ARARAT SHRINE NEWS The Award winning... Volume 79 January Temple Meeting Notes BY steve dowdy, photos by Ron nutter I llustrious Sir Wayne Spencer called the January, 2014, meeting to order at 7:34 pm, January 8, 2014, in Bennett Auditorium. Chief Rabban-Elect Clarence Kirby informed the Captain of the Guard that the Potentate was about to open Ararat Temple for business. That done, Captain of the Guard Jerry Grimes informed the Outer Guard, and The Oath of Office was administered to the members of the 2014 Divan by Ill. Sir Paul Black PP, Installing Officer and Ill. Sir Don Price PP, Installing Marshal. Past Potentate Wayne Spencer says goodbye to members of the Divan. Number 2 FEBRUARY 2014 Potentate Maurice places a Fez on Marshal Jim Kerns, his appointee to the Divan. then reported to Noble Kirby, who informed Illustrious Sir Wayne that the Temple was under a double and trusty guard. Potentate-Elect Maurice Camerlynck surveyed the crowd and informed the Potentate that our Temple was free from jeopardy as there were none present save members of our order. The Potentate replied “’Tis well.” High Priest & Prophet-Elect Randy Berry prepared the Altar. High Priest and Prophet-Elect Randy Berry remembered our Nobles who had been visited by the Black Camel and gave the invocation. Potentate Maurice presents Past Potentate Wayne Spencer with his Life Member Certificate. Past Potentate Wayne Spencer addresses the Nobility. Potentate Maurice with Captain of the Guard, Bud Higginbotham, his appointee to the Divan. CONTINUES ON PAGE 8 Membership Chairman Rodney McGrath informs the Nobility of all the exciting things happening in Membership this year. Do you have your Candidate for the March 15th Ceremonial? Address Service Requested Permit No. 11 l Co y ll Bi New Ararat Shrine candidates will receive an embroidered fez and “Shrine Spirit Package” valued at over $200! Cost to join is $150 dues plus $150 initiation fee. All petitions need to be turned in no later than March 12th. 5100 Ararat Drive Kansas City, MO 64129-1998 Ararat Shrine Louisiana, MO PA I D Non-Profit Org. US Postage REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING NOTICES A R A R AT S H R I N E 5100 Ararat Drive, Kansas City, Missouri Wednesday, FEBRUARY 12, 2014 ~ AND ~ Wednesday, MARCH 12, 2014 Meeting 7:30PM • Regular Order of Business Balloting on Petitions Visiting Nobles Welcome 2014 Card Required • Wear Your Fez Michael Wheeler Recorder Maurice Camerlynck Illustrious Potentate Articles for MARCH issue due by fEBRUARY 14, please! If they are not received by this date they will not be in the MARCH Shrine News. [email protected] ARARAT SHRINE NEWS Ararat Shrine News is published monthly by Ararat Shrine Temple, 5100 Ararat Drive, Kansas City, Missouri 64129. Standard Presort Postage is PAID at Louisiana, Missouri Permit 11. Advertising rates: Contact 816-923-1975 Please send questions, comments or suggestions to the editor: Jim Kerns • [email protected] 2014 DIVAN Maurice Camerlynck.............Illustrious Potentate Clarence Kirby, Jr. ........................ Chief Rabban Steve Johnson.........................Assistant Rabban Randy Berry......................High Priest & Prophet Henry McDaniel, Jr.......................Oriental Guide Nick Baldi.............................................Treasurer Michael Wheeler................................... Recorder Jeff Quibell.....................First Ceremonial Master Butch Pugh...............Second Ceremonial Master Jim Waggoner, Sr....................................Director Jim Kerns................................................ Marshal Bud Higginbotham..............Captain of the Guard Jerry Grimes.................................... Outer Guard Loyd Gentry...........................................Chaplain REPRESENTATIVES TO IMPERIAL COUNCIL Maurice Camerlynck.............Illustrious Potentate Clarence Kirby, Jr.......................... Chief Rabban Steve Johnson.........................Assistant Rabban Randy Berry......................High Priest & Prophet REPRESENTATIVES TO THE CENTRAL STATES SHRINE ASSOCIATION Maurice Camerlynck............. Illustrious Potentate Clarence Kirby, Jr...........................Chief Rabban Steve Johnson.........................Assistant Rabban Randy Berry......................High Priest & Prophet BOARD OF DIRECTORS Maurice Camerlynck.............Illustrious Potentate Clarence Kirby, Jr.......................... Chief Rabban Steve Johnson.........................Assistant Rabban Randy Berry......................High Priest & Prophet Henry McDaniel, Jr.......................Oriental Guide Nick Baldi.............................................Treasurer Michael Wheeler................................... Recorder DIRECTOR AND ASSISTANT DIRECTORS UNIFORMED UNITS Don Pittier, Sr..........................................Director Martin Carignan.......................Assistant Director Bill Foley..................................Assistant Director Pete Hickman..........................Assistant Director Bill Lutman...............................Assistant Director Don Pittier, Jr. .........................Assistant Director Tim Rechterman......................Assistant Director Rod Guzman.........................................Alternate HOSPITAL BOARD Wayne Spencer, PP..... St. Louis Board Member 2 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS SHRINE CLUB DIRECTORS Vern Hilliard...................................................Director Art Kinder.................Assistant Director, District I & II Curt Karnes...... Assistant Director, District III, IV & V Mike DeGraff... Assistant Director, District VI, VII, VII SHRINE CLUB AMBASSADORS Lew Kitson ............................................ District I Jim Lindley............................................ District II Ray Lingrel........................................... District III Howard Silvers.....................................District IV Donnie Fowler.......................................District V Bill Boynton..........................................District VI Ken Sisemore......................................District VII Dave Hutton.......................................District VIII UNIT DIRECTORS Charlie Parker ....................................... Clowns Larry Sage..................................... Concert Band Jerry McClary ..............................Director’s Staff TBA....................................................... Greeters Rocky Weaver .........................................Guides Glenn Hartley .......................................... Harem Steve Hoback............................ Legion of Honor Mike Farris . ...................................... Mini Indy’s Jared Hargrave . .......................... Mini Model T’s Stan Harrington ............................. Motor Corps Kevin Broderick ..............................Motor Escort None........................................... Mounted Guard Craig Barham........................................Ole Cars Jim Guillaume................................ Oriental Band Dave Bennefeld..........................................Patrol Ian Evans.................................... Pipes & Drums Larry Schroeder.............................. Sandbuggies SHRINE NEWS Jim Kerns....................................................Editor ARARAT SHRINE BUSINESS OFFICE Jerrie Bailey, Office Manager Sharon Elam • Linda Hickman • Kim Mahan Phone: 816/923-1975 • Fax: 816/923-6743 Email: [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday (on Temple Stated Meeting Nights, open until 8pm) ARARAT SHRINE RESTAURANT Joyce Brim, Manager Phone: 816/923-1995 Fax: 816/923-2610 Email: [email protected] FEBRUARY 2014 A Moment with G Maurice reetings Nobles and Ladies, Let me start off with saying that it is an honor and privilege to serve as your Potentate this year. I look forward to a great and productive year for Ararat Shrine. The Divan has gone directly to work for 2014 and has had six Divan meetings already; working on much needed changes here at Ararat. What a pleasure it is to have the opportunity to work with a wonderful group of leaders. The Divan has the best interest of Ararat directing their motivation, and leaving personal gain and notoriety on the back burner. When you see them around the temple please say thank you. Well, our first party is in the history books, and what a party it was, complete with Elvis. I hope everyone had as much fun as Judi and I did. What a great group of Aides this year. The decorations were beautiful, food was great, and the atmosphere was wonderful. Ron and Debbie, THANK YOU. Most of all THANK YOU 2014 Aides. Let’s remember the Circus is a year long project. Kirby has hit the ground running. He has some great ideas, great incentives, and willing to help Ararat is going to have another successful Circus. So please let us all join Kirby and Joni in working for a GREAT Circus. I would like to thank all of you one more time for allowing me to be Potentate; I am truly humbled and honored. Lady Judi and I hope to get to visit with all of you throughout the year. Maurice Camerlynck Potentate 2014 “Dreams to Reality” SAVE THE DATE! Welcome to our Family! T he Temple is pleased to announce that we have a new employee in our business office. Her name is Kim Mahan. She came to us with a huge variety of work experience and a very friendly personality. She will be replacing Sharon who is planning to retire and only work 2 days a week. Kim knows she has a huge set of shoes to fill, but we know she will do a great job for us. So stop by the office next time you come to the Temple and introduce yourself to Kim and welcome her to our Shriners family. 3rd Annual Saturday, March 29, 7pm • Bennett Auditorium Dance to the DIXIE CADILLACS! • Enjoy Music by Dixie Cadillacs - 7:00-10:00 pm • Moonshine Stomp Game -back by popular demand!! • Raffle for Diamonds! • Silent Auction! Tickets: $7 at the Door • Make your reservations early! For Info call 816.560.2103 Free Country Dance Lessons! Fridays, March 7, 14, 21 & 28 in A&B, 7pm The Potentate’s Ball Saturday, April 26, 2014 at the Airport Hilton. The 2014 Potentate’s Aides are excited about the upcoming year! ARARAT SHRINE NEWS |3 Hospital News Hospital System Heroes For the year 2013 the following Nobles have sponsored children into the Shrine Hospitals. If your name has never appeared in this column, consider getting involved. It will not only change your life, but will be a life changing experience for a child and his family. Jim Brooks Charles Hotchkiss Maurice Camerlynck Kenneth Ireland Roger Cupp Gary Kribbs Charles Curry Dave McLaughlin Joe Cundiff Jim McLaughlin Jack Everly Kenneth Nadler Gilbert Head Arlin Yount Hospital Van Drivers If you are a member of Ararat Shrine you are encouraged to call the Hospital Transportation Office (816) 923-5429 or (816) 923-1319 and become one of those men who transport our children to the St. Louis Hospital. This will be one of the most rewarding activities you will ever experience. We encourage every man in Ararat to become a driver. It will require you to go to your State Driver’s License Office and obtain a copy of your driving record. As a matter of fact, all drivers need to bring their records up to date in this manner. A big Thank You to the following Nobles who have driven the Hospital Van in the month of December! Ernest Conner V.J. Phillips Clifford Hubert Howard Silvers Greg Kranz Gerald Tinsley Food &Wine By STEVE DOWDY W Let Us be Your IT Department YOUR CUSTOM SOFTWARE CPROS & IT PROFESSIONALS IT SERVICES • VIRUS CLEAN UP CUSTOM SOFTWARE COMPUTER SALES & SETUP 4 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS Jeff Quibell (816) 224-2890 e’ve all heard of decanting wine, which means pouring it into another container. Somehow, that idea seems to be associated with classier people. But we don’t know if there is a reason to decant our wine, or is it just for show? There are very few wines that you need to decant. Only if the wine has a sediment deposit do you have to decant, and only red wines that have been in the bottle for several years do this. If you are drinking a 20-year old Cabernet Sauvignon, you may find that it has thrown a deposit, and the idea of decanting is simply to separate the wine from the deposit. Otherwise, every time you pour from the bottle, the deposit will get mixed with the wine, and the sediment will go into the glass. If you decant properly, the sediment stays in the bottle, and you pour from the decanter. Another reason for decanting wine is to improve a wine that you want to drink before its time in the bottle has come. The aeration from decanting will help the flavors open up. You might want to decant a wine just because it looks so good in that fancy, crystal decanter, and it makes you feel, and look, just a little classier. It’s not terribly important when you decant your wine, but it’s best not to decant very old wines too early. Fragile, old, wines can fade away quite quickly. It’s totally your choice when it comes to the style of decanter you buy. Some have handles, some have stoppers, and some have both. Antique decanters can be beautiful and good buys. Always rinse your decanter with water immediately after use, and never use a detergent. Always let a decanter dry completely before putting the stopper back in, and don’t leave a wet stopper in the bottle too long. It may get stuck. FEBRUARY 2014 PROVOST FIRST AID & SAFETY CPR & AED CLASS February 15, 2014 • 9:00 am till 1:00 pm • Ararat Shrine $10.00 per person (Includes Materials and Tests) Learn the basics of how to give CPR & use the AED. Please call Linda Hickman at the Business Office 816-923-1975 to reserve your spot in this class. Class is limited to 30 people. NOBLES WHOSE LIVES We Celebrate! The Officers and Nobles of Ararat Shrine express their sincere sympathy to the families and friends of these departed Nobles: CHARLES E. RAYBERN Farmington, MO 1/6/1939 – 7/23/2013 Affiliated with Ararat – 3/8/1989 WALLACE F. BUSBEA Kansas City, MO 8/27/927 – 12/31/2013 Created in Ararat – 06/13/2001 LARRY L. KIMBLE Brookfield, MO 10/22/1941 – 9/30/2012 Created in Ararat – 6/10/2006 MELVIN E. HALL Leawood, KS 2/27/1922 – 1/3/2014 Affiliated with Ararat – 9/3/1952 MACK H. JOHNSON Independence, MO 7/28/1931 – 10/10/2013 Created in Ararat – 11/19/1966 PHILLIP V. STEPHENSON Grant City, MO 2/18/1931 – 1/3/2014 Created in Ararat – 11/30/1974 BEN E. KRULL Kansas City, MO 10/24/1921 – 10/24/2013 Created in Ararat – 7/3/1976 JAMES R. LILES Granby, MO 4/30/1924 – 1/5/2014 Affiliated with Ararat – 11/10/1976 BRUCE MILLSTEAD, JR. Warrensburg, MO 2/11/1939 – 10/26/12 Created in Ararat – 8/23/1968 TERRY D. BOYD Harrisonville, MO 9/27/1950 – 1/16/2014 Created in Ararat – 4/28/1972 IKE SKELTON IV McLean, VA 12/20/1931 – 10/28/2013 Created in Ararat – 11/8/1958 ROBERT T. NOLAND Liberty, MO 11/12/1922 – 1/19/2014 Created in Ararat – 11/30/1974 RAYBURN M. MAYFIELD Lee’s Summit, MO 8/24/1944 – 11/7/2013 Created in Ararat – 10/26/12 ROBERT L. KINSEY Independence, MO 8/19/1927 – 1/20/2014 Created in Ararat – 11/30/1956 ARTHUR E. LINVILLE Liberty, MO 8/31/1923 – 11/7/2013 Created in Ararat – 5/24/1958 RAYMOND L. HOFFMAN Liberty, MO 2/12/1923 – 12/2/2013 Created in Ararat – 8/6/1977 WAYNE R. JOHNSON Kansas City, MO 10/6/1929 – 1/21/2014 Created in Ararat – 11/20/1982\ Boyd A. Durbin Independence, MO 4/27/1942 – 1/22/2014 Created in Ararat – 8/12/1972 WILLIAM F. NOEL Raytown, MO 10/2/1921 – 12/27/2013 Created in Ararat – 5/28/1966 Douglas B. Urie Lee’s Summit, MO 8/22/1942 – 1/25/2014 Created in Ararat – 5/11/2002 ARARAT SHRINE NEWS |5 MING esoosHmmmm,SOON let’s COMING SOON WWa LOCATION COMING SOON o als o wh co, NEW LOCATION h let’s NEW LOCATION THVILLE,MO h atc scr can He COMING o also SMITHVILLE,MO HVILLE,MO SMITSOON play well with Nobody Told Me! NEW LOCATION ratch BY STEVE DOWDY with e are SMITHVILLE,MO about to begin a four-year event that should be exciting to each and every one of us. I’m sure that all of you know that we are about to commemorate the 100th to welcome of the First World War! I’m almost as sure that most of you know that nd CityAnniversary gla En to p Kansas has the only museum dedicated exclusively to that “War to End All Wars” in the me entire world. did he eca nduse That war began in 1914, and the Armistice was finally declared in 1918. The United States t he fighting the war until April of 1917, and the war ended in November of 1918. Prior to tha d sai He avoided he did entering the war, the United States had been a major supplier to Britain and others. In the relais wife, and hat he tively short time that our country fought, we mobilized over 4,000,000 men, and suffered over 110,000 deaths. n all the trip and That’s right! Our town. Out here in the middle of Fly-Over Country! The only one! That’s l spent. something to be proud of, whichever side of the state line you live on! We should expect to get rip attention . from all over the world, and certainly from all over the United States. eet, the O.B I can tell you without reservation that our WWI Museum is something to be extremely as from the proud of. It’s a great monument to the men and women who were injured and died in that woflict. uld It’s a reason and a tool to stir the interest of us, our children, and our grandchildren in the Wa history of our country, and even the history of our world. thedn't have We can all benefit from the lessons to be learned from the events and errors of the conflict; oul d would day. It was ehaveh. oug wasturnout. ood all of the electronic • $3,600 t.nout. B! Hope every thursday night! he ope Pull tab derby 5:00 W from the inhumanity of poison gas attacks to the unbelievable humanity of the Christmas Eve spontaneous cease fire so that both sides could join in singing Christmas carols. And, how quickly we forget. In only twenty years, we inhabitants of Earth were getting ready to do it all again. Oh yeah, it wasn’t you and me that were preparing for war twenty years later, it was those other guys. But we are all humans. But for this period of commemoration, let’s forget our stupidity, and our inhuman proclivity for killing each other, and celebrate the higher level of human actions as evidenced by the heroism of our soldiers, the compassion for the victims, and the sacrifices of the many. And, let’s think about things that you and I can do to honor those brave men who fought in this war. This will be a four year long event, with many smaller events scheduled throughout the whole time. Let’s think about how we, Ararat Shriners, can participate, and improve both the commemoration and the visibility of the Shrine. Can the Legion of Honor assist in presenting our nation’s flag at some events? Can the Patrol perform at something? The Amateur Radio Shrine Club is planning to have some worldwide amateur radio conversations from the museum grounds which will tell the world about the museum, Kansas City, and Ararat Shrine. How about the Pipes & Drums Honor Guard? All of these things are nothing more than ideas, because I have not talked to anyone actually connected to the observance. I don’t know much about special events to be held during the four years of the commemoration, but I’m sure that there will be more than a few. It seems fitting that our fraternity should be more than willing to help honor those brave men who fought and died in that war, and I’m willing to bet that we will be proud to help. Let’s do it. regular bingo 7:00 CS S le so the o aw e have as r all of ave as il nex all of t ARARAT SHRINE BINGO UPON O C F F O 5 $ ARARATupSHRINE BINGO off $5 th or w is on This co ck when you bring o pa ng Bi al iti in ur yo $5 OFF COUPON t ngo. er to Ararat BiBINGO ay AT SHRINE ARARAT SHRINE new plBINGO as f next a This coupon is worth $5 off initial Bingo pack when you bring 6 |your ARARAT SHRINE NEWS a new player to Ararat Bingo. OFF COUPON COUPON sFF$5 This coupon coupon is worth $5 offis worth $5 off FEBRUARY 2014 Membership Matters By RODney MCGRATH L adies and Gentleman, I cannot tell you an embroidered fez and Shrine Spirit Package! how incredible of a year we have in store This allows New Nobles to eliminate the cost for us. I can tell you, without a doubt, this of the fez. So total for March Ceremonial is MayDivan 2010ARARATSHRINE 5 includes initiation fee, “Shrine Spirit year’s is as committed to MembershipNEWS as $300• and I’ve experienced at any other time in my Shrine Package” and Fez! career. The Membership Team has We will be bringing back the the complete support of the Temple “3 in 1” Membership Program. leadership and they are backing it Each of us commits to bringing up with actions and investment. in at least 1 new Noble in the So let’s get ready to rumble! The next 3 years and we will initiate foundation has been laid for us to over 2500 new Nobles in the next have the “Perfect Storm” as far as 3 years! A special Membership Membership is concerned. Awards Reception will take place YoShi is being recharged for By Fred Harle, P.P. after the last Ceremonial. There our new and younger members. we will present your “3 in 1” pin The Divan Ladies are taking and other Membership awards. always say,and “April Showers Bring Thank you Only ladiesmembers for continuing to share over They the Kid’s Room will get who have earned May Flowers.” all the it up to speed again!Well, here it is April 10th, BSSC withtheir pinrest willof beus. invited to attend. The Divan is committed Membership Awards! aTop haven’t seen much rain here to in our great Our President, Bill Fickle arranged Membership each will have personal sign city of BlueandSprings, MO, buta you knowli- line spectacular program for our entertainment. aison to the Membership Team. 1- New Noble- “3 in 1” pin what, if you are like me those May flowers Jordan Mitchell, a member of DeMolay, Each new Noble this year will become an 2- New Nobles- 2015 Ararat Dues Paid are already starting to bloom. You know presented of Life in full form. Honorary Aide. Meaning they will assist in the 3- Newa Ceremony Nobles- Membership Achievthe kind Program. I’m talking about, those pretty lit- Wow, super impressive, you could hear a Mentoring ment Plaque will have 3 Ceremonials this ayear! Diamond tleWe yellow flowers that we spend small pin5-drop. WhatinaCrown treat toJewel! see and hear such 1) March 15, 2014. We have all the tools in place to become fortune trying to eliminate from our yard a talented young man. 2) June 6 & 7, 2014 in Warsaw! successful this year. The job is up to us. Memevery year. Yep, they are called dandeWe treat our dignitaries with respect, 3) October 11, 2014. bership is a temple project and the responsibillions. If you don’t have any I’ll be more and always aour pleasure to put outfalls the old There will be a special “Shrine Spirit” ity of it’s maintaining beloved Shrine to than happy to bring you at some the ones BSSC welcomeshare matthe foropportunity, any and all look temple Package this year, valued overof $200, for us. Be Positive, to Nobles to the That Shrine. The before Initiation future and we don’t CAN wait turn for our a“Dreams from coming my frontinyard. is just I the officers. Please special to investment will be $150 for Reality!” try to getfor ridthe of Ceremonial them. invite. The door is always open and we dues and $150 for initiation fee, which includes Rod McGrath Today Jennie’s brother Kenny and his want you to come and join us. See photo 816-651-7636 Lady Emma who live in Warrensburg, MO of President Bill Fickle, 2nd Ceremonial [email protected] drove up to see us. We met at Bob Evan’s Master Clarence Kirby, and Ambassador UNITS AND CLUBS BLUE SPRINGS SHRINE CLUB Restaurant in Lee’s Summit, after which Membership all four of us visited the Swap Meet. Wow, what a super extravaganza. An even bigTotals ger surprise was to be greeted by Ill. Sir As of 2014 Kevin chauffeured Sleyster and being 1/24/14 YTDby our Recorder, Mike Wheeler. Upon enter0 0 ing the rear gate we were greeted by the Affiliations 0 0 hardest working Shriner I know , Noble Restorations 3 Mac McWilliams. Try and3keep up with this Noble and you’ll find it’ Associates 0 s impossible. 0 Thanks Mac for all that you do for Ararat. Associates Dropped 0 0 Let me tell you about our March BSSC Deceased 8 8 meeting. To begin with, our meetings with Demitted 1 just get 1betNoble Bill Fickle at the helm Suspended 0 usual open 0 ter and better . Following the ing ceremonies for our Shrine Resigned 0 Club, we 0 get down to the business of trying to catch the Total –6picture fattedGain calf(loss) so to speak. See of–6our Divan Liaison Officer, 2nd Ceremonial Total Membership = 2,665 Master Clarence Kirby followed by a as of January 24, 2014 legion of hungry Shriners. We also treat our ladies okay . Please noteaspicture Ararat Membership of with ladies, Carol Newport, Vivian Snell, JanuaryMerryman, 1, 2014and =Pat2,671 Marguerite Stansell. Creations Bud Higginbotham. Our good buddy Noble Lou Sohn had some stents inserted close to his heart and he is progressing great. He heard about Past President Bill Clinton doing okay with his so he got some. Last, but also a very important part of our BSSC team is Noble James Gar gotta. He puts together our club newsletter , second to none, that keeps all our members informed about what’s going to happen, and what has happened. Not only about anything and everything in and about our club, but other clubs, uniformed units, and our temple in general. If you don’t believe it come see for yourself! BSSC meets on the 4th Monday night of each month at 6:30 pm in the American Legion Building on 7 Hwy in Blue Springs, MO. Call us, we’ll tell you how to get here. That’s enough for this time! So until next time, a hug doesn’ t costtoday! anything to Get your shirt give or get. Think about it!!!!!! While Supplies Last... Try out the Ararat Club for your next night out! IN MEMORIAM Call Me for Special Rates for Shriners! 10• ARARATSHRINE NEWS May 2010 SUPERIOR TREE SERVICES Spring is coming and so are the storms. Are YOU prepared? CALLUS! * Free Estimates * Tree Trimming, Topping and Pruning * Tree and Stump Removal * Any Bobcat orBucket Truck (65 ft) Work 10% DISCOUNTTO SENIORS & VETERANS Riley Vance 816-935-3137 Shawn Vance 816-872-6200 D O N AT E C A R S ! Moriah &Freeman FreemanMount Moriah Mount Mount Moriah & Mount Moriah Funeral Home Terrace Park Funeral HomeTerrace Park 10507 Holmes Road 801 N.W. 10507 Holmes Road801 N.W. 108th Street 108th Street Kansas Kansas City,Missouri Missouri 64131 Kansas City, Missouri City, 64131Kansas City, Missouri 6415564155 (816) 942-2004 (816) 734-5500 (816) 942-2004(816) 734-5500 TRUCKS/BOATS/RVs Help Fight CHILDREN’S CANCER OFFERING KANSAS AREA FAMILIES RunningCITY or Not • NO Restrctions OFFERING* Complete KANSAS CITYAREAFAMILIES Funeral Services BlueFuneral Book Value (On Most Cars) * Complete * Full Service FlowerServices Shop AllService Receipts &Mausoleums IRS Forms ON THE SPOT! * Cemetery andFlower * Full Shop *DAY-FREE Full Pre-Arrangements SAME PICKMausoleums UP • Still TAX DEDUCTIBLE * Cemetery and * Cremations * Full Pre-Arrangements American Children’s Society, Inc. Kansas City, MO * Cremations L. FREEMAN 800-710-6665 DAVIDPresident L. FREEMAN “Serving Kansas City Since 1922” President “Serving Kansas City Since 1922” KANSAS CITY Stock Mufflers • Custom Duals ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 7 RAKLA SHRINE CLUB MONUMENT COMPANY By Ernie Taylor,MUFFLER Scribe The Memorial Specialist A/C U Greeti Ladies an finds you to always coming y whelmed spirit we The Seda time. Co energies Our g to soon f tiful gree job in ke enjoy it. If you have a pl only invo greeting ing needs show you your club to be abl In Ap ful eveni by the so missed it “Fun.” C boards an January Temple Meeting Notes CONTINUED from PAGE 1 The Legion of Honor presented the colors, accompanied by the Dixieland Band. The assembled Nobles, led by Potentate-Elect Maurice Camerlynck recited the Shrine Pledge of Allegiance. Noble Jacque Mote, accompanied by the Dixieland Band, led us in singing the National Anthem. According to a motion passed at the April, 2013, meeting, the Minutes were not read. One visitor, from Za-Ga-Zig Temple in Des Moines, IA was registered. Recorder Mike Wheeler reported that there were no Petitions for Creation, no Petitions for Restoration, and none for Affiliation. Fifteen petitions for demit and no Petitions for Remission were read as a matter of record. Treasurer Nick Baldi gave the Treasurer’s Report. We are still solvent and able to pay bills. The restaurant showed a loss for the year, but it was slightly less than 2012. The 2013 Circus revenue was higher than last year, but final expenses are not all in. Marshal-Elect Jim Kerns presented a check for $2,000.00, representing our proceeds for helping at the Thanksgiving Run, to the fund for upgrading our Sound System. Illustrious Sir John Hay, P.P., presented a check in honor of Sharon Elam who is reported to be retiring from her position in the Temple Business Office. Illustrious Sir Wayne Spencer presented a check from the Divan Ladies to the General Fund and the Cornerstone Fund, in Memory of First Lady Lorraine Spencer. The 2013 Potentates Aides presented a donation to the General Fund in Memory of First Lady Lorraine Spencer. The Fez Head Shrine Club, formed by the Nobles who have been providing his services, will receive its charter at the next meeting. Brothers, Potentate-Elect Maurice Camerlynck was introduced and took the podium. He introduced his appointments to the 2014 Divan as follows: 1st Ceremonial Master Jeff Quibell 2nd Ceremonial Master Butch Pugh Marshal Jim Kerns Captain of the Guard Bud Higginbotham Outer Guard Jerry Grimes Director Jim Waggoner, Sr. Chaplain Loyd Gentry The entire Divan assembled for Installation. Illustrious Sir Paul Black, P.P., served as Installing Officer and Illustrious Sir Don Price served as Installing Marshal. The 2014 Divan was then presented with their Jewels of Office and our new Potentate was fitted with a new fez. Illustrious Sir Maurice Camerlynck spoke very briefly. Illustrious Sir John Hay, P.P., rose and stated that the Potentate’s Jewel of Office must be removed from Illustrious Sir Wayne Spencer, P.P. Illustrious Sir Paul Black politely stated that “It’s already done.” Illustrious Sir Wayne then spoke thanking the 2013 Divan for their service and support. He also expressed appreciation for the support of the Nobility, and thanked the Nobility for the opportunity to serve. Then, he paraphrased President John F. Kennedy, saying “Ask not what your Shrine can do for you, ask what you can do for your Shrine.” Illustrious Sir Maurice then spoke at greater length, presenting the following appointees with fezzes. Marshal Jim Kerns Captain of the Guard Bud Higginbotham Chief Aide Ron Knold A senior Noble was heard to remark that “Debbie will make a good Chief Aide.” The 2013 Aides presented a lifetime membership to Illustrious Sir Wayne Spencer, P.P. Chief Rabban Kirby reminded us of the Officers’ Seminar Here are the directions to sign in to Shriner’s Village. This is a site designed for Shriner’s, by the Imperial Shrine and is about EVERYTHING Shrine! Here you will be able to order Temple supplies, hear the Imperial Sir and his Lady’s message, watch videos, stay abreast of the latest news and events and keep current of all Hospital happenings. It truly is a tremendous site for all Shriner’s. Log on today and enjoy! I have also included how to become a virtual mentor. This is a program whereby you can get information about people interested in Masonry or becoming a Shriner in your area. You DO NOT teach them over the internet. You will receive their contact information and you can call them. Interested candidates will be paired by location and interests. Make yourself accessible to mentoring prospective Nobles by signing up at Shriner’s Village. Remember, at Ararat Temple, when you top line sign 2 candidates in one year your Temple dues are paid! Sign up today! 8 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS on Saturday, January 11. Bingo Chairman Buck Johnson said that Bingo attendance has been down, but he still needs workers. The Bingo crew presented a check for $3,000 to the General Fund, marking the first month of this year when their goal was not met. For the month of December, the players donated $633.00. Hospital Committeeman Bert Torrey told us that the Hospital Committee is still in need of Hospital Van drivers. We have more Green Passes from Southwest Airlines. Ararat used about $27,000 worth of those tickets, transporting 145 kids to distant hospitals and spent about $17,000 for other air fare. Our van traveled about 32,000 miles, using over 2,000 gallons of gasoline. Membership Chairman Rod McGrath told us that our Ladies are taking charge of the Kids Room, which will allow us to again offer child care during Temple events. Our first Ceremonial will be on March 15, at Ararat. Harry S. Truman Lodge meets on the fourth Thursday of each month, at the Temple. And last, but certainly not least, the famous “1-in-3” pin is coming back! Every Noble who recruits one new member in three years will receive one of these pins, which means that, if every Noble wins one, our membership will grow by over 2,000 Nobles. Parade Chairman Don Pittier told us that there will be no parades in January, February, March or April. Our first parade will be in Richmond and Missouri City in May. If you plan to operate your vehicle in a parade this year, you should get your parade sicker from the office now. New Office hours will be from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm this year. We have Bingo games every Thursday Night, and we need help! There will be a Hillbilly get-together on February 15 at the Jackson County Shrine Club. Bring food or an antique auction item. Noble Jack Everly won the 50-50 drawing, and donated the winnings to the 2014 Bass Tournament. High Priest & Prophet Randy Berry gave the benediction and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm. How to log in to Shriner’s Village go to 1.Select your Temple Name 2.Enter your Member Number 3.Enter your Last Name 4.Enjoy your visit looking at all the content! How to Sign up to be a Virtual Mentor 1.Log in to Shriner’s village 2.Select Membership from Top Menu Bar 3.Select Virtual Mentor Program from the left navigation bar 4.Read the Information then click “ Sign Up Now” 5.Verify and fill out the screens and press Submit 6.Receive email welcome message from the Imperial Potentate FEBRUARY 2014 feb/march EVENT CALENDAR Show pride in your legacy. Membership starts here. For many men, being a Shriner is a family tradition. From one generation to the next, Shriners have enjoyed a unique brotherhood and shared in an important mission. Phase 1 – New Members February 2............................................................................ Super Bowl Party February 12............................................................................ Temple Meeting February 15...............Hillbilly Degree & Family Reunion (Jackson Cnty SC) February 22........................................................Margarita Ville (Patrol Party) March 1 ...................................................................... Provost Chili Cook-Off March 12 ............................................................................... Temple Meeting March 8 & 9 ............................................ Ararat Shrine Bowling Tournament March 15............................................................................ Spring Ceremonial March 22...................................................................................Invictus Fights March 26-29 . Shrine Director’s Assoc. Convention (Charleston, S.C.) March 29............................................................... Denim & Diamonds Dance Shriners International will provide new members of the fraternity with complimentary Legacy Program pins if they meet the following criteria: The Shriners Legacy Program is a way to show your pride in being a Shriner and to celebrate your part in the special • The member must have joined after October 17, 2011. brotherhood that comes from Let us put your Profession andmembership. Name in front of the Nobility. $100.00 permust year.also be a part of a Shriners legacy, meaning that • He The Shriners Legacy Program is Brokerage open to any maleServices family one or more of his relatives (either living or deceased) Business member* related to a Shriner, including: LLC . . . . . . . . . . (913) 402-6008 is/was a Shriner. MOORHEAD BUSINESS BROKERAGE, We list & sell businesses. Over 30 years experience. • Fathers • Grandfathers • Brothers • Uncles New members will also need to fill out a Legacy Wayne Moorhead & Polly Johnson • Sons • Grandsons • Nephews • In-laws Program application at Upon Embroidery review and acceptance of the application he will receive DREAMWEAVER Be a part of EMBROIDERY special Legacy events. a complimentary pin for himself, and a pin for up to two ROCKY& JANETWEAVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816-645-6178 - FAX: 816-988-8828 Temples will be encouraged hostSprings, Legacy nights 1500 N.W. Wildwood Drive,to Blue MO to [email protected] honor members of the program. Legacy members in all generations will be invited to participate in a variety of Home Improvements additional Shriners Legacy family members who have signed his petition. fun events and activities with theirExterior family members and . .(816) 589-6909 Phase 2 – Existing Legacies BRUCE BROSKO – AAALifetime Remodeling. Siding Windows – Roofs – Decks – Sun Rooms fellow–nobles. Beginning January 1, 2012 the Legacy Program Pin will become available to current Shriners who are part of a legacy Wear your Legacy pin with pride. Insurance for a $5 contribution†. While all Shriner family members To show our VOORHIES gratitude for STATE you and FARM your AGENCY. . . . . . . (816) 741-3558 CARLETON may purchase a pin, each member must fill out a separate Auto Life the Health Insurance familyHome continuing Shriners legacy, application at The application for Shriners International has designed current members will be available online January 1, 2012. Roofing an elegant gold pin that showcases RON’S ROOFING, Ron & heritage. Vonda Williams. . . . . . . . . . . . . (816) 252-9496 Shriners International appreciates your role in your pride in your Shriners 15632 E. 24 Highway, Independence, MO 64050 building and continuing its legacy. For more The Shriners Legacy pin will become Real Estate information about the Shriners Legacy Program available in two phases. THE RUCKER GROUPat RE/MAX Revolution please visit “DON’T PAYMORE….DON’T SELLFOR LESS” Call us today!! *If your Kendallwood family member is a deceased Shriner you will still be eligible to be.part 2850 Parkway, Gladstone, MO. . . of. the . . program. . . . . .(816) 414-3240 † Contributions are for the benefit of membership development of Shriners International and are not tax deductible. FOR MORE INFORMATION: Rose Johnson at Rosie’s World Travel 816-229-2793 or Email: [email protected] BINGO ASSIGNMENTS The following list of units and clubs are scheduled to furnish 3 members to assist in helping the Bingo Committee on Thursday evenings for the months of February, March and April 2014. Please report to Buck Johnson in Bennett Auditorium at 6:00 p.m. on your scheduled night. Directors or Presidents, if you are not able to fulfill the assignment, please contact the Temple Director, Jim Waggoner, Sr. at 816/520-9344 so that he can find a replacement for your unit or club. February 6...................................................Clowns BINGOFebruary ASSIGNMENTS 13 ...................... Grandview Shrine Club March 6.......................................... Pipes & Drums March 13.......................................... Oriental Band March 20...................................... Potentates Aides March 27........................................................Yoshi April 3............................................... Ambassadors April 10.......... Asst. Directors of Uniformed Units April 17......................................................... Patrol April 24..........................................................Yoshi The following list of units and clubs are scheduled to furnish 3 members to assist February 20..................................................Guides in helping the Bingo Committee on Thursday evenings for the months of May, June and July 2010. February Cars Please report to Buck Johnson in27...............................................Ole Bennett Auditorium at 6:00 p.m. on your scheduled night. Directors or Presidents, if you are not able to fulfill the assignment, please contact the Temple Director, Tom Burke atlisting 816-810-8216 that he canAssignments find A complete ofsoBingo for the remainder of the year is available on the Morning Buzz. Just click on the Bingo Assignments tab. a replacement for your unit or club. MAY JUNE JULY May 6 – Mounted Guard May 13 – Liberty Shrine Club June 3 – Mini Indy’s June 10 – Northland Shrine Club June 17– Mini Model T’s July 1–Motor Corps July 8 – Cass County Shrine Club July 15 –Divan ARARAT SHRINE NEWS |9 Thank you to the following Nobles and Ladies for purchasing Circus Dad & Mom Pins… Remember, without your participation we would not have been able to send “Children of all Ages” to the Circus, who otherwise would have been unable to attend. Circus Dad & Mom Brian V. Ashmore Michael A. Aulgur Nick A. Baldi C. Gary Blankenship Jack D. Bohne Paul W. Brewer William J. Carboneau Marvin A. Cleveland Samuel L. Coen Russell W. Cooksey Waco E. Dohn Michael B. Farris II 10 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS Anthony J. Fellers Richard M. Floyd P.P. James A. Gargotta William N. Gray, Jr. Steven J. Hanchette Jared Hargrave Harold H. Higginbotham, Jr. Vernon L. Hilliard Patrick J. Hoesly David A. Hutton David Johnson, Jr. Jimmie R. Jones Alvin W. Kallenberger Benjamin C. Kenney P.P. Clarence C. Kirby, Jr. Jerry B. McClary Henry L. McDaniel, Jr. Richard W. Miller Francis L. Mordecai Graham C. Myers, Jr. Charles M. Owens Dwight Pugh Jeffrey Quibell Clayton Riley William E. Rust Wayne H. Spencer P.P. Bill Spotts Bert L. Torrey James H. Vaughan William R. Warren, Sr. Michael C. Whiteside Dennis W. Williams Circus Dad Randy C. Berry Jerry C. Grimes Lewis E. Kitson Be sure to purchase your 2014 Circus T-Shirt! Available from the Ararat Business Office. FEBRUARY 2014 2014 OFFICERS’ RECEPTION ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 11 2014 OFFICERS’ SEMINAR 12 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS FEBRUARY 2014 ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 13 Cooper Lodge #36 & Boonslick Shrine Club BY ROY CARY & SAM THOMPSON C ooper Lodge #36 in Boonville donated $3,000 back to the community from the Chili Fundraiser that was held in October. Proceeds from the fundraiser were used to send 46 fruit baskets to widows and homebound members. The baskets were taken to Boonville, Columbia, St. Clair and Richmond, Missouri. Brother Gary Whitehurse, Fundraiser Chairman and William Todd Hill were thankful that Lodge members and the Community supported this fundraiser. Gift certificates for food and paper products only were purchased from Snoddy’s Market, Jennings Premium Meats and C & R Markets. A $900 certificate was given to Harvest House and to the Agency on Aging, and $300 to other families in need. Ginger Wenger thanked the Lodge and stated that 60 certificates would help a number of families. All together the fundraiser helped 104 families in the area. The Boonslick Shrine Club donated toys brought to their annual Christmas Dinner for Harvest House and 50 other families with children. Shrine President Morris Carter and Noble Lonnie Tucker agreed that this is one of the best things we do. Locally, 150 families had a little better Christmas this year. Pictured are Gary Whitehurse-Chair; Todd Hill-Lodge Master; Ginger Wenger-HDC; Roy Cary, Duwayne Rahmer, Lodge and Shrine members, and members of local charities receiving donations. Thank you to the following people who prepared the fruit baskets: L to R: Curtis Carter, Emily Oerly, John Holtzclaw, Sara Oerly, Allen Roettgen, Dwight Friedrich, Amber Oerly, Amanda Fredrich, Larry Oerly, Becky Cary, Duwaune Rahmer, Jacob Rahmer, John Cary, Janice Cary. Not pictured: Gary Whitehurse, Morris Carter and Roy Carter. Jim Harris Reminds Us: What Goes Down Can Go Further Down For a long time, I’ve borrowed from Newton’s law of gravity: “What Goes Up Must Come Down.” Well, gold and silver markets have edged down, So here’s a fair question: How far will it go down? The gravity of the situation is: Now may be the time to sell! I give free appraisals and I’m always happy to talk UP and DOWN. Before you sell, give me a yell… 816-392-2477 14 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS DJ’S ENTERPRISE 5736 Troost Ave. • Kansas City, MO 816-606-1123 NEW & USED TIRES SNOW REMOVAL David Johnson, Owner FEBRUARY 2014 Ararat Needle Guild BY JERRI DOWDY TREE SERVICES ng and so are the storms. YOU prepared? CALLUS! es ng, Topping and Pruning mp Removal rBucket Truck (65 ft) Work O SENIORS & VETERANS Shawn Vance 816-872-6200 TE CARS! S/BOATS/RVs T he second meeting in November was packing day. We packed articles for 6 hospitals and the Ararat Telemedicine Room. The Ararat Needle Guild would like to thank everyone who has given a donation this past year. No matter how small a donation is, it helps us to do what we do. Donations help us with the purchases we have to make including; thread, needles, scissors, elastic, buttons, patterns, special fabrics, etc., as well as having the quilts quilted. We still need your old, washed panty hose for use in stuffing Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. Please bring them to the temple office. We meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month (except July, Aug. & Dec.) from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in Bennett Auditorium. We would like to see you at a meeting in 2014. Ararat Shrine Bowlers BY DON PERRY fter week 17 it is a close race with Sherry’s Posse in first place, Bubba’s Boys in second place, and Jerry’s Team in third place. High Series Scratch- Male: Donald Perry with 760 – Female: Bonnie Brim with 600. High Game Scratch- Male: Justin Dryer with 279 – Female: Sherry Perry with 234. Mark your calendar for March 8th & 9th, for the Ararat Shrine Bowling Tournament. For more information contact Ralph Smith via email at [email protected]. A Fight CHILDREN’S CANCER Director’s Staff News ue Book Value (On Most Cars) T unning or Not • NO Restrctions eceipts & IRS Forms ON THE SPOT! FREE PICK UP • Still TAX DEDUCTIBLE Children’s Society, Inc. Kansas City, MO 00-710-6665 Y t Stock Mufflers • Custom Duals MUFFLER A/C DIAMOND AUTO REPAIR BRAKE 204 East Blue Parkway Lee’s Summit, Mo. 64063 Phone: 525-3553 JIM WAGGONER OWNER Lafayette County Shrine Club BY RON ELLING, SCRIBE he Lafayette County Shrine Club met Thursday, January 10, at the Victorian Peddler in Lexington for the regular meal and meeting. The meal consisted of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, salad, green beans, and peach cobbler. President Tim Rechterman welcomed Ambassador Curt Karnes and his Lady Susan along with 13 others in attendance. W.N. Gray read the minutes from the December meeting. Everyone enjoyed the festivities from the Christmas meeting. Bernie Miller gave the Treasurer’s Report. Both reports were approved by the membership. The 2013 year-end financial report has been turned in to Ararat. It was reported that the Shriners had won the United Airlines Mileage for SHC Kids. This will provide plane tickets for children that need to be transported to hospitals around the country for treatment. Nobles and their Ladies in distress included Bill and Virgie Stratton and Clinton and Morine Lieneke. Ambassador Karnes announced upcoming January and February dates at Ararat Shrine. T BY DOUG JONES, SCRIBE he New Year is off and running already. There are a few changes coming up for the Shrine. This year we will have three Ceremonials. The first is March 15th, the second will be in Warsaw, MO on June 6th-7th and the last one will be Oct 11th. We will need help on all three. The Director’s Staff had to cancel its Awards Dinner in December because of the weather. We have rescheduled the dinner to Feb 1st. The dress is semi-formal. Let Jerry know if you plan to attend. Jeff Quibell is our Liaison this year. See you at our meetings! Did you know Possum speaks in tongues? Attend our meetings and find out. SDA is approaching fast. The Convention is March 26-29th in Mt. Pleasant, SC (Charleston). We hope to have a large turnout. We have a choice of 5 hotels we can stay in. We would like everyone to stay in the same hotel, so let us know if you wish to attend. We need to make our reservations soon. You can go to and see the hotels and how to make your reservations. St. Patrick’s Day is coming. We go to Leavenworth for the parade. Bring your Lady and have a fun day in Leavenworth, KS. Mini Model T’s BY STEVEN HARGRAVE, SCRIBE t is hard to believe that we are already in the second month of the New Year. The new officers of the unit have been sworn into their respective offices and they are ready to take the unit into this year with renewed vigor. It is nice to have some of the names we have grown to trust and new names in the offices of the unit. Everyone is looking forward to direction that our new Board of Directors will take us. If you were a member of the unit in years past, or are a new member of Ararat Shrine, come by and see what is going on with the unit. Shriners are always welcome to the unit, and we would like to be reacquainted with old friends. We still have Mini T’s to be driven and fun to be had at parades and picnics.You can find President Scott Willi’s and Director Jared Hargrave’s phone numbers in the Ararat Calendar of Events Book. Two things to remember about the rapidly approaching months, the annual onion sales and the start of the parade season. The onion sales help us raise money for the unit and the parade season starts our season of raising awareness to our charity and our membership. We all hope to see you soon. I Leawood Shrine Club BY RW THOMPSON, PRESIDENT (816-452-7281) O ur next Club meeting is at 11:30 a.m. on the second Saturday, February 8, 2014. Our meetings are held at the Pegah’s Family Restaurant; 11005 Johnson Dr.; Shawnee, KS starting at 11:30 a.m. Breakfasts or Luncheons are ordered from the menu and served during the meeting. Menu offerings are varied and ample. MEMBERSHIP: Our year-end roster includes 36 men and 33 ladies. Four of the five Ararat members (80%) have paid their 2014 dues @ $10. Seven of the 30 Abdallah members (23%) have paid their 2014 dues. All Ararat and Abdallah Shriners are invited to join our club. Shrine Ladies and Widows may join the club without paying dues. APPRECIATION: There were 21 of us at the Gaslight Grill to celebrate my Lady Lou’s 90th belated surprise Birthday Party on December 28th. Everybody enjoyed the music and the food was excellent. Thank you one and all for making her day. (She was clueless.) We are making plans for a year of club activity for 2014. Join in at our regular meetings and participate. Please let me know your questions or concerns. Plan to attend our regular meeting, introduce yourself and your lady. Thank you for reading our submission. ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 15 Thank you to the following Ararat Shrine News Supporters.. Ronald Alm Violet & Jolene Alm Agnes Everett In Memory of Bill Everett Jimmie & Eleanor Jones In Memory of Glenn E. Merritt In Memory of Bill Monroe William & Lora Padley Douglas Robins Jimmie & Eleanor Jones Mitchell B. Cross Ray L. Williams Roy & Janice Cary Nick Castagno In Memory of Billy Joe Hampton Marshall Welch Jim & Jana Kerns Kenneth & Florence Kerns K.C. ProAdvisor In Memory of Frank Stonner Wayne & Lorraine Spencer Frankie L. Whittall In Memory of Dale E. Adams Lawrence R. Lyons Bill Dietz Become an Ararat Shrine News Supporter Help us to defray the costs of producing the monthly Ararat Shrine News by becoming an Ararat Shrine News Supporter. Your donation will help greatly to maintain a high quality publication. A donation of $10.00 will get your name listed in the newspaper as a supporter of the newspaper. Please send a check or money order to: Ararat Shrine News Supporter • 5100 Ararat Dr, Kansas City, Mo 64129 Name______________________________________________________ -OR- “In Memory of” ___________________________________________ Thank You For Your Support! Happy Birthday from the Divan and Nobility of Ararat Shrine Birthday.......................................NAME 01 Feb.............. HARRY WOOLDRIDGE 01 Feb................. BOBBIE MCDONALD 01 Feb................RICHARD ROBINSON 01 Feb....... CHESTER HAROLD PRICE 01 Feb....................GEORGE FARROW 01 Feb............... CURTIS RAY KARNES 01 Feb...................... ALLEN GOODWIN 01 Feb............... WILLIAM BALLENGER 02 Feb........................ CHUCK ZUVERS 02 Feb........................MATTHEW MUTZ 02 Feb......................... DAVID WAYMAN 02 Feb.................. ROBERT KARBINAS 02 Feb................... DONALD QUARLES 02 Feb................. STANLEY ANDREWS 02 Feb............................. JOHN STONE 03 Feb............. LAWRENCE GRESHAM 03 Feb.......................... LLOYD MARTIN 03 Feb.......................... LOWELL DAVIS 03 Feb....................JOSEPH WILLIAMS 03 Feb....................... JESSE WM PAGE 03 Feb.............................. RON HINKLE 03 Feb.......................HUBERT BUTLER 03 Feb....................... LONNIE TUCKER 04 Feb................... JAMES LAWRENCE 04 Feb.............................. LLOYD LYON 04 Feb....................JACK GREENWELL 04 Feb...................... TEDDY CARLTON 04 Feb................................. KYLE LAKE 04 Feb..................... RALPH LARRISON 04 Feb.............................NEIL KOHLER 05 Feb.................... NORMAN PATRICK 05 Feb................ CLARENCE LAWSON 05 Feb................... MAYNARD REEVES 05 Feb.............QUENTIN BOURKLAND 05 Feb.................FORREST TOWNLEY 05 Feb...................... JOSEPH MAUZEY 05 Feb.......................... DWIGHT DIEHL 05 Feb........................ JASON MURPHY 05 Feb.................GRANT WALLANDER 06 Feb....................... BRUCE MCKEON 06 Feb.......... MAURICE CAMERLYNCK 16 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS 06 Feb...................DONALD THOMSEN 06 Feb...................................LEE PAGE 06 Feb...................NORMAN BOWMAN 06 Feb.......................... WILLIAM DAVIS 06 Feb.................. ROBERT KOLOSICK 06 Feb..............................JOSE REYES 06 Feb....................... ROBERT WREDE 06 Feb.......................J D SCHLOBOHM 07 Feb........................ CHARLES BAILE 07 Feb....................... DONALD COMBS 07 Feb.....................BENJAMIN KROPF 07 Feb......................BRUCE JACKSON 07 Feb.........................DAVID TOPPING 07 Feb...................STEVEN GERCONE 08 Feb......................ROBERT SPENCE 08 Feb................... MATTHEW LARSEN 08 Feb......................... PAUL FAUCHER 08 Feb...................... KENNITH MILTON 08 Feb...................... WILLIAM CASADA 08 Feb........................ JOHN MADGETT 08 Feb........................ FRED HARLE PP 08 Feb.................... LANDON SCHMIDT 08 Feb...........................LOYD GENTRY 09 Feb.................GEORGE CAMPBELL 09 Feb.............. VENTON GOODNIGHT 09 Feb............................WILLIAM HALL 09 Feb....................... CHARLES ALLEN 09 Feb....................SHAUN ROBINSON 09 Feb..................... MICHAEL INGRAM 10 Feb..................... ELDRIDGE CAPLE 10 Feb............................ROY WASHAM 10 Feb...........................FRED NELSON 10 Feb............................. GLENN HUFF 10 Feb...........................PAUL KIDWELL 11 Feb....................ROBERT COLEMAN 11 Feb.CHARLES WILLIAM WACKERLY 11 Feb........................CHARLES TETER 11 Feb..............................FRED BUNCH 11 Feb...................WILLIAM STRATTON 11 Feb................... JEFFERY ROBERTS 11 Feb............................ JAMES BURKS 12 Feb.......................... JOHN WATSON 12 Feb..................... JAMES THOMSON 12 Feb................... CHARLES GREENE 13 Feb..................GEORGE MARSDEN 13 Feb.......................... RANDY DOANE 13 Feb............................. BENNY HOKE 13 Feb.................OSCAR BARKHURST 13 Feb....................... MICHAEL GRAFF 13 Feb....................... WILLIAM PIERCE 13 Feb.....................STEVEN BITTIKER 13 Feb.CHRISTOPHER BUTTERFIELD 13 Feb....................... BRYAN BALDWIN 13 Feb................... RICHARD HODGES 13 Feb......................JOHNNY WATERS 13 Feb....................KEITH STONEKING 13 Feb.....................BERNARD MILLER 14 Feb................BLANTON HAMMOND 14 Feb................ DONALD ANDERSON 15 Feb....................RICHARD HANNER 15 Feb....................HARRY MARSHALL 15 Feb.................. ROBERT C TURNER 15 Feb....................... MELVIN SNYDER 15 Feb...................JAMES GUILLAUME 16 Feb....................NORMAN RECHLIN 16 Feb...................SCOTT MCCOLLUM 16 Feb......................... BRAD BUNNELL 16 Feb.............................. JOHN WHITE 17 Feb..................BENJAMIN CORDER 17 Feb..............................PHILIP RILEY 17 Feb.......................BRUCE COHOON 17 Feb..................... THOMAS PERDEE 18 Feb........................ WILLIAM TOOPS 18 Feb..................... DAVID WIEDEMAN 18 Feb............. PHILLIP STEPHENSON 18 Feb.................. EARL RICHARDSON 18 Feb........................... PAUL MURPHY 18 Feb................ LESTER PATTERSON 18 Feb...................... MELVIN CASTEEL 19 Feb.................................VAN WHITE 19 Feb........................ BRADLEY DAVIS 19 Feb................. OLIVER SCRIVENER 19 Feb...........................ROBERT CASS 19 Feb.......................FRANK HERRING 19 Feb..................... DON WOODWARD 19 Feb........................ LONNIE MARTIN 20 Feb...................CHARLES EDDY PP 20 Feb.......................... CARL IRELAND 20 Feb........... A. OVERTON DURRETT 20 Feb......................... TOMMY RYMER 20 Feb.......................CHARLES WHITE 20 Feb.............................MARK OLSEN 20 Feb..................... JOHN BRESSMAN 20 Feb....................GEORGE NEWTON 20 Feb....................... CLARENCE BIRK 20 Feb.................. DAVID HUTCHESON 21 Feb........ROBERT EMMET BARKER 21 Feb................CHARLES MCMULLIN 21 Feb......................RICHARD DUTOIT 21 Feb............................ JAMES OWEN 21 Feb....................RICHARD HUGHES 21 Feb................. RICHARD MCCRERY 21 Feb........................ JOHN NORBERT 21 Feb...........................ROLF SNYDER 21 Feb........................HAROLD GREEN 22 Feb................SHANNON FREEMAN 22 Feb........................... DAVID LEIGHR 22 Feb................ RAYMOND POULSEN 22 Feb........................ GAREY REEVES 22 Feb.....................GEORGE FAIRFAX 22 Feb......................WILLIAM DEMENT 22 Feb.............................. RON MILLER 23 Feb..............................WAYNE KING 23 Feb........................WILLIAM RAGAN 23 Feb.....................BERNIE SIMMONS 23 Feb...................... JAMES WILLIAMS 23 Feb.................CHARLES BEDFORD 23 Feb.............. BARRY BAUSENBACH 23 Feb.................. CRAIG FREERKSEN 23 Feb....................... EDWIN TRAINOR 23 Feb............ BOBBY GENE WARDEN 24 Feb...........DOUGLAS SHOEMAKER 24 Feb....................... OLIVER MCAFEE 24 Feb..................... ROBERT REAGAN 24 Feb..................... JEROLD SHAPIRO 24 Feb................ DOUGLAS ROTHGEB 24 Feb.......................... TOM WADDELL 24 Feb.........................REIGGE CROSE 24 Feb...................HAROLD MCKINNIE 25 Feb........................RICHARD SMITH 25 Feb..................... MICHAEL HOLLAN 25 Feb...................RICHARD GIBBONS 25 Feb................... LAWRENCE TITTLE 25 Feb................... JAMES LOTSPEICH 25 Feb........................... NATHAN CARY 25 Feb............ ROBERT CAIN TURNER 26 Feb.....................JEROME NERMAN 26 Feb....................... ROGER POWELL 26 Feb..............................BILL SPOTTS 27 Feb......................WILLIAM SEIBOLT 27 Feb............................JESSE BAGBY 27 Feb.....................THOMAS WALDEN 27 Feb...................... RICHARD STRAW 27 Feb............................. MELVIN HALL 27 Feb............................JAMES GASAL 27 Feb............CHESTER ALUMBAUGH 27 Feb........CHRISTOPHER CREASON 27 Feb................................ JOHN SAUL 27 Feb........................... JAMES STONE 27 Feb........................WILLIAM MILLER 28 Feb...................... JAMES JACKSON 28 Feb.....................RAYMOND RUARK 28 Feb..................MICHAEL WHEELER 28 Feb..................GEORGE QUEENER 28 Feb.......................MARCUS MAGEE 29 Feb..........................TOMMY BEARD 29 Feb......................... LARRY FOSTER FEBRUARY 2014 Ladies Oriental Shrine of North America Tarrara Court# 83 Independence, Missouri By Jackie Burke Butterfly Hugs and Chocolate Kisses W ord of the month is B-E-G-I-N-N-I-N-G-S. With the New Year beginnings seems like the appropriate word. This is the beginning of a new year, beginning of a new day. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes this day will Lady LaDonna be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind. Let it be Seger, High Priestess something good. With the new year we can work for the children and ensure our Hospitals can leave some great, good things behind. In December 2013 three Tarrara Court Ladies were fortunate to have toured the construction site of the new Shrine Hospital in St. Louis. What a great feeling of pride to see the progress of the new hospital and to meet the construction team. These workers have ownership in this project because of knowing the children who will be receiving service there. What pride each of us can take in knowing we are helping make the new hospital a reality, and being able to provide first class medical care to the Shriners Hospital for Children. Thank you to these ladies for taking the time to visit the St. Louis Hospital construction site. Jan Hiebert, Grand High Priestess -PHP from Wichita, KS. LaDonna Seger, High Priestess Sandy Jackson, Princess Laurie Brewer, Treasurer 2 Nilah Court Ladies from St. Louis, MO. This year Ararat Shrine Center and Tarrara Court have upcoming Events, like the Second Chance Prom featured below. This is a great way to meet new friends and have lots of FUN. So keep your eyes open for posters, flyers, check the Ararat Shrine News and the Morning Buzz. Or just pick up the phone and call and invite or pass on the information on the event you just found out about. You may be surprised the person you call may have great news for you, or you just made their day by just hearing your voice. HOLD DATE - (Saturday, April 5, 2014) SECOND CHANCE PROM Questions contact: Skinny Mini Dance Leader: Jan Hess - 816-254-3740 Did you know??? Smile, while talking on the phone. Trust me it shows! “If you are handed it, you can handle it.” Blue Springs Shrine Club BY JAMES GARGOTTA, SCRIBE A fter a great 2013 our new President, Noble Phil Meisenheimer and the other officers have already started planning some wonderful outings for BSSC in 2014. We are planning a Hockey Game, Picnic, Ladies Night Out and our Annual Christmas Party. I’m sure there will be more. Of course we will be supporting our Shrine through our various fundraisers and direct support contributions. We want to extend our congratulations to Noble Bud Higginbotham and Lady Carol, for his appointment to the Divan. Noble Bud was our Ambassador for several years. He and Lady Carol were a great addition to our club, attending every meeting and participating in many of our outings. Of course they are still welcome to join us anytime in President, Noble Phil & First the future. Noble Bud is being replaced by Noble Jim Lind- Lady Brandy Meisenheimer along ley. We want to welcome him to our club and know he will be with their children Taylor (15) and a great addition. Ava (7). The BSSC meets the fourth Monday of the month. Social time starts at 6:30 pm and the meeting and dinner begins at 7:00 pm. The location is the Blue Springs American Legion Post #499 on 7 Hwy in the Lantern Room. If you would like to attend call Lady Gail or I at 816-228-2401. “See You There!” O ur January meeting was held at the Temple on Monday, January 6th with all officers and several BY DICK LEWIS, SCRIBE members in attendance. We were honored to have Noble Keith Duffey from the Jackson County Shrine Club with us, who requested our help in scheduling an Antique and Classic Car Show this year. Following a brief discussion we assured him that we would give him our support for such an event. We regret that our annual Christmas Party which was to be held on Saturday, December 21st had to be cancelled due to the weather, and we look forward to this party again in December 2014. Our January dinner social was held on Monday, January 13th at Ernie’s Steak House in Sugar Creek with 30 members, ladies and guests attending. We were honored to have Lady Winnie Reese with us and hope she will join us again at our next social. Our Past Director Noble Mike Aulgur was presented with a plaque during our January meeting thanking him for a most successful year serving us as Director in 2013. He thanked us and recognized ten of our members who attended every Shrine meeting during 2013. Noble Mike served us in an outstanding manor during last year and will be long remembered for his outstanding leadership. During our November Shrine meeting our Unit donated a check for $1,000.00 to the General Fund of our Temple. We thank all those members, relatives and friends, Divan members and other unit members who assisted us in driving cars through the recent car auction at Bartle Hall. We thank our Past Director Noble Gary Seger who for many years now has worked closely with the auction company in making this another successful auction. We also thank our Past Director Noble Mick Owens, Lady Jan, our Past Potentate, Past Director Ills. Sir Noble Don Price and Lady Opal for all the food, sandwiches and refreshments prepared for the drivers during this 3 day auction. We were saddened to report that we lost two of our former members in November. Noble Tom Burke passed away on November 19th. Masonic services were held at the Temple on November 24th. Our condolences are extended to Lady Jackie and family. Also our former Past Director and charter member, Noble Jr. Moon passed away on Thursday, November 14th, with services held on Tuesday, November 19th. Our condolences are extended to Lady June and family. Many of our older members remember the enjoyable swim parties always held at their home on July 4th, following the Sugar Creek parade. Noble Jr. drove 3 beautiful cars during his membership. A 1956 Ford Thunderbird Convertible, 1935 Ford Coupe and a 1940 Ford Coupe. He was also part of the crew that helped restore the old 1940 Chevrolet party truck we enjoyed for several years. Our get well list includes Noble Jim McAfoose who is still under doctor’s care, Nobles Jerry Hess and Woody Woodward who both had back surgeries in late December. We wish them all good health. We welcome our new Director, Noble Craig Barham who was appointed Director by Illus. Sir Maurice Camerlynck Jr. to serve our Unit in 2014. Noble Craig is the son of our deceased Past Director Noble Don Barham and Lady Margaret. He and Lady Susie reside in Blue Springs. We look forward to an enjoyable and successful year under his leadership. Ole Cars ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 17 ...and Gavels Were Presented... 18 | ARARAT SHRINE NEWS FEBRUARY 2014 Enter the 3rd Annual Shriners International Personal Essay Contest Shriners believe in fun, fellowship and philanthropy. For this year’s essay contest, we want to focus on the fellowship and brotherhood you have experienced during your time as a Shriner. Shriners are brought together by shared values and interests, whether it’s a love of motorcycles, playing music in a band, planning a circus or volunteering at a hospital. Over time, this camaraderie often grows into deeper longlasting friendships that last a lifetime. Shriners love to get together and have fun, but they also stand by each other during times of struggle, providing comfort and support. The people that you surround yourself with shape who you are as a person. As a Shriner, your life has been influenced by some of the great men that make up our organization. We hope that you share your story of friendship, brotherhood and fellowship with us and, in doing so, remind yourself and others how great it is to be Shriner. What should I write about? *Please note: Your essay does not have to answer one of these questions. These are just writing prompts to inspire you. Have you had an experience as a Shriner that exemplifies the true meaning of fellowship & brotherhood? Do you and your Shriner friends have a special tradition that you take part in? Are you part of a tight group of friends that met through the Shriners? Did your fellow nobles go out of their way to help you or someone else in a time of need? Are you part of a unit that shares a special bond or connection? Did you meet your best friend through the Shriners? How will the winners be recognized? The top three winning essays will be printed in the new quarterly fraternal publication. The winners will also receive plaques, pins and gift cards. How do I submit an essay? Essays must be submitted to shrinepr@shrinenet. org by February 28, 2014. To view the entry form and a complete list of rules and guidelines go to Please call 813-281-8162 with questions. *Please note: only Shriners with current membership may enter this contest. BUSINESS SERVICES Let us put your Profession and Name in front of the Nobility for only $125 per year! Business Brokerage Services MOORHEAD BUSINESS BROKERAGE, LLC..................................... (913) 402-6008 Now offers the additional service of Certified Machinery & Equipment Appraisals (CMEA). We continue to list & sell businesses. For more information call or email Wayne or Polly: [email protected]. Vist our web page at: COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE CARE COTTMAN TOTAL CAR CARE OF GLADSTONE…………………..816-452-1161 6102 NE Antioch, Gladstone, MO 64119. Providing complete automotive care for the Kansas City area since 1985. We specialize in complex drive-line diagnosis and repair. We routinely take on automotive problems that others can’t address. COMPUTER SERVICES CPROS INC, JEFF QUIBELL................................................................ (816) 224-2890 Your Custom Software & IT Professionals. Viruses & Security Issues a Concern? Put an end to your distress. Call Our Professional IT Specialists Today! Embroidery DREAMWEAVER EMBROIDERY.......................... (816) 645-6178 or (816) 988-8828 Rocky & Janet Weaver, 1500 N.W. Wildwood Drive, Blue Springs, MO [email protected] Home Improvements BRUCE BROSKO – AAA Lifetime Exterior Remodeling.................. .(816) 589-6909 Siding – Windows – Roofs – Decks – Sun Rooms CORNERSTONE HOME IMPROVEMENTS………………….(816) 737-0601 Doug and Brenda Walters – Windows * Doors * Siding Insurance CARLETON VOORHIES STATE FARM AGENCY.................................(816) 741-3558 Auto Home Life Health Insurance LIVESTOCK AND MACHINERY ROY CARY, LIVESTOCK & MACHINERY............................................ (660) 882-6440 I-70 & B Hwy. Exit 103, Boonville, MO 65233 Quality young replacement cows and breeding bull. New and used farm machinery. Call for selection and prices. Roofing RON’S ROOFING, Ron & Vonda Williams......................................... (816) 252-9496 15632 E. 24 Highway, Independence, MO 64050 Easy ways to pay your 2014 dues! Y our 2014 Ararat Shrine Dues notices have been sent. They were due January 1st. But this year, there are several ways to pay for your convenience. The Temple has been hard at work so that you can take and make it easy to enjoy being a Shriner. 1. You can always mail a check back in with your notice. 2. You can go to and pay via PayPal. PayPal is now offering a 6 months same as cash option for your convenience. 3. You may call our friendly office staff with a debit or credit card. 4. You may make installment payments, to the office, and when you’ve paid in full, you’ll receive your dues card. 5. You may come by the office and pay directly with one of our happy office staff. We appreciate your continued support of our Fraternity and Shriners Hospital for Children. Regular stated Temple meetings are always the 2nd Wednesday of every month, beginning at 7:30 pm. Your attendance is greatly appreciated. We serve a buffet prior to every meeting or you may dine from the Ararat Club menu. ARARAT SHRINE NEWS | 19 Our Illustrious Potentate Maurice Camerlynck has decreed that a caravan shall be formed at the Temple for the purpose of elevating certain faithful Nomads to the brotherhood of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Each Noble of Ararat Shrine is urged to bring a Nomad for this class and to join this Caravan and witness these faithful Nomads as they cross the Hot Sands of the Desert on our traditional visit to the sacred city of MECCA. Attest: Mike Wheeler, Recorder Aleikum Es Selamu Maurice Camerlynck, Potentate ARARAT 2014 SPRING CEREMONIAL One Day Only Saturday, March 15, 2014 NOBLES, come join us for an entirely modernized Ceremonial! This is an event that is not to be missed! Candidates, their Ladies & Top-Line Signers to arrive in the Ararat Lobby at 11am. Restaurant opens for the Nobility at noon. Ararat Shrine Nobles and their guests to arrive in Bennett Auditorium at 3pm for Public Ceremonial & Arch Production Pub Crawl and Dancing the Night Away begins at 5pm ATTENTION NOBLES!!! All Candidate Petitions and accompanying fees must be turned in to the Business Office by 7pm on March 12, 2014. NO LAST MINUTE PETITIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED!!! Remember, dues and initiation fees are a total of $300 and include an embroidered Fez and Shriner’s Gift Pcck for the New Noble.
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