Church of Saint Christopher South Broadway and Garden Street, Red Hook, NY 12571 ! PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Patrick F. Buckley, Pastor George Sevigny, Lay Trustee Rev. Xavier S. Santiago, Parochial Vicar Kenneth Anderson, Lay Trustee Rev Msgr. Charles P. Coen, Pastor Emeritus Rick Moglia, Finance Council Chairman Gwen McCann, Parish Council President CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 7:30am 9:00am Family Mass, 10:30am & 12:00 noon Monday-Saturday 9:00am at the Church Tues. & Thurs. 7:00am at the Holy Spirit Chapel For Holy Days schedule, consult bulletin Adoration: Wednesdays, 2:00 - 3:00pm and First Fridays after the 9:00am Mass until 6:00pm Confessions: Saturday, 3:30pm - 4:30pm Baptism: Phone Rectory to make arrangements Baptism Classes: 2nd Mondays of the month, 7:30pm-Rectory Marriages: Phone Rectory 6 months in advance Sick Calls: Phone Rectory at any time. Please do not wait until the last moment. Hospital Visits and Anointing of the Sick: Parishioners in need of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, please call the Rectory. This includes anyone going to the hospital for a serious operation or who has a relative who is gravely ill. PARISH OFFICES ZĞĐƚŽƌLJ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!Religious Educaon ! ! ! ϳϰϭϭ^ŽƵƚŚƌŽĂĚǁĂLJ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!ϯϬĞŶŶĞƌZĚ ! ! ϴϰϱͲϳϱϴͲϯϳϯϮ&Ădž͗ϴϰϱ͘ϳϱϴ͘ϭϮϭϰ! ! !!!!!!!!!!ϴϰϱ͘ϳϱϴ͘ϱϱϬϲ! ! ! ŝĂŶĂĂůŝŽͶ^ĞĐƌĞƚĂƌLJ ůŝƐŽŶĞůĨĂŶĐĞͶZ ! DĂƵƌĞĞŶdĞƌƌĂŶŽǀĂͶƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EĂŶĐLJWŽƉĞͶZƐƐŝƐƚĂŶƚ! ! ƌĞĐƚŽƌLJΛƐƚĐŚƌŝƐƌĞĚŚŽŽŬ͘ŽƌŐ [email protected] ! !!!!!!!!! WĂƌŝƐŚĞŶƚĞƌͬDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ! ϯϬĞŶŶĞƌZĚ ϴϰϱͲϳϱϴͲϱϲϴϵ :ŽƐĞƉŚ^ĐĂůĂͶDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ^ƵƉĞƌǀŝƐŽƌ ^ĂĐƌŝƐƚĂŶ :ŽŚŶŽƌƌŝĂŶ! ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOVEMBER 23, 2014 + OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE Welcome to the Parish of Saint Christopher! We hope that all new residents to the Red Hook area will feel at home in our parish and strive to be an active part of our faith community. Please take a moment to stop in the Rectory office to fill out a membership form and to meet a member of the Pastoral Staff. Mass Intentions This Week at St. Christopher Sunday, November 23—FEAST of CHRIST the KING Christ Tree-Thanksgiving Dinner Deliveries & Pick-Ups 1:30-2:30pm Don Bosco Hall Religious Ed Family Class 10:30am School Gym Time Intention Requested by Theresa & Richard Boryk The Boyrk Family 7:30 AM Irene Carroll The Ricci Family 9:00 AM Eugene Milanesi The Korb Family 10:30 AM Richard Ellis, Sr. His Family 12:00 Noon Pro Populo Sat November 22 5:00 PM Monday, November 24-St. Andrew Dung-Lac Sun November23 Tuesday, November 25-St. Catherine of Alexandria NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASS Wednesday, November 26 NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASS Mon November 24 Thursday, November 27 9:00 AM RECTORY OFFICE CLOSED Intentions of The Cambalik Family The Cambalik Family Tue November 25 NO RELIGIOUS ED CLASS 7:00 AM Regina Sandfort Ken & Dolores Saltis Friday, November 28 9:00 AM Irving Donahue Month’s Mind RECTORY OFFICE CLOSED Wed November 26 Saturday, November 29 9:00 AM Art Hand Marie Hand (23rd Anniversary) AA Meeting Thurs November 27—Thanksgiving Day Don Bosco Hall 7:00-8:00pm 7:00 AM Sunday, November 30—FIRST SUNDAY of ADVENT Alyssa-Jo Calio The Calio Family (6th Anniversary) -Beatrice & Patrick Kenny -Alwine Konnecke -Kate Kennedy -Esther Higgins -Joan & Harry Stensland (lvg): 50th Wedding Anniversary -The Fitzmaurice Family -Joan & Harry Stensland 9:00 AM Patricia Collins The Rizzolo Family 5:00 PM -Ray Swift -Sal Licco -The Clark Family -Bernadette Ficchi 7:30 AM Irene Carroll Joyce & Ken O’Loughlin 9:00 AM Rose DeVito The Spagnoli Family 10:30 AM Irene Carroll Pat & Ted Martin 12:00 Noon Pro Populo 9:00 AM There will be a 7:00am and a 9:00am Mass on Thanksgiving Day. If you are able, please bring a canned-good item with you to the Church that day for the Food Pantry. -The Trimarco Family Fri November 28 9:00 AM A blessed Thanksgiving to all our parishioners & families! Sat November 29 ^dtZ^,/WZWKZd!! ! ! • November 16, 2014 Regular Collecon…………… ! ! This week’s 2nd collec0on will be taken up for ƚŚĞĂŵƉĂŝŐŶĨŽƌ,ƵŵĂŶĞǀĞůŽƉŵĞŶƚ͘ ! ! Thank you for your generosity! ! Sun November 30 From the Pastor’s Corner Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe F or I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me." Jesus insists that in ministering to others' physical needs, we are truly serving Him. "Whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for Me," He tells us. And in a similar way, what we fail to do for them, we fail to do for Christ: "What you did not do for one of these least ones, you did not do for Me." This means that we have been given both a gift and a task. The gift is the chance to encounter Christ in our brothers and sisters. The task is to be sure we don't neglect the encounter. The corporal works of mercy provide us with a kind of guide for how to live out this important mission from Christ. These works include feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick and the imprisoned, and burying the dead. Based on the words of Jesus in today's Gospel, it's an important part of the Christian life to look for ways to engage in these kinds of bodily ministries. Traditionally, these "corporal" works are complemented by a set of "spiritual" works. The spiritual works of mercy ensure that we don't minister to the body at the expense of the soul. They include admonishing the sinner, instructing the ignorant, counseling the doubtful, comforting the sorrowful, bearing wrongs patiently, forgiving all injuries, and praying for the living and the dead. By engaging in these diverse works of mercy, we serve others, love Jesus, and hope to "inherit the kingdom prepared for [us] from the foundation of the world." ©2014 Liturgical Publications Inc NEXT SUNDAY IS THE FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT! Time to pull out our Advent Wreaths and prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE and CONFESSION SCHEDULE: ∗ Wednesday, December 10th—7:00pm……………………… Parish Penance Service ∗ Saturday, December 13th—2:30-4:30pm…………………… Confessions ∗ Monday, December 15th—4:00-8:00pm…………… ……….Confessions (Available throughout the Archdiocese) ∗ Saturday, December 20th—3:30-4:30pm…………………… Confessions Look What’s Happening at St. Christopher Parish! ST. VINCENT de PAUL THANKSGIVING PROGRAM ____________________________________________________! BASKETBINGO March8,2015! Wewillberecruitingvolunteersforour BasketBingoCommittee.Pleasecontact theReligiousEdof0iceifyouareabletohelp. Grades1! NOSCHOOLonTuesday,Wednesday,and Thursday,November25Ǧ27.Haveavery HappyThanksgiving! YouthAlive 12/4LessonsinCarolsǦͺǣ͵Ͳ 12/7LessonsinCarolsII12:30Ǧʹǣ͵Ͳ 12/5SecondHandLionǦͻ 12/6TeachtoLearnGospelsͻǦͳ ♦ 12/10SacramentsofInitiationǣ͵ͲǦͺǣ͵Ͳ ♦ 12/13It’saWonderfulLife8pm ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ REMEMBER Thanksgiving delivery and pick-up is TODAY (Sunday)! If you adopted a family, please remember to put the family # on each box/ bag/basket you bring in and return to the Church Basement between 8:30 and 10:30am TODAY. Thanks! _____________________________________ CHRIST TREE PROGRAM “ANGELS” are in the back of the Church. You may start bringing your donated gifts in next weekend, November 29th/30th. We are wrapping up the REDISCOVERING OUR FAITH SURVEY Surveys are available from the ushers after Masses and may be returned to the church next weekend or to the rectory. Surveys can also be taken on-line at . The deadline for entries is this Sunday, November 23rd. THE ANNUAL HOLY NAME CHRISTMAS PARTY will take place Tuesday, December 9th at Frank Guido’s Little Italy, Kingston, NY, starting at 6:30 with cocktails (cash bar). Dinner is at 7 PM. Come and join us for an evening of fun and friendship. Sign-up sheet in the back of the Church. Cost $ 15 per person. Questions or if you need a ride, please call Tom Sullivan: 845-758-2194. OUR LADY’S GUILD CHRISTMAS MASS & DINNER There will be a special Mass for all members of Our Lady’s Guild Tuesday, December 2nd @ 5:00pm ! CHURCH OF ST. CHRISTOPHER ! Dinner at Enzo’s Restaurant in Kingston will follow. Members are asked to R.S.V.P. to Celine at : 845.758.8083 In your prayers, please remember the sick, especially: John Aeolus ● Frances Allen ● Paul Anderson Carol Bangert Christopher & Katlin Barkovich Aldo Bellini George Botti Daniel Cambalik Brianna Chase John Colon John Conway ● Holly Daly ! James Dempsey John Dempsey John Dykeman ● Janice Farinacci Charles Fasce Jason Fell James Flanagan !Fr. Cassian Folsom Vito Fontana Thomas Galbraith Jeannette Gordon !Haley Hines Brian James Alex Katz Pam Kaliche !Fr. Peter Kulandai ! Sylvia Ledenko !!Kevin Ledwith !Frank Lovallo Mary Machete ! Marlene McGowan-Yedic !!!Gina Maculski !Thomas Richard Malone John Manning !!Anne Milanesi !Mary Ann Mondello Eric Moore John Moran !Bill Murray !Richard Murray Gloria Najim ! Sally O’Connor Josephine Pastrana !!!Frank Pasqua, Jr.● Joe Piccard ! Michael Qianonni John Rall !Maureen Randene ● Thomas Richards Tammy Richards Helen Roton James Rudy ● Anna Safford ! John Sculco !Edward Seliga !Lisa Slayton Robert Smith Samantha Smith Vincent Suderi !Elizabeth Trow Mary Verlin Bryan Williams Peggy Williams Alice Zelasco Please call the office to add or remove someone from this list. ST.CHRISTOPHER’S SOCIETIES & CONTACTS ANNUAL COMMUNITY THANKSGIVING DINNER Friends, Family and Food without a FEE! ALL ARE WELCOME—PLEASE COME! • • When: Thursday, November 27th, 12:30 PM Where: Red Hook Firehouse, Firehouse Lane Reservations are encouraged by November 24th. Please call Holy Cow at 845.758.5959 Take-outs will be available at 2:00pm by reservation ONLY. Reserve by November 24th. Adult Faith Formation, Tina Wert………………...845-758-3732 [email protected] Adult Choir Director, Richard Totman ......... ........845-876-7444 Basketball Coord., Chris Wood……[email protected] Battered Women ........................................... ........845-876-1554 Finance/St. Christopher Church…[email protected] Holy Name Society Pres., Steve Korb .......... ........845-758-3732 [email protected] Knights of Columbus GK, Colm Neilson ..... ..... ...845-337-1937 [email protected] Our Lady's Guild Pres., Barbara Rizzolo ...... ........845-758-4132 [email protected] Our Lady Queen of Peace Prayer Group ................845-758-2845 Respect Life Committee, Maureen Haege .............845-758-5410 St. Christopher Food Pantry ...................................845-758-3732 Senior Citizens President, Betty Bader ..................845-758-5758 Youth Choir Director, Charles Robitaille...............845-758-0580 RCIA, Eileen Cassidy ............................................845-758-3732 [email protected] Bereavement Committee, Eleanor Troy .................845-758-3732 Teen Fusion, Kathy Marici ....................................845-758-3732 [email protected] ST. CHRISTOPHER PARISH SEEKING TENANT St. Christopher’s is seeking tenant for office space formerly rented by Astor Counseling Services at our 30 Benner Road location. Tenants must be “Not-for-Profit.” Please contact the Rectory for more information if you, or someone you know, might be interested. 845.758.3732 ! [email protected] This week's Collection is for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. The Collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) provides funding for groups that make lasting change and uplift the poor in the United States. CCHD grants improve education, support economic development, and help communities provide housing in low -income neighborhoods. Help us continue to defend human dignity and aid those living on the margins of society. “A Great Place to Live, Laugh & Play” Red Hook Auto Quality Service Age Restricted Manufactured Housing Community In The Heart of Columbia County 3459 Route 9 Hudson, NY 12534 518-851-9917 [email protected] Phone: 758-3000 151 Rte. 199 Kim Koehler 845-758-1001 Red Hook, NY 12571 The First Diner to be listed in New York State’s Historic Register. Visit our web site: & Like Us on Facebook [email protected] Red Hook, NY Original Oil Paintings Art Lessons Commissions House & Boat Portraits Serving The Community Since 1951 JOHN A. GRADY, CPA 48 W. Market St., Rhinebeck (845) 876-4911 SERVING DAILY 6:00AM UNTIL 9:00PM Open 7 days a week - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner KIDS MENU - Call 758-6232 for take-out orders 845-876-3835 800-836-3835 10 E. Market St., P.O. Box 627 Red Hook, NY 12571 7265 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 WWW.BOTTINIFUEL.COM 845-835-8197 Nora Mercier Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Contact me today: (845) 876-1660 (Office) (845) 216-4397 (Cell) [email protected] “Your friendly Red Hook neighbor” 8 Prince Street • Red Hook PAUL HALLENBECK REAL ESTATE 845-758-0096 • 51 Elizabeth St., Red Hook 758-0930 6370 Mill Street - Rhinebeck, NY 12572 • Professional Income Tax Prepa1,9%-$:$;-+(<(+8,*3$=8)(-#))3$>)/,/#$,-+$?%/@0%1@A1%B/ C$A,21%**$,-+$D,*#)$!,E$C$D5,**$=8)(-#))$F%-)8*9-G LYCEUM CINEMAS Taste Budd’s Café 40 West Market St. Red Hook, NY Café Fare, Pastries, Chocolates, Gourmet Bevarages, Gifts 758-3311 • 876-8000 Movies To Go 758-3300 Let us customize your life… One clothing item at a time… 7AM - 9PM (8AM - 9PM Sunday) (845) 876-1165 or [email protected] 7270 Broadway • Red Hook, NY 12571 This Space Available DR. JAMES M. ROSS General Dentistry For Information On Advertising, Please Call Our Parish Representative Catering For All Occasions 7361 S. Broadway Red Hook, NY Telephone: (845) 758-5100 Fax: (845) 758-5127 845-758-0758 84 W. Market St. • Red Hook, NY 12571 Office Hours by Appointment Paul Kerwick at (516) 673-6301 or Email: [email protected] 7 West Market Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 Phone: 845.758.5555 • Fax: 845.758.5556 Our goal is to provide personal and professional service to our local community, as well as to visitors from out of town. FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. [email protected] THE LOCAL FLOWER MARKET (845) 758-3569 !"#$%&'#$()$'"(*+$,-+$.#/$01(#-+*23$)%$.*#,)#$0##*$4#*'%5#+$,-+$'%50%1/,6*#7 Give us a call at 845-758-5555$%1$)/%.$62$%81$%&'#$,/$ 7 West Market Street in the Red Hook Village Dawn Valentine Florist and Gifts 5 Old Farm Road, Suite E Red Hook, NY 12571 L-R: Catherine Mondello, Terese Mondello, Margaret Mondello NOVEMBER 6, 2014 4:52 PM ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369 P&S DONNA M. NEBEL Construction Corp. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW REAL ESTATE - WILLS & ESTATES BUSINESS LAW Dave Seymour, President Custom, Modular & Panelized Additions, Renovations & Commercial RED HOOK PLUMBING & HEATING, INC. 1 Dogwood Street • Red Hook, NY 12571 87 East Market Street Red Hook, NY Full Service Plumbing & Heating Contractor Water & Septic Systems Residential • Commercial 63 Pond View Dr., Red Hook 845.758.8700 [email protected] [email protected] FREE Estimates & Prompt Service THE AWARD SHOP Quality Garden Center PLAQUES • TROPHIES ENGRAVING Bulk Mulch, Trees Shrubs & Stones Fully Insured Est. 1973 (845) 758-8100 \ Quality Landscaping & Home Improvement 7387 SOUTH BROADWAY RED HOOK, NY 12571 Installed Hardscape, Stone Work Unilock & Gardens 845-758-2737 FAX 845-758-3853 [email protected] Chris Leggett 4301 Route 9G Germantown, NY 4-Wheel Computer Alignment & Balancing Cars, Trucks & Motor Homes 518-537-3340 Family Owned and Operated Since 1917 EACH ROOM: REFRIGERATOR, MICROWAVE, HAIR DRYER, A/C & CABLE TV FREE WI-FI Ph: 845-876-5900 F: 845-758-2950 6938 Hwy. 9 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 Parishioner Watertight Plumbing & Heating, Inc. TRIEBEL’S GARAGE, INC. 7317 South Broadway Red Hook, NY 12571 Complete Auto & Truck Repair • Cooling System Service • Air Conditioning Repairs Hydraulic Hoses Fabricated Spring U-Bolts in Stock The Rhinebeck Motel 24-Hour Towing Machine Shop Welding 758-5042 MICHAEL BAUTISTA CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional Red Hook, NY 845-758-6319 Licensed & Insured Master Plumber 24 HOUR PHONE 845-758-5800 758-6977 KOL-ROCKLEA MEMORIALS Monuments~Mausoleums Cemetery Lettering Monument Cleaning & Restoration~Cemetery Services DAVE COHEN - BRUCE TROY BILL WAMBACH, MANAGER Tel: 845-331-1077 Cell: 518-441-4457 [email protected] Jen & Joe Stokes, Proprietors 1 East Market St. Red Hook T: 845.758.9030 [email protected] JUNE VISCONTI INSURANCE Pat Kelly, President Carpentry Contractor 6MÄJL! *LSS! 12 East Market St. Red Hook NY 12571 SERVICE SINCE 1958 • Room Additions [email protected] J&J’s Gourmet Café & Catering Pat Kelly Construction Co., Inc. Est. 1979 7370 South Broadway Red Hook, NY Red Hook & Rhinebeck 1 Albany Avenue Suite G-3A Kingston, NY Christopher Stehling Alternate Daytime Number 845-876-4222 Est. 1952 Bruce J. Troy Kenneth Giek 845-758-6000 • Interior Renovations • Roofing/Siding Windows/Doors • Decks/Porches CJ’s ITALIAN RISTORANTE & PIZZA Website Coupons Visit our website at: Custom Homes • Renovations • Additions • Restorations Reynolds & Elaine Tate Tel: 845-876-1990 • Fax: 845-876-7977 [email protected] (845) 876-3283 2OG3RVW5GDW5RXWH* 5KLQHEHFN 845-876-7711 Mark Goldhirsch, DC Chiropractic & Nutrition [email protected] One call takes care of it all! ROYAL FLUSH Edward J. Mercier, AAMS® SEPTIC SERVICE Branch Manager First Vice President - Investment Officer 6423 Montgomery Street, Suite 10 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-876-9710 • 1-800-477-2505 [email protected] COMMERCIAL • RESIDENTIAL PUMPING • REPAIRS • INSTALLATION ROBIN DALEY 845-876-2691 With you when retirement is only the beginning Fertilizers • Shavings Feed, Fencing, Pet Food & Supplies • Lawn & Garden Supplies • Lime, Bedding, Straw Investment and Insurance Products: Q NOT FDIC Insured Q NO Bank Guarantee Q MAY Lose Value Nutrena • Blue Seal•Purina Feeds Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is a registered broker-dealer and a separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2013 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved. 0313-00950 [86189-v2] 876-1559 • 758-3601 Fax: 758-8002 68 Firehouse Lane, Red Hook, NY 12571 FOR AD INFO CALL 1-800-888-4574 © LITURGICAL PUBLICATIONS INC. NOVEMBER 6, 2014 4:52 PM 87 E. Market Street (Route 199), Suite 103 • Red Hook, NY 12571 845-758-0100 ANDRE MOGLIA & CO CPA’S TAX and ACCOUNTING SERVICES for INDIVIDUALS, BUSINESSES and ESTATES PAYROLL • BOOKKEEPING • CONSULTING [email protected] 845-897-2570 Rhinebeck • Fishkill • Pleasant Valley ST. CHRISTOPHER, RED HOOK, NY 04-0369
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