Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 Ž1999. 243–247 Short communication Electron transfer between ferrocene-modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode and redox couples in solution Xiaoli Cui a,1 , Dianlu Jiang a b b,) , Peng Diao a , Junxin Li b, Ruting Tong b, Xinkui Wang a Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Science, Taiyuan 030001, China Department of Chemistry, Hebei Teacher’s UniÕersity, Shijiazhuang 050016, China Received 15 July 1998; revised 28 September 1998; accepted 5 October 1998 Abstract Bilayers incorporated with ferrocene consisting of self-assembled octadecanethiol and lipid monolayer on gold substrates were fabricated. Its electrochemical behaviors in solutions containing different redox couples were investigated by cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance. The transmembrane electron transfer reaction across octadecanethiol self-assembled film and an adsorbed phospholipid layer mediated by ferrocene have been observed in the solution of FeŽCN. 63yr4y. The formal potential difference between mediator in bilayer lipid membrane ŽBLM. and redox couple in solution has a great impact on the transmembrane electron transfer behavior. The ferrocene-modified BLM electrodes might be useful for constructing a bilayer-based electrochemical current rectifying device. q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved. Keywords: Bilayer membrane; Ferrocene; Cyclic voltammetry; Impedance spectroscopy; Transmembrane electron transfer; Current rectification 1. Introduction Recently there has been a considerable interest in transmembrane electron transfer reaction across self-organized structures since the understanding of membrane redox mechanism is a central problem in bioenergetics. Lymar and Hurst w1x, Kuhn and Hurst w2x and Hammarstrom et al. w3,4x have studied the transmembrane electron transfer reaction between viologen inside vesicles and reductants outside vesicles. Researches with vesicles do not allow a simple control of the applied potential and hence, limits the use of well-established electrochemical techniques. The electron transfer across biomembranes is central to vital processes such as photosynthesis and mitochondrial respiration, and has been the focal point of many bilayer lipid membrane ŽBLM. studies. There have been a few electrochemical investigations on the study of the transmembrane electron transfer. Using a planar BLM, Cheng et al. w5x have found that the transmembrane electron ) Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] Present address: Department of Chemistry, Hebei Teacher’s University, Shijiazhuang 050016, China. 1 transfer rate was dependent on the redox potential of the bathing solutions studied by the method of cyclic voltammetry. The determining step is the transfer of the semiubiquinone radical across the hydrophobic interior of the membrane, instead of charge transfer reactions at the membranerelectrolyte interface. Yamada et al. w6x also used a planar BLM incorporated with 7,7,8,8-tetracyanoquinodimethane ŽTCNQ. to study transmembrane electron transfer by ac impedance spectroscopy. They found that the heterogenous electron-transfer rate was determined by three factors such as hydrophobic interaction between the interior of the BLM and the redox species, the electrostatic interaction between the negatively-charged surface and the redox species in solution, the difference in formal potential between TCNQ and the redox species in solution. However, the fragility of conventional planar BLM limits its applications for developing device of practical use and validity as a media for scientists to work on. Many attempts have been made to prepare synthetic bilayers using a solid electrode support. For instance, Martynski and Tien w7x and Wardak and Tien w8x reported the method of formation of self-assembled lipid bilayers on solid substrates Žs-BLM. which have good mechanical stability. Unfortunately, the s-BLM prepared by the method in Refs. 0302-4598r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 0 2 - 4 5 9 8 Ž 9 8 . 0 0 2 0 2 - 5 244 X. Cui et al.r Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1999) 243–247 w7,8x may often have defects which make the whole process very complicated. Since the overall electron transfer takes place not only by the mediator in the bilayer, but also by the direct electron transfer of redox couples in solution at the defects. In order to obtain a simple model, we adopted the method of Plant et al. w9x, using self-assembled layers of octadecanethiol on gold as a phospholipid support to fabricate s-BLM. The main objective of the present work was to study the influence of formal potential match extent between the mediator in membrane and the redox couple in solution on the mechanism of transmembrane electron transfer. Because of its hydrophobicity, ferrocene was chosen as mediators for electron transfer across the membrane consisting of self-assembled alkanethiol and lipid monolayers on gold substrates. Cyclic voltammetry and ac impedance measurements shows that the formal potential of the redox couples in the solution has a great impact on the electron transfer rate. When the disparity in the formal potential of redox couples in solution and mediator in BLM is large enough, the current rectification behavior of voltage–current plot is observed. The ferrocene-modified BLM electrode might be used to construct an electrochemical current rectifier. 2. Experimental Octadecanethiol was a generous gift from Mr. ZhongFan Liu ŽPeking University., used without further purification. Phospholipid was purchased from Sigma. CoŽphen. 32qr3q was synthesized by the method in the literature w10x. All other chemicals were of reagent grade and used as received. Aqueous solutions were prepared with deionized–distilled water. Cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were performed with an ac impedance system ŽEG & G, Princeton Applied Research, Model 388. that includes a potentiostatrgalvanostat ŽModel 273., a two-phase lock-in analyzer ŽModel 5208. and a 486 computer. For ac impedance measurements a 5-mV amplitude sine wave was applied to the electrode under potentiostatic control and the frequency range was from 0.011 Hz to 100 kHz. For cyclic voltammetry, M270 software was used. All electrochemical experiments were carried out in a conventional three-electrode system. The saturated calomel electrode ŽSCE. was used as reference electrode and large-area Pt electrode as counter electrode. All potentials reported are referred to SCE. The electrode area was 0.05 cm2 . All experiments were carried out at room temperature Ž20 " 28C. in solutions free from oxygen by bubbling with nitrogen and containing equal concentration of redox species. Bilayer structure was prepared according to the literature w9x, using self-assembled layers of octadecanethiol on gold as a phospholipid support. The gold substrate was obtained by vacuum evaporation of high-purity gold Ž99.99%. onto clean single-crystal silicon, which had been precoated with chromium to improve adhesion. Gold substrates were treated with ‘piranha solution’ Ž3:7 vrv H 2 O 2 Ž30%.rH 2 SO4 . for 10–15 min at room temperature, rinsed with deionized–distilled water and ethanol sequentially. After this treatment, the gold substrates were immersed in deposition solution of 0.1 mM octadecanethiol in ethanol solutions for at least 24 h. After immersion, the electrode was washed with ethanol and deionized–distilled water and dried with a stream of nitrogen. In our experiments, in order to avoid uncertainties in the electrochemical responses, the octadecanethiol layer must be structurally well-ordered and relatively defect-free. Before the fabrication of outer layer of phospholipid, electrochemical examination of the octadecanethiol monolayer is necessary. It should inhibit the electrochemical reaction of dissolved ferricyanide species. Substrates, which have a large number of pinhole defects in the monolayer, were deemed unusable. After the above check-up, the electrode was immersed in deionized–distilled water for about 2 h and washed with distilled–deionized water and dried with a stream of nitrogen. Immediately, some lipid solution saturated with ferrocene was dropped on the surface of octadecanethiol and transferred to a bathing solution of 0.1 M KCl at once. Because of the hydrophobicity of ferrocene, the ferrocene moiety was located at the hydrophobic region of the bilayer. The membrane capacitance was monitored by ac impedance spectroscopy. After about 12 h spontaneous thinning of the lipid layer, the bilayer was assumed as satisfactory if its capacitance was close to 0.5 mF cmy2 , a series of electrochemical measurements were carried out. 3. Results and discussion Fig. 1 shows a series of cyclic voltammograms of ferrocene-modified BLM electrode in a solution of 0.1 M KCl. Fig. 1a was obtained at a bare gold electrode in 1 mM FeŽCN. 63yr4yq 0.1 M KCl solution. A couple of well-defined waves of FeŽCN. 63yr4y is shown. The voltammogram b in Fig. 1 was obtained at an unmodified BLM electrode in a solution containing 1 mM FeŽCN. 63yr4y. The absence of voltammetric features corresponding to FeŽCN. 64y oxidation and FeŽCN. 63y reduction reflects the excellent barrier properties of the BLM, namely, direct electron transfer across the membrane is impossible because it is too remote for electroactive species to exchange electrons with the electrode. The almost same cyclic voltammograms could be obtained in the solution of CoŽphen. 32qr3q and Fe 2qr3q. Fig. 1c was obtained at the same ferrocene-modified BLM electrode, but now in contact with a solution of 0.1 M KCl. Almost no oxidative current and very small reductive current are observed in X. Cui et al.r Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1999) 243–247 245 The ferrocene groups are buried between the SAMs and the lipid membrane, both the oxidative current and the reductive current are inhibited in the cyclic voltammetric response in the KCl solution, resulting from the impermeability of the counter-ion as a consequence of the very dense packing of the membrane and no redox species exchanging electrons with ferrocene. With the addition of FeŽCN. 63yr4y to the solution, a inverse sigmoidal cyclic Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms of the bare Au electrode Ža. and the modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrodes Žno ferrocene. Žb. in the solution of FeŽCN . 63yr4y, the ferrocene-modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode in the solution of 0.1 M KCl Žc.. The scan rate is 0.1 Vrs. the cyclic voltammetric response because the counter ion is not easy to go into or out the BLM, which not only agree with the properties of BLM but agree with the experimental results of the LB monolayers of 16-ferrocenylhexadecanoic acid ŽFCAC. on a self-assembled alkanethiol monolayer as well w10x. The absence of Faradaic currents is not due to the absence of the FCAC monolayer but rather to the blocking effect of the LB monolayer. In our experiments, analogously, the voltammetric waves of the ferrocene groups in hydrophobic region now become completely inhibited because of the highly hindered counter ion permeation into the BLM. In order to expound the electron transfer mechanism between ferrocene-modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode and redox species in solution, a series of cyclic voltammetries were carried out in different redox solution ŽFig. 2a–c.. Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms of the ferrocene-modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode in the solution of different redox couples Ža. in the solution of FeŽCN. 63yr4y, Žb. in the solution of Fe 3qr2q, Žc. in the solution of CoŽphen. 32qr3q. The scan rate is 0.1 Vrs. X. Cui et al.r Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1999) 243–247 246 voltammetric response is observed ŽFig. 2a.. This electron transfer current observed in the solution of FeŽCN. 63yr4y is mediated by ferrocenes. In this situation, the formal potential for FeŽCN. 63yr4y Ž0.22 V vs. SCE. w6x are nearly coincident with that of ferrocene Ž0.22 V vs. SCE. w11x, both reductive and oxidative forms of the mediator in the bilayer may exist at equilibrium according to reaction Ž1.. 3y 4y Fc Ž o . q Fe Ž CN . 6 Ž w . m Fcq Ž o . q Fe Ž CN . 6 Ž w . Ž 1. FeŽCN. 63yr4y The mediated oxidation and reduction of by FcrFcq both can occur, according to the following mechanism depending on the applied voltage. Anodic process: q y Fc Ž o . s Fc Ž o . q e Fcq Ž o . q Fe Ž CN . 4y 6 Ž 2. Ž w . s Fc Ž o . q Fe Ž CN. 3y 6 Ž w. Ž 3. Cathodic process: Fcq Ž o . q eys Fc Ž o . Ž 4. 3y 4y Fc Ž o . q Fe Ž CN . 6 Ž w . s Fcq Ž o . q Fe Ž CN . 6 Ž w . Ž 5. The current increases with the increasing concentration of FeŽCN. 63yr4y shows that the whole reaction may be determined by the reaction taken place at the interface. When the formal potential of the mediator inside the BLM is close to that of redox couples in solution, the overlap of the distribution functions of redox species in membrane and in solution is largest. The electron transfer mediation of ferrocene is very effective in this case. Shown in Fig. 2b is a cyclic voltammogram of the ferrocene-modified BLM electrode in aqueous 0.1 M KCl q Fe 2qr3q. It is different from above that only the reductive current can be observed. In this case, the formal potential for Fe 2qr3q Ž0.77 V vs. SCE. is higher than that of ferrocene Ž0.22 V vs. SCE.. The entire mediator in the bilayer existed as an oxidative form, i.e., ferricenium cation because of reaction Ž6.. Fc Ž o . q Fe 3q Ž w . ™ Fcq Ž o . q Fe 2q Ž w . Fe 2qr3q indicates that the whole reaction may be determined by the reaction of Fc with Fe 3q. Fig. 2c shows the cyclic voltammogram of the ferrocene-modified BLM electrode in aqueous 0.1 M KCl q 0.19 mM CoŽphen. 32qr3q. With the addition of CoŽphen. 32qr3q, the whole cyclic voltammogram changes a lot compared with the case of FeŽCN. 63yr4y and Fe 2qr3q. In this situation, the formal potential for CoŽphen. 32qr3q Ž0.14 V vs. SCE. w6x is lower than that of ferrocene Ž0.22 V vs. SCE., so the mediator in the bilayer existed mainly in a reductive form, i.e., ferrocene group at equilibrium according to reaction Ž11.. 2q 3q Fcq Ž o . q Co Ž phen . 3 Ž w . ™ Fc Ž o . q Co Ž phen . 3 Ž w . Ž 11 . Only the oxidative reaction is thermodynamically favorable according to reactions Ž12. – Ž13., so only oxidative current can be observed. Anodic process: Fc Ž o . ™ Fcq Ž o . q ey 2q Ž 12 . 3q Fcq Ž o . q Co Ž phen . 3 Ž w . ™ Fc Ž o . q Co Ž phen . 3 Ž w . Ž 13 . Cathodic process Žno Fcq in the bilayer.: Fcq Ž o . q ey/ Fc Ž o . Fc Ž o . q Co Ž phen . 3q 3 Ž 14 . Ž w . / Fcq Ž o . q Co Ž phen. 2q 3 Ž w. Ž 15 . Ž 6. When the applied voltage is positive to the rest potential, the oxidative current is not observed because there is no ferrocene in the bilayer. The mechanism can be represented with the following reactions. Anodic process Žno Fc in the bilayer.: Fc Ž o . / Fcq Ž o . q ey q Fc Ž o . q Fe 2q Ž 7. 3q Ž w . / Fc Ž o . q Fe Ž w . Ž 8. Cathodic process: q Fc Ž o . q ey™ Fc Ž o . Fc Ž o . q Fe 3q Ž 9. q 2q Ž w . ™ Fc Ž o . q Fe Ž w . Ž 10 . When the applied voltage is negative with respect to the rest potential, the reductive current had been observed, thereby providing the basis for a type of current rectification. The increase in current with the concentration of Fig. 3. AC impedance spectroscopy of the ferrocene-modified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode in different concentrations of FeŽCN. 63yr4y: 0.49 mM Ž(., 1.96 mM Ž Ø ., 3.84 mM Ž^., 5.66 mM ŽI., 7.41 mM Ž'.. The frequency range was 0.011 Hz to 100 kHz. A 5 mV rms sinusoidal potential signal was applied to the electrode held at the rest potential and five data points per decade were recorded. X. Cui et al.r Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics 48 (1999) 243–247 Because of the sufficient difference in formal potential of redox species in membrane and in solution, the electron transfer mediated by ferrocene between Au substrate and solution is one direction compared with the cases of FeŽCN. 63yr4y. Fig. 3 shows the complex-plane impedance plot for the ferrocene-modified BLM electrode in the solution of FeŽCN. 63yr4y. The complex-plane impedance plot for the BLM electrode in the solution of various concentration of FeŽCN. 63yr4y exhibit nearly arc shapes. The impedance decreased with the concentrations of FeŽCN. 63yr4y. In contrast, the impedance spectroscopy at rest potential exhibit almost vertical lines and change little with the increase of concentration of Fe 2qr3q or CoŽphen. 32qr3q reflecting that no reaction was taking place at this potential. The above experiments have proven that the formal potential of redox couples in the electrolyte plays an important role in the electron transfer between ferrocenemodified Auroctadecanethiolrlipid BLM electrode and redox species in solution. When the disparity of the formal potential is sufficient enough, the reaction in one direction is inhibited, providing the basis for current rectification that might be used to construct an electrochemical electronic device. 4. Conclusion The transmembrane electron transfer across octadecanethiol self-assembled film and an adsorbed phospholipid layer mediated by ferrocene has been observed in the solution of FeŽCN. 63yr4y. When the disparity of the formal potential is sufficient enough, the reaction in one direction is inhibited. The ferrocene-modified BLM electrodes might be useful for constructing a bilayer-based electrochemical current rectifying device. Further studies to obtain the kinetic parameters and to clarify the detailed electron transfer mechanism are under way in our laboratory. 247 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Science Foundation of Hebei Province. References w1x S.V. Lymar, J.K. Hurst, Mechanisms of viologen-mediated charge separation across bilayer membranes deduced from mediated permeabilities, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 114 Ž1992. 9498. w2x E.R. Kuhn, J.K. Hurst, Mechanism of vectorial transmembrane reduction of viologens across phosphatidylcholine bilayer membrane, J. Phys. Chem. 97 Ž1993. 1712. w3x L. Hammarstrom, M. Almgren, T. 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