Jonathan Fink – Curriculum Vita Personal Born May 2, 1951 in New York City (U.S. citizen) Married, with two children, ages 21 and 18 Education 1973 1979 Administrative Positions University administration, Portland State University Vice President for Research and Strategic Partnerships (2010-present) As member of PSU President’s Executive Committee, manage ~$60M research portfolio, oversee the growth of strategic partnerships with private and public sector organizations, and help shape economic development agenda of Metro Portland, Oregon B.A. Ph.D. Geology-Biology Geology Colby College, Waterville, Maine Stanford University, Stanford, California University administration, Arizona State University Director, Center for Environmental Science Applications (2009-2011) Ran research application center addressing global problems of sustainability Director, Global Institute of Sustainability (2007-2009) University Sustainability Officer, Office of the President (2007-2009) Oversaw ASU’s university-wide sustainability initiatives, including $35M/year research grant portfolio in rapid urbanization, conservation biology, renewable energy, and climate change mitigation; first degree-granting School of Sustainability in U.S; extensive public and educational outreach; and sustainable campus business operations. Vice President for Research and Economic Affairs (2002-2007) Vice Provost for Research (1999-2002), Interim Vice Provost for Research (1997-1999) Ran 120-member organization across four ASU campuses. Responsible for regulatory compliance, proposal submittal, grants management, technology transfer, economic development, and research publications. Oversaw near tripling of research expenditures in ten years ($75M to $210M). Helped set strategic research agenda for ASU and region. Oversaw institutes in biodesign, sustainability, nanotech, computing, religion & conflict Department administration, Department of Geology Chair (1995-97), Acting Chair (90-91), Associate Chair (89-90, 93-95) Director, Petrology and Geochemistry Program, National Science Foundation (1992-93) Ran NSF program with two annual panels, 180 proposals, and annual budget of $14M. Other Positions (all at ASU, unless otherwise indicated) Professor, Department of Geology, Portland State University 2011-Present Emeritus Professor, School of Earth & Space Exploration 2011-present Foundation Professor, Schools of Sustainability and Earth & Space Exploration 2009-2011 Professor, School of Earth and Space Exploration 2006-2009 Faculty member, Department of Geological Sciences 1982-2006 Full Professor (1991-2006), Associate (87-91), Assistant (83-87), Visiting (82-83) Visiting Fellow, Research School Earth Sciences, Australian Nat. University 1988-90, 95 Adjunct Professor, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Colorado 1985-87 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Planetary Geology, Arizona State University 1980-82 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Applied Math, Weizmann Institute, Israel 1979 Research Interests Volcanology, planetary geology, structural geology, isotope geochemistry, urban systems, science policy, renewable energy, conservation biology 1 Jonathan Fink – Teaching Courses Taught Physical geology; Mineralogy; Optical mineralogy; Volcanology; Advanced volcanology; Field camp; Advanced field geology; Legal aspects of geology; Geological fluid dynamics; Law and sustainability Graduate Theses/ Tom Puchalski - M.S. (1985) - "Structure and chemistry of silicic dikes at Castle Dome and Dissertations Neversweat Ridge, Yuma County, Arizona" Supervised Curtis Manley - M.S. (1986) - "Textural studies of young rhyolite flows" Steven Anderson - M.S. (1988) - "Surface textures of the Mount St. Helens lava dome" Craig Kafura - M.S. (1988) "The Effect of fine-grained minerals on the Coulomb-parameter values of the debris-flow fluid-phase" William Moats - M.S. (1990) "Geometry and emplacement of silicic dikes at Summer Coon Volcano, south-central Colorado" Steven Anderson - Ph.D. (1990) "Topics in extrusive silicic volcanism" Drew Clemens - M.S. (1991) "Volcanic studies of the Boise, Idaho area" Jean-C. Komorowski - Ph.D. (1991) "Scanning electron microscopy of pyroclastic matter: Eruptions of Mt. Vesuvius in AD 79 and Mount St. Helens in AD 1980" (Co-advisor) Gary Stoopes - M.S. (1991) "Studies of two giant debris-avalanche deposits from the Colima Volcanic complex, Mexico" (Co-advisor) Robert Sullivan - Ph.D. (1992) "Evolution of steep martian slopes" Claus Siebe - Ph.D. (1992) "Major Holocene pyroclastic deposits at Jocotitlan and Pico de Orizaba volcanoes in central Mexico" (Co-advisor) Nathan Bridges - M.S. (1992) "Laboratory models of lava domes" Curtis Manley - Ph.D. (1994) "On voluminous rhyolite lava flows" Tracy Gregg - Ph.D. (1995) "Laboratory studies of submarine lava flow morphology" Michael Ramsey - Ph.D. (1996) "Quantitative analysis of geologic surfaces: a deconvolution algorithm for mid-infrared remote sensing data" (Co-advisor) Pamela DeGroat - M.S. (1997) "Hydration and degassing of silicic magmas and glasses" James Fowler - M.S. (1997) "The effects of a time-variable extrusion rate on the morphologies of small submarine volcanoes" Wendy Schwarz – M.S. (1999) "Ice volcanism on Europa" (co-advisor) David Lescinsky - Ph.D. (1999) "Interactions between glacial ice and lava flows" Rick Wessels - Ph.D. (2000) "A remote sensing study of the northern Andes" (co-advisor) Michael Poland - Ph.D. (2001) "Modeling dike emplacement in stratovolcanoes" Aaron Lyman – M.S. (2001) “Laboratory modeling of lava flows and domes” Chris Eisinger – M.S. (2002) “Remote sensing of silicic volcanoes” Edward Burgess – M.S. (2011) “Sustainability aspects of high speed rail in U.S.” (co-advisor) Post-docs Supervised Steven Anderson (ASU Ph.D.) (1990-1991) Curtis Manley (ASU) (1994-1996) Lisa Koenig (Stanford) (1997-2004) Barry Cameron (Northern Illinois) (1998-2001) David Lescinsky (ASU) (1999) Kurt Roggensack (Dartmouth) (1999-2006) Rick Wessels (ASU) (2001-2003) Rachel Teasdale (U Idaho) (2002-2003) 2 Jonathan Fink – Professional Service Member of the Following Panels, Advisory Committees, and Review Boards National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Advisory Board 2009-present KB Home, National Advisory Board 2009-present The Nature Conservancy, Oregon Chapter, Board of Trustees 2013-present Oregon Museum of Science and Industry (OMSI), Board of Trustees 2014-present The Nature Conservancy, Arizona Chapter, Board of Trustees 2006-2013 US National Committee of the IUGS for Geological Sciences 2006-2013 Greater Portland Inc., Board of Directors 2011-2014 Oregon Center for the Built Environment and Sustainable Technology, Board 2010-present Oregon Translational Research and Development Institute (OTRADI), Board 2011-present Joint Council on Indonesia-US Academic Collaboration 2012-present NRC Committee on the challenge of developing sustainable urban systems 2009 Arizona Governor’s Council on Innovation and Technology 2003-2007 Board on Oceans & Atmospheres, Nat. Assoc. State Univs. & Land Grant Colleges 1998-2007 Arizona Mental Health Research Institute Board of Advisors 2002-2007 Smithsonian Institution review of Global Volcanism Program (Chair) 2006 AAAS Review of State of Alaska EPSCOR proposal to NSF on permafrost and climate 2006 AGU Committee on Public Affairs 2002-2005 Geological Society America panel on visas for foreign scientists 2004-2006 NRC Review of Future of Biosphere 2 2005 NSF Committee of Review for EarthScope Program 2005 NRC Panel on research at the Smithsonian Institution 2002 NSF Plate Boundary Observatory planning committee 2000-2001 NRC Panel on Future of the USGS Volcanic Hazard Program (Chair) 1998-2000 AAAS Geology and Geography section, Nominating Committee 1996-1999 NSF Science and Technology Centers Review Panel 1998 NSF Planning Committee for Active Tectonics initiative 1994-1995 NSF Review Panel, NSF Young Investigator Awards 1994 DOE Advisory Committee on Deep Drilling in Long Valley Caldera 1988-1992 Organization for Tropical Studies Board of Directors 1989-1992 IAVCEI Working Group on Remote Sensing in Volcanology 1988-1995 IAVCEI U.S. Advisory Committee 1992-1997 Editorial Boards Associate Editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth Associate Editor, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Associate Editor, Bulletin of Volcanology Editorial Board, Sustainability: The Journal of Record 1990-1995 1992-1998 1994-1999 2008-present Professional Societies American Association for Advancement of Science (elected Fellow, 2004) American Geophysical Union Geological Society of America (elected Fellow, 1997) Society for Conservation Biology 1983-present 1975-present 1973-present 2013-present Symposia Organized Looking backward and forward: Volcanology in 2000, 2010, and 2020, AGU Fall Mtg Comparative Genetics of Cities Workshop, London Volcano science and policy in the year 2010, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco Volcanic eruptions that form lava domes, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco AAAS Symposium on the future of science and technology in Arizona, Tempe Remote sensing of active volcanoes, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco Modeling of magmatic processes, IAVCEI meeting, Canberra, Australia Mechanics of lava flow and dome growth, IUGG General Assembly, Vancouver, B.C. Emplacement of silicic domes and lava flows, GSA National Meeting, Reno 3 2010 2010 2000 1998 1998 1997 1993 1987 1984 Jonathan Fink – Presentations Talks at National/ International Professional Meetings Symposium on Future Cities, British Consulate, San Francisco 2014 Pathways to Urban Sustainability in Portland, National Research Council, Portland OR 2013 Hitachi-AAAS Forum on Shale Gas and Energy Security, Brookings Inst., Washington DC 2013 Symposium on the Next Decade of Sustainable Development in China, Shanghai, China 2012 Conference on Earth Systems Engineering, Newcastle, UK 2012 Conference on Energy Conservation and Community, Oxford, UK 2012 Conference on Sustainable Technologies, Delhi, India 2011 EPA Energy Star for New Homes Utility Sponsor Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ 2010 EPA Brownfields Conference, Global Cities Symposium, New Orleans, LA 2009 GreenBuild 2009 International Conference and Expo, Phoenix AZ 2009 Gaining Ground Conference, Vancouver BC 2009 National Academy of Sciences Forum on Urban Sustainability, Washington, DC 2009 Ecological Society of America National Meeting, Albuquerque, NM 2009 GreaterThan Conference on Multi-sectoral Collaboration, Portland, ME 2009 Workshop for a Jordan-Israel Long Term Ecological Research program, Aqaba, Jordan 2009 National Association of Environmental Professionals Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, AZ 2009 Society of Environmental Journalists Board Meeting, Phoenix, AZ 2009 NASA Workshop on Sustainable Urban Development, Mountain View, CA 2009 Workshop on Decision-Making in Conservation, WWF Headquarters, Washington DC 2008 Gaining Ground Sustainable Urban Development Summit, Victoria, BC, Canada 2008 Sustainable Operations Summit, Monterey, CA 2008 Arizona PDMA Annual Conference, Scottsdale, AZ 2008 3rd International Solar Cities Congress, Adelaide, Australia 2008 2007 Chinese PV Industry International Competitiveness Forum, Wuxi, China 2007 Solar Energy Industries Association, Long Beach, CA 2007 NATO Workshop on Transboundary Water Conflict Resolution, Ein Gedi, Israel 2007 Leadership Exchange ’07, Denver Metro Chamber Foundation, Denver, CO 2007 Shaping the Future of Southern Nevada, Las Vegas, NV 2007 Air Force Office Sci. Research: Competitiveness of Chinese R&D, Falls Church, VA 2007 Engineering Sustainability Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA 2007 World Technopolis Association, Brisbane, Australia 2006 IAVCEI International Conference on Continental Volcanism, Guangzhou, China 2006 US-China University Presidents’ Forum, Seattle, WA 2005 Federal Regional Directors’ Meeting, Tucson, AZ 2004 On the Edge Conference, Stanford, CA 2004 International Sustainable Technologies Alliance, Cambridge, UK 2004 Environmental Professionals of Arizona Regulatory Roundup, Phoenix, AZ 2003 UPEx 03: Solar Power Experience Conference, Scottsdale, AZ 2003 NASLUGC/CRPGE Workshop, Mystic, CT 2002 IQN-Georisk Consortium Workshop, Munich 2002 NACUBO National Meeting, New York, NY 2001 American Geophysical Union 1977, 1979-95, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2010 Unzen Decade Volcano International Workshop, Shimabara, Japan 1997 Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 1980-82, 1985, 1987-91, 1996 Showa Shinzan International Conference on Volcanic Eruptions, Sobetsu, Japan 1995 Merapi Decade Volcano Workshop, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 1995 Geological Society of America 1978-79, 1981-82, 84, 86, 87, 94 IAVCEI General Assembly on Ancient Volcanism, Canberra, Australia 1993 World Organization of Volcanic Observatories Workshop, Guadeloupe 1993 IAVCEI General Assembly on Continental Magmatism, Santa Fe, NM 1989 USGS Workshop on isotopic studies of Mount St. Helens, Vancouver, WA 1989 USGS Conference on How Volcanoes Work (HVO Silver Jubilee), Hilo, HI 1987 IUGG Assembly, Vancouver, BC, Canada 1987 International Volcanological Congress, Auckland, NZ 1986 International Dyke Conference, Toronto, Canada 1985 NASA Planetary Geology Principal Investigators Meeting 1980-83 Glass in Planetary and Geological Phenomena, Alfred, NY 1983 IAVCEI Symposium on Arc Volcanism, Hakone, Japan 1981 4 Jonathan Fink – Research funding Research Grants Year Source Subject (* = co-investigator) Period Amount 2013 State of Oregon IT Infrastructure Upgrade & Roadmap 2013-15 2010 British Consulate Urban Sustainability Workshop 2010 $22,000 2001 NASA-PGG Modeling of volcanic processes 2002 $55,000 2000 NSF-EAR Explosive behavior of lava domes 2000-05 $240,000 1999 US-Israel BSF Growth and coalescence of bubbles* 1999-02 $157,000 1999 NASA-MTPE Remote sensing of silicic hazards 2000-02 $300,000 1998 NASA-MTPE Remote sensing of silicic hazards 1998-99 $50,000 1996 NSF-EAR Lava-ice interactions 1997-99 $144,500 1996 NASA-PGG Extra-terrestrial lava flows 1997-01 $340,000 1996 NSF-OCE Modeling submarine volcanoes 1997-99 $87,000 1993 NSF-EAR Silicic dome emplacement 1994-97 $160,000 1993 NASA-PGG Martian and venusian lava flows 1994-96 $235,200 1991 NSF-OCE Submarine lava flow morphology 1992-95 $134,000 1990 NSF-EAR Emplacement of silicic lava flows 1991-93 $100,000 1990 NASA-PGG Martian and venusian lava flows 1988-93 $148,000 1988 NSF-EAR Volatiles in silicic magmas 1989-91 $89,400 1987 NASA-PGG Martian mass movements 1987-90 $17,000 1986 NSF-EAR Silicic lava volatiles and textures 1987-89 $85,000 1986 NASA-PGG Lava flow compositions 1986-90 $92,800 1985 DOE Drilling of Inyo Domes, CA 1985-87 $56,000 1983 NSF-EAR Rhyolite dike emplacement 1983-85 $50,000 1983 NASA-PGG 1983 East Rift Basalts, Kilauea 1984-86 $26,000 1981 NASA-PGG Impact Experiments in fluids* 1981-82 $91,743 1980 NSF-EAR Mt. St. Helens mudflows* 1980 $13,466 1980 NASA-PGG Geology of Galilean satellites* 1980-82 $81,911 $2.3M Pre-proposals (P.I. on all) 2011 NSF-STC Center for Integration of Technological Innovation and Evolutionary Science of Cities (CITIES2) $25M (not funded) 2008 NSF-STC Urban Sustainability Outcomes Center $25M (not funded) 2000 NSF-STC Volcano Science and Technology Center $25M (not funded) 5 Jonathan Fink – Publications Books Edited 1. Fink, J.H., ed., 1987. The emplacement of silicic domes and lava flows. Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 212. 2. Fink, J.H., ed., 1990. Lava flows and domes: Emplacement mechanisms and hazard implications. IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology, 2, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. 3. Mouginis-Mark, P.J., Crisp, J.A. and Fink, J.H. 2000. Remote sensing of active volcanoes. American Geophysical Union Monograph 116. Research Articles (Refereed) 1. Fink, J.H. and Fletcher, R.C., 1978. Ropy pahoehoe: Surface folding of a viscous fluid. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 4, 151-170. 2. Fink, J. H., 1980. Surface folding and viscosity of rhyolite flows. Geology 8, 250-254. 3. Fink, J. H., 1980. Gravity instability in the Holocene Big and Little Glass Mountain rhyolitic obsidian flows, northern California. Tectonophysics 66, 147-166. 4. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., Gault, D. E., Snyder, D. B., Guest, J. E. and Schultz, P. H., 1980. Impact cratering in viscous targets: Experimental results. Proc. Lun. Planet. Sci. Conf. 11, 2075-2097. 5. Fink, J. H., Malin, M. C., D'Alli, R. E. and Greeley, R., 1981. Rheological properties of mudflows associated with the May 1980 eruptions of Mount St. Helens Volcano, WA. Geophysical Research Letters 8, 43-46. 6. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R. and Gault, D. E., 1981. Impact cratering experiments in Bingham Materials and the morphology of craters on Mars and Ganymede. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 12, 1649-1666. 7. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., Gault, D. E. and Guest, J. E., 1982. Experimental simulation of cratering on icy satellites, in Morrison, D., ed., The Satellites of Jupiter, Univ. Arizona Press, 340-378. 8. Fink, J. H., 1983. Structure and emplacement of a rhyolitic obsidian flow: Little Glass Mountain, Medicine Lake Highland, Northern California. Geological Soc. America Bulletin 94, 362-380. 9. Fink, J. H. and Reches, Z., 1983. Diagenetic density investigations and the deformation of shallow marine cherts in Israel. Sedimentology 30, 261-271. 10. Fink, J. H., Park, S. O. and Greeley, R., 1983. Cooling and deformation of sulfur flows. Icarus 56, 38-50. 11. Fink, J. H. and Pollard, D. D., 1983. Structural evidence for dikes beneath silicic domes, Medicine Lake Highland Volcano, California. Geology 11, 458-461. 12. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R. and Gault, D. E., 1984. The effect of viscosity on impact cratering of the icy saturnian satellites. Journal of Geophysical Research 89, 417-423. 13. Fink, J.. H., 1984. Structural geologic constraints on the rheology of rhyolitic obsidian. Journal of NonCrystalline Solids 67, 135-146. 14. Pollard, D. D., Fink, J. H, and Delaney, P. T., 1984, Igneous dikes at Long Valley, CA: emplacement mechanisms and associated geologic structures. In D. Hill, A. Ryall, and R. A. Bailey, eds., Active Tectonic and Magmatic Processes Beneath Long Valley, CA, U.S. Geol. Survey Open File Report 84-939, 130-196. 15. Fink, J. H., 1985. The geometry of silicic dikes beneath the Inyo Domes, California. Journal of Geophysical Research 90, 1127-1133. 16. Fink, J. H. and Reches, Z., 1985. Diagenetic density inversions and the deformation of shallow marine cherts in Israel: Discussion and Reply. Sedimentology 32, 459-464. 17. Fink, J. H. and Pollard, D. D., 1985. Inyo Dike rotation. Science 228, 1382-1383. 18. Fink, J.H. and Zimbelman, J.R., 1986. Rheology of the 1983 Royal Gardens basalt flows, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. Bulletin of Volcanology 48, 87-96. 19. Fink, J.H. and Manley, C.R., 1987. Origin of pumiceous and glassy textures in rhyolite flows and domes, in Fink, J.H., ed., Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 212, 77-88. 20. Eppler, D., Fink, J.H. and Fletcher, R.C., 1987. Rheologic properties of the Chaos Jumbles rockfall avalanche, Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA. Jour. Geophys. Res. 92, 3623-3634. 21. Manley, C.R. and Fink, J.H., 1987. Internal textures of rhyolite flows as revealed by research drilling. Geology 15, 549-552. 22. Blake, S. and Fink, J.H., 1987. The dynamics of magma withdrawal from a stratified dyke. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 85, 516-524. 23. Reches, Z. and Fink, J.H., 1988. Mechanisms of intrusion of the Inyo Dike, Long Valley Caldera, eastern California. Journal of Geophysical Research 92, 4321-4335. 6 24. Fink, J.H. and Manley, C.R., 1989. Explosive volcanic activity generated within advancing silicic lava flows. In Latter, J., ed., Volcanic Hazards, IAVCEI Proc. in Volcanology 1, 169-179. 25. Baum, B., Krantz, W., Fink, J.H., and Dickerson, R., 1989. Taylor instabilities in rhyolite flows, Journal of Geophysical Research 94, 5815-5828. 26. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1989. Hydrogen isotope evidence for extrusion mechanisms of the Mount St. Helens lava dome. Nature 341, 521-523. 27. Fink, J.H. and Zimbelman, J.R., 1990. Longitudinal variations in lava rheology: Puu Oo basalt flows, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. In Fink, J.H., ed., Lava flows and domes: Emplacement mechanisms and hazard implications. IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology 2, 157-173. 28. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1990. The development and distribution of surface textures at the Mount St. Helens dome. In Fink, J.H., ed., Lava flows and domes: Emplacement mechanisms and hazard implications. IAVCEI Proceedings in Volcanology 2, 25-46. 29. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1990. Radial spreading of viscous gravity currents with solidifying crust. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 221, 485-509. 30. Fink, J.H., Malin, M.C. and Anderson, S.W., 1990. Intrusive and extrusive growth of the Mount St. Helens lava dome. Nature 348, 435-437. 31. Fink, J.H., 1991. Volcano warning needed. Nature 351, 611. 32. Fink, J.H., 1991. Volatile behaviour of volcanoes. Nature 352, 188. 33. Fink, J.H. (editor), 1991. Volcanology, Geochemistry and Petrology 1987-1990. U.S. National Quadrennial Report to the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics. American Geophysical Union. Reviews of Geophysics Supplement: 443-553. 34. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1992, Crease structures as indicators of lava flow emplacement rates and stress states. Geol. Soc. America Bulletin 104, 615-626. 35. Fink, J.H., 1992. Mount Unzen rumbles on. Nature 357, 119. 36. Fink, J.H., Anderson, S.W., and Manley, C.R., 1992. Textural constraints on effusive silicic volcanism: Beyond the permeable foam model. Jour. Geophysical Research 97, 9073-9083. 37. Fink, J.H., 1992. What comes up could come down. Nature 359, 102-103. 38. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1992. A laboratory analog study of the surface morphology of lava flows extruded from point and line sources. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 54, 19-32. 39. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1992a. The surface morphology of lava flows under planetary environments: Predictions from analog experiments. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 19,739-19,748 40. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1992b. Surface morphology of submarine lavas: A dependence on extrusion rate. Jour. Geophysical Research 97, 19,729-19,737. 41. Fink, J.H., Grimm, R.E. and Bridges, N.T., 1993, Shapes of venusian "pancake" domes imply episodic emplacement and silicic composition. Geophys. Res. Letters 20, 261-264. 42. Fink, J.H. and Kieffer, S.W., 1993. Explosive decompression of lava domes: Estimates of pyroclastic flow velocities Nature 363, 612-615. 43. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1993. Effects of surface cooling on the spreading of lava flows and domes. Jour. Fluid Mechanics 252, 667-702. 43. 44. Fink, J.H., 1993. The emplacement of silicic lava flows and associated hazards in Kilburn, C.R.J. and Luongo, G. (eds.) Active Lavas. University of London Press, 5-24. 45. Ondrusek, J.V., Christensen, P.R., and Fink, J.H., 1993. Mapping the Distribution of Vesicular Textures on Silicic Lavas Using the Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner. Jour. Geophysical Research 98, 15,903-15,908. 46. Fink, J.H., 1993. Down under the volcano. Nature 366, 108. 47. Fink, J.H., 1993. NSF Exit Interview. EOS 74, 539. 48. Anderson, S.W., Krinsley, D.H., and Fink, J.H., 1994. Criteria for recognition of constructional silicic lava flow surfaces. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19, 531-541. 49. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1995. Quantification of submarine lava flow morphology through analog experiments. Geology 23, 73-76. 50. Fink, J.H., 1995. Exploding volcanic myths. Nature 373, 660-661. 51. Anderson, S.W., Fink, J.H., and Rose, W.I. Jr., 1995. Mount St. Helens and Santiaguito lava domes: The effect of short term eruption rate on surface texture and degassing. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 69, 105-116. 52. Fink, J.H., and Bridges, N.T., 1995. Effects of eruption history and cooling rate on lava dome growth. Bulletin of Volcanology 57, 229-239. 53. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1996. Quantification of extraterrestrial lava flow effusion rates through laboratory simulations. Jour. Geophys. Res.-Planets 101, 16,891-16,900. 7 54. Gregg, T.K.P., Fornari, D.J., Perfit, M.R., Haymon, R.M. and Fink, J.H., 1996, Rapid emplacement of a midocean ridge lava flow: East Pacific Rise at 9°46'-51'N. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 144/3-4, E1-E7. 55. Lescinsky, D.T., and Fink, J.H., 1996, Lava and ice interaction: Controls on lava flow morphology and texture, in Colbeck, S.C., ed., Glaciers, ice sheets and volcanoes: A tribute to Mark F. Meier: Hanover, NH, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab Special Report 96-27, 81-88, 1996. 56. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1997. Solidifying Bingham extrusions: a model for the growth of silicic lava domes. J. Fluid Mech. 347, 13-36. 57. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1998. Morphology, eruption rates, and rheology of lava domes: Insights from laboratory models. Jour. Geophys. Res. 103, 527-545. 58. Gregg, T.K.P., Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W., 1998. Formation of multiple fold generations on lava flow surfaces: Influence of strain rate, cooling rate, lava composition. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 80, 281-292. 59. Ramsey, M.S., and Fink, J.H., 1999. Estimating silicic lava vesicularity with thermal remote sensing: a new technique for volcanic mapping and monitoring Bull. Volcanol. 61, 32-39. 60. Fink, J.H., and Anderson, S.W., 1999. Lava domes and coulees, in Sigurdsson, H. (editor), Encyclopedia of Volcanology, 307-319, Academic Press. 61. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 2000. A laboratory investigation into the effects of slope on lava flow morphology. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 96, 145-159. 62. Blake, S. and Fink, J.H., 2000. On the deformation and freezing of enclaves during magma mixing. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res 95, 1-8. 63. Mouginis-Mark, P.J., Crisp, J.A., and Fink, J.H., 2000. Remote sensing of Active Volcanism: Introduction. American Geophysical Union Monograph 116. 1-7. 64. Lescinsky, D.T. and Fink, J.H., 2000. Lava and ice interaction at stratovolcanoes: Use of characteristic features to determine past glacial extents and future volcanic hazards. Jour. Geophys. Research 105, 23,711-23,726. 65. DeGroat, P.J., Fink, J.H., Holloway, J.R., and Cameron, B.I., 2001. Hydrogen isotope analysis of rehydrated silicic lavas: Implications for eruption mechanisms. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 185, 331-341. 66. Fink, J.H., Steiner, F., Redman, C.L., and Grimm, N.B., 2003. Greater Phoenix 2100: Building a national urban environmental research agenda, in Heiken, G., Fakundiny, R. and Sutter, J. (eds.), “Earth Sciences in the Cities”, American Geophysical Union Special Publication Series 56, 413-426. 67. Lyman, A.W., Koenig, E., and Fink, J.H., 2004. Predicting yield strengths and effusion rates of lava domes from morphology and underlying topography. Jour.Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 129, 125-138. 68. Poland, M.P., Fink, J.H., and Tauxe, L., 2004. Patterns of magma flow in segmented silicic dikes at Summer Coon volcano, Colorado: AMS and thin section analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 219, 155-169. 69. Allenby, B., and Fink, J., 2005. Toward inherently secure and resilient societies. Science 309, 1034-1036. 70. Poland, M.P., Burgmann, R., Dzurisin, D., Lisowski, M., Masterlark, T., Owen, S. and Fink, J.H., 2006. Constraints on mechanism of long-term, steady subsidence at Medicine Lake volcano, northern California, from GPS, leveling, and InSAR.. Jour. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res. 150, 55-78. 71. Poland, M.P., Moats, W., and Fink, J.H., 2008. A model for radial dike emplacement in composite cones based on observations from Summer Coon volcano, Colorado, USA. Bulletin Volcanology 70, 861-875. 72. Fink, J.H. and Gober, P., 2009. Using stakeholder engagement and visualization to aid decision-making about water use in the Middle East, in Lipchin, C. and Sandler, D., (eds.), “The Jordan River and Dead Sea Basin: Cooperation Amid Conflict”, Springer Scientific Press, 257-274. 73. Fink, J.H., 2011. Cross-sector integration of urban information to enhance sustainable decision-making. IBM Journal of Research and Development 55, 12:1-12:8. 74. Fink, J.H., 2011. The Case for an Urban Genome Project: A Shortcut to Global Sustainability? Nat. Academy of Engineering Bridge 41 (1): 5-12. 75. Fink, J.H., 2011. Phoenix, the role of the university, and the politics of green-tech, in Slavin, M.I. (ed.) “Sustainability in America’s cities: Creating the green metropolis” Island Press, 69-90. 78. Fink, J.H., and Clarke, A.B., 2012. Volcanic Flows, in Fernando, H.J. (ed.) “Handbook of Environmental Fluid Mechanics,” C.R.C. Press, 189-206. 79. Fink, J.H., 2013. Geoengineering cities to stabilize climate. Proc. of the ICE - Engineering Sustainability 166 (5), 242-248. 8 Abstracts 1. Fink, J.H. and Fletcher, R.C., 1976. A viscous folding analysis of ropy pahoehoe lava. Abs. w. Progs., Geol. Soc. America 8, 865. 2. Fink, J.H., 1977. Diapiric structures on the Little Glass Mountain rhyolitic obsidian flow, northern California. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 58, 1249. 3. Fink, J.H., 1978. Mechanical interpretations of lava flow surface structures. Abs. w. Progs., Geol. Soc. America 10, 401. 4. Fink, J. H. and Reches, Z., 1979. The opal-quartz transition: Mechanism for internal deformation of the Senonian cherts of Israel. Israel Geol. Soc. Ann. Meeting, Sde Boker, Israel. 5. Fink, J. H. and Reches, Z., 1979. The opal-quartz transition: mineralogic basis for the deformation of shallow marine cherts in Israel. Abs. with Progs, Geological Society America 11, 425-426. 6. Fink, J. H., 1980. Surface structure of the Little Glass Mountain rhyolitic obsidian flow, northern California. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 61, 68. 7. Fink, J. H., 1980. Possible rhyolite flows in the Arcadia Planitia region of Mars: Evidence from surface ridge geometry. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XI, 285-287. 8. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., Gault, D. E., Guest, J. E. and Schultz, P. H., 1980. Impact craters on Ganymede: morphology and laboratory simulations. I.A.U. Colloquium-57-The Satellites of Jupiter, Kona, Hawaii. 9. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R. and Gault, D. E., 1980. "Fluidized" impact craters in Bingham materials and the distribution of water on Mars. 3rd Colloq. on Planetary Water, Niagara Falls, 64-67. 10. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., and Gault, D. E., 1980. Impact basins: implications for formation from experiments. Conference on Multi-ring Basins, Houston, November 10-12, 1980, 18-20. 11. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R., and Gault, D. E., 1980. Laboratory simulations of central pit craters. Amer. Astron. Soc., Div. Planetary Sciences Ann. Mtg., Bull. Amer. Astron. Soc. 12, 712. 12. Fink, J. H., and Malin, M. C., 1980. Rheological properties of mudflows associated with recent eruptions of Mount St. Helens, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 61, 1138. 13. Krinsley, D. H., Fink, J. H., and Greeley, R., 1980. Explosive Volcanism: possible source of aggregate formation on Mars. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys.Union 61, 1138. 14. Fink, J. H., 1981. Surface structure of Little Glass Mountain, in Johnston, D.A.and Donnelly-Nolan, J., editors, Guide to some volcanic terranes in Washington, Oregon and northern California, USGS Circular 838, 171-176. 15. Fink, J. H., and Greeley, R., 1981. Mudflow studies on Mount St. Helens. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 82385, 339. 16. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R., and Gault, D. E., 1981. Laboratory simulations of central pit craters. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 82385, 170. 17. Fink, J. H., Krinsley, D. H., and Greeley, R., 1981. Explosive volcanism: a possible source for aggregate formation on Mars. Repts Planetary Geology Prog., NASA TM 82385, 243. 18. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., and Gault, D. E., 1981. Impact basins: implications for formation from experiments. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 82385, 113. 19. Fink, J. H., and Fletcher, R. C., 1981. Variations in thickness of Ganymede's lithosphere determined by spacings of lineations. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XII, 277-278. 20. Fink, J. H., and Reches, Z., 1981. Mechanical constraints on the origin of bedded chert. Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Siliceous Deposits in the Pacific Region, Tokyo, August, 1981, 58. 21. Fink, J. H., 1981. Structure of Holocene rhyolite domes in California. Proc. IAVCEI Symposium on Arc Volcanism, Tokyo, September, 1981, 91. 22. Park, S. O., and Fink, J. H., 1981. Scale modeling of lava flow processes. Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. 13, 525-526. 23. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., and Park, S. O., 1981. Sulfur flows on Io: Laboratory and Theoretical Modeling. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 62, 1080. 24. Fink, J. H., and Fletcher, R. C., 1981. A mechanical analysis of extensional instability on Ganymede. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 84211, 51-53. 25. Fink, J. H., Gault, D. E. and Greeley, R., 1982. Experimental impact craters formed in viscous fluids. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 84211, 81. 26. Fink, J. H., Park, S.O. and Greeley, 1982. Io: cooling models for sulfur flows. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 84211, 36-37. 27. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H., and Park, S. O., 1982. Laboratory modeling of sulfur flows on Io. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 84211, 38-39. 9 28. Park, S. O., Fink, J. H., and Greeley, R., 1982. Scale modeling of lava flow processes. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 84211, 160. 29. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R., and Gault, D. E., 1982. The effect of viscosity on the volume and shape of experimental craters. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conference, XIII, 217-218. 30. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R., and Gault, D. E., 1982. The effect of viscosity on impact cratering in the icy saturnian satellites. Proc. Saturn Conference, Tucson. 31. Fink, J. H., and Greeley, R., 1982. Experimental simulation of impact processes on icy bodies. Abstracts with programs, Geol. Soc. America 14, 488. 32. Fink, J. H., Pollard, D. D. and Donnelly-Nolan, J., 1982. Structural relationships among feeder dikes, silicic domes and ground cracks in the Medicine Lake Highland and Mount St. Helens Volcanoes. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 63, 1143. 33. Greeley, R., Fink, J. H. and Gault, D. E., 1982. Experimental insights into the lack of impact craters on Europa. Reports of Planetary Geology Program. NASA TM 85127, 20-21. 34. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R. and Gault, D. E., 1982. Effect of crustal viscosity on impact cratering of icy satellites. Reports of Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 85127, 101-102. 35. Fink, J. H., Greeley, R. and Gault, D. E., 1983. Experimental impacts into viscous fluids: Implications for oscillating peak models of crater formation. Lun. Plan. Sci. Conf. XIV, 217-218. 36. Greeley, R., and Fink, J. H., 1983. Io: sulfur volcanic constructs? Proc. Conference on Natural Satellites, Ithaca, NY. 37. Fink, J. H., 1983. Structural geologic constraints on the rheology of rhyolitic obsidian. Proc. Conf. on Glass in planetary and geological phenomena, Alfred, NY. 38. Fink, J. H., and Pollard, D. D., 1983. Ground cracks as indicators of geothermalpotential. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 64, 898. 39. Zimbelman, J. R., and Fink, J. H., 1983. Kilauea's 1983 activity: Opportunity to test a basalt flow emplacement model. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 64, 904. 40. Fink, J. H., 1984. Spatial variations in the volume, texture, and structure of silicic domes fed by dikes. Abstracts with Programs, Geol. Soc. America 16, 509. 41. Fink, J. H., 1984. Inyo Obsidian Dome drill core: Implications for flow emplacement, EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 65, 1127. 42. Eppler, D., Fink, J. H., and Fletcher, R. C., 1984. Rheologic properties of the Chaos Jumbles rockfall avalanche, Lassen Volcanic National Park, California. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 65, 1142. 43. Fink, J. H. and Zimbelman, J. R., 1985. Field measurements of 1983-1984 lava flows at Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes: Basis for a comparison with Mars. Lun. Planet. Sci. Conf. XVI, 238-239. 44. Fink, J. H., Manley, C. R. and Krinsley, D., 1985. Volatile migration, crystallization, and vesiculation during emplacement of Inyo Obsidian Dome. EOS, Trans. AGU 66, 387. 45. Manley, C. R. and Fink, J. H., 1985. VC-1 Drilling: Textural stratigraphy of the Banco Bonito Rhyolite flow, Valles Caldera, New Mexico. EOS, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 66, 1081. 46. Fink, J. H. and Zimbelman, J. R., 1985. Morphology and rheology of the Royal Gardens basalt flows, Kilauea Volcano. Repts. of Planetary Geology Prog., NASA TM 88383, 427-429. 47. Zimbelman, J. R. and Fink, J. H., 1985. Estimates of yield strength, effusion rate, and viscosity or six lava flows on the Martian volcano Ascraeus Mons, Reports Planetary Geology Program, NASA TM 88383, 336-338. 48. Fink, J. H., 1985. Drilling investigation of a young magmatic intrusion beneath the Inyo Domes, California: Structural and emplacement studies. Summaries of physical research in the geosciences. Dept. of Energy Tech. Mem. ER-0145, 77. 49. Fink, J. H. and Manley, C. R., 1986. Explosive volcanic activity generated from within advancing rhyolite flows, Proc. Volcanol. Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 241. 50. Reches, Z. and Fink, J.H., 1986. Segmentation and rotation of the Inyo Dike, Long Valley Caldera, California. Abs. w. programs. Geol. Soc. America 18, 727. 51. Fink, J.H., 1986. Drilling investigation of a young magmatic intrusion beneath the Inyo Domes, California: Structural and emplacement studies. Summaries of physical research in the geosciences, Dept. of Energy T.M. ER-0292, 98-100. 52. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1986. Rate-dependent formation of textures in the Mount St. Helens dome. EOS. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 67, 1250. 53. Fink, J.H., 1987. Studies of fluid instabilities in flows of lava and debris. USGS Symposium on How Volcanoes Work (Hilo), 74. 10 54. Fink, J.H., 1987. Studies of fluid instabilities in flows of lava and debris. Repts. Planetary Geology/Geophysics Program 1986, NASA TM 89810, 345-347. 55. Fink, J.H. and Zimbelman, J.R., 1987. Using morphologic indicators to assess lava flow rheology: Royal Gardens basalt flows, Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii. International Union Geodesy & Geophysics General Assembly, XIX, 417. 56. Fink, J.H., 1987. Mechanical modeling of surface structures on silicic lava flows. International Union Geodesy & Geophysics General Assembly, XIX, 413. 57. Fink, J.H., 1987. Rheologic modeling of the Olympus Mons aureole. Abstracts with programs. Geol. Soc. America 19, 662. 58. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1987. The development and distribution of lava textures at the Mount St. Helens lava dome. Abstracts with programs, Geol. Soc. America 19, 573. 59. Manley, C.R. and Fink, J.H., 1987. Endogenic explosive activity on rhyolite flows. Abstracts with programs, Geol. Soc. America 19, 758. 60. Moats, W. and Fink, J.H., 1987. Endogenic explosive activity on rhyolite flows. Abstracts with programs, Geol. Soc. America 19, 758-759. 61. Sheridan, M.F. and Fink, J.H., 1987. NASA Field Workshop on Ignimbrites and Domes. Arizona State University, Tempe, 36 pp. 62. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1987. Modeling crease structures on silicic lava flows. EOS. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 68, 1545. 63. Fink, J.H., 1988. Rheologic modeling of the Olympus Mons aureole. Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1987, NASA TM 4041, 330-331. 64. Sheridan, M.F. and Fink, J.H., 1987. NASA Field Workshop on Ignimbrites and Domes, Mammoth Lakes, California. Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1987, NASA TM 4041, 567. 65. Fink, J.H. and Zimbelman, J.R., 1988. Relationships between morphology and rheology of lava flows. Reports Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1987, NASA TM 4041, 362-364. 66. Rose, W.I., Mercado, R. Vallance, J., Matias, O., Giron, J., Alvarez, F., Fink, J., and Anderson, S., 1988. Santiaguito Volcanic Activity, SEAN Bulletin 8, 2-5. 67. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1988. Crease structures as lava emplacement rate indicators. EOS. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 69, 1486. 68. Manley, C.R. and Fink, J.H., 1988. Thermal modeling of cooling rhyolite lava flows. EOS. Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 69, 1486. 69. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1988. Degassing during emplacement of the Mount St. Helens Dome. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 69, 1469. 70. Kafura, C., Fink, J.H., and Malin, M.C., 1988. The effects of fine-grained non-clay particles on debris-flow mobility. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 69, 1199. 71. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1989. Laboratory simulations of lava flows with solid crusts. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XX, 285-286. 72. Zimbelman, J.R. and Fink, J.H., 1989. Estimates of rheologic properties for flows on the Martian volcano Olympus Mons. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XX, 1241-1242. 73. Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W., 1989. Laboratory simulations of lava flows with solid crusts. Repts. of Planetary Geology Geophysics Program 1988, NASA TM 4130, 414-415. 74. Ondrusek, J.O., Christensen, P.R. and Fink, J.H., 1989. Composition and textural variations in lava from Glass Mountain, California: Evidence from thermal spectroscopy. Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1988, NASA TM 4130, 416. 75. Fink, J.H., 1989. Morphologic characteristics of silicic lava flows. In Continental Magmatism, IAVCEI Gen. Assembly abstracts, N.M. Bur. Mines Min. Res. Bull. 131, 90. 76. Anderson, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1989. An evaluation of eruption triggering mechanisms at the Mount St. Helens dome. In Continental Magmatism, IAVCEI Gen. Assembly abstracts, N.M. Bur. Mines Min. Res. Bull. 131, 7. 77. Ondrusek, J.O., Christensen, P.R. and Fink, J.H., 1989. Composition and textural variations in lava from Glass Mountain, California: Evidence from thermal spectroscopy. In Continental Magmatism, IAVCEI Gen Assembly abstracts, N.M. Bur. Mines Min. Res. Bull. 131, 206. 78. Fink, J.H., Griffiths, R.W. and Corrigan, D., 1989. Solidification and deformation of crust on viscous-gravity flows. Proc. Austral. Fluid Mech. Conf. 10, 4.9-4.12. 79. Anderson, S.W., Fink, J.H., Ondrusek, J.O., and Manley, C.R., 1989. Textural arguments against a permeable foam model for silicic lavas. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 70, 1422. 11 80. Fink, J.H. and Malin, M.C., 1989. Style of growth of the Mount St. Helens lava dome determined from highresolution digital topography. EOS Trans. Am. Geoph. Union 70, 1422. 81. Fink, J.H. and Bridges, N., 1990. Predicting extra-terrestrial lava flow morphology. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXI, 363-364. 82. Fink, J.H. and Bridges, N., 1990. Predicting extra-terrestrial lava flow morphology. Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1989, NASA TM 4210, 414-415. 83. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1990. Composition-specific patterns of textural distribution on silicic lava flow surfaces. Reports of Planetary Geology and Geophysics Program 1989, NASA TM 4210, 419-420. 84. Ondrusek, J.O., Christensen, P.R. and Fink, J.H., 1990. Mapping textural variations on silicic lava flows with thermal infrared spectrometry. Reports Planetary Geology Geophysics Prog. 1989, NASA TM 4210, 421-422. 85. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1990. Lava flow morphology as an indicator of extrusion rates along mid-ocean ridges. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 71, 1608. 86. Anderson, S.W., Fink, J.H., and Rose, W.I., 1990. Volatile content and eruptive behavior of silicic lava domes: a comparison of Santiaguito (Guatemala) and Mount St. Helens (WA). EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 71, 1720. 87. Malin, M.C., Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W., 1991. Interpreting Venusian lava domes. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 849-850. 88. Bridges, N., Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W., 1991. The effects of cooling on lava dome morphology. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, 137-138. 89. Fink, J.H., Bridges, N.T., and Griffiths, R.W., 1991. Factors controlling lava dome morphology. Repts of Planetary Geology Geophysics Prog. 1990, NASA TM 4300, 172-173. 90. Fink, J.H., 1991. Constructional controls on volcano degradation. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 72, 227. 91. Ondrusek, J.O., Christensen, P.R. and Fink, J.H., 1991. The effects of vesicular textures on TIMS imagery of silicic lava flows. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 72, 523. 92. Ondrusek, J.O., Christensen, P.R. and Fink, J.H., 1991. The effects of vesicular textures on thermal imagery in mapping compositions in mixed lava flows. Proc. 3rd TIMS Workshop, May 22, 1991, JPL Publication 91-29. 93. Bridges, N.T. and Fink, J.H., 1992. Aspect ratios of lava domes on the Earth, Moon and Venus. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXIII, 159-160. 94. Fink, J.H., 1992. What material scientists can learn from volcanologists, and vice versa. European Science Foundation Workshop on mass transfer in melts and glasses abstracts, Bayreuth, 22. 95. Gregg, T.K. and Fink, J.H., 1992. A laboratory investigation into the effect of slope on submarine lava flow morphology. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 73: 648-649. 96. Fink, J.H. and Kieffer, S.W., 1992. Pyroclastic flows generated by explosive decompression during lava dome collapse. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 73: 628. 97. Kieffer, S.W. and Fink, J.H., 1993. Pyroclastic flows generated by lava dome collapse. Workshop on volcanic disaster prevention abstracts, Menlo Park, CA, 171. 98. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1993. Volatile contents and explosive hazards from silicic lava domes. Workshop on volcanic disaster prevention abstracts, Menlo Park, CA, 155. 99. Fink, J.H., Kieffer, S.W., Grimm, R.E., and Bridges, N.T., 1993b. Explosion pits, slump deposits and overall shapes of venusian pancake domes suggest silicic compositions. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74: 190. 100. Reches, Z., Fink, J.H., and Agnon, A. 1993. Control of dike emplacement by vertically-varying tectonic stresses. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74:291. 101. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1993. Dynamic evidence for the rheologic behavior of the Mt. St. Helens and Soufriere lava domes. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74, 333. 102. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1993. Effects of solidification on the morphology of lava flows and domes. IAVCEI General Assembly abstracts, Canberra, 32. 103. Gregg, T.K. and Fink, J.H., 1993. Laboratory investigation into the effect of breaks in slope on mafic lava flows. IAVCEI General Assembly abstracts, Canberra, 41. 104. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1993. The dynamical role of solidifying crust on lava domes. IAVCEI General Assembly abstracts, Canberra, 42. 105. Ramsey, M.S., Fink, J.H., and Christensen, P.R., 1993. Thermal emission analysis of mineral glasses: Application to remote sensing studies of Holocene silicic lava flows. IAVCEI General Assembly abstracts, Canberra, 89. 106. Gregg, T.K. and Fink, J.H., 1993. Quantitative classification of submarine lava flow morphology. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74: 620. 12 107. Sheridan, M.F., Reitan, P., Hodge, D.S., Bursik, M., and Fink, J.H., 1993. Eruption!. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 74: 82-83. 108. Fink, J.H., 1993. Volatile contents and explosive hazards from silicic lava domes. World Organization of Volcano Observatories Workshop abstracts, Guadeloupe, 11. 109. Riehle, J.R. and Fink. J.H., 1993. Some advantages of global electronic communications among volcanologists. World Organization of Volcano Observatories Workshop abstracts, Guadeloupe, 93-94. 110. Gregg, T.K. and Fink, J.H., 1994. First and second generation wavelengths of surface folds on lava flows may indicate composition. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXV, 274-275. 111. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1994. Patterns of degassing in active silicic lava domes. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 75, 357. 112. Fink, J.H., Delaney, P.T., Moore, J.G., and Glazner, A.F., 1994. Mitigating volcanic hazards through active tectonic research. Abstracts with programs, Geol. Soc. Amer. 26, 383. 113. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1994. Modeling the origin of folded and jumbled submarine lava flows allows estimates of eruption rates and strain rates. EOS Trans. AGU 75, 600-601. 114. Fornari, D.J., Gregg, T.K.P., Fink, J.H., Perfit, M.R., Haymon, R.M., and Edwards, M.H., 1994. Effusion rates of young volcanic flows on the East Pacific Rise crest near 9°50'N. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 75, 602. 115. Ramsey, M.S. and Fink, J.H. 1994. Remote monitoring of volcanic domes: Detection of chemical, textural and thermal heterogeneities. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 75, 716. 116. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1995. Quantification of extraterrestrial lava flows through analog experiments. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVI, 507-508. 117. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1995, Lava effusion rates, eruption frequencies and eruption durations along Mid-Ocean ridges, IUGG XXI General Assembly, Boulder, CO, A473. 118. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1995. Volatile concentration in silicic lavas and the generation of Merapi-type pyroclastic flows. Merapi Decade Volcano Workshop, Yogyakarta, 31. 119. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1995. Volatile contents and explosive hazards from lava domes. Proceedings of International Workshop on Volcanoes, Sobetsu, Japan, 33. 120. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1995. The spreading of three silicic lava domes. Proceedings of International Workshop on Volcanoes, Sobetsu, Japan, 45. 121. Lescinsky, D.T. and Fink, J.H., 1995. Lava and ice interactions: Controls on lava flow morphology and texture. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 76, F199. 122. Fink, J.H., DeGroat, P., and Holloway, J.R., 1995. Near-surface vesiculation in silicic lava flows. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 76, F666. 123. Fink, J.H. and Griffiths, R.W., 1996. Modeling lava domes as temperature-dependent Bingham materials. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVII, 359-360. 124. Griffiths, R.W. and Fink, J.H., 1996. Solidifying Bingham extrusions: the growth of silicic lava domes. Proc. West. Pacific Meeting, American Geophysical Union, Brisbane. 125. Lescinsky, D.T., and Fink, J.H., 1996. Lava and ice interaction on Mars: Application of terrestrial observations and laboratory simulations. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVII, 743-744. 126. DeGroat, P., Fink, J.H., Manley, C.R., and Holloway, J.R., 1996. Degassing and rehydration of silicic magma. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 77, F800. 127. Ramsey, M.S. and Fink, J.H., 1996. Estimating lava vesicularity: A new technique using thermal infrared remote sensing data. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 77, F803. 128. Lescinsky, D.T. and Fink, J.H., 1997. Ice melting by andesite lavas at Mount Rainier: Application of analog experiments. IAVCEI Gen. Assembly abstracts, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 6. 129. Navon, O., Chekmir, A., and Fink, J.H., 1997. Crystal wetting by bubbles in rhyolitic melts. IAVCEI General Assembly abstracts, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 159. 130. Gregg, T.K.P. and Fink, J.H., 1997. Variations in lava flow width related to effusion rates through laboratory simulations. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. XXVIII, 461-462. 131. Fink, J.H. and DeGroat, P., 1997. Determining the volatile histories of silicic lavas. Unzen International Workshop: Decade Volcano and Scientific Drilling Proceedings, 123-124. 132. Ramsey, M.S., and J.H. Fink, 1997. Remote determination of lava vesicularity: Technique preparation for the upcoming spaceborne ASTER instrument, Geol. Soc. Am. Cordilleran Sec. Abstracts with Progs., 29(5), A58. 133. Fink, J.H. and Glaze, L., 1997. Surviving the volcanic data debris avalanche, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 78, F817. 134. DeGroat, P. and Fink, J.H., 1997. Multi-stage degassing of rehydrated silicic lavas, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 78, F790-91. 13 135. Fowler, J.T. and Fink, J.H., 1997. The effects of time-dependent eruption rate on the morphology of submarine volcanoes, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 78, F648. 136. Mouginis-Mark, P.J. and Fink, J.H., 1997. Remote sensing of active volcanism, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 78, F798. 137. Ramsey, M.S., and Fink, J.H., 1997. Mapping vesicularity of Hawaiian lava flows via thermal infrared remote sensing, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 78, F777. 138. Fink, J.H. and Anderson, S.W., 1998. Volcanic enology: What lava dome “corks” can tell us about magmatic “champagne”. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 79, F999-1000. 139. Ramsey, M.S., Fink, J.H., Wessels, R., Poland, M., and Ruff, S., 1998. Field spectroscopy and GPS analysis of silicic domes: Implications for future volcanic monitoring with the space-borne ASTER instrument. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 79, F1010. 140. Koenig, E., Fink, J. H., Anderson, F. S., 1999. Radial dike emplacement on Venus: The effects of a temperature dependent viscosity structure on volcanic edifice stresses. Lunar and Planetary Science XXX Abstract #2051, (CD-ROM), Houston, TX. 141. Lescinsky, D.T., and J.H. Fink, 1999. Long lava flows with narrow widths: A case for external flow confinement? Lunar and Planetary Science XXX Abstract #2051, (CD-ROM), Houston, TX. 142. Lescinsky, D.T., Sisson, T.W., and Fink, J.H. , 1999. Lava and ice interaction at Mount Rainier, Washington, Mount Rainier National Park 100th Anniversary Symposium, Northwest Scientific Association 1999 Annual Meeting, 41, Tacoma, WA. 143. Lescinsky, D.T., and Fink, J.H., 1999. Reconstructing volcanic eruptions and glacial extents using evidence of lava-ice interaction, International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics XXII General Assembly, Birmingham, England, B. 175. 144. Lescinsky, D.T., Fink, J.H., and Griffiths, R.W., 1999. European Geophysical Society 24th General Assembly, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 1 (4), 862. 145. Hilley, G.E, Koenig, E., Fink, J.H., and Poland, M.P., 1999. Finite element modeling of the development of stresses and structures around volcanoes. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 80, F971. 146. Poland, M.P., Burgmann, R., Fink, J.H., and Dzurisin, D., 1999, Deformation field at Medicine Lake Volcano, Northern California: New results from GPS measurements. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 80, F960. 147. Cameron, B.I., Fink, J.H., DeGroat, P.J., and Holloway, J.R., 1999. Magmatic H2O contents in glassy lavas and obsidian clasts revealed by step-heating hydrogen isotope analyses. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 80, 1109. 148. Fink, J.H., Redman, C.L., and Grimm, N.B., 2000. Expanding a long term ecological research project into a national urban environmental laboratory. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, S11. 149. Cameron, B.I., and Fink, J.H., 2000. Identifying magmatic H2O contents in Yucca Mt. ash flow tuffs by stepheating hydrogen isotope analyses. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, S434. 150. Lescinsky, D.T., and Fink, J.H., 2000. Landform development and fracturing during lava-ice interaction at stratovolcanoes with alpine glaciers. In: Volcano/Ice Interaction on Earth and Mars, V.C. Gulick, and M.T. Gudmundsson, eds., Univ. Iceland, Reykjavik, 32. 151. Koenig, E., Owen, S.E., and Fink, J.H., 2000. Finite element modeling of volcanic deformation. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, F338. 152. Fink, J.H., 2000. Forecasts about forecasts: Volcano science and policy in the year 2010. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, F1253. 153. Cameron, B.I., and Fink, J.H., 2000. High magmatic H2O contents in obsidian clasts from Plinian tephra deposits. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, F1328. 154. Lyman, A.W., Lescinsky, D.T., and Fink, J.H., 2000. The effects of slope on silicic lava flow morphology: Insights from analog experiments with Bingham plastic materials. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, F1293. 155. Poland, M.P., Dzurisin, D., Burgmann, R., Koenig, E., and Fink, J.H., 2000. Modeling deformation at Medicine Lake Volcano in northern California using regional tectonic and local volcanic sources. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 81, F338. 156. Poland, M.P. and Fink, J.H., 2001. Inferring emplacement processes of radial dikes at Summer Coon volcano, Colorado, from geometry and AMS-derived magma flow. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V52A-1053. 157. Koenig, E., Lyman, A.W., and Fink, J.H., 2001. Lava flows on slopes: Numerical modeling of flow transitions and collapse. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 82 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P22D-06. 158. Lyman, A.W. and Fink, J.H., 2001. Predicting yield strengths and effusion rates of silicic lavas on slopes from analog experiments with Bingham plastic materials. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 82, (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V21B-0975. 14 159. Cameron, B.I., Fink, J.H., Guan, Y., and Leshin, L.A., 2001. Multiple uses of hydrogen isotopes as a tracer of rehydration processes in glassy lavas. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 82, (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V22B-1049. 160. Koenig, E. and Fink, J.H., 2002. The Volcano Listserv and its use in higher education. EOS Trans. Ame. Geophys. Union 83, Spring Meet. Suppl., Abstract V51C-06. 161. Teasdale, R., Harpp, K., Barr, J., Fink, J., 2002. Emplacement of Megacrystic Basalt Flows in the Northern Galápagos Archipelago: Rheologic Parameters and Analog Flow Experiments, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V11B-1396. 162. Eisinger, C., Fink, J., Ramsey, M., 2002. Determining Crystal Abundance in Glassy Lavas: Combining Laboratory Infrared Spectroscopy With Remote Sensing, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract P72A-0484. 163. Lyman, A. W., Harris, A. J., Rose, W. I., Fink, J. H., 2002. Rheological Estimates of Santiaguito Lavas From Analog Experiments With Bingham Plastic Materials, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V12A-1405. 164. Anderson, S. W., McColley, S., Fink, J. H., 2002. The Development of Preferred Pathways in Lava Flow Interiors: Insights from Analog Experiments, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V12A-1400. 165. Cameron, B. I., Fink, J. H., Guan, Y., Leshin, L. A., 2002. Hydrogen Isotopic Composition of Amphiboles by Ion Microprobe: Implications for the Explosive-Effusive Transition at Santa María volcano, Guatemala, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 83 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V12A-1404. 166. Fink, J.H., Anderson, S.W., 2004. Mount St. Helens lava domes, then and now, EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 85 (47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V53D-08A. 167. Hess, K., Lavallee, Y., Castro, J.M., Noll, K., Condonnier, B., Mueller, S., Dingwell, D.B., Cameron, B.I., Spieler, O., Fink, J.H., 2005. Rheology of Obsidian Flow: Emplacement Controlled by Final Water Degassing? EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 86 (52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V53C-1584. 168. Fink, J.H., 2010. Looking backward and forward: A decadal view of volcanology. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 91, Fall Meeting Supplement Abstract V43E-01. 169. Prashad, L.C., Christensen, P.R., Fink, J.H., Anwar, S., Dickenshied, S., Engle, E., Noss, D., 2010. Enhancing interdisciplinary collaboration and decision-making with J-Earth: An open-source data sharing, visualization and GIS analysis platform. EOS Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union 91, Fall Meeting Supplement Abstract IN53B-1166. Book and film reviews 1. Fink, J.H., 1992. Towering infernos? Book review of Mountains of Fire: The Nature of Volcanoes by R. Decker and B. Decker. Nature 355, 688. 2. Fink, J.H., 1993. Fire and brimstone. Book review of Hawaii Volcano Watch (T.L. Wright et al.) and The Lyman Earthquake Diary (M. Wyss et al.), Nature 362, 660. 3. Fink, J.H., 1994. Recipes for disaster. Book review of Volcanoes: A Planetary Perspective by Peter Francis. Science 263, 402-403. 4. Fink, J.H., 1997. Cinemagmatic Mayhem. Film review of Dante's Peak. Nature 386, 33. Editorial columns and Op-Eds 1. The New York Times, March 19, 1982, “Demoted leader in space exploration” [Letter to the Editor] 2. Arizona Republic, January 13, 1999, “Investing in universities as vital as investing in sports teams” 3. Arizona Republic, September 20, 2000, “NASA can lift state into the New Economy” 4. Arizona Republic, June 10, 2002, “Vibrations from light rail would zap ASU research” 5. Arizona Republic, February 18, 2004, “Army award gives state new clout in tech field” 6. Arizona Republic, September 17, 2006, “We need to press for sun power” 7. Q Cells 2006 Annual Report, p. 26, “Global Solar Opportunities” 8. Arizona Republic, June 9, 2007, “Technology can help sustain desert living” 9. Arizona Republic, March 28, 2008, “Earth Hour spotlights sustainability: Phoenix to join far-reaching blackout” 10. Arizona Republic, June 23, 2008, “AZ Green Living interview” 11. Oregonian, November 30, 2010, “Detroit’s experience may hold lessons for Portland” 12. Oregonian, December 16, 2011, “Higher education: Universities’ research collaboration boosts Oregon” 13. Oregonian, May 25, 2013, “Shining a spotlight on Portland’s climate progress” 14. Oregonian, March 5, 2014, “What Google Fiber means for Oregon” 15
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