CHEMICAL VALVES ORDERING INFORMATION Air operated Valve FVA-1020 $PNQBDUTJ[FXBZEJBQISBHNWBMWF 4J[FⲴ_Ⲵ0%_NN FVA - ⴘ FVA-1020 ⴘ.PEFM ⴙ#PEZ ⴚ"DUVBUPS FVA 51'" - ⴙ ⴚ ⴛ0QFSBUJOH &11⢽ᵡ $/PSNBM$MPTF '15'& 117$ 0/PSNBM0QFO 117$ %%PVCMF"DUJOH )Ł᪉ᬊ ⴛ ⴜ ⴜ$POOFDUJPO ⴝ ⴝ0QUJPO Ⲵ#NN 1'15 /PPQUJPO Ⲵ$NN 55VCF *OEJDBUPS 'JUUJOH 'MPXDPOUSPM Compact size 2-way valve ''MBSF #ZQBTT 'MPXDPOUSPM #ZQBTT DIMENSION Specification General - Orifice size : 6mm - Connection size : 1/4”~3/8” - OP. Temp : 5~50Ⳅ(60Ⳅ) - OP. Press(ordinary) : 0~5kg/⽊ - OP. Press(reverse) : 0~3.5kg/⽊ - Air Press : 2~4kg/⽊ - Cycle : 30cycle/min This is compact diaphragm valve as from 1/4” to 3/8” and this durable valve is tested up to 1million cycling times. Since wetted parts are constructed anticorrosive TEFLON, suitable for DI water or chemical process line. For exact size of each item, Please contact Sales Dept. Above-men tioned dimensions are changeable. ᖅĥ⊹ᙹ۵ᩢᨦᇡᨱྙ᮹ੱ۵ᯙࠥෝℎၵ௮݅ܩᔢʑ⊹ᙹ۵ᄡĞࢁᙹᯩ݅ܩ ᯕWBMWF۵Ⲵ_ⲴUVCFTJ[F᮹ᗭ⩶EJBQISBHNWBMWF ᯦݅ܩᬑᙹ⦽ԕǍᖒ᮹ᯕWBMWF۵อDZDMFUFTUෝÑⅅ݅ܩ ᱲᧂᇡ۵ᬑᙹ⦽ԕ⪵⦺ᖒ᮹5&'-0/ಽอॅᨕᲙ%*XBUFSၰ -᪅ญ⦝ᜅ⊹ᙹNN -⍅ֆᖹ⊹ᙹⲴ_Ⲵ -ᔍᬊ᪉ࠥ_ⳄⳄ -ᔍᬊᦶಆᱶ _LH⽊ -ᔍᬊᦶಆᩎ _LH⽊ -᯲࠺ᦶಆ_LH⽊ -᯲࠺⫭ᙹ⫭NJO Applications - Semiconductor and LCD wet equipment - Using to control the little flow of coater or developer equipment - Using to control the little flow of wet spin process equipment - Chemical supply unit of little capacity - Microbe, biochemistry and medical fields DIFNJDBMŖᱶᨱᱢ⧊⦽ᱽ⣩᯦݅ܩ Features - Wetted parts can be supplied with PFA, PTFE or PVC - PTFE diaphragm tested to more than a million cycles - 1/4”(6mm), 3/8”(8~10mm) size connection - Sleeve insert tube, Flare, PT female connection - NC, NO, Double Acting by air - Indicator for movement’s confirmation, flow control function - Particle free, none ion contamination - Ultrasonic washing by DI water & vacuum packing - 1'"15'&17$ᱲᧂᇡᖁ┾ - อDZDMFUFTUෝÑ⊽15'&EJBQISBHN - ⓑPSJGJDFǍ᳑ಽᬱ⪽⦽ᮁℕᮁ࠺ŝᱢᮡᦶಆᗱᝅ - ⲴNN Ⲵ_NN TJ[FDPOOFDUJPO 40 -ၹࠥℕၰ-$%XFUᰆእ - 4MFFWFJOTFSUUVCF'MBSF15GFNBMFDPOOFDUJPO -$PBUFS%FWFMPQFSᰆእ᮹ᗭᮁపᱽᨕᬊ - "JSǍ࠺᮹/$/0%PVCMF"DUJOH -8FUTQJOQSPDFTTᰆእ᮹ᗭᮁపᱽᨕᬊ - ࠺᯲⪶ᯙᬊJOEJDBUPSᮁప᳑ᱩʑ܆ᇡ₊ -ᗭᬊప$IFNJDBMTVQQMZVOJU - 1BSUJDMFGSFFOPOFJPODPOUBNJOBUJPO -ၙᔾྜྷᔾ⪵⦺᮹᧞ᇥ - %FHSFBTJOH%*XBUFSಽⅩᮭ❭ᖙᱶၰḥŖ⡍ᰆ 41
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