GOVERNMENT OF GUJARAT RULES FOR ADMISSION TO GENERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY (GNM) AND AUXILLARY NURSES AND MIDWIVIES (ANM) COURSE IN GOVERNMENT, MUNICIPAL, E.S.I.C. AND SELF FINANCED NURSING INSTITUTES OR SCHOOLS IN THE STATE OF GUJARAT AFTER H.S.C.E. (12TH) SCIENCE AND GENERAL STREAM YEAR :: 2014 - 2015 CHAIRMAN ADMISSION COMMITTEE FOR PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATIONAL COURSES (GNM/ANM) C/O, DEAN, B.J. MEDICAL COLLEGE AHMEDABAD - 380016 Phone - (079) 22680307 Fax - (079) 22680307 website : 1 NOTIFICATION HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE DEPARTMENT Sachivalay, Gandhinagar Dated the 6th, May, 2014 GUJARAT PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL EDUCATIONAL COLLEGES OR INSTITUTIONS ( REGULATION OF ADMISSION AND FIXATION OF FEES) ACT 2007 1. 2. No.GP/10/NSG/102014/P355/E:- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub - section (1) of section 20 read with the section 4 of the Gujarat Professional Medical Educational Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Fixation of Fees ) Act, 2007 ( Guj-3 of 2008 ), the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Gujarat Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery (Regulation of admission and Fixation of fees) Rules,2008 namely :- Short Title :These rules may be called the Gujarat Diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives (Regulation of Admission and Payment of Fees) (Amendment) Rules 2013 Definitions:(1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires, (a) "Act" means the Gujarat Professional Medical Education Colleges or Institutions (Regulation of Admission and Payment of fees) Act, 2007, “Guj. 3 of 2008”; (b) "Admission" means admission of candidates in the first year of diploma in General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives; (c) "Consortium" means an association of unaided Professional Schools or Institutions formed to facilitate management seats of such Institutions; (d) "Gujarat Board " means the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary School Examination Board established under section 3 of Gujarat Secondary and Higher secondary School Board Act, 1972 ( Guj.18 of 1973); (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) "Science stream" means the Science Stream of the higher secondary School Certificate Examination (Standard XII, 10 + 2 pattern); "General stream" means the General stream of the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Standard XII, 10 + 2 pattern); "Professional Medical Educational Courses" means the Diploma Course in General nursing and Midwifery (GNM) and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives (ANM); "ANM" means Auxiliary Nurses Midwives as defined in Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 (48 of 1947); "FHW" means Female Health Worker, who posses certificate given by Government of Gujarat ; 2 (j) (k) (L) (m) (n) (o) (2) (3) (4) "LHV" means Lady Health Visitor as defined in Indian Nursing Council Act, 1947 (48 of 1947); "FHS" means Female Health Supervisor; "Under age" means a person who has not completed 17 years of age on 31st December of the academic Year for which the admissions are being conducted; “School” means General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) school and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives (ANM) school. Recognized by Indian Nursing Council and Gujarat Nursing Council within the State of Gujarat. “Qualifying Examination” means the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination, (Standard XII, 10+2 patterns) passed in Science Stream or General Stream.” “Unaided Nursing Institute” means a professional educational school or Institute including University not receiving any financial aid or grant-in-aid from the State Government or the Central Government, and who posses Essentiality Certificate issued by State Government and is recognized by Indian Nursing Council (INC) and Gujarat Nursing Council (GNC). The words and expressions used on these rules but not defined shall have the same meanings as assigned to them in the Act. Admission to General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives Course:Admission to the First Year of General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives Course shall be given as under, namely:(1) All seats in Government Nursing Schools and Nursing Schools run by Employee State Insurance Scheme, Municipal Corporation and unaided Schools or Institutions, shall be filled on the basis of a common merit list prepared by the Admission Committee constituted under section 4 of the Act for admission to the First Year of General Nursing and Midwifery Course and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives Courses. (2) Candidate shall be given admission to General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives schools run by the Government or Municipal Corporation or Employees State Insurance Scheme and unaided schools or Institutions as the case may be, according to their preference as per common merit list. (3) Sons and Daughters of the officers of the All India Services, born on the Gujarat Cadre or allotted to the Gujarat State but serving outside of the Gujarat State on deputation and Sons and daughters of Gujarat Government Employee who have been posted outside the state of Gujarat for the administrative reasons shall be given admission on vacant seats as per merit. Candidates who were not eligible for admission last year due to underage, shall be required to make application afresh for admission in the same category for which they were earlier eligible. 3 (4) A. B. C. D. 5. Seats Available for Admission For the purpose of admission to the first year General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course:available seats shall include,Government Seats (1) All the sanctioned seats of the "Professional Medical Educational Courses" in the Government Institutions of the State, (2) All the sanctioned seats of the "Professional Medical Educational Courses" in the aided Institutions; and, (3) Seventy five percent of the total sanctioned seats of the "Professional Medical Educational Courses" in the unaided Institutions. Management Seats (1) Twenty five percent seats of the total sanctioned seats of the "Professional Medical Educational Courses" in the unaided Institutions of the State including fifteen percent Non Resident Indian seats, (2) The intimation received in respect of sanction of seats by the Admission Committee three days prior to the commencement of the first counseling programme, shall be considered as available seats. (3) Before commencement of admission process if, any unaided institution requests to fill up the Management Seats by the Admission Committee, such management seats shall also be considered as available for giving admissions. Non Resident Indian Seats (1) Fifteen percent seats of the total sanctioned seats of the "Professional Medical Educational Courses" in the Institutions of the State. (2) The intimation received, in respect of sanction of seats by the Admission Committee three days prior to the commencement of the first counseling Programme shall be considered as available seats. Sanction of new seats. If new seats are sanctioned after the commencement of final reshuffling process, such seats shall not be considered for admission in the current academic year. Eligibility for Admission For the purpose of admission a candidate shall have (1) passed the qualifying examination from; (i) the Gujarat Board; or (ii) the Central Board of Secondary Education Board, provided that the school in which the candidate has studied, should have been located in the State of Gujarat; or (iii) the Council of Indian School Certificate Examinations, New Delhi Board, provided that the school in which the candidate has studied should have been located in the State of Gujarat; or 4 6. 7. A. (iv) those who have cleared 10+2, vocational Auxiliary Nurses Midwives Course revised after 2001 and recognized by Indian Nursing Council; or (1A) ANM or FHW shall also have to pass Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Standard XII, 10+2 pattern) in the Science or General stream. (2) The Candidates who have passed 10+2 Science or General Stream with English subject shall be eligible for admission. Those candidates, who have passed English subject separately, shall also be eligible for admission, subject to the provisions of clause (i) of sub rule (1) of rules-5. Provided that Candidate who has passed Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Standard XII, 10+2 pattern) in the Science or General stream without English shall be eligible only for ANM course. (2A) A candidate who has passed the qualifying examination after appearing in the supplementary examination conducted by the Board shall not be eligible for admission in the current academic year. (3) Widow, deserted, orphan girl or committed girl and ANM, FHW, LHV, FHS, candidates shall be exempted from the rule of passing year provided that this sub-rule shall not apply to widow, deserted, orphan girl or committed girl and ANM, FHW, LHV, FHS, for seeking admission at the School run by unaided institutions and Municipal Corporations. Eligibility criteria The eligibility for admission, (1) Candidate shall be of Indian Nationality. (2) A candidate shall not be less than seventeen years and more than thirty five years of age on the 31st December of the Academic year for which the Admission are conducted: “Provided that there shall not be upper age limit in case of candidates belonging to ANM, FHW, LHV, FHS, categories for admission in GNM Course.” (3) Candidate belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribe and Socially and Economically Backward Classes should have scored minimum of thirty five percent in the qualifying examination. (4) General Candidate should have scored minimum of forty percent in the qualifying Examination. (5) Candidate shall meet minimum qualifying standards for admission as prescribed under these Rules. (6) For Nonresident Indian Seats, Candidate shall be children or wards or the dependents of Non Resident Indians for education purpose. Admission The admission to Candidate in the first year of General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course shall be given in the following manner namely:Government Seats:5 (1) (2) The admission committee shall, by advertisement in the prominent news- papers widely circulated in the State and by such other means as the committee may consider convenient, publish the date of issue of application forms, centers from where the application forms may be obtained and to where to be submitted, last date for submission of application forms and such other information as may be necessary in this behalf. No vacant seat in General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course will be filled up after 31th October. (B) Management Seats:(1) The Consortium shall issue an advertisement in two English and two Gujarati prominent newspapers widely circulated in the state, invite the application forms from the eligible candidates for the admission to the General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course on the management seats. The Consortium by advertisement shall notify the date of issue of application forms, centers from where the application forms may be obtained and to where to be submitted, last date for submission of application forms, details of fees to be paid and eligibility criteria and numbers of seats available for admission on the management seats and such other information as may be necessary in this behalf. (2) The Admission committee shall also make necessary arrangements to issue and receive the application forms for admission to the Management seats at the office of Admission committee at B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmadabad – 16. Provided that no Candidate shall be admitted against the management seats unless his/ her names appears in the merit list prepared by the Admission Committee; Provided further that where any Non - Resident Indian seats remains vacant such seat shall be filled in by the other candidates whose name appears in the merit list of management seats; Provided also that where any management seat remains vacant, such seats shall be filled in from the merit list for Government seats. (3) All the management seats to be filled in by the Admission Committee by a single window system on the basis of inter-se merit list of the candidates to be admitted against the management seats and whose name appear in the merit list prepared by the Admission Committee." C. Non Resident Indian Seats (1) The Institution shall issue advertisement in two English and two Gujarati leading newspapers inviting applications with details of the fees to be paid, eligibility criteria and number of seats available in Non- resident Indian seats. 6 (2) (3) (4) (5) 7A. 8 Candidates shall provide necessary documentary evidence of proof showing Non- Resident Indian Status of his / her own or parents or guardian of the wards or the person of whom he/she is dependent ( for educational purpose) Candidates passing qualifying examination from abroad shall have to produce equivalence certificate from the Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar or Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi. The Non - Resident Indian seats to be filled in by the management of the respective Professional Medical Educational Institution and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives School shall be on the basis of inter- se merit list of the students, who have applied, to be admitted against the Non- Resident Indian Seats. “After granting admission to the children and wards of the Non Resident Indian if seats remain vacant, they shall be offered to the candidates who are dependent of Non Resident Indian; Provided that :(a) the ward of the Non Resident Indian shall require to produce a necessary proof establishing that the person has been legally appointed as his/her guardian, (b) the candidate who is dependent of Non Resident Indian shall have to produce necessary proof in support thereof to the satisfaction of the concerned college or institution. Cancellation of candidatureIf any of the statement made in the application form or any information /document supplied by the candidate in connection with his / her application for admission is at any time found to be false or incorrect or misleading, or if at any time it is found that the candidate has concealed any information / fact in connection with his/her application, his/her admission will be cancelled without any notice thereof, fees shall be forfeited and he/she may be expelled. Reservation of Seats (1) For the purpose of admission, the seats shall be reserved for the candidate who are origins of Gujarat and falling under the following categories, namely :(a) Scheduled Castes 7% (b) Scheduled Tribes 15 % (c) Socially and Educationally Backward classes 27 % Including Widow and Orphan if any; (one seat in each school) (2) A candidate seeking admission in reserved seat shall be required to produce a certificate of caste certificate from which he/she originates; 7 9 Provided that the candidate belonging to Socially and Educationally Backward Class shall be required to produce a certificate to the effect of non-inclusion in Creamy Layer in addition to the caste certificate. (3) No caste certificate shall be valid unless it is duly stamped, signed and issued by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat. (4) No certificate to the effect of non - inclusion in Creamy Layer shall be valid, unless it is duly stamped, signed and issued by the authority empowered by the Government of Gujarat. Such certificate shall have been issued on or after 1st April of the academic year in which the candidate is seeking admission. (5) If a candidate fails to submit the certificates as required under subrule (2), three days prior to publishing of merit list, his/ her candidature shall be considered for admission under unreserved category. (6) If a candidate of reserved category gets admission on unreserved seats in order of merits he/she may be given admission on unreserved seats according to his/her preference. (7) The certificate of widow or deserted issued by Collector or Deputy Collector or District Development Officer or Mamlatdar shall be valid. (8) The certificate of orphan or committed girl issued by District Social Defense officer shall be valid. (9) Candidates who live separate under the legal provision for minimum two years shall be considered for admission. (10) The admission of student of a reserved category on a reserved seat shall be valid subject to the verification of caste certificate by the authority empowered by the State Government in this behalf. In case, the caste certificate is found invalid on verification, he/she shall have no right to claim his /her admission on reserved seat and if he/she has been already granted admission, such admission should be canceled. (11) After granting admission to all the students of reserved categories on reserved seats, the reserved category seats remaining vacant shall be transferred to the unreserved category seats. (12) One seat in each school for ANM/ FHW/ LHV/ FHS will be reserved from the General Category. Reservation for physically Disabled candidates:Reservation for physically Disabled candidates:Three percent of the available seats in each category shall be reserved, for disabled candidates having "loco- motor disability of lower limbs to the tune of 40 % to 50 % of lower extremity (upper limbs being normal) '', in accordance with the guidelines / regulations of the Indian Nursing Council. Such candidate shall require to produce the certificate obtained in the Performa 8 prescribed in the application form. The certificate shall be obtained from the Medical Board constituted for this purpose by the State Government. The Certificate shall specify disability and suitability of such candidate for undertaking the course. 10 11. Reservation of Seats for male candidates For the purpose of admission not more than ten percent seats of every GNM school shall be allotted for male candidates as per merit. Provided that after granting admission to male candidates if any seats remain vacant, the same shall be filled in by the female candidates. Provided further that this rule shall not be applicable for Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives (ANM) course. Provided also that it shall be optional for the unaided nursing institution to keep ten percent seats reserved for male candidates. In this regard the institute shall inform the Admission Committee three days before the commencement of first counselling Preparation of merit list for admission:The merit list of candidates who have applied for admission in the prescribed form, within the prescribed time limit and who are found eligible for admission under these rules, shall be prepared in the following manner, namely: (1) The candidate who have passed qualifying examination from the Gujarat Board, thirty five percent of marks obtained in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, or Socially and Economically Backward class and forty percent of marks obtained in case of General candidates shall be the merit marks. (2) A single merit order of all eligible candidates belonging to Science stream and General stream shall be prepared. Science stream applicant passed in the year of admission shall be given the first preference. General stream applicant with English subject in the year of admission shall be considered next. The candidate passed in previous years shall be considered for admission on the remaining seats but the science stream applicant shall be given priority. Provided that Candidate who passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Standard XII, 10+2 pattern) in the Science or General stream without English subject shall be eligible only for ANM course. (3) The admission committee shall prepare and publish the merit list. (4) The criteria for deciding merit marks shall be total marks of theory obtained in Higher Secondary Certificate Examination shall be considered. 9 The criteria for deciding merit order in case of students having equal merit marks shall be as follows :- 12. 13. 14. 15. (a) Total Marks obtained in Higher Secondary Certificate Examination, including practical. (b) After application of clause '(a)' If the candidates have equal marks, merit order should be determined on the basis of total marks obtained in S.S.C. examination (std. 10th). (c) After application of clause '(b)' if the candidates still have equal marks, merit order should be determined on the basis of Date of Birth. Priority will be given to a candidate who is senior in age. Minimum qualifying standard for admission:(1) No students shall be admitted in General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course unless he/she fulfills the eligibility criteria; including the minimum qualifying marks (standard). (2) The minimum qualifying standard for admission shall be notified by the State Government by order in the Official Gazette from time to time. Last Date for Admission:No vacant seat in General Nursing and Midwifery course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives course shall be filled up after 31th October. Correction of Marks:(1) In case of change in marks of a candidate in the qualifying examination, such candidate shall produce a letter to that effect or the corrected mark sheet issued by the Board, before the Admission Committee at one day before the commencement of admission process (Counseling Programme) but not later than seven days from the receipt of letter, or as the case may be. In such case he/ she shall be placed at an appropriate order in the merit list. (2) The candidate who has declared failed initially in the qualifying examination, but later on declared passed after rechecking of mark by the Board, such candidate shall notwithstanding any time limit prescribed, be allowed to apply for the admission provided he/she produces a letter to that effect or the corrected mark sheet issued by the Board, within seven days of the receipt of letter, or as the case may be, corrected mark sheet. Application for admission:(1) For the purpose of admission, a candidate shall apply, within the time limit specified by the admission Committee, in the prescribed form as shown in Appendix appended to these rules. (2) The application form can be obtained from the centers as may be notified by the Admission Committee, on payment of such fee as may be determined by the Admission Committee. 10 (3) (4) (5) Where a candidate has made more than one application, the application made at the later stage shall be taken into consideration for admission and the other applications shall be treated as cancelled. The application form duly filled, shall be submitted by the candidate, in person, at the notified centers referred to in sub - rule (2), along with the self - attested copies of the certificate and testimonies, as specified in the application form. A receipt for the same shall be given by such person as may be authorized by the Admission Committee. The Admission Committee shall, by an advertisement in the prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State and by such other means, as the committee may consider convenient, published the date of issue of application forms, centers from where the application forms may be obtained and to where submitted, last date for submission of application forms and such other information as may be necessary in this behalf. 16. Admission procedure:(1) A candidate seeking admission must submit their application form to the Admission Committee of the State. Admission to these seats will be made by the Admission Committee of the state as per the rules published by the State Government for admission to the General Nursing and Midwifery (GNM) course and Auxiliary Nurses Midwives (ANM) course (2) (3) (4) (5) All the applicants who have submitted their applications as per subrule (1) within the prescribed time- limit in the form shall be issued receipt by the Admission Committee. The applicant shall be given registration number and date of his/ her application in the receipt. The registration number so given will be used as reference in all future correspondence and also while publishing the merit list and admission. All the original certificates shall be produced by the candidate for verification before the admitting authorities at the time of counseling. Certificate produced after counseling will not ordinarily be accepted. Every candidate seeking admission to Professional Medical Educational Institution and ANM School, should submit a certificate of Physical fitness to undergo the course in the prescribed form from a registered medical practitioner. This certificate is to be submitted, at the time of joining the school to the principal of the respective school to which the candidate has been offered admission. The Admission Committee shall publish the merit list on the notice board and website of the Admission Committee. The eligible candidate shall also be informed individually by post (for first 11 counseling only) instructing them to remain present on a specified date and time and pay the token fee on the same day, and remaining fees should be submitted at the institute within seven days. Those who fail to report on the specified date and time either in person or by duly authorized representative and do not pay the token fees on the same day, will be deemed to have forfeited the claim for admission in that counseling only. The candidate called for counseling should mark their presence before going for counseling. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) At the time of subsequent counseling or reshuffling individual call letter will not be sent but candidates will be instructed to remain present on specific date, time and place by public advertisement in the leading daily newspapers of the State. Those who fail to report on the specified date and time either in person or by a duly authorized representative and do not pay the fees on the same day will be deemed to have forfeited the claim for admission in that counseling. In case the candidate is unable to remain present personally, on the date, time and place of counseling, due to serious illness, accident or unavoidable circumstances, his/ her parents or guardian shall, after obtaining prior approval of the Admission Committee or any officer authorized by the Committee, remain present on the scheduled date, time and place. An authority letter signed by the candidate showing his order of preference and choice of Schools or Institutions shall have to be produced by the parents or guardians who shall remain present in his/ her behalf, along with the documentary evidence showing reason for the absence or inability to remain present personally. After getting admission, the candidate shall within a period of seven working days report to the respective school or Institution. In case the candidate fails to get registered, within the time limit, the admission granted shall be treated as cancelled. In case the candidate fails to get registered, within the time limit due to unavoidable circumstances, the candidate shall after obtaining prior approval of the Admission Committee or any officer authorized by the committee, within three days after the expiry of the time limit, produce documentary evidence showing reason for such failure. If the Admission committee is satisfied, it may grant further period of not more than 3 days to report to the school or institution for the purpose of registration. In case the candidate does not remain present for counseling for the purpose of admission at the scheduled date and time and approaches the Admission Committee on latter date, with an application in writing, to allow his/ her for admission, he/ she may be permitted for counseling and granted admission, in the School or Institution and in respective category available at such later date. He/ She have 12 (11) (12) 17. no right to claim for admission, in the School or Institution and in respective category available on the scheduled date and time. The candidate belonging to reserved category may be allowed to remain present at the scheduled date and time of counseling for admission of the candidates of unreserved category as per his/ her merit number in unreserved category. The admission shall be granted to such candidate in unreserved category as per his/ her merit number in the unreserved category. The admission shall be granted to such candidate in unreserved category only if he/ she is eligible to get admission, in the higher order of preference of courses than that in the reserved category. In case, where considerable number of seats fall vacant, and it appears to the Admission Committee to fill vacant seats, it may conduct the admission process for readjustment (reshuffling) of seats for his/ her options than the options available to the candidate during the previous counseling. In such readjustment (reshuffling) of seats the candidates who opts for the available higher option, he/she shall be allowed for admission on such higher available option. The candidate who does not remain present during the readjustment (reshuffling) process, the admission granted to such candidate during previous counseling shall continue. (13) In case of any doubt the interpretation with regard to these rules, the decision of admission committee shall be final. (1) A candidate who gets admission shall at the time of admission, pay such fees as may be determined by the Fee Regulatory Committee, constituted under section 9 of the Act. In case the candidate who having paid the fees after getting admission gets her/his admission cancelled, provided that the seat vacated by him/her is filled by another candidate, shall be paid back the fees paid by him/her after the completion of Admission process. fees (2) (3) 18. In case the candidate who having paid the fees after getting admission and gets his admission changed in another course, college or institution in the readjustment (reshuffling) process, the difference of fees, if any, shall be payable by the candidate at the time getting admission in the readjustment (reshuffling), or as the case may be, shall be refunded to him after the completion of admission process. Deposit, Stipend and Bond:(1) Candidates getting admission to General Nursing and ANM Schools run by State Government or as the case may be, Employee State insurance Scheme will be paid stipend as per prevalent rules of the State Government during the period of the course. 13 (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 19. Candidates getting admission to General Nursing Schools run by Municipal Corporation will be paid stipend as per prevalent rules of Municipal Corporation during the period of the course. No stipend will be paid to candidates getting admission to General Nursing and ANM School run by unaided Institutions. Amount of damage to the properties, if any, done by the candidate during the period of the course shall be recovered from the candidate. A candidates who is granted admission in an institution governed by the Government or Municipal Corporation or an Institution governed under the Employee State Insurance Scheme shall required to furnish a security and surety bond in such form, for such amount and for such period as may be specified by the Government. The candidate getting admission on management seat in the school run by Municipal Corporation or unaided Institutions shall be required to pay such fee as the Fee Regulatory Committee decides. Provided that the candidate getting admission to these Institute will be required to pay to the Institution an amount Rs. 15000/- as deposit and the remaining amount of the fee shall be paid at the time of admission. The amount of deposit shall be recovered against the amount of the fee. Provided further that even if fee has not been decided by the Fee Regulatory Committee, the candidate getting admission shall be required to pay amount of Rs. 15000/- as deposit and remaining amount shall be paid to the Institution by the candidates. The amount of deposit shall be recovered against the amount of fee. The candidate shall be required to pay such hostel fees, Library fees and other fees as determined by the unaided Institutions. " No hidden charges or any donation shall be collected from the candidate by the unaided institution and in case of any complaint received in this regard, strict action shall be taken against the institution by the Government." The deposit amount paid under sub rule (5) shall be forfeited if the candidate leaves the course halfway. Besides this, the amount received as stipend will be recovered from such candidates. Original certificate will be returned only after recovery of the stipend. Such candidates shall not be eligible for re-admission. Documents to be attached with the application:The candidate shall attach the self attested copies of the following documents with the application form, namely; (1) (i) S.S.C. Examination (Std. 10th) Mark sheet and Passing Certificate; (ii) H.S.C. Examination (Std.12th) Mark sheet; 14 (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) School Leaving Certificate, Transfer Certificate, Caste Certificate for a candidate belonging to Scheduled Cast ( SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Socially and Educationally Backward class (SEBC) issued by the authority empowered by the Government in this behalf; Non Creamy Layer (NCL) Certificate of the family issued on or after 1st April of the current academic year by the authority empowered by the Government in this behalf; Certificate of Physical Disability issued and duly signed by the Medical Board constituted for the purpose. Mark sheets of ANM/FHW/LHV/FHS final examination and certificate of it and No Objection Certificate from the Competent Authority in case of employee under state service or panchayat service willing to join this course; Recent passport size photograph to be affixed on the application and signed across by the candidate; (viii) Certificate of Physical fitness to under go the course in the prescribed form from a registered medical practitioner; (ix) Proof / Document showing Non - Resident Indian Status of his / her own or parents or guardians of the wards or the person of whom he /she is dependent (for the education purpose); (x) Equivalence Certificate from the Gujarat Higher Secondary Education Board, Gandhinagar or Association of Indian Universities, New Delhi, in case of candidates passing qualifying examination abroad. (xi) 20 21. Such other certificates as the Admission Committee deem necessary: 2) The candidate shall have to produce for verification, at the time of counseling, before admission committee, the original certificates and testimonies of the documents attached with the application. (3) The Admission Committee may retain any original certificate and testimony of the documents, which it considers necessary until the admission process is completed. The said certificate or testimony shall be handed over by the Admission Committee to the school or college or institution, where the candidate has got admission, after completion of admission process. Such school or college or institution shall return the original certificate and testimony to the student after verification. Ineligibility for admission on production of false documents:During verification of documents, if the Admission Committee finds any certificate or testimony or information submitted by any candidate, incorrect or false, the candidature of such candidate shall be cancelled for that year and he/ she shall be disqualified for admission for the period of next two years. Cancellation of Admission and Refund of Fee:(1) In case of cancellation of admission or transfer of candidate by the Admission Committee, due to administrative reasons, the School or 15 22. Institution in which the candidate was granted admission shall refund the amount of fee collected by it, to such candidate. (2) In case of Cancellation of admission due to failure of candidate to get himself/ herself registered within the specified time limit, as prescribed in sub- rules (8) and (9) of rule 16, and subject to the condition of such vacated seat being filled up the admission committee, the fees collected from such candidate shall be refunded after completion of the admission process. (3) (a) In case of a candidate withdrawing his / her candidature before completion of admission process, for any reason whatsoever, he / she may request in writing to the Admission Committee for such withdrawal. In such case, the fee collected, if any, by the admission committee shall be refunded to such candidate, subject to the condition of such vacated seat being filled up by the Admission Committee. (b) In case of a candidate withdrawing his/ her candidature after completion of admission process, for any reason whatsoever, he/ she may request in writing to the school or Institution in which he/ she granted admission, for refund of fee paid by him/ her. In such case the fee shall be refunded, by such school or Institution. (c) Cancellation of admission shall be permitted up to three days prior to commencement of reshuffling process, and candidate may also cancel his admission during the reshuffling process. Vacant Seats:“In case seats have remain vacant after the completion of admission process and also where the seats have remained vacant after the offer have been made for all the available seats, such vacant seats shall be displayed on the official web site, on notice board of the office of the Admission Committee and the same may be intimated to the concerned Institution. In case any candidate who has passed qualifying examination on the day of application requires admission on such vacant seats he shall apply directly to the concerned Institutions such seats shall be filled by giving priority to the students of Gujarat State. The concerned Institutions shall carry out admission process for such seats by maintaining inter-se merit of the applications received by them.” *23. Admission to Management seats :(1) The Consortium shall issue an advertisement in two English and two Gujarati prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State and invite an application from the eligible candidates for the admissions to the General Nursing and Midwifery and Auxiliary Nurses and Midwives courses on the management seats. The Consortium by advertisement shall notify the date of issue of application forms, centers from where the application forms may be obtained and where to be submitted, last date for submission of application forms, details of fees to be paid and eligibility criteria and numbers of seats available for admission on the 16 management seats and such other information as may be necessary in this behalf. (2) The Admission Committee shall also make necessary arrangements to issue and receive the application forms for admission to the Management seats at the office of Admission committee at B.J. Medical College, Civil Hospital Campus, Ahmedabad. (3) The receipt for the application shall be given by the Admission Committee or the person authorized by the Consortium as the case may be. The receipt shall contain the registration number and date on which the application is submitted. (4) All the applications duly received shall be scrutinized by the Admission Committee or, as the case may be, the Consortium in accordance with the provision of these rules and prepare a merit list of the candidates who are found eligible for admission. (5) The merit list shall be displayed on the notice board of the Admission Committee at B.J.Medical College, Ahmedabad, and on its official website and by such other means, as the Consortium in consultation with the Admission Committee shall consider convenient. (6) The Consortium shall publish the admission programme by an advertisement in the prominent newspapers widely circulated in the State and by such other means, in consultation with the Admission Committee. The candidates shall also be informed separately and individually of their merit rank and the date and time of counseling. (7) The candidate whose name appear in the merit list shall have to remain present personally or by a duly authorized representative for counseling for the purpose of admission at the scheduled date, time and place. (8) The admission process shall be carried out by the Admission Committee. (9) In case the candidate who does not remain present for counseling for the purpose of admission on the scheduled date and time either in person or by a dully authorized representative or as the case may be, fails to pay the fees on the same day shall be deemed to have forfeited the claim for admission in that counseling. In case the Management Seat remains vacant, such seat shall be filled in by the Admission Committee, provided request in that behalf is made by the Consortium before the commencement of admission process. (10) (11) The unaided schools or institutions shall collect the fees, as may be determined by the Fee Regulatory Committee, constituted under section 9 of the Act. 23A. Change of Institution:Except as provided in these rules, no candidate shall, after getting admission, be allowed to change her/his college or institution in any circumstance. 17 24. Penalties:The Dean or Principal of the concerned school will be responsible for admissions and appropriate collection of fees and the Registrar of the concerned University or State Nursing Council will be responsible for enrolment of candidates. It shall be the duty of the Dean or Principal and the registrar to follow and implement the direction given by the Admission Committee. The Committee is empowered to call Dean or Principal or Registrar for the purpose of admission. Whichever Trust or Institutions contravenes any of the provision of these rules shall be punishable with fine which may extend to rupees five lakh and / or recommend punitive action against the Dean or Principal and/or recommend deregistration of the institution by the Council or University for academic purposes. 25 Interpretation :In implementation of the provision of these rules, if any difficulty or questions arise as to the interpretation of any provision, the decision of the State Government shall be final. By order and in the name of the Governor of Gujarat Under Secretary to Government. * Amended wide Government Notification Health and Family Welfare department No.GP/10/NSG/102014/355/E, dated 6th May 2014. Admission committee, 2014 LIST OF GENERAL NURSING SCHOOL/ INSTITUTES N No 1 NAME & ADDRESS OF SCHOOL / INSTITUTE જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, િસિવલ હો પટલ અસારવા, અમદાવાદ- ૧૬ 2 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ જનરલ હો પટલ, પાલન ુ ર- બનાસકાં ઠા 3 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, િસિવલ હો પટલ, મેહસાણા. CODE CHA GHP CONTACT INTAKE (O) 079 22681005 100 (O) 02742 252652, 253083. 20 GHM (O) 02762 221784 20 18 4 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, સર તાપ જનરલ હો પટલ, હમતનગર. સાબરકાં ઠા 5 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, ગોધરા- SPGH GHG ૩૮૯૦૦૧ (O) 02772 249036 20 (O) 02672 252742 22 6 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, ન ડયાદ. GHN (O) 0268 2529074, 2521386. 20 7 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, ભ ુ ચ. GHB (O) 0264 2222984 20 8 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, એમ. . . હો પટલ, ટશન રોડ, નવસાર - ૩૯૬૪૪૫ 9 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, અમરલી. 10 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, ુ નાગઢ- ૩૬૨૦૦૧ 11 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, .ક. જનરલ હો પટલ, ુ જ- ક છ- ૩૭૦૦૦૧ 12 જનરલ નિસગ હો પટલ, 13 ુ લ, એમ. .એસ. જનરલ ુ ર નગર- ૩૬૩૦૦૨ જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, દાહોદ- ૩૮૯૧૫૧ 14 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, રાજપીપળા 15 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, સી.એચ.સી એ ડ રફરલ હો પટલ, યારા. 16 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, શેઠ ી એમ.પી. નિસગ એજ ુ કશન ક પસ, િસ ધ ુ ર. MGHN (O) 02637 233093 20 GHA (O) 02792 294013 GHJ GKHB GHS GHD 40 (O) 0285 2652288 20 (O) 0283 2250111 20 20 (O) 02752 224052 (O) 02673 291618 30 GHR (O) 02640 222977 CHCV GHSP 30 (O) 02626 220053 30 (O) 2766 265350 40 ૩૮૪૧૫૧ 17 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, જનરલ હો પટલ, ભાવનગર STHB (O) 0278 2521599 50 ુ લ:- 1 એસીક Employee State Insurance Scheme (E.S.I.C.) ( Government) (O) 079 22761256 ુ લ ઓફ નિસગ, એસીક મોડલ હો પટલ, બા ુ નગર, અમદાવાદ. ૨૪ ESIC 522 20 ુ લ:- 20 MUNICIPAL (GNM) NURSING SCHOOLS 1 જનરલ નિસગ ુ લ, વી.એસ. હો પટલ, એ લસ જ, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૦૬ VSA (O)079- 26577621 – 26 45 ુ લ:- 1 SELF FINANCED (GNM) NURSING SCHOOLS ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, વી.એસ. હો પટલ, એ લસ જ, (O) 079- 26577621 VSAS 30 ૃ ુ રઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ સાય સ એ ડ ર સચ, આજવા 40 અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૦૬ 2 45 NAV (O) 0265 2568293 (M) 9426302311 19 વાઘો ડયા ર ગરોડ, સરદાર એ ટટ ચાર ર તા પાસે , (M) 9825097476 વડોદરા- ૩૯૦૦૧૯ 3 એસ.આર. કડક યા શે ઠ 4 ી ગરધરલાલ માગ, રળ યાતી, દાહોદ- ૩૮૯૧૫૧ ુ નીસે વા આ મ વાઘો ડયા, 5 ી, ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, પો.બો.નં. ૧૫૬, ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ,ુ ં ગોરજ, તા- SRKD (O) 0265 3961300 (M) 9712463396, .એચ. પટલ કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, એચ.એમ. પટલ ુ કશન, ી 50 MSG (M) 9825043760, - વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૭૬૦ સે ટર ફોર મે ડ કલ કર એ ડ એ (O) 02673- 221599 (M) 9427148326 ના હો પટલ GHK 50 (O) 02692- 228541, 228545 (M) 9824068610 (M) 9879096343 25 ક પસ ગોકલનગર, .ુ પો. કરમસદ, - આણંદ-૩૮૮૩૨૫ 6 એમ.એમ.િસઘી ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, સરદારનગર ની સામે , હાંસોલ ઓક ોય નાકા, ઇ દ રા ીજ, હાંસોલ, (O) 079- 22861951 (M) 9879408017 SIRA (M) 9825005752 60 (O) 0261- 2452177 (M) 8460276343 AMGS (M) 9879543030 30 અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૨૪૭૫ 7 એ.એમ. ગંગાત મે મો રયલ મે ડ કલ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સાવજિનક ટ, છડાઓલ, બલાતવાડ રામ ુ રા, ુ રત- ૩૯૫૦૦૩ 8 મે ટાસ એડવા ટ ઝ લાય સ- 9 ટ એ ડ ટ .વી. રામ ુ ર, 10 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, અશકતા મ કો લે , ુ રત- ૩૯૫૦૦૩ જયદ પ શારદા મે મો રઅલ નિસગ એકડમી, કાંકરાખાડ ુ લ પાસે, પવતગામ, 11 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, પો.બો.નં. ૨૪ અઠવા ુ રત. ુ રત- ૩૯૫૦૧૦ િસ મા ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, :ુ ં બાકરોલ, આજવા નીમેટા રોડ, તા: વાઘો ડયા, 12 ી આનંદ - વડોદરા- ૩૯૦૦૧૯ SDAS મનગર રોડ, 20 (O)0261 2422062 TTVS (M) 9824098341 (M) 9824408821 40 JMS (O)0261 2528697, 2528056 (M) 9824466893 (M) 7600025655 30 SIB (O) 0265 6451133 (M) 9909910722 (M) 9909920882 40 AR (O) 0281 2920012 (M) 9428668338 (M) 9428003863 60 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લોટ નં, ૧,૨,૩,૪, સૈ િનક સોસાયટ પાછળ, ઘંટ ર પાકની સામે, (O) 0261 2667591 (M) 9723811842 રાજકોટ. 13 વે ફર ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, એ ડ િમડવાઈફર , વે ફર કો લે , ભ ુ ચ- મનવર કરમાડ રોડ, ભ ુ ચ- ૩૯૨૦૦૧ 14 એ ેલ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લોટ નં, ૮૮૩, મ હલા કોલે જ ક પસ, ડાયમંડ ચોક, એરપોટ રોડ, ભાવનગર- ૩૬૪૦૦૧ 15 હ ુ મંત (O) 02642 244449, 241044 BPWB (M) 8347025050 (M) 9429350002 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, હ ુ મંત હો પટલ, ને વાડ દવા લયા બાયપાસ ( ને શનલ હાઈવે.નં. ૮ઇ, .ુ મ ુવા, ESB 50 (O) 0278- 2201303 (M) 9825359974 (M) 9824295808 60 (O) 02844 224444 (M) 9427752203 HHM (M) 9408706171 30 - ભાવનગર- ૩૬૪૨૯૦ 16 મહાવીર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, મંડલ વા ક, તા: બાયડ, 17 ી ક.ક. શાહ એસ.ક. આરો ય , સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૩૨૬ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, િવ ટો રયા ુ બલી હો પટલ ટ. કા ુ ુ રર વે ટશનની સામે , અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૦૨ 18 મધર ટરસા ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ગોઠવા, ટલીફોન એ ચે જ પાસે. બાકર ુ ર રોડ, તા: િવસનગર, : મે હસાણા- ૩૮૪૩૧૫ (O) 02779 221115 (M) 9426563542, MSNV (M) 9426379511 (M) 9426571642 VJA 50 (O) 079 22142445, (M) 9426753498 (M) 9824002952 30 (O) 02765- 281212 40 MTSV (M) 9714820525 (M) 9879596491 20 19 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ ને ચક સા ટ, રાિધકા જનરલ હો પટલ, ચતલ રોડ, અમરલી- ૩૬૫૬૦૧ 20 બે કસ નિસગ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ, ૧૨-બી ટાગોરનગર પાસે , ૂ ય કરણ કો પે , ુ ના પાદરા રોડ, વડોદરા- ૩૯૦૦૧૫ 21 ભગવાન મહાવીર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સવ. નં.૧૪૯, હ ના બં લોઝ ની પાસે , ુ સીટ લાઈટ રોડ, આશીવાદ િવલા ન ક, ભરથાણા- વે ુ, 22 મ ુ ન ટોચ 40 (O) (O) 02662 244330 BNIV (M) 9558814713 (M) 9825139727 40 (O) 0261 2912296 BMSS (M) 9979485936 (M) 9898128768 40 (O) 0288 2553218 HTSJ (M) 9723453666 (M) 09377616526 50 ુ રત- ૩૯૫૦૧૭ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સ સે સન રોડ, મોદ ુલની સામે , (O) 02792 220620 (M) 9428052672 NCSA (M) 9978966629 .ુ પંચવટ પે ોલપંપ, મનગર- ૩૬૧૦૦૮ 23 ી લ મીપિત મહાવીર નિસગ સગરામ ુ રા, 24 ુલ , છાપગર શે ર , ુ રત- ૩૯૫૦૦૨ ીમતી. િનમલા ગજવાની ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લોટ નં.૨, ડ .સી- ૩, ગજવાની રોડ, આ દ ુ ર- ગાંધીધામ, ક છ- SMHS (O) 0261 6567207 (M) 9327994892 50 (O) 02836 295903 NGSA (M) 09825912414 (M) 09978922388 40 ૩૭૦૨૦૧ 25 અસીસી ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, અસીસી ઇ ટટ ૂ ટ ટ, જોનાસ હો પટલ, .ુ ં બે ડ , મોરબી રોડ, રાજકોટ-૩૬૦૦૦૩ 26 ી આર. . પટલ જનરલ નિસગ કળવણી મંડલ, .ુ નાની કડ , 27 ુ લ, ી સર વતી ક યા : મે હસાણા- ૩૮૨૭૧૫ સી.એમ. પટલ કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, િસિવલ હો પટલ ક પસ, સે ટર-૧૨ ગાંધ ીનગર. ૩૮૨૦૧૨ 28 જોઈિતબા કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, લાલ તા, િવસનગર 29 મણીબા પાક, .ુ પો. ભા ુ : મે હસાણા-૩૮૪૧૨૦ ુ લા નિસગ કોલે જ, મણીબા ક પસ, "ગોપાલ- િવ ાનગર" બારડોલી- મ ુવા રોડ, તા, મ ુવા, : 30 30 (O) 02764 242031 40 RSNK (M) 9374534445 (M) 9726082402 (O) 079 23246606 CSNG (M) 9998679202 (M) 9426428286 50 (O) 02765 287034, 50 JSNB (M) 8141884999 (M) 9687637251 (O) 02625 254141 MSNS (M) 09879691212 (M) 09825232307 40 ુ રત- ૩૯૪૩૫૦ જય સોમનાથ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, ,ુ ં ધોલરા, ગ ડલ હાઈવે , કોઠાર યા સો વંતની સામે, 31 (O) 0281- 2925323 ASBR (M) 9409644013 (M) 9409662686 : રાજકોટ ેય ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ એ ડ એલીએડ સાય સ, લોટ નં,૨૪૪/બી, બકા પાટ લોટ પાસે .એઈસી ની સામે , (O) 8469565577 (M) 9898847080 JNER 40 (O) 079 65058841, 47 SNSA (M) 9426047957 (M) 9925023361 50 સોલા ોસ રોડ, નારણ ુ રા, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૧૩ 32 મા ુ ી જ ું વરબે ન બી. મણવર ુ યાણી, તા, ઉપલે ટા, 33 ઇ ુ નિસગ ુલ, વ લભસે વા િનકતન સે વાસી કોયલી રોડ, 34 ભા યલ મી ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ : રાજકોટ ટ, કોડ યા, : વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૩૩૦ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સાઈ મં દરની સામે, સાકર યા- માલ ુ ર રોડ, મોડાસા- : સાબરકાંઠા- (O) 02826 295807 (M) 9099751771 50 (O) 0265 2233220 40 MNSU (M) 9426221999 INSV (M) 8238303017 (M) 9825017334 (O) 02774 241598 BSNM (M) 7874752567 (M) 9879788057 40 ૩૮૩૩૧૫ 21 35 બી.એમ.સી.બી. ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સીટ વે ર ટાઉનશીપ, બી.એમ.સી.બી. સોસીયલ સીટ , .ુ લાખ ડ, ુ જ- છ- (O) 02832 271215 BMSB (M) 9687404164 (M) 7208290271 50 ૩૭૦૧૦૫ 36 ડૉ. બી.આર. બે ડકર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, નીલમપાક (O) 02716 231660 (M) 9898083999 સોસાઇટ પાસે , વાિમનારાયણ મં દરની પાછળ, વાસણા DASD 40 રાઠોડ ગામ રોડ, દહગામ, ગાંધીનગર- ૩૮૨૩૦૫ ભ ુ મ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, સાય સ એ ડ ર સચ સે ટર, 37 કલાપીનગર, છે ુ ં બસ ટોપ, અસારવા, અમદાવાદ- SISA (O) 079 22680311, 22682177 (M) 9825027882 (M) 9824006060 40 ૩૮૦૦૧૬ 38 કામદાર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, હર પાર પાલ સવ નં. ૧૨, . દ હ પ લક (O) 9374474343 KSNR (M) 9375007440 (M) 9825077142, ુલની સામે , એન.આર.આઈ. બં લોની 50 પાછળ, કાલાવાડ રોડ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૦૭ . . 39 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, . .ક પસ, ુ લાબ ટાવરની સામે , ઓફ સોલા રોડ, અમદવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૬૧ ુ રલીધર 40 આર.ક. ી 41 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, કાળ પાટ, ભાવનગર રોડ, ુ િન. સામે , રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૨૦ ુ તન કળવણી મંડલ નિસગ સં ુલ ુલ, ડૉ. મોઘાભાઈ િવધા ી મોરારા નગર, િતથલ રોડ, વલસાડ- ૩૯૬૦૦૧ (O) 079 27491290 JGSA (M) 9825739497 (M) 9426683300 MSNR િવ ા ું જ હાઈ રોડ, 43 44 ુલ પાસે. દવીના પાક સોસાયટ . ગણદવી 40 50 (O) 02637 232667, SACN (M) 7878515795 (M) 9825168468 40 : નવસાર , ૩૯૬૪૪૫ િવ ાિન ું જ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ૩, ૃ ણાનગર મોવાડ લોટ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૦૪ માનવ નિસગ ુલ, જોગણીયા માતા િવસનગર, હાઈવે રોડ, ું ના મં દર સામે, : મે હસાણા- ૩૮૪૩૧૫ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, િવ ક યાણ સોસાયટ , આ મવ લભ 45 (O) 0281 2785020 (M) 9925024603 (O) 02632-258412 NNSV (M) 9824521605 (M) 9825122843 એસ.એસ. અ વાલ કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, િવરાંજલી માગ. 42 40 હો પટલ સં ુલ, .ઈ.બી.પાસે , ટટ હાઈવે, ઇડર, : VNSR (O) 0281-2380525 (M) 9898847080 30 (O) 02765-222508 MNSV (M) 9687185960 (M) 9426385848 40 (O) 02778-252722, ASNI (M) 9328619324 (M) 9427367500, 40 (O) 079-23970400, SSNZ (M) 9909009734 (M) 9825098987 40 સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૪૩૦ 46 સહ નંદ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ક પત પાક ની પાછળ, અમદાવાદ- કલોલ હાઈવે , .ુ ં ંડાલ, : ગાંધીનગર- ૩૮૨૪૨૧ ી ક છ લે ઉવા પટલ (એસ.ક.એલ.પી) સંચા લત નિસગ 47 ઇ ટટ ૂ ટ ઓફ એજ ુ કશન એ ડ સં ુલ, 48 ુ ા રોડ, એ.ક. પટલ ે ટ સસરદાર પટલ (O) 02832-230077 SKNB (M) 8460275217 (M) 9825453965 40 (O) 079- 23273343 ASNC (M) 9898246488 (M) 9427481708 40 ુ જ-ક છ- ૩૭૦૦૦૧ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, રિવ કો લે , .ુ ં મોટા ચલોડા, ચલોડા સકલ પાસે , અમદાવાદ રોડ, : ગાંધીનગર 49 શારદા ુલ ઓફ નિસગ,ગામ પાનસર, તા: કલોલ, : ગાંધીનગર- ૩૮૨૭૪૦ 50 ોમોર ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, અમદાવાદ- ઉદ ુ ર હાઈવે, હમતનગર, 51 . સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૦૦૦૧ ચરોતર ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, ચરોતર ુ િનવસ ટ ઓફ (M) 9228019151 (M) 9924586558 SSNP (M) 9227448495 (M) 9724509497 40 (O) 02772-225500 GINH (M) 9428513924 CINC 40 (M) 9426539353 (O) 02697 25201 (M) 8140364743 (M) 9825303420 40 22 સાય સ એ ડ ટકનોલો , ચાર ુ ટ ક પસ ચાંગા, તા, પે ટલાદ, 52 : આણંદ- ૩૮૮૪૨૧ ીમતી િમ લ વાય પટલ .એન.એમ નિસગ ુલ , કલાશનગર, ભાવનગર હાઈવે , આટકોટ, તા, જસદણ, : (O) 02821 288339 MSNA (M) 9974593155 (M) 9426961132 40 રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૪૦ 53 પી.એ ડ. ટ પટલ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ ભા ુ , મે હસાણા, 54 ુ તન (O) 02765 2877110 PSNB (M) 9726628702 (M) 9898074351. હાઈવે , િવસનગર- ૩૮૪૧૨૦ એનએમ નિસગ ુલ, એસ.પી. સહકાર િવ ાધામ, કમાણા ોિસગ પાસે , િવસનગર- ૩૮૪૩૧૫ 55 નોબલ નિસગ ુલ, પાથ વા ટકા, ભે સન રોડ, બામણગામ પાસે , ુ નાગઢ- ૩૬૨૩૧૦ 56 ુ મનદ પ નિસગ ુલ, િપપ રયા વાઘો ડયા, વડોદરા- 57 નિસગ ુલ સૌરા એજ ુ કશન ટ, બીલનાથ મં દર ી સહ નંદ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, ી સહ નંદ ઘોઘા ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ઝાયડસ હો પટલ એ ડ હ થકર ર સચ ાઇવે ટ લીમીટડ, લાભવે લ રોડ, આણંદ- ૩૮૮૦૦૧ 60 દનશા પટલ કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, મહા- ુ જરાત હો પટલ ની સામે , ુ ડાઈ શો મની પાછળ કોલે જ રોડ, ન ડયાદી શંકર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ ં ૂ ુ ંદલણવા રોડ, તા, : પાટણ- ૩૮૪૨૬૦ 62 સોહમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ૃ ણાનગર બી.આર.ટ .એસ. બસ ટશન, નરોડા રોડ, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૨૩૪૬ 63 રોયલ ઇ ટરને શનલ 40 (O) 02668-245055 (M) 9879423743 60 40 (O) 0278 2563289 SSNB (M) 9510052611 (M) 9375760066 40 (0)02692 2619724, 707 ZSNA (M) 9724505966 (M) 9898666022 40 (O) 0268- 2521500 DSNN (M) 7567660166 (M) 9426543548 ૩૮૭૦૦૧ 61 (O) 0285-2902244-55 NNSJ (M) 9409011356 (M) 09426269906. (O) 0285 2670619 રોડ, ભાવનગર- ૩૬૪૦૦૨ 59 40 SETJ (M) 8487991250 (M) 9427501185 પાસે , વંથલી રોડ, ુ નાગઢ- ૩૬૨૦૦૧ 58 (O)02765-320423 NGSV (M) 9998684904 (M) 9687617540 SNSV ૩૯૧૭૬૦ 40 50 (O) 02766-275121 SSNM (M) 9925139903 (M) 9327043165 40 (O) 079 22816404 SSNA (M) 9687990910 40 (M) 9824006060 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, રોયલ નોલે જ સીટ પાસે , આજવા ગાડન, :ુ ં રાવળ, તા, વાઘો ડયા, : RISN (O) 02668-292840 (M) 9574005010 40 વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૭૬૦ 64 િવનાયકા ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, િવ ાનગર વડતાલ રોડ, .ુ બાકરોલ, 65 66 : આણંદ - ૩૮૮૩૧૫ ચ ીણી ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ાંિતજ ર વે ટશન પાસે , .ુ પો. ુ નાબાકર ુ ર, તા, ાંિતજ, સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૨૦૫ જ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ સાય સ એ ડ ર સચ સે ટર, .ુ મોટા ચલોડા, છાદરા રોડ, ઈબી, ની સામે, : ગાંધીનગર 67 (O) 02692-234200 VINB (M) 9099943701,02 (M) 9099943707 40 (O) 02770-231422 (M) 9998046656, CCNP 9898246488 (M) 9427481708 40 (O) 079 23273030 VSNG (M) 9909896552 (M)9879788057 40 MINA (O) 079-27572021 (M) 9825875854 40 મે ડ લ ક ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ સાય સીસ, ીજો માળ, ડ કવર, ટોર ટ પાવર હાઉસની સામે, સાબરમતી, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૦૫ 68 ી એચ.એન. ુ કલ નિસગ ુલ, માક ટગ યાડ પાછળ, લાલપર તળાવ પાસે અમરગઢ (ભીચર ) રાજકોટ૩૬૦૦૦૩ 69 એકતા નિસગ ુલ, .ુ ં નવીમે ાલ તા. ખે ડ ા, (O) 0281 2920112, HNSR (M) 7600591005 40 (M) 9824497497 (O) 02775 291580 ENSK (M) 9429746164 (M) 9426399582 40 23 . સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૨૭૦ 70 િશતલ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, ી ઘોદાર યા, .ુ ં કાકચીયા, તા. ક પસ, પ ણ રોડ, ુ ણાવાળા, . પંચમહાલ- (O) 02674 250166 SINL (M) 9558862787 (M) 9426404477 30 ૩૮૯૨૩૦ 71 ુમ કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, લોટ નં. ૭૦૯, ટ .વી. ટાવરની પાછળ, ઓફ 72 ાઈવ-ઇન રોડ, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૫૪ .સી.એસ. મે ડ કલ કોલે જ હો પટલ એ ડ ર સચ સે ટર, ડ .આર.એમ. ઓ ફસ સામે , ચા ુ ં ડા ીજની બા ુ માં, નરોડા (O) 079 26854674, 29296109 SCNA (M) 9924919672 (M) 9327057575 40 (O) 079 66048000 GCSA (M) 9998601881 (M) 9825009876 40 રોડ, અમદાવાદ- ૨૫ 73 સાબર ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ ં વા દ યોલ, તા. ભીલોડા, અરવ લી, સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૨૫૦ 74 સૌરા ક ડની રસચ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ નિસગ સવાની ક ડની હો પટલ ુલ, C/o બી ટ ુ િનવસ ટ ગે ટની બા ુ માં (M) 9428644487 (M) 9998200186 SSNV (M) 9426391302 40 (O) 0281 2562299, 2562217 SKIR (M) 9428690301 (M) 9427538229 20 ુ િનવસ ટ રોડ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૦૫ 75 પા લ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ ં લામડા તા. વાઘો ડયા, . વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૭૬૦ O) 02668 260322 PINV (M) 9913124201 (M) 9978444697 40 ુ લ:- 3085 Admission Committee, 2014 1 LIST OF ANM, NURSING SCHOOL/ INSTITUTE`S (O) 02714 232106 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, બાવળા, ANBA ડ :- અમદાવાદ. ૨૦ 2 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સાવર ું ડલા, ANSA ડ :- અમરલી. ૧૫ 3 4 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ભ ુ ચ, ડ :- ભ ુ ચ. ૦૧ એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, દવગઢબા રયા, 5 6 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, આહવા, ડ : આહવા-ડાંગ. એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, અ લયાબાડા, ડ :- મનગર. ૪૦ 7 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, રાપર, ડ :- ુ જ. ૬૫ 8 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, છ- ુ જ. 9 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, નવસાર , ડ :- ુ જ, ડ :- નવસાર . ૪૫ 10 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, પાટણ, ડ :- પાટણ. 11 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, રાજકોટ. ૦૧ 12 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ભીલોડા, ડ :- સાબરકાંઠા- ૪૫ 13 એ.એન.એમ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લીમડ , ડ :- ુ ર નગર. ૨૧ (O) 02845 235011 40 ANBB (O) 02642 251483 ANDD ડ :- દાહોદ. ૮૦ 40 40 (O) 02678 221457 40 ANAA (O) 02631 221034 ANAJ 40 (O) 0288 2882250 30 ANRB (O) 02830 220307 ANBK (O) 02832 229675 ANNN 30 40 (O) 02637 230709 40 ANPP (O) 02766231761 ANRR (O) 0281 2471066 ANBS ANLS 40 40 (O) 02771 232488 40 (O) 02753 263163 40 ુ લ:- 500 24 SELF FINANCED A.N.M NURSING SCHOOLS 1 િશર ન (એ.એન.એમ) ુ બલી હો પટલ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, િવ ટો રયા ટ, કા ુ ુ ર ટશનની સામે, ANSNVA અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૦૨ 2 ુ ભમ ઇ ટટ ૂ ટ(એ.એન.એમ) . નિસગ ુલ, સાય સ એ ડ ર સચ સે ટર, કલાપીનગર, છે લા બસ ટોપ, ANSIAA (O) 079 22110901 (M) 9426753498 (M) 9824002952 20 (O) 079 22680311, 22682177 (M) 9825027882 (M) 9824006060 40 અસારવા, અમદાવાદ- ૩૮૦૦૧૬ 3 ક બે જનરલ હો પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ બે ઠક રોડ, .ુ ં ખંભાત, 4 -આણંદ િવનાયકા (એ.એન.એમ) . ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ ભવન વડતાલ રોડ, .ુ ં બાકરોલ, 5 ુલ, વે ફર (એ.એન.એમ) . ઇ ણામી - આણંદ. ટટ ૂ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, એ ડ િમડવાઈફર , વે ફર કો લે , ભ ુ ચ- કરમાડ રોડ, (0) 02698 226255 ANTCKA (M) 9879444223 ANVIBA 30 (M) 9825098689 (O) 02692-234200 (M) 9099943701,02 (M) 9099943707 40 (O) 02642 244449, 241044 ANBPWB (M) 8347025050 (M) 9429350002 30 (O) 0278 2563289 (M) 9510052611 (M) 9375760066 30 ભ ુ ચ- ૩૯૨૦૦૧ 6 ીસહ નંદ (એ.એન.એમ) ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ ગોગા રોડ ભાવનગર-૩૬૪૦૦૨ 7 સી.એમ. પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) . નિસગ ુલ, િસિવલ હો પટલ ક પસ, સે ટર-૧૨, ગાંધીનગર. 8 સં કાર તીથ (એ.એન.એમ) તા: માણસા, 9 : ગાંધીનગર ુમન ટોચ (એ.એન.એમ) . સે સન રોડ, મોદ પે ોલપંપ, 10 ી ુલની સામે , .ુ પંચવટ : મનગર ી સર વતી (એ.એન.એમ) . ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, ુ નાગઢ મહા મા ગાંધ ી (એ.એન.એમ) . 13 સોમનાથ (એ.એન.એમ) . ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ વે રાવળ બી ડ બારડ (એ.એન.એમ) કોડ નાર, 15 16 - ુ નાગઢ-૨૦ ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ ૂ નાગઢ બી.એમ.સી.બી. (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સીટ વે ર ટાઉનશીપ, બી.એમ.સી.બી. સોસીયલ સીટ , .ુ ં લાખ દ, . રતનબા (એ.એન.એમ) . વીર ુ ર. ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ માનવ 30 ANHTSJ (O) 288 2553218, 2552450. (M) 9723453666 (M) 9377616526 30 ANSNJJ (O) 02882884615, (M) 9408536482 (M) 9426231104 30 ANSSGJ (O) 0287 5243201 (M) 9979777555 (M) 9824294700 20 ANMGSJ (M) 9898225505 (M) 9825529345 30 ANSNKJ (O) 02795 223880, 220520 (M) 9228767820 (M) 9426915785 30 ANBDKJ (O) 02795 223333, 223334 (M) 9228255655 (M) 9879740254 30 (O) 02832 271215 ANBMKB (M) 9687404164 (M) 7208290271 20 (O) 02690 278152 ANRNVK (M) 9327042283 (M) 9426368069, 30 - ખે ડા. ુ તન (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સવ િવ ાલય કળવણી મંડલ, િવસનગર- ૩૮૪૩૧૫ 18 (O) 02763 285435 (M) 9979592075 (M) 9825556982 ુ જ- છ- ૩૭૦૧૦૫ સે વા મં દર રલાય સ પે ોલ પ પની પાછળ, તા: 17 ANSTAG ૂ નાગઢ હાઇવે ગો હલની ખાણ કોડ નાર, 14 20 ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ ખામધોલ રોડ બાલ ૃ ણ સોસાયટ પાછળ રાજમોતી પાક, (O) 079 23246606 (M) 9998679202 મનગર- ૩૬૧૦૦૮ ગીરગઢડા, 12 ANCMPG ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સ ે યાસ (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ, -ુ જો ડયા, 11 ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ આજોલ ANSSNB ી સાઈ (એ.એન.એમ) . બોડ ગ એસ.ટ ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, વણીક ટશન રોડ, િવસનગર, -મહસાણા. (O)02765-320423 ANNNVM (M) 9998684904 (M) 9687617540 30 (O) 02765 232435 (M) 9428733271 (M) 9426031672 30 ANSSVM 25 ૩૮૪૩૧૫ 19 જોઈિતબા કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, (એ.એન.એમ) લાલ પાક, 20 :ુ ભા ુ તા, િવસનગર, : મે હસાણા-૩૮૪૧૨૦ ANJSNB (O) 02765 287034, (M) 8141884999 (M) 9687637251 30 ANPSNB (O) 02765 2877110 (M) 9726628702 (M) 9898074351, 30 ANDISP (O) 02767 220022 (M) 9723385300 (M) 9925200834 30 ANBMPP (O) 02766 280504 (M) 9727754464 (M) 9925200834 30 ANSSMP (O) 02766 275121, (M) 9327043165, (M) 9712954750 30 પી.એ ડ. ટ પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ, ભા ુ , મે હસાણા, હાઈવે , િવસનગર- : મે હસાણા-20 21 ડ .આઈ પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) . ુ 22 ન ુ ર તા. િસ ધ ુ ર, ુ ર), ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, - પાટણ. ૩૮૪૨૬૫ ી શંકર (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ :ુ મ ુ ં દ, લણવા રોડ, તા. 24 .ુ ં . પાટણ-૩૮૪૧૫૧ બી.એમ. પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) . પાટણ, ( હા 23 ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, ુ રલીધર (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ, . પાટણ. ૩૮૪૨૬૦ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, કલીપત ભાવનગર રોડ, . આર.ક. કોલે જ પાછળ, રાજકોટ- (O) 0281 2785020 (M) 9925024603 30 ANMSNR ૩૬૦૦૨૦ 25 ી આનંદ (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લોટ નં, ૧,૨,૩,૪, પાસે , સૈ િનક સોસાયટ પાછળ. ઘંટ ર પાક, ANSASR (O) 0281 2920012 (M) 9428668338 (M) 9428003863 40 મનગર હાઈવે , રાજકોટ. 26 મા ુ ી જ ું વરબે ન બી. મનવર (એ.એન.એમ) ઓફ નિસગ, ુ યાણી, તા, ઉપલે ટા, 27 ુલ : રાજકોટ (O) 02826 295807 ANVBDR (M) 9099751771 (M) 9426221999 30 ANKSNR (O) 9374474343 (M) 9375007440 (M) 9825077142, 30 ANVNSR (O) 0281-2380525 (M) 8511795824 (M) 9898847080 30 (O) 02821 288339, 288073 ANMSNA (M) 9974593155 (M) 9426961132 30 કામદાર (એ.એન.એમ) ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, હર પાર પાલ સવ નં.૧૨, દ હ પ લક ુલ, એન.આર.આઈ. બં લો,પાછળ કાલાવાડ રોડ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૦૭ 28 િવ ાિન ું જ (એ.એન.એમ) ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ૩, ૃ ણાનગર મોવાડ લોટ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૦૪ 29 ીમતી િમ લવાય પટલ (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ ુલ , કલાશનગર ભાવનગર હાઈવે , આટકોટ, તા, જસદણ, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૦૦૪૦ 30 ી એચ એન એચ એન ુ લ (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ ૂલ ી ુ લ કોલે જ ક પસ માક ટગ પાછળ ANHNSR લાલપર તળાવ, રાજકોટ. 31 અ ર, (એ.એન.એમ). ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, આર બારોટ એ ુ કશન ક પસ આટસ કોલે જની પાછળ બકાનગર 32 લોડ .ુ ં ભલોડા, ANASBS ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ મોડાિસયા કડવા પાટ દાર સમાજ વાડ ને શનલ હાઈવે 33 40 (O) 02771 233548, (M) 9427750287 (M) 9913971700 30 . સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૨૪૫ ના (એ.એન.એમ) . ન-૮ હમતનગર, (O) 0281 2920112, (M) 7600591005 (M) 9824497497 (O) 02772 242040 (M) 9925743744 ANLKHS (M) 7383995979 30 . સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૦૦૧ ચ ીણી (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ાંિતજ ર વે ટશન પાસે, ,ુ ુ નાબાકર ુ રા, તા, ાંિતજ, : (O) 02770-231422 (M) 9898246488 (M) 9427481708 30 (O) 02774 241598 ANBSMS (M) 7874752567 (M) 9879788057 40 ANMAVS (O) 02779 221115 (M) 9426563542, 20 ANCSPS સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૨૦૫ 34 ભા યલ મી (એ.એન.એમ) ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, સાંઇ મં દરની પાસે , સાકર યા- માલ ુ ર રોડ, મોડાસાસાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૩૧૫ 35 મહાવીર (એ.એન.એમ) ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, વા ક, તા: 26 બાયડ, 36 , સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૩૨૬. (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, િવ ક યાણ સોસાયટ , આ મવ લભ હો પટલ ક પસ પાસે, .ઈ.બી. ટટ હાઈવે, ઇડર, 37 એકતા (એ.એન.એમ) . તા: ખે ડ ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ નવી મે ાલ ા તા: સાબરકાંઠ ા- ૩૮૩૨૭૦ નવા રાંદર રોડ, અડાજણ, 39 40 . વનીતા િવ ામ (એ.એન.એમ) અઠવા ગે ટ, 30 ANENSK (O) 02775 291580 (M) 9429746164 (M) 9426399582 30 ANSSSS (O) 0261 6544179 (M) 9429091073, (M) 9825726019 30 ANVVSS (O) 0261 2660148 (M) 9825350807 (M) 9374715292 30 ANNLCS (O) 02758 240571 (M) 9712820412 (M) 09638952606 30 ANNINV (O) 0265 2971671, 2513241. (M) 9586280316 (M) 9825046164 30 : સાબરકાંઠા- ૩૮૩૪૩૦ ી વામીનારાયણ (એ.એન.એમ) 38 ANASNI (M) 9426379511 (M) 9426571642 (O) 02778-252722, (M) 9328619324 (M) 9427367500, ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, ુ રત. ૩૯૫૦૦૯ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ુ રત. ૩૯૫૦૦૧ એન.એલ. આમો ા (એ.એન.એમ) . ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, ી એસ.એસ સં ુલ ચરવાળા તા: હળવદ. ુ ર નગર. ૩૯૩૩૩૦ 41 ૃ ુ ર(એ.એન.એમ) . નિસગ એકડમી, આજવા વાઘો ડયા રોડ, સરદાર એ ટટ પાસે ોસ રોડ, વડોદરા- ૩૯૦૦૧૯ 42 રોયલ ઇ ટરને શનલ (એ.એન.એમ) ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, રોયલ નોલે ઝ સીટ પાસે, આજવા ગાડન સામે, રાવળ, તા, વાઘો ડયા, 43 44 (O) 02668-292840 (M) 9574005010 20 ANRIWV : વડોદરા. ુ નીસે વા આ મ, (એ.એન.એમ) . ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, .ુ ગોરજ, તા- વાઘો ડયા, - વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૭૬૦ સર વતી (એ.એન.એમ) . ૂ લ ઓફ નિસગ, નવી નગર ગણવીઅ રોડ કોટલા તા,પારડ . ANSSPV (O) 0265 3961300 (M) 9712463396, (M) 9825043760, (O) 0260 2994694 (M) 9537366670 (M) 9586597925 ANSNSV (O) 02668-245055 (M) 9879423743 ANMSG 30 30 : વલસાડ. ૩૯૬૧૨૫ 45 ુ મનદ પ (એ.એન.એમ) નિસગ ુલ, િપપ રયા વાઘો ડયા, વડોદરા- ૩૯૧૭૬૦ 46 એસ.એસ. અ વાલ(એ.એન.એમ) કોલે જ ઓફ નિસગ, િવરાંજલી માગ. િવ ા ું જ હાઈ ુલ પાસે. દવીના પાક 30 (O) 02637 232667, ANSACN (M) 7878515795 (M) 9825168468 30 સોસાયટ . ગણદવી રોડ, : નવસાર , ૩૯૬૪૪૫ 47 િશતલ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ ઓફ નિસગ(એ.એન.એમ) , ક પસ, પ ણ રોડ, ઘોદાર યા, તા. 48 ુ ણાવાડા, .ુ ં કાકચીયા, (O) 02674 250166 (M) 9558862787 (M) 9426404477 20 (O) 0265 2415577 ANTSVB (M) 7874093111 (M) 9825555158 30 ANSINL . પંચમહાલ- ૩૮૯૨૩૦ િત ુ પિત (એ.એન.એમ) મં દર હાઈ ી ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, શારદા ુલ, િવનોદા ભાવે રોડ, સલાટવાડા, વડોદરા- ૩૯૦૦૦૩ 49 એસ.આર. કડક યા(એ.એન.એમ) રળ યાતી, શે ઠ 50 ડૉ. બી.આર. ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ી ગરધરલાલ માગ, દાહોદ- ૫૧ બે ડકર ANSRKD ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, નીલમપાક સોસાઇટ પાસે , વાિમનારાયણ મં દરની પાછળ, વાસણા રાઠોડ ગામ રોડ, દહગામ, ગાંધ ીનગર- (O) 02673- 221599 (M) 9427148326 (M) 9426327700 30 (O)02716 231660 (M) 9898083999 30 ANDASD ૩૮૨૩૦૫ 51 િસ િવનાયક નિસગ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ, શહ દ ભવન ની બા ુ માં, વડા બઝાર, .ુ ં ડાકોર. તા. ઠાસરા. . ખે ડ ા- (M) 9099943701 (M) 9099943702 30 ANSVDK ૩૮૮૨૨૫ 27 52 લાઈ સ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, મે હસાણા ડ ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, લ રોડ, નોથ ક બક, ુ જરાત, મે હસાણા- (O) 02762 241969 ANMDMM (M) 9429060999 (M) 9979275381 30 ૩૮૨૪૦૨ 53 ુલ ઓફ નિસગ ને ચક સા ટ, રાિધકા જનરલ હો પટલ, ચતલ રોડ, અમરલી- ૩૬૫૬૦૧ 54 ી ધમભ ત નિસગ કોલે જ, ી વાિમનારાયણ (O) 02792 220620 (M) 9428052672 (M) 9978966629 ANNCSA 30 (O) 02849 251810 ANDBGB (M) 7405107072 (M) 9925224149 ુ ુ ુલ ક પસ, ગઢડા રોડ, બોટાદ, ભાવનગર. 30 ૩૬૪૭૧૦ 55 િધ ફઝ ાઈટ નિસગ ુલ, ૮-A, ને શનલ હાઈવે (O) 02828 221171 લાલપર, વાંકાને ર, રાજકોટ- ૩૬૩૬૨૧ 56 ી એન.ક. સોલંક નિસગ ઇ ટ ટ ુ ટ, ઓવર ANFBWR (M) 9574800335 (M) 9825224687 30 ANNKNK (M) 9099943702 (M) 9099943701 30 ીઝ પાસે , હ ુ અનાથ આ મ સામે, નડ આદ, ખે ડા૩૮૭૦૦૧ 57 સોઢા ુલ ઓફ નિસગ, ૨- રલનગર સોસાયટ , ANSSNR (M) 7698040344 પોપટપરા પાછળ, રાજકોટ. ૩૬૦૦૦૧ 20 (M) 9428003863 ુ લ:- 1680 નોધ:(૧) ઉપરોકત દશાવેલ સં થાઓ/ ુલો તથા ઉપલ ધ સીટોની સં યામાં/મા યતામાં કાઉ સલ તથા ઇ ડયન નિસગ કાઉ સલ ની મા યતા (૨) ઉપરોકત દશાવેલ િવગતો મા ણકાર માટ છે . ગેના િનણય ુ જરાત નિસગ ુ જબ ફરફાર થઇ શક છે . મા ફરફાર થઇ શક છે . Note: 1. The intake capacity of School / Institute is subject to approval of the respective Council / University/ Government. 2. The Above information is for reference and subject to change. ---------------Government Central Press, Gandhinagar. 28
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