GURGAON INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Global Performance Challenges BUILDING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITIVENESS SEPT. 11 & 12, 2014 • AMITY UNIVERSITY GURGAON Organised by: AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Global Performance Challenges BUILDING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITIVENESS PREAMBLE AND OBJECTIVE Corporations across globe are operating in an increasingly competitive landscape. Achieving business success in emerging markets has become a key factor for multinational corporations worldwide seeking new growth opportunities and greater global supply chain efficiency. With the prospect of modest growth in developed markets, and cut throat competition in the emerging markets, there is an imminent challenge for the corporates around the world to look forward for new avenues which can enhance their business performance and let them win new markets. Globalisation has on the one hand forced the domestic organisations to work hard to match the competitive advantages of their new global rivals and also on the other hand created a highly competitive environment for the multinational corporations to operate. Therefore, in these situations, both domestic and multinational corporations are opting for continuous innovations and integrating themselves on their core competencies for building and sustaining competitiveness. Further, competition between multinational corporations has now transformed from hard competitiveness to soft competitiveness, from simple reliance on technology and product competitiveness to reliance on concepts like Corporate Social Responsibility and Social Ethics. Advanced Corporate Social Responsibility ideas and practices already constitute the heart of business competitiveness which has now extended from enterprise level to societal level. The patterns have been shifting to innovative business strategies and practices that can deliver profits from responsible behaviour of business leading to responsible competitiveness. This has surely galvanized the corporations acorss world to do a better analysis of themselves as well as the environment on a global scale and assimilate its benefits to a scalable level and win more markets by shaping their strategies in line with the economic and social goals. In the above backdrop, the present international conference aims to: • Bring together academics, Govt. policy makers, business entrepreneurs, management practitioners from all over the globe to discuss and analyse all the factors responsible for enhancing the competitive factors in organisations and the challenges visualised with the dynamic environment changes happening at all levels. • Provide a forum for fruitful thoughts taking place in view of the latest developments happening in global markets and various researches being done based on the world-wide policy implications as well as challenges emerging from these dynamic situations. • Inspire thinking in the embracing of new information technologies that present new market opportunities and innovative ways of increasing business performance as well as creating value for customers, shareholders and other key stakeholders. CALL FOR PAPERS Corporate Strategy Initiatives in the Global context This conference will bring together corporate people, business representatives, academicians, consultants, researchers and scholars to discuss a broad range of topics related to the given theme. Original research and review papers are solicited from all disciplines on topics including but not limited to: • Balanced scorecard for superior organisational performance Contemporary Business Management Practices • Global Corporation and Environment • Ecopreneurs: Need of 21st Century • Ethics in a global context • Intellectual property and knowledge management • Trans-boundary risks in business • Corporate governance • Corporate social responsibility leading to sustainability • Building and sustaining competitiveness through strategic restructuring • Business value chain analysis in achieving superior organisational performance • Business strategies in global context HRM and Organisational Behaviour • Building organisational excellence through strategic HRM • Cross cultural and global Human Resource Management • Effective performance management system for enhancing growth • Talent management strategies for sustaining competitiveness • Managing cross-cultural diversity Competitive Marketing in the Global Context • E-Recruitment strategies • Traditional & contemporary marketing communication issues • Organisational change and development for sustainable growth • E-tailing - A growth opportunity • Leadership in the changing scenario • Integrated marketing communication • Contemporary HR practices • Assessing marketing performance • Green marketing and procurement Information Technology and Services • Marketing strategy in the emerging environment • Technology and emergence of new business model • CRM practices • Technology in building and sustaining competitiveness • Service marketing management • Risk assessment and security issues • Innovations in services, logistics and supply-chain management • Cloud computing Finance in Integrated Global Environment • Financial innovations for creating value in the global era • Financial engineering • Cybercrime and ICT security issues • Web technology and management • Legal & ethical aspects of IT • Service oriented computing for E-Business • Security and legal aspects of social media • Emerging trends in financial markets and market integration • Human and societal issues in information systems • Strategic financial management Operation Challenges in Global Era • Value creating through mergers & acquisitions • Foreign investment and global diversification • Resource management through operations and supply chain management • Recent accounting practices and challenges • TQM in achieving superior performance GUIDELINES FOR SUBMISSION Selection of papers for presentation will be based on abstracts. An abstract must include a clear indication of the purpose of research, methodology, major results, implications and key references. They should adhere to the following: Length of Abstract: The abstract should not exceed 300 words including the title and references. Page margins: The page margins should be one inch on all sides. Font: The abstract should be typed in Times New Roman in 12 point font size. Line spacing: The abstract should be typewritten in 1.5 line spacing. Title Page: The abstract should be accompanied by a separate title page. The title page should include the title of the paper in about 5-10 words, the authors of the papers along with their institutional affiliations and contact details. Keywords: The authors are requested to provide at least four keywords associated with the submitted paper. All papers will be blind reviewed and only those papers approved by the reviewers will be selected. All papers must be submitted at [email protected] Authors will be notified of acceptance. Acceptance of the paper implies that at least one of the authors will register and present the paper. BEST PAPER AWARDS The three best paper awards will be given during the valedictory session of the conference. The best papers will be selected on the basis of the quality of the research paper and the decision will lie with the jury consisting of eminent experts of the area. • The first best paper award will carry a cash award of INR 15000/- and citation • The second two papers will also get recognition PAPER PUBLICATION Selected papers will be published in the Conference Proceeding with ISBN, which will be available at the time of the conference. Extended papers will also find place in the special issue of University bi-annual refereed journal ‘Amity Management Analyst’. REGISTRATION FEES Business Executives Academics/ Students Researcher Speakers/ USD 75 USD 75 USD 50 Delegates ` 1500 ` 1500 ` 500 Registration fee should be submitted in the form of Demand Draft/Bankers cheque drawn in favour of “Amity University Haryana” payable at New Delhi along with the attached registration form. Participant(s) may also submit the fees directly to the University account. Beneficiary Name : Amity University Haryana Bank Name : Axis Bank Account No. : 910010023405214 IFSC Code : UTIB0000720 (for transfers from India) Swift Code : AXISINBB056 (for transfers from Abroad) In case of paper presentation at least one of the authors will have to be registered. Paper in-absentia will be accepted by paying the fees as indicated above. The conference fee includes Kit along with the tea/ lunch/refreshments, participation certification and the proceedings of the conference. ACCOMMODATION IMPORTANT DATES On request, accommodation can be provided in the University campus on nominal charges (` 200). Receipt of abstract of the paper : June 06, 2014 WEATHER CONDITIONS Notification of acceptance of abstract : June 11, 2014 Receipt of full paper : July 28, 2014 Weather during the May month is pleasurable and blistering to some extent. The day time expected temperature is between 28°c to 35°c. Acceptance of full paper : August 01, 2014 SPONSORSHIP Registration close August 08, 2014 Industries / organisations are invited to sponsor the Conference and take part in it. All queries should be addressed to the Conference Convener. Venue: Amity University Gurgaon (Manesar) : PATRON CONVENER Prof. (Dr.) R C Sharma Vice Chancellor - Amity University, Gurgaon Prof. (Dr.) Ashutosh Kumar Amity Business School Amity University Gurgaon CONFERENCE CHAIRPERSON Prof. (Dr.) Padmakali Banerjee Pro Vice Chancellor & Dean Academics, Amity University Gurgaon and Director - Amity Business School CO-CONVENER Mr. Sunil Kumar Amity Business School Amity University Gurgaon CONFERENCE DIRECTOR Prof. (Dr.) Vikas Madhukar Dy. Director-Amity Business School, Director-Admissions, Amity University Gurgaon CONFERENCE ADVISORS Prof. (Dr.) Bhavana Adhikari, Dy. Dean Academics Prof. (Dr.) Gunjan M Sanjeev, Director – International Affairs AMITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, GURGAON The Amity Business School (ABS), Amity University Gurgaon, provides students an ambience to learn, grow and mature into leaders capable of shouldering responsibilities of future. The mission of the Institute is to prepare quality managers by equipping its students with the required skills and qualities so that they are able to meet challenges of dynamic environment both nationally and globally. The Institute offers Under Graduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral programmes in various functional areas of business and management. ABS has become synonymous with talent, commitment & wisdom and focuses on developing a new cadre of professionals with a global outlook. It is at ABS that future managers develop a global perspective on social, political, economic and legal environment, as it prevails across the world. Constant interaction with industry helps its students to develop their expertise in dealing with varied issues effectively. We take immense pride in the achievements of ABS and its alumni who have been instrumental in carving a niche in the corporate world. CO-ORDINATORS Dr. Tanushri Purohit Dr. Vidhi Bhargava Dr. Deependra Sharma Mr. Kandpal L Bhaskar Mr. P K Sharma Mr. Rajni Kant Rajhans INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON Global Performance Challenges BUILDING AND SUSTAINING COMPETITIVENESS SEPT. 11 & 12, 2014 • AMITY UNIVERSITY GURGAON REGISTRATION FORM Name (in Block letters) : 1 ________________________________________________________________________________ Designation & Affiliation : Name (in Block letters) : 2 ________________________________________________________________________________ Designation & Affiliation : ________________________________________________________________________________ Address for Correspondence : ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mobile No.: __________________________________________ Fax No. ______________________________________________ E-mail : __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant Category : Paper Presenter Title of the Paper : In-absentia Participant only _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Details of Payment : Demand Draft No.*/Banker's Cheque _____________________ Amount _________________________ Dated ______________ Online (NEFT/SWIFT/Online transfer): Receipt No. _________________________Amount________________________________________ Dated___________________ Receipt of online transaction should be attached with the registration form *The DD should be drawn in favour of “Amity University Haryana” payable at New Delhi. Note: Registration Form can be photocopied for the use of other willing participants. The filled in Registration Form and the Demand Draft/Banker's Cheque can be sent to : (Prof.) Dr. Ashutosh Kumar Conference Convener Amity Business School Amity University Gurgaon, Amity Education Valley Panchgaon (Manesar), Gurgaon-122413 Signature of the Participant Mr. Sunil Kumar Co-Convener Amity Business School Amity University Gurgaon, Amity Education Valley Panchgaon (Manesar), Gurgaon-122413 Signature of the Head of the Institution
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