedby bin- tiparameter fitting procedureand, as we will seelater, ning the yearly averaged Millstone Hill zonal drifts for also with theoretical patterns obtained from the Rice geomagnetically quiet (average6-hourKp<_3.0)and ex- ConvectionModel (RCM). Figure 8 indicates that at time to, following an intremely quiet (average6-hour Kp_<l.3) conditions,and Figure 6 (bottom) showsthe differenceof the two curves creasein the AE index by 400 nT, the prompt penetraand the results obtained from our disturbance model. The scatterbars indicate the variability of the extremely tion zonal electric fields drive perpendicular northward drifts during the day and larger amplitude southward Table 1. Average Storm Time Parameters Storm Time to t• t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 AAE(t- 30 min) (nT) AAE(t- 90 min) (nT) AEd(1-3 hour) (nT) AEd(4-9 hour) (nT) 243 48 24 60 -33 209 149 79 -58 -27 293 89 -34 -29 287 275 -225 46 271 126 -41 -230 249 141 11 -7 30 165 SCHERLIESS ET AL' MIDLATITUDE Millstone PLASMA DRIFTS 1779 Hill 1978-92 _ 2O 10 0 -10 [ [ [ [ I [ ] [ ] I [ _ 3O z 15 0 -15 Z .,,•• o z _.. 10 0 -10 z - t1/••,.•, • 15 : ..... _ 0 -15 t 15 0 -15 10 0 -10 "--...__; t 10 0 -10 15 10 0 -10 15 0 -15 • ,. ß( t5 ...-15 0 -15 10 0 -10 ;:.. )( • , ,, 10 0 -10 15 0 -15 z _ ] 02 Figure 8. 06 10 14 18 Local Time 22 02 ] • 06 t I I [ ] [ 10 14 18 Local Time I 22 Averageperpendicular northwardandeastward disturbance driftsoverMillstone Hill for the conditionsand storm times shownin Figure 7. The solid lines indicate the patterns from our disturbancemodel,and the dashedlinesat stormtimes t2 and t3 wereobtainedusing the parametrization of $cherliess andFejer[1998].The scatterbarsdenotethe standarderror of the means. 1780 SCHERLIESS ET AL.' MIDLATITUDE PLASMA DRIFTS driftsat nightwith a maximumvalueof •-25 m/s at - ' - 0400 LT. The initial time responseof the meridional electric fields generatesa small eastward disturbance drift in the earlymorning-noon periodandlargerwestwarddrifts at otherlocaltimes. The largestinitial time westwarddrift perturbationis •40 m/s, and it occurs near dusk. As stormtime increases,the disturbance drifts initially decreasein amplitude and shift to later local times but do not changemuch after •-2 hoursof continuousmagneticactivity, as shownby the patterns at storm times t2 and t3. Stormtime t4 (Figure8) showsthe disturbance patternsresultingfrom the suddendecrease in the AE by 400 nT. In this case,the nighttime perturbationdrifts ' ' ' i , , , , i , , , , i , , , , i i , , _ Radar Model AAE=400nT 80-- ..... DE-2Model - _ _ 60-- _ Millstone Hill - 40-- _ _ 20: ..-----•ial Time Response -_ -20 / •. _ •) 20 - E 0 -- t0+90min •., _ • -20 __ - _ _ t'- o U - -- Saint Santin - - _ _ changefromthe downward/southward directionto up20Initial Time Response ward/northward, andtheprenoon downward/southward . .._...• ;::-,_.-._ driftsarefurtherincreased. Themostnoticeable changes in the zonaldriftsoccurbeforenoonwhenthey become 20to+90min westward. These perturbation drifts are again due to the combinedeffectsof largetransientpromptpenetration drifts (with oppositesignto thosefor storm time to in Figure 8) and longerlastingtime-delayeddistur'0'2' ' '0'6' ' '1•0 14• ' ' 1'8'• '2'2' bances.The agreementbetweenthe averageddata and Local Time our model predictions(solidline) is very good,but a phaseshiftof roughly1-2 hoursin the promptpenetra- Figure 9. Comparisonof the prompt penetration tion responsetowardlater local timesfor both compo- zonal disturbancedrift patterns derived from the Mill- _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ nents would make the agreementevenbetter. It is inter- estingto notethat Blanc[1983]hasnotedthat a similar phaseshiftwould also bring the Saint Santin drift data in closeragreementwith his model results. Onehour after the decrease of the AE index,at storm stone Hill and Saint Santin radar measurements and from DE 2 observations after an increase in the AE in- dex by 400 nT. The thin and thick dashed lines in the Saint Santin part indicate the DE 2 resultsobtained for A=35ø and A=45ø, respectively. time t5, the meridionalperturbationdrifts have significantlysmalleramplitudes. The zonaldrifts, how- It is important to note that the DE 2 results were deever, still exhibit large nighttime westwardperturba- rivedfrom longitudinallyaveragedmeasurements. Figtions, and small eastward perturbations around sunrise. ure 9 (bottom) comparesthe Saint Santin resultsand Storm time t6 (Figure 8) showsthat after 6 hoursof the correspondingDE 2 results. Fejer and $cherliess quieting, the perpendicular/northwarddrift perturba- [1998]pointedout that in the postmidnight-morning tions have largely returned to their quiet time level, sector,the DE 2 initial time disturbancedrifts change but the zonaldrifts still displaylargewestwardpertur- noticeablyfor invariantlatitudesfrom45ø to 35ø. Figbationsin the eveningsector,whichare not fully cap- ure 9 showsthat surprisinglythe Saint Santin initial tured by our current model. This suggeststhat other time disturbancepattern is in better agreementwith disturbancemechanismsor drift perturbationswith dif- the DE 2 resultsfor an averageinvariantlatitude of 35ø ferenttimescales than considered in ourmodelmightbe thanfor A = 45ø. FejerandScherliess [1998]suggested operating during the recovery phase. that the large changeof the DE 2 initial zonal distur- The smaller database of drift measurements from Saint Santin did not allow us to determine their storm- bancedrift patternsfrom 45ø to 35ø was due in part to the largeruncertainties resultingfromthe largede- time dependence in asmuchdetail asgivenin Figure8. creasein the numberof postmidnightmeasurements at However, as will be shown below, we were still able to lowerlatitudes.The SaintSantinresultssuggest that capture the basic featuresof their prompt penetration this argument is questionable. The t0+90 rain DE 2 and longer lasting disturbancedrift patterns. andSaintSantindisturbance drift patternsarein good $cherliessand Fejer [1998]and Fejer and$cherliess agreement,althoughthe radar data showlarger west[1998]have used extensiveion drift meter data from ward drifts in the duskto early night period. the DE 2 satellite to determine the middle- and low- latitude ionosphericzonal disturbancedrift patterns. Figure 9 (top) showsthe good agreementbetweenthe Millstone Hill prompt penetration zonal drifts at storm times t0+30 rain and t0+90 rain and the corresponding DE 2 drifts for an averageinvariant latitude of 55ø. Figure 10 showsthe Millstone Hill and Saint Santin a•d DE 2 disturbancepatterns after an increasein the AE index by 400 nT over a period of 9 hours. The radar drifts are again consistentwith the satellitedrifts but havesystematically largermagnitudes, in particular duringthe duskto early nighttimehours.However,we SCHERLIESS ET AL.- MIDLATITUDE [ [ ! ! ] ! [ , [ i , , ! ! ] 60- 40- - ! , Radar AEd(1-9hrs)-400 nT 20- ! Millstone , i ! PLASMA DRIFTS 1781 Figure11 showsthe comparison of the MillstoneHill and SaintSantinpromptpenetrationdrift patternsand , Models --- DE-2Models the RCM results for an increase in the polar cap poten- Hill _ tial of 33 kV. These RCM patterns, which correspond 0 to run C of Spiroet al. [1988],werediscussed in detail by Fejer et al. [1990]and comparedto DE 2 model resultsby Fejer and Scherliess[1998]. Figure 11 in- -20 -40 dicates that the initial time responseof the Millstone Saint Santi 2O 0 _ -20 -40 .... 02 ]06.... 110 .... Local 14 [ ....18 t ,2,2 , Time Hill driftsare in goodagreement with the RCM results. Notice that the drift amplitudesdecreaseand shift to later local times as the plasma sheet inner edge adjuststo the new crosspolar cappotential.The Saint Santinperpendicular meridionaldisturbance driftsare in generalagreementwith the modelresults,whereas the zonal drifts near dusk are noticeably larger. Fe- Figure 10. Sameas Figure 9, but for the long-lasting jet and $cherliess[1998]havepointedout that these RCM quasisteadystate drifts underestimate the DE 2 drifts. zonal disturbance zonal disturbance drifts for latitudes A _< 45 ø consistent with our results. The results above indicate that have to reiterate here that the DE 2 results represent the radar and DE 2 perturbation drift patterns are in longitudinallyaveragedpatternsand haveseasonand reasonablygoodagreement.They are alsogenerally local time lockedtogether (the early nighttime period, consistentwith the predictionsfrom the RCM, as well as from other global convectionmodels. for example,corresponds to equinoctialconditions). 4. Comparison With Theoretical Models 5. Summary and Conclusions We have used incoherent scatter radar observations from Millstone Hill and Saint Santin to study the char- The penetrationof high-latitudeelectricfieldsto middle, low, and equatoriallatitudeshas alsobeen investi- acteristicsof the averagemidlatitude quiet time and gatedusingseveralglobalconvection models[e.g.,Spiro disturbanceelectrodynamicplasma drifts. Our quiet e• al., 1981, 1988; Senior and Blanc, 1984; Zakharove• time Millstone Hill drift patterns are in good agreeal., 1989; Fejer et al., 1990; Peymirat and Fontaine, ment with earlier studies based on smaller databases. wereusedto 1994;Peymirat,1998; Tsunomura,1999]. Thesemod- The Saint Santinquiet time measurements variationsof els calculatethe global ionosphericelectricfields and determine,for the first time, the seasonal currentsby solvingthe continuityequationfor iono- these drifts for both low and high solar flux conditions. sphericcurrentsfor a givenhigh-latitudeelectrostatic The Saint Santin eveningzonal drifts increasewith sothe corresponding MillstoneHill drifts potential or the field-alignedcurrent distributionon a lar flux, whereas two-dimensional (thin shell)ionosphere with giveniono- are essentiallysolar flux independent. We have modeled the Millstone Hill and Saint Santin sphericconductances.The middle- and low-latitude perturbationelectricfieldsobtainedfromdifferentmod- disturbancedrifts obtainedby removingfrom eachmeaels are similar sincethey depend mostly on the high- surement the season and solar flux dependent quiet latitude potential penetratingto lower latitudes and time values. These stormtime dependent perturbation on the ionosphericconductances and not on the details drifts were usedto study and model,for the first time, of magnetospheric processes. The mostcomprehensivethe temporalevolutionof the promptpenetrationand theoreticalprompt penetrationresultshave been pro- longerlastingzonaland meridionalE xB disturbance videdby the RCM whichaccounts for the coupledelec- drifts. The radar disturbance patterns are in good trodynamicsof the innermagnetosphere andionosphere agreementwith resultsderivedfrom zonaldrift mea[e.g.,Wolfet al., 1986;Spiroet al., 1988]. The local surementsby the DE 2 satellite. This, and alsoearlier time and latitude zonal and meridional perturbation studies,alsoindicatesthat the RCM, as well as other electricfields predictedby the RCM were studiedby detailed convectionmodels, can reproduce the average Fejer et al. [1990].We cancomparetheir resultswith disturbancedrift patterns with reasonableaccuracy. The present empirical model providesa relatively the radar disturbance drift patterns presented above by simple description of the time dependentevolutionof usingthe empirical relationshipbetweenthe polar cap potential drop and the AE index derivedby Ahnet al. [1992],i.e., •(kV): the midlatitude disturbance drifts based on the history 36 + 0.082AE•2(nT),whereAE•2 of the AE index. A copy of the current model can be is the auroral electrojet index using 12 stations. In this obtained from the authors. The major challengefor the of the large case,a changein the AE index by 400 nT corresponds next few yearslies in the understanding to a changein the crosspolar cap potentialof •33 kV. variability of these disturbancepatterns. 1782 SCHERLIESS ET AL.' Radar ] [ ] [ I i ] [ MIDLATITUDE Model [ PLASMA DRIFTS ....... RCM I [ [ ' ] I ] [ [ [ I [ _- AAE=400nT _- AAE=400nT _- - _- _- Millstone Hill - MillstoneHill Init al Time Response 40 - 20 •- ,,' ,,' -,... InitialTimeResponse 60 : \ 30 0 -20 '" '• ' " -...... -30 to+60min- to+60m'n "",,..,,'"• 30 0 -30 - Saint Santin _- Saint Santin _ _ •. •_. 10-- - Initial Time Response;, F :/'-"',, oL -10 '. ,,'/ ', ; '. - - - ,' "-•', ',.',_ '.' "'--:•'.--/' "•• , ,: Initial Time Response - 15 0 ',• _•' / '"'" '-'-15 to+60min • ", '- 0 ..,•_ _.,"•-; "/'••- - -10 02 06 10 Local 14 Time 18 22 02 06 10 Local 14 Time 18 15 0 -15 22 Figure 11. Comparison of the disturbance drift patternsobtainedfromour MillstoneHill and SaintSantinmodels withresults fromtheRiceConvection Model(RCM)foran increase in the polarcappotentialdropby 33 kV. Herethe RCM initial time responses correspond to a time (to+ e)immediately afterthechange in • (short-dashed line)and10minlater(long-dashed line). SCHERLIESS Acknowledgments. ET AL.: MIDLATITUDE This work was supported by the Aeronomy Program, Division of Atmospheric Sciences,of the National ScienceFoundation through grants ATM-97146 77 and ATM-9731704 and the National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration through grant NAG5-4469. The Saint Santin data were obtained through the CEDAR database, which is supported by the National ScienceFoundation. We also thank WDC-C2 Kyoto AE index service for providing us with the preliminary AE indices. Janet G. Luhmann thanks Oliver G. Witasse and W. Robin Coley for their assistencein evaluating this paper. References Ahn, B.-H., S.-I. Akasofu,and Y. Kamide, The Jouleheat productionrate and the particle energyinjectionrate as a functionof the geomagnetic indicesAE and AL, J. Geophys. Res., 88, 6275-6287, 1983. Ahn, B.-H., Y. Kamide,H. W. Kroehl,and D. J. Gorney, Crosspolarpotentialdifference, auroralelectrojetindices, and solar wind parameters,J. Geophys.Res., 97, 13451352, 1992. Bauer, P., P. Waldteufel, and C. 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