94 LIVESTOCK Farm Weekly Thursday, February 27, 2014 Farm Weekly WA Supreme Bull Sale Thursday, February 20, 2014 ❐ Continued from page 93 BULLOCK HILLS $9000 ❐ SIMMENTAL The Simmental breed got the sale underway and recorded one of the better results for the sale. The Bullock Hills and Topweight studs combined to offer 18 bulls with 16 bulls (89pc clearance) selling under the hammer to average $4859 and a top price of $9000 paid for a Bullock Hills bull. The clearance and the number of bulls sold were up but the average fell $372 compared to last year’s sale where 13 of 16 bulls (81pc clearance) sold at auction to average $5231. Coming off their best sale ever last year, the Patterson family’s Bullock Hills stud, Woodanilling, had another strong sale with 13 of their 14 bulls selling under the FARM WEEKLY WA SUPREME BULL SALE Stud (Under the hammer results) offered sold top gross average Simmental Bullock Hills Topweight Total 14 4 18 13 3 16 Hereford Yallaroo Greenland Copplestone Total 6 2 4 12 5 $14,000 2 $3500(2) 4 $5000(2) 11 $14,000 Angus Carenda Yoothamurra Total 12 2 14 5 5 Red Angus Kingslane 5 2 20 2 1 23 12 2 2 2 1 4 5 1 2 3 1 3 1 - Charolais Copplestone Blaweary Sinagra Total Murray Grey Mighty Blonde d’Aquitaine Uranongo Bolin Corolin Superior Weeronga Kingsfield Total Overall Total 16 90 $9000 $5500 $9000 $64,250 $13,500 $77,750 $4942 $4500 $4859 $30,750 $7000 $17,000 $54,750 $6150 $3500 $4250 $4977 $6000 $6000 $24,250 $24,250 $4850 $4850 $3250 $6250 $3125 $58,500 $11,750 $5000 $75,250 $4875 $5875 $5000 $5017 $4500 $8750 $4375 $3500 $6750 $3000 - $3500 $12,750 $3000 - $3500 $4250 $3000 - 5 $6750 56 $14,000 $19,250 $266,250 $3850 $4754 1 15 $6500(2) $7000 $5000 $7000 hammer to average $4952 with their overlooked bull selling afterwards. The stud’s average was down by $513 compared to last year’s sale where 11 of 13 bulls averaged $5231 but this figure did take into account last year’s $17,750 top-priced bull. The stud’s $9000 top-priced bull, Bullock Hills Hammer H26, didn’t set foot into the ring until lot six and generated plenty of interest before becoming a two-way tussle between Dunsborough graziers JT O’Byrne and Eastern States buyers Peter and Odette Morley, Boomey Park, Molong via Orange, New South Wales. With bidding starting at $4000, the O’Byrne family agreed to the $9000 final bid on the late June, 2012 drop son of Rosemont Park Durban and Bullock Hills Charisma. The 908kg bull recorded above average BreedPlan data across most of its recorded traits and was described as a moderate-framed, docile and great carcase bull. Despite missing out on the top-priced bull, the Morley family bid actively throughout the Simmental catalogue and went on to purchase four Bullock Hills bulls and two Topweight bulls and be the sale’s prominent volume buyer outlaying from $3000 to $5500 ❐ The Patterson family's Bullock Hills Simmental stud, Woodanilling, sold this bull, Bullock Hills Hammer (P) H26, to JT O'Byrne, Dunsborough, for the $9000 top Simmental bull price and overall second top-price at the Farm Weekly WA Supreme Bull Sale last week. for their selections. The Morley family run a commercial herd of 900 Simmental-Hereford breeders and are in the process of building the Simmental percentage of the herd. Peter Morley said they wanted to get a different Simmental bloodline and were now taking nine WA bulls home after also purchasing three at the Willandra bull sale. “We like the style of the WA Simmentals and the WA breeders have a good reputation in the east,” Mr Morley said. “We produce vealers and steers so we were chasing good milk traits and also polled cattle.” Other stronger sales in the Bullock Hills team included the Black Simmental bull, Bullock Hills Harness H621, which sold to Jock Embry, Landmark Margaret River, representing TJ & MB Waugh, Manjimup, for $6500. The 872kg early March, 2012-drop bull was an ET calf of Triple C Bettis S72J and Bonnydale Georgia and a full brother to the Bonnydale bull that sold for the $14,000 equal record top-priced bull to date for this selling season. The low birthweight bull (top 10pc) featured in the breed’s top one per cent for eye muscle area (EMA) and retail beef LIVESTOCK Farm Weekly Farm Weekly Thursday, February 27, 2014 WA yield (RBY). F Pessotto & Son, Manjimup, was one bid earlier at $6250 which paid for Bullock Hills Hectare H30, a 945kg polled late May 2012drop son of homebred sire Cougar. The Weightman family’s Topweight stud, Margaret River, sold three of four bulls at auction to average $4500 which was a big improvement on last year’s sale where the stud cleared one of two bulls for $3000. The Morley family included two Topweight bulls for $5500 and $5000 in their team of six Simmental bulls to head east. The $5500 Topweight Handiman H83, sired by Willandra Excalibur, was above breed average for growth traits, weighed 836kg and scanned 8mm rib and rump fats, 123cm2 EMA and 3.1 IMF. ❐ HEREFORD The Hereford and Poll Herefords topped the British Breed average stakes when 11 of 12 bulls from three stud’s sold at auction to average $4977, up $477 compared to last year’s sale where 12 of 17 bulls (71pc clearance) sold to average $4500. The Yallaroo stud followed up from the stud’s best ever sale result last year with another stand-out performance. In addition to the sale’s $14,000 top price, the Yallaroo stud posted the sale’s $6150 top average with the five of six bulls to sell under the hammer, up $100 from last year where they sold all five bulls to $10,000 and average $6050. Long-time Yallaroo clients JM & H Della Gola, Northcliffe, purchased two bulls at the sale and paid to $6000 for Yallaroo Highland H35. The 821kg Highland was sired by homebred bull Aquarius A46 and scanned 94cm2 EMA, 7mm rib fat, 11mm rump fat and 5.7 IMF and was above breed average for all growth traits. The Moulten family’s Supreme Bull Sale 95 Thursday, February 20, 2014 BLAWEARY $7000 ❐ Buyers Kerrie (left) and Kim Dunnet, OM Dunnet & Co, Nannup, Elders Bunbury branch manager Simon Wilkinson and Blaweary Charolais stud principal Andrew Cunningham, Elgin, with the $7000 top-priced Charolais bull at the Farm Weekly WA Supreme Bull Sale last week. BELINI $6750 ❐ With the $6750 top-priced Blonde d'Aquitaine bull sold by the Belini stud, Dardanup, at the Farm Weekly WA Supreme Bull Sale last week were Belini stud connections Carla Minson (left) and Tom and Lil Garbelini and buyers Narelle and Pauline Bunker, Pardee Blonde d'Aquitaine stud, Kendenup. Greenland Poll Hereford stud, Pemberton, cleared their two bulls for $3500 each, similar to last year’s results where they sold two of three bulls for the same average. Both the Greenland bulls were sired by the Canadian AI sire Remitall Boomer and purchased by Brett Chatley, Landmark Manjimup, on behalf of VA & AJ Blechynden, Manjimup. The House family’s Copplestone Poll Hereford stud, Dardanup, posted improved results from last year with a complete clearance of their four bulls to average $4250 which was up by $1250 compared to last year’s sale where three of five bulls sold for $3000 each. Yandilla Grazing, Manypeaks, paid the stud’s $5000 top price on two occasions which included a son of Copplestone Enough with EBVs in the breeds top two per cent for EMA, top six per cent scrotal circumference and RBY ❐ Continued on page 96
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