Lithofacies related thermo-physical characterization of the Upper Jurassic geothermal carbonate reservoirs of the Molasse Basin, Germany 1 2 1 Sebastian Homuth , Annette E. Götz , Ingo Sass 1 Institute of Applied Geosciences, Department of Geothermal Science and Technology, TU Darmstadt, Germany 2 Rhodes University, Department of Geology, Grahamstown, South Africa Introduction Material and Methods In the early stages of hydrothermal reservoir exploration, the thermo-physical characterization of the reservoir is accomplished by evaluating drilling data and seismic surveys. Especially in carbonate reservoirs the distinction of different facies zones or heterogeneities in general is very complex and often simply not possible. For reservoir predictions, geothermal parameters such as permeability, thermal conductivity/diffusivity, specific heat capacity and reservoir heat flow have to be quantified. These thermophysical parameters show facies-related trends. Therefore, applying a thermofacies classification to the Upper Jurassic limestones is helpful to understand the heterogeneities and to identify production zones. In addition, for economic reasons a sufficient high flow rate to the production well is necessary. This flow rate is mainly controlled by the reservoir permeability. To characterize those fracture-controlled reservoirs the orientation of fractures, fracture width, surface roughness of fractures as well as the connectivity of fractures and possible secondary mineralization in the fracture system is important. These analyses enable to assess the natural or due to stimulation measures artificially generated possible reservoir permeability in advance of drilling operations. The outcrops of the Swabian and Franconian Alb (Fig. 1) represent the target formations of Upper Jurassic carbonate reservoirs in the adjacent Molasse Basin (Fig. 3). These limestone formations contain the main flow paths through tectonic elements and characteristic of limestone formations also through karstification. The type and grade of karstification is also facies related (Fig. 8). Finally, the correlation of distinct sedimentary facies and their thermo-physical parameters may contribute to establish integrated structural 3D reservoir models. Fig. 1: Study area with location of studied outcrops and drillings in the Swabian and Franconian Alb north of the Molasse Basin. Fig. 2: Scales of Investigation. Fig. 3: Cross section of the western Molasse Basin (modified, Clauser et al. 2002). Fig. 4: Palaeogeography of the Upper Jurassic in central Europe with study area (modified, based on Meyer and Schmidt-Kaler 1990). Outcrop analogue studies enable the determination and correlation of thermo-physical parameters and structural geology data with regional facies patterns. An outcrop analogue investigation examines the same rock formations (stratigraphy, lithology, facies; Fig. 4) as the potential reservoir formations from which fluids at according depth are discharged. Outcrop analogue studies of the target formation Upper Jurassic, which is the most promising formation for deep geothermal projects in the German Molasse Basin, have to include facies studies following a thermofacies concept (Sass & Götz, 2012). Seventeen outcrops located in the Swabian and Franconian Alb and three research drillings (see Fig. 1) were investigated to assess the whole accessible stratigraphic section spanning Malm α to Malm ζ3 strata. The upper Malm ζ4-6 is almost completely eroded and only known from a few deep drillings in the Molasse Basin. According to the Dunham classification of carbonate rocks the following facies types are detected in the study area: mudstones, wackestones, grain-/packstones and rud/floatstones (Fig. 7). The investigations are carried out on three different scales (Fig. 2): (1) The macro scale including an outcrop mapping to detect the lithotypes, structural elements and facies patterns in the outcrop; (2) the meso scale, to determine thermo-physical properties of different lithotypes in the laboratory; and (3) the micro scale, to analyze microstructures, cements, porosities, etc. in thin sections. To determine the thermo-physical properties of the sampled formations a thermal conductivity scanner (optical scanning method after Popov et al. 1985) and a air driven permeameter (Jaritz 1999) and porosimeter are used. For direct correlation in this study all parameters are determined at the same sample. d [a] Rud-/Floatstone a b [b] Grainstone c Fig. 4: Example of an outcrop analogue study (open pit Kinding, Franconian Alb); a: thick-bedded limestone, b: micritic limestone, c: marly limestones, d: dolomitic limestone; Abbreviations used: cr.= crussaliensis Marls, pl.= platynota Marls Fig. 6: top left: A stratigraphic trend of increasing thermal conductivity is detected within the Malm from Malm alpha to Malm zeta; top right: Stratigraphic porosity trend with inferred hydraulic conductivity conditions; bottom left: Porosity/permeability relation for different lithotypes (only mean values are displayed); bottom right: Grain desity distribution by rock type. [c] Mudstone [d] Wackestone Fig. 5: Schematic sketch of the marine accumulation area of carbonates of the Purbeck and Malm and corresponding thermo- and petrophysical matrix properties and intensity of dolomitization; estimation of dolomitization intensity is based on Wolfgramm et al. (2011); values marked with * of the Purbeck are from Koch et al. (2007, 2009); TC: Thermal Conductivity, cp: specific heat capacity, n.d.: no data. Fig. 8: left: Karstification along fault in thick-bedded and platy limestones (Solnhofen); right: karstification on larger scale (karst cavities) in reefal limestone (Hülen). Fig. 7: Thermofacies classification of Upper Jurassic limestones of southern Germany based on the international Dunham classification and the regional nomenclature introduced by Pawellek (2001) with according rock samples. Results and Outlook A high variation of thermo-physical parameters is recognized within one facies zone or stratigraphic unit (Fig. 5 & Fig. 6); variations even occur within one outcrop. However, general trends indicate that the hydraulic flow patterns are related to tectonically created weak zones in the formation and that the matrix permeability has only a minor effect on the reservoir's sustainability. The matrix permeability of all measured carbonates is quite low except for some grainstones with higher permeabilities and porosities. Mud- and wackestones show thermal conductivities around 2 W/mK, characteristic of limestones. Permeabilities range from 0.001 to 100 mD (Fig. 5 & Fig. 6). Mudstones have lower thermal conductivities than wackestones. The permeabilitiy range of mud- and wackestones is about the same. The thermal conductivities of the rudstones show values of 1.8 to 3.8 W/mK. Reefal structures show the highest values of thermal conductivity, due to the higher content of secondary mineralized silicates. The comparatively high thermal conductivity corresponds to low permeability. The parameters are determined on oven dried samples. These values have to be corrected for water saturated rocks under the according temperature and pressure conditions. These calculated parameters can be validated in a Thermo-Triax-Cell simulating the existing temperature and pressure conditions in the reservoir. Furthermore the cell induces a pore pressure on the rock sample and measures the permeabilty. Based on the investigation of the matrix parameters the sustainable heat transport into the geothermal reservoir can be assessed. Thus, the long term capacities for different utilization scenarios can be calculated more precisely. Investigations on the lateral extension and facies heterogeneity will give insight on the transmissibility of different target horizons. 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