Current Address: Center of Excellence in Information Assurance, King Saud University, P.O. Box 71704, Riyadh 11597 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Cell Number : +966-55-7036456 Electronic mail : [email protected] KASHIF SALEEM, Ph.D. Research Interest Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication, Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs), Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) & Mobile Adhoc Networks (MANETs), Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Information Security, Biological Inspired Optimization Algorithms. Education Doctor of Philosophy (Electrical Engineering). Degree awarded effective from 24 June 2011. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (U.T.M.), Skudai, Malaysia. Thesis Title: Biological Inspired Self-organized Secure Autonomous Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks PhD was fully sponsored by Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) Malaysia. Masters of Engineering in Electrical (Electronics & Telecommunication) CPA 3.30 July 2005 - June 2007 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (U.T.M.), Skudai, Malaysia. Thesis Title: QoS Provisioning for Real Time Services in MPLS, DiffServ aware IPv6 Network using IXP-2xxx (Intel® Network Processor) Project Grade : A Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Technology & Communication Government College University (G.C.U.), Lahore, Pakistan. Project Title: Multiplexing Switch. Project Grade : A- GCPA 2.56 October 2003 - 2004 Bachelor in Computer Science Allama Iqbal Open University (A.I.O.U.), Islamabad, Pakistan. Project Title: Worldwide Freight Systems (W.F.S.). Project Grade : A 1st Division 1999 -2002 Certificates & Workshops Participated in tutorial on “Artificial Immune Systems by Dr. Jonathan Ian Timmis”. Dated: 21st May 2008. FSKSM, U.T.M. Participated in tutorial on “Fuzzy Humming Distance by Prof. Dr. Anca Ralescu” Dated: 15th January 2008. FSKSM, U.T.M. Participated in tutorial on “Fuzzy Sets based Soft Computing by Prof. Dr. Anca Ralescu” Dated: 15th January 2008. FSKSM, U.T.M. Participated in “Hybrid Soft Computing in Engineering by Prof. Dr. Ajit Abraham” Dated: 3rd December 2007. Johor, Malaysia. Participated in tutorial on “Ant Colony Optimization by Prof. Dr. Martin Middendorf”. Dated: 26th-28th November 2007. FKE, U.T.M. Participated in tutorial on “Particle Swarm Optimization by Prof. Dr. Andries P. Engelbrecht”. Dated: 1st-5th November 2007. U.T.M. Participated in 5th Annual U.T.M. M.Sc. (IT-Management) Seminar on “I.T. Security Awareness”. Dated: 1st March 2007. C.I.C.T., U.T.M. RF Filter Design using Microstrip Technology Wireless Communication Technology Dated: 1st-2nd April 2006. Dated: 31st July 2005. Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), U.T.M., Skudai. Wireless Communication Centre (WCC), U.T.M., Skudai. CCNA 3.0 ID# CSCO10905985, MCP 2003 ID# 3181755 Professional Experience Currently an Assistant Professor at Center of Excellence in Information Assurance, King Saud University. From 25th March, 2012. Visiting Researcher at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, U.T.M., 1 Month (1st September 2011 to 31st September 2011). Teaching Assistant (TA) at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, U.T.M., 4 Months (12th January 2006 to 16th April 2006). Network Administrator / Lecturer at Asian Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT), Pakistan, (21st March 2005 to 10th July 2005). Hardware engineer & Lab In-Charge at Computer Craft (Pvt.) Ltd, Hafeez Center, Lahore. 3 Years (November1998 to October2001). Significant Awards Malaysian Technical Cooperation Programme Scholarship for Post Graduate Studies from Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (2008 to 2011). Teaching Assistant Scheme Award from Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia in 2006. Teaching Experience Classes teach in summer 2013 Organized at College of Computer and Information Sciences (CCIS), King Saud University. CEN445 - Computer Networks-2 CEN448 - Computer Network Security Reviewer / Referee Reviewer for Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA), International Journal of Autonomous and Adaptive Communications Systems (IJAACS), IEEE Sensors Journal, International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks (IJDSN), International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing (IJAHUC), International Journal of Communication Systems, Security and Communication Networks, Telecommunication Systems Journal (TSJ), Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal (ETRI), Journal of Engineering and Computer Innovations (JECI). Member of Editorial Board of MASAUM Journal of Computer Sciences. TPC member ICAIS 2013, IIOCC '11, ICOS 2011. Designated Reviewer for CHUSER 2014, ISGT14, ISCAIE 2014, ICOCOE'2014, ISTMET 2014, IJCDS' V3, ICAIS'14, ICEPIT 2014, SIRS-2014, ICA 2013, SHUSER 2013, ISWTA 2013, TIME-E 2013, BEIAC 2013, ICAIS 2013, ICCSII 2013, ISCI 2013, APACE2012, ICCSII2012, ICOS 2012, PECON 2012, ISWTA 2012, ISBEIA2012, ISIEA 2012, IAPEC2012, ISCI 2012, BEIAC 2012, SCOReD 2011, RFM2011, ICSIPA 2011, APCC2011, IIOSCCS '11, ICCAIE 2011, ISWTA 2011, IEEE ICCSIT 2011, ICOS 2011, ISIEA 2011, ICMSAO-2011, ISCI 2011, ICOS 2010, ICCAIE 2010. Research & Publications Research Projects National Plan For sciences & Technology (NPST) Saudi Arabia ongoing Research Project Title “Information Security Mechanisms for Real Wireless Mesh Network Scenario”. as Primary Investigator. Research Center in College of Computer and Sciences, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia, ongoing Research Project Title “Low-cost and Secure framework for Machine to Machine (M2M) Communication”. as Co-Investigator. Research performed as Research Assistant at UTM in 2007 - Project Title “FPGA-based Space-Time MIMOOFDM Design for Wireless LANs”. Events Organized SPNGN 2013 : 5th Symposium on Security and Privacy in Next Generation Networks, in conjunction with International Conference on Information Technology - New Generations (ITNG), 2014. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. ReHIS 2014 : 1st International Workshop Reliability of eHealth Information Systems, in conjunction with 16th International Conference on Ehealth Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom2014), 2014. Ponta Negra, Natal-RN, Brazil. Selected Journals K. Saleem, N. Fisal, and J. Al-Muhtadi, "Empirical Studies of Bio-inspired Self-Organized Secure Autonomous Routing Protocol," IEEE Sensors Journal, published by IEEE, March 2014. (ISSN = 1530-437X, IF = 1.475) Zubair, S., N. Fisal, Y. S. Baguda, and K. Saleem, "Review: Assessing Routing Strategies for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks", Sensors, vol. 13, issue 10, pp. 13005-13038, 2013. (ISSN = 1424-8220, IF = 1.953) Mohammed S. Khalil, Fajri Kurniawan, Kashif Saleem, “Authentication of Fingerprint Biometrics Acquired using a Cellphone Camera: A Review”, International Journal of Wavelets Multiresolution and Information Processing, ISSN - 0219-6913. (ISSN = 0219-6913, IF = 1.306) K. Saleem, N. Fisal, S. Hafizah, and R. Rashid, " An Intelligent Information Security Mechanism for the Network Layer of WSN: BIOSARP," Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, published by Springer, Vol. 6694, 2011. ISSN - 0302-9743. K. Saleem, N. Fisal, M.S. Abdullah, and S. Hafizah, "Biological inspired secure autonomous routing mechanism for wireless sensor networks," Int. J. Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2011, pp.313 - 337. ISSN - 1751-5858 K. Saleem, N. Fisal, M. A. Baharudin, A. A. Ahmed, S. Hafizah, and S. Kamilah, "Ant Colony Inspired Self-Optimized Routing Protocol based on Cross Layer Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks," WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on COMMUNICATIONS (WTOC), vol. 9, 2010, pp. 669678. ISSN - 1109-2742 K. Saleem, N. Fisal, S. Hafizah, S. Kamilah, and R. Rashid, "A Self-Optimized Multipath Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering (IJRTE), vol. 2, 2009. ISSN - 1797-9617 K.Saleem, N.Fisal, S.Hafizah, S.Kamilah, and R. A. Rashid, "Ant based Self-organized Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), vol. 2, August 2009. ISSN - 2076-0930 Selected Book Chapters Kashif Saleem, Zahid Farid and Mohammad Ghulam Rahman, " Mobile IPv6 based Autonomous Routing Protocol (MARP) For Wireless Sensor Networks," in Building Next-Generation Converged Networks: Theory and Practice, Editor: Al-Sakib Khan Pathan, Muhammad Mostafa Monowar; Zubair Md. Fadlullah, Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 2013, pp. 568. Kashif Saleem and Norsheila Fisal. "Biological Inspired Autonomously Secure Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks," in Security of SelfOrganizing Networks: MANET, WSN, WMN, VANET, Editor: S.K. Pathan, Auerbach Publications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA, 2010, pp. 375-408. Thesis Master Thesis “QoS Provisioning for Real Time Services in MPLS, DiffServ aware IPv6 Network using IXP-2xxx (Intel® Network Processor)”. PhD Thesis “Biological Inspired Self-organized Secure Autonomous Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks”. Selected Conferences Derhab, A., Saleem, K., and Youssef, A., " Third Line of Defense Strategy to Fight against SMS-based Malware in Android Smartphones", The International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2014), Nicosia, Cyprus, August 4-8, 2014. Saleem, K., M S. Khalil, N. Fisal, A A. Ahmed, and M. A. Orgun, "Efficient Random Key based Encryption System for Data Packet Confidentiality in WSNs", IEEE TrustCom 2013, Melbourne, Australia, IEEE, 16-18 July, 2013. Kashif Saleem and Norsheila Fisal, Energy Efficient Information Assured Routing based on Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for WSNs. In: Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Information Technology (ITNG 2013), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 15-17, 2013. Kashif Saleem and Norsheila Fisal, Enhanced Ant Colony Algorithm for Self-Optimized Data Assured Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of 18th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON2012), Singapore, December 12-14, 2012. Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal and M. Ariff Baharudin, A Real-Time Empirical Study of BIOSARP based Wireless Sensor Network Testbed. In: Proceedings of 11th IEEE SENSORS 2012, Taipei International Conventional Center, Taipei, Taiwan, October 28-31, 2012. Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah, BIOSARP: Biological Inspired Self-Organized Secure Autonomous Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. In: Proceedings of ACS'11 Proceedings of the 11th WSEAS international conference on Applied computer science, Included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web Knowledge, Penang, Malaysia, October 3-5, 2011. Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah, Rozeha A. Rashid. An Intelligent Information Security Mechanism for the Network Layer of WSN: BIOSARP. In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems, Torremolinos, Spain, 8th-11th June, 2011. Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, M. Ariff Baharudin, Sharifah Hafizah, Sharifah Kamilah, Rozeha A. Rashid. Ant Colony inspired Self-Optimized Routing Protocol based on Cross Layer Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: Proceedings of 14th WSEAS International Conference on COMMUNICATIONS, Included in ISI/SCI Web of Science and Web Knowledge, Corfu Island, Greece, 23-25 July 2010. Kashif Saleem, Norsheila Fisal, Sharifah Hafizah, Sharifah Kamilah, Rozeha Rashid, Yakubu Baguda. Cross Layer based Biological Inspired SelfOrganized Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network. In: Proceedings of TENCON 2009. Suntec Singapore International Convention & Exihibition Centre, Singapore, 23-26 November 2009. K. Saleem, N. Fisal, M. S. Abdullah, A.B. Zulkarmwan, S. Hafizah, S. Kamilah. Proposed Nature Inspired Self-organized Secure Autonomous Mechanism for WSNs. In: Proceedings of 1st Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems. Quang Binh University, Dong Hoi City, Quang Binh Province, Vietnam, 1-3 April 2009. Kashif Saleem, Norshiela Bt. Fisal and Muhammad Munim B Ahmad Zabidi. QoS Provisioning for Real Time Services on DiffServ aware IPv6 Optical Network using IXP-2400 Intel Network. In: Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks (WOCN 2008). Surabaya, Indonesia, 5-7 May 2008.
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