24 February, 2014 Our Ref: D382 Your Ref: D382_00_RevE_AnnouncementLetter_ALkkgc_20140204 Attention: Dear Sir / Madam NOTICE OF AN INTEGRATED WATER USE LICENCE APPLICATION AND BASIC ASSESSMENT PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED PILLAR MINING PROJECT AT THE ATCOM EAST SECTION OF THE IMPUNZI COMPLEX, WITHIN THE EMALAHLENI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, MPUMALANGA – MDEDET REF NR: 17/2/3N-346 Glencore South Africa’s Arthur Taylor Colliery Opencast Mine (ATCOM), a section of the iMpunzi Complex is proposing to expand their mining operations to incorporate new mining reserves. The proposed new mining venture includes the opencast mining of historical underground bord and pillar operations, previously owned by BHP Billiton Energy Coal South Africa (BECSA). These operations are collectively referred to as ATCOM East. The iMpunzi Complex is an operational mine located 23km south east of eMalahleni in the Mpumalanga Province, near the towns of Ogies and Kriel. Mining at ATCOM East will be a combination of truck and shovel and dragline. The ATCOM East mining operations will be mined in five opencast operations, namely: Steenkoolspruit Pit (already has an approved WUL, therefore not included in this application); River South Pit; River West Pit; Vandyksdrift (VDD) West Pit; and VDD South Pit. Prior to Glencore Operations South Africa’s commencement with the proposed pillar mining project, several environmental authorisations and licences are required. One such authorisation is the Water Use Licence (WUL) which is required from the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) under the provisions of the National Water Act (NWA, Act 36 of 1998) for mining through wetlands at ATCOM East. Jones & Wagener (J&W) has been appointed as the independent consultant to undertake the Integrated Water Use License Application Process (IWULA) for mining through these wetland areas. An update of the existing iMpunzi Integrated Water and Waste Management Plan (IWWMP) is also being undertaken to support the Integrated Water Use License Application process. Furthermore, a Basic Assessment (BA) authorisation is required from the Mpumalanga Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (MDEDET) for mining through wetlands in terms of the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (EIA) 543-546 JO N ES & W AGEN ER (PT Y) LT D REG NO. 1993/02655/07 VAT No. 4410136685 DIRECTORS: GR Wardle (Chairman) PrEng MSc(Eng) FSAICE D Brink (CEO) PrEng BEng(Hons) FSAICE JP van der Berg PrEng PhD MEng FSAICE JE Glendinning PrSciNat MSc(Env Geochem) MSAIEG A Oosthuizen (Alternate) PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE TECHNICAL DIRECTORS: PW Day PrEng DEng HonFSAICE PG Gage PrEng CEng BSc(Eng) GDE MSAICEAIStructE JR Shamrock PrEngMSc(Eng) MSAICEMIWMSA NJ Vermeulen PrEng PhD MEng MSAICE HR Aschenborn PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE M van Zyl PrSciNat BSc(Hons) MIW MSA MW Palmer PrEng MSc(Eng) MSAICE TG le Roux PrEng MEng MSAICE AJ Bain PrEng BEng MSAICE M Rust PrEng PhD MSAICE M Theron PrEng PhD MEng MSAICE ASSOCIATES: BR Antrobus PrSciNat BSc(Hons) MSAIEG PJJ Smit BEng(Hons) AMSAICE R Puchner PrSciNat MSc(Geol) MSAIEG IMAEG M van Biljon PrSciNat MSc(Hydrogeology) JS Msiza PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICEMIWMSA RA Nortjé PrEng MSc(Eng) MSAICEMIWMSA GB Simpson PrEng MEng MSAIAEMSAICE C Cilliers PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE NW Nxumalo PrEng BSc(Eng) MSAICE CONSULTANT: JA Kempe PrEng BSc(Eng) GDE MSAICE AIStructE FINANCIAL MANAGER: HC Neveling BCom MBL 2 under the provisions of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act 107 of 1998) as amended. An Environmental Management Program Report (EMPR) amendment process is also required by the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) in terms of the provisions of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA, Act 28 of 2002). The Scoping component of the EMPR amendment process will also be undertaken by Jones and Wagener (J&W). You are invited to register as an Interested and/or Affected Party (I&AP) and to participate in this IWULA and BA process by completing the registration and comment sheet in the enclosed Background Information Document (BID). Please return the comment sheet at the latest by 31 March 2014 for this initial public notification process, although submissions and public participation will continue throughout the process. Kindly send your reply to Anelle Lotter or Sibongile Bambisa at J&W on fax number 012 6676129 or e-mail to [email protected] / [email protected]. You are also welcome to contact us on (012) 667-4860. Yours faithfully Anelle Lötter for Jones & Wagener Document source: M:\D382 - Atcoms East BA and IWULA (EIA)\Public Participation\Announcement\D382_00_RevE_AnnouncementLetter_ALkkgc_20140204.doc Document template: corLet_13r0.dotx D382_00_RevE_AnnouncementLetter_ALkkgc_20140205 Rofhiwa Mavhungu From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Sibongile Bambisa <[email protected]> 15 April 2014 08:37 AM Gerhard Cronje Anelle Lotter FW: Proposed pillar mining project at the ATCOM east section of the Impunzi complex D382_00_RevE_AnnouncementLetter_ALkkgc_20140205.pdf; D382_00_RevEALkkgc_BID_20140205.pdf; REGISTRATION AND COMMENT SHEET.docx Hi Gerhard As requested, please find the attached documents that were sent to stakeholders during the announcement phase. I spoke to Konrad regarding the delivery of the IWULA forms- He said he ask if Pierre will be able to assist, we will keep you posted. Regards, Sibongile Bambisa Public Participation Practitioner C +27 76 750 9030 | T +27 12 667 4860 | [email protected] P O Box 1434 Rivonia 2128 South Africa | www.jaws.co.za From: Sibongile Bambisa [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 24 February 2014 10:49 AM Cc: Anelle Lotter Subject: Proposed pillar mining project at the ATCOM east section of the Impunzi complex Dear Stakeholders Glencore South Africa’s (Glencore) Arthur Taylor Colliery Opencast Mine (ATCOM) is proposing to expand their mining operations to incorporate new mining reserves. The proposed new mining venture includes the opencast mining of historical underground bord and pillar operations, previously owned by BHP Billiton Energy Coal South Africa (BECSA). Jones & Wagener (J&W) has been appointed by Glencore to undertake the required environmental processes and obtain the necessary approvals for the proposed project. Please find attached an announcement letter and a Background Information Document , which will provide you with further information regarding the proposed project. Also attached is a registration sheet – please be so kind as to complete the registration sheet and return it to us by 31 March 2014. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Kind Regards, 1 Sibongile Bambisa for Jones & Wagener +27 76 750 9030 +27 12 667 4860 +27 12 667 6128 e-mail [email protected] 2 Jones & Wagener Engineering & Environmental Consultants 59 Bevan Road PO Box 1434 Rivonia 212 8 Sou th Afri ca tel: 00 27 11 519 0200 www.jaws.co.za email: [email protected] 12 September , 2014 Our Ref: Your Ref: D382_Notification_letter_AL_20140903 Dear stakeholder REVIEW OF THE DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT (BAR): APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION AND A WATER USE LICENCE FOR THE PROPOSED PILLAR MINING PROJECT AT THE ATCOM EAST SECTION OF THE IMPUNZI COMPLEX, MPUMALANGA PROVINCE - MDEDET Ref No: 17/2/3N-346 Glencore South Africa (Pty) Ltd intends to expand its mining operations to incorporate new mining reserves at Arthur Taylor Colliery Opencast Mine (ATCOM) East, a new proposed section at the iMpunzi Complex. The proposed new mining venture includes the opencast mining of historical underground bord and pillar operations, previously owned by BHP Billiton Energy Coal South Africa (Pty) Ltd (BECSA). The new mining venture is situated on portions of the farms Vandyksdrift 19 IS, Steenkoolspruit 18 IS and Kromfontein 30 IS, and requires Glencore taking over mining operations and rights originally owned by BECSA. This venture will culminate in a new Glencore operation called ATCOM East. The proposed opencast pit areas are located in an area where wetlands occur, which necessitates a Water Use Licence (WUL) and Basic Assessment (BA). In February 2014, a notification letter was sent to you that provided details about the proposed project as well as the authorisation process followed and the associated timeframes. Site notices were put up near the project site and advertisements were placed in the local newspapers requesting you to become involved in the project. The Draft Basic Assessment Report (BAR), including the Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) will be available for public review from 12 September to 22 October 2014 as follows: Person Ms J Rozmairek Mrs Tebogo Chauke Anelle Lötter JONES & WAGENER (PTY) LTD Location Printed Copies Emalahleni / Witbank Public Library iMpunzi Mine Reception Electronic Copies www.jaws.co.za Phone and request a CD copy Contact (013) 699 1057 (013) 687 8299 012 667 4860 REG NO. 1993/002655/07 VAT No. 4410136685 DIRECTORS: GR Wardle (Chairman) PrEng MSc(Eng) FSAICE D Brink (CEO) PrEng BEng(Hons) FSAICE JP van der Berg PrEng PhD MEng FSAICE JE Glendinning PrSciNat MSc(Env Geochem) MSAIEG A Oosthuizen (Alternate) PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE TECHNICAL DIRECTORS: PW Day PrEng DEng HonFSAICE PG Gage PrEng CEng BSc(Eng) GDE MSAICE AIStructE JR Shamrock PrEng MSc(Eng) MSAICE MIWMSA NJ Vermeulen PrEng PhD MEng MSAICE HR Aschenborn PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE M van Zyl PrSciNat BSc(Hons) MIWMSA MW Palmer PrEng MSc(Eng) MSAICE TG le Roux PrEng MEng MSAICE AJ Bain PrEng BEng MSAICE M Rust PrEng PhD MSAICE M Theron PrEng PhD MEng MSAICE ASSOCIATES: BR Antrobus PrSciNat BSc(Hons) MSAIEG PJJ Smit BEng(Hons) AMSAICE R Puchner PrSciNat MSc(Geol) MSAIEG IMAEG M van Biljon PrSciNat MSc(Hydrogeology) JS Msiza PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE MIWMSA RA Nortjé PrEng MSc(Eng) MSAICE MIWMSA GB Simpson PrEng MEng MSAIAE MSAICE C Cilliers PrEng BEng(Hons) MSAICE NW Nxumalo PrEng BSc(Eng) MSAICE CONSULTANT: JA Kempe PrEng BSc(Eng) GDE MSAICE AIStructE FINANCIAL MANAGER: HC Neveling BCom MBL 2 The Draft BAR and the EMPr that have been compiled provide details on the impacts that the proposed project may have on the environment during the construction and operational phase of the proposed project. The EMPr will provide mitigation measures that must be followed to reduce/minimise negative impacts. The Draft BAR and EMPr will be available for public comment for a period of 40 days. Your comments made during conducting this BA process will be recorded in a Comments and Response Report which will form part of the BAR. After the finalisation of the draft reports, a Final BAR and EMPr will be compiled and will incorporate additional comments received during the public review period of the Draft BAR and EMPr. You are encouraged to comment on the Draft BAR in any of the following ways: • By completing the comment sheet enclosed with the Draft BAR; • By writing a letter, or producing additional written submissions; or • By emailing or contacting the public participation office. Please send your comments to us by 22 October 2014. For any queries, please contact Anelle Lötter/ Sibongile Bambisa at the Public Participation Office on tel: (012) 667 - 4860, fax: 012 667 6128 or email: [email protected] / [email protected]. Yours faithfully Anelle Lötter for Jones & Wagener Document source: M:\D382 - Atcoms East BA and IWULA (EIA)\Public Participation\DBAR\DBAR_Public_review_materials\Notification_letter\D382_Notification_letter_AL_20140903.docx Document template: corLet_14r5 Jones & Wagener (Pty) Ltd D382_Notification_letter_AL_20140903 Engineering & Environmental Consultants COMMENT SHEET Environmental Department DRAFT BASIC ASSESSMENT REPORT Anelle Lötter / Sibongile Bambisa APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION AND A WATER USE LICENCE FOR THE PROPOSED PILLAR MINING PROJECT AT THE ATCOM EAST SECTION OF THE IMPUNZI COMPLEX Jones and Wagener Consulting Civil Engineers (Pty) Ltd MDEDET Ref No: 17/2/3N-34 September 2014 Email: [email protected] / [email protected] P O Box 1434, Rivonia, 2128 Tel: (012) 667 4860 Fax: (012) 667 6129 Please complete by 22 October 2014 and return to the Environmental Department (as above) TITLE FIRST NAME INITIALS SURNAME ORGANISATION EMAIL POSTAL ADDRESS POSTAL CODE TEL NO FAX NO I would like to receive a CD copy of the Draft Basic Assessment (BA) Report: 1. YES NO Have your questions, concerns, issues and suggestions been captured? If not, please indicate below. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. Of the issues already covered, do you wish to add additional aspects that have not yet been mentioned? ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... 3. Please tell us, did you find the Draft Basic Assessment Report useful? Please indicate below. Please tell us why: YES, USEFUL ................................................................................................................................ 4. NEED IMPROVEMENT ................................................................................................................................ NO, NOT USEFUL ................................................................................................................................ Any other comments you may have: ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................... THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTRIBUTION
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