19 March 2014 Mr Gary Swan Secretary CSR & Holcim Staff Association By fax: (02) 8362 9021 Dear Mr Swan Re: Notification of Changes to Information contained in records of Organisation - s233(2) Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 CSR &Holcim Staff Association Receipt is acknowledged of the declaration and notification of changes to records in accordance with sub-section 233(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 which was lodged with the Fair Work Commission on 3 February 2014. My apologies for not replying sooner. The document has been filed. Yours sincerely Margaret Williams Regulatory Compliance Branch 11 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000 GPO Box 1994 Melbourne VIC 3001 Telephone: (03) 8661 7639 International: (613) 8661 7639 Facsimile: (03) 9655 0410 Email: [email protected] CS lt & H o l c i n1 S taff LEVEL 1, TRINITI 3 A s s o c i at i o n LOCKED BAG 1345, NORTH RYDE BC NSW 1670 39 DELHI RD FACSir-.\11 f : (02) 8362 9021 NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113 THI:I'f-ll) , L: (02) 99641747 Email: [email protected] Fair Work Australia Organisations, Research and Advice GPO Box 1994 MELBOURNE. VIC 3001 Dear Sir, Subject: CSR & Holcim Staff Association- Notification of changes to records s.233(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 Certificate of Prescribed Designated Officer I, Gary Swan, being the Secretary of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association certify: • On 31 December 2013 David Lane resigned from his position with Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd and on the same date also resigned from his position of President of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association. Signature of prescribed designated officer: /1~2 ,g.. ~ lJf::J_ ...............:........... Name of prescribed designated officer: Dated: ... J:J./0-~<l. L'J: FAIR WORK COMMISSION 12 March 2013 Gary Swan Secretary CSR & Holcim Staff Association By email: [email protected] Dear Mr Swan, Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 Section 233 - Obligation to lodge information with the Fair Work Commission Annual Return for the year 2013 and Change in Records· AR2013/319 I acknowledge receipt of the the annual return of information and notification of change in records made in accordance with sections 233( 1) and 233(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 for CSR & Holcim Staff Association. The documents were lodged with the Fair Work Commission on 6 February 2013, 11 February 2013 and 5 March 2013 and our records have been updated accordingly. The documents have been filed and can be viewed on the Fair Work Commission website at http://www.e-airc.gov.au/078n/annual. Yours sincerely Meliss Garcia Regulatory Compliance Branch Fair Work Commission 11 Exhibition Street Melbourne VIC 3000 GPO Box 1994 Melbourne VIC 3001 Telephone: (03) 8661 7777 International: (613) 8661 7777 Facsimile: (03) 9655 0401 Email: [email protected] • • • LOCKED BAG 1345, NORTH RYDE BC NSW 1670 LEVEL 1, TRINITI 3 FACSlMlLE: (02) 8362 9021 39 DELHI RD NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113 TELEPHONE: (02) 9964 1747 1 March 2013 Mr R Pfeiffer Organisations, Research & Advice Fair Work Australia GPO Box 1994 MELBOURNE. VIC 3001 Dear Mr Pfeiffer, RE: CHANGES IN LIST OF OFFICES AND OFFICE-HOLDERS SECTION 233(2) OF THE FAIR WORK (REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS) ACT 2009 The CSR & Holcim Staff Association notifies of a change in office-holders in accordance with Section 233(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. On 27 February 2013 Tony Sinardi resigned from the Executive Council and from his position of Executive Councillor Member. The other positions remain unchanged as follows: • • • David Lane, President Philip Carter, Vice President Gary Swan, Secretary As Secretary of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association I declare the above information to be a true and correct record. Yours faithfully J EJ :0. ;{)~ Gary Swan Secretary. • • LOCKED BAG 1345, NORTH RYDE BC NSW 1670 LEVEL 1, TRINITI 3 FACSIMllE : (02) 8362 9021 39 DELHI RD NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113 . TELEPHONIJ 1'<fktca1V2b713 Mr R Pfeiffer Organisations, Research & Advice Fair Work Australia GPO Box 1994 MELBOURNE. VIC 3001 Dear Mr Pfeiffer, RE: CHANGES IN LIST OF OFFICES AND OFFICE-HOLDERS SECTION 233(2) OF THE FAIR WORK (REGISTERED ORGANISATIONS) ACT 2009 The CSR & Holcim Staff Association notifies of a change in office-holders in accordance with Section 233(2) ofthe Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. On 31 January 2013 Peter Hoskins resigned from the Executive Council and from his position of President. In the light of Mr Hoskins' resignation the following changes have been made to the Executive Council: • • David Lane (previously Vice President) has been appointed President Philip Carter (previously an Executive Councillor Member) has been appointed Vice President The other positions remain unchanged as follows: • • • Gary Swan, Secretary Peter Hallissy, Treasurer Tony Sinardi, Executive Councillor Member As Secretary ofthe CSR & Holcim Staff Association I declare the above information to be a true and correct record. Yours faithfully J/1 2. ld~ Gary Swan Secretary. I CSit & Holcim LEVEL 1, TRINITI 3 Staff Association LOCKED BAG 1345, NORTH RYDE BC NSW 1670 FACSIMILE: (02) 8362 9021 39 DELHI RD NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113 TELEPHONE: (02) 9964 1747 31 January 2013 Mr R Pfeiffer Organisations, Research & Advice Fair Work Australia GPO Box 1994 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 BY FAX: (03) 9655 0410 Dear Mr Pfeiffer, RE: ANNUAL RETURN OF INFORMATION FOR 2013 CSR& HOLCIM STAFF ASSOCIATION Refer [AR2012/419J In accordance with ss230-233 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (RO Act) and Regulations 147-151 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 (RO Regulations) we provide the following information: Maintenance of Register of Members List of Offices List of Office-holders List ofBranches New Branches Old Branches Addresses of Organisation and Branches I declare that a register of members of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association has been kept and maintained during 2012 as required by subsections 230(1)(a) and 230(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. The offices of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association are: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Councillors (1)- (Four Executive Councillor positions are presently vacant.) See attachment A There is only one branch of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association, the address being: Levell Triniti 3 39 Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113 No new branches commenced in the previous 12 months. No branches ceased operation in the previous 12 months. The address of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association is: Levell Triniti 3 3 9 Delhi Road N01th Ryde NSW 2113 Elections in Organisation and Branches Statement conceming number of members Annual General Meeting The postal address is: Locked Bag 1345 N01th Ryde BC NSW 1670 At the Executive Council Meeting scheduled for 15 March 2013 a Resolution will be passed to request the General Manager of Fair Work Australia to set in motion the conduct of an election for 2013/2014. Fair Work Australia then advises of their intention to make anangements with the Australian Electoral Commission to conduct the election. The AEC appoints a retuming officer, then conducts the election and advises dates of: • Close of Voter Roll • Election notice sent to members • Nominations open • Nominations close • Ballot opens • Ballet closes • The AEC then declares results of election. The results will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association on 19 September 2013. I declare the number of members of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association on 31 December 2012 to be 865. The Annual General Meeting of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association will be held on 19 September 2013. I, Gaty Swan, being the Secretary of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association, declare the infonnation contained in this retum to be a tJue and conect record. Should you have any queries in relation to this information, please contact Denis Boner on (02) 9964 1747. Yours faithfully ( 1 r""·:. ~~ry ~ 1 I . Gafy Swan Secretary CSR & Holcim Staff Association ATTACHMENT A LIST OF OFFICE- HOLDERS 2013 CSR & Holcim Staff Association President David Lane Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 18 Brodie Hall Drive Bentley W A 6102 Manager Perth Concrete Vice President Philip Carter Humes, Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 18 Little Cribb Street Milton Qld 4064 Finance & Planning Manager Secretary Gmy Swan Project Manager BioEthanol Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd Level 1, Triniti 3, Delhi Road N01th Ryde NSW 2113 Treasurer Peter Hallissy CSR Limited Locked Bag 1345 N01th Ryde BC NSW 1670 National Commercial Mgr Contingent Liabilities Executive Councillor Tony Sinardi Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd PMBl Ingham Qld 4850 Assistant Production Manager, Victoria From: CSR Page: 1/5 Date: 6/02/201310:00:23 AM FAX To: To Whom It May Concern Company: Fax: 0396550410 Phone: From: Terry, Georgina Fax: +61 2 8362 9021 Phone: + 61 2 9964 17 40 E-mail: [email protected] NOTES: FW: Attached Image Date and time of transmission: Wednesday, 6 February 2013 9:46:34 AM Number of pages including this cover sheet: 05 From: CSR 2013 CSR &_ Haicirn Staff Association, Page: 2/5 Date: 6/02/2013 10:00:23 AM From: CSR Page: 3/5 Date: 6/02/2013 10:00:24 AM LOCKED BAG 1345, NORTH RYDE BC NSW 1670 FACSIMILE: (02) 8362 9021 LEVEL 1, TRINITI 3 39 DELHI RD NORTH RYDE, NSW 2113 TELEPHONE: (02) 9964 1747 31 January 2013 Mr R Pfeiffer Organisations, Research & Advice Fair Work Australia GPO Box 1994 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 BY FAX: (03) 9655 0410 Dear Mr Pfeiffer, RE: ANNUAL RETURN OF INFORMATION FOR 2013 CSR & HOLCIM STAFF ASSOCIATION Refer !AR2012/419] In accordance with ss230-233 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009 (RO Act) and Regulations 14 7-151 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Regulations 2009 (RO Regulations) we provide the following information: Maintenance of Register of Members List of Offices List of Office~holders List of Branches New Branches Old Branches Addresses of Organisation and Branches I declare that a register of members of the CSR & Holcim Stati Association has been kept and maintained during 2012 as required by subsections 230(1)(a) and 230(2) of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. The offices of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association are: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Executive Councillors (1)- (Four Executive Councillor positions are presently vacant.) See attachment A There is only one branch of the CSR & HolcimStaff Association, the address being: Levell Tt·initi 3 39 Delhi Road NorthRyde NSW 2113 No new brat).ches commenced in the previous 12 months. No branches ceased operation in the previous 12 months. The address of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association is: Levell Triniti 3 From: CSR Page: 4/5 Date: 6/02/2013 10:00:24 AM 39 Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113 Elections in Organisation and Branches f---------·--· Statement concerning number of members Annual General Meeting The postal address is: Locked Bag 1345 North Rvde BC NSW 1670 At the Executive Council Meeting scheduled for 15 March 2013 a Resolution will be passed to request the General Manager ofF air Work Australia to set in motion the conduct of an election for 2013/2014. Fair Work Australia then advises of their intention to make arrangements with the Australian Electoral Commission to conduct the election. The ARC appoints a returning ofticcr, then conducts the election and advises dates of: • Close of Voter Roll • Election notice sent to members • Nominations open • Nominations close • Ballot opens • Ballet closes • The AEC then declares results of election. The results will be declared at the Annual General Meeting of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association on 19 September 2013 . ....................... ······················-····--·-·--·-----,-.,-------------1 I declare the number of members of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association on 31 December 2012 to be 865. The Annual General Meeting of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association will be held on 19 September 2013. I, Gary Swan, being the Secretmy of the CSR & Holcim Staff Association, declare the information contained in this return to be a true and correct record. Should you have any queries in relation to this information, please contact Denis Boner on (02) 9964 1747. Yours faithfully 11. ~. 18~· c%2swan Secretary CSR & Holcim Staff Association From: CSR Page: 5/5 Date: 6/02/2013 10:00:25 AM ATTACHMENT A LIST OF OFFICE- HOLDERS 2013 CSR & Holcim Staff Association President David Lane Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 18 Brodie Hall Drive Bentley WA 6102 Manager Perth Concrete Vice President Philip Carter Humes, Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd 18 Little Cribb Street Milton Qld 4064 Finance & Planning Manager Secretary Gary Swan Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd Level 1, Triniti 3, Delhi Road North Ryde NSW 2113 Project Manager BioEthanol Treasurer Peter Hallissy CSRLimited Locked Bag 1345 North Ryde BC NSW 1670 National Commercial Mgr Contingent Liabilities Executive Councillor Tony Sinardi Sucrogen Australia Pty Ltd PMBL Ingham Qld 4850 Assistant Production Manager, Victoria
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