15-323 Spring 2014 Homework 1. Global Net Orchestra

Homework 1, Jan 16, updated Jan 29 15-323 Spring 2014
Homework 1. Global Net Orchestra Preparations
Due Jan 28
1. Overview
This homework will familiarize you with the Global Net Orchestra, which will perform on March
1 and late in the semester (to be determined). You will become familiar with GNO so that you
can assist another performer on March 1 and participate in the performance at the end of the
2. Download and Test
Get the GNOtest program from https://sourceforge.net/projects/floctrl/files/ and install it. (Linux
users, see Section 5 below.)
Test the program to see if you can make sounds (see http://globalnetorchestra.org/?q=node/8 for
Run the performance test.
2. Make Your Own Samples
Make your own samples (see Making a Sample File at http://globalnetorchestra.org/?q=node/10).
Note: your samples should NOT be a replica of the existing sample file – you could do that just
by finding and copying the sound file already contained in the GNOtest download. Please make
your own distinctive sound file by playing, singing, synthesizing, or even finding some samples
online and getting them into the GNO Sample File format (a single .wav file according to specs).
Test your samples by loading them and playing them in the GNOtest program.
Create an account at www.globalnetorchestra.com and upload your samples.
2. Instruct a “Stand Partner”
What’s a stand partner? In orchestral playing, string players share a music stand. If there’s a
tough page turn, one player turns the page while the other keeps playing. In the Global Net
Orchestra, your stand partner is someone that will play in the orchestra and that you can
communicate with and help through the process.
Find a friend to perform on March 1 (ideally someone as distant as possible – we now have
performers in California, Germany, Korea, and Australia, with more signing up) and ideally again
at the end of the semester. In all likelihood, you will not perform on March 1 because we’ll need
the slots for others. If necessary, we’ll allow some CMSIP students to play to bring the head
count up over 100.
At the end of the semester, we’ll try to perform some Global Net Orchestra pieces again with the
class and stand partners only. This should total between 100 and 120 players.
In addition, I want most of the class to participate in a dry-run stress-test before March 1. We’ll
discuss good times to do that in class.
Information about GNO and the role for orchestra members is online. Basically, performers will
(1) create samples (or you can help), (2) learn to play – the interface will be simple and guitarhero-like, (3) participate in a rehearsal – TBA, (4) perform on Mar 1 at noon, EST until 1:30 at
the latest.
1 Homework 1, Jan 16, updated Jan 29 Performers should be computer literate enough to install the GNO programs (easier than
wxSerpent), create samples (or you can help), and operate a computer in the concert.
If your performer backs out before the concert, you will not be penalized, but I expect you to try
to avoid this, try to find a replacement, and not create last-minute surprises.
Your friend does not need to have samples online by Jan 28, but they should create an account at
www.globalnetorchestra.com. (If this is a problem, see Section 5.)
4. Hand-in Instructions:
1. Hand in a plain text file called readme.txt with the following:
Your name
Your Andrew ID
The Operating System you used
Did you get GNOtest to play sounds? (yes or no)
Did your machine pass the Performance Test? (yes or no)
Did you create and upload a sample file? (yes or no)
Briefly describe your sample file (what tools did you use?, how would you describe
the sound?)
h. Did you find a friend to participate in the March 1 concert?
i. If yes to (h), did they sign up on GlobalNetOrchestra.org?
If yes to (i), what is their user id on the GlobalNetOrchestra.org site?
k. If no to (h), did you send email as instructed in Section 4. (below)?
2. Upload your sample file to your account on GlobalNetOrchestra.org
4. Linux Users:
GNOtest does not run on Linux (without a lot of work, and you’ve suffered enough installing
Serpent). If you can find a machine to run GNOtest and test some samples, do it. It shouldn’t take
too much time or effort.
Otherwise, we’ll find something else for you to do. Please
1. send email to rbd at cs.cmu.edu and say “I have a Linux machine and need something to do
for homework 1.”
2. hand in a readme.txt file like everyone else, but answering only 1.a., 1.b., and 1.c.
3. plan to do some other work.
5. Alternative Tasks
If you can’t find anyone to perform on March 1, don’t panic. There are other jobs to do including
listening and checking sample files as they arrive from around the globe. Although I’d prefer that
you find a friend to be your “stand partner” for a variety of reasons, fun among them, you may
“opt out” by sending email to rbd at cs.cmu.edu and explain your situation. Expect to receive an
alternate assignment for a Homework 1 grade.