No secret to football success, it is AJAX! Are you a professional football player and dedicated? Are you seeking for quality football training? Are you ready for unique experience with AJAX Trainers? Join us to experience & enjoy football playing on: AJAX Camp in Kosovo 2014 U12, U14 & U16 12-16 June 1. Word of ... Dear football players, Football it is our passion, and YOU are our drive! We have a long journey together and it will not be the easiest. We will have difficulties and challenges, but we will overcome and get to the end of the journey. We are committed to development of professional football players, because we have a common passion (football) with YOU, because We believe on YOU. We are glad to bring a unique opportunity for YOU – Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 (for U12, U14 and U16). YOU have an opportunity to be trained by Ajax trainers and scouts, to be part of qualitative football training, to learn new skills and to experience Ajax unique style of football playing. Mr. Rexhep Baholli, President FC 2 Korriku We are grateful to Ajax Youth Academy for trust of our club 2 Korriku, for an opportunity they offer to football players in Kosovo through Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014. We believe we are ready for our journey – together. We acknowledge the trust and support of each individual, of YOU – football players, trainers, parents, fans, clubs, community, media, institutions and others ...without you we wouldn’t been able to take a step in our journey. We believe on YOU, we go ahead with YOU! 2 1. Word of ... Dear football players and others, We are glad to organize Ajax Camp in Kosovo, together with 2 Korriku. Ajax coming to Kosovo presents a wonderful opportunity for our staff to share knowledge and expertise with the local children and trainer-coaches of course. We are looking forward to visiting and hope to make an impact, not only improving the level of football but moreover influencing the lifestyle of the next generation players. Football and Education go hand in hand! Eddie van Schaick, Consultant Ajax Youth Academy 3 Ajax Youth Academy visit at Fc 2 Korriku, 2013 4 FC 2 Korriku at Ajax Youth Academy, 2014 Ajax Youth Academy visit at Fc 2 Korriku, 2013 Ajax Youth Academy visit at Fc 2 Korriku, 2013 Ajax Youth Academy visit at Fc 2 Korriku, 2013 1. OUR STORY FC 2 Korriku & Ajax Youth Academy FC 2 Korriku in line with its mission and philosophy, remains committed to further development of youth football players, towards their education and professionalism. Hence, was seeking for strategic-professional partner, who proved over decades, quality and professionalism in the development of the football, who made possible to individuals to become unique professional footballer players - was seeking for Ajax Youth Academy.FC 2 Korriku cooperation with Ajax Youth Academy was not only a desire, but a mission itself and responsibility towards football players. With support of parents and Dutch NGO SPARK (, FC 2 Korriku has started first discussions with Ajax Youth Academy in 2012, while in September 2013 has organized first joint activity with Ajax Youth Academy “Visit of Ajax Youth Academy“, in Prishtina. Discussions about cooperation opportunities and/ or joint activities and programs were discussed together, needs were identified and challenges were highlighted since then. FC 2 Korriku – SPARK - Ajax Youth Academy expressed the willingness to continue cooperation besides the challenges, and have agreed for activities in 2014. On January 2014, FC 2 Korriku trainers have attended Training of Trainers, ToT at Ajax Youth Academy to observe, to train, to learn and ex-change from each other. FC 2 Korriku aims to contribute and offer equal opportunities to every player in a country, to enable opportunity for development of professional footballer players with today`s leaders of football success, this why together with Ajax Youth Academy and support of SPARK it is organizing: AJAX Camp in Kosovo, 2014 for U12, U14 & U16 FC 2 Korriku goal it is to transform its cooperation with Ajax Youth Academy into a long and sustainable cooperation, but there are challenges which we have to overcome together with you as a player, as a parent, as a club, as an institution or at any role that you are and can contribute. fc 2 korriku at ajax youth academy, 2014 We encourage you to join Ajax Camp in Kosovo, 2014 for U12, U14 & U16, your support it is crucial to our joint success – as always. Let us taste and experience football from the word football leaders. 5 2. AJAX CAMP in KOSOVO, 2014 – U12, U14 & U16 General Information FC 2 Korriku in cooperation with Ajax Youth Academy, supported by SPARK, will organize Ajax Camp in Kosovo, 2014 from 12th until 16th of June 2014, in Prishtina. AJAX Camp in Kosovo 2014 includes three age groups: What? When? Where? Ajax Camp in Kosovo U12, U14 and U16 13,14,15 June 2014 FC Prishtina Stadium, in Pristina It is a unique opportunity to become part of Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014, it is first time of such a camp organized in the South East Europe. Players will have the opportunity to play and learn every day new football skills from Ajax Youth Academy Trainers and Scouts. Ajax Youth Academy Trainers are experts and have expertise in delivering the unique Ajax training methods to all types of personalities and abilities so that each player can achieve their highest level of performance. This way all players will discover and experience the secrets of how Ajax trains their youngsters and Ajax selection. FC 2 Korriku Trainers will also contribute to Ajax Camp in Kosovo, 2014. They will offer their experience and expertise too, in cooperation and strongly supported by Ajax Youth Academy. The number of players -participants is limited to 20 players for one group age, in total 60 players for camp as indicated on the table below: Limited number of players per generation Ajax Camp U12, U14 and U16 # per generation 20 Total # per camp 60 There is no fee to Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014. However, selected players are obliged to cover costs for outfit and a ball, they will take with them the outfit and ball afterwards. To know more about how can you apply and which services Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 offers to you, please read information under 3. Practical Information. You might need further information or you might want to follow the latest on Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 please contact us at: [email protected]; and / or 3.1 PRACTICAL INFORMATION Which clubs can participate? Clubs that are registered and licensed under Football Federation of Kosovo, FFK are considered and eligible for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 (no others). Interested clubs must apply and register (only registered clubs will receive a code upon registration) for Ajax Camp in Kosovo, 2014 within a deadline. 3.1.1 How club can apply and register? Interested football clubs (who met requirements as fewer than 3.1) can apply and register for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 by submitting within a deadline the following documents: 6 a. Fulfilled Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 -Club Registration Form; b. Football Federation of Kosovo License of a club (copy), at: Deadline: Friday, 18th of April 2014. Submit at: [email protected] Upon successful registration, club will receive a code. No hard applications will be considered! Clubs who do not fulfill the Club Registration Form as it is required, and /or who will not submit required documents (and within a deadline) will not be considered. 3.1.1 How many players per club can participate? Interested football clubs (who met requirements as fewer than 3.1) can send certain number of players as in Annex 1 of this document: “Number of pre-selected players per club” for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014. Number of players per club is defined by club ranking of Kosovo League Season Table 2013-2014. In total 370 players will be accepted from clubs (a maximum of 125 players U12 from clubs, a maximum of 125 players – U14 from clubs, a maximum of 120 players –U16 from clubs), but only 60 of them will participate on Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014. 3.2 Which players can participate? 3.2.1 Ajax Camp in Kosovo, 2014 Players who are member of any club registered and licensed under Football Federation of Kosovo, FFK, who`s club is registered for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 (as in point 3.1) are considered and eligible to apply for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 and under following conditions: AJAX Camp in Kosovo 2014 - Players U 12 Born on 1st of January ,2002 and later U 14 Born on 1st of January, 2000 and later U 16 Born on 1st of January, 1998 and later 3.2.2.How can player apply and get pre-selected? Interested players shall express their interest for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 – U12, U14& U16 at his member club. Registered clubs who have received a registration code shall pre-select their playersand submit the following documents and within a deadline: a. Fulfilledfrom: “Pre-selection players for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014” (which must be signed and stamped by Club); b. Copy of passport for each player which is on the “Pre-selection players for Ajax Camps Kosovo, 2014” form. PS. Number of players per club it is defined on Annex 1 of this document. DEADLINE: Friday, 18th of April 2014, latest by 17:00 precisely. Submit at: [email protected] PS.Clubs who do not fulfill the form as it is required, and /or who will not submit required documents (and within a deadline) will not be considered. 3.2.3.How can player get selected? If your member club has been registered and got a code for Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014; has submitted timely and as it is required all as in 3.2 and in line with Annex 1 of this document, you will be invited for final evaluation session at FC 2 Korriku. 7 FC 2 Korriku will publish list of invited players & time schedule for evaluation session: On: Friday, 2nd of May 2014 At: If you are invited for evaluation session you are required to show up at FC 2 Korriku Stadium as per published time schedule. Selection Committe will evaluate each player based on Ajax TIPS. Only best scored players (in total 60 players) will participate on Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014, U12, U14 and U16. There will be a “Waiting list”, player`s from this list might be invited in case selected player`s do not apply /meet /act in line with Procedures of Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014. List of players who will participate at Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 will be published: On: Friday, 30th of May 2014 At: 4. OTHER PRACTICALITIES Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 will take place at Prishtina Stadium, in Prishtina. Address: Fehmi Agani street, n.n, Prishtina. Accomodation, transport and food it is on expense of football player`s. Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 - Program will be provided latest by June 2014. Time schedule Announcement of Ajax Camp in Kosovo 2014 Deadline for: Publish - List of Invited Player`s for evaluation session Deadline for: Football players application & submission of pre-selected football players per club Publication of pre-selected players list invited for evaluation session & time -schedule Publication of Selected Football Players Getting ID & Outfit for participation Friday, 28th of March 2014 Friday, 11th of April 2014 Friday, 18 Aprill 2014 Friday, 2 Maj 2014 Friday, 30 Maj 2014 Tuesday, 3 June 2014 We gratefully aknowledge the support of: ANNEX 1 Number of pre-selected players per club AJAX Camp Kosovo 2014 U12-14-16 Each club ranked in the Kosovo League Season Table 2013-2014, will be able to pre-select number of players for AJAX Camp in Kosovo, 2014 as in the lists below. U 12 PRISHTINA REGION Group A U-12 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Besiana 4 2 2 Korriku A 3 3 Flamurtari 2 4 R. Sadiku 1 5 Feronikeli 1 6 Besa 1 7 F. Kosova 1 8 Vigani 1 PRISHTINA REGION Group B U-12 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Kurda 4 2 Prishtina A 3 3 Rilindja 2 4 2 Korriku B 1 5 Prishtina B 1 6 Hysi 1 7 Llapi 1 1 PRISHTINA REGION GROUP C U-12 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Besëlidhja 4 2 SDC-IFA 3 3 KEK-u 2 4 Kosova P 1 5 Liridoni 1 6 Kosovari 1 7 Ardhmeria 1 8 Alea-Drenas 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GJILAN REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team Shkendija 4 Galaksia 3 Studenti 2 Ternoci 1 Dardana 1 Shkendija B 1 Drita B 1 Drita 1 Universi 1 Gjilani 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MITROVICA REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team K.F. Trepca 89 4 K.F. Kosova (V) 3 SH.F.B.H Jashari 2 K.F. Australia 1 K.F. Trepca 1 SH.F. Bardhi 1 SH.F. Trepca 89 1 2 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PEJA REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team City Sport 4 Besa 3 Stars 2 Dardania 1 A.F. Zllakuqani 1 Dukagjini 1 Banja 1 Olti 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PRIZREN REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team Ballkani 4 Rahoveri 3 Liria 1 2 Malisheva 1 Prizrenspor 1 Drini i Bardhe 1 Dardania-Studenqan 1 Lidhja e Prizrenit 1 Winner 1 Liria 2 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Ferizaj REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team K.F Ferizaji 4 K.F. Sharri 3 K.F. Kastrioti 2 K.F. Vullnetari i UCK-se 1 K.F Vizioni 1 K.F Ulpiana 1 K.F Lepenci 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gjakova REGION U-12 Nr. of players Team KF Gjakova 4 Amiko 3 Gjakova 2 2 Jakova 1 Gladiator 1 Rinia 1 U 14 PRISHTINA REGION Group A U-14 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Flamurtari 4 2 2 Korriku A 3 3 R. Sadiku 2 4 F. Kosova 1 5 Besa 1 6 Feronikeli 1 7 Besiana 1 8 Vigani 1 PRISHTINA REGION GROUP C U-14 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 KEK-u 4 2 SDC-IFA 3 3 Kosovari 2 4 Besëlidhja 1 5 Liridoni 1 6 Ardhmëria 1 7 Kosova P 1 8 Alea-Drenas 1 PRISHTINA REGION Group B U-14 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Prishtina A 4 2 Kurda 3 3 2 Korriku B 2 4 Prishtina B 1 5 Hysi 1 6 Llapi 1 7 Rilindja 1 MITROVICA REGION U-14 Nr. of players Team K.F. Kosova (V) 4 K.F. Australia 3 K.F. Trepca 89 2 SH.F.B.H Jashari 1 SH.F.Bardhi 1 K.F. Trepca 1 SH.F. Trepca 89 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GJILAN REGION U-14 Nr. of players Team Shkendija 4 Galaksia 3 Drita B 2 Drita 1 Shkendija B 1 Dardana 1 Ternoci 1 Universi 1 Gjilani 1 Studenti 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 PEJA REGION U-14 Nr. of players Team Besa 4 City Sport 3 Stars 2 A.F. Zllakuqani 1 Behari 1 Dukagjini 1 Banja 1 Olti 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ferizaj Region U14 Nr. of players Team K.F. Sharri 4 K.F. Ferizaji 3 K.F. Lepenci 2 K.F. Vizioni 1 K.F. Ulpiana 1 K.F. Vullnetari i UCK-së 1 4 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PRIZREN REGION U-14 Nr. of players Team Prizrenspor 4 Ballkani 3 Liria 1 2 Dardania-Studenqan 1 Malisheva 1 Lidhja e Prizrenit 1 Rahoveri 1 Winner 1 Liria 2 1 Drini i Bardhe 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Gjakova REGION U-14 Nr. of players Team KF Gjakova 4 KF Vellaznimi 3 KF Gjakova 2 2 Jakova 1 Gladiatoret 1 Amiko 1 Rinia 1 U 16 PRISHTINA REGION Group A U-16 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 R. Sadiku 4 2 Flamurtari 3 3 2 Korriku A 2 4 Feronikeli 1 5 Vigani 1 6 Besiana 1 7 F. Kosova 1 8 Besa 1 PRISHTINA REGION GROUP C U-16 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 KEK-u 4 2 Besëlidhja 3 3 SDC-IFA 2 4 Kosova P 1 5 Kosovari 1 6 Liridoni 1 7 Ardhmëria 1 8 Alea-Drenas 1 PRISHTINA REGION Group B U-16 Nr. of players Rnk Team 1 Prishtina A 4 2 Kurda 3 3 Hysi 2 4 Prishtina B 1 5 Llapi 1 6 Rilindja 1 7 2 Korriku B 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 MITROVICA REGION U-16 Nr. of players Team K.F. Trepca 89 4 K.F. Kosova (V) 3 K.F. Australia 2 K.F. Trepca 1 SH.F.Bardhi 1 SH.F.B.H Jashari 1 SH.F. Trepca 89 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ferizaj Region U16 Nr. of players Team K.F. Ferizaji 4 K.F. Lepenci 3 K.F. Sharri 2 K.F. Ulpiana 1 K.F. Vizioni 1 K.F. Vullnetari i UCK-se 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 PEJA REGION U-16 Nr. of players Team Besa 4 Dukagjini 3 Stars 2 Banja 1 A.F. Zllakuqani 1 Behari 1 5 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GJILAN REGION U-16 Nr. of players Team Gjilani 4 Shkendija 3 Drita B 2 Drita 1 Galaksia 1 Ternoci 1 Universi 1 Dardana 1 Studenti 1 Shkendija B 1 Rnk 1 2 3 4 GJAKOVA REGION U-16 Nr. of players Team KF Gjakova 4 KF Gjakova 2 3 KF Vellaznimi 2 Rinia 1 6 Rnk 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PRIZREN REGION U-16 Nr. of players Team Liria 1 4 Liria 2 3 Malisheva 2 Ballkani 1 Lidhja e Prizrenit 1 Dardania-Studenqan 1 Prizrenspor 1 Winner 1 Drini i Bardhe 1 Shkendija B 1
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