Pla er t l a t zh YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 PROJECTS AND ORGANISATIONS In times of need, when health, education and nutrition cannot be taken for granted, Julius Baer has decided to support international projects for the benefit of children, adolescents and young adults. YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 SHORTLIST Organisation Project Future For Children Conscientious water provision (Asia) Allows children to attend school, as they no longer need to spend time transporting drinking water. Page 6 Child’s Dream Construction of a new schoolhouse (Asia)* Builds a schoolhouse for children from remote and rural areas. 8 Scintillae Foundation Infrastructure for schools (Asia)* Equips schools with the necessary infrastructure. 10 HELVETAS Vocational training (Eastern Europe) Teaches young women how to mobilise their own resources and develop their skills in line with their professional requirements. 12 Caritas Promoting financial literacy (Switzerland) Gives young people courses in financial literacy. 16 help2kids Primary school education (Africa) Hands out hot meals and gives lessons in English and IT to children. 18 Instituto GMK ‘Administrative Assistance and Sales’ course (Latin America) Prepares students for the labour market. 20 SWISSAID Professional independence (Asia) Enables young people to complete a training course in order they can run their own small businesses. 22 China’s Forgotten Orphans Aid for disabled children (Asia)* Supports a private orphanage to improve the overall living and care conditions of the children. 24 Sport and social programme (South Africa) Supports mountain bike-loving young people with their homework and gives them access to a library. 26 * new projects 2014 3 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 JULIUS BAER FOUNDATION: OUR MOST PRECIOUS INVESTMENT Committed to empowerment One of the core values of Julius Baer is to foster contact with people, and to do so intensively, honestly and to the benefit of all. Our founder, Julius Baer (1857–1922), once put it like this: “If contact between people is based on trust and absolute integrity, then it is of benefit for both sides.” Part of our commitment is undertaken by the Julius Baer Foundation, which was founded in 1965 by Walter J. Baer (1895–1970) to mark the Bank’s 75th anni versary. Its clear orientation and the broad staff involvement in the Foundation’s board – made up of leading employees and external experts – gives the Foun dation independence as well as technical and objective competence. The Foundation has since 2001 principally supported youth projects. In Switzerland, our focus lies on social integration and the prevention of violence, while our international projects place emphasis on health, education and nutrition. The Foundation also supports artists, institutions and events in the cultural domain as part of its involvement in various charitable projects. 4 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 Projects are generally supported over the long term to ensure sustainability. This publication presents various projects that have received donations at the end of 2014. Our vision is to give everybody the same chances in life. Contact information Julius Baer Foundation c/o Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. Martina Venturini Bahnhofstrasse 36 P.O. Box 8010 Zurich Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 58 888 5047 [email protected] 5 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 INDONESIA: CONSCIENTIOUS WATER PROVISION The project In the mountainous hinterland of Bali’s north, in the arid region of Muntigunung, conditions caused by extreme water shortage resulted in poor living conditions. The quality of life of the region’s population has, however, greatly improved thanks to water collection systems installed with the aid of Future For Children. Sufficient clean water makes agriculture possible and also improves sanitation, leading to better nutrition and health for the families living in the impoverished region. Rather than trekking for hours a day to fetch and transport water, children are now able to attend school. The area beneath the roof of the water collection systems provides space for the manufacture of hats and baskets made from palm leaves. In another part of the village people paint home-grown pumpkins. Product quality has improved, resulting in the first successful sales. Woven items, mostly small baskets filled with cashew nuts, dried rosella petals or rosella tea leaves, are also offered for sale in the tourist hotels. Another source of income is trekking. On their trekking tours, locals take tourists into their villages to give them an insight into the lives of the local population. These small-scale enterprise programmes improve the lives of families. It is our aim to enable the people of Muntigunung to help themselves. Future For Children 6 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation Future For Children (Verein Zukunft für Kinder) was founded in Switzerland in November 2004. Four months later, its Indonesian counterpart was established; it evaluates, funds, monitors and leads local projects in the poorer parts of Bali. The association works closely with Dian Desa, one of the country’s most important development organisations. Its main objective is the sustainable development and improvement of the general living conditions. All projects are carefully developed in agreement and with the support of the people involved. Cultural, ecological and economic implications are analysed in advance, guaranteeing a sustainable development. Future For Children has been given the Swiss ZEWO seal of approval, which confirms that the donated funds are used purposefully, efficiently and effectively. Contact information Verein Zukunft für Kinder Rohnhofstrasse 3 8416 Flaach Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 52 318 1405 [email protected] 7 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 LAOS: CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW SCHOOLHOUSE The project The need for schoolhouses for children from remote and rural areas of Laos remains urgent, and Child’s Dream Foundation is working to fill this gap. Child’s Dream is now involved in the plans for construction of a new school building supported by the Julius Baer Foundation. Last year, support was provided for the construction of two boarding houses, one for girls and one for boys, on the Atsaphon secondary school complex to ensure that children from very remote mountain villages can also attend school. Construction of the boarding houses began in September 2013 and was completed in March 2014. We believe that education enhances children’s opportunities and empowers them to make better decisions in life. Child’s Dream Foundation 8 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation Child’s Dream was founded in 2003 to support disadvantaged children in the Mekong sub-region. This region is the epicentre of many humanitarian crises, from which children and young people are particularly at risk. The office in Chiang Mai provides the ideal starting point for humanitarian projects in these outlying areas, which are often neglected by the government. Alongside school education (nursery, schools, vocational training centres and universities of applied sciences), the work also focuses on health programmes such as the Children’s Medical Fund, which financially supports children with special medical needs to access necessary treatments. The organisation aims to give disadvantaged village communities the chance to take an active role in shaping their future. Contact information Child’s Dream Foundation 238/3 Wualai Road T. Haiya, A. Muang Chiang Mai 50100 Thailand Telephone +66 (0) 53 201 811 [email protected] 9 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 MYANMAR/BURMA: INFRASTRUCTURE FOR SCHOOLS The project The local population from seven villages of the ‘dry zone’ in central Burma has built a number of schoolhouses in various villages for more than 1,000 children from the surroundings. These schools are now being equipped with further infrastructure, including, for example, sleeping quarters for teachers living far away and other construction works and renovations to improve existing facilities. Education is much more than a simple transfer of knowledge – it is the shaping of an independent, socially integrated personality. Scintillae Foundation 10 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation The Scintillae Foundation, which is organised under Swiss laws, supports projects according to clearly defined guidelines. Its international projects focus on the education of children and youth as well as the construction of accommodations, schools and similar institutions. In Switzerland the emphasis lies on supporting and promoting socially disadvantaged children and youth at primary school level and during further studies. Contact information Scintillae Foundation Steinhaldenstrasse 62 8002 Zurich Switzerland [email protected] 11 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 KOSOVO: VOCATIONAL TRAINING The project The Skills for Rural Employment (S4RE) project aims to fight poverty in rural Kosovo through educational programmes for young people. Many employers from the private sector would be prepared to employ more people, but there is a shortage of young people with the right skills and experience. Women are disproportionately affected by unemployment. In the town of Dragash, in the southernmost part of Kosovo for example, almost half of the 14-year-old girls drop out of school, even though they would like to continue their studies to improve their employability. The programme’s learning group model helps women and minorities in this rural region to find a job. Participants learn how to mobilise their own resources and continually develop their skills in line with their real needs. They learn how to get access to job opportunities and receive training in entrepreneurial skills and financial competence. Education is a key factor for empowerment and improved access to (self-)employment. HELVETAS 12 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation is one of the country’s biggest and most experienced development organisations. It resulted from the 2011 merger between HELVETAS (founded in 1955) and Intercooperation (founded in 1982). HELVETAS’ vision is a world in which all people live in dignity and safety, use natural resources sustainably and care for the environment. This is the basis on which they have undertaken to assist disadvantaged people and communities in developing countries that want to actively improve their quality of life. The focal points of their project work lie in Africa, Asia, South America and Eastern Europe. Their projects concentrate on water and infrastructure, agriculture and markets, the environment and climate, education as well as peace and democracy. Contact information HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Weinbergstrasse 22a P.O. Box 8021 Zurich Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 44 368 6500 [email protected] 13 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 SWITZERLAND: PROMOTING FINANCIAL LITERACY The project To competently deal with finances and learn not to incur excessive debt is increasingly complex. In the past, people strived for a family, financial security, (professional) experience and savings; today values such as individuality, self-realisation, freedom, living life to the full and consumption prevail. Added to this is the fact that the lives of many people often no longer run in a linear fashion, but are marked by breaks and changes. The services offered by Caritas’ debt counselling programme can help people needing assistance get back on track. Via its website (www.caritas-schulden one can access straightforward assistance for questions concerning debt, along with online advice, a debt hotline and a decentralised network of debt advice centres at easily accessible locations. For the last three years, Caritas has been providing training on financial issues, consumption and debt to the immigrant population. The main target group of this project, however, are young people as they are disproportionately affected by excessive debt. The measure of a society is found in how it treats its weakest members. Caritas 16 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation Caritas Switzerland was founded in 1901. It is part of the international Caritas network, which consists of 165 organisations worldwide, active in more than 200 countries. Caritas Switzerland works towards creating a world that is guided by solidarity, justice and peace, while respecting the dignity and rights of each and every individual, and guarantees access to food, water, healthcare, education and work. In Switzerland it helps immigrants to better integrate into Swiss society. It also provides assistance to asylum-seekers and recognised refugees. Moreover, Caritas Switzerland works closely with the regional Caritas offices involved in the fight against poverty in Switzerland. Its studies and position papers draw attention to social problems and highlights ways to find solutions. Contact information Caritas Switzerland Adligenswilerstrasse 15 P.O. Box 6002 Lucerne Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 41 419 2222 [email protected] 17 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 TANZANIA: PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION The project The Wamato School in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania offers a primary school education to poor children. Although education is technically free, these children could not attend school due to the existing school-related costs for the mandatory school uniform, textbooks, recreational activities or hot meals. The school was founded by a woman who acts as both a social worker and a medical caregiver to the students. Today, almost 300 students between 4 and 16 years attend the Wamato School. help2kids supports the school by providing hot meals and volunteer teachers for its English and information technology (IT) classes. We believe that small actions have big effects. help2kids 18 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation help2kids is a young, dynamic, non-profit organisation that was founded in Switzerland in 2009. It provides long-term support for children in Tanzania and Malawi with donations and sponsorship money. All its staff members in Switzerland are volunteers. The competence team consists of specialists from the areas of marketing, public relations, IT and fundraising. Contact information help2kids non-profit organisation Headquarters Zugerbergstrasse 49a P.O. Box 407 6301 Zug Switzerland Karina Catlin Mobile +255 686 652 605 [email protected] 19 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 BRAZIL: ‘ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANCE AND SALES’ COURSE The project One hundred and fifty young people are being trained in an administrative assistance and sales course with three classes during the first semester and two additional classes during the second. The teaching staff is made up of members of the organisation Pró-Morato and volunteers from the Instituto George Mark Klabin (GMK). The aim is to prepare young people for the current job market by developing their professional and social skills and to inspire them to look for work. The best gift is not money, but the tools to build a better future. Instituto George Mark Klabin 20 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation The Instituto George Mark Klabin is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1993. GMK has developed a professional training programme for impoverished youth. Around 14,000 young people from various cities in Brazil have already taken part. Over the past two decades, GMK has been able to integrate more than 8,000 young people into the labour market. Contact information Instituto George Mark Klabin Rua Dr. Renato Paes de Barros 714 – 6° andar – cj 64 Itaim Bibi – SP CEP 04530-001 Brazil Telephone +55 (11) 2614 2602 [email protected] 21 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 MYANMAR/BURMA: PROFESSIONAL INDEPENDENCE The project Young men and women in Kachin State in the far north-east of Burma are given a professional education and basic life-coaching. They are systematically taught all the skills they need to be able to run their own small businesses. The training focuses on activities that show potential in the market and are financially viable. These are professions for which the students in general only require a small amount of start-up capital. The small businesses typically established by the young people in their villages are repair shops for motorbikes or diesel engines, or sewing, tailoring and knitting businesses for example. Successful local businessmen and -women are also invited to share their personal experiences with the young people to motivate them to pursue a professional future. We believe that it is possible for us, as human beings, to use our abilities to bring the vision of a more peaceful and just world into being. SWISSAID 22 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation SWISSAID is one of Switzerland’s leading aid organisations and has existed since 1948. It supports small-scale ‘self-help projects’ for indigenous, impoverished population groups. The projects are implemented in the local area with the help of local organisations and the people involved in the community. There is great emphasis on local knowledge and the projects work exclusively with local experts, without foreign development workers. The focus lies on hunger prevention, environmentally friendly agriculture, water provision, vocational training and awareness-raising, and commercialisation. Women receive special support in the project areas. Contact information SWISSAID Lorystrasse 6a 3000 Berne 5 Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 31 530 5353 [email protected] 23 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 CHINA: AID FOR DISABLED CHILDREN The project A small, private orphanage outside of Luoyang in the highly populated Henan province has taken in 17 disabled street children since 1999. It is run by a 68-yearold woman who has dedicated her life to helping these children, though she has lacked the resources to provide all of the care some of these children require, especially those with severe disabilities. China’s Forgotten Orphans is supporting this orphanage to improve the overall living and care conditions of the children. Much needs to be done to ensure the children can receive the medical attention they require, and the help of orthopaedic specialists and physiotherapists is being sought. Currently only four children are receiving schooling, and arrangements are being made by the association to ensure the children are schooled. For example, transportation is being arranged for one of the boys to attend a nearby school for the blind. Last year, a playground was built for a large new orphanage that houses 160 children, some with special needs, such as physical disabilities. The play area was designed to take the individual requirements of the disabled children into account, featuring equipment adapted accordingly. We support the mental and physical fostering of children to give them a dignified existence. China’s Forgotten Orphans 24 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 The organisation The China’s Forgotten Orphans association (Verein Chinas vergessene Waisen) was founded in 1998 and has since worked closely with the international volunteer organisation ICCO (International Committee for Chinese Orphans). The association has 160 members. The long-term objective is to give Chinese orphans a more humane childhood and an independent future. The care as well as physical and emotional support that children are given in various Chinese orphanages is consistently improving. The association works closely with various foundations that support orphans over the long term. Contact information Verein Chinas vergessene Waisen Annika Gartenmann Im Stalden 9 8703 Erlenbach Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 44 991 5377 [email protected] 25 YEAR-END DONATIONS 2014 SOUTH AFRICA: SPORT AND SOCIAL PROGRAMME The project Township children in Kayamandi receive learning and social support, and are also encouraged in their sporting ambitions in this area where unemployment is high and total income per family is low. runs education and sports programmes geared to help the children of the township to develop their social, emotional and physical health in a safe environment. Along with recreational activities, which help boost confidence, the organisation has a broad educational programme. The project funds after-school homework help in its clubhouse, along with access to the library and tutors. These young mountain bike enthusiasts are encouraged to visit the clubhouse and complete their homework before going out to ride. The organisation was founded by the Swiss mountain biking world champion Christoph Sauser and by Songo Fipaza, a very well-known South African mountain biker. Sauser, who spends a lot of time in South Africa, wanted to use his global network to help children realise their dreams, and partnered with Fipaza, who had dreams of bringing about change in his community. The Songo sport and social programme offers children sporting and leisure activities, and a safe place to play and grow up, and to receive educational support. They learn values such as reliability and responsibility as well as how to set goals and achieve them. Contact information Kathy Crabbe, mobile +27 (0) 82 898 9850 Songo Fipaza, mobile +27 (0) 83 244 0734 [email protected], 26 All children should have the belief that anything is possible. JULIUS BAER FOUNDATION c/o Bank Julius Baer & Co. Ltd. Bahnhofstrasse 36 P.O. Box 8010 Zurich Switzerland Telephone +41 (0) 58 888 5047 Fax +41 (0) 58 888 5401 The Julius Baer Group is present in some 50 locations worldwide. From Zurich (Head Office), Dubai, Frankfurt, Geneva, Guernsey, Hong Kong, London, Lugano, Monaco, Montevideo, Moscow, Nassau to Singapore. 27.11.2014 Publ. No. PU00023EN © JULIUS BAER FOUNDATION, 2014 01-14-814357 neutral
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