CURRICULUM VITAE Minkowan Goo - University of Wisconsin-Eau

Minkowan Goo
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
(715) 836-2712: Office
105 Garfield Avenue, Eau Claire, WI 54701
[email protected]
Ph.D. Department of Teaching and Learning (Emphasis: Special Education,
Minor: Technology), the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
M.A. Department of Special Education (Emphasis: Students with Intellectual
Disabilities), Daegu University, Daegu, South Korea
B.A. Department of Elementary Special Education (Emphasis: Students with
Intellectual Disabilities), Daegu University, Daegu, South Korea
Assistant Professor, Department of Special Education, the University of
Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI
Teach Introduction to Cognitive Disabilities (SPED: 210)
Teach Assessment of Students with Disabilities (SPED:401.601)
Teach Parent and family (SPED:402:602)
Teach Curriculum Methods for Students with Moderate or Severe
Disabilities (SPED:417.617)
 Supervise student teaching
 Serve Inclusive Excellence committee as a member
 Serve Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) as an advisor
Teaching Assistant, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Assistant for Foundations of Special Education (07U:100:001 Foundations of
Special Education & 07U:100:EXW Foundations of Special Education)
 Led online discussions
 Graded assignments
 Developed exams
 Proctored exams
 Graded exams
Research Assistant, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
 Reviewed literature on special education in science
 Assisted Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) Workshops
Research Assistant, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
 Developed reading passages (1-6th grade)
 Collected data on TIP strategy research
 Analyzed data on TIP strategy research
Special Education Teacher, Elementary schools, Busan, South Korea
 Taught students with disabilities (ID, LD, EBD, Physical disabilities, and
Multiple disabilities)
 Developed instructional materials for reading, math, computer, and science
04/2013 Goo, M., & Thorsen, C. (2014, April). Using Computer-Based Video Instruction
to Teach the Location of Grocery Items to Students With ID. Presentation at the
meeting of the Council for Exceptional Children Convention, Philadelphia,
11/2013 Goo, M. (2013, November). Using CBVI (multimedia) programs to teach
students with intellectual disabilities life skills. Presentation at the meeting
of the Teacher Educators for Division, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
11/2012 Goo, M. (2012, November). Use of Computer-Based Video Instruction (CBVI)
in Teaching Life Skills to Students with Intellectual Disabilities. Presentation at
the meeting of the Teacher Educators for Division, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
10/2012 Kim, K., Lee, H., & Goo, M. (2012, October). What Works for the Learning of
Children with Autism in South Korea. Presentation at the meeting
of the Division for Early Childhood, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
10/2011 Goo, M. (2011, October). How to Develop Multimedia for Instruction of
Students with Behavior Disorders. Presentation at the meeting
of the Teacher Educators for Children with Behavioral Disorders, Tempe,
09/2011 Goo, M. (2011, September). How to Develop and Use Computer-Based Video
Instruction (CBVI) in Teaching Living Skills to Students with Intellectual
Disabilities. Presentation at the meeting of Iowa Council of Administrators of
Special Education, Des Moines, Iowa.
11/2010 Taylor, J. C., Goo, M., Kaldenberg, E. & Gorsh J. (2010, November). Using the
Science Writing Heuristic to Improve Science Comprehension and Critical
Thinking Skills. Presentation at the meeting of the International Child &
Adolescent Conference XV, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Committee member of Inclusive Excellence Committee, College of Education
and Human Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Advisor of Student CEC, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Webmaster of the University of Iowa Chapter of the Council for
Exceptional Children, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
Chair of Committee for District Special Education Support Center, Nambu
District of Busan Metropolitan City, Busan, South Korea
 Supported schools and special education teachers
 Developed instructional materials
 Assessed students with disabilities
Development and Service of Web-Based IEP Application, South Korea
 Developed and serviced a web application
2006 Website Development, Nambu District of Busan Metropolitan City, Busan,
South Korea.
 Developed a website of district special education support center
Peer Review Journal
Goo, M. (2014) A Literature Review of the Effects of Using Video Technology
in Teaching Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities in South Korea. Korean
Journal of Special Education, 48(4), 29-53
Kim, K., & Goo, M. (2014). Study on Special Education Teachers’
Understanding and Use of AAC. Journal of Special Education: Theory and
Practice, 15(1), 249-280
Goo, M., & Kim, K. (2014). The Perceptions of Special Education Teachers on
Instructing Using AAC Devices and Special Schools/School District Support for
AAC. Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation Science, 53(1), 115-136
 Goo, M. (2013). Interventions to Teach Grocery Shopping Skills To Students
With Intellectual Disabilities: A Literature Review. Korean Journal of Special
Education, 14(1), 23-52
2013 Goo, M. (2013). Perception of Students with Disabilities in Special Education
Classroom at High schools on Job-Centered School for Teaching Job Skills: Based on
cases in Dae-Gu. Journal of Special Education & Rehabilitation Science, 52(1), 21-45
2013 Goo, M. (2013). Perception of Parents, Special Education Teachers, and
Administers on Job-Centered High School for Teaching Job Skills: Based on
cases in Dae-Gu. Journal of Special Education: Theory and Practice, 14(1), 2352
2012 Goo, M. (2012). An Analysis of College Entrance and Employment Status of the
Individuals Graduating from Special Education Schools and Special Education
Classrooms. Korean Journal of Special Education, 47(3), 261-281
2012 Goo, M. (2012). Effectiveness of Using Computer-Based Video Instruction
(CBVI) In Teaching Life Skills To Students With Intellectual Disabilities: A
Literature Review: Based on Studies in the U.S. Journal of Special Children
Education, 14(4), 229-251
2012 Goo, M., Watt, S., Park, Y., & Hosp, J. (2012). A Guide to Choosing WebBased CBMs for the Classroom. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(2), 34-40
2012 Hua, Y., Morgan, B. S., Kaldenberg, E., & Goo, M. (2012). Cognitive strategy
instruction for functional mathematical skill: effects for young adults with
intellectual disabilities. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental
Disabilities, 47(3), 345-358
Book Chapter
2/2007 Goo, M. (2007). Development of multimedia materials for special education
(Using multimedia as introduction tools). In Special Education Division (Eds.).
Instructional materials for Special education classrooms to support various
activities (pp. 108-131). Busan: Bookboo district in Busan Metropolitan City of
Education in South Korea.
2012 Debra Clausen Memorial Fellowship, College of Education, the University of
Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
2011 Teaching and Learning Accomplishment Award, Department of Teaching
and Learning, College of Education, the University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
2007 Teacher Accomplishment Award, Nambu District of Busan Metropolitan City,
Busan, South Korea
2006 Teacher Award of Instruction Contest, Received Teacher Award(3rd Place);
Subject-Music, Busan Metropolitan City of Education, Busan, South Korea
2005 Teacher Accomplishment Awards, Nambu District of Busan Metropolitan
City, Busan, South Korea
2004 K-6 special education teaching license (level II), South Korea
1998 K-6 special education teaching license (level I), South Korea
2014 Goo, M (2014). Summer 2014 Scholarship. Office of the Provost and Vice
Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Funded for $3,000
2014 Goo, M (2014). Development of an iPad Application to Teach life Skills to
Students with Developmental Disabilities. Office of Research and Sponsored
Programs. $6,300
2006 Goo, M., Kim, J., & Yu, H. (2006). Development of Instructional Multimedia
Materials for students with disabilities. Korea National Institute for Special
Education in S. Korea Department of Education. Funded for (Approximately)