STUDENT GUIDANCE CENTRE ST U D E N T G U I DA NCE I CA R EER G U IDA NCE I INTERNATIONAL GUIDANC E CONTENT • THE STUDENT GUIDANCE CENTRE AT AALBORG UNIVERSITY COPENHAGEN • INTERNATIONAL GUIDANCE • ACCOMMODATION GUIDANCE • STUDENT GUIDANCE • CAREER GUIDANCE • THE BUDDY NETWORK • GUIDANCE SERVICES IN AALBORG • CAMPUS MAP • WHERE TO FIND THE STUDENT GUIDANCE CENTRE THE STUD EN T G U I DAN CE C E NT R E AT A A LBORG U N I VERS I T Y C O PE NHAG E N At the Student Guidance Centre we are at your service from your first day on campus and until you complete your studies at Aalborg University Copenhagen. We help you finding answers to questions that may arise during your studies. It could relate to your participation in group work, traineeship or studying abroad or questions related to your career development. OUR SERVICES • Application procedure and admission • Leave of absence due to illness, maternity leave etc. • Lack of personal motivation, loneliness and other personal issues • Studying and traineeships abroad • Career opportunities and preparations for work life • Accommodation in Copenhagen At the Student Guidance Centre the counsellors will help you to make the most of your studies at Aalborg University Copenhagen from the very first day. If required we will refer you to the proper expertise and/or help you to contact other relevant contact points on campus. WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU! ALL QUESTIONS WILL BE HANDLED WITH DISCRETION IN T ERNAT I O N AL GU I DANC E Make use of Aalborg University’s international network consisting of more than 600 universities worldwide. If you wish to go abroad during your studies or participate in international activities, we can help you. Also we know how to apply for grants and scholarships when going abroad. OUR SERVICES • Opportunities to study abroad • Traineeships abroad • Motivation letters and CVs for traineeships abroad • The environment of Problem Based Learning (PBL) • Settle in Copenhagen • Intercultural differences • Danish language courses, Buddy Network etc. • Services for international students in Copenhagen (International House, Work In Denmark, Student House, Student Advisory Office etc.) C O N TAC T EMAIL [email protected] [email protected] TELEPHONE (+45) 9940 3775 OFFICE HOURS Monday and Thursday 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM WEB OFFICE HOURS MIGHT CHANGE, PLEASE VISIT: ACC OMMO DAT I O N G U I DA NC E Finding a place to live in Copenhagen can be a challenge. On top of this, Aalborg University Copenhagen has only access to a limited number of dorm rooms. The Accommodation Office can assist you on how to search for suitable accommodation in Copenhagen. OUR SERVICES • Tips on how to search for accommodation in Copenhagen • Information about dorm rooms at Aalborg University Copenhagen • Questions related to accommodation C O N TAC T EMAIL [email protected] PHONE (+45) 2498 9040 OFFICE HOURS Wednesday 12 –2 PM and Friday 10 - 12 AM WEB OFFICE HOURS MIGHT CHANGE, PLEASE VISIT: STU DENT G U I DAN C E At the Student Guidance Centre we have all the information you need if you consider studying at Aalborg University, or if you are already enrolled as a student. OUR SERVICES • Applying and admission, credit transfer, change of programme etc. • Leave of absence due to illness, maternity leave etc. • Lack of motivation, loneliness etc. • The environment of Problem Based Learning (PBL) and cooperation in group projects • Information about other Student Services on campus If you have any questions regarding your study plan, courses, exams, dispensations etc., please contact the student counsellor of your study programme. C O N TAC T EMAIL [email protected] PHONE (+45) 9940 2450 (Mon, Wed, and Fri 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) OFFICE HOURS Mon, Wed and Fri 12:30 PM -2:30 PM WEB OFFICE HOURS MIGHT CHANGE, PLEASE VISIT: C A REER G U I DAN C E At the Careers Centre we can help you with your career planning and help you to establish contacts in the business world. OUR SERVICES • Motivation letter and CV (resume) review • Traineeships, student jobs and collaborative project work • What types of jobs to apply for? • What can you offer as a newly qualified graduate? • Unemployment rights and unions At the Careers Centre we organize and provide a wide range of career-related courses and seminars, especially for you as an international student at Aalborg University Copenhagen. When participating in these customized courses, you prepare yourself for future jobs. C O N TAC T EMAIL [email protected] PHONE (+45) 9940 2940 OFFICE HOURS Wednesday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM or by appointment WEB OFFICE HOURS MIGHT CHANGE, PLEASE VISIT: THE B UDDY N ET WO R K At Aalborg University we encourage our students to support and help one another across study programmes and nationalities. If you would like to connect with students, who can help you get settled in during the first weeks in Copenhagen, we suggest that you make use of the Buddy Network on campus. You will meet your Buddy at the International Welcome Day. During the first semester your Buddy will participate in several events with you. This include gatherings at the Coffee Spot on campus, visiting the Student House, public “Meet n’ Eat” evenings, pub crawls, game nights etc. The friends you make through the Buddy Network may be friends for life. C O N TAC T EMAIL [email protected] WEB buddy-network G U IDANCE S ERV I C ES I N AAL BORG INTERNATIONAL OFFICE IN AALBORG Phone: (+45) 9940 9940 (Main switch board) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] STUDENT GUIDANCE IN AALBORG Phone: (+45) 9940 9440 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) Email: [email protected] THE CAREER CENTRE IN AALBORG Phone: (+45) 9940 7447 (8:00 AM - 2:00 PM) E-mail: [email protected] STUDENTS GRANTS AND LOAN SCHEME (SU) Phone: (+45) 9940 9430 (12:00 PM - 3:00 PM) E-mail: [email protected] MAIN BUILDING ACM 15 A.C. MEYERS VÆNGE 15 • • • • • • Building Attendants (Ground Floor) Auditorium 1.001 (1st Floor) Canteen (1st Floor) Reception (1st Floor) Aalborg University Library Cph (2nd Floor) Seminar room 2.3.124 (3rd Floor) Sydha de sga dum Hør sG sen nud P. K BUILDING FKJ 12 Pe ter Sa br oe FREDERIKSKAJ 12 sG a K. Bo rg b jer gs ve j • Bookstore (Ground Floor) • Seminar room 0.06 (Ground Floor) • The Student Society (Ground Floor) • Student Guidance Centre (1st Floor) • Campus Administration (2nd Floor) • IT Support (2nd Floor) FREDERIKSKAJ 10A • Seminar room 0.108 (Ground Floor) lau .K K.M BUILDING FKJ 10A se Bo rg bje ns Ga rg sv ej FREDERIKSKAJ 10B de BUILDING FKJ 10B Mozarts Plads 3A 10 4A Bo rgm es BUILDING FKJ 6 ter C iag ad Sc an d • Seminar room 106 (Ground Floor) • Seminar room 205 (1st Floor) • Seminar room 305 (2nd Floor) e FREDERIKSKAJ 6 For more information see: www.en.aau-cph e Vas byg ad 10 97N lm sg ad e 10 30 Teglh o lmsg ade Teglholmsgade MAIN BUILDING e Gad Sc an dia ga de .M gade avns Sydh .K lau se ns A.C Ga de .M ey ers Væ n ge j jer gs ve Bo rg b s broe r Sa Pete lho gade avns Sydh e 30 Te g Sc an d G 10 iag ad e 97N ade 3A 97N glgade ds Pla ns v a h Syd 10 ad 30 10 Vestre Te ej avev Engh avn St. 3A 133 1ACM 15 2FKJ 12 3FKJ 10B 97N sG e Bo rgm es Ch ris tia ns en sG aj iksk ad e 4A 10 er Fred Sp org ad e ter 5FKJ 6 aj ad 30 ho 10 us e 4A Sl de h av ns ga de lm en 10 Bå en r sb nd lla Sjæ ns k riks tia gade avns Sydh ris de Fre Ch 4FKJ 10A A AU -CP H WHERE TO FIND T H E ST U D E NT GUI DA N C E CE NTRE STUDENT LOUNGE (STUDENTERTORVET) Frederikskaj 12 (1st Floor) 2450 Copenhagen SV Cross the bridge from A. C. Meyers Vænge 15 or take the stairs in the hallway at Frederikskaj 12 (access from Sydhavnsgade)
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