PY Etihad Airways New Airport Road P.O. Box 35566, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates LL ED C O Tel: +9712 511 2000 Fax: +9712 511 2699 N TR O ETOPS Maintenance Manual U N C O Document Reference: QA0002E Revision 12 02 Jul 14 Printed on: Thursday, July 03, 2014 PY GCAA APPROVAL/ACCEPTANCE CONTROL PAGE Etihad Airways Manual Title Extended-range Twin-engine Operational Performance Standards Revision Number 12 Document Number FO-AW-ETOPS-3 Other Ref. ETOPS EMM Effective Date 7/3/2014 TR O LL ED C O Organization Hamzah, Saidulkhadri Bin Approved By U N C O N Note: 1. A copy of this approval/acceptance page should be inserted within the manual held by the organisation. 2. This is an electronic approval/acceptance and does not require signature or stamp. 3. The master copy of this manual is retained with the GCAA in an electronic format. UAE GCAA Page 1 of 1 LL ED O TR N O C N U PY O C Chapter: LEP Page: 1 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Revision Bulletin Section Revision RB 12 Page 1 Date 02 Jul 14 List of Effective Pages Section Revision LEP 12 Page 1 Date 02 Jul 14 Record of Amendments Section Revision ROA 12 Page 1 Date 02 Jul 14 Table of Contents Section Revision TOC 11 TOC 11 Page 1 2 Date 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 Chapter Section 0 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 Page 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 Date 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 02 Jul 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 02 Jul 14 02 Jul 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 30 Mar 14 20 Oct 13 20 Oct 13 20 Oct 13 20 Oct 13 20 Oct 13 20 Oct 13 U N TR N C O Revision 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 12 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 O Date 02 Jul 14 03 Jul 14 C Page 1 1 O Revision 12 12 LL ED Cover Page Section Cover Page GCAA Approval PY List of Effective Pages ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: ROA Page: 1 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Record of Amendment Enter in the form below the revision number and revision date. 9 TR09-1 TR09-2 10 11 9 TR09-1 TR09-2 10 11 12 11 May11 26 Jul 12 20 Nov 11 20 Oct 13 30 Mar 14 11 May11 26 Jul 12 20 Nov 11 20 Oct 13 30 Mar 14 02 Jul 14 Rev. No. Revision Date PY Revision Date U N C O N TR O LL ED C O Rev. No. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: TOC Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Table of Contents 1 General 0.1 Abbreviations Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Purpose Regulatory Compliance Amendment Process EMM Implementation References PY 0 Subject O RB LEP ROA TOC Section Cover Page GCAA Approval Revision Bulletin List of Effective Pages Record of Amendment Table of Contents C Chapter ETOPS Approved Airplanes 2.1 ETIHAD ETOPS Fleet 2.2 GCAA ETOPS Approval 2.3 References 3 ETOPS Configuration Control 3.1 Introduction 3.2 ETOPS CMP 3.3 Incorporation of ETOPS Service Bulletins 3.4 Schedule of SB Incorporation 3.5 Incorporation of ETOPS Airworthiness Directives 3.6 ETOPS Parts Control Program 3.7 References 4 ETOPS Maintenance Program 4.1 Minimum Equipment List (MEL) 4.2 ETOPS Significant Systems 4.3 ETOPS Task Identification 4.4 Identical Maintenance On Similar Systems 4.5 Identical Maintenance Precautions 4.6 Interchangeability of Components 4.7 References U N C O N TR O LL ED 2 5 Verification Program After Maintenance 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Verification of Maintenance Requirements 5.3 ETOPS Verification Flight Definition 5.4 Determination of the Need for In-flight Verification 5.5 ETOPS Verification Flight Procedure 5.6 References ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: TOC Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Table of Contents Chapter Section Subject ETOPS Flight Release 6.1 ETOPS Maintenance Check 6.2 ETOPS Flight Diversions 6.3 References 7 Oil Consumption Monitoring Program 7.1 Overview 7.2 Non-ETOPS Flight Oil Consumption, Servicing 7.3 ETOPS Flight Oil Consumption, Servicing 7.4 References 8 Engine Condition Monitoring Program 8.1 Introduction 8.2 ECM Program Data Collection 8.3 ECM Program Report 8.4 ECM Program Corrective Actions 8.5 References 9 ETOPS Reliability Program 9.1 Introduction 9.2 ETOPS Significant Events 9.3 ETOPS Events Log 9.4 Analysis and Corrective Action 9.5 Monthly Reliability Report 9.6 References 10 Propulsion Monitoring Program 10.1 In-Flight Shut Down (IFSD) 10.2 IFSD Rate Evaluation 10.3 Propulsion System Reporting 10.4 APU Cold Soak Start Program 10.5 References 11 ETOPS Maintenance Training Program 11.1 Introduction 11.2 ETOPS Awareness Training 11.3 ETOPS Qualified Engineer 11.4 ETOPS Re-current Training 11.5 ETOPS Training Responsibilities 11.6 ETOPS Qualified Personnel - Task Requirements 11.7 References U N C O N TR O LL ED C O PY 6 12 ETOPS Significant Systems 12.1 A330 ETOPS Significant Systems 12.2 B777 ETOPS Significant Systems 12.3 A319 / A320 / A321 ETOPS Significant Systems ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 0 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL General 0.1 Abbreviations Abbreviation Definition Airworthiness Directive ADAT Abu Dhabi Aircraft Technologies AFM Airplane Flight Manual AMS Approved Maintenance Schedule ATL Aircraft Technical Log CAAP Civil Aviation Advisory Publications CAMO Continuing Airworthiness Management Organization CMP Configuration, Maintenance & Procedures document DDL Deferred Defect List EASA European Aviation Safety Agency EDP Engine Driven Pump EMM ETOPS Maintenance Manual ETOPS Extended-range Two-engine Operations GCAA General Civil Aviation Authority (UAE) HQA Head of Quality Assurance HoFE Head of Fleet Engineering O C LL ED O TR IDG Integrated Drive Generator MCC N Maintenance Control Centre MEL O Minimum Equipment List MOE Master Minimum Equipment List Maintenance Organisation Exposition Network Operations Centre Service Bulletin U N NOC C MMEL SB PY AD SL Service Letter SMBM Senior Manager Base Maintenance SMES Senior Manager Engineering Services SMTT Senior Manager Technical Training SVPT Senior Vice President Technical ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 1 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this ETOPS Maintenance Manual (EMM) is to identify the supplementary maintenance requirements and organizational responsibilities for Extended-range Two-engine Operations (ETOPS) at Etihad Airways. It defines the general maintenance practices and procedures for ETOPS and it explains the ETOPS maintenance requirements in detail with references to other relevant documents. 1.2 Regulatory Compliance O PY This EMM complies with the General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) issued CAAP 21, which is based on EASA AMC 20-6, and it applies to all ETOPS certified and operationally approved airplanes at Etihad Airways (as referred to within the Etihad Operations Specifications). The Head of Quality Assurance (HQA) is responsible for obtaining approval of this manual from the GCAA. C 1.3 Amendment Process The ETOPS Maintenance Manual (EMM) shall be amended, approved and distributed as follows: LL ED Any suggestion for change to this document should be forwarded to Senior Manager Engineering Services (SMES) in writing. SMES shall review the request and revise the EMM as required. 1) The EMM shall be distributed in electronic format therefore a major revision to any part of the EMM shall result in a re-issue of the complete EMM to all holders. TR O 2) All changes to the EMM shall be summarised on the Endorsement page and a vertical line to the left of any revised paragraph (i.e. revision bars) shall indicate specific changes. 3) All re-issues to the EMM must be approved as per the following: Endorsed by the Head of Quality Assurance (HQA); ii) Endorsed by the Head of Fleet Engineering; iii) Approved by the GCAA. C O N i) N 4) For urgent changes to the EMM in between major revision, temporary revisions may be provided to all EMM holders on yellow page when approved as per paragraph 3) above. U 5) The distribution of the approved EMM and any associated temporary revisions shall be controlled by the HQA. The approved EMM shall be provided to ADAT DPC by the HQA through the Process Officer, to be placed on the CD server. The EMM shall be distributed to: i) GCAA Airworthiness (Q-Pulse); ii) Etihad Technical personnel (via the Etihad intranet); iii) Etihad Flight Operations personnel (via the Etihad intranet); iv) Contracted Line Maintenance Organisations (via CD or online access); v) Relevant ADAT Departments, (via the ADAT Server): ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 1 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Introduction 1.4 EMM Implementation Subcontracted CAMO, used throughout this manual, refer to the approved organizations contracted to perform engineering activities on behalf of Etihad as per Etihad CAME 0.2.3. Etihad Airways Head of Fleet Engineering is responsible to ensure that the Engineering aspects defined within this EMM are implemented and maintained. However, ultimate responsibility for the implementation of the requirements identified in this EMM lies with the SVP Technical (SVPT), who is the Post Holder Maintenance. PY The HQA shall assist the SVPT and the Head of Fleet Engineering in monitoring all ongoing ETOPS activities performed by the contracted maintenance organisations. O 1.5 References CAAP 21 – ETOPS • CAME 0.2.3 – Aircraft Managed - Fleet Composition • CAME 1.2.15 – Compliance with ETOPS and LROPS CAAP 14 and CAAP 21 • TPM 1.3 – Control of Technical Procedures U N C O N TR O LL ED C • ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 2 Page: 1 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Approved Airplanes 2.1 ETIHAD ETOPS Fleet Etihad Airways airframe/engine combinations which are maintained in accordance with the Etihad ETOPS program are listed in Table 2.1 below. Engine ETOPS Program Time A319 / A320 / A321 V2500 120 Minutes A330-200/300 RR T772 180 Minutes A330-200F RR T772 180 Minutes A330-200 GE-CF6-80 120 minutes B777-200LR GE90-110B 180 Minutes 207 Minutes* B777-300ER GE90-115B B777F GE90-110B O PY Airframe LL ED C 180 Minutes 207 Minutes* 180 Minutes 207 Minutes* Table 2.1 GCAA ETOPS Approval * - See Note below. *Note: Operation of 207 minutes ETOPS routes is authorized by the requirements of 14 TR O CFR 121 Appendix P par. (h), as an extension of the 180 minute ETOPS authority, to be used only on a flight-by-flight basis when an ETOPS Alternate airport is not available within 180 minutes for reasons such as political or military concerns; volcanic activity; temporary airport conditions; and airport weather below dispatch requirements or other weather related events. Following conditions should prevail: O N 1) The nearest available ETOPS alternate airport within 207 minutes diversion time must be specified in the dispatch or flight release. C 2) In conducting such a flight the certificate holder must consider Air Traffic Service’s preferred track. U N 3) The airplane-engine combination must be type-design-approved for ETOPS of at least 180 minutes. The approved time for the airplane’s most limiting ETOPS system and most limiting cargo-fire suppression time for those cargo and baggage compartments required by regulation to have fire suppression systems must be at least 222 minutes. 4) The certificate holder must track how many times 207 minutes authority is used. Based on Item 3) above, refer to the latest B777 ETOPS CMP Status Report for compliance of cargo suppression system for individual aircraft time limitation. 5) The 207 minutes approval is only for AUH-LAX-AUH route. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 2 Page: 2 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Approved Airplanes 2.2 GCAA ETOPS Approval Individual ETOPS approved aircraft, along with the approved ETOPS time, shall be identified within the Etihad Operation Specifications and Quality Notice number QN008. In addition, each GCAA approved ETOPS airplane shall be marked with the word "ETOPS" in the vicinity of the ground power receptacle to ensure positive identification to maintenance personnel. PY Note: The tail registrations of all Etihad Airways aircraft that are ETOPS approved, by the GCAA-UAE, are listed as Quality Notice number QN008. 2.3 References CAAP 21 – ETOPS CAME 1.14 – ETOPS TPM 3.23 – Extended Range Twin Engine Operations QN008 – ETOPS Approved Airplanes Quality Notice Operations Specification U N C O N TR O LL ED C O ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 3 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Configuration Control 3.1 Introduction The fleet types listed in Table 2.1 (Chapter 2) comply with the ETOPS configuration standards identified in the relevant Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures (CMP) document for that airframe/engine combination. The policies and procedures listed below, governing modifications and ETOPS parts control, assure that the airplanes will continue to comply with the applicable ETOPS configuration requirements. 3.2 ETOPS CMP C O PY The CMP document determines the configuration of ETOPS airplanes and identifies ETOPS related Service Bulletins (SBs) and Service Letters (SLs). It also provides required periodic inspections, operational procedures and dispatch limitations. In addition, any Part that is NOT ETOPS approved, or is temporarily approved until such SB is incorporated, is noted in the associated ETOPS Parts List that is provided with the CMP. LL ED Note: Each manufacturer provides the CMP & Parts List documents on their respective website. Senior Manager Engineering Services is responsible to provide it to ADAT for appropriate action, as and when CMP is revised. O Should there be a difference between the IPC and CMP, ADAT Engineering shall issue a Technical Notice for the relevant airframe/engine combination in order to inform all personnel of the ETOPS specific requirements. N TR The subcontracted CAMO prepares the Etihad ETOPS CMP Status Report based on the CMP provided by the manufacturer and sends to Etihad SMES. To ensure active control over the process, Etihad Reliability & ETOPS Engineer verifies the correctness and currency of the CMP Status reports as follows: O 1) Verify that all applicable CMP items are included in the respective CMP Status reports through checking against the CMP document from the manufacturer. N C 2) Compliance with Configuration standards is ensured by checking the aircraft configuration and modification status in the aircraft delivery documents and SB status in cMRO. U 3) Compliance with Maintenance standards are reviewed against the AMP and/or repetitive EOs. 4) Procedure and dispatch standards are reviewed against the applicable operational manuals (e.g. FCOM, MEL). 5) Etihad Reliability & ETOPS Engineer shall maintain the ETOPS CMP status of all aircraft, engines and APUs on an access controlled database. This database shall enable to extract the ETOPS status of any combination of airframe, engines and APU at any time. The database is placed on the following folder: G:\Technical\Engineering\Reliability\ETOPS\ETOPS CMP Status Database ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 3 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Configuration Control 3.3 Incorporation of ETOPS Service Bulletins SBs and SLs identified in the current revision of the CMP are required for ETOPS operation and must be incorporated in accordance with the schedule given either in the CMP or the SB/SL. The subcontracted CAMO is responsible for determining these ETOPS requirements and for preparing the necessary Engineering documents, while Etihad Planning is responsible for scheduling the affected airplanes for modification. 3.4 Schedule of SB Incorporation LL ED 3.5 Incorporation of ETOPS Airworthiness Directives C O PY The subcontracted CAMO shall maintain a modification status report that includes all SBs and SLs required for Etihad’s ETOPS approved airplanes, as defined by the applicable manufacturer CMP document. This status report shall be updated and available to the Senior Manager Engineering Services. Whenever the CMP is revised, or when an ETOPS modification required by the CMP has been incorporated on an ETOPS approved airplane, the respective CMP Status report shall be updated and provided to Etihad Engineering for verification and endorsement. 3.6 ETOPS Parts Control Program O In cases where the SB has been rendered mandatory by an Airworthiness Directive (AD), the incorporation dates in the AD may differ from that in the SB or CMP. In these cases, the earliest time schedule will be used for incorporation whenever possible. Scheduling and tracking of AD incorporation is the same as for SB/SL incorporation above, except that Engineering evaluation is not required for ADs. N TR The ETOPS Parts Control program is implemented to ensure that all ETOPS airplanes in the Etihad fleet are kept in the ETOPS configuration as defined by the latest revision of the CMP document. The program includes parts control at the home base and Line Stations and consists of the following aspects: O 1) Etihad Parts Verification U N C All maintenance and materials planning personnel shall use the appropriate IPC and any associated supplement for parts verification when ordering spares for an ETOPS approved airplane (includes loans and short-term lease). In addition, maintenance personnel shall verify all ETOPS parts received by part number and dash number as acceptable per the IPC and any associated Technical Notice prior to installation on an ETOPS approved airplane. 2) Engine Leasing Whenever there is a requirement to lease an engine for an ETOPS approved airplane, the subcontracted CAMO shall ensure that the configuration of the particular engine is ETOPS compliant through an ETOPS Status Report or ETOPS Checklist from the lessor which shows all engine related ETOPS modifications are complied with. If a non-ETOPS capable engine is required due to operational necessity, the subcontracted CAMO shall advise MCC that this airplane is to be restricted from ETOPS until the engine is either replaced or modified. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 3 Page: 3 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Configuration Control 3.7 References CAAP 21 – ETOPS • CAME 1.4 – Accomplishment and Control of Airworthiness Directives • TPM 3.55 – ETOPS Parts Control • TPM 3.119 – Modification Control • TPM 3.147 – Etihad Modification Policy • Chapter 12 – Non Mandatory Modification (ETD and Jet Airways IPM) U N C O N TR O LL ED C O PY • ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 4 Page: 1 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Maintenance Program 4.1 Minimum Equipment List (MEL) The Etihad Minimum Equipment Lists (MELs) have been developed from the appropriate Master Minimum Equipment Lists (MMELs) and certain items in these MMELs have restriction for ETOPS flights. These restrictions are specified in the relevant item of Etihad MEL as “ETOPS”. The GCAA approved MELs shall be used as the dispatch authority for all Etihad ETOPS flights. 4.2 ETOPS Significant Systems O PY Etihad ETOPS significant systems are identified for each airframe/engine combination in Chapter 12. These systems are in accordance with the OEM recommendations. All malfunctions or degradations in any of these significant systems are subject to the problem investigation, corrective action and follow up procedures of the ETOPS event oriented reliability program of Chapter 9 and the verification of maintenance requirements of Chapter 5. C 4.3 ETOPS Task Identification LL ED Time limits/check intervals for maintenance tasks are reflected in the relevant Approved Maintenance Schedule (AMS). Tasks listed in this AMS determine the content and frequency of scheduled maintenance tasks. Tasks related to the CMP are identified in the AMS, associated task cards, and Engineering Order as being ETOPS related to assure awareness by maintenance personnel. 4.4 Identical Maintenance On Similar Systems TR O Identical maintenance action on multiple similar elements in ETOPS significant systems should not be undertaken at the same maintenance visit without certain precautions being taken. U N C O N Identical maintenance action on multiple similar elements is defined as the same task (i.e. repair, replacement, or disassembly) being performed on more than one of similar systems during the same maintenance visit, and, except in the case of engine-driven components, on the same component. Engine-driven components are considered equivalent, consequently the replacement of such components in any combination on both engines qualifies as an identical maintenance action. Examples of the above would include: removal of both engine oil filters or both chip detectors, replacement of both IDGs, EDPs, or replacement of the No. 1 IDG and the No. 2 EDP, etc. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 4 Page: 2 Rev: 12 Date: 02 Jul 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Maintenance Program 4.5 Identical Maintenance Precautions Wherever possible, Etihad Planning shall schedule maintenance on multiple, similar systems so that tasks will be performed during different check packages or different phases of phased checks. Routine line checks will be staggered to prevent maintenance action from being performed on both systems at the same time. If identical maintenance is scheduled, or is performed through some non-routine cause, concerned Planning and Maintenance departments should ensure that the following applies: PY Different Engineers are to perform the maintenance on the similar systems; and Either of the following maintenance actions: O 1) All maintenance work will be inspected by an independent Engineer holding the appropriate approvals; or 4.6 Interchangeability of Components LL ED C 2) A verification of the systems per Chapter 5 will be accomplished to ensure system integrity. O Swapping similar components within ETOPS significant systems for trouble-shooting purposes (e.g. installing No. 1 IDG in the No. 2 IDG location to ascertain if a problem is with the No. 2 IDG or further up the system) is not recommended. In those cases where similar components are swapped, positive verification of system integrity per Chapter 5 is required for both systems. TR 4.7 References – Minimum Equipment List CAME 1.14 – ETOPS – Completion of Deferred Defect List & Periodic Check Requirement O TPM 3.16 N CAME 1.1.6 – MEL Development & Revision TPM 3.158 – Inspection Standards TPM 3.166 – OMPC ETOPS U N C TPM 3.124 ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 5 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Verification Program After Maintenance 5.1 Introduction Positive verification that the corrective action taken to resolve problems significant to ETOPS has been effective is required prior to subsequent ETOPS operation. Verification may be accomplished by Built-in Test Equipment (BITE) or by ground checks as per the relevant Troubleshooting Manual or Maintenance Manual. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to verify success of the maintenance action during an actual flight. 5.2 Verification of Maintenance Requirements PY Verification of maintenance is required in the following circumstances: 1) An ETOPS significant system failure (refer Chapter 4.2); O 2) Occurrence of an ETOPS Significant Event (refer Chapter 9.1); C 3) Maintenance is performed on multiple, similar systems (refer Chapter 4.4 to 4.5); LL ED 4) When components within ETOPS significant systems have been swapped for troubleshooting purposes (refer Chapter 4.6); 5) After an engine change. TR O Note: MCC may determine any other maintenance actions or conditions which will require verification of maintenance on a case-by-case basis. 5.3 ETOPS Verification Flight Definition O N An ETOPS verification flight is a revenue or non-revenue flight during which the flight crew is asked to assist maintenance in order to confirm that an ETOPS significant system is operating normally, or that an ETOPS significant problem has been resolved. An ETOPS verification flight shall only be conducted on a non-ETOPS flight. C 5.4 Determination of the Need for In-flight Verification U N In the event that maintenance action cannot be verified (ref. 5.2 above) by normal ground tests, or the problem or fault cannot be duplicated on the ground, an in-flight verification will be required. MCC, in consultation with ADAT (via ADAT Duty Engineer), shall determine if an ETOPS verification flight is required, however a flight should ONLY be required in the following circumstances: 1) There is no effective ground check (i.e. no Maintenance Manual check exists); 2) BITE checks do not adequately verify system operation or effectiveness of the corrective action; 3) The system can only be finally "confirmed fixed" during actual operation in the air (i.e., fault cannot be duplicated on ground). ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 5 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Verification Program After Maintenance 5.5 ETOPS Verification Flight Procedure If an ETOPS verification flight is required, MCC shall advise that an appropriate entry shall be made in the Aircraft Technical Log (ATL) and Deferred Defect List (DDL) by the departing station. The ATL rectification action column and a DDL shall be raised clearly to identify the systems, associated subsystems or components to be verified by the flight crew and clearly state that the aircraft has been downgraded to a non-ETOPS. Refer to Etihad TPM 3.16. PY Upon completion of the flight, the flight crew shall record in the ATL with reference to the open DDL, confirmation that the ETOPS significant system in question or any of its sub-systems operate normally, or whether the problem re-occurred during the verification flight. C O Upon notification of successful system correction, an ETOPS qualified Engineer (refer Chapter 11) shall clear the DDL. If an ETOPS qualified Engineer is not available, the arrival station shall report the results to MCC, who will then arrange for the DDL to be cleared by an ETOPS qualified Engineer at an appropriate down-line station. LL ED Note: If the flight crew does not report the outcome of the verification flight, a new verification flight must be initiated. 5.6 References CAME 1.13 – Check Flight Procedures • TPM 3.16 – Completion of Deferred Defect List & Periodic Check Requirement • TPM 3.126 – Maintenance Procedure for Non-Revenue Flights U N C O N TR O • ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 6 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Flight Release 6.1 ETOPS Maintenance Check Prior to departure of an airplane on an ETOPS flight, the relevant Line Maintenance Shift Manager is to ensure that an ETOPS Maintenance Check is carried out. Contents of the ETOPS Maintenance Check is defined within the Approved Maintenance Schedule (AMS) for each ETOPS approved airframe/engine combination, however it is summarized below: PY For A319/A320/A321, A330, A330F, B777 and B777F aircraft, in addition to the standard “Transit Check” requirements, an airframe specific “ETOPS Service Check” form has been developed. The aircraft may be released for an ETOPS flight after the “ETOPS Service Check” has been carried out by an ETOPS qualified Engineer (refer Chapter 11). O The aircraft shall NOT be dispatched on an ETOPS flight after an IFSD or an ETOPS significant system failure (refer Chapter 4.2) on a previous flight until the cause of such failure has been positively identified and the necessary corrective action is completed. C 6.2 ETOPS Flight Diversions LL ED If a diversion occurs on an ETOPS flight for a non-technical reason, the ETOPS Maintenance Check in accordance with 6.1 above, complied at the previous departure station is sufficient for the flight to continue under ETOPS. TR O However if a diversion occurs on an ETOPS flight for a technical reason, the ETOPS Maintenace Check policy stated in 6.1 above must be complied with, an ETOPS qualified Engineer must oversee or perform any maintenance requirements documented in the ATL. If the next leg of the flight can be flown non-ETOPS, maintenance may be performed by a non-ETOPS qualified Engineer, however only if the following conditions are met: N 1) MCC, Aircrew and NOC have been notified and agree to operate the airplane on a nonETOPS route under non-ETOPS requirements. 2) MCC shall ensure that a Deferred Defect List (DDL) is raised for a down line station to check N C O that all maintenance performed by the diversion site conforms to the ETOPS configuration requirements. This check must be made by an ETOPS qualified Engineer and must be made prior to any subsequent ETOPS operation. U 3) DDL should be cleared by the ETOPS Qualified Engineer. 6.3 References • CAME 1.11 – Transit Inspections • TPM 3.16 – Completion of Deferred Defect List and Periodic Check Requirement • TPM 3.126 – Maintenance Procedure for Non-Revenue Flight • TPM 3.156 – Minor Maintenance Check Development and Amendment ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 7 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Oil Consumption Monitoring Program 7.1 Overview For ETOPS airplanes, engine oil consumption will be monitored on a flight-by-flight basis (both ETOPS and non-ETOPS flights) to identify exceedance of alert limits or the development of significant upward trends in consumption. Airplanes exhibiting questionable characteristics will be restricted from ETOPS until the fault has been corrected. The approved Engineering organisation shall utilize the engine manufacturer’s recommendations when establishing a baseline oil consumption level for each airframe/engine combination and these limits will be stated within the ETOPS Service Check Form. O PY Engineering shall then monitor the Oil consumption rates on a running average basis in order to identify any baseline deviations so that possible problems may be investigated before a malfunction or degradation occurs. Analysis and corrective action will be determined by Engineering on a caseby-case basis. LL ED C Note: Etihad includes the servicing of the APU oil to FULL level as an ETOPS Maintenance Check requirement. This requirement is in addition to the ‘Daily’ check that requires the routine servicing of the APU oil quantity. 7.2 Non-ETOPS Flight Oil Consumption, Servicing TR O As per the relevant Transit check requirements for each airframe/engine combination, Engineers shall check engine oil within a specified time-frame of engine shutdown after each flight. If indication is below minimum, engine oil must be physically checked using the engine sight gauge and serviced as required. Any engine oil uplifted shall be entered into the applicable area of the Aircraft Technical Log (ATL) and the data will be automatically transferred to the computerized tracking system via the ATL update in the system (refer to Etihad TPM Chapter 3.20). 7.3 ETOPS Flight Oil Consumption, Servicing N C O N Prior to ETOPS flights, engine oil must be physically checked using the engine sight gauge and then serviced, as necessary, to the FULL level prior to dispatch on an ETOPS flight. Any engine oil uplifted shall be entered into the applicable area of the Aircraft Technical Log (ATL) and the data will be automatically transferred to the computerized tracking system via the ATL update in the system (refer Etihad TPM Chapter 3.20). U An ETOPS qualified Engineer shall calculate the engine oil consumption rates for the previous flight leg and determine if the rates are acceptable as per the limits stated in the ETOPS Service Check Form. Any exceedance of the oil consumption limits shall be immediately reported to MCC in order to determine the cause of the problem and corrective action must be implemented before the airplane is dispatched for ETOPS. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 7 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Oil Consumption Monitoring Program If the oil consumption rates are acceptable, or when a detected problem has been corrected, the airplane can be released for ETOPS, provided other restraints have been cleared. PY Note: If Etihad MCC or Engineering can positively determine that apparent exceedance is due to a one-time, identifiable abnormality, or to calculation tolerances resulting from short flight segments, the airplane can be dispatched into ETOPS service. In such instances, computed consumption should be cross checked against current trends and actual oil added prior to further troubleshooting. 7.4 References TPM 3.13 – Handling of Aircraft Technical Log • TPM 3.84 – Maintenance Data Entry for Line Maintenance U N C O N TR O LL ED C O • ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 8 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Engine Condition Monitoring Program 8.1 Introduction Engine Condition Monitoring (ECM) is required to assess the health of engines and to preclude incidents that would impact on the reliability of engines and the associated in-flight shut down rate which is a condition of ETOPS operations. Moreover, this program must give the assurance that in the case of a one-engine diversion, the remaining engine is able to furnish maximum continuous thrust (i.e. not be EGT nor N2 limited). The approved Engineering organisation is responsible for conducting the ECM program, analyzing the results, and identifying problems to be addressed per maintenance verification (refer Chapter 5). PY 8.2 ECM Program Data Collection C O The ECM Program utilizes software to provide trending reports on the applicable engine parameters. Monitored parameters (depending on engine type/manufacturer) include parameters such as EGT, N1, N2, Fuel Flow, AVM, Oil Temperature and Oil Pressure. LL ED Engine parameters are automatically collected at take-off and at stable cruise conditions, and transmitted through ACARS to the relevant organizations conducting the engine monitoring (Subcontracted CAMO, Rolls Royce, General Electric or OSyS for A330, B777 or A319/A320/A321). If this data path is inoperative for more than one day, MCC shall request that Line Maintenance retrieve the data from the aircraft and it will be forwarded to approved engineering organization for analysis and onwards provision to the engine manufacturer if required. N 8.3 ECM Program Report TR O Note: Since this part of the ECM Program is based on data trends, a temporary delay of data does not adversely affect the program. N C O The ECM software programs run on the collected data and this produces an engine performance historical trend report for each installed engine. The trended data will be used to ensure that engine limit margins are maintained so that a prolonged single-engine diversion (accounting for anti-ice, electrical, etc. loading) may be conducted without exceeding approved engine limits (i.e., rotor speeds, exhaust gas temperatures). U As a minimum, the engine monitoring organization must provide a monthly report to the Head of Fleet Engineering. This resulting report should summarize fleet wide engine performance and provides the means to isolate engines whose performance is deviating significantly from the fleet average. 8.4 ECM Program Corrective Actions Whenever an engine limit margin becomes a concern, an alert will be sent by EHM providers to Sub-contracted CAMO and Etihad MCC. Based on this advisory, any necessary engineering documents will be issued by Sub-contracted CAMO defining corrective action as required. After corrective action has been implemented, Sub-contracted CAMO will provide feedback to EHM providers for continuing monitoring. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 8 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Engine Condition Monitoring Program 8.5 References CAME 3.1 – Maintenance Contractor Selection Procedure • TPM 3.164 – Engine Health Monitoring • Chapter 10 – Engine Health Monitoring (Etihad and Jet Airways IPM) • Chapter 11 – Airworthiness Directives (Etihad and Jet Airways IPM) U N C O N TR O LL ED C O PY • ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 9 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Reliability Program 9.1 Introduction The ETOPS Reliability Program, which is part of the main reliability program currently in place for Etihad aircraft, is an event oriented reliability program (i.e. each applicable ETOPS significant event is reported and investigated). The ETOPS Reliability Program is carried out by the sub-contracted CAMO. 9.2 ETOPS Significant Events PY The HQA shall notify the GCAA within 72 hours of any of the following ETOPS significant events when they occur on ETOPS approved airframe/engine combinations: 1) In-flight shutdowns (IFSD); O 2) Diversion or turnback for maintenance reasons; LL ED 4) Inability to control the engine or obtain desired power; or C 3) Uncommanded power changes or surges; 5) Any problems with systems critical to ETOPS (i.e. a defect that would restrict an airplane from ETOPS flights as defined by the relevant MEL). TR O All of the above occurrences shall be reported to the HQA via the Occurrence Reporting System (refer to Chapter 2.18 of Etihad MOE) and copies of these reports shall be provided to the approved Engineering organization for investigation as required. In addition, MCC shall monitor defects through cMRO to ensure that any of the above occurrence is appropriately reported. N Note: GCAA reporting will include all details required by 9.2. O 9.3 ETOPS Events Log N C Each occurrence of events listed in 9.2 above shall be included in the ETOPS Events Log that is maintained by the Sub-contracted CAMO. The following details are to be included in this Log for each ETOPS significant event: U 1) Airplane and engine identification (make and serial numbers); 2) For engines: total time, cycles and time since last shop visit; 3) For systems: time since overhaul or last inspection of the defective unit; 4) Phase of flight; and 5) Cause and corrective action (as per 9.4 below). ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 9 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Reliability Program 9.4 Analysis and Corrective Actions PY An analysis of each ETOPS significant event identified in the ETOPS Events Log shall be conducted by subcontracted CAMO Engineering in order to determine the cause of the problem. Engineering will then determine any corrective action required and issue the necessary Engineering documents to have the work performed. The Engineering document will also identify the parts required for the work and Etihad Planning will be responsible for having these parts on hand. Etihad Planning will schedule the work as necessary and Maintenance will carry out the corrective action in accordance with the Engineering requirements. Following completion of the work, Engineering will continue to monitor the item to ensure that corrective action was effective. Further Engineering analysis and corrective action will be employed if required. 9.5 Monthly Reliability Report 1) Etihad Technical Department 2) Subcontracted CAMO O 3) GCAA Airworthiness Department LL ED C O The subcontracted CAMO shall produce a Monthly Reliability Report that will include each fleet of airframe/engine combinations that are utilised in ETOPS operations. Reliability reports shall include a monthly count of each ETOPS significant event listed in 9.2 and Propulsion System monitoring data defined within Chapter 10.3. The status of active investigations and corrective actions taken will be noted and as a minimum, the monthly reliability reports shall be provided to the following: TR 4) Relevant Airframe and Engine Manufacturer’s 9.6 References • CAAP 21 • CAME 1.8 • CAME 1.10 – Reliability Program • TPM 3.68 – Reliability Control Program • TPM 3.72 – Reporting of Accidents, Incidents, Occurrences and Defects to Competent, Authority, Operator and Manufacturer • Chapter 9 – Reliability Monitoring (ETD-Jet Airways IPM) N – ETOPS U N C O – Defect Reports ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 10 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Propulsion Monitoring Program 10.1 In-Flight Shut Down (IFSD) Etihad Engineering organization is responsible for monitoring all IFSD events and for calculating the IFSD rate per 1000 engine hours on a 12 month moving average basis for each fleet of ETOPS approved airframe/engine combinations. Any adverse sustained trend would require an immediate evaluation to be carried out by Sub-contracted CAMO Engineering in consultation with the HoFE, HQA and the GCAA (refer to 10.2 below). 10.2 IFSD Rate Evaluation C O PY If the IFSD rate on an ETOPS approved airframe/engine combination exceeds 0.05/1000 engine hours for 120 Minutes ETOPS, or 0.03/1000 engine hours for 180 Minutes ETOPS, an analysis will be made on a case-by-case basis, of all significant failures, defects and malfunctions experienced in service (or during testing) for the particular airframe/engine combination. Significant failures are principally those causing or resulting in in-flight shutdown or flameout of the engine(s), but may also include unusual ground failures and/or unscheduled removal of engines. LL ED In making the assessment, consideration will be given to the following: 1) The type of propulsion system, previous experience, whether the power-unit is new or a derivative of an existing model, and the operating thrust level to be used after one (1) engine shutdown; O 2) The trends in the cumulative twelve (12) month rolling average of in-flight shutdown rates versus propulsion system flight hours and cycles; TR 3) The demonstrated effect of corrective modifications, maintenance, etc. on the possible future reliability of the propulsion system; N 4) Maintenance actions recommended and performed and their effect on propulsion system failure rates; C O 5) The accumulation of operational experience which covers the range of environmental conditions likely to be encountered. U N Note: With the introduction of a new aircraft/engine combination which would effectively make up a small fleet, one IFSD can cause the IFSD rate to exceed the target value of 0.05/1000 or 0.03/1000 (as applicable). Therefore, an exceedance of the target value is not an immediate justification for ETOPS operational restrictions to be applied and any restrictions will only be determined in consultation with the GCAA during the above evaluation process. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 10 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Propulsion Monitoring Program 10.3 Propulsion System Reporting The following information shall be recorded within the monthly Reliability report (refer to Chapter 9.5): 1) Engine hours flown in the period; 2) In flight shut-down rates for all causes (12 month moving average basis); 3) Engine removal rate (12 month moving average basis). APU Cold Soak Start Program PY 10.4 O In order to monitor reliability and availability of electrical power from APU during flight, and to comply with GCAA CAAP 21, an APU Cold Soak Start Program has been introduced. C 1) Principle An inflight APU start shall be carried out on each ETOPS approved aircraft once a year. • A maximum of three attempts can be made to start APU in flight, if the initial attempts fail. The time gap and altitude for the starts are to be maintained as per the Flight Manuals of the respective aircraft. • The altitude and OAT for each attempt shall be recorded on the Technical Log. LL ED • O 2) Control The interval for the APU start is controlled through AMP task that is applicable to each ETOPS approved aircraft operated by Etihad. • The AMP task calls for an Inflight APU start within 30 days. • The interval of AMP task is 335 days, hence 365 days interval fort the inflight start is ensured. • In case of APU failure to start after three attempts, it is considered unserviceable for ETOPS. However, the actual ETOPS status of the aircraft shall be governed under the provisions of MEL. N C O N TR • U 3) Monitoring • Etihad Engineering shall monitor the results of Inflight Start through monthly review of the Aircraft Technical Logs. • Etihad Engineering shall record all the results in a controlled database placed on G: Drive. • The overall success rate shall be determined after collection of sufficient data. • The program shall be reviewed for adjustment based upon the success rate. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 10 Page: 3 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL Propulsion Monitoring Program References CAAP 21 – ETOPS • TPM 3.13 – Handling of Aircraft technical Log • TPM 3.16 – Completion of Deferred Defect List and Periodic Check Requirement • TPM 3.68 – Reliability Control Program • TPM 3.214 – APU Cold Soak Start Program • Chapter 9 – Reliability Monitoring (Etihad Airways and Jet Airways IPM) N C O N TR O LL ED C O PY • U 10.5 ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 11 Page: 1 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Maintenance Training Program 11.1 Introduction The ETOPS maintenance requirements are included within the normal maintenance training for the specific airframe/engine combinations. In addition, an Etihad ETOPS procedures training course has been developed to ensure that all personnel involved in ETOPS operation are provided with the necessary training to emphasize the special nature of ETOPS maintenance requirements and to ensure that the specific requirements of this manual are accomplished. TPM 3.92 provides the details regarding ETOPS course and ETOPS Awareness course in terms of duration, syllabus and eligibility. ETOPS Awareness Training PY 11.2 ETOPS Qualified Engineer LL ED 11.3 C O General ETOPS familiarity training is provided to management and other personnel who are involved in ETOPS but do not directly maintain the airplanes. This is a one-time training program which is provided to ensure awareness of the additional maintenance and operational requirements for ETOPS. ETOPS qualified Engineers are those that hold the following qualifications: 1) Successful completion of an ATA 104 Level III type course (i.e. Airframe & Engine or Avionics) for the relevant airframe/engine combination; and O 2) A current company authorisation for the relevant airframe/engine combination; and TR 3) Completion of Etihad specific ETOPS procedures training from a nominated staff that is approved for this purpose; and N 4) Satisfactory completion of ETOPS tasks under supervision, within the framework of the relevant Approved Maintenance Organizations (AMO) procedures; and ETOPS Re-current Training N 11.4 C O 5) Authorised for ETOPS tasks within the framework of the applicable Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO) procedures. U Recurrent ETOPS training shall be performed via the Etihad ‘Continuation Training’ program that is incorporated into the i-Learn system controlled by Technical Training. In relation to ETOPS, the ‘Continuation training’ program shall be applicable whenever any of the following occurs: 1) Changes to the ETOPS manual; 2) Changes to any ETOPS procedures within the MOE; 3) Changes to any ETOPS Service Check requirements; 4) Issuance or revision of any Technical Notice related to differences between the CMP and IPC (refer Chapter 3.1); ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 11 Page: 2 Rev: 11 Date: 30 Mar 14 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Maintenance Training Program 5) Issuance or revision of any Technical Notice related to significant modification and/or configuration changes to ETOPS systems. 11.5 ETOPS Training Responsibilities The responsibility for assuring that ETOPS qualified maintenance personnel are available to perform required tasks lies with the individual work center, however; the VP Technical Operations has a responsibility to ensure that appropriate training is provided to all necessary staff. ETOPS Qualified Personnel – Task Requirements C The following tasks require ETOPS qualified maintenance personnel: O 11.6 PY The Etihad Senior Manager Technical Training (SMTT) is responsible for the development of the ETOPS Training curricula and for administering the ETOPS training program. The SMTT shall also maintain ETOPS training records, including a list of currently qualified ETOPS maintenance personnel. LL ED 1) Oversee or accomplish non-routine line maintenance on ETOPS significant systems; 2) Accomplish the ETOPS Service Check (per Chapter 6); 3) Accomplish “A” Check Maintenance on ETOPS Significant Systems and components; Configuration Control; TR i) O 4) Assure that policy and procedures covered in this ETOPS manual are adhered to, including, but not limited to: N ii) Procedures in the event of multiple maintenance actions on ETOPS significant systems; References CAAP 21 – ETOPS • TPM 3.23 N C • – ETOPS Operations • TPM 3.92 – Technical Training Program • TPM 3.98 – Qualifications & Training for the Grant of Authorizations U 11.7 O iii) Procedural control of the airplanes. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 12 Page: 1 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems 12.1 A330 ETOPS Significant Systems The following list defines the A330 systems which are considered ETOPS Significant, as defined in Airbus document reference: EAZ 418.0186/03 Issue 4. ATA Chapter ‘ETOPS Significant’ System ATA 21-21 Cockpit Air Ventilation 21-22 Avionics Equipment Ventilation 21-26 PY Air Distribution and Recirculation (A330) Main Deck and Courier Ventilation (A330-200F) Pressurization 21 - Air Conditioning 21-31 21-51 O Flow Control and Indication Air Conditioning (Pack) C Pack Cntrl & Ind LL ED Temperature Control AP/FD Autothrust 22-10 22-30 22-72 FM-Performance/Vertical Functions 22-73 Multipurpose Control and Display Unit (MCDU) 22-82 HF System 23-11 SATCOM N 23-28 CIDS System O 23-73 TR 22-81 C N U 26 - Fire Protection 21-60 Flight Control Unit (FCU) 23 - Communication 24 - Electrical Power 21-53 FM-Navigation/Lateral Functions O 22 - Auto Flight 21-52 AC Main Generation 24-20 AC AUX Generation 24-23 AC Emergency Generation 24-24 Engine Fire and Overheat Detection 26-11 APU Fire and Overheat Detection 26-14 Avionics Compartment Smoke Detection 26-19 Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection MD Cargo Compartment Smoke Detection (A330-200F) 26-15 Cargo Compartment Fire Extinguishing 26-23 ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 12 Page: 2 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems ‘ETOPS Significant’ System 28-Fuel 29 - Hydraulic Power Main Fuel Pump System 28-21 APU Fuel Pump System 28-22 Cross-feed System 28-23 Indicating 28-40 Engine Driven Pumps (G) 29-11 Engine Driven Pump (B) 29-12 Engine Driven Pump (Y) 29-13 O Wing Ice Protection Engine Air Intake Ice Protection Probe Ice Protection LL ED Windshield Anti-Ice & Defog C 30 - Ice & Rain Protection ATA PY ATA Chapter Weather Radar 35-Oxygen (A330-200F only) Crew Oxygen System Passenger Oxygen System 36-Pneumatic Engine Bleed Air Supply APU Bleed Air Supply & Cross-bleed System Leak Detection 49-Auxillary Power Unit Powerplant/mounts/fire seals/lec harness/air inlet/drains & events Engine Fuel System Ignition & Starting Air Bleed & Surge APU Control System (ECB) Indicating Oil Storage/Distr/Indication/Temp/QTY/PR) U N C O N TR O 34-Navigation 70 to 80 - Engines All items related to engine ATA chapters are ETOPS Significant except ATA 71 other than 71-50, ATA 78 other than 78-30 and ATA 80. ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 30-11 30-21 30-31 30-42 34-41 35-10 35-20 36-11 36-12 36-22 49-10 49-20 49-30 49-40 49-50 49-60 49-70 49-90 70 71-50 72 73 74 75 76 77 78-30 79 Chapter: 12 Page: 3 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems 12.2 B777 ETOPS Significant Systems The following list defines the B777 systems which are considered ETOPS Significant, as defined in the Boeing B777 Significant Systems Guide (reference: D632W044-1, Aug 10). ATA Chapter ETOPS Significant System 21-31 Pack Flow Control 21-51 Temperature Control 21-61 Autopilot Flight Director System Thrust Management Computing System 23 - Communication High Frequency (HF) System 24-11 Generator Drive – APU 24-21 AC Generation 24-22 Back up Elect Power O Transformer Rectifier Units (TRUs) APU Fire & Overheat Detection 26-15 Cargo Compt. Smoke Det. 26-16 TR 26-11 26-23 Engine Fuel feed System 28-22 APU Fuel Feed System 28-25 Fuel Quantity Indicating System 28-41 Wing Anti-Ice 30-11 Engine Anti-Ice 30-21 Pitot, AOA,TAT Probe Heat 30-31 Engine Probe Heat 30-34 Flight Compt Window Anti Ice 30-41 Weather Radar Sys Flight Management Computer System 34-43 34-61 O C N U 30 - Ice & Rain Protection 34 - Navigation 24-32 Engine Fire & Overheat Detection Cargo Compt Fire Exting. 28 - Fuel 24-25 N 26 - Fire Protection 23-11 Generator Drive – IDG LL ED 24 - Electrical Power 22-11 22-31 O 22 - Auto Flight PY Cabin Pressure Control C 21 - Air Conditioning ATA ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 12 Page: 4 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems ATA Chapter ETOPS Significant System 49 - Auxiliary Power Unit Engine Air Supply 36-11 Air Supply Distribution 36-12 Power Unit/ Mounts/Harness/Inlet Door/Drains and Vents 49-10 Fuel System 49-31 Ignition/Starting/Air Turbine Starting 49-40 PY 36 - Pneumatic ATA APU Inlet Guide Vanes/Surge Control Valve 49-50 49-61 Exhaust Gas Temperature O Control System 49-90 All items related to engine ATA chapters are ETOPS Significant except ATA 78 70-80 LL ED C APU Oil Filter Elements/ Oil Heater Assembly/ Oil Qty Temperature and Sight Gage U N C O N TR O 70 to 80 - Engines 49-81 ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 12 Page: 5 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems 12.3 A319/A320/A321 ETOPS Significant Systems The following list defines the A319/A320/A321 systems which are considered ETOPS Significant, in line with Airbus document reference: EAZ 418.0165/04 Issue 03. ATA Chapter ‘ETOPS Significant’ System Air Distribution and Recirculation 21-21 Avionics Equipment Ventilation 21-26 Pressurization 21-30 PY 21 - Air Conditioning ATA Flow Control and Monitoring 21-51 Pack Control and Indicating C Temperature Control LL ED AP/FD Autothrust 22 - Auto Flight 22-10 22-30 FCU 22-81 O 23-11 23-73 AC Main Generation 24-21 N TR 22-82 CIDS (for aircraft not fitted with SDCU) 24-23 AC Emergency Generation 24-24 C O AC Auxiliary Generation N U 26 - Fire Protection 21-60 22-70 HF System 24 - Electrical Power 21-53 Flight Management System MCDU 23 - Communication 21-52 O Air Conditioning (Packs) Engine Fire and Overheat Detection 26-11 APU Fire and Overheat Detection 26-14 Cargo Compt Smoke Det. 26-15 Av Compt Smoke Detection 26-19 Cargo Compt Fire Exting. 26-23 Main Fuel Pump System 28-21 APU Fuel Pump System 28-22 Cross-feed System 28-23 Quantity Indication 28-42 28 - Fuel ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Chapter: 12 Page: 6 Rev: 10 Date: 20 Oct 13 ETOPS MAINTENANCE MANUAL ETOPS Significant Systems ATA Chapter ‘ETOPS Significant’ System 30 - Ice & Rain Protection Green Main Hyd Power 29-11 Blue Main Hyd Power 29-12 Yellow Main Hyd Power 29-13 Aux Hyd Power (PTU) 29-20 Blue Aux Power (RAT) 29-22 Wing Ice Protection 30-11 PY 29 - Hydraulic Power ATA Engine Air Intake Ice Protection 30-21 Probe Ice Protection 30-31 C 36-11 APU Bleed Air Supply & Cross-bleed System 36-12 Leak Detection 36-22 49-10 Engine 49-20 O Power Plant/Mounts/Fire Seals/Elec harness/Air Inlet/Drains & Vents Fuel System 49-30 Ignition & Starting 49-40 Air Bleed & Surge 49-50 APU Control System (ECB) 49-60 Indicating 49-70 C O 49 - Auxiliary Power Unit N Oil (Storage/Distr/Indication/Temp/Qty/PR) 49-90 70 71-50 U 70 to 80 - Engines 34-41 Engine Bleed Air Supply TR 36 - Pneumatic LL ED Weather Radar 30-42 N 34 - Navigation O Windshield Anti-Icing & Defogging All items related to engine ATA chapters are ETOPS Significant except most ATA 71 other than 71-50, ATA 78 other than 78-30, and ATA 80. 72 73 74 75 76 77 78-30 79 ETIHAD AIRWAYS – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
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