OFFICE ONLY Student Name: _____________________________________________ Grade:________ Teacher: ____________________________ Room #:______ SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Preschool-Grade 12 ENROLLMENT FORM 2014-15 Complete Sections I-III and sign page 2. Section IV must be completed by office staff. Please print legibly using black or blue pen. For full directions, please refer to Completing Your Child’s Enrollment Form available at OFFICE ONLY 2. Student State ID (SSID): I. STUDENT INFORMATION 3. Last name (LEGAL NAME ONLY) 4. Preferred Name: 8. Gender q Female q Male First Middle 5. Other name(s) used previously (AKA): 6. Birth date: / / Suffix (Jr, II, III) 7. Social Security Number (optional): --- 9. Is child Hispanic Or Latino? qYes qNo 10. Race: (check all boxes that apply) qAmerican Indian or Alaskan Native Asian/ Indochinese Pacific Islander qBlack or African American qAsian Indian qCambodian qChinese qGuamanianqHawaiian qFilipino qHmong qJapanese qKorean qSamoan qTahitian qWhite qLaotian qVietnamese qOther Asian qOther Pacific Islander 11. Directory-type information may be shared with individuals and organizations authorized to receive this 12. Student email address (optional): type of information unless it is prohibited by the parent/guardian. See page 9 of the Facts for Parents for the individuals and organizations. This page also includes the student information that may be released. If you do not want the information shared, you must select “Opt Out”. q Opt Out OFFICE ONLY 13. Date: / Address Verified 15. Home phone ( 14. Household address: City, State: ZIP Code: 16. Mailing address (if different from household): City, State: ZIP Code: / ) 17. City, State of birth: 18. Country of birth: 19. First enrolled in a CA 20. First enrolled in a US school (K-12): school (K-12): Date: / / Date: / / 21. Residential status (check one): q Homelessness-doubling up (living with someone)* qInternational Exchange q Parent/legal guardian (if no other option applies) q Homelessness-hotel/motel* q Residential facility q Foster Family Home (FFH) q Homelessness-sheltered* q Hospital (not state hospital) q Foster Group Home (FGH) (FFA) q Homelessness-unsheltered qOther ____________________ q Formal Kinship Care (including NREFM) *Temporary residence due to financial hardship 21a. qUnaccompanied Youth (living in homelessness and not living with or receiving financial support from a parent/guardian/caregiver) 22. Only if applicable complete and include siblings who are currently in Preschool –Grade 12 in San Diego Unified. Sibling 1 full name: Grade: School name: Sibling 2 full name: Grade: School name: Sibling 3 full name: Grade: School name: II. CONTACT INFORMATION Provide at least three contacts—if additional space is needed use Notes on back of form. 23. Parent/Guardian/Contact 24. Parent/Guardian/Contact 25. EMERGENCY CONTACTS (OTHER THAN PARENTS) Full name: Yes q No q If no, provide address here: Yes q No q If no, provide address here: Relationship to child: ___________________________ _____________________________ Home phone ( ) ___________________________ _____________________________ Work phone ( ) Home phone ( ) ( ) Cell Phone ( Work phone ( ) ( ) Cell phone ( ) ( ) q Interpreter required q OK to release child Contact full name Relationship to child Lives with child? ) Full name: Email address (optional) Employer Military (check if applicable): Active Duty q Reserves q National Guard q Dept of Defense q Active Duty q Reserves q National Guard q Dept of Defense q Relationship to child: Contact primary language Education level (select one) Select one or more for each contact. q q q q q q q q Not a High School Graduate High School Graduate Some College/AA Degree College Graduate Graduate School/Post-Graduate Decline to state Interpreter required Access to student info online q q q q q q q q q Not a High School Graduate High School Graduate Some College/AA Degree College Graduate Graduate School/Post-Graduate Decline to state Report card q Progress report Interpreter required Access to student info online SIGNATURE REQUIRED ON REVERSE Home phone ( ) Work phone ( ) Cell phone ( ) q Interpreter required q OK to release child OFFICE ONLY Student Name: _____________________________________________ Grade:________ Teacher: ____________________________ Room #: _________ OFFICE ONLY 1.Student District ID: III. QUESTIONS FOR PARENT/GUARDIAN The following questions provide important information for the school staff. Parents must answer the following questions. Check “Yes” or “No” for each question where appropriate. Questions 31-33 are for high school students only. Questions 30 & 32 require that you check “Opt Out” or leave blank if you agree to your child’s participation. 26. Has your child ever received Special Education services? q Yes q No 28. Name, city, and state of last school attended: q Yes q No 29. (For students born outside the U.S., see #18) Was this child born in a foreign country to diplomatic, military personnel or other U.S. citizen and granted U.S. citizenship? q Yes q No 30. (For students in Grades 7, 9, & 11) The district would like your child to participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS). The survey is anonymous and confidential. If you do not want your child to participate you must select “Opt Out” Last grade level completed: __________ 31. (For high school students only) Has your child ever played interscholastic athletics? 27. Has one of the parents/guardians recently engaged in migrant work or been engaged in migrant work (moved and worked seasonally in agriculture, lumber or fishery related jobs) in the past three years? 32. (For high school students only) Federal law requires release of student information to military recruiters. If you do NOT want this information released for your child, you must select “Opt Out”. q Yes q No 33. (For high school students only) Parents may authorize their child’s school to release educational information, including, but not limited to, Transcripts, Letters of Recommendation, Financial Aid Forms, GPA Verification Forms, Mid-Year Reports, Class Ranking Status and Disciplinary Records. By checking “Yes” I am giving permission with the understanding that only State/Federal Financial Aid Programs/Scholarship Programs/Private Schools/University/College personnel and their authorized agents will have access to my child’s educational records. Communication with these entities may be done verbally, in writing, or electronically. q Opt Out q Opt Out q Yes q No The information provided in Sections I-III is true to the best of my knowledge. û Parent/Guardian/Contact signature (required) Date IV. DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION – FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 34. Address verification document: 35. Birth verification documents: q Birth certificate q Affidavit q Church records q Passport q School records q Unverified 36. School of residence: _______________________________ 37. District of residence: ________________________________________________ q Interdistrict attendance permit q InterSELPA agreement 38. Boundary exception for non-resident student Type: __________________________________ Reason: ____________________________________ ENTRY INFORMATION 39. Previously enrolled in San Diego Unified? q Yes* q No *If Yes: Last year_______________ School______________________________________ Grade___________ 40. Entry date: ______ / ______ / _____ 41. Entry reason (check one): q Enter from within San Diego Unified q Enter from Out of District q Initial Enrollment K-12 q Preschool Enroll-Not Initial 42. For students new to San Diego Unified entering from within California: q Initial Enrollment-Preschool q Enter from Out of State q Enter from Charter School within San Diego Unified 43. For students new to San Diego Unified entering from outside of California: Previous school: ____________________________________________________ Student State ID (SSID) (if known): ______________________ Previous CA district: ___________________________________ City, State: ________________________________________________________ Previous CA school name: ______________________________ EXIT INFORMATION 44. Exit date: ______ / ______ / ______ 45. Exit reason (check one): q Grades PK-6 transfer within San Diego Unified q Grades PK-6 transfer out of San Diego Unified q Grades 7-12 transfer within San Diego Unified q Grades 7-12 transfer out of San Diego Unified q No Show-Enrollment Dropped q Withdrew Grades PK-6 q Other: ________________________ 46a. Immunization status: q Complete q Incomplete q Exempt LEGAL BINDINGS/NOTES/ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 46b. Dental Exam (K only)? q Yes q No SAN DIEGO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Preschool-Grade 12 ENROLLMENT FORM 2014-15 (Revised 5/7/2014)
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