R Tango Telecom Customer Success Story obi Axiata grows Revenues from Mobile Data Services by 90% with Innova ve Pricing Plans and Dynamic Self-Care Our customer, Robi Axiata Ltd, wanted to increase mobile data usage amongst its subscriber base, to drive revenues and to grow its market share. The operator wished to deliver choice, flexibility and visibility to its 24 million subscribers in order to s mulate mobile data usage and mone se its 3G network. The main requirement was for an integrated standards-based Policy Control and Charging Pla orm for handling both prepaid and postpaid subscribers. The exis ng camel-based charging system was limited to volume-based charging only and could not provide the flexibility, the ease of opera on and the service velocity needed to execute the desired sophis cated data plans and promo ons. Robi also wished to manage its own data plans inhouse and to launch disrup ve plans such as me based plans, service-specific plans, turboboosts and ered service level packages into the marketplace on a regular basis without requiring an arduous and lengthy change request SAMPLE OF FACEBOOK ONLY CAMPAIGN process. The operator selected Tango Telecom’s Data Retail Engine, the Tango DRE™ because we offered the highest levels of features, performance, scalability and flexibility in the market. We also offered the most extensive range of outof-box use-cases, ensuring a significant me to market advantage for the operator. “We selected Tango Telecom’s Solution because they offer the highest levels of features, performance, scalability and flexibility in the market. They offer the most extensive range of out-of-box use-cases, ensuring a significant time to market advantage for us. Tango Telecom is the ideal partner to ensure that Robi continues to lead the way for innovative subscriber-centric services while maximising our mobile data revenues and ensuring our subscribers stay happy and loyal.” Pradeep Shrivastava, Chief Markets Officer, Robi Axiata Limited. S olu on Tango Telecom deployed the Tango DRE™ including its Policy Controller, Data Plan Manager and Self-Care Manager enabling Robi to rapidly create and launch highly innova ve mobile data plans and promo ons such as ered service level packages, zero-ra ng, social media usage, volume and me-based quotas, pay-per-use packages such as Bandwidth on Demand. The LAUNCH PLANS IN MINUTES operator’s marke ng team create and implement all mobile data plans and promo ons, revising exis ng plans and launching new plans daily in response to market demands. Reduce the me to market of new plans and promo ons from months to minutes with Tango Telecom’s Data Plan Manager GUI Offer subscribers dedicated Quality of Service levels depending on plans/add-ons purchased Enable subscribers (prepaid and postpaid) to easily select and purchase data plans relevant to their needs Manage mul ple concurrent plans/add-ons per subscriber Provide dynamic on-demand self-care op ons through the Self-Care Manager and online interfaces ™ The open architecture of Tango Telecom’s solu on offered ease of integra on and the swi est of deployment mes requiring the minimum effort from the operator for this on premise deployment. “The flexibility and service velocity offered by Tango Telecom ’s Solution has allowed us to launch in excess of 400 data plans in response to our subscribers’ increasing appetite for data services. Tango Telecom ’s Solution has given us an important and considerable competitive advantage and we are continuing to see momentous growth in mobile data usage and revenues.” Mr. A.K.M. Morshed, Chief Technology Officer, Robi Axiata. R esults Growing data usage and an improved customer experience powered by the Tango DRE™ has enabled Robi to significantly increase both its revenues and its market share. Robi has implemented over 400 data plans including hourly, daily and weekly volume-based passes, QoS based plans, Facebook Access plans and Bandwidth on Demand. Tango Telecom’s highly intui ve GUI for service crea on and implementa on enables the operator’s own marke ng team to quickly and easily create and launch new plans and promo ons in response to ever-changing market demands without assistance from Tango Telecom. Robi’s subscriber acquisi on outpaced the compe on by a factor greater than 2 to 1. The mobile data revenues have grown by 90%, with the average number of internet days per subscriber increasing from 1.5 per month to 6 in last 6 months. The operator expects to double this usage rate in the next 2 months. Robi is con nuing to experience steady growth in mobile data revenues with over 1 million new plans purchased daily. “We have increased our data revenues by 90%, our average data usage per subscribers has grown 4 fold and we have a 60% uptake on new data plans and promotions because we can now offer the most innovative subscriber-centric data services on the market.” Ravinder Parashar, Head of Data, Robi Axiata Limited “The flexibility and service velocity offered by Tango Telecom’s Solu on has allowed us to launch in excess of 400 data plans in response to our subscribers’ increasing appe te for data services. We have increased our data revenues by 90%, our average data usage per subscriber has grown 4 fold and we have a 60% uptake on new data plans and promo ons because we can now offer the most innova ve subscriber-centric data services on the market. Tango Telecom’s Solu on has given us an important and considerable compe ve advantage and we are con nuing to see momentous growth in mobile data usage and revenues,” explains Ravinder Parashar, Head of Data, Robi Axiata Limited. T ROBI SIMPLE INTERNET CAMPAIGN ango Telecom Tango Telecom is the leading global provider of Data Monetisation Solutions for evolving mobile networks. Our high performance solutions are deployed at the core of some of the world’s most demanding networks including América Móvil, Telefónica O2, Indosat and the Axiata Group and currently supports over 130 live systems serving 650 million subscribers in 40+ countries. The Tango Telecom Data Retail Engine, the Tango DRE™, drives service innovation and service velocity to successfully monetise the growing demand for mobile data while optimising the use of network resources. Our solutions are fully virtualised and cloud-available globally, enabling operators to benefit today from the many advantages of network functions virtualisation (NFV). Our recent wins include deliveries to Tier 1 mobile operators in APAC, LATAM and North America for advanced Data Monetisation use cases such as Policy Control, Local Breakout Roaming Packages and Dynamic Discounting for Data. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT US AT [email protected] © 2014 Tango Telecom Ltd. All rights reserved. The Tango Telecom logo, iAX™ and the Tango DRE™ are registered trademarks of Tango Telecom Ltd. Third party trademarks men oned are the property of their respec ve owners. This document may not be duplicated, in whole or in part, by any means whatsoever, without the prior wri en permission of Tango Telecom. The informa on contained in this document is confiden al and copyright and is the valuable proprietary informa on of Tango Telecom Ltd.
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