Laboratory tasks I. Programming 1 Balogh Miklós Modify icoFoam with additional temperature field (Reference) • • • • Create the application directory in your OF home dir Copy icoFoam solver to your application directory Modify the file names and Make properties Add the required modifications to the files Listing 1: make a copy from original solver 1 2 3 4 5 6 cd $FOAM_SOLVERS / incompressible mkdir -p $ W M _ P R O J E C T _ U S E R _ D I R / applications / solvers cp -r icoFoam $ W M _ P R O J E C T _ U S E R _ D I R / applications / solvers / icoFoamT cd $ W M _ P R O J E C T _ U S E R _ D I R / applications / solvers / icoFoamT mv icoFoam . C icoFoamT . C rm icoFoam . dep Listing 2: modify Make/files 1 icoFoamT . C 2 3 EXE = $ ( FOAM_USER_APPBIN )/ icoFoamT Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 1 / 11 Laboratory tasks II. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 3: test compilation 1 wclean 2 wmake 3 ls $ FOA M_U SE R_A PPB IN Listing 4: add thermal diffusion coeff. to createFields.H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ... ... di men sio ned Sca la r nu ( t r a n s p o rt P r o p e r t i e s . lookup ( " nu " ) ); // Add DT thermal diffusion di men sio ned Sca la r DT ( t r a n s p o rt P r o p e r t i e s . lookup ( " DT " ) ); // end modifications Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 2 / 11 Laboratory tasks III. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 5: add temperature field to createFields.H 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 # 19 ... ... // Add this temperature declaration Info < < " Reading field T \ n " << endl ; volScalarField T ( IOobject ( "T", runTime . timeName () , mesh , IOobject :: MUST_READ , IOobject :: AUTO_WRITE ), mesh ); // end modifications include " createPhi . H " Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 3 / 11 Laboratory tasks III. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 6: add temperature eq. to icoFoamT.C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Balogh Miklós ... U = HbyA - rAU * fvc :: grad ( p ); U . c o r r e c t B o u n d a r y C o n d i t i o n s (); } // Add temperature eqs . fvScalarMatrix TEqn ( fvm :: ddt ( T ) + fvm :: div ( phi , T ) - fvm :: laplacian ( DT , T ) ); TEqn . solve (); // end of modifications runTime . write (); ... Programming March 24, 2014 4 / 11 Laboratory tasks IV. Programming 2 Balogh Miklós Perform a simulation with the new solver • Create a copy from the original cavity case (new name: cavityT) • Add thermal diffusion coeff. to transportProperties • Copy 0p field as 0T, and modify the required parts Listing 7: make a copy from original solver 1 2 3 4 cd cp cd cp 1 2 3 4 ... // Thermal diffusion coeff . DT DT [ 0 2 -1 0 0 0 0 ] 0.002; ... $FOAM_RUN / tutorials / incompressible / icoFoam -r cavity cavityT cavityT 0/ p 0/ T Listing 8: add thermal diffusion coeff. transportProperties Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 5 / 11 Laboratory tasks V. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 9: modification of 0/T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 ... object T; } ... dimensions [0 0 0 1 0 0 0]; internalField uniform 300; boundaryField { movingWall { type fixedValue ; value uniform 350; } fixedWalls { type fixedValue ; value uniform 300; } frontAndBack { type empty ; } } ... Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 6 / 11 Laboratory tasks VI. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 10: modification of system/fvSchemes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ... divSchemes { default div ( phi , U ) div ( phi , T ) } none ; Gauss linear ; Gauss upwind limited ; // This line added l aplacianSchemes { default none ; laplacian ( nu , U ) Gauss linear orthogonal ; laplacian ((1| A ( U )) , p ) Gauss linear orthogonal ; laplacian ( DT , T ) Gauss linear orthogonal ; // This line added } ... Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 7 / 11 Laboratory tasks VII. Programming Balogh Miklós Listing 11: modification of system/fvSolution 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 p { solver preconditioner tolerance relTol PCG ; DIC ; 1e -06; 0; } T { solver preconditioner tolerance relTol BICCG ; DILU ; 1e -7; 0; }; U { solver preconditioner tolerance relTol PBiCG ; DILU ; 1e -05; 0; } Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 8 / 11 Laboratory tasks VIII. Programming Balogh Miklós 3 Balogh Miklós Perform the simulations and visualize the results Programming March 24, 2014 9 / 11 Assignments Programming Balogh Miklós 1 What is the symbolic form of the temperature equation? 2 Which solver should be modified in order to take into account turbulence? 3 How can you add technically non-uniform thermal diffusion to the simulation? 4 How can you add heat flux on the walls? Which BC should be used? Balogh Miklós Programming March 24, 2014 10 / 11 Homework Programming Balogh Miklós 1 Balogh Miklós Read Chapter 3 in the User Guide Programming March 24, 2014 11 / 11
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