TECHNO CHRONICLE ISSUE 02 FEBRUARY 2014 EASWARI ENGINEEING COLLEGE Department of Computer Applications ADVISORY COMMITTEE TEAM OF EDITORS Dr. D. Sivakumar R. Kalimullah, II MCA - A Professor & Head J.Anuf Shariat Vishal, I MCA- A Mrs. Merlin Shalini D.R Faculty Co-Ordinator From the Editorial Team With great pleasure, we present the February issue newsletter of our department with the motto-made for the students and made by the students. We are hopeful that this issue of the newsletter will be quite informative for the reader. We feel glade to acknowledge the kind support and indirectly to bring out the newsletter on time. As always, suggestions and criticism towards improving the newsletter contents are welcome. Department News and Activities Inside this issue: Google Glass 6 GI-FI Technology 8 Brain Gate 10 Art Gallery 12 Mindbender & Sudoku 13 ROAD SAFETY & Awareness—guest lecture Students of II Year and I Year MCA attended a Guest Lecture program “Road safety and Awareness” on Feb 11 2014, at TRP auditorium. Mr. Rajansekri, Senior traffic Warden., who enlighten the session with inspirational speech, the session started with the introduction about the traffic rules and road safety. He detailed the statistic report about the accidents happened in Chennai city because of disobeying the traffic rules and showed few informative videos “how to follow the traffic rules”. He explained various researches has undergoing to improve the awareness on Road safety. He also stated that “Students are the back bone for future India they must aware of Traffic rules and must obey the rules”. The session was interactive and more informative to the students at the end of the session students where take a pledge to follow the traffic rules. QUOTES “ The person who reads too much and uses his brain too little will fall into lazy habits of thinking.” —Albert Einstein ADVANCED WEB TECHNOLOGIES WITH J2EE AND J QUERY - Guest Lecture A guest lecture was organized on Feb 22 2014 titled “Advanced Web Technologies with J2EE and J Query” and the lecture was delivered by Mr. S. Vivegananthan, CTS Associate. NEWS DROP’S The session started with the introduction about Mr. Vivekananthan who was a passed out student of EEC, 2005 Batch, MCA department. He cherished his past memories of his college life and rejoiced greeting the professors. He explained how J2EE and J Query play a vital role in web technology, and he also explained the frame work concept, spring, grails concept and how these concepts are used in industries to provide the web security. He also explained about the architecture of the web technology and working mechanism. He provided various examples and explained the security mechanism that are vital for the web sites. He stated that “if the students learn the web technology job opportunities are waiting for them” and he gave some tips to the pre-final year students at the end of the session. The session was informative and interactive to the students. Workshop organized by csi Students of II Year MCA attended a one day workshop conducted by CSI (Computer Society of India). Students of our department participated in various events conducted in the workshop. Our department students proved their talents in the workshop. The workshop was quite useful to the students to develop their technical skills. Nokia is officially launching its very first Android devices, known as the X and the X+, on stage at its annual Mobile World Congress press conference. The X will have a 4inch, 840 x 480 IPS screen, 512MB RAM, 4GB of storage expandable storage via microSD slot and 3megapixel camera, while the X+ sports the same specs but more RAM (768 MB) and an included 4GB microSD card. You won't be getting Google's apps or Play store, however as both handsets will be based on the forked AOSP Android OS. You can access the Nokia and third party QUOTES “It's fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure”. - Bill Gates Industrial Visit: An Industrial Tour was organized for the I Year and II Year MCA students to “ARENA Animation” at Anna Nagar. The industrial visit was quite informative to the pre-final year students, the industrial visit focused on developing knowledge and to improve the job opportunities for the students. Mrs. K. Harisha., Associate of “ARENA Animation” started the session on “Latest Technologies in Animation”. She explained the core concept of the technologies available in animation. ARENA Animation Manager explained how the animation is used in film industries and explained about VFX technology and HTML5. During the session he explained about the job opportunities available for the students in animation field and provided various real time examples on how animation is done in the industries. He detailed the various animation courses and certifications available for the students and explained about Rotoscope technology. TIPCORNER Secure your computer using the picture password this option will be available in Windows 8. go to control panel click picture password just select the picture draw the pattern on the picture done your computer now protected by pic- QUOTES “Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.” -Dr. Jonas Salk (POLIO medicine in- QUOTES Students corner: A students convention program QCFI (Quality Circle form of India) was held on Feb 8th 2014 at TRP auditorium. Students of II MCA - „A‟ participated in the “Case study and presentation Competition” and presented a “A life of joy and happiness is possible only on the basis of knowledge and science.” -Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Upcoming events: The Department of Computer Applications has planned to conduct a National Level Conference on “Advanced Computing, Applications and Technologies NCACAT - 2k14” on May 7th, 2014. Upcoming PUBLICATIONS: The following are papers that are going to be published by Dr.D.Sivakumar, Professor and Head of our department. ->A paper entiled "A survey on Investigating the Need for Intelligent Power Aware Load Balanced Routing Protocols for handling Critical Links in MANETs” has been selected for publication in SCIENTIFIC WORLD JOURNAL, ISSN: 1537-744X with Impact Factor 1.730 (Annexure 1 Journal as per Anna university Journal list)-under press and to be published during may issue. ->A paper entitiled "Structural Data Flow Testing using Swarm Intelligence Technique" has been selected for presentation and publication in IEEE sponsored international conference (ICCSP‟14) to be held at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College inApril,2014. ->A paper entitiled "Reliable Data Gathering by Mobile Sink for Wireless Sensor Networks" has been selected for presentation and publication in IEEE sponsored international conference (ICCSP‟14) to be held at Adhiparasakthi Engineering College in April, 2014. Google Glass Google Glass is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display (OHMD) that is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project, with a mission of producing a mass-market ubiquitous computer. Google Glass displays information in a smartphone-like hands-free format that can communicate with the Internet via natural language voice commands. Project Glass is a research and development program by Google to develop an augmented reality HeadMounted Display (HMD). The intended purpose of of Glass was on Sergey Brin who wore it to Project Glass products would be the hands-free dis- an April 5, 2012 public event in San Francis- playing of information currently available to most co. Provocative headlines emerged such as smartphone users, and allowing for interaction with “Google the Internet via natural language voice commands. Smartphone with Glasses” and “Google X These glasses will have the combined features of vir- Labs: First Project Glass, next space eleva- tual reality and augmented reality. Google glasses are tors?”. A groundswell of anticipation sur- basically wearable computers that will use the same rounds Glass because it implies a revolution- Android software that powers Android smartphones ary transition to a new platform. „Project Glass‟ Replaces the and tablets. Google Glass is as futuristic a gadget we‟ve seen in recent times. A useful technology for all kinds of people including handicapped/disabled. How it Works? The device will probably communicate with mobile phones through Wi-Fi and dis- Background play contents on the video screen as well as Google Glass is a prototype for an augmented respond to the voice commands of the user. reality, heads-up display developed by Google X lab Google put together a short video demonstrat- slated to run on the Android operating system. Aug- ing the features and apps of Google glasses. It mented reality involves technology that augments the mainly concentrates on the social networking, The video camera senses the environment and recog- Conclusion: nizes the objects and people around. The whole Google glasses are basically wearable working of the Google glasses depends upon the user computers that use the evolving familiar voice commands itself. technologies that brings the sophistication My Glass and ease of communication and information Google offers a companion Android and iOS access even for the physically challenged app called MyGlass, which allows you to configure class of the people those literally could not and manage your device. use general way of palmtops and mobiles. Voice activation Other than the touchpad, Google Glass can be controlled using "voice actions". To activate Glass, wearers tilt their heads 30° upward (which can be altered for preference) or tap the touchpad, and say "O.K., Glass." Once Glass is activated, wearers can say an action, such as "Take a picture", "Record a video", "Hangout with [person/Google+ circle]", "Google 'what year was Wikipedia founded?'", "Give me directions to the Eiffel Tower", and "Send a message to John". For search results that are read back to the user, the voice response is relayed using bone conduction through a transducer that sits beside the ear, thereby rendering the sound almost inaudible to other people. - J.Anuf Shariat Vishal, I MCA- A GI-FI Next Generation Technology Introduction Gigabit Wireless is the world‟s first transceiver integrated on a single chip that operates at 60GHz on the CMOS(complementary metal–oxide– semiconductor) process. It will allow wireless transfer of audio and video data upto 5 gigabits per second, ten times the current Maximum wireless transfer rate, at one-tenth of the cost, usually within a range of 10 meters. In fact, GiFi is a wireless transmission system which is ten times faster than Wi-Fi and it is expected revolution networking in offices and homes by implementing high-speed wireless environments. It utilizes a 5mm square chip and a 1mm wide antenna burning less than 2milli watts of power to transmit data wirelessly over short distances, much like Bluetooth. Gi-Fi technology provides many features such as ease of deployment, small form factor, enabling the future of information management, high speed of data transfer, low power consumption etc. With growing consumer adoption of High-Definition (HD) television low cost chip and other interesting features and benefits of this new technology it can be predicted that the anticipated worldwide market for this technology is vast. Gigabit Wireless Features This Gi-Fi technology allows wireless uncompressed high definition content and operates over a range of 10 meters without interference. Gi-fi chip has flexible architecture. It in a wide range of devices including personal computers, tablets, and smart phones. The technology‟s fast data-synchronization rates enable the rapid transfer of video, bringing the wireless office closer to reality. This technology can be effectively used in wireless pan networks, Inter-vehicle communication systems, Ad-hoc information distribution with Point-to-Point network extension, media access control (MAC), imaging and other applications. Gi-Fi technology is able to transfer gigabits of data within seconds and therefore it can be used for huge data file transmission and it is expected that this chipset replaces HDMI cables and could develop wireless home and office of future. Gi-Fi technology also can be used in broadcasting video signal transmission system in sports stadiums and mm-Wave video video-signals transmission systems. The technology could also be used for beaming full HD video in real-time and could be used by notebooks and other computers to wirelessly connect virtually all the expansion needed for a docking station, including a secondary display and storage. Benefits of GI-FI Technology The most important benefits of the Gi-Fi technology are as follows: Removing Cables For many years cables ruled the world. Optical fibers played a dominant role for its higher bit rates and faster transmission. But the installation of cables caused a greater difficulty and thus led to wireless access. The standard‟s original limitations for data exchange rate and range and high cost of the infrastructures have not yet made it possible for Wi-Fi to become a good replace for the cables. Gi-Fi technology Removes need for cables to connect consumer electronics devices and all the devices can be connected in order to transmit the data wirelessly. Cost of Chip is low Gi-Fi‟s chip uses only a tiny one-millimeter-wide antenna and less than 2mili watts of power. Low-cost chip allows technology to be readily incorporated into multiple devices. The chip in Gi-fi would likely cost less to build . Then a small design would allow cell phones and other small devices to add the technology without significantly drive up the price. Gi-Fi is based on an open, international standard. Mass adoption of the standard, and the use of low-cost, mass-produced chipsets, will drive costs down dramatically, which is very less in compare to present technologies. Privacy and Security Encryption technology in Gi-Fi ensures privacy and security of content. About 70 per cent of firms have deployed their WLAN in a secure firewall zone but are still using the old WEP protocol, which does not protectthe application layer effectively, so better encryption is urgently needed. Flexibility One of the problems with wire connections and cables is complexity for connecting, but in the Gigabit wireless technology simplicity is one of the features. Simple connection improves the consumer experience. The benefits related to the Gi-fi technology that can be achieved by the deployment and use of this technology. Conclusion Gi-Fi has given and it is conspicuous that more research should be done in the field of this new wireless technology and its applications .The Bluetooth which covers 9-10mts range and wi-fi followed 91mts .no doubt introduction of wi-fi wireless network has proved a revolutionary solution to bluetooth problem the standard original limitations for data exchange rate and range, number of chances, high cost of infrastructure have not yet possible for wi-fi to become a power network, then towards this problem the better technology despite the advantages of rate present technologies led to the introduction of new ,more up to date for data exchange that is GI-FI. The comparison is performed between Gi-Fi and existing wireless technologies in this paper shows that these features along with some other benefits that make it suitable to replace the existing wireless technologies. It removes cables, that for many years ruled over the world and provides high speed data transfer rate. Gi-Fi technology has much number of applications and can be used in many places and devices such as smart phones, wireless pan networks, media access control and mm-Wave videosignals R.Kalimullah, II MCA- A Brain gate The Brain Gate Neural Interface System is grounded on Cybernetics podium technology to sense, transmit, analyse and apply the language of neurons. The System consists of a sensor that is entrenched on the motor cortex of the brain and examines brain signals. The principle behind the Brain Gate system is that, signals are generated in the motor cortex and they cannot be sent directly to the arms, hands and legs due to spinal cord injury, stroke or other condition. The brain signals are construed and translated into cursor movements, offering the user a substitute pathway via the Brain Gate System to control a computer simply by thinking, in the same way as individuals who have the ability to move a computer mouse using their hands. INTRODUCTION TO BRAIN GATE:Body's voluntary movements are controlled by the brain. The brain area is also involved in controlling these voluntary movements i.e. motor cortex. The motor cortex is situated in the rear portion of the frontal lobe, just before the central sulcus that divorces the frontal lobe from the parietal lobe. The motor cortex is divided into two main areas, Area 4 and Area 6. Area 4, also known as the primary motor cortex, forms a thin band along the central sulcus. Area 6 lies immediately forward of Area 4. Area 6 is wider and is further subdivided into two distinct sub-areas The motor cortex receive information from various lobes of brain and information about the body's position in space, from the parietal lobe; about the goal to be attained and an appropriate strategy for attaining it, from the anterior portion of the frontal lobe, about memories of past strategies, from the temporal lobe. For a movement as picking up a glass of water, one can barely imagine to specify the sequence, force, amplitude, and speed of the contractions of every muscle concerned. The decision to pick up a glass of water is escorted by increased electrical activity in the frontal region of the cortex. The neurons in the frontal cortex send impulses down their axons to activate the motor cortex itself. The motor cortex plans the ideal path for the hand to follow to reach the glass. The motor cortex then calls on other parts of the brain, such as the central grey nuclei and the cerebellum, which help to initiate and co-ordinate the activation of the muscles in sequence. The axons of the neurons of the primary motor cortex descend all the way into the spinal cord, where they make the final relay of information to the motor neurons of the spinal cord. These neurons are connected directly to the muscles and cause them to contract. BRAIN GATE: CONCLUSION It is an electrode chip. The chip contains 96 hair-thin electrodes that intelligence the electromagnetic sign of neurons firing in specific areas of the brain. For example the area that panels arm crusade. When it is applied in brain, the electrical signal bartered by neurons within the brain. These signals are sent to the brain and it apparatuses body movement. All the signalling is touched by special software. Eg (Custom Decoding Software, algorithms are written in C, JAVA and MATLAB).The signal guides to the computer and then the computer is skilful by patient. When a man forgotten about his past due to certain accidental matter or he had lost his part of his body, at that time this electrode chip can be understood on his brain and vigorous the man as well. Version to the Cyber kinetics binary patients have been entrenched with the Brain Gate system. Using this system the patient can read e-mail, play videogames, turn lights on or off and change channels or adjust the volume of a television set. The results are remarkable and almost unbelievable. Brain Gate can help paralyzed people move by controlling their own electrical wheelchairs, connect by using e-mail and Internet-based phone systems, and be independent by controlling items such as televisions and thermostats. Finally Brain Gate has showed to be a godsend for paralyzed patient. APPLICATIONS: 1. In classification of EEG signal. 2. In hypermedia communiqué. 3. Activated control of mobile robot by human EEG. 4. As a brain controlled switch for asynchronous control. 5. In evaluating the machine learning procedures. 6. The Brain Gate Neural Interface System is a new medical device that is being developed to improve the quality of life for physically disabled people by allowing them to quickly and reliably control a wide range of devices. M.Anandaraj, II MCA- A TECH CRUNCH ART GALLARY Boing TAMPER PROOF MOBILE PHONE S. Divya, II MCA - A Boeing's tamper-proof phone is aimed at government agencies and contractors who need to keep communication and data secure, according to Boeing and filings with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission. Made in the United States, the phone runs on Google Inc's (GOOG.O) Android operating system. The 5.2-by-2.7-inch handset, slightly larger than an iPhone, uses dual SIM cards to enable it to access multiple cell networks instead of a single network like a normal cellphone. The phone can operate on the WCDMA, GSM and LTE frequency bands and offers WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. If any one try to steal the data from the phone or try to misuse the phone it automatically distracted. ART GALLARY POETRY CORNER el;g[ gy Tl;L gwit eh§fs; - ,§F xU Tl;oy; thH;fpd;nwhk; brhe;j§fs; ge;j§fs; ,y;iy - ,§F ,ize;njhnk el;g[f;Fs;ns kiH jUk; kz;zpd; thrk; kiwe;jpLnk kiHa[k; epd;why; gwe;jpLk; ,wFk; Tl tpGe;jpLk; fhw;W epd;why; MfhaKk; epwk; khWk; nkf§fs; mjd; kPJ kpje;jhy; fly; ePUk; miyaha; khWk; fhw;W vd;Wk; tPrpf;bfhz;nl ,Ue;jhy; gphpe;jhYk; mHpahnj ek; epidbthd;Wk; Fiwahnj epiyapy;yh thH;tpYk; epiyj;jpLnk ek; el;bghd;nw -f.mHFuh#; I MCA - A Bindhiya I MCA - A SUDOKU Hocus-focus Find 6 differences MIND BENDER WIZ John was walking towards his office on the sidewalk when suddenly he heard a gunshot. The police found him dead in the sidewalk one hour after the incident. They concluded that the bullet had hit his head and he died on impact. The police also caught the man responsible for the crime and acquired the high-powered riffle used in the crime. What is wrong with the story? ANSWERS Mindbender: If the bullet had hit his head then there is no way he would have heard the gunshot; the bullet of a high powered riffle travel faster than sound. The bullet would have killed him before he heard anything.
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