Current Biology, Volume 20 Supplemental Information The Shaping of Male Courtship Posture by Lateralized Gustatory Inputs to Male-Specific Interneurons Masayuki Koganezawa, Daisuke Haba, Takashi Matsuo, and Daisuke Yamamoto Figure S1. Effects of Inactivation of Gr32a-Expressing Neurons or Foreleg Amputation on Male Courtship Behavior, Related to Figure 1 (A) Mating performance of males with inactivated Gr32a-expressing cells in a 8 mm mating chamber. Mating success (left-hand side graph), latency to copulation (middle graph) and courtship index (right-hand graph) were compared between the control IMP-TNT-expressing males (open bars) and TNT-expressing males (filled bars). No statistical differences were detected between the two fly groups in any parameters examined (p > 0.05 in the χ2 test for the mating success rate or u-test for the latency to copulation and CI). The number of pairs observed was: 25 for w; UAS-IMP-TNT/+; Gr32a-Gal4/+, 32 for w; UAS-TNT/+; Gr32a-Gal4/+ in the experiment to quantify the mating success rate and CI; 20 for w; UAS-IMP-TNT/+; Gr32a-Gal4/+, 25 for w; UAS-TNT/+; Gr32a-Gal4/+ in the experiment to quantify the latency to copulation. (B) The effect of inactivating Gr32a-expressing neurons by shiK44A on wing extension of courting males. The number of wing extension epochs (left-side graph), and the simultaneous wing extension index (SWEI; right-side graph) were compared among the males of the indicated genotypes: w;; Gr32a-Gal4/+ (n=22), w; UAS-shiK44A/+; UAS-shiK44A/+ (n=19) and w; UAS-shiK44A/+; Gr32a-Gal4/UAS-shiK44A (n=23). Following Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, statistical differences among the data sets were evaluated by the Bonferroni/Dunn test (***p < 0.001). (C) The effect of foreleg tarsus amputation on the transition pattern of wing usage during male courtship. The amputation of a tarsus of the left foreleg diminished the usage frequency of the left wing and that of the right foreleg diminished the usage frequency of the right wing (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001 by Wilcoxon test). The occurrence of simultaneous extension of two wings was drastically increased by the unilateral tarsal amputation (***p < 0.001 by u-test). The numbers of flies examined were 17 (intact), 27 (left foreleg amputation) and 29 (right foreleg amputation). Figure S2. Analysis of Gr66a- and Gr68a-Expressing Neurons, Related to Figure 3 (A–D) The localization of Gr66a-expressing neurons in the foreleg and the effects of inactivation of these neurons on wing extension during male courtship. Gr66a-expressing neurons were labeled with Gr66a-I-GFP (green, A) and Gr32a-expressing neurons with UAS-lacZ as driven by Gr32a-Gal4 (magenta, B). GFP expression was detected with an anti-GFP antibody and visualized with Alexa488-conjugated goat anti-rabbit IgG. The lacZ product was detected with an anti-β-galactosidase antibody and visualized with Alexa546-conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG. (C) represents a merged image of (A) and (B). Scale bar represents 100 µm. The genotype of the flies was w; UAS-lacZ/+; Gr66a-I-GFP/Gr32a-Gal4. Gr66a-I-GFP was a gift from K. Scott. (D) The number of wing extension epochs (left-side graph), and the simultaneous wing extension index (SWEI; right-side graph) were compared among the males of the indicated genotypes: w; UAS-TNT/+ (n=18), w; UAS-IMP-TNT /+ (n=17), w; UAS-TNT/G66a-Gal4 (n=25) and w; UAS-IMP-TNT/Gr66a-Gal4 (n=23). Following Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA, statistical differences among the data sets were evaluated by the Bonferroni/Dunn test (***p < 0.001). (E–I) Localization and projection of Gr68a-expressing neurons in males. (E–G) The male-specific Gr68a-expressing neurons (indicated with arrowheads) are present in the tarsus of the foreleg (E) but not in the midleg (F) or hindleg (G). In addition, Gr68a-expressing cells are observed in the second antennal segment, wing base, and coxa-trochanteral segments of all legs (white arrows in H). Green deposits observed in every joint of the midleg and hindleg are artifacts unrelated to GFP. (I) The central projection of Gr68a-expressing neurons. Gr68a-expressing neurons ramify extensively in the thoracic neuropil in each segment, and the terminals of ascending fibers are located in the anterior mechanosensory region of the brain (yellow arrowheads). The genotype of flies was w; UAS-mCD8::GFP/+; Gr68a-Gal4/+. Scale bars represent 100 µm for (E)–(G), 1 mm for (H), and 200 µm for (I). Figure S3. Sexual Differences of mAL Neurites in Relation to the Projection of Gr32a-Expressing Neurons, Related to Figure 4 (A–F) The effect of male-to-female sexual transformation of mAL neurons by fru mutations on the connection with Gr32a-expessing neurons in the male brain. The left-side (27-37 µm in depth from the anterior surface) panel illustrates the ventral brain and the right-side panel the dorsal brain (43-53 µm in depth from the anterior surface). Shown are the brains of a male (A and D), female (B and E), and “feminized” fru mutant male (C and F) double-stained with the nc82 monoclonal antibody (magenta; A1–F1) and anti-GFP antibody (green; A3–F3). The nc82 monoclonal antibody intensely stains axon terminals of Gr32a-expressing neurons (white arrows in D1, E1 and F1). (A2)–(F2) are merged images for each raw. The genotypes of the flies were y hs-flp; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8:: GFP; fruNP21/TM6b (A, B, D, and E) and y hs-flp; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8:: GFP/+; fru1/ fruNP21 (C and F). (A4)–(F4) represent schematic drawings of the location of mAL neurites (green) and Gr32a-expressing axons (magenta). Male-type simple dendritic branches are indicated with yellow arrows and female-type bifurcating dendritic branches are indicated with white arrowheads. The feminized mAL dendrites appear in the optical sections between 27-37 µm in depth from the anterior surface of the brain (indicated with white arrowheads), whereas the axon terminal of Gr32a-expressing neurons is observed in the sections between 43-53 µm in depth (indicated with white arrows). No overlap of mAL neuron dendrites and the axon terminal of Gr32a-expressing neurons is discernible in the feminized male brain. Scale bar represents 50 µm. (G–N) Sex differences in the neural connections involving mAL and Gr32a-expressing neurons. The number of mAL neuron somata (circled in G and K) and the mAL neurite positions in the suboesophageal ganglion (white arrowheads in H and L) are different between the male (G and H) and female (K and L). The genotype of the flies examined was UAS-syt-HA; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8::GFP/+; fruNP21/Gr32a-Gal4. fru-expressing neurons were visualized with anti-GFP (green) in the brains counterstained with the nc82 monoclonal antibody (blue) that highlights neuropils (G and K). Axons of Gr32a-expressing neurons were also labeled with anti-GFP in (H and L). Anti-HA visualized the localization of synaptotagmin-HA (magenta), a presynaptic marker in the male (I) and female (M) brain when observed at the depth of ca. 40–60 µm from the anterior brain surface. (J) and (N) are merged images of (H) and (I) and (L) and (M), respectively. The mAL neurites in the suboesophageal ganglion are distributed with putative presynaptic sites only in males (yellow arrowheads in I). Scale bar represents 50 µm. (O–V) Sex differences in presynaptic sites of mAL neurons. MARCM clones of mAL neurons were visualized with anti-GFP (green) in the male (O and P) and female (S and T). Anti-HA visualized the localization of synaptotagmin-HA (magenta) in the male (Q) and female (U). The genotype of the flies examined was UAS-syt-HA; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8::GFP/FRT G13 tub-Gal80; fruNP21/MKRS hs-flp. The mAL neurites in the superior lateral protocerebrum are major presynaptic sites in both male and female (white arrows in Q and U). The neurites in the suboesophageal ganglion are distributed with putative presynaptic sites only in males (yellow arrowheads in Q). The region of mAL neurites coming into contact with the Gr32a-expressing neurons has no signal for synaptotagmin-HA, indicating that this part of mAL neurites is likely to be a postsynaptic site (white arrowheads in P and R). Scale bar represents 50 µm. Figure S4. Analysis of the Structure and Function of fru-Expressing Neurons, Related to Figure 5 (A) Altered wing usages during courtship in fru mutant males. The total number of wing extensions is decreased in fru2 mutant males, reflecting a reduced level of courtship (left-side graph). The simultaneous wing extension during courtship is significantly increased in fru mutant males (right-side graph). The numbers of flies examined were 17 (CS) and 11 (fru2). Statistical differences between the data sets were evaluated by the u-test (**p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001). (B) Inhibition of male courtship activities toward females by forced shiK44A expression with the aid of fruNP21. The courtship index was significantly decreased when shiK44A was expressed in most of fru-expressing neurons in the male brain (***p < 0.001 by u test). The genotypes of the flies examined are y hs-flp; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8::GFP; fruNP21/TM6b (n=18) and y hs-flp; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8::GFP/CyO; fruNP21/UAS-shiK44A (n=18), respectively. This result verifies the use of shiK44A to block synaptic transmission locally in MARCM clones. (C–K) mAL neurons are GABAergic. Anterior (C-E) and posterior (F-H) views of a male brain doubly stained with anti-GFP (C, F, and I) and anti-GABA (D, G, and J) antibodies. Merged images of left-side and middle panels are shown in the right-hand panel (E, H, and K). Anti-GFP labeling reflects fru reporter expression. The genotype of flies was y hs-flp; FRT G13 UAS-mCD8:: GFP; fruNP21/TM6b. (I–K) An mAL clone doubly stained with the anti-GFP (I) and anti-GABA (J) antibodies. (K) represents a merged image of (I) and (J). The genotype of fly was y hs-flp; FRT G13 tub-Gal80/ FRT G13 UAS-mCD8:: GFP; fruNP21/+. Neurites of the mAL clone (arrows) and nonclonal mAL (arrowheads) were stained positive with the anti-GABA antibody when observed at the depth of 30-45 µm from the anterior brain surface. Scale bars represent 100 µm for (C)–(H) and 50 µm for (I)–(K). (L–O) Bilateral mAL clones induced by MARCM. Confocal images of a single preparation rotated every 30° are shown in (L) to (O). The fly genotype was y hs-flp; FRT G13 tub-Gal80 FRT G13 UAS-mCD8::GFP; fruNP21/Gr32a-I-GFP. The fly carried Gr32a-I-GFP in addition to fruNP21 and UAS-mCD8::GFP, and all these reporters gave green labeling by anti-GFP antibody. The ganglion is counterstained with nc82 monoclonal antibody (magenta). mAL cell bodies are circled. Note the superposition of neurites of left and right mAL neurons in the suboesophageal ganglion (indicated with arrows).
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