FOAM APPLICATION IN OFFSHORE GAS FIELDS ENABLED BY PRODUCED WATER REINJECTION Paula A. Bejarano Production Technologist ONEGas JDA, NAM 9th European Gas Well Deliquification Conference Groningen, Netherlands, 22-24 September 2014 1 CONTENT Background Challenges with Continuous Foam (CF) injection Environmental limitations for water disposal Produced Water Re-Injection Well (PWRI) O2-corrosion related issues Gas blanketing system Olga modeling Implemented solution CF injection vs. corrosion Inhibitor Injection Key learnings September 2014 2 DELIQUIFICATION OF OFFSHORE WELLS Compression Automated Intermittent Production Velocity Strings Foam batch trials Continuous Foam Injection September 2014 3 DELIQUIFICATION OF OFFSHORE WELLS Compression Automated Intermittent Production Velocity Strings Foam batch trials Continuous Foam Injection September 2014 4 CONTINUOUS FOAM INJECTION SYSTEM Manual CF is applied via a capillary string inside the tubing. Offshore KW Control line fluid In 2009 a RENGATE system implemented on first offshore foam well. Independent foam fluid entry point just below the LMGV and a bypass across the SSSV. Actuated SV FWV UMGV=SSV LMGV Surfactant REN-LMGV FV=SSSV Source: Offshore Engineer, Nov ‘11 issue Design has the purpose of minimizing repair frequency. September 2014 5 103 WELL PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT With Foam Stable production with CF injection rate of 0.7 L/hr No Foam CF injected 2 days prior to opening up the well to fill up cap string Shell Map Library April 2010 6 With Foam 106 WELL PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT No Foam Pressure build-up prior to opening up the well Shell Map Library September 2014 7 With Foam 108 WELL PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT No Foam Shorter build-up period vs. longer production Shell Map Library September 2014 8 With Foam 110 WELL PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT No Foam Well produces steadily when CF is injected Shell Map Library September 2014 9 Challenges associated with Foam Injection Copyright of Shell Brands International AG Shell Map Library April 2010 10 ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATIONS Currently, all waste water is disposed overboard (O/B). ~200 m3/d Environmental regulations in the North Sea dictate a maximum oil in water concentration of 30 ppm, monthly average for water O/B. Requirement restricts the CF injection to 24 L/d, insufficient to deliquify more than 1 well. CF injection only possible by liquid disposal into a Produced Water Re-injection well. September 2014 11 PWRI CHRONOLOGY 2003: all waste liquids re-routed from water over-board into PWRI. 2005: well integrity issues related to leaks. 2007: installed 2” Cr16 coiled tubing (CT) string. 2011: pulled out 2” Cr16 CT due to heavy corrosion. 2012: camera run revealed serious leaks in the Cr13 completion. 2013: well was work-overed with Cr-25 material. 5” Cr13 completion and remaining 2” Cr16 CT 2014: PWRI on-line to receive produced water from foam wells. September 2014 12 PWRI CHRONOLOGY 2003: all waste liquids re-routed from water over-board into PWRI. 2005: well integrity issues related to leaks. 2007: installed 2” Cr16 coiled tubing (CT) string. 2011: pulled out 2” Cr16 CT due to heavy corrosion. 2012: camera run revealed serious leaks in the Cr13 completion. 2013: well was work-overed with Cr-25 material. 5” Cr13 completion and remaining 2” Cr16 CT 2014: PWRI on-line to receive produced water from foam wells. Is the well safeguarded now? September 2014 13 PWRI: JAN 2012 CAMERA RUN (CR-13 COMPLETION) Shell Map Library April 2010 14 PWRI WORK-OVER NOV 2013 Cr13 (old) Cr25 (new) 2” Cr16 CT fish out (heavily corroded) 5” Cr13 tubing POOH New completion material: Cr25, 5” size. October 2013 15 CR25 CORROSION LIMITATION AGAINST O2 Cr25 may not be better than Cr13 against crevice corrosion. Without proper oxygen control (<10 ppb), corrosion is expected at: 40°C @ 60 000 ppm Cl- (10wt.% NaCl) 30°C @ 150 000 ppm Cl- (25wt.% NaCl) Injection water could warm up to above 30 degC. Shell Map Library April 2010 16 PWRI AND GAS BLANKETING SYSTEM Risk: Produced liquids Blanketing gas Cr25 completion at risk of O2related corrosion. Well has not been safeguarded for O2 levels < 10 ppb. Mitigation: Implement blanketing system. Fuel gas is injected into wellhead as soon as WHP<1 bar. By avoiding vacuum conditions, O2 ingress from atmosphere into the well is prevented. 17 WHP OVER-PRESSURIZATION DUE TO GAS BLANKETING Produced liquids Blanketing gas During water injection, fuel gas is supplied to maintain 0.1 >WHP >1 barg. At shut-in WHP = 13 barg 1) The falling water drags gas down into tubing. Design pressure of upstream 3) At shut-in gas percolate through liquid column and migrates up to surface. vessels = 5 barg Gas is believed to travel downhole during water injection and to migrate back up to surface during shut-in. This phenomena causes an overpressurization of the wellhead. 2) Gas travels downhole and it is injected into the reservoir 18 WATER INJECTION OBSERVED BEHAVIOR Blue: wellhead pressure maintained mostly with a set pressure of 0,1 barg but not always flowrates and wel l pressure trends above 0 barg 400 Green: water injection rate, varying Large variations in rate lead to high pressure at surface 1 T OT AL INJECT ION FLOW OF WAT E 74,6643 350 K8FA1.81PI61.PV 7,57E-02 Barg 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 -1 20-2-2014 0:00:00 K81 WELL 107 PROD.CASING 18.00 days 10-3-2014 0:00:0 0 February 2010 19 OLGA MODELING: PWRI & BLANKETING GAS SYSTEM September 2014 20 INJECTING AT STEADY WATER RATES THP build-up takes ~45 mins independent of water rate prior to shut in. September 2014 21 CAN A DOWNHOLE VALVE HELP REDUCE SHUT-IN PRESSURE? Constant 200 m3/d water injection. Shut in pressure = 11 bar Down hole valve opens and closes even after shut-in, but not very frequently. September 2014 22 OLGA MODELING CONCLUSIONS OLGA allowed better understanding of the mechanism that led to the wellhead pressure rise due to gas blanketing. Base case model (well as is) Gas is taken downhole and injected into the reservoir. Gas migrates back to surface in ~45 mins. Shut-in pressures exceed 11 bar (also seen by Ops). Deep-set downhole valve Does not prevent gas from migrating back to surface. Injection of gas into the reservoir continued. Gas consumption was reduced when compared with same steady water rate without downhole valve, but 11 barg shut-in pressure at the wellhead was calculated. September 2014 23 CURRENT SOLUTION: INSTALLATION OF RELIEF LINE SYSTEM Fuel gas scrubber Gas supply line Pressure control valve Produced liquids Vent Stack Excess pressure relief line Vent gas scrubber Pressure transmitter Blanketing gas A pressure relief line on the gas blanketing side prevents wellhead pressure over-pressurization. Relief system set WHP < 1 barg. Liquid Train 1 and 2 is sent overboard! Gas is relieved through the vent stack. September 2014 24 Corrosion Inhibition Injection Copyright of Shell Brands International AG September 2014 25 FOAM VS. CORROSION INHIBITION (CI) STUDY Foam and CI combinations Foamers: Foamatron V502 and Foamatron V505 Corrosion inhibitors: CK981 Foam dosage WHT Advised CI dose rate Max 2000 ppm < 50°C No change Max 2000 ppm > 50°C Double CI dosage Max 5000 ppm < 50°C Double CI dosage Max 5000 ppm > 50°C Quadruple CI dosage Above 5000 ppm foam the integrity of production systems cannot be guaranteed Higher CF concentrations shows more impact on CI performance. Higher CI dosage can partly compensate for reduced protection. Temperature affects corrosion rate. September 2014 26 CORROSION INHIBITION INJECTION Max foam Foam FTHT WGR/CGR CI rate no Well (2000 ppm) in l/d (°C) (m3/mln m3) foam (l/d) application Based on LGR Impact on CI Injection 101 < 50 15/11 5 Future 2.6 103 < 50 600/17 260 Yes 172.8 104 < 50 25/5 10 Future 4.2 -- 106 > 50 32/5 25 Yes 15.5 Double CI injection 108 > 50 250/20 180 Yes 118.8 Double CI injection 109 > 50 15/27 65 No -- 110 < 50 45/17 20 Yes 11.8 -No change in CI injection -No change in CI injection September 2014 27 KEY LEARNINGS CF Injection has proven a reliable and efficient technology to restore production on liquid loading wells. PWRI O2-related corrosion still represents a high risk for water injectors. Cr13, Cr26, Cr25 completion run a potential risk of corrosion due to oxygen. A wider selection of materials needs to be studied to determine which one would be more suitable against corrosion. Olga modelling of the water & fuel gas injection provided a better understanding of the mechanism taking place. Corrosion Inhibition Injection CI to be doubled if foam dosage is 2000 ppm max (WHT > 50degC). New foam will have the capability to also act as corrosion inhibitor as well as KHI-like chemical (for hydrate protection). September 2014 28
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