UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2138 1 3803 5207 2602 2 2023 3 2329 3257 5345 3713 4 3853 3378 899 3864 14 5126 5063 5331 2835 3687 5118 2053 2171 3361 4953 5037 15 3733 3160 2122 3663 3273 5584 5601 3888 3175 5 3394 3649 2769 2362 5117 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP Sponsor 21st Century Medicine 3M 4S3 Bioscience Inc A. F. Associates Family Medicine A. P. Pharma A.L. Mailman Foundation AA Implant Dentistry Research Foundation AAA Fnd for Traffic Safety aaiPharma Inc Aamjiwnaang First Nations Community Aarhus University Hospital Aaron Copland Fund for Music, Inc. AARP Andrus Fdn AB Sciences AB Vector, Inc Abbott Diagnostics Abbott Fund Abbott Laboratories AbbVie, Inc. Abington Medical Specialists Abington Memorial Hospital ABIOMED, Inc. Ablation Frontiers Ablynx NV ABMRF/Fnd for Alcohol Research Abortion Rights Mobilization Abraxix BioScience, LLC Abt Associates, Inc. Academic Gastrointestinal Cancer Consortium Academic Med Ctr Cons Academic Pediatric Association Academy of Orofacial Pain Academy of Prosthodontics Foundation Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure Acceleron Pharma Inc. Accelovance, Inc. AccuGenomics, Inc. Acorda Therapeutics, Inc. ACS/Petro Research Fund Actelion Clinical Research, Inc. Actelion Pharmaceuticals LTD Actelion Pharmaceuticals, US, Inc. Action for a Better Community Acucela, Inc. 1 Sponsor Type Key CORP = Corporate FED = Federal FND = Foundation IND = Individuals NYS = New York State OLG = Other Local Gov't ONFA = Other Non-Fed Agency VHA = Voluntary Health Agency Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3516 16 17 1095 6 7 2995 2959 5224 2448 18 3215 3816 2243 19 20 3828 3751 2388 3153 2319 900 21 2967 3802 3360 5169 5186 5137 4934 3795 5038 2400 3066 3694 5503 3158 3503 3161 2002 2099 5228 8 3492 22 8/29/14 Sponsor AcuFocus, Inc. Acuson Corporation Acusphere, Inc Acute Therapeutics, Inc. ADAC Laboratories ADAPSO Adarza BioSystems, Inc Adelson Medical Research Fnd Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Research Foundation Aderis Pharmaceuticals Adler Foundation ADMA Biologics, Inc. Administration on Aging (AoA) Adolor Adria Labs Adult AIDS Clin Trial Grp AdValue Photonics Advanced Acoustic Imaging Technologies Advanced Biologics Advanced Biomedical Research, Inc. Advanced Cardiovascular Systems, Inc. Advanced Health Care Sys Advanced Magnetics, Inc Advanced Neuromodulation Systems Inc. Advanced Technologies and Regenerative Medicine, LLC Advantage Imaging Systems Adventist Health System dba Florida Hospital Advocacy Center Advocate Health & Hospital Corp. AdvR, Inc. Aerocrine, Inc. Aerospace Optics, Inc. Aetna Foundation, Inc. Afferon Corporation Affinergy, Inc. Affliated First Hospital of Zunyi Med Univ AGA Medical Corporation Agennix Inc Agilent Technologies Agouron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Agway Foundation AHS Hospital Corp. AIDS Rochester Air & Waste Mgmt Assoc Air Cast Inc 2 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP VHA CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2416 3865 2332 2433 2865 3476 23 3869 5294 2517 24 5485 5275 5147 2455 2200 3645 2973 25 1014 2958 3768 26 2740 27 2157 2426 2805 28 3243 2789 2960 2220 2715 3028 5197 2700 2796 4910 3665 29 30 31 3726 32 8/29/14 Sponsor Aircast Foundation Inc Airlift Research Foundation Ajinomoto Inc ALARIS Medical Systems, Inc. Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority Albany College of Pharmacy Albert Einstein Alcatel-Lucent AlchLight Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Providers of NY State (ASAP) Alcon Laboratories Aldenex Alder Hey Children's NHS Fnd Trust Alere Wellbeing Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Alexion Pharmaceuticals Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation Alexza Pharmaceuticals Alfred P. Sloan Fnd Algos Pharmaceuticals Corporation Alimera Sciences Inc Alkermes, Inc. Allen & Hanburys Allen Foundation Allergan, Inc Alliance for Aging Research Alliance for Cancer Gene Therapy Alliance for Lupus Research Allied Signal Company Allos Therapeutics Allstate Foundation Alnylam Pharmaceuticals Alpha Intervention Technology, Inc. ALTAIR Center LLC Altana, Inc Altarum Institute Alternatives for Battered Women Alternatives Research & Development Fnd Altor Bioscience Corp. Altus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Alza Corporation Alzheimer's Association Alzheimer's Dis & Rel Dis Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation Am Assoc Marriage & Fmly Therapy 3 Sponsor Type FND ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP VHA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP VHA VHA VHA CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP VHA VHA ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3372 3344 3538 3521 3120 5078 2794 5585 34 10 3412 2592 901 36 37 2031 39 38 43 44 3291 903 2158 904 45 42 46 2155 47 53 52 54 2856 56 58 59 60 1046 1821 2199 1019 2957 3588 3329 2997 8/29/14 Sponsor Am Hellenistic Edu Prog Assc (AHEPA) Am Soc for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) Am Soc of Colon & Rectal Surgeons Am. Inst. of Ultrasound in Medicine Amarex Clinical Research Amarillo Heart Clinical Research Institute Amarin Neurosciences Ambit Bioscciences Corp. Ambulatory Pediatric Assc AMC Cancer Research AMDA Foundation AMDeC Foundation, Inc Amer Acad Allergy, Asthma, Immunolo Amer Acad Facial Plastic Amer Acad of Clin Toxicol Amer Acad of Fixed Prosthodontics Amer Academy of Neurology Institute Amer Academy Pediatrics Amer Assoc for Cancer Res Amer Assoc for Dental Res Amer Assoc for Thoracic Surgery Amer Assoc of Blood Banks Amer Assoc of Neurosurgery Amer Assoc of Oral & Max Amer Assoc of Univ Women Amer Assoc Spinal Cord In Amer College of Cardio Amer College of Emergency Physicians/NY Amer College of Hlth Assn Amer Fed for Aging Res Amer Fed For Clinical Res Amer Fnd for AIDS Res Amer Foundation for Aging Research Amer Inst for Cancer Res Amer Parkinsons Dis Assoc Amer Soc for Engrg Educ Amer Soc for GI Endoscopy Amer Soc for Microbiology Amer Soc Laser Medicine & Surgery Amer Soc on Autism Foundation Amer Speech-Lang-Hearing Fnd Amer. Acad. Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) Amer. Acad. Nursing Amer. Assoc. of Neurological Surgeons Amer. Soc. of Health-System Pharmacists 4 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2470 5015 2702 3043 2887 2308 2509 3576 3424 2910 2167 41 2915 1000 2405 5285 2309 3839 2090 3640 5392 5427 3338 2901 2925 62 63 64 2283 3040 2913 5578 5020 3577 2776 48 3849 49 3204 2193 3026 997 65 3178 2251 8/29/14 Sponsor Amer.Acad.Otolaryngology-Head, Neck Surgery Fnd. American Academy for Cerebral Palsy & Development Medicine American Academy of Dermatology American Academy of Family Physicians American Academy of Hospice & Palliative Medicine American Academy of Nurse Practioners Fnd American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD Fdn) American Academy of Religion American Asoc. of Plastic Surgeons American Assc Study of Liver Diseases American Assoc for Geriatric Psychiatry American Assoc of Critical-Care Nurses American Assoc of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine American Assoc of Orthodontists Fnd American Assoc. for the Advancement of Science American Association for Laboratory Animal Science American Association of Colleges of Nursing American Asthma Foundation American Bioproducts Company American BioScience, Inc. American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology American Brain Foundation American Brain Tumor Association American Breast Cancer Fnd American Burn Assoc American Cancer Center American Cancer Society American Chemical Society American Chemistry Council American Cleft Palate Foundation American College Counseling Association American College of Clinical Pharmacy American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine American College of Medical Genetics Fnd (ACMGF) American College of Nurse-Midwives (ACNM) American College of Ob & Gyns American College of Phlebology American College of Radiology American College of Rheumatology American College of Surgeons American Contact Dermatitis Society American Council of Learned Societies American Cyanamid Company American Dental Assoc Fnd (ADA Fnd) American Dermatological Assoc 5 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 66 50 3705 2173 2461 2421 2341 2868 33 69 3300 67 2535 2563 2468 2049 3843 2376 2704 70 2206 3518 71 72 3463 73 74 3494 5306 2609 2819 75 3664 3050 76 3381 2589 2434 2237 2753 2930 2728 2874 2419 5267 8/29/14 Sponsor American Diabetes Assoc American Education Research Association American Epilepsy Society American Equilibration Society American Foundation for Suicide Prevention American Gastroenterological Association American Geriatrics Society American Group Psychotherapy Association American Head and Neck Society American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF) American Hearing Research Fdn American Heart Assoc American Heart Assoc - Fla. Affiliate American Heart Association - NYS American Heart-Northeast Affiliate American Honda Foundation American Institutes of Research American Legacy Foundation American Liver Foundation American Lung Association American Management Systems American Mathematical Society American Meat Institute American Medical Assoc American Museum of Natural History American Nurses Association American Nurses Fnd American Optometric Fdn American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS) American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine American Pain Society American Paralysis Assoc American Parkinson's Disease Assoc., Inc. American Pediatrics Association American Petroleum Inst American Pharmacists Assc (APhA) American Physical Society American Physical Society - NYS Section American Physical Systems American Physiological Society American Psychiatric Association American Psychological Assc. American Public Health Assoc. American Red Cross American Rhinologic Society 6 Sponsor Type VHA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA VHA VHA CORP ONFA ONFA VHA VHA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 77 1097 2235 2536 2749 3146 3047 2272 2695 2042 1067 2775 5478 4981 3238 4984 4905 78 2197 2845 4951 3764 79 2516 3343 2713 2712 2417 3230 80 81 82 3804 83 4904 2568 5299 5014 2142 84 3393 5172 3870 2428 85 8/29/14 Sponsor American Skin Association American Sleep Disorders Assc American Sleep Medicine Fnd. American Soc for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology American Society for Bone and Mineral Research American Society for Dermatologic Surgery American Society for Surgery of the Hand American Society of Clinical Oncology American Society of Cytopathology American Society of Hematology American Society of Nephrology American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology American Society of Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine American Society of Sports Medicine American Society of Transplant Surgeons American Society of Transplantation American Statistical Association American Suicide Fnd American Surgical Assoc. American Thoracic Society American Type Culture Collection American Urogynologic Society American Urological Assoc American Welding Society American Women in Science Fnd Americana Cell Therapy Research Fdn Americorps Amersham Health Amethyst Research, Inc Amgen & Medtronic Amgen, Inc Amgen/Regeneron Amnis Corporation Amoco Foundation, Inc Amplimed Corp. AmpliVex, LLC Amplyx Pharamceuticals, Inc. Ampylx Pharma Inc. Amsterdam Support Diagnostics Amyotropic Lat Scl Assoc Anacor Pharmaceuticals Analgesic Solutions Anchor Therapeutics Androscience Corporation Anesta 7 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FED CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 86 2929 3536 5123 87 2087 2121 2151 2683 3110 2759 2963 3666 5486 88 2414 3672 3355 3655 2230 3883 3761 3335 4917 5206 2300 2729 2241 2256 3468 89 3376 1049 2051 3070 5297 1035 11 3746 3921 2872 90 5372 2854 5241 8/29/14 Sponsor Anesthesia Pt Safety Fnd Angio Tech Corp AngioDynamics, Inc Ann and Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Anna E. Casey Foundation Anonymous 109 Anonymous 113 Anonymous 114 Anonymous 115 Anonymous 121 Anonymous 139 Anonymous 142 Anonymous 143 Anonymous 144 Anonymous Donor AnorMed Corporation Anspach Companies Anthony L. Jordan Health Center Antigen Express, Inc. Antigenics, Inc. Antisense Pharma GmbH AO Research Fund AOSpine North America AOTrauma International apceth GmhH & Co. KG Aphton Corporation, Inc. Aplastic Anemia & MDS Intl Fnd Apple Aid, Inc. Applied Coatings, Inc. Applied Energetics Applied Image Aptina Imaging Inc. Aquila Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Ara Parseghian Medical Research Fnd ARC of Monroe County ARC of Yates County Archibold Trust ARCHIVES/Hist Pub & Rec Arcion Therapeutics, Inc. Ardea Biosciences, Inc. Arginox Pharmaceuticals Argonne National Lab Argos Therapeutics, Inc. ARIAD Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Arkansas Cardiology 8 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP CORP ONFA FND IND IND IND IND IND FND FND FND CORP IND CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA FND FED CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5296 5368 3284 5061 91 3436 2622 1015 3434 2883 3111 3397 3857 92 2637 3709 93 2348 3341 5193 2386 2443 4957 3508 3783 2447 2830 94 3567 2293 5112 3016 2066 3689 2627 2493 2164 2182 2048 3505 5268 2317 2747 2669 3264 8/29/14 Sponsor Arkansas Children's Hospital Research Institute Arkansas Site Mgmt Services, LLC Arkios BioDevelopment Intn'l. Ark-La-Tex Cardiology, APMC Armour Pharmaceutical Arno Therapeutics, Inc. Arnold P. Gold Foundation Aronex Pharmaceuticals, Inc Array BioPharma Arrhythmia Research Technology, Inc Arrow International Art beCAUSE Arthrex, Inc. Arthritis Foundation Arthritis National Research Foundation ArthroCare Corp. Arthroscopy Assoc of N A Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Artisan Pharma Inc ARTrust (AAAAI) Arts & Business Council Inc. Arts & Cultural Council of Greater Rochester ARVO Foundation for Eye Research ASCO Cancer Foundation ASE Optics Ashley Family Foundation Aspreva Pharmaceuticals Corp Assc Child Learning Dis Assc of Women Surgeons Fnd Assc. of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Assistance Publique - Hopitaux de Paris Assoc for Academic Surgery Assoc for Intrnat'l Cancer Research Assoc for Recorded Sound Collections Assoc Med Schools of NYS Assoc of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs Assoc of Nurses in AIDS Care Assoc of Occupational/Environ Clinics Assoc of Prof of Gyn & Ob Med Educ Fnd Assoc of Univ for Research in Astronomy, Inc Assoc of University Radiologists Assoc of Women's Hlth, Obstetric & Neonatal Nurses Assoc. for Institutional Research Assoc. for Research of Childhood Cancer, Inc Assoc. of Schools of Public Health 9 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP VHA FND CORP ONFA FND CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA CORP FND CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2301 2613 95 4997 3073 2806 3897 12 3209 96 97 3383 2187 898 13 2827 98 906 2415 99 3206 3566 5497 3363 2218 3198 1041 3387 3488 5053 5221 5227 2024 3290 100 5000 5119 2339 3068 4950 2147 2275 3697 3015 4916 8/29/14 Sponsor Association for Cancer Research Association for Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) Association for Prevention Teaching and Research Association for Women in Mathematics Association of American Medical Colleges Association of University Centers on Disabilities Association of Zoos and Aquariums ASTA Medica Astellas Pharma US, Inc. Astra Merck, Inc Astra Pharmaceuticals Astra Tech AB AstraZeneca ASTRO Fund AT&T Bell Laboratories Ataxia Telangiectasia Children's Project Athena Neurosciences, Inc Athena Ventures Athenium Pharmaceuticals, LLC AtheroGenics, Inc Athersys, Inc. Atlantic Health, Inc Atlantic Neuroscience Institution Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Inc. Atlantic Technology Ventures Atorvastatin Research Awards Program Atrix Laboratories, Inc. Attention Control Systems, Inc. (ACS) Audiology Inc. Augmenix Inc. Aurora Health Care, Inc. Austin Heart PLLC Austin Society of America Foundation Autism Speaks Autometric Inc Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Avedro Inc. Aventis Pasteur Limited Aventis Pharmaceuticals Products Inc Avila Therapeutics Avon Breast Health Access Fund Avon Products Foundation Axial Biotech, Inc. Axio Research Corp. Axiom Real-Time Metrics 10 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5510 5450 3414 5517 3543 2931 3651 5030 2916 101 5034 2520 102 103 104 3670 105 5337 4919 1079 2095 3451 2730 3920 3038 5208 2822 3714 106 107 907 4974 1038 2748 3214 2682 2485 5082 908 2584 108 5287 2479 3097 3561 8/29/14 Sponsor AxoGen Corporation Azienda Ospedaliera Citta della Salute e della Scienza Bachmann-Strauss Dystonia & Parkinson Fnd, Inc Baden Street Settlement of Rochester, Inc. BAE System, Inc Bank of America Banner Health Banyan Biomarkers BARD Peripheral Vascular Bassett Hospital Res Inst Battelle Energy Alliance, LLC Battelle Memorial Institute Battelle-Pacific NW Lab Batten Disease Supp & Res Assoc Bausch & Lomb Bavarian Nordic GmbH Baxter Health Care Bay Area Cardiology Associates, P.A. Bayer Healthcare AG Bayer Institute for Health Care Communication Bayer Pharmaceutical BBI, Inc. BBN Technologies Corp. BD - Diagnostics - Preanalytical Systems BD Biosciences Beach Petroleum BEAM, Inc. Beat Batten Foundation Beckman Foundation Becton Dickinson Beecham Labs Beez Foundation Behring Diagnostics, Inc Beijing Cancer Hospital Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason Benign Essential Blephrospasm Research Fnd (BEBRF), BenjaminRose Institute Berks Cardiologists, Ltd. Berlex Biosciences Inc Berlex Foundation Berlex Labs, Inc Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Murnau BetaBatt, Inc. Beth-Israel Deaconess Medical Center Bettergy Corp 11 Sponsor Type CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP VHA FND CORP CORP VHA CORP ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 4937 3286 2648 109 2656 3656 3658 2983 3116 3306 2612 111 5353 1066 3685 2921 5566 3756 3423 909 110 3437 2884 2321 2131 2603 1013 3715 2298 910 1089 3379 3389 5324 1096 1021 3385 3490 112 3501 3374 2260 2360 113 911 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Beyond Batten Disease Foundation Beyond Dental & Health USA, Inc. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Binat'l Res & Develpmt Fn Binax, Inc. BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Biodel BioForce Nanosciences Inc BioForm Inc. Bioform Medical Inc Biogen Idec Inc. Biogen, Inc BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. Biolink Corporation BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc Biomedical Development Corp Biomedical Research & Training Inst. Biomedical Research and Education Foundation Biomedical Systems Corp. Bio-Mega Bio-Mega/Boehringer Biomet 3i, Inc. BioMimetic Therapeutics, Inc Bioniche Life Sciences, Inc. BioPore, Inc. BioPowerTech Inc. Biora, Inc. BioReference Laboratories Biosense Webster, Inc. Biotechnology General Co Biotronik, Inc. BioTrove Blackstone Medical, Inc. Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network Bloch Foundation Block Drug Company, Inc. Blood Center of Wisconsin Bloominescence LLC Blue Cross & Blue Shield Blue Highway, LLC BOCES - Monroe #1 BOCES - Monroe/Orleans Co. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. Boehringer-Mannheim Boeing 12 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 912 5551 114 115 3362 5488 2233 3057 116 117 118 913 4956 3800 3910 4991 4975 3805 2662 119 3080 3925 2435 5440 2711 5572 5254 2423 5434 914 120 3638 121 122 124 2209 2521 5223 4963 5047 5389 5387 2050 125 4906 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA VHA VHA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP VHA VHA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA FND CORP ONFA Sponsor Boeing Computer Services Bolton Medical, Inc. Boots Company, Inc Boots Pharmaceuticals Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc Boston ROC Network Boston Scientific Corp. Boston Scientific Scimed Bracco Diagnostics Inc Bracco-Byk Gulden GmbH Bradley Foundation Bradley Hospital Brain & Behavior Research Foundation Brain Aneurysm Foundation Brain Cells, Inc. Brain Plasticity, Inc. Brain Research Foundation Brain Tumor Funders Collaborative Brain Tumor Network Brain Tumor Society BrainLAB AG BrainScope, Inc. Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester Breast Cancer Research Foundation Breg, Inc. Bridge Builders Ministries Bridgeport Hospital Brigham & Women's Hospital BrightFocus Foundation Bristol Labs Bristol-Myers Squibb Co British American Tobacco (BAT) British Biotech British Sugar Brookdale Foundation Group Brookhaven National Laboratory Brother International Corp. Bryan Heart BSN Medical, Inc. Buck Institute Buffalo Cardiology & Pulmonary Assoc Buffalo Niagara RIVERKEEPER Buffett Foundation Burdick, Inc Bureau of Justice Statistics 13 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2188 2632 126 127 5397 128 2205 2755 3895 3579 2541 2841 5492 142 5338 3485 5170 3522 915 3830 2128 5226 143 2707 4980 5489 144 5476 145 146 2610 5204 3440 141 148 5166 149 5256 2549 3691 5311 5594 5271 3791 5222 8/29/14 Sponsor Burleigh Instruments Burnham Institute Burroughs Wellcome Co Burroughs Wellcome Fund Butler Hospital Byelocorp Scientific Inc Byk Gulden Pharmaceutical C.R. Bard, Inc. C2 Therapeutics, Inc. CA HIV/AIDS Research Program Cadbury Adams Cadence Pharmaceuticals, Inc. CalciMedica Inc. Calcitek, Inc Caliber Imaging & Diagnostics Califia Bio Inc. California Pacific Med Res Institute Calorics, Inc. CALSPAN - UB Research Ctr Cambridge Heart, Inc. Cambridge Neuroscience Inc. CAMC Health Ed & Research Institute Canadian CFF Canadian Institute of Health Research Canadian Research and Education Arthritis Canandaigua VMAC Cancer Action Cancer Diseases Hospital Cancer Research Fnd of America Cancer Research Institute Cancer Treatment Research Fnd Canon Canyon Pharmaceuticals CaP CURE Carborundum Co Cardiac Arrythmia Service Cardiac Pacemaker, Inc Cardiac Study Group Cardinal Health CardioFocus, Inc. Cardiology Associates of Fairfield County Cardiology Research Grp Cardiopulmonary Research Sci & Technology Inst Cardiothoracic Surgical Trials Network Cardiovascular Assoc of VA Bon Secours St. Mary's Hosp 14 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA VHA ONFA CORP ONFA VHA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA CORP CORP VHA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5234 5253 3731 3292 4935 918 5076 2771 3716 5480 2418 129 2380 3187 2673 5442 2349 5482 3881 3868 3084 5393 3578 151 152 3570 154 153 2498 3356 2264 3094 3246 155 5381 5521 156 5071 5231 5277 3812 158 157 5130 3354 8/29/14 Sponsor Cardiovascular Associates Ltd. Cardiovascular Med & Cardiac Arrhythmia, Inc. Cardium Therapeutics, Inc. Carestream Health Inc Carl Zeiss Meditec Carnegie Corporation Carolinas Medical Center CART Fund Carticept Medical CAT/Assays Catalyst Research, LLC CAT-EIS Corporate Sponsor Catholic Family Center Cato Research Ltd. Caveo Technology CCI (Collaborative Care Interactive) CDD CDx Diagnostics CEA Cedar-Sinai Medical Center CEFIC-LRI Celadon Celadon Laboratories Celgene Corporation Cell Therapeutics, Inc Celldex Therapeutics, Inc Cellegy Pharmaceuticals CellPro, Inc Celltech R&D Ltd. CellTraffix Inc Cenes Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing Center for Governmental Research Center for Indoor Air Res Center for the Advancement of Science in Space Center for Youth Centocor, Inc Central Baptist Hospital Central Bucks Cardiology Central Manchester Univ Hosp NHS Fnd Trust Central NY Parkinson Support Group, Inc. (CNYPSG) Central NY Research Corp CentraLink Centro de Atencion Primeria Juan XXIII Centrose, LLC 15 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2250 3782 159 5048 2597 5374 919 3699 2529 3707 2980 3346 2175 3334 3730 3724 2922 3218 161 3838 5581 3590 162 5334 3732 2697 2533 2020 3021 3004 3285 163 164 2109 2052 2539 5185 2460 5461 165 3470 2403 3586 2427 2465 8/29/14 Sponsor Cephalon, Inc. Cerebral Palsy International Research Foundation Cerenex Pharmaceuticals Cerexa, Inc. Certus International, Inc. Cervical Spine Research Society Cetus Corporation Channing Bete Co. ChanTest, Inc. Charcot -Marie-Tooth Association Charles River Lab Clinical Services Inc. Charles Settlement House Chase Manhattan Bank Chatlos Foundation, Inc CHDI Foundation, Inc. Chelsea Therapeutics, Inc ChemoCentryx, Inc. CheryPharm, Inc Chesebrough-Pond Chest Wall & Spine Deformity Research Association Child and Parent Support Services Child Health Corp of America (CHCA) Child Leukemia Res Assoc Child Neurology Associates Child Neurology Foundation Child Neurology Society Nat'l. Office Child Trends Children's Brain Tumor Foundation Children's Brittle Bone Fnd Children's Digestive Hlth & Nutrition Fnd Children's Heart Foundation Children's Hosp Rsch Fnd Children's Hospital Children's Hospital - Harvard Children's Hospital - San Diego Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Ctr. Children's Hospital Medical Center of Akron Children's Hospital of Buffalo Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Children's Hospital of LA Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Children's Institute, Inc. Children's Memorial Hospital - Chicago Children's Mercy Hospitals & Clinics Children's Neurobiological Solutions Foundation 16 Sponsor Type CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5405 2636 2180 3841 5105 3067 1022 2681 2616 2320 1043 5439 916 920 130 3785 5033 2670 3799 131 166 4924 5351 167 168 921 3534 3164 3211 5142 5358 3402 5235 3350 169 2907 132 2576 2324 5323 2534 2575 133 3045 134 8/29/14 Sponsor Children's Neuroblastoma Cancer Fnd Children's Research Institute Chimeric Therapies, Inc. Chimerix Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences ChiRhoClin, Inc. Chiron Corporation Chirp Corp Christopher Reeves Paralysis Foundation Chugai Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Church & Dwight Co., Inc. Church of Love Faith Center CIA Ciba Vision Corp CIBA-GEIGY Corporation Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center CISCO Systems, Inc. Citizens United Research Epilepsy (CURE) City of Hope Cancer Center CITY/Rochester Civilian Res & Dev Fnd ClarElast LLC Clark Patterson Lee Clark-MXR, Inc Clement International Cleveland Clinic Cleveland Medical Devices Inc (CleveMed) Clinical Cardiovascular Research LLC Clinical Dev. Res. Institute, Inc. Clinical Directors Network Clinical Financial Services, LLC Clinical Professionals, Inc. Clinlogix, LLC Clinsys Clinical Research, Inc. ClinTrials Research Cmed Inc CNC Systems CNTY/Chemung CNTY/Dakota, Minnesota CNTY/Delaware, PA CNTY/Erie CNTY/Livingston CNTY/Monroe CNTY/Monroe/Aging CNTY/Monroe/Health 17 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP FED CORP CORP ONFA CORP VHA ONFA OLG ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2040 5445 5580 135 1040 136 2593 2577 2548 2571 5187 2510 2894 171 3535 2258 3407 2696 172 1042 5291 3353 5330 5217 3386 2259 174 2077 917 5024 175 176 137 139 177 2875 2638 3820 3877 178 3330 5124 3319 3826 179 8/29/14 Sponsor CNTY/Monroe/MCH CNTY/Monroe/Planning & Development CNTY/Monroe/Public Health Preparedness CNTY/Monroe/Social Srvcs CNTY/Onondaga/Health CNTY/Ontario CNTY/Schuyler CNTY/Seneca CNTY/Steuben CNTY/Wayne CNTY/Wyoming County Dept of Health CNTY/Yates Coaxia, Inc. Coca Cola Foundation Cochlear Americas Code Blue Communications, Inc. Codevax Cognosci, Inc. Colgate-Palmolive CollaGenex, Inc. Collegium Pharmaceticals Inc. Coloplast Colorado Health Med Grp Cardiovascular & Thoracic Care Colorado Neurological Institute Colorado Prevention Center Columbia Ctr for the Active Life of Minority Elders Columbia Gas System Serv. Columbia Hosp at Medical City Dallas COM Consortium Combined Federal Campaign Comm Fnd for Palm Beach Comm Nat'l & Commnty Srvc COMMERCE COMMERCE/NOAA Commonwealth Fund Community Fnd of North Central Wisconsin Compton Foundation, Inc. Computing Research Association CONCAWE Concern Foundation Congress of Neurological Surgeons Conquer Cancer Foundation Consortium for Ocean Leadership, Inc. Continuum Incorporated ConvaTec 18 Sponsor Type OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG OLG CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA FED FED FED FND ONFA FND CORP CORP FND ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2181 2094 5134 181 3018 2920 5539 5120 182 3169 2873 183 3269 184 5036 2366 2650 996 185 923 2525 2651 3176 5136 5534 2605 3704 2962 3003 170 2680 186 187 2788 1082 4977 3421 1033 5317 3498 3862 2100 188 3010 5161 8/29/14 Sponsor Conway Stuart Medical Cook Biotech, Inc. Cook Children's Medical Center Cook Imaging Cook Incorporated Cooley's Anemia Foundation Cooper Health System d/b/a Cooper University Hospital Coopervision Coordinated Care Services Inc. Cor Therapeutics, Inc. Corautus Genetics, Inc CorBec Pharmaceuticals Cordis Corporation Cordis Webster CORE Science Solution, LLC Corgentech, Inc. CORIXA Corp Cornerstone Research Group, Inc Corning Inc. Corning Incorporated Foundation CORONNA (Consortium of Rheumatology Researchers of NA), Inc. Corp for Nat'l & Community Service Corpak Inc. Corridor Primary Care Pediatrics Cortice Biosciences Corus Pharmaceuticals Corventis CoTherix Inc. Coulter Pharmaceutical Council for Independent Colleges Council for Int'l Exchange of Scholars Council for Tobacco Res Counseling & Human Dev Fn Covalent Group Covance Clinical & Periapproval Svcs., Inc. Covance, Inc. Covidien Cox Trust CP Rochester CPEX Pharmaceuticals, Inc Craig H. Neilsen Foundation Crandall Foundation A Cray Research, Inc. CRDF Cooperative Grants Program CRDF Global 19 Sponsor Type CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP FED CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA CORP FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2675 2945 189 3107 2562 2762 5083 3203 5524 3332 3772 2136 3039 2354 2411 190 3244 2739 2044 2086 5025 3462 3263 5443 5205 2101 5590 3639 140 2763 3833 3479 3041 2652 191 3712 2202 5295 924 3259 2030 2231 926 2340 2459 8/29/14 Sponsor Creare CROfessionals, LLC Crohn's & Colitis Fnd CroMedica CryoCor, Inc CryoVascular Systems, Inc. Crystal Run Healthcare CS Fluids, Inc. CSA Medical CSL Behring GmbH Corp CSL Limited Ctr for Health Care Strategies Inc. Ctr for Rsch in Mental Retardation & Dev Disabilities CTRC Research Foundation Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Culpeper Foundation Cumberland Pharmaceuticals, Inc Curagen Corp Cure Autism Now Cure for Lymphoma Fnd CURE Foundation Cure Lab CurePSP CureSearch for Children's Cancer Curetis AG Curtice Burns/Pro-Fac Foundation Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation CV Therapeutics, Inc. CVC Products Inc CVRx, Inc. Cyntellect, Inc. Cypress Semiconductor Corp Cypros Pharmacuetical Cystic Fibrosis Fdn Therapeutics Inc. (CFFTI) Cystic Fibrosis Fnd Cystinosis Research Foundation Cytoclonal Pharmaceutics Cytokinetics Cytyc Corporation D3 Engineering Dade Behring Inc. Daiichi Pharmaceutical Corp. Daisy Marquis Jones Fnd DAKO Corporation Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation 20 Sponsor Type CORP CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP VHA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA CORP ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP FND Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 225 2657 226 3753 3448 3801 2791 2108 5404 3102 3191 3882 2371 5315 3142 2628 4942 2619 2814 5257 5178 1091 227 4976 228 3112 5164 3473 5121 3557 3202 5013 192 5122 5549 3474 193 5332 195 196 197 194 204 3399 198 8/29/14 Sponsor Damon Runyon/Walter Winch Dan Marino Foundation Dana Farber Cancer Inst Danish Agency for Science, Technology & Innovation Danone Research B.V Datascope Corporation Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption Davenport-Hatch Foundation Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson's Deafness Research Foundation Debiopharm, S.A. Defense Science Organization Nat'l Labs Delta Gamma Foundation Delta Heart & Medical Clinic Dendreon Corporation Dental Herb Co. DENTSPLY Friadent GmbH DENTSPLY International Inc Denver Health and Hospital Authority Denver Research Institute Depomed Dept of Health, Canada DePuy DePuy Mitek, Inc. Dermatology Foundation Dermik Laboratories Desert Cardiology Center Desert Research Institute Desmond Tutu HIV Fnd of the Univ of Cape Town Deuscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD) DevCo Pharmaceuticals Ltd. Developmental Exposure Alcohol Research Center DHHS DHHS/ACL DHHS/Admin on Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities DHHS/ASPR/BARDA DHHS/Children & Families DHHS/CMMI DHHS/HDS DHHS/HDS/ADD DHHS/HDS/Child Abuse Negl DHHS/Health Care Financing Admin DHHS/HRSA/MCH DHHS/NIH/NNLM DHHS/PHS 21 Sponsor Type VHA FND VHA ONFA ONFA CORP FND FND VHA VHA CORP ONFA FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP VHA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 200 2310 2401 201 3499 202 203 205 2897 2752 2902 2065 3301 3132 2429 2801 2297 3417 2364 2924 229 2981 2114 3193 3876 3455 3860 207 208 209 1076 925 210 211 212 2783 213 214 215 216 217 219 3502 218 2928 8/29/14 Sponsor Type FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED FED Sponsor DHHS/PHS/AHCPR DHHS/PHS/AHRQ DHHS/PHS/ATSDR DHHS/PHS/CDC DHHS/PHS/CMS DHHS/PHS/FDA DHHS/PHS/HRSA DHHS/PHS/NIH DHHS/PHS/OPHS DHHS/SAMHSA DHS/Homeland Security Diabetes Action Research & Educ Fnd DiaCarta, LLC Diacom Imaging Systems, Inc. DiagnoCure, Inc. Diagnostic Oncology CRO, Inc Diagnostic Products Corporation Diamyd Therapeutics AB Dianon Systems Diffinity Genomics, Inc Digestive Care Inc Diomed Inc Dirksen Congressional Center Discovery Laboratories, Inc. Discovery Pharmaceuticals DMC Research Resources, LLC DNage BV DOD DOD/AF DOD/AF/AFOSR DOD/AF/Air Force Research Laboratory DOD/AF/Kirtland AFB DOD/AF/Rome Air Devel Ctr DOD/AF/Rome Laboratory DOD/AF/Wright Patterson DOD/ARL/ARDA DOD/ARMY DOD/ARMY/AMRDC DOD/ARMY/ARO DOD/ARMY/Picatinny Arsen DOD/ARPA DOD/DARPA DOD/Defense Threat Reduction Agency DOD/MDA DOD/Nat'l Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 22 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2686 220 221 222 223 3654 5586 230 231 1047 232 2028 2463 2079 2436 2067 233 5143 1085 5240 234 5570 3899 237 2029 3272 235 236 3023 224 2160 2499 2550 2970 3076 5003 239 928 3774 245 3565 5159 3788 246 3033 8/29/14 Sponsor Type FED FED FED FED FED ONFA FND FND FND FND FND FED FED FED FND CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA FND ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA VHA CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor DOD/Nat'l Reconnaissance Office DOD/NAVY DOD/NAVY/ONR DOD/NSA DOE Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund Donaghue Foundation Donaldson Charitable Trst Donner Foundation Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Dorothea Haus Ross Fnd DOT/FAA DOT/Fed Highway Admin DOT/Nat'l Highway Safety Traffic Doug Flutie Jr Foundation for Autism, Inc. Dow Chemical Company Dow Corning Corp Doylestown Cardiology Associates Dr. Scholl Foundation Drexel Univ College of Medicine Dreyfus Foundation Drs. Gouel and Blotny Drummond Scientific Company Dudley Observatory Duke Clinical Research Institute DuPont Engineering Research DuPont Merck Pharmaceut DuPont Pharmaceuticals Dura Pharmaceuticals DUSA Pharmaceuticals Inc Dwight D. Eisenhower Prof Dev Prgm Dynamic Eye, Inc. Dynavax Technologies Corp. Dynogen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Dyson Foundation Dystonia Coalition Dystonia Medical Res Fnd E.I. DuPont DeNemours Co. Eagle vision Pharmaceutical Corp Earhart Foundation Early Care and Leaning Council East House Eastern Athletic Trainers' Association Eastern Coop Oncology Grp Eastern Nursing Research Society 23 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 247 248 5414 2222 5261 2906 249 2307 240 2992 3189 5545 1029 2238 241 2540 3472 251 3118 2013 5558 3131 252 2168 1070 253 1075 254 2823 255 5199 5192 2134 256 3589 2054 2203 3792 257 3840 3011 258 2179 3547 2968 8/29/14 Sponsor Eastman Dental Center Eastman Kodak Company Economic & Social Research Council EcoSmart Technologies, Inc. Ed White Consulting LLC Edith Glick Shoolman Children's Fnd. Edna McConnell Clark Fnd Edna Tina Wilson Living Center EDUCATION Educational Development Center Educational Foundation of America Edward P. Evans Foundation Edward S. Moore Foundation Edwards Lifesciences, LLC EG & G Idaho, Inc Egenix, Inc. Einstein-Montefiore Inst. for Clinical & Translational Res. Eisai Corp. EJLB Foundation EKOS Corporation ELA Foundation ELA Medical Elan Corporation/Athena Neurosciences Elan Pharmaceuticals Eleanor Naylor Dana Charitable Trust Electric Power Res Inst Electro Optic Science Elf Aquitaine Eli and Edythe L. Broad Fnd Eli Lilly & Co E-Line Media Elizabeth Munsterberg Fellowship Prg Ellison Medical Foundation Elsa U Pardee Foundation eMagin Corporation EMBO-European Molecular Biology Org. Embryotech Laboratories, Inc EMD Serono, Inc. Emergency Medicine Foundation Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation Emergency Nurses Association Foundation Emmes Corp Empire State Development Corp En Route Tech En Vivo Pharmaceuticals 24 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND FND ONFA FED ONFA ONFA FND FND CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA FND FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP VHA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 1057 5479 3019 259 2291 2824 2497 3466 2367 3357 2955 260 5377 261 2614 3777 242 243 3297 2344 2325 262 263 2741 2169 2277 3139 244 402 2630 266 3307 2639 5574 2732 5163 2328 2914 267 2566 2381 5176 3359 268 269 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FED CORP CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Enamelon Research EnCompass: Resources for Learning, Inc. Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. Endocrine Fellows Fnd Endometriosis Association EndoVx, Inc. Endpoint Research, LLC Energy Focus, Inc Enteron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Environmental Education Associates Environmental Energy Technologies, Inc. Environmental Proj Contrl Environmental Res. & Educ. Foundation Enzon, Inc Enzymatic Therapy, Inc. Eolas Biosciencs USA EP Technologies EPA EpiCept Corporation Epicyte Pharmaceutical, Inc Epigen, Inc. Epilepsy Fnd of America Episcopal Church Home EpiVax, Inc. EPIX Medical, Inc. eRT Operating Company Esai Inc. ESEERCO Esther & Jos. Klingenstein Fund ethica Clinical Research, Inc. Ethicon, Inc. European (Atomic Energy) Community European Commission European Huntington's Disease Network EVA Pharmaceutical Inc Evergreen Health Evident Technologies, Inc. Evolving Earth Foudation Excel Quantronix Excellus Health Plan, Inc. eXegenics Exelis - ITT Exelixis Exergen Corp. Exxon Chemical Co 25 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 270 3924 3531 1052 271 3736 2196 2037 3199 3558 2016 5592 5335 273 274 5010 4922 3847 2655 275 5156 276 3677 3453 277 278 3035 2215 2162 279 280 5418 3653 281 3676 3274 2892 2208 282 2406 2625 2073 5108 2303 5288 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FED FND FND ONFA CORP CORP FND CORP FND ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND VHA ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsor Exxon Resrch & Engrg Co ExxonMobil Biomedical Sciences Inc. ExxonMobil Upstream Research Co. Eye Bank Assoc of America Eye Res Fnd of Central NY Eyeon Therapeutics, Inc. F.F. Thompson Cont. Care Ctr. Facioscapulohumeral Society, Inc. Fahs-Beck Fund for Research & Experimentation Fair Health, Inc Fairport Baptist Home Faith Temple Church Family Practice Medical Associates South Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Fnd Farash Foundation Farmworkers Legal Services of NY, Inc. FAST Diagnostics, Inc. Favrille, Inc. Fdn for Blood Research FEFA, LLC Feinbloom Foundation Feinstein Institute for Medical Research Feldstein Medical Foundation Fellowship for Asthma Res Fermi Nat'l Accelerator Lab Ferring Pharmaceuticals Inc. Fertility Acoustics, Inc. Fertin A/S (DANDY A/S) Fetzer Institute Fibertek, Inc Fidelity Biosciences Research Initiatives Fidelty Foundation Fight for Sight Finger Lakes Health Systems Agency, Inc. Fireproof Children/Prevention First First Wave Technologies, Inc Fishbein Family IC Res. Fnd Fisons Pharmaceuticals Fitness Line Youth Foundation FJ Rodino Healthcare Fleet Corp Charitable Contributions Prgm Fletcher Allen Health Care Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute Flint Creek Resources, Inc. 26 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3771 5139 272 283 284 2394 1056 2165 1004 2820 2004 3433 2858 5129 5066 5270 285 286 3309 3408 5500 3249 3742 5031 2263 3657 287 2932 3258 288 3205 289 2145 3140 3208 3302 2102 3236 290 2604 291 2857 3017 293 294 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA CORP CORP FND FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND VHA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND Sponsor FluoroLogic, Inc. FluxData, Inc. FMC Corporation Fnd for Anesthesia Ed Res Fnd for Child Development Fnd for the Children's Oncology Group Fnd for Treatment of Children w/AIDS Fnd of NYS Nurses Assoc Fnd of the Pierre Fauchard Academy Fnd. for Informed Decision Making Focal, Inc. Focus Diagnostics Fond de la recherche en sante du Quebec Foodlink Foothill Cardiology Force and Motion Foundation Ford Foundation Forest Laboratories Inc Fossa Medical Foster Fnd Foundation for California Community Colleges Foundation for Healthy Living Foundation for Physcial Med & Rehab (PM&R) Foundation for Reproductive Medicine Foundation for Sustainable Development Foundation Leducq Fox Chase Cancer Ctr FoxHollow Technologies, Inc Fralex Therapeutics, Inc Francis Family Fnd Fraser-Parker Foundation Fred & Floy Willmott Fnd Fred H. Klaucke Fred Hutchinson Cancer Res Ctr Freedom from Fear Fresenius Medical Care Friedlander Family Foundation Friedreich's Ataxia Research Alliance (FARA) Friendly Home Friends...You Can Count On (FYCCO) Frontier Sci & Tech Res Fujirebio Diagnostics, Inc Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc. Fujisawas USA, Inc. Fulbright Foundation 27 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3093 295 296 297 2148 3861 3149 3489 5423 2449 3825 2103 300 3347 2221 5378 5293 2226 3328 2620 3252 2212 2370 2466 301 302 303 3555 304 305 2413 2588 2234 3509 3898 2506 306 2194 2961 5175 307 2289 4945 4999 308 8/29/14 Sponsor Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Educ (FIPSE) Fusion Physics & Technol Futrex, Inc G D Searle & Co G&P Charitable Fnd for Cancer Research Gabrielle's Angel Fnd for Cancer Res GalaGen, Inc. Galderma Laboratories Galera Therapeutics Galewitz Family Foundation Galleon Pharmaceuticals Gannett Foundation Gate Pharmaceutical Gateway for Cancer Research GC America Inc. GE/NFL Geisinger Clinic Gem Pharmaceuticals, Inc Gemin X Inc Genaissance Pharmaceuticals Gene Tools, LLC GeneAMP GENECOM Genencor International, Inc Genentech Foundation Genentech, Inc General Atomics General Dynamics General Electric General Electric Med Sys General Motors General Motors Corp Fuel Cell Activities General Services Admin (GSA) Genesee County Economic Dev Ctr Genesee Valley Medical Foundation Genesis Heart Institute Genetic Therapy, Inc Genetics Institute, Inc. Genmab, Inc. Genome Canada Gensia Pharmaceuticals Genta, Inc. Gentian AS Gentium Genzyme 28 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND VHA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FED ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3133 3919 5245 3524 3480 2106 2057 2454 5051 931 309 3265 311 5141 5396 2211 2491 3049 313 314 2316 2708 315 3908 2299 3540 3517 2803 2245 5272 3845 316 3065 3409 3416 5537 318 5470 5211 2495 2295 2056 3646 2869 319 8/29/14 Sponsor Geo-Centers, Inc. George Eastman House Georgia Arrhythmia Consultants & Res Inst Georgia Dept of Behavioral Health & Dev Disabilities Geoscience Australia Gerber Foundation German American Academic Council Fnd German Marshal Fund of the United States German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH) Getty Foundation Geyer Foundation GG&C Imaging Systems, Inc. Gilead Sciences, Inc Gilmore Research Group Given Imaging, Ltd Gladys Brooks Foundation Glaucoma Foundation Glaucoma Research Fnd Glaxo Inc Glaxo Wellcome Inc GlaxoSmithKline Glenn Foundation Gliatech, Inc Global Fibrosis Foundation Global Health Network, LLC Global Vaccines, Inc. Glover-Crask Charitable Trust Goldman Philanthropic Partnerships Golisano Foundation Good Samaritan Hospital Google Inc. Gordon S. Black Corp. Gottschalk Mental Health Graham Fnd for Advanced Studies GRAMMY Fnd Graves Memorial CME Church Grayson-Jockey Club Great Lakes Neurotechnologies Great Ormond St.Hosp for Children NHS Foundation Trust Greatbatch Enterprises Corp Greater Hudson Heritage Network Greater NY Acad of Prosthodontics Fnd Greater Rochester Health Foundation Greece Central School District Greenwall Foundation 29 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND VHA VHA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP VHA CORP CORP FND VHA FND ONFA CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA FND ONFA FND Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2351 5173 298 299 4929 320 1053 321 3196 5278 322 323 2917 5346 324 5587 326 327 5406 5312 2350 2462 5005 2146 2227 5181 1036 2352 3445 5244 932 2512 3227 328 2716 3747 329 5409 5472 5598 330 2246 2375 2118 2867 8/29/14 Sponsor Group Health Cooperative Growing Child Pediatrics GTE Foundation GTE Valenite, Inc. GTx, Inc. Guggenheim Memorial Fnd Guidant/CPI Guilford Pharmaceuticals Gustavus & Louise Pfeiffer Research Fnd Guys & St. Thomas NHS Fnd Trust Gynecologic Cancer Fnd Gynecologic Oncology Grp H. Lundbeck A/S H. M. Jackson Fdn for Advancement of Military Med., Inc. H.F. Guggenheim Fnd HABICO Haggerty Research Fnd Halcyon Hill Foundation Halozyme Hamawaki Orthopaedic Hospital Hamilton Health Sciences Corp Handheld Products, Inc. (HHP) Hans Rausing Endangered Languages Project (HRELP) Harbor Branch Oceangraphics Inst. Harbor-UCLA Research & Educ. Inst. Harold Hacker Fund Harriet Ames Charitable Trust Harris RF Communications Division Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust Hartford Hospital Hartley Assoc, Inc Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Harvest Technologies Corp. Hasbro Children's Fund Hauptman Woodward Institute Hayden's Batten Disease Foundation Health Effects Institute Health Federation of Philadelphia Health Foundation for Western & Central NY Health Quest Systems Health Research Inc Health Systems Research, Inc. HealthNow NY Healthtronics, Inc. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada 30 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA FND CORP CORP FND CORP CORP FND ONFA VHA ONFA CORP CORP FND CORP ONFA FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND CORP FND ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3530 5214 5232 3569 2063 331 332 933 934 5168 3168 333 5039 334 2885 336 337 2561 3740 3787 5050 5588 3121 338 935 4993 339 340 341 5301 3192 5093 342 3901 3911 2743 3183 5109 3242 5104 5343 5560 3770 343 2150 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA VHA ONFA FND CORP FND CORP ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsor Heart Failure Society of America Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Heart Specialists PC of S. Connecticut Heath Policy Administration - APTA Heinz Family Foundation Helen Bader Foundation Helen Hay Whitney Fnd Helene Fuld Health Trust Hellenic Univ Club of NY Hematology Oncology Assoc of Central New York Henry Ford Health System Henry Luce Foundation HERA Women's Cancer Foundation Hereditary Disease Fnd Heritage Christian Services Hertz Foundation Hewlett Packard High Q Foundation High Tech Rochester Inc. Higher Education for Development (HED) Highland Hospital Hilden & Preston Davis Foundation Hill Haven Nursing Home Hispanic Health Res Cons Hitachi, Ltd. HIV Vaccine Trials Network Hoechst Marion Roussel Hoechst-Roussel Pharm Hoffman-LaRoche Inc Hokkaido University Hospital Hollis-Eden Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Hologic, Inc. Honeywell Hoosier Oncology Group Hope Foundation Hope Labs Foundation Hope Street Kids, Cancer Res Fnd of America Horizon Research Hospira, Inc Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) Hospital for Special Surgery Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires House Ear Institute Howard Hughes Med Inst HTC 31 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 325 5090 344 3098 5148 5444 5238 3739 5243 3728 345 3248 346 3916 347 3914 2926 2919 3851 2595 348 2043 349 3643 5553 350 1071 1093 2986 5456 351 352 2799 3775 3410 2113 3255 4911 353 354 2984 355 3380 1090 5362 8/29/14 Sponsor HUD Hudson Valley Cardiiovascular Assoc, PC Human Frontier Science Program Human Genome Sciences HumanFirst Therapeutic LLC Hunter Holmes McGuire Vet. Med. Ctr Hunterdon Cardiovascular Assoc. Hunter's Hope Foundation Huntington Mem Hosp Clinical Res Dev Huntington Study Group Huntington's Disease Soc Hutchinson MediPharma Limited Hybritech Hyperion Therapeutics Hypres Inc Hyundai Hope on Wheels i3 Research Pharmaceutical Services, Inc Iacocca Foundation IADR Prosthodontics IADR/GlaxoSmithKline IBAH IBEX Technologies Corporation IBM iCardiac Technologies, Inc. ICF International ICI Americas Inc ICON Clinical Research ICOS ID Biomedical Corporation Idea Boxx IDEC Pharmaceuticals Corp IEEE I-Flow Corporation IHMC-Fla. Institute for Human & Machine Cognition Ikaria ILEX Oncology Services Illinois Assoc. of Public Deans of Colleges of Edu. Illinois Education Research Council ILSI Research Fnd ILX Lightware Corp Ilypsa, Inc. ILZRO, Inc IMAP (Inst on Med as a Profession) IMARX IMMERSYVE, Inc. 32 Sponsor Type FED CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3159 2611 356 357 3138 2768 3327 2837 2795 2216 358 3745 5576 3179 5494 2600 2239 2356 3867 4998 3542 2641 2377 359 360 2653 3822 2578 361 2518 5565 2821 2501 1087 5125 2359 3083 2714 5215 3718 5407 2285 362 2088 363 8/29/14 Sponsor Type VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor Immune Deficiency Foundation Immune Tolerance Network Immunex Corp Immuno Clinical Research Immunomedics, Inc. Impact Assessment Inc. Impact Technologies Impax Laboratories, Inc. Imperial Tobacco Co. Improv Systems, Inc. Impulse Technologies IMS Health Incorporated In Christ New Hope Ministry INC Research Incyte Corporation Indiana 21st Century Research & Technology Fund Inex Pharmaceuticals Corporation Infectious Diseases Society of America Infinity Pharmaceuticals Inflexion Point Strategy, LLC Infoscitex Corporation INFOTECH Soft Infotonics Technology Center Inc. Infrared Components Corp Infrared Technology Ingenix Inhibitex, Inc. InLight Solutions, Inc. Innapharma, Inc. Innercool Therapies Innovation Accelerator Innovative Decision Technologies, Inc (INDENT) Innovative Solutions (NY) Innovex, Inc. Innovocracy INO Therapeutics, Inc INOTEK InSite Vision InSituTec Insmed Incorporated Inspire MD Inspire Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Insrnce Inst Highway Sfty Inst for Matching Person & Technol Inst for Res on Poverty 33 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 936 364 365 5249 2342 3682 5115 2881 3195 5162 3163 5460 370 2947 2572 2225 4941 3564 3123 2112 2766 2084 5084 2219 2232 5466 2008 3900 2904 2761 2699 5465 3352 1065 2047 2378 2617 2161 366 3457 367 368 369 1055 2693 8/29/14 Sponsor Inst for the Adv of Hth Inst of Internat'l Educ Inst of Museum Services Institute for Medical Research, Inc. Institute for NeuroDegenerative Diseases Institute for Neurodegenerative Disorders Institute for Research & Reform in Education (IRRE) Institute for Science and Health Institute for the Study of Aging Institute of Education Sciences Instromedix Instrumentation Laboratory Integrated Mental Health Integrated Nano-Technologies, LLC Integrated Therapeutics Group, Inc. Intel Corporation Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity Intelligent Hearing Systems Corp Intellivax, Inc. Intercardia INTERIOR/Nat'l. Business Center INTERIOR/U.S. Geological Survey Intermountain Healthcare InterMune Pharmaceuticals, Inc. International Atomic Energy Agency International Bone and Mineral Society International Carbon Black Asoc International Continence Society International Essential Tremor Foundation International Manganese Institute International Myeloma Fdn International Osteoporosis Foundation International Retinal Research Foundation, Inc. Interneuron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Interstitial Cystitis Assoc Interventional Therapies, Inc Int'l AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Inc. Int'l Anesthesia Research Society Int'l Assoc Dental Resrch Int'l Assoc for Optical Engineering (SPIE) Int'l Life Sciences Inst Int'l Medicine Program Int'l Rsrch & Exch Board Int'l Soc for Heart & Lung Transplantation Int'l Soc Nurses Genetics (ISONG) 34 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA FED ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP FED CORP CORP CORP FED FED ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA CORP VHA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2081 371 372 3006 2010 3148 1094 2937 3776 2384 5548 2357 2442 3056 5582 5577 5339 3042 3806 2072 1062 2876 5411 2368 2882 5216 5260 5158 373 4909 3317 1032 2840 5062 379 3087 892 380 4921 381 3832 382 3008 383 2943 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND FND CORP FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND ONFA FND CORP CORP FND FND CORP Sponsor Int'l Union Against Cancer Intnl Fnd for Ethical Res Intnl Res Inst Paraplegia Intrabiotics Pharmaceuticals Intracel Corp. IntraLuminal Therapeutics, Inc. IntraOp Medical, Inc. Intrinsix, Inc Intuitive Surgical, Inc. Inveresk Research Invincea Labs, LLC Invitrogen Corp Ipas IPRO IRCCS Eugenio Medea, Assoc. la Nostra Famiglia IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris IRCCS Policlinico San Donato IREF iRobot Corporation Ischemia Research & Educ Fnd Isis Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Isotechnika, Inc. Istituto Neurologico Carlo Besta ITI Foundation ITT Industries Space Systems, LLC Ivax International GmbH J & K Consulting J. Craig Venter Institute J. M. Kaplan Fund J. M. McDonald Foundation J. Morita USA, Inc. J. W. Kieckhefer Foundation Jack Kent Cooke Fnd. Jacksonville Heart Center Jacobs Institute Jaeb Center for Health Research James P. Wilmot Foundation James S. McDonnell Fnd JAMS Foundation Jane Coffin Childs Mem Janssen AI R&D Janssen Pharmaceutica Janssen Research Fnd Japan Foundation Jarvik Heart, Inc 35 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5167 5149 5436 2812 4849 2019 384 385 2257 5289 5054 375 376 5201 4969 3475 1031 2490 386 387 2861 388 3075 4970 5012 2777 389 937 3086 374 2135 2505 2068 3918 1034 390 391 3641 3497 2685 3591 2580 3051 377 392 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP FND VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND FND ONFA FND ONFA FND CORP FND FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND FND FND FND FND CORP FND FND CORP CORP ONFA FED VHA Sponsor JBS International, Inc. Jefferson County Cooperative Extension Jefferson Family Medicine Jefferson Laboratory Jenica Research Associates Jenifer Altman Fund Jet Process Corporation Jet Propulsion Laboratory Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Family Service of Rochester, Inc. Jewish Home of Rochester JM Foundation JNCL Research Fund Joan Ganz Cooney Center Joanna M. Nicolay Melanoma Foundation Jobst Vascular Center Joe and Emily Lowe Foundation John & Jayne Summers Foundation John A Hartford Fnd John C Sable Fund John Douglas French Foundation John Hopkins Ctr for Alt John R. Oishei Foundation John Snow Inc. John Templeton Foundation John Wegman Fund Johnson & Johnson Johnson Wax Joint Center for Poverty Research Joint European Med Res Board Joint Oceanographic Institute Jonty Foundation Jose Carreras Int'l Leukemia Fnd Joseph & Irene Skalny Charitable Trust Joseph Alexander Foundation Joseph Drown Foundation Josiah Macy Jr Fnd Joslin Diabetes Center, Inc. Joyce Ivy Fnd JP Morgan Chase Foundation Jubilant Clinsys, Inc. Jumpstart National Junior League of Rochester JUSTICE Juvenile Diabetes Fnd - Rochester Chptr 36 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3810 2143 378 394 395 396 2445 3348 3794 2965 5390 2631 5573 2438 2021 3486 2207 2323 397 398 399 5110 3217 2585 3863 5502 400 3268 2450 2397 3384 2387 1020 401 3890 5474 403 3435 2792 404 5385 5535 2658 5060 3585 8/29/14 Sponsor Juvenile Diabetes Research Fnd Juvenile Neuro Ceroid Lipo Res Fnd JWK International Corp Kabi Pharmacia Kaiser Electronics Kaiser Fnd Res Inst Kaleida Health Buffalo General Hospital Kalypsys, Inc Kaneka Corporation Kanisa Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kansas City Heart Foundation Kansas City VA Medical Center Karyopharm Therapeutics, Inc. Katherine Benton Dollinger Walsh Charitable Trust Kauffman Foundation KBN Optics Keck Foundation Keck Graduate Institute Kellogg Foundation Kelly for Kids Foundation Kendle Kennedy Krieger Institute Kennedy's Disease Association Kenneth B. Schwartz Center Kensay Nash Corporation Kent Hospital Kettering Foundation Keystone Dental Inc Kidney & Urology Foundation of America Kinetic Concepts, Inc (KCI) Kinex Pharmaceuticals, LLC King Pharmaceuticals Kirch Charitable Trust Kirkhaven Nursing Center Klarman Family Foundation Klingenstein Third Generation Foundation Knoll Pharmaceutical Knowledge Athletes, Inc Knowles Science Teaching Foundation Komen Breast Cancer Fnd Komen Breast Cancer Fnd - Central NY Affiliate Konar Family Foundation Koning Corporation Kootenai Heart Clinics, LLC Kopella International, Inc. 37 Sponsor Type VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA CORP ONFA FND CORP FND ONFA FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FND CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA FND FND CORP CORP ONFA VHA VHA FND CORP ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2178 3293 3022 2674 405 3034 2481 2389 3661 5600 3100 2649 3429 4918 2817 5180 407 2170 3071 408 2608 5070 3506 2744 3513 5251 2412 3150 3036 5252 409 420 3809 5102 2075 2304 2302 5388 410 411 5212 5373 2718 3904 5529 8/29/14 Sponsor Kos Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Kosan Biosciences Inc Kosziuszko Foundation KOWA Research Institute, Inc. Kresge Foundation Kunitz and Associates, Inc. Kureha Chemical Industry Co Kyowa Hakko Kirin Pharma, Inc Kyphon, Inc. L-3 Sonoma La Jolla Institute for Allergy & Immunology La Murata Foundation La Roche-Posay Laboratoire Pharmaceutique LabConnect LABOR LABOR/Employment & Training Admin LABOR/OSHA Lacy Foundation Lady Tata Mem Trust Laerdal Foundation LAGeT Inc Lahey Clinic, Inc. LaiPin Technologies, LLC Lalor Foundation, Inc. LAM Foundation Lancaster Heart & Stroke Fnd Lance Armstrong Foundation Langeloth Foundation Language Learning Small Grants Research Program Lankenau Inst for Medical Research Lawrence Berkeley Lab Lawrence Livermore National Lab Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Lawson Health Research Institute Layton Bioscience, Inc. LE Systems/LE Technologies League Against Cancer LeBauer Cardiovascular Res. Fnd. Lederle Laboratories Lederle-Praxis Leeds Teaching Hospital NHS Trust Legacy of Angels Legal Aid Society of Rochester LEGO Children's Fund Leidos Biomed 38 Sponsor Type CORP CORP FND CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP FED FED FED FND ONFA FND CORP ONFA CORP ONFA VHA ONFA FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 412 3461 2236 413 414 2772 3152 2195 406 938 415 416 5571 5457 1100 1088 5304 417 2659 2798 5369 3757 418 3014 2141 419 2553 3078 2333 3029 5028 2832 3188 5079 421 2032 2441 5263 3667 2240 5333 422 2860 423 3324 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA VHA VHA VHA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP ONFA ONFA FND CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Lemmon Company Leonore Annenberg Fellowship Fund Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Leukemia Research Fnd Leukemia Society of Amer Levitronix, LLC Lewin Group Lewin-TAG, Inc. LFFP LGERCA Inc. Life & Hth Ins Med Res Fn Life Sciences Res. Fnd. LifeBridge Health Lifecell Lifeline Foundation Lifespan Lifetime Assistance, Inc. Ligand Pharmaceuticals Light Sciences Corp Lighthouse Biosciences LighTopTech Corp LigoCyte Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Lilly Endowment Inc Lilly Research Laboratories Lincoln Healthcare Foundation Lincoln Park Zoological Lindbergh Foundation Lineberry Research Associates Link Foundation Energy Programs Lion's Club Int'l Liquidia Technologies LithoLink Corporation Litron Laboratories Little Rock Cardiology Clinic, PA Lockheed Martin Corp Lockheed Martin Energy Res Corp Loders Croklaan BV Logos Technologies, Inc. London Health Sciences Centre Long Island Jewish Medical Ctr Lonza Pharma Loral Corporation L'oreal USA Lorex Pharmaceuticals Lorus Therapeutics, Inc 39 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 424 3063 4985 712 5044 3798 4989 5153 2337 2278 2607 4961 425 1063 3837 2486 3584 3880 2633 940 2956 2667 5520 5433 427 2779 431 3444 432 1030 4986 433 434 2214 3442 3759 3552 435 3693 436 3296 5242 437 438 439 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND FND CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA FND FND CORP FND FND ONFA FND CORP FND CORP ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND Sponsor Los Alamos National Lab Los Amigos Res & Educ Institute, Inc. Louis S. & Molly B. Wolk Foundation Louis Skalny Foundation Low Frequency Imaging, Inc. Lowy Medical Research Institute Ltd. Loyola Recovery Foundation LRL Energy Services Inc. LSI Solutions LTR Antisense Technology Lucid, Inc. Lucifics Inc. Lucille P Markey Fnd Lucius Littauer Foundation Luitpold Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Luke and Rachel Batten Foundation Lumetrics, Inc Lundbeck Inc. Lupus Clinical Trials Consortium Lupus Foundation Lupus Research Institute Lustgarten Fnd for Pancreatic Cancer Research LV Prasad Eye Institute Lymphatic Malformation Institute Lymphoma Res Fnd M & T Foundation MacArthur Foundation MacuSight, Inc Mae Stone Goode Mailman Family Foundation Maimonides Medical Center Mallinckrodt Foundation Mallinckrodt, Inc Mancini Charitable Foundation MAP Pharmaceuticals Mapi Research Trust MAQUET Cardiovascular March of Dimes Marinus Pharmaceuticals Marion Merrell Dow Marshall Edwards Pty, Ltd. Marshfield Clinic Research Fnd Martin Marietta Martin Marietta Energy Sy Mary Kay Ash Fnd 40 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3456 440 2935 5415 1002 2343 2991 441 4928 2027 442 443 2833 5279 5550 2374 444 2061 5032 5408 5316 2062 3447 942 445 446 2080 447 448 5367 449 943 450 5011 2591 3069 451 2192 453 454 3405 2163 3695 2383 2964 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP VHA CORP CORP CORP FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA CORP FND FND CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA Sponsor Masimo Corporation Massachusetts Gen Hosp Massage Therapy Foundation Mast Therapeutics Mat Tek Corp Materials Research Society Materials Systems, Inc. Mathers Foundation Mathsense Analytics Matritech, Inc. Matrix Pharmaceuticals Matrnl & Early Childhood Matsushita Electric Works Mauna Kea Technologies Maverix Biomics Max Kade Foundation Maxfield Foundation Maxim Pharmaceuticals Mayday Fund Mayo Clinic-Arizona Mayo Clinic-Minnesota Mayo Foundation Mazamas Research Committee McDonnell Douglas Corp McDonnell-Pew Program McGowan Charitable Fund MCIC Vermont, Inc. McKnight Foundation McLean Hospital Corp McLeod Physician Associates II McNeil Labs McNeil Pharmaceuticals McNeil Specialty Products MD Biosciences Inc. MDS Pharma Services Mead Johnson Nutritionals Meadox Medicals, Inc Med Institute, Inc. Med Res Cncl/Clin Sci Ctr Med., Edu., & Scientific Medarex, Inc Medeva Americas, Inc. Medgraph, Inc. Media Lab Asia MediaBalance, Inc. 41 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3085 2594 5471 1008 944 3523 3271 5019 3212 5360 2972 455 2326 945 2903 2189 2311 2800 5029 428 5599 5085 2784 456 3388 457 1016 458 459 2723 460 429 2852 3711 461 462 463 2083 464 5508 3874 3660 3365 5065 3250 8/29/14 Sponsor Medica Corp. Medical City Dallas Hospital Medical Device Innovation Consortium Medical Education Technologies Inc. Medical Engineering Corp Medical Enterprises Ltd Medical Soc of the State of NY Medicine-Pediatrics Program Directors Associations Medicure International, Inc. Medicus Alliance Clinical Research Org., Inc Medigus Ltd MedImmune Medinox, Inc. Medispoerse Medivation, Inc. Medivir MedNova (USA) Inc. Medpace, Inc MEDRAD, Inc. MEDSEP Corporation MedSource MedStar Health Research Institute MEDTAP International Medtronic, Inc Melanoma Research Fnd Mellon Foundation Memorial Hosp of Rhode Island Memorial Medical Center Memorial Sloan-Kettering Men of Color Health Awareness Project (MOCHA) Mental Health Association MEP Research MEPARS, LLC Mercia Pharma, Inc. Merck Merck & Co. Merck Fund Merck Genome Research Institute Merck Sharp & Dohme Meridian Medical Technologies, Inc. Merz Aesthetics Merz Pharmaceuticals MetaCure, USA, Inc Methodist Research Institute, Inc. MethylGene, Inc 42 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP VHA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2523 430 5248 3477 1060 5527 3481 2528 2543 3390 465 4971 1077 5259 5072 3891 466 467 468 469 2247 2266 5157 3002 3662 2045 3081 3082 3844 5114 5258 470 471 2471 2569 3295 5484 5274 5058 946 472 2654 473 2274 5493 8/29/14 Sponsor Metro Council for Teen Potential MGI Pharma Michigan Heart Michigan Public Health Institute Micro Therapeutics Microclinic Initiative Inc. MicroGen Systems LLC Microgenics, Inc. Micrologix Biotech, Inc. Micron Technology, Inc Microsoft Microtransponders Inc. Microvena Corporation Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation (MAAF) Midwest Heart Foundation Midwest Reg Ctr of Excellence for Biodefense and Emerging ID Mikalix & Co Miles Institute Miles, Inc Milheim Foundation Milken Family Foundation Millennium Pharmaceuticals Miller Children's Hospital Long Beach Millinnex, Inc. Miltenyi Biotec, Inc MIMC MIMC-Medifacts International Research Corp MiniMed, Inc. Ministry of Health/Italy Ministry of Health/Seychelles MiniVax Minn. Innovative Technol Minna & Morton Bank Minneapolis Heart Institute Foundation Minneapolis Med Research Fnd Minster Research Ltd MiRx Pharmaceuticals LLC Mission Research Institute, PLLC Missouri Department of Mental Health Mitre Corporation Mitsubishi Kasai Mitsubishi Pharma Corporation Mizutani Foundation MNiS-Textwise Labs Moderna Therapeutics 43 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP FND FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2452 3790 474 3441 3299 475 5174 476 477 3288 478 3723 2294 5526 479 480 4938 2330 2504 3197 3024 2665 2026 481 3573 3166 2176 482 4920 2279 2690 4939 2804 2363 2599 483 484 5463 485 3207 4973 3491 2373 5237 486 8/29/14 Sponsor Moffitt Cancer Ctr & Research Institute Molecular Biometrics, Inc. Molecular Biosystems Molecular Express, Inc. Molecular Insight Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Monroe Cnty Long Trm Care Monroe County WIC Program Monroe Livingston EMS Cnc Monroe Plan for Med Care Monroe Research Corp Monsanto Montefiore Medical Center Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital Moog, Inc. Morris Animal Foundation Morton M. Mower, M.D. Moserbaer MS Society of Canada Ms. Foundation for Women Mt. Desert Island Biological Laboratories Mt. Sinai School of Medicine (Icahn SOM) Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Multiple Peptide Systems Muscular Dystrophy Assoc Musculoskeletal Research Soc (MSTS) Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation Museum Loan Network Myasthenia Gravis Foundation of America, Inc. Mycophyte Discovery LLC Myogen, Inc. Myotech, Inc Myotonic Dystrophy Foundation Myriad Pharmaceuticals, Inc. N. Suffolk Mental Health Assoc., Inc. Nabi Biopharmaceuticals NAFSA NAFSA Assoc Intntl Eductr Nan A. Lightstone Foundation NANN Nano Precision Products NanoHealth and Safety Center (NSC) Nanomaterials and Nanofabrications Laboratories LLC NAPNAP Foundation, Inc. Narrows Inst for Biomedical Res & Educ Inc. NARSAD 44 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA OLG ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND IND CORP VHA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP VHA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3237 487 488 3580 524 547 538 2647 3052 3173 2555 548 2547 3438 552 5386 2273 3784 549 3234 3358 3171 4994 494 3239 2527 3902 5150 5326 550 2253 5303 2944 3545 3650 2288 3879 2551 2949 2439 2606 3913 2369 4948 2242 8/29/14 Sponsor Naryx Pharma, Inc. NASA NASA/Ames Research Ctr NASPA Fnd (Nat'l Assc of Student Personnel Admin) Nat Assoc Commun Hlth Ctr Nathan Cummings Fnd National Marrow Donor Program National Academy of Neuropsychology National Asian Women's Health Org National Assembly on School-Based Health Care National Association of EMS Physicians, Inc National Blood Foundation National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc. National Cancer Center National Center for Healthy Housing National Center for Responsible Gaming National Childhood Cancer Foundation National Contest for Life Foundation National Dairy Council National Eating Disorders Assoc National Endowment for Plastic Surgery National Hemophilia Foundation National Initiate for Childrens Healthcare Quality National Institute of Standards & Tech National Instruments Inc National Kidney Fnd of Upstate NY National LeioMyoSarcoma Foundation National Lung Cancer Partnership National Marfan Foundation National Medical Research National Medical Technology Testbed National Optical Astronomy Observatory National Organization of Rare Disorders (NORD) National PACE Assoc National Palliative Care Research Center National Patient Safety Foundation National Physical Science Consortium National Psoriasis Foundation National Resource Center National Rosacea Society National Sleep Foundation National Soc of Genetic Counselors National Tay-Sachs & Allied Diseases Assoc National University of Pharmacy National Vulvodynia Assoc 45 Sponsor Type CORP FED FED ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA FED CORP VHA VHA ONFA VHA CORP ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3260 5111 2923 948 525 526 527 528 3048 3568 529 530 531 2159 1011 2076 532 551 3031 2116 2156 2982 2018 3382 991 533 3233 534 553 2624 998 950 1003 2012 535 536 537 2270 539 540 2942 3318 541 542 554 8/29/14 Sponsor National Writing Project Corporation Nationwide Children's Hospital Nat'l Academic Advising Assc (NACADA), Nat'l Academy of Education Nat'l Academy of Sciences Nat'l Acd Sci / Res Cncl Nat'l Alliance for Res on Schizophrenia Nat'l Alopecia Areata Fnd Nat'l Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Nat'l Archive of Criminal Justice Data Nat'l Arthritis Fnd Nat'l Assoc Music Merch Nat'l Assoc Neonatal Nurs Nat'l Assoc of Chronic Disease Directors Nat'l Board of Med Examiners Med Educ Research Fund Nat'l Board of Medical Examiners Nat'l Center Educ & C Hlt Natl Cncl Soviet/E. Europ Nat'l Collegiate Inventors & Innovators Alliance Nat'l Conf Undergraduate Research Nat'l Council for Eurasian & E. European Research Nat'l Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Nat'l Ctr for Dental Research Nat'l Dev and Res Insts., Inc Nat'l Down Syndrome Soc Nat'l Easter Seal Society Nat'l Eczema Assoc for Sci & Edu Nat'l Education Assoc Natl Geographic Society Nat'l Health & Med Research Council of Australia Nat'l Heritage Trust Nat'l Inst Hlth Care Res Nat'l Institute for Global Environmental Change Nat'l Institute of Justice Nat'l Kidney Foundation Nat'l League for Nursing Nat'l Leukemia Assoc, Inc Nat'l Leukemia Research Association Nat'l Multiple Sclerosis Nat'l Neurofibromatosis Nat'l Oper Committee on Standards for Athletic Equip(NOCSAE) Nat'l Org. for Hearing Research Fnd Nat'l Osteoporosis Fnd Nat'l Parkinson Fnd Natl Renewable Energy Lab 46 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FED ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 543 2601 5454 544 951 545 3104 2172 546 2672 2567 3253 3254 489 555 2734 3103 490 3165 491 5075 2144 492 493 2879 5194 556 995 558 557 3156 5498 5008 1017 2726 2843 5430 3760 2556 5101 3182 3735 2938 5219 3312 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA FED ONFA VHA VHA ONFA ONFA VHA VHA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FED CORP CORP ONFA FED CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Nat'l Research Council Nat'l Science & Eng Research Council of Canada Natl Security Agency Nat'l Security Educ Prog Nat'l SIDS Foundation Nat'l Soc Prvent Blindnes Natl Space Biomedical Research Inst Nat'l Surgical Adjuvant Breast & Bowel Proj Fnd Nat'l Vitiligo Foundation Nat'l. Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) Nat'l. Assoc. of State EMS Directors Nat'l. Brain Tumor Society Nat'l. Jewish Medical & Research Ctr. NATO Natra Cure Natural Pharmacia Int'l Inc. NCGS NCI of Canada NE Conf of Seventh-day Adventists NEA Nebraska Specialty Network, LLC NEC Research Institute, Inc. NEDO NEH Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Inc.(NPB) Nemours Children's Hospital Neo Strata Neoligaments, Ltd Neopath, Inc NeoRx Corporation NeoTherapeutics Nestle Nutrition Neural Stem Cell Institute Neurex Neurochem, Inc. NeuroComp Systems, Inc. Neurodegenerative Disorders Research Neurogen Corporation NeurogesX, Inc. NeuroHealth Inc. Neurologic Neurologix, Inc. NeuroPace, Inc. Neuropharm Consulting, Inc. NeuroSearch - Sweden AB 47 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2870 5437 5536 5022 559 560 3815 5043 2574 2807 2954 5086 5320 2998 2941 5302 3866 2420 3789 3796 5276 2664 3717 3683 561 495 562 5512 563 2296 5309 3144 2483 4931 2623 5160 5321 3528 1050 3734 564 496 2985 2811 953 8/29/14 Sponsor Neurosurgery Research & Education Foundation New Beginnings Apostolic Faith Church New Bethel Church New England Foundation for the Arts New England Medical Ctr New England Research Institute New Jersey Commission on Spinal Cord Research New York Alliance for Donation New York Council for the Humanities New York HPA, Inc. (NY Health Plan Assc., Inc.), New York Medical College New York Methodist Hospital New York Photonics & Rochester Regional Photonics Cluster New York State Dialysis Inc. New York State Music Fund New York State Presenters Network New York Stem Cell Foundation Newman's Own Foundation NextWave Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NFL Charities NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Nicholas Noyes Memorial Hospital Nile Therapeutics, Inc. Nine Sigma NiPERA NJ Collegiate Inst Hlt Ed Nordic Merrell Dow Nordic Naturals Norman Howard School North American Menopause Society North American Spine Society North East Center for Ag Med North Shore University Hospital Northeast Area Development (NEAD) Northeast Biodefense Center Northeast College Preparatory School Northern California Institute of Research & Education Northport VA Medical Center Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corp. Northwest Biotherapeutics, Inc. Norwich-Eaton NOVA Pharmaceuticals Novacea, Inc. Novadaq Novartis 48 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA VHA FND CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 565 2519 3342 4996 3134 3088 1083 2971 497 3032 567 5189 568 3303 2677 1005 498 499 3240 3401 3539 2993 3096 569 500 3467 999 1092 2546 1006 2265 3811 2469 3671 502 503 3267 3889 506 2432 2893 509 3556 5420 510 8/29/14 Sponsor Novartis Pharm Corp Novartis Pharma AG Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Novella Clinical Noven Pharmaceuticals Novo Nordisk Novoste Corporation NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. NSF NSF-NYS/IUCRC Corporate Sponsors Ntl Sci Eng Res Cncl Cnda Nuance Foundation, Inc. Nucletron Corporation NU-TREK, INC Nuvelo, Inc. Nuzic, Inc. NY Academy of Medicine NY City School District NY Ctr for Liver Transplantation, Inc. (NYCLT) NY Great Lakes Protection Fund NY Physical Therapy Assoc NY State Health Fnd NY State Spinal Cord Injury Research Board Nycomed NYS NYS Academy of Family Physicians Fnd NYS Addiction Technology Transfer Center NYS Breast Cancer Research & Education NYS Conference of Local Mental Hygiene Directors, Inc NYS Ctr for Agricultural Med & Hlth NYS Health Science Research Board NYS Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabiliti NYS Office of Children and Family Services NYS/Aging NYS/AIDS Institute NYS/Arts NYS/Civil Service NYS/Criminal Justice Services NYS/DDPC NYS/Dept. of Economic Development NYS/Dormitory Authority NYS/Education NYS/Education/Library NYS/Empire State Development NYS/Engy Res & Devel Auth 49 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FED CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA CORP NYS ONFA NYS ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 511 513 515 516 2757 517 519 2409 520 507 2542 521 522 523 947 3235 2684 2228 2987 3333 3858 2888 571 3320 2269 3668 572 3404 955 4913 573 5004 5080 5515 574 2137 4955 3541 3167 3875 5382 5395 575 576 5329 8/29/14 Sponsor NYS/Governor's Traffic NYS/Health NYS/Health/Res Council NYS/Humanities NYS/Labor NYS/Law NYS/Mental Health NYS/Minority Health NYS/Office for People with Developmental Disabilities NYS/Office of Alcholism & Substance Abuse Services NYS/Office of Parks, Recreation & Historic Preserv NYS/PARKS/Nat Herit Trust NYS/Sci & Tech Fnd NYS/Social Services NYS/State Division NYS/Unified Court System NYSACHO NYSTAR Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education OASIS Institute OBJECTVIDEO Inc. Obsessive Compulsive Foundation Occidental Chemical Corp Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc Oceana Sensor Technologies Ocera Therapeutics, Inc. Ochsner Cancer Institute Ockham Development Group Oclassen Pharmaceuticals Office for Victims of Crime Ohmeda Pharmaceutical Okairos Oklahoma Heart Research & Education Fnd OLEDWorks Olin Foundation Olympic Medical Corporation OMeGA Medical Grants Association Omniar, Inc Omnicare Clinical Research, Inc. OmnilD Corporation Omnispeech, LLC Oncofertility Consortium Oncologic Foundation Inc Oncology Nursing Fnd OncoMed Inc. 50 Sponsor Type NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS NYS ONFA NYS ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 4968 577 4944 2492 3129 5519 570 2831 578 3090 2410 5049 579 2927 5453 5426 2284 2754 2988 580 581 3749 5319 2978 3130 582 3044 583 2853 584 2557 2809 585 956 3027 3808 3532 2587 587 2621 588 2060 589 5144 2689 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP Sponsor Onconova Therapeutics, Inc. OncorMed, Inc One Sight Research Foundation Ono Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. ONS Foundation Ontario Institute for Cancer Research ONY Inc Open Meadows Foundation Open Society Institute Ophidian Pharmaceuticals Ophthalmic Research Associates, Inc. Optical Polymers Lab Corp. Optical Research Assoc Optical Science Company Optical Society (OSA Foundation) Optimax Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Optipro Optoelectronics Industry Development Assoc Optometrix Oral & Maxillofacial Surg Ordway Research Institute, Inc Oregon Center for Applied Science, Inc. Organization for Autism Research Organogenesis Inc Organon Teknika Corp Organon, Inc. Orion Corporation Orion Diagnostica Oy Orion-Farmos Pharmaceut Orphan Medical, Inc. Orqis Medical Corp Ortho Biotech Inc Ortho Pharmaceutical Corp Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Orthofix Spinal Implants Ortho-McNeil Janssen Scientific Affairs LLC Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical, Inc. Orthopaedic Res & Educ Foundation Orthopaedic Trauma Association Osiris Therapeutics Osseointegration Foundation Otsuka America Pharm Ottawa Hospital Research Institute Outcome Sciences 51 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3311 3852 2033 5203 5350 3220 3059 2229 596 2111 597 5593 2862 3690 598 2526 3077 5026 599 600 957 5106 601 602 603 3720 5596 2668 5531 5342 4990 3072 3848 2532 604 4960 605 3821 590 606 607 5027 2828 608 609 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FED CORP ONFA FND ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP VHA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP CORP FED FND ONFA CORP VHA VHA Sponsor Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. OyaGen, Inc. Pacesetter, Inc. Pacific Health Research & Educ Institute Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation Pacific Northwest Nat'l. Lab (PNNL) Pacific Research Associates Pacific Vascular Research Fnd Packard Foundation Packard Humanities Institute Pall Biomedical Products Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America Paracor Medical Paradigm Lasers, Inc Paralyzed Veterans of America Paraxel, Inc. Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy Parexel Intnl Parexel Intnl/Sankyo Parexel/Ortho Labs Park Nicollet Institute Parke-Davis Parkinson's Disease Fnd Parkinson's Institute Parkinson's Study Group Parkview Hospital Partners Multiple Sclorosis Ctr Partnership at DrugFree.org Partnership for Health Analytics Research, LLC Partnership for Results, Inc. Partnerships for Quality Education Passport Foundation Patheon Pharmaceuticals, Inc. PathoGenesis Corp Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute Patterson Trust PaxVax, Inc. PCB Piezotronics, Inc Peace Corps Pearle Vision Foundation Pearson Longman Pediamed Pharamceuticals, Inc. Pediatric AIDS Foundation Pediatric Infect Disease Society 52 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3765 5077 5561 2399 5504 2694 5313 5568 5198 5458 2934 1039 2953 3256 610 958 611 3201 613 614 2334 615 616 617 2089 618 3155 619 620 3893 2476 3137 3190 2041 3115 5344 3675 5269 5154 621 3710 2402 3316 5546 3106 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP FND FND FND CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA Sponsor Pediatric Orthopaedic Society PeeDee Cardiology Peking People's Hospital Peking University First Hospital Peking University Third Hospital Peninsula Pharmaceuticals, Inc Penn Yan Central School District Pennsylvania Drug Discovery Inst. Pennsylvania Performing Arts on Tour Penumbra Inc. Peregrine Charities Perinatal Network of Monroe Co. Periodic Paralysis Association PerkinElmer, Inc Pew Charitable Trust Pew Memorial Trust Pew Scholars Program Pfizer Pfizer Inc Pfizer Pharmaceuticals Pfizer/SWHR Pharm Associates, LTD Pharm Manufacturers Assoc Pharm Res & Man of Am Fnd Pharm Research Associates, Inc. Pharmaceutical Company Pharmaceutical C-Trials Inc Pharmacia & Upjohn Pharmacia, Inc. PharmacoPhotonics, LLC Pharmacyclics, Inc. PharmaLinkFHI PharmaNet PharmaResearch Corp Pharmasset, Inc. Pharmaxis Phase 2 Discovery, Inc. Phasiks Inc. PhDx Systems Philip Morris, USA Phillip Morris Products, S.A. Phillips Medical Systems N America Co Phillips Research NA Phoenix Children's Hospital Phoenix International 53 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2722 5021 3562 2327 2070 622 5210 5523 2877 2851 3729 3370 623 624 2558 5557 625 2451 3807 2751 2365 3339 592 2829 2104 3878 5554 2678 3413 5447 2736 5052 2560 3151 5419 2703 5247 5348 3678 959 3005 593 594 2863 5422 8/29/14 Sponsor PhotoCure ASA Photolitec Photon Gear, Inc Photon Vision Systems PHRMA Foundation Physical Optics Corp Physical Sciences Inc. Physician House Calls Physicians for Reproductive Choice & Health Physicians Healthcare Initiative Physiologic Communications, Inc. Picker Institute Picker International, Inc Picker/Commonwealth Schol PICS, Inc. Pinnacle Biologics Pittsburgh Cancer Inst Pittsford Central School District Placental Analytics, LLC PlanetLab Planned Parenthood of Rochester/Syracuse Region Plastic Surgery Educational Fdn PLC Program PLE-Communications, LLC Pluta Family Foundation, Inc. PMD Foundation PML Consortium Point Therapeutics, Inc Polgenix, Inc Policlinico Gaetano Martino AOU Policy Research Associates (PRA) Polish Academy of Sciences Polycystic Kidney Disease Foundation Population Council of NYC Port City Neurology, Inc. Porter Anderson Jr. Portland VA Research Foundation PositScience Possis, Inc. Potter Fnd PPD Development, LP PPD Pharmaco PPD Pharmaco/Centeon PRA International Practice Change Leaders 54 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP FND FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP IND ONFA CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2347 3219 4952 626 2939 4930 2778 627 628 2186 629 5074 3336 2446 2515 3459 630 4912 1073 4936 631 632 3719 2909 5310 3310 2224 3446 4940 2691 2825 2721 3758 3321 5366 5424 3727 4967 2538 633 634 2815 595 2855 1012 8/29/14 Sponsor PracticeWorks Prader-Willi Syndrome Assoc (PWSA) Prana Biotechnology Praxis Biologics Precision Design Systems Precision Therapeutics, Inc. Preferred Care Preferred Medical Product Premier Hosp Alliance Premier Inc. Premier Research Int'l Presbyterian Healthcare Services Presbyterian Home for Central New York Present Charitable Foundation Prestwick Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Prevent Blindness America Primary Mental Hlth Proj Princeton Plasma Physics Lab Prism Computational Science, Inc Pritzker Family Foundation Procter & Gamble Procter & Gamble/Quintile PRO-ED, Inc. Progenics Pharmaceuticals, Inc ProHealth Care Prolacta Bioscience, Inc. Prologue Research International, Inc. Prometheus Laboratories, Inc Propionic Acidemia Foundation Prostate Cancer Foundation Protein Design Labs, Inc. Protein Sciences Corporation Proteolix Protherics, Inc., Providence Cardiology dba South Carolina Heart Ctr PSMA Development Company LLC PTC Therapeutics, Inc Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Pulmonary Hypertension Association Pulse Metric Inc Purdue Frederick Company Purdue Pharma L.P. PXL, Inc Q Therapeutics, Inc. QED Technologies International, Inc. 55 Sponsor Type ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP VHA ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP VHA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP VHA VHA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3722 3554 2473 3644 5506 3529 3420 3737 5045 635 636 637 641 2217 3314 2692 5135 642 5046 5265 5009 639 5018 4925 3743 2530 2009 2312 2286 5522 5209 3114 5428 643 3270 5230 3200 3241 3681 644 3780 5569 2331 2036 3186 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA Sponsor Qioptiq Imaging Solutions Qualcomm Inc Qualidigm Quantum Applied Science & Research Quantum-Nano-Future Quark Pharmaceuticals Queens Medical Center Quest Visual Diagnostics Questcor Pharmaceuticals Quintiles, Inc Quintiles/Interneuron Quintiles/Millennium Phar R.W. Johnson Pharm Res Inst Radiant Research, Inc. Radiation Monitoring Devices, Inc. Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Radikal Therapeutics Radiological Soc of North America Rally Foundation Rambus Delaware LLC Rambus International Ltd. RAND Corporation Raptor Pharmaceuticals Corp. Raytheon BBN Technologies Corp. Raytheon Space and Airborne Systems Raytheon Vision Systems RCIPA Comm Health & Educ Fnd Reach Out & Read Coalition of Greater Rochester Readers Digest Foundation Reading Pediatrics REATA Pharma ReGen Biologics Regenerative Research Foundation Regeneron Pharm RegeneRX Biopharmaceuticals, Inc. Regional Cardiology Associates Registrat, Inc. Registry of Intrepreters for the Deaf, Inc Rehabilitation Research & Training Institute, Inc. Related CTD Res Committee Relypsa, Inc. Rempex Pharmaceuticals Renal Research Institute Requa, Inc. Res Inst of the Amer Coll of Clinical Pharmacy 56 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 646 2634 647 2891 3533 2513 3587 648 5425 645 2097 4965 3216 3648 3221 649 3279 3266 650 2115 651 5464 5035 3127 3906 3345 5483 3415 2336 652 653 5376 654 3247 2014 655 2933 656 5305 640 3684 960 4933 657 3527 8/29/14 Sponsor Res to Prevent Blindness Res. Fund of American Otological Soc., Inc Research & Developmt Labs Research & Education Fnd. Research Corp for Science Advancement Research Corp Foundation Research Corp of Long Island Research Corp Technolog. Research Council of Norway Research Fnd for Mental Hygiene, Inc. Research Institute on Addictions Research Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. Research Point Research Triangle Institute (RTI International) Research Triangle Institute (RTI) Resources for the Future Respironics, Inc. Response Biomedical Corp. Retinitis Pigmentosa Fnd Retirement Research Foundation Reveo, Inc. rEVO Biologics Inc. Revoltech Microsystems Reynolds Foundation RFS Pharma RGK Foundation Rheumatology Research Foundation RHK Engineering Rhode Island Hospital Rhone-Poulenc Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Pharm Rhythm Pharamceuticals Ribi Immunochem Res Rigel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Rip Van Winkle Foundation Rippel Foundation Rite Aid Foundation River Park Commons/Finch River Vision RJ Reynolds Tobacco Co RJG Foundation RJR Nabisco Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation Robert Wood Johnson Fnd Roch Area Colleges for Excellence in Math & Science 57 Sponsor Type VHA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP VHA FND CORP CORP CORP FND CORP ONFA FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP ONFA FND ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 658 659 661 2912 2750 3483 662 2346 663 3371 2724 5328 5438 664 4983 3450 2038 5318 3909 665 3124 2127 2977 2635 2174 2573 961 5431 666 3708 3856 5455 667 962 3773 1098 1037 668 669 3896 5509 1028 5096 2005 2502 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP VHA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP ONFA CORP Sponsor Roch Area Hospital Corp Roch Eye & Human Parts Roch Regional Libr Cncl Roche Foundation for Anemia Research (RoFAR) Roche Laboratories Roche Palo Alto LLC, Roche Pharmaceuticals Rochester Academy of Science Rochester Area Community Foundation Rochester Children's Zone (RCZ) Rochester City School District Rochester Clinical Research, Inc. Rochester Family Mission Rochester Gas & Electric Rochester General Hospital Rochester General Research Institute Rochester Grantmakers Forum Rochester Melanoma Action Group Rochester Optical Manufacturing Rochester Photonics Corp Rochester Primary Care Network Rochester Public Library Rochester Works Inc Rochester/Finger Lakes Eye and Tissue Bank Rochester's Child Rockefeller Brothers Fund Rockefeller Foundation Rocky Mountain Movement Disorders Ctr Roger Williams Hospital Rohm & Haas Co. ROHM Services Corporation Romark Laboratories. LC Ronald McDonald Charities Rorer Pharmaceutical Corp Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation/AFAR Rosanne Silbermann Foundation Ross Foundation Ross Laboratories Roswell Park Memorial Ins Roswell/Wilmot Collaboration Rousselot BV Rowland Foundation Royal Melbourne Hospital Royal Postgraduate Medical School RRD International LLC 58 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3095 3391 2477 3157 3025 2244 670 3571 671 5432 3053 3298 5591 3484 2898 5055 2544 2457 3923 1059 2248 3261 2742 682 3062 964 683 684 685 965 2503 3797 686 966 2586 3836 2093 687 2355 3659 2385 5552 3814 5098 5513 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND FND FND CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA VHA Sponsor RTP Pharma Inc. Rules-Based Medicine, Inc. Run America Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Med Ctr. Russell Sage Foundation Ruth & Milton Steinbach Fund Ruth Estrin Goldberg Mem S* BIO Pte LTD SADS Foundation Safe Journey SafeScience, Inc. Sage Products Inc Sage Therapeutics SAIC-Frederick, Inc Salix Pharmaceuticals Salk Institute for Biological Studies Salmedix, Inc. Sam Asher Computing, Inc. SAMSUNG Samuel & Rose Eckman Charitable Fnd Samuel Freeman Charitable Trust Samuel Waxman Cancer Research Fdn San Raffaele Foundation Sandia National Lab Sandler Program for Asthma Research Sandoz Co., LTD Sandoz Foundation Sandoz Nutrition Sandoz Pharmaceuticals Sandoz Research Institute Sandra A. Daugherty Foundation Sanford Research/USD Sangstat Medical Corp Sankyo Co., LTD Sankyo Pharma Development Sanofi Pasteur Biologics Sanofi Research Sanofi Winthrop Pharm Sanofi/Synthelabo Research Sanofi-Aventis U.S. Inc Santarus, Inc. Santen Pharmaceutical Co, Ltd Sapere Consulting, Inc. Sarah Cannon Research Institute Sarcoma Foundation of America 59 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3495 3119 688 2618 3872 689 690 691 692 2201 694 5501 2836 2129 695 1084 3903 3226 2671 2511 5384 2886 3308 696 697 698 2191 3829 5490 699 2092 672 5468 700 701 5441 3460 2719 2464 3520 5284 3835 2785 3064 702 8/29/14 Sponsor Satoris, Inc Saunders Family Foundation Scaife Foundation Schafer Corporation Schepens Eye Research Institute Schering AG Schering Corporation Schering Plough Res Inst Schering-Plough Schlumberger Schmitt Foundation School-Based Health Alliance Schwarz Biosciences, Inc. Schwarz Pharma Sci Applications Int'l Corp SCI Pharmaceuticals, Inc. SciClone Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Sciele Pharma, Inc. Science Applications International Corp Science Systems and Applications, Inc. Science Take-Out, LLC Scientific Hospital Supplies (SHS/NA) Scientific Systems Co., Inc. Scimed Lifesystems Scios Inc Scios Nova Inc Scirex Corporation Scoliosis Research Society Scott & White Hospital Scottish Rite Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation SE Ctr for Elec Eng Educ Search Institute Searle Searle Foundation Searle Scholars Program Seattle Biomedical Research Institute (SBRI) Seattle Children's Hospital & Regional Medical Center Seattle Genetics, Inc. Seattle Inst. for Biomedical & Clinical Research Second Avenue Software Self-Determined Health Semiconductor Industry Assoc Semiconductor Laser International Semiconductor Resrch Corp 60 Sponsor Type CORP FND FND CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3322 3443 2105 5069 703 2071 704 2488 5462 705 5528 3834 2782 2802 3009 2292 5023 706 2940 673 1010 674 2440 967 3396 707 4964 5225 675 708 709 710 2596 3464 5262 3122 5292 4982 4923 711 2545 676 2756 713 2472 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND VHA CORP FND VHA FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA FND CORP FND CORP CORP VHA ONFA CORP Sponsor Semitool, Inc Sendero Group Seneca Foods Foundation Sentara Norfolk General Hospital Sepracor, Inc SEQUUS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Serono Laboratories SFBC New Drug Svcs SGS Life Science Services Shaman Pharmaceuticals Shanghai Mental Health Center Sharp Laboratories of America, Inc. Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Shire Development, Inc. Shire Laboratories, Inc. Shirebiochem, Inc. Shock Society Shouse Foundation Shwachman Diamond Syndrome Foundation SIBIA Neurosciences, Inc Sidney Kimmel Foundation SIDS Alliance Siegle Foundation Siemens Corp Research Inc Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, Inc. Siemens Medical Sys., Inc Siena Biotech SpA Sierra Lobo, Inc. SIGDA/DATC Sigma Delta Epsilon Sigma Theta Tau Sigma Theta Tau- Omicron Sigma Theta Tau-Epsilon Xi Chapter Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society Sigmadyne, Inc. Sigma-Tau Pharmaceticals, Inc Silicon Valley Community Foundation Simons Foundation SiMPore, Inc. Sinsheimer Foundation SIT Technologies, Inc. SIUCRC - Industry Sjogren's Syndrome Foundation Sklodowska-Curie Joint Fn SkuTek Instrumentation 61 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3126 3642 714 1064 1025 1099 968 715 969 716 717 718 719 2055 2996 720 3349 2834 3496 3549 2132 721 2878 722 723 3504 1001 724 3012 2645 2905 1054 2254 2918 4932 5308 2456 3430 3079 5191 3465 3101 2198 3419 2731 8/29/14 Sponsor SkyePharma Inc. Sleep Research Society Foundation Sloan Kettering Institute for Cancer Research Small Molecule Therapeutics, Inc Smart Family Foundation Smith & Nephew plc Smith Kline & French Smith Richardson Fnd SmithKline Beecham SmithKline Beecham Pharm Smithsonian Astrophys Obs Smithsonian/Tropical Res Smokeless Tobacco Res Cnc SMO-USA Inc. Snell Memorial Foundation Soc Ambulatory Anesthesia Soc for Analytical Chemists of Pittsburgh (SACP) Soc for Computer Applications in Radiology (SCAR) Soc for Imaging Inf in Medicine Soc for Interventional Radiology Fnd (SIR) Soc for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy Soc General Internal Med Soc of Amer Gastrointestinal & Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) Soc of Critical Care Med Soc of Radiol in Ultrasou Soc. for Development & Behavioral Pediatrics Social & Scientific Sys Social Science Research Council Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Society for Adolescent Medicine (SAM) Society for Biomolecular Sciences Society for Gynecologic Investigation Society for Pediatric Dermatology Society for Pediatric Urology Society for Research in Childhood Development Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract Society for the Preservation of American Modernist Society for the Protection and Care of Children, Inc Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Society for Vascular Surgery Society of Family Planning Society of Teachers of Family Medicine Society of University Surgeons Society of Uroradiology Socratech, LLC 62 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP FND CORP CORP FED FED ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 963 5518 3698 725 726 727 3364 728 3824 2467 5473 2758 2290 3559 1051 5327 5133 5179 3340 729 3922 3013 730 731 677 3673 2709 1061 971 733 734 678 2816 2313 3725 5057 2395 1026 5188 5138 3046 735 5595 5273 2223 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND CORP ONFA VHA VHA CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor SOHIO Soligenix, Inc. Solucar Power Solvay Pharmaceuticals Somanetics Corp Somerset Pharmaceuticals Sontag Foundation Sonus Pharmaceuticals Sorin Group Soros Advocacy Fellowship for Physicians Southern Research Institute Southwest Area Neighborhood Assoc Southwest Oncology Group Space Science Institute Space Telescope Science Institute Sparks: For Childrens' Health Sparrow Clinical Research Institute Special Hope Foundation Special Olympics, Inc Spectra Services, Inc. Spectral Sciences, Inc. Spectrum Pharmaceutical Spencer Foundation Sphinx Pharmaceuticals SPIE Spina Bifida Association Spinal Muscular Atrophy Foundation Spire Corporation Spunk Fund Squibb Corporation Squibb Diagnostics SRI International SS White St. Anne's Home St. Baldrick's Foundation St. Boniface Hospital Research Centre St. Francis Hospital & Medical Center St. Giles Foundation St. Joseph Hospital of Atlanta St. Joseph's Medical Center St. Jude's Medical St. Luke's-Roosevelt Inst St. Michael's Hospital St. Vincent Infirmary Med Ctr Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr. 63 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 736 3647 3377 5286 3425 5412 3915 737 3210 3507 3351 1044 972 738 739 973 5250 2590 2379 3432 3779 3431 2859 740 1023 5429 2398 3058 679 3304 3135 741 5340 680 742 5347 5002 3894 3469 681 3813 2735 2559 2764 5016 8/29/14 Sponsor Type FND ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FND ONFA CORP Sponsor Stanley Foundation Staples Foundation for Learning Starlight Starbright Childrens Fdn. Starr Life Sciences Corporation State Farm Statistics Norway Statoil ASA Stats & Epidem Res. Corp StemCapture Inc. Stemnion, Inc. Step by Step of Rochester, Inc. Steri-Oss Inc. Sterling Drug Inc Sterling Research Group Sterling-Winthrop Sterling-Winthrop Res Ins Stern Cardiovascular Foundation Stowers Institute for Medical Research Strakan Pharmaceuticals Ltd Strategic Edu Res Partnership Inst (SERP) Strategic Program for Asthma Research (SPAR) Straumann USA, LLC Streesgen Biotechnologies, Inc. Strong Childrens Research Structured Materials Industries, Inc. Struthers Parkinsons Center Stryker Biotech STS Biopolymers, Inc. STS duoTEK, Inc Sucampo Pharmaceuticals, Inc, Sugen, Inc Sulzberger Summit Educational Resources SUN Sun City Health Institute Sun Medical Sun Pharma Sunovion Pharmaceuticals SUNY Downstate Medical Center SUNY Research Foundation Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc Support of Mentors and Their Students (SOMAS) Surdna Foundation, Inc. Surgical Infection Society Surmet Corporation 64 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3231 2733 3582 3458 743 2780 3294 5184 3392 744 3703 745 2184 5092 746 3143 3886 4949 2431 4914 5229 974 3054 747 5151 2524 4946 3748 4903 748 2661 749 750 3575 5375 5341 2615 3128 2022 751 2390 2130 2976 752 753 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Surveillance Data Inc. Susan Levine Associates Susquehanna Nursing & Rehab Ctr Swamp Optics, LLC Sy Technology, Inc Symphony Neuro Development Co. Syncardia Systems, Inc Synergy Enterprises, Inc. SYNTA Pharmaceuticals, Inc Syntex Inc Synthes Spine Company Syracuse Area Psych. Nurs Syracuse Research Corporation Systems Research & Applications (SRA) Int'l T Franklin Williams Fnd T. H. Maren Foundation TaiMed Biologics USA, Inc. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America, Inc. Talecris Biotherapeutics, Inc. Tallahassee Research Institute, Inc. Tanabe Seiyaku Co, LTD TAP Pharmaceutical Products, Inc. Tappi Foundation Targeson Target Research Associates TARIS Biomedicial Taro Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. Teacher's College Teagle Foundation Teammates for Kids Foundation Tech Assoc Pulp/Paper Ind Technical Resources Intnl Technolas Perfect Vision Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC Telephus Medical LLC Telik, Inc. TeraComm Research, Inc. Tetra Pak Research & Development Tetrad Corporation Tetragenex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Teva Marion Partners Inc. Teva Neuroscience, Inc. Teva Pharmaceuticals Texas Biotechnology Co. 65 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5255 754 755 3511 5356 2120 3744 2760 3819 2261 5001 975 5589 5354 5579 3224 5264 2082 4979 160 3326 5006 3700 5487 3778 3781 2781 1009 2017 5514 3546 3721 2994 2404 3817 2338 2422 5477 3162 756 3177 5283 5236 3180 3912 8/29/14 Sponsor Texas Cardiac Arrhythmia Res Fnd Texas Instruments Texas Natl Res Lab Commisson Thai-American Physician Foundation The Academy of Korean Studies The American College of Prosthodontics The Ann Campana Judge Foundation The Bank of Sweden Tercentenary Foundation The Ben & Catherine Ivy Foundation The Breast Cancer Fund The Business of Me The Canada Council The Charles Stark Draper Laboratory The Charlotte Mecklenburg Hospital Authority The Children's Clinic The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia The Christ Hospital The Computer Source The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers The Dana Foundation The E. Matilda Ziegler Foundation for the Blind Inc The Endocrine Society The Epilepsy Research Foundation The FAR Fund The Friedland Group, Inc The Geneva Foundation The Goldhirsh Foundation The Healthcare Assoc of NYS The Henry Murray Research Center The Howard & Georgeanna Jones Fnd for Reproductive Med The II-VI Foundation The II-VI Incorporated Foundation The Institute for Genomic Research (TIGR) The Institute for Research on Unlimited Love The Jeff Gordon Foundation The Kirsch Foundation The Lewin Group The Lundbeck Foundation The Lupus Research Institute, Inc. The Mayday Fund The Medicines Company The Methodist Hospital Research Institute The MetroHealth System The Michael J. Fox Fnd for Parkinson's Disease The Miriam Hospital 66 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FND FND ONFA VHA FND CORP FND FND ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FND FND CORP FND ONFA FND CORP ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3669 5540 2039 2393 3786 2579 5220 757 4988 3213 5547 2001 2177 2133 2353 2140 2797 2314 758 3510 5064 2361 2424 976 5266 2990 759 2889 2123 2487 2952 3223 3426 2688 2007 5073 3277 2727 1045 5017 2999 2064 3827 760 3738 8/29/14 Sponsor The Montel Williams MS Foundation The Morton Cure Paralysis Fund The Nature Conservancy The New Road Map Foundation The New York Academy of Sciences The Paralysis Project The Parkinson's Neurodegenerative Disorders Clinic The Phoenix The Roche Organ Transplantation Research Foundation The Scientific Secretariat of the Eni Italgas Prize Fondazio The V Foundation The Winslow Foundation The Women's Fnd of Genesee Valley The World Foundation Theradex Systems, Inc. Therakos, Inc. Thermal Gradient Theseus Logic, Inc. Third Wave Technology,Inc Thome (Edward N. & Della L.) Mem. Fnd. Thoracic & Cardiovascular Healthcare Foundation Thoracic Surgery Fnd for Research & Educ. Thoratec Corporation Thrasher Fund Thrive Ctr for Human Development Thrombosis Research Institute Thyroid Res Adv Council Tibotech Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Tillotson Healthcare Corporation Timi3 Systems, Inc. Tioga Pharmaceuticals Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc TKL Research, Inc Tobotec Pharmaceuticals, Inc Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture & Technology Toledo Hospital TolerRX, Inc Tomen America Inc Tom's of Maine TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. Torax Medical, Inc Torrey Pines Inst for Molecular Studies Torrey Pines Research Tourette Syndrome Assoc Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. 67 Sponsor Type VHA ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FND FND FND ONFA FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FND ONFA ONFA CORP FND ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP VHA CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5505 2091 3418 3325 761 2139 3526 5564 3395 2706 5379 762 3572 2058 763 5452 5499 5132 5469 4959 764 765 766 767 3262 768 3537 1074 1058 2444 3907 2190 5059 769 2643 3245 4927 770 2110 857 2948 858 2430 2425 3282 8/29/14 Sponsor Toyota Central R&D Labs, Inc. Trademark Medical Tragara Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Transave, Inc Transcend Therapeutics Transgene, Inc. Transgenomic, Inc Transition Therapeutics Limited Ireland TransMolecular, Inc. Transonic Systems, Inc. Transparent Materials, LLC Trek, Inc Trellis Bioscience, LLC Triangle Pharmaceuticals, Inc Tri-County Family Med Trillium Health Trinity Assistance Corporation Trinity Clinic Cardiology Trinity Inter-Faith Church Triological Society Trionix Research Lab, Inc Triton Biosciences, Inc Triton Diagnostics Trophix Pharmaceuticals TRS Technologies Trudeau Institute True North Distributing TRW Foundation TRW Inc. Tularik Inc. Two Sisters and a Wife Fnd Tyco Submarine Systems Ltd. Tyler Cardiovascular Consultants U S Bioscience, Inc U.S. Department of State UBS Securities, LLC UCB Biosciences Inc. UCB Pharma Inc UNCF/Merck Unilever Research United BioSource Corp United Cerebral Palsy United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation United Negro College Fund 68 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP FED CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP VHA ONFA FND ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 859 3061 860 2787 2969 2950 5530 5165 861 771 772 4954 773 5091 5152 774 2494 775 3679 5131 2676 5401 5417 776 777 778 2871 779 2989 3515 977 4995 4947 3831 2946 3185 5113 780 781 782 2281 2149 2847 783 2391 8/29/14 Sponsor Type VHA CORP ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor United Parkinson's Fnd United Therapeutics Corp. United Way Unither Oncology Unitron Hearing, Inc. Unity Health/Park Ridge Hospital Unity Hospital Univ Healthcare Alliance-Cardio Med Group Univ Space Research Assoc UNIV/Alabama UNIV/Alabama, Birmingham UNIV/Alaska UNIV/Albany Medical College UNIV/Alberta UNIV/Alfred UNIV/Arizona UNIV/Arizona State/Tempe UNIV/Arkansas UNIV/Auburn UNIV/Auckland UNIV/Australian National University UNIV/Azienda Ospedaliera di Padova UNIV/Baltimore UNIV/Bank Street College UNIV/Barnard UNIV/Baylor UNIV/Ben-Gurion University UNIV/Boston UNIV/Boston/ Med Center UNIV/Boston/Children's Hospital UNIV/Bowman Gray/Wake For UNIV/Brandeis UNIV/Bristol UNIV/British Columbia UNIV/Brock UNIV/Brown UNIV/Calgary UNIV/Calif at Irvine UNIV/Calif/Scripps Inst UNIV/California UNIV/California Davis UNIV/California Institute of Technology UNIV/California Oakland UNIV/California San Fran UNIV/California Santa Barbara 69 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 2372 862 784 3551 785 2745 5183 5533 5213 3478 978 3125 3147 786 787 788 4987 2318 173 3225 3553 5410 789 790 3369 791 3099 2640 792 3688 3283 3514 4907 5196 5597 2125 5495 793 5007 2746 3228 5413 794 795 2826 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor UNIV/California Santa Cruz UNIV/California, Berkeley UNIV/California, LA UNIV/California, Riverside UNIV/California, San Diego UNIV/Cambridge UNIV/Canisius UNIV/Cape Town UNIV/Cardiff & Vale Health Board UNIV/Carleton College UNIV/Carnegie Mellon UNIV/Case Western UNIV/Central Florida UNIV/Chicago UNIV/Cincinnati UNIV/City College of CUNY UNIV/City College of San Francisco UNIV/Clarkson UNIV/College de France UNIV/College Dublin UNIV/College London UNIV/Cologne UNIV/Colorado UNIV/Colorado Health Sci UNIV/Colorado State UNIV/Columbia UNIV/Connecticut UNIV/Copenhagen UNIV/Cornell UNIV/CUNY/Queens College UNIV/Czech Technical UNIV/Dartmouth UNIV/Dayton Research Center UNIV/Degli Studi G. d'Annunzio de Chiete UNIV/degliStudi di Pavia UNIV/Delaware UNIV/Des Moines UNIV/Duke UNIV/East Carolina University UNIV/East Tennessee State UNIV/Eastern Illinois UNIV/Edinburgh UNIV/Emory UNIV/Erasmus UNIV/Federal University of Sao Paulo 70 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 796 3007 5107 3762 5116 797 2951 798 799 5364 5365 5371 3427 2844 5459 5400 3276 5145 979 800 2000 5336 5280 2522 3313 801 4943 4908 5146 802 803 2908 2126 5380 804 5200 5042 5357 2153 3422 2345 5099 2276 4958 5507 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP Sponsor UNIV/Florida UNIV/Fordham UNIV/Freiburg UNIV/Gallaudet University UNIV/Geneve de UNIV/Geo. Washington UNIV/George Mason UNIV/Georgetown UNIV/Georgia UNIV/Georgia Health Sci. UNIV/Georgia Regents UNIV/Georgia Southern UNIV/Georgia State UNIV/Georgia Tech UNIV/Giessen UNIV/Goettingen UNIV/Guam UNIV/Guelph UNIV/Hahnemann UNIV/Harvard UNIV/Hawaii UNIV/Heinrich-Heine Universitat Dusseldorf UNIV/Hong Kong UNIV/Howard UNIV/Idaho State UNIV/Illinois UNIV/Illinois at Chicago (UIC) UNIV/Illinois/Urbana-Champaign UNIV/Imperial College UNIV/Indiana UNIV/Iowa UNIV/Iowa State UNIV/Ithaca Univ/James Madison UNIV/Johns Hopkins UNIV/Justus Liebig Giessen UNIV/Kansas Univ/Kansas Med Ctr Research Institute, Inc. UNIV/Kansas State UNIV/Kent State UNIV/Kentucky UNIV/Keuka UNIV/King's College UNIV/Lehigh University Univ/Leiden 71 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5555 5155 2810 980 3793 5491 4978 2396 806 5416 5140 5562 807 808 5383 3885 2774 2085 809 3846 2846 3117 5281 5095 3055 810 811 812 3287 2252 2899 805 2598 5097 981 2767 2267 5322 5451 5511 2305 813 2818 2458 814 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor UNIV/Liverpool UNIV/Louisiana State Univ Health Sciences Ctr UNIV/Loyola of Chicago UNIV/Lund UNIV/Maastricht UNIV/Malawi UNIV/Manitoba UNIV/Maricopa Comm Coll UNIV/Maryland UNIV/Maryland, Baltimore UNIV/Maryland, Baltimore County UNIV/Maryland, College Park UNIV/Massachusetts UNIV/Massachusetts-Amherst UNIV/Massachusetts-Worchester UNIV/Mass-Lowell UNIV/Maywood UNIV/McGill UNIV/McMaster UNIV/Medical College of Georgia UNIV/Medical College of Wisconsin UNIV/Medical Univ of South Carolina UNIV/Medical University Innsbruck UNIV/Melbourne UNIV/Miami UNIV/Michigan UNIV/Michigan State UNIV/Minnesota UNIV/Mississippi Medical Ctr UNIV/Mississippi State UNIV/Missouri-Columbia UNIV/MIT UNIV/MIT/Lincoln Lab UNIV/Monash UNIV/Monroe Comm College UNIV/Montana UNIV/Montana State UNIV/Montréal UNIV/Munchen Clinic UNIV/Nanjing Normal University UNIV/Nazareth UNIV/Nebraska UNIV/Nevada UNIV/New Hampshire UNIV/New Jersey 72 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 982 815 816 817 2554 2839 2725 818 2474 2583 3917 2629 3500 819 2838 820 821 3109 2514 2808 5363 822 2392 3680 983 5202 823 984 824 825 2480 3525 3105 826 2880 3315 5421 827 2552 3563 5087 5298 828 3411 829 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor UNIV/New Jersey Med Sch UNIV/New Mexico UNIV/New Mexico Tech UNIV/New York UNIV/New York Chiropractic College UNIV/Newcastle Upon Tyne UNIV/Norfolk State UNIV/North Carolina UNIV/North Carolina, Chapel Hill UNIV/North Carolina/Charlotte UNIV/North Carolina/Greensboro UNIV/North Dakota UNIV/North Dakota State UNIV/Northeastern UNIV/Northern Colorado UNIV/Northwestern UNIV/Northwestern/POG UNIV/Notre Dame UNIV/Nottingham UNIV/NY Medical College UNIV/Ohio UNIV/Ohio State UNIV/Oklahoma UNIV/Old Dominion UNIV/Oregon Hlth Sci Ctr UNIV/Oxford UNIV/Paris UNIV/Penn State UNIV/Pennsylvania UNIV/Pittsburgh UNIV/Pittsburgh/WPIC UNIV/Portland State UNIV/Potsdam UNIV/Princeton UNIV/Puerto Rico UNIV/Purdue UNIV/Queens at Kingston UNIV/Rensselaer Polytech UNIV/Rhode Island UNIV/Rice UNIV/Robert Wood Johnson Med School UNIV/Roberts Wesleyan College UNIV/Roch Inst of Tech UNIV/Rochester UNIV/Rockefeller 73 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 4966 3194 2315 3842 5446 833 834 5182 2074 5399 2478 5177 2482 3145 835 3368 3750 5402 830 2537 2262 831 3373 2255 832 836 837 5403 3905 5056 2765 838 2035 2974 3823 839 3092 2152 840 3229 5559 2271 3892 2842 2046 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor UNIV/Rush University Medical Center UNIV/Rutgers UNIV/S. Carolina UNIV/San Diego State Univ Research Foundation UNIV/Seconda Di Napoli UNIV/Slippery Rock UNIV/So California UNIV/South Alabama UNIV/South Florida UNIV/Southern California UNIV/Southern Illinois UNIV/St. John Fisher College UNIV/St. Louis University UNIV/St. Xavier UNIV/Stanford UNIV/Stevens Inst. of Technology UNIV/SUNY Upstate Medical University UNIV/SUNY/Geneseo UNIV/SUNY-Albany UNIV/SUNY-Binghamton UNIV/SUNY-Brockport UNIV/SUNY-Buffalo UNIV/SUNY-Oswego UNIV/SUNY-Stony Brook UNIV/SUNY-Syracuse UNIV/Syracuse UNIV/Syracuse Hlth Sci Ct UNIV/Technischen Dresden UNIV/Tel-Aviv UNIV/Temple UNIV/Tennessee UNIV/Texas UNIV/Texas A&M Research Foundation UNIV/Texas at Austin UNIV/Texas El Paso UNIV/Texas Galveston UNIV/Texas Hlth Sci Ctr - Houston UNIV/Texas Hlth Sci Ctr at San Antonio UNIV/Texas SW Med Ctr UNIV/Texas/Anderson Cancer Ctr UNIV/Third Mil Med. Southwest Hospital UNIV/Thomas Jefferson UNIV/Tohoku University UNIV/Toledo UNIV/Toronto 74 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5516 841 842 3406 5128 5481 2790 843 844 845 846 3232 3030 847 5361 3037 2096 3337 3884 2531 3278 5394 5171 848 3493 849 5041 850 5290 5435 5567 867 2407 868 2813 2738 5100 3439 5088 3754 5300 5448 5355 3305 5067 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA FED ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA Sponsor UNIV/Trinity UNIV/Tufts UNIV/Tulane UNIV/Turku UNIV/Ulster UNIV/Uniformed Services Health Sciences UNIV/Utah UNIV/Utah State UNIV/Vanderbilt UNIV/Vermont UNIV/Virginia UNIV/Virginia Commonwealth UNIV/Virginia Tech UNIV/Washington UNIV/Washington State UNIV/Washington, St. Louis UNIV/Wayne State UNIV/Weill Cornell Medical College UNIV/Wellesley UNIV/West Florida UNIV/West Virginia UNIV/Western Sydney UNIV/Western Michigan UNIV/Western Ontario UNIV/Whitman College UNIV/Wisconsin UNIV/Wright State University UNIV/Yale UNIV/Yeshiva University UNIV/Zhejiang UNIV/Zimbabwe Univax Biologics, Inc Univera Healthcare Universal Preserv. Tech. Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) Universita Politecnica delle Marche Universitätsmedizin Berlin Universities Research Assc., Inc. University Cardiovascular Associates University Health Network University Hospital Basel University Hospital Essen University Hospitals Case Medical Center University Hospitals of Cleveland University Internal Medicine Associates, Inc. 75 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 5218 5314 2666 3873 5475 3174 3367 869 2896 3136 870 985 5307 851 3548 2508 3275 2117 5556 854 855 856 5359 2204 852 853 871 3108 2034 2107 3091 5563 5068 5089 4992 872 2975 873 3871 3074 5544 2565 2069 3741 2185 8/29/14 Sponsor University Neurology Inc. University of Cincinnati Physicians Co. LLC University of Maryland Foundation, Inc. University Psychiatric Practice, Inc. University Teaching Hospital Univs Associated for Res & Educ in Pathology Up. NY Cons Healthcare Res&Quality/Translational Res. Netw. Upjohn Company UR Development Office UroCor, Inc Urological Instr Res, Inc Urologix Urology Care Foundation US AID US Election Commission US Micron, LLC US Nuclear Regulatory Commission US Surgical Corp. US WorldMeds US/Czech Sci & Tech Pgm USA for Africa USDA USDA-ARS-NAA US-Egypt Sci & Tech Pgm US-Israel Binat'l Sci Fnd US-Mexico Fnd for Science V Fnd for Cancer Research VA Health Research Srvcs & Dev VA Medical Center Vaccinex, L.P. Vacuum Process Technology Inc. Valeant Valley Heart Associates Valley Hospital Valspar Paint Van Ameringen Foundation Vanda Pharmaceuticals Varian Associates, Inc Varian Medical Systems, Inc. Vascular Disease Prev Res Ctr Vascular Dynamics Vasogen, Inc Vax Gen Vaxinnate Veldona USA, Inc. 76 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP FND FED FED CORP FED CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FED FED ONFA ONFA ONFA VHA ONFA FED CORP CORP CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3331 874 2500 2507 3512 875 4926 2705 5233 5325 5391 2770 2564 3454 2646 4915 5127 3763 5282 2453 876 3141 3692 877 2864 5496 2786 878 3482 2282 2737 2408 5370 2166 986 879 880 2335 5349 2895 5575 2773 2210 883 884 8/29/14 Sponsor Type CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FED ONFA VHA ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP FED CORP ONFA ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA CORP ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND FND ONFA ONFA CORP FND CORP CORP CORP Sponsor Ventracor, Inc Ventritex, Inc Veridian Systems Division Versicor, Inc. Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Veterans Affairs Veterans Bio-Medical Research Institute, Inc. Veterans Medical Research Fnd Veteran's Research Foundation of Pittsburgh VHL Family Alliance Via Christi Hospitals Wichita, Inc. VIASYS MEDSYSTEMS Corporation ViCal, Inc Vicor Technologies, Inc. Vicuron Pharmaceuticals Vicus Therapeutics Vietnam Education Foundation Vifor International, Inc. Village Pointe Pediatrics Vinyl Acetate Council Viratek, Inc Virco Central Virological Laboratory Ltd VircoLab Inc. ViroPharma, Inc Virtual Reality Medical Center VirtualScopics, Inc. Visiting Nurse Service Visus Pharmaceuticals Vital Therapies, Inc Vitatron, Cardiac Rhythm Mgmt. West VNUS Medical Technologies, Inc. Volkswagen Foundation Voxtel, Inc. Vysis W Alton Jones Cell Sci Ct W.E. Upjohn Institute W.T. Grant Foundation Wadsworth Foundation Wake Health Services Waksman Fnd for Microbiology Walgreens Infusion and Respiratory Servics Wallace H. Coulter Foundation Walnut Technology Inc. Warner-Lambert Warner-Lambert/Parke Davis 77 Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3471 5246 2642 885 886 887 888 2268 889 3544 5398 988 2249 3113 2437 5094 3251 2489 5239 890 891 3755 989 993 2663 2213 5081 1027 3769 1081 5190 2701 3222 881 3000 3089 2581 2496 1072 893 2720 2124 3519 3020 2911 8/29/14 Sponsor Washington Neuropsychology Research Group, LLC Watson Clinic Ctr for Research Inc. Watson Laboratories Wayne County Nursing Hm Weight Watchers Fnd Welch Allyn, Inc Wellcome Trust Wendy Will Case Cancer Fund, Inc. Wenner-Gren Foundation WES Fnd West Coast Child Neurology, Assoc Westat, Inc. Westchester Institute for Human Development WestEd, Inc Western NY Rural Area Health Education Ctr Westmead Hospital Westside Health Services Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation Wheaton Franciscan, Inc. Whitaker Foundation Whitehall Fnd Wicab, Inc. Wilderness Medical Soc Wildlife Conserv Intern'l Wilex AG Clinical Research William & Flora Hewlett Fnd William Beaumont Hospital Research Institute William T. Morris Foundation Williams Syndrome Association Wilson Foundation Wings of Life Winifred Masterson Burke Medical Research Institute, Inc Witter Bynner Foundation for Poetry WL Gore & Associates, Inc Wm Wrigley Jr. Co Women's Dermatologic Society Women's Sports Foundation Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution World Health Organization World Heart Federation World Medical Manufacturing Corp. WorldHeart Corporation Worldwide Clinical Trials, Inc. Wound Ostomy & Continence Nurses Soc (WOCN) 78 Sponsor Type ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA FND CORP FND ONFA FND ONFA ONFA CORP ONFA CORP ONFA ONFA ONFA FND CORP FND FND CORP ONFA ONFA CORP FND ONFA FND ONFA FND ONFA VHA ONFA CORP CORP ONFA ONFA FND ONFA ONFA VHA CORP CORP CORP ONFA Sponsors_Aug14 UR-Coeus Sponsor Table (alphabetical by sponsor name) Sponsor Code 3403 894 896 895 2183 2866 3583 2098 2475 2679 3701 5103 1024 2848 2890 3818 3767 897 3289 2850 2966 3887 3366 4962 3449 8/29/14 Sponsor Type ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP FND CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP ONFA FND ONFA CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP CORP Sponsor WXXI Public Broadcasting Council Wyeth Pediatrics Wyeth Pharmaceuticals Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories Wyeth-Lederle Pharmaceuticals Wyman Potter Xactiv, Inc. Xerox Corporation Xoma (US) LLC Yamanouchi Pharma America, Inc YM BioSciences Inc. YMCA of Greater Rochester Young Foundation YWCA of Rochester & Monroe Cnty. Zealand Pharma A/S ZEEKO Ltd. Zelos Therapeutics, Inc. Zeneca Pharmaceuticals ZeptoMetrix Zimmer Dental Inc Zimmer, Inc. ZIOPHARM Oncology, Inc. ZOLL Lifecor Corp Zomega Terahertz Corp. ZymoGenetics, Inc 79 Sponsors_Aug14
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