Jan Willem de Gee – Curriculum Vitae

Jan Willem de Gee
Curriculum Vitae
Elisabeth Samonstraat 23
1103MR, Amsterdam
[email protected]
2014–current PhD, University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany.
Thesis title: Neuromodulation of cortical decision networks.
Supervisors: Dr. Tobias Donner and Prof. Dr. Andreas Engel.
2011–2013 Research Master Psychology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Area of Study: Brain and Cognition, Psychological Methods.
cum laude; 1st rank; average grade 9.0/10.
2007–2011 Honours Bachelor Psychology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Specialisation: Brain and Cognition.
with merit.
2000–2006 Gymnasium (high school), Oostvaarders College, the Netherlands.
Area of Study: Science and Health, with Latin.
Research Interests
topics Decision-Making, Consciousness, Psychophysics, Vision, Mathematical Modeling,
Pupillometry, MEG, fMRI.
MSc thesis Dynamics of percept-contingent information patterns in retinotopic cortex
during bistable perception
Topics: Perceptual bistability, pattern classification, model-based fMRI [high field
(7T) and high temporal resolution (TR: 650ms)].
Supervisors: Dr. Tobias Donner, Dr. Tomas Knapen, Dr. Natalia Petridou
MSc intern Linking pupil size to the elements of a decision process
Topics: Perceptual decision-making, psychophysics, pupillometry, modelling of pupil
(GLM), eye tracking.
Supervisors: Dr. Tobias Donner and Dr. Tomas Knapen
BSc thesis Decoding decisions and intentions from brain activity
Topics: Economic decision making, pattern classification.
Supervisor: Dr. Tobias Donner
Academic positions
2014 Research Assistant (full-time), VU Free University, the Netherlands.
With: Prof. Dr. Jan Theeuwes en Dr. Tomas Knapen
2013 Research Assistant (part-time), University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
With: Dr. Tomas Knapen
Extra curricular
2013 Erasmus Seminar on Mathematical Psychology, Oulanka, Finland
2012 Erasmus Seminar on Mathematical Psychology, Debrecen, Hungary
2009-2010 Liberal Arts, Fergusson College, India
Area of study: Clinical Psychology, Experimental Psychology, Eastern Philosophy.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship
2006-2007 Liberal Arts, Millersville University, USA
Area of study: Psychology, Philosophy, Human Anatomy & Physiology, Calculus.
Fulbright Scholarship
Grands and Awards
Best poster award, Donders Discussions
ECVP (36th) travel grant, (e300)
Best poster award, Research Master’s Psychology Graduate Conference, (e150)
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship, (e12,500)
Fulbright Scholarship, ($4,500)
- de Gee JW & Donner TH. Decision-related pupil dilation predicts the efficiency of
evidence accumulation. [In preparation]
- Urai, AE*, de Gee JW*, Knapen T & Donner TH. Eye-opener: decision certainty modulates feedback-related pupil dilation. (*=Shared first authorship) [In
- Knapen T*, de Gee JW*, Nuiten S, Hoppenbrouwers SS & Theeuwes J. Value
in the eye of the beholder: pupil dilation reflects event value. (*=Shared first
authorship) [Submitted]
2014 de Gee JW, Knapen T & Donner TH. Decision-related pupil dilation reflects
upcoming choice and individual bias. 2014. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences USA, 111(5), E618-E625.
In the media:
– "Pupils predict the future" - Science - Jan 23st, 2014
– "Researchers suggest the pupils are the mirrors to decision making" - examiner.com
- Jan 21st, 2014
– "Pupil dilation signals decision outcome" - Homepage University of Amsterdam Jan 29th, 2014
– "Wie straks ’ja’ zal zeggen, heeft een wijdere pupil" - NRC (Dutch) - Jan 23st,
Conference proceedings
2015 de Gee JW, Knapen T, Nuiten S, Hoppenbrouwers SS & Theeuwes J. Value in the
eye of the beholder: pupil dilation reflects event value. International Convention of
Psychological Science. [Accepted]
2015 Urai AE, de Gee JW, Knapen T & Donner TH. Eye-opener: decision certainty
modulates feedback-related pupil dilation. International Convention of Psychological
Science. [Accepted]
2014 de Gee JW, Knapen T, Nuiten S, Hoppenbrouwers SS & Theeuwes J. Value in the
eye of the beholder: pupil dilation reflects event value. Donders Discussions.
2013 de Gee JW, Knapen T & Donner TH. Choice-related pupil dilation reflects the
decision-maker’s bias. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychonomie.
2013 Donner TH, de Gee JW & Knapen T. Pupil dilation reflects the dynamics and
content of a perceptual decision. Society for Neuroscience. Abstract # 261.
2013 de Gee JW, Petridou N, Donner TH & Knapen T. Dynamics of percept-contingent
information patterns in retinotopic cortex during bistable perception. UvA Research
Master’s Psychology Graduate Conference.
2013 de Gee JW, Knapen T & Donner TH. Pupil dilation reflects the temporal evolution and content of a perceptual decision. 36th European Conference on Visual
Perception. Abstract # 668 (incl. ECVP travel grant).
2012 de Gee JW, Knapen T & Donner TH. Phasic pupil dilation tracks simple decision
processes. UvA Research Master’s Psychology Graduate Conference.
2014 Invited speaker at Donders Discussions, Donders Institute, Radboud University,
Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 30 October 2014
2014 Theeuwes lab meeting, Dept. of Psychology, VU University Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 24 January 2014
2013 Brown bag meeting, Dept. of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
24 October 2013
2013 Donner, Forstmann, Niewenhuis, de Lange joint lab meeting, Dept. of Psychology,
University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 25 June 2013
2013 Engel lab meeting, Dept. of Neurophysiology and Pathophysiology, University
Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany. 13 June 2013