3. DESIGN METHODS AND ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA 3.1 Inshore and Offshore Lifting Operations The design method for the lifting operations shall be in accordance with 'Standard for Insurance Warranty Surveyors in Marine Operations', DnV Marine Operations, June 1985 ref /1/. The design method described by ref /1/ meets the limiting stress requirement given in Statoil specification S-F-SS-138, section 8. Hence the stress method described below covers Statoil requirements. The Y-piece assembly, the protective steel cover and the reinforced concrete protection cover shall be checked for the ultimate limit state (ULS) condition. The ultimate limited state, related to the maximum load carrying capacity (yielding limit state and buckling limit state) is calculated according to he partial co-efficient method as described in ref /3/ part l, section 4. The formal requirement is that the structure may reach but not exceed a defined limit state when subjected to design loads expressed by Sd # Rd where Sd = design loading effect Rd = design resistance In general the design loading effect may be written as Sd = E (Yfi · Fki) i Yfi = load co-efficient where Fki = characteristic loading The design resistance is written as Rd = Rk / Ym where Rk = characteristic resistance Ym = material co-efficient (= 1.15, see Section 5.1). For steel structures the characteristic resistance is given by the yield stress (oy). The equivalent stress according to von-Mises stress criteria for the design loading represents the design loading effect that will be compared with the design resistance. Buckling of the pipe will be checked as required. The angle of tilt during lifting shall not exceed 1.5E in the sevceability limit state (SLS) (ref Statoil Spec F-SS-139). Maximum deflection of spool shall not exceed 2.0 m, during lifting operations including environmental loads. Final positioning of frames and covers shall be within 0.100 metres of its nominal position as indicated on the Project Drawings (ref Statoil Spec F-SS-139). 3.2 Pipeline/Y-piece Alignment For Y-piece and pipeline alignment on seabed, guidelines given in ref /4/ shall be used. The formal requirement is that the structure may reach but not exceed a defined limit state when subjected to design loads is expressed by Functional Loads Sd # 0.72 · Rk (ref /4/) Functional + Environmental Loads Sd # ).96 · Rk 3.3 (ref /4/) Transport of Concrete Covers from Fab site to CCB Transportation of the concrete covers shall be performed in such manner that there is no damage to the concrete. 3.4 Inshore and Offshore Lifting of Concrete Covers Inshore the concrete covers will experience three lifting operations as follows:- Lifting from fabrication site to barge Lifting from barge to quay Lifting from quay to Regalia It is expected that none of these conditions are dimensioning for the concrete covers. For offshore lifting the concrete covers will be designed as described in Section 3.1 and according to Statoil Specification D027-S-F-SF-004 rev O. 4. LOADS 4.1 Load Category Definitions Loads are classified according to DnV (Ref /3/, part l) as - permanent loads (P) variable functional loads (L) environmental loads (E) deformation loads (D) accidental loads (A) 4.1.1 Permanent Loads (P) Permanent loads are loads which will not be removed during the period considered, such as - weight of the structure weight of permanent ballast and equipment which cannot be removed external/internal hydrostatic pressure of permanent nature buoyancy (permanent part) 4.1.2 Variable Functional Loads (L) Variable functional loads are loads which can be removed or moved, such as - operational of cranes loads from alongside vessels mooring of vessels differential ballasting operational impact loads stored materials, equipment and liquids, fluid pressure etc 4.1.3 Environmental Loads (L) Environmental loads are loads caused by environmental conditions like - waves current storm surge tide wind ice earthquake 4.1.4 Deformation Loads (D) Deformation loads are loads associated with imposed deformations, such as - differential settlements - temperature 4.1.5 Accidental Loads (A) Accidental loads are loads that are not well defined with respect to intensity and frequency and that may occur as a result of improper use or exceptional conditions like - collisions from vessels dropped objects loss of hydrostatic stability loss of permanent internal pressure 4.1.6 Load Factors The ultimate state is to be checked for two load combinations a and b, with load co-efficients according to table 4.1 below Load combinations P L E E A a. Ordinary b. Extreme 1.3 1.0 1.3 1.0 0.7 1.3 1.0 1.0 - Table 4.1 Load Factors for Ultimate Limit State In addition load factors shall be included to cover effects like - dynamic amplification contingency/inaccuracy skew load additional design factors 4.2.1 Dynamic Factors The dynamic amplification factor (DAF) is a factor accounting for the global effects normally experienced (ref /3/, RP5). Table 4.2 below shows the values for DAF which shall be used for lifts in air. Weight of the lifted object (W) # 100 t DAF Offshore DAF Inshore 100-1000t 1.30 1.20 1.15 1.10 Table 4.2 Dynamic Amplification Factors (DAF) 4.2.2 Contingency/Inaccuracy The weight inaccuracy factor (WIF) shall according to Ref /3/, RP5, be WIF = 1.10 4.2.3 Skew Load The skew load factor (SKF) is a factor to include the extra loading on slings caused by the effect of inaccurate sling lengths and other uncertainties with respect to force distribution in the sling arrangement. SKF1 shall be 1.25 for single hook lifts. For multi hook lifts an additional factor to include yaw (YEF) and tilt effects (TEF) shall be included. For multi hook lifts the skew load factor (SKF2) will be YEF = 1.05 TEF = 1.05 (assumed) SKF2 = SKF1 · YEF · TEF = 1.38 4.2.4 Design Factors For design of padeyes and other structural elements, additional design factors shall be included to account for load inaccuracies, local dynamic and consequences of failure (ref /3/, Sec 6). See table 4.3 below. DESIGN FACTOR Item Part coeff method Perm stress method Spreader frames, spreader beams with lifting points etc 1.75 1.35 Lifting points(padeyes and their attachments to the structure) 1.75 1.35 Load transferring members supporting the lifting points 1.50 1.15 Other members of the lifted object 1.30 1.00 Table 4.3 Design Factors 4.3 Load Definitions and Calculation Methods 4.3.1 Permanent Loads The weights and centre of gravity will be calculated according to accurate specific weights and volumes and/or weighted or estimated weights of parts of the object, equipment, etc. The calculated or estimated weights will be multiplied by a weight inaccuracy factor (WIF) equal to 1.1, ref Section 4.2.2. 4.3.2 Variable Functional Loads The variable functional loads are equal to permanent loads multiplied by the dynamic amplification factor (DAF). 4.3.3 Environmental Loads For loadout and installation the following load cases shall be considered I Lift inshore permanent loads variable functional loads (inshore DAF) wind tuggers II Lift Offshore in Air permanent loads variable functional loads (offshore DAF) wind tuggers III Lowering through Wave Zone permanent loads variable functional loads (offshore DAF) wave load tuggers guide wires IV Lowering through water permanent loads (submerged weight) wave load current load guide wires V Load on Seabed permanent loads (submerged weight) variable functional loads (offshore DAF) wave current For the Y-piece and the lifting gear, phase III is found to be more critical then phase I, II, IV and V because - In-phase II there is no relative motion between the lifted object and the crane, which could give rise to large dynamic hook loads. The wind loads acting on the structure will be perpendicular to the main loading direction which is vertical, and the main design wind speed is low. - In Phase IV the wave loads acting on the spool will be reduced as the spool is lowered towards the sea bed. a. Design Conditions It is the intention that maximum significant wave height which the installation can be performed in shall be the one corresponding to either maximum allowable stresses in the structure or to maximum allowable stresses in the structure or to maximum capacity of installation vessel cranes. The start off condition for the lifting operation shall be described by the following seastate Significant wave height Average wave period Hs = 3.0 (m) T = 8.7 (sec) The limiting conditions shall then be calculated. The characteristic wave height (Hk) (maximum expected waveheight in a seastate) described by Hs = 3.0 m is taken as Hk = Hs · % (0.5 · 1n N) where N= number of waves passing during the operation. N is estimated for a 3 hour period. This gives a characteristic wave height Hk = 3.0 · %(0.5 · 1n (3600 · 3/8.7)) = 5.66 (m) Based on wave records from Veslefrikk, recorded in an 11 year period from 1975 to 1986, Tk is taken as Tk = 7 (sec) We now have the following probabilities Prob (T < Tk) = 0.084 (Based on wave records from Veslefrikk) Prob (H > Hk) = 1 - exp {-1/T·N·exp[-2(Hk/Hs)²]} Prob (H>5.66) = 1-exp{-1/8.7·3·3600·exp [-2(5.66/3)²]} = 0.63 Joint probability = 0.084 · 0.63 = 0.05 (5%) which satisfies demands in Ref /3/. The wave loading per meter fixed pipe may now be expressed by Morison's equation. dF = dD + dM where dD represents the drag force and dM represents the mass forces. dD = 0.5 · Ro · CD · D · *V* ·V (per amplitude) and dM = 0.25 · Ro · B · D² · CM · a (per amplitude) where V = 2B/T · Hk/2 ·sin wt = 2.54 ·sin wt (m/s) (water particle velocity) a = (2B/T)² · HK/2 = cos wt = 2.28 cos wt (m/s) (water particle acceleration) Ro = 1.025 (tonn/m3) (water density) D (outer diameter) CD = 1.0 · 1.1 = 1.1 (drag coefficient) CM = 2.0 · 1.1 = 2.2 (mass coefficient) g = 9.81 (m/s²) (acceleration of gravity) Additional forces, A, due to vessel motion shall be included A = Ro · BD²/4 · g · (DAF-1) + Ro · BDi²/4 · g · (DAF-1) + Wp · (DAF-1) (added mass) (mass of water trapped inside) (mass of pipe) where Di (inner diameter) Wp (weight of pipe) Drag forces due to vessel motion is assumed to be negligible. The basic drag and mass co-efficients are assumed to be 1.1 and 2.2 respectively. This includes a 10% increase due to clamps etc. For Hk $ B · CM · D/(2 · CD) the total vertical force amplitude may be expressed as FW = Ro/2 · CD · D · (2B/T)². (Hk/2)2 . (1+(BD/4 ·CM/CD · b. Dynamic hook load (DHL), one hook lifts. Pipe submerged 2/Hk)²) + A DHL = (W+RW) · DAF-WB) · WIF · Yfp + (FW-WP(DAF-1) · Yfe where W WB RW WIF=1.1 DAF=1.2 Fw Weight of lifted object Buoyancy of flooded pipe Weight of rigging Weight inaccuracy factor Dynamic amplification factor Wave loads and load effects on structure due to vessel motion The below given factors are included in the crane design. Yfp (=1.0) Yfe (=1.0) Load factor, permanent loads Load factor, environmental loads Pipe emerged DHL = ((W+RW) · WIF + Aw) · DAF · Yfp where As - mass of water trapped inside pipe Yfp = 1.0 The skew load factor (SKF1) will not have any influence on the dynamic hook load for the single hook lifts. c. Dynamic hook load, two hook lifts Total loading, pipe submerged F = (((W+RW) · DAF-WB) · WIF · Yfp+(FW-WP(DAF-1) · Yfe) · SKF2 where SKF2 - skew load effect Yfp Yfe = 1.O = 1.0 The total force is then distributed to the two cranes according to the rigging arrangement. d. Structural components The design loading for the lifted object is then written Submerged Sd = (W · DAF - WB) · WIF · Yfp + FW · Yfe Emerged Sd = (WIF + Aw) · DAF · Yfp For lifts with skew load factors exceeding 1.0 the design loading effect calculated according to the above loadings should then be adjusted to account for uncertainties in the internal force distribution in the slinging arrangement. The maximum dynamic forces including skew load effects shall be multiplied by a design factor according to table 4.4 below (ref /3/, Rp5, Section 6). This effect is included by reducing the design resistance accordingly. Item I II III DF (design factor) Spreader frame, spreader beams, cantilevers with lifting points, padeyes, etc 1.75 Load transferring members supporting the lifting points 1.50 Other members of the lifted object 1.30 Table 4.4 Design Factors (DF) (i) Y-piece/spool piece (Item II), one hook lifts The effects of increasing the loading in one or more slings with SKF1 shall be investigated. The case giving the largest spool piece stresses represents the design loading effect to be checked according to Sd # Rd = Rk/(Ym · DF) = 0.58 · Rk (ii) Y-piece/spool piece (Item II), two hook lifts The effects of tilting the system both ways will be investigated. For the worst loading condition the skew load effect from SKF1 will be investigated as for the one hook lift. The yaw effect factor will be included. The case giving the largest spool piece stresses represents the design loading effect to be checked according to Sd # RD = Rk/(Ym · DF) = 0.58 · Rk (iii) Item I, one and two hook lifts The loads from the design loading (using the appropriate skew load factor) give the design loading effect. The capacity will be checked according to Sk # MBL/NSF for slings (ref /3/, RP5, Section 4) Sd # SWL for shackles (ref /3/, RP5, Section 5) Sd # Rk/(Ym · DF) for lifting points = 0.50 · Rk spreader beams etc where MBL Minimum breaking load SWL # 0.25 · MBL Safe working load NSF Nominal Safety Factor (ref /3/, RP5, Section 4) e. Alignment Analysis The pipeline will be moved on the seabed using pipeline handling frames. The frames will be used for lifting the pipe ends from the seabed, moving and holding them at the required level for fit-up alignment and welding. Waves and Current The design condition for the alignment analysis operation is taken as Hs = 5.0 m. The characteristic design wave height (Hk) is then given by Hk = Hs · (0.5 · 1n N) 0.5 where N = number of waves in the seastate The characteristic wave height is calculated based upon a 24 hour seastate duration with an average period of 7.5 seconds giving Hk = Hs (0.5 · 1n(3600 · 24 / 7.5) 0.5 = 10.8 (m) As the wave forces at seabed increase with increasing wave period, the calculation of wave forces shall be performed using a long period. The wave period to be used is set to 15 seconds. The current with a 5 years recurrence period is assumed to act together with the above described wave. This gives at seabed Uc = 0.45 (m/s) (ref/7/) The forces from simultaneously acting waves and current will be calculated according to Morsion's equation. dF = 0.5 · Ro · CD · D · *V+Uc*· (V+Uc) + Ro · (BD²/4) · CM · a where V = water particle velocity at seabed a = water particle acceleration at seabed Uc = current velocity Forced displacement Necessary forced displacements for the alignment operation will be applied. Friction forces acting between the pipeline and the seabed will be included. 4.3.4 Deformation Loads None 4.3.5 Accidental Loads None
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