Australasian Reporting Awards in association with CPA Australia ARA AUSTRALASIAN REPORTING AWARDS 2014 Australasian Reporting Awards CELEBRATING EXCELLENCE IN REPORTING Contents 01. ABOUT ARA 02. PATRON’S MESSAGE 03. CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE 04. ARA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 06. 2014 REPORT OF THE YEAR FINALISTS 08. 2014 REPORT OF THE YEAR Commercial Award 09. 2014 REPORT OF THE YEAR Non-commercial Award 13. SPECIAL AWARDS* 21. GOLD AWARDS 30. GOLD AWARD RECIPIENTS 31. SILVER AWARD RECIPIENT 32. BRONZE AWARD RECIPIENTS 33. THANK YOU *Since 1987 the ARA has presented Special Awards for reporting on matters of concern to many stakeholders such as Sustainability (previously Environmental Reporting), Governance, and Work Health & Safety. These Awards were introduced in advance of any regulatory requirements for organisations to report in these areas. There are also Special Awards for Communication, Integrated Reporting, Online Reporting and the Best First Time Entry; and the Joint ARA-Hong Kong Management Association Award for Sustainability Reporting. 2014 ARA AWARDS 01 About the ARA In 1950, a group of leading business people established awards for excellence in preparing annual reports to improve the standards of financial reporting and communicating with stakeholders in Australia. These Awards, now known as the Australasian Reporting Awards (ARA), are now in their 64th year. The Awards are administered by Australasian Reporting Awards Limited, an independent not-for-profit organisation run by volunteer professionals from the business, government and not-for-profit sectors, with the support of professional bodies concerned with the quality of financial and business reporting. The Awards provide all organisations that produce an annual report an opportunity to benchmark their annual reports against the ARA criteria and world best practice. In the General Award, Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards are presented to recognise the achievement of a high standard. Competitive Special Awards are presented in specific areas of reporting such as Governance, Work Health & Safety, Sustainability, Communication, and Integrated and Online Reporting. THE ARA CONTRIBUTES TO ONGOING IMPROVEMENT IN THE QUALITY OF REPORTING IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND BY: • preparing and widely distributing criteria based on world best practice as guidelines for preparing an annual report; • conducting an annual seminar on reporting; • providing constructive feedback to organisations that enter the Awards; and • recognising excellence in reporting with Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards. ARA Objectives 1. To promote excellence in the preparation of informative printed and online reports. 2. To encourage effective communication of financial and business information. 3. To create public awareness of valid and objective measures of performance, and promote a better understanding of the results achieved. 4. To create public awareness of the purposes of organisations, how they function and their achievements. 02 2014 ARA AWARDS Patron’s Message I take this opportunity to commend all of the organisations that entered the 2014 Australasian Reporting Awards and the people involved in preparing the reports. Your interest in, and commitment to achieving a very high standard in reporting will undoubtedly be reflected in the future performance of your organisation. I wish to congratulate everyone who was associated with preparing reports that received a Gold Award or Special Award. I regret I was unable to be present at the Awards Presentation Dinner in July to congratulate you personally. “ Your interest in, and commitment to achieving a very high standard in reporting will undoubtedly be reflected in the future performance of your organisation. The Australasian Reporting Awards are different from most other Awards for Excellence in that entrants have an opportunity to obtain expert feedback from an experienced ARA Adjudicator to learn how to improve their next report. Feedback and the annual ARA Seminar on Reporting provide add-on educational value to the ARA Awards process. This Handbook closes the 2014 ARA Awards year. The Call for Entries for the 2015 ARA Awards will be announced in September. I encourage all organisations that wish to communicate effectively with their internal and external stakeholders to seize the opportunity to have their annual report assessed and to obtain constructive feedback by entering the 2015 ARA Awards. May I suggest that you bring the benefits of the ARA to the attention of others involved in annual reporting. Hugh Morgan AC Patron, Australasian Reporting Awards 2014 ARA AWARDS 03 Chairman’s Message Despite the challenging economic climate faced by many organisations, the standard of reporting in the 2014 Australasian Reporting Awards was very high. The ARA Awards Committee nominated 39 organisations for Gold Awards, and notably, two of the 38 first time entrants received a Silver Award and one received a Gold Award. In 2013, ARA in association with the Hong Kong Management Association, introduced a new, joint ARA-Hong Kong Award for Sustainability Reporting to stimulate interest in the ARA Awards process outside Australia and New Zealand. The inaugural award was won by CLP Holdings Limited of Hong Kong. Subsequently, ARA received inquiries about entering the Awards from other countries in our region. In 2014, CLP Holdings was a full entrant in the ARA Awards for the first time and was successful in receiving a Gold Award and winning the Report of the Year Award for Commercial Organisations, the Special Award for Sustainability Reporting and the ARAHong Kong Award for the second time. This is a very significant achievement. I wish to congratulate all of the organisations that entered the Awards for recognising the importance of having an annual report that communicates effectively about their activities, performance and future prospects, and for having the courage to submit their report to expert scrutiny. Many of them have seized the chance to obtain constructive feedback from the adjudicators. I would encourage others to take up this opportunity to add value. As ARA Chairman I have great pleasure in thanking the large number of people and organisations that contributed to the success of the 2014 ARA Awards. Without their support, the Awards simply would not be possible. Firstly, the many professional people who volunteer many, many hours of their time to apply their expertise and experience to marking annual reports. This process is managed by Keith Roberts and the ARA Awards Committee. The value of the Awards rests on the commitment of all of these people. Secondly, CPA Australia, ARA’s Principal Sponsor; the Major Sponsors: Governance Institute of Australia, Safe Work Australia and Rifle Media; and the many other organisations that provide valuable support. Finally, I thank my fellow ARA Directors Richard Petty, John Horder, Carole Rushford, Keith Roberts, Malcolm Duce, Jo Cain and Philip Hughes for their strong support and their continuing commitment to the objectives of the Australasian Reporting Awards. Please consider entering your report in the 2015 ARA Awards – and obtaining feedback! I look forward to meeting entrants at the Awards Presentation Dinner in Melbourne in June next year. Tim Sheehy ARA Chairman “ I wish to congratulate all of the organisations that entered the Awards for recognising the importance of having an annual report that communicates effectively about their activities, performance and future prospects, and for having the courage to submit their report to expert scrutiny. 04 2014 ARA AWARDS ARA Board of Directors Tim Sheehy FGIA FCIS Chairman Tim Sheehy has been Chief Executive of the Governance Institute of Australia (previously Chartered Secretaries Australia) the peak body representing governance professionals in Australia, since 1999. He has positioned the Governance Institute as a leader in promoting better governance, and ensures the Institute takes an agenda setting role on all important governance issues. Previously he had roles in management consulting with McKinsey & Co. and Anderson Consulting; in investment banking with Westpac and Swiss Bank Corporation; and as an academic at the University of New England, Armidale. Tim has Bachelors and Masters degrees in Business Administration from Loyola University of Los Angeles. Professor Richard Petty FCPA (Life) FAICD Deputy Chairman Richard Petty is Chairman of the Australian Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong & Macau; a former Chairman and President of CPA Australia; Chairman of a Hong Kong based investment company; Chairman of the Hong Kong Best Annual Reports Awards; and Professor (Accounting & Finance) and Executive Director International at the Macquarie Graduate School of Management. Richard has consulted to governments and Fortune 500 companies on financial, economic, and strategic issues, particularly on China’s role in the global economy. He is widely published in academic journals and is co-author of the book ‘Australia’s Competitiveness: From Lucky Country to Competitive Country’ (Wiley, 2013). Richard joined the Board in 2009. John Horder AM LLB FCPA Director John Horder is a Director of John T Horder & Associates specialising in business interruption claims; product liability and product recall; and litigation support. John has supported the ARA for over 20 years, first as a member of the Panel of Advisers and then as a Coordinator. He joined the Board in 1995 and was Chairman from 2001 to 2005. Carole Rushford BA MA (Hons) LMPRIA Director Carole Rushford is a senior communication practitioner specialising in annual report education and project management. Her past roles include participating on academic advisory boards and committees such as Deakin University and Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, consulting on annual reporting for a wide range of audiences and, as Vice President of the Public Relations Institute of Australia (Victoria). Carole joined ARA as an Adjudicator in 1992 and became a Coordinator in 1997, an Awards Committee Deputy Chair and a Board Director in 1998. 2014 ARA AWARDS 05 Malcolm Duce MA FCA FCPA FIIA (Aust) MIPAA Director and Treasurer Before retiring from the public service Malcolm Duce was Principal Project Manager with the Queensland Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation. He has extensive experience in financial and change management in the private sector, and in local and state government in the public sector. He initiated, and managed the Queensland Public Sector Annual Report Awards for 25 years until 2006. Malcolm became an ARA Adjudicator in 1995, a Coordinator in 1998 and joined the Board in 2004. Keith Roberts BCom FGIA FCIS Director and Chair of the Awards Committee Keith Roberts is Director of NFP Support Pty Ltd, a consultancy to the not-for-profit sector focusing on governance and strategic restructuring. Previously he was CEO of the Epilepsy Association following 20 years in various management positions with CSR Limited. He first participated in the ARA awards in 1982 and subsequently achieved a number of Gold Awards for both CSR Limited and the Epilepsy Association. He was appointed as an ARA Adjudicator in 2007, a Coordinator in 2008, Chair of the Awards Committee in 2009 and joined the ARA Board in 2010. Jo Cain GAICD MSc Director Phil Hughes BA BSc MRRP Director An experienced independent director, Jo has served on boards in the government and not-for-profit sectors, including the Auditing and Assurance Standards Board (AUASB), the Banksia Environmental Foundation (previous Chair) and the Australasian Reporting Awards (ARA). She became an ARA Adjudicator in 2001, an ARA Co-ordinator in 2006 and joined the ARA Board in 2011. Jo is also Executive Director of Materiality Counts, her own business established to help companies demystify non-financial materiality (economic, social (people, health and safety, community), social, environmental and governance issues) and its role in Integrated and Sustainability Report development and assurance. Phil Hughes is an independent consultant working in the areas of sustainability, water and environmental management. He has a broad background in economics and public policy with a particular focus on public sector annual reporting and sustainability reporting, and increasingly, integrated reporting. He became an ARA Adjudicator in 2007 and joined the Board in 2011. 06 2014 ARA AWARDS 2014 Report of the Year Finalists The 2014 Report of the Year Awards are sponsored by CPA Australia, the Principal Sponsor of the Australasian Reporting Awards. COMMERCIAL AWARD FINALISTS CLP HOLDINGS LIMITED WOODSIDE PETROLEUM NON-COMMERCIAL AWARD FINALISTS Annual Report 2013 PRINCIPAL SPONSOR 12 Sponsor of the Report of the Year NATIONAL BANK AUSTRALIA FOR ALL OF US ABOUT THE REPORT OF THE YEAR The ARA Awards Year culminates in the presentation of two Report of the Year Awards, one for commercial organisations and one for non commercial organisations. The Finalists for these Awards are selected from the organisations that have achieved a Gold Award. annual report 12/13 AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Annual Report 2013 HOW DO WE MEASURE UP? MARLBOROUGH LINES NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION ANNUAL REPORT 2013 BRIDGE HOUSING 08 2014 ARA AWARDS 2014 REPORT OF THE YEAR COMMERCIAL CLP Holdings of Hong Kong CLP Holdings is a Hong-Kong based power and energy company that has operations in Hong Kong, China, India, South East Asia and Australia. EnergyAustralia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CLP Holdings. The judges said, “This is an innovative report that deals comprehensively with both good and bad information and makes a large and diverse business understandable.” MESSAGE FROM THE WINNER In accepting the Award, April Chan, Company Secretary said, “CLP recognises that disclosure via good corporate reporting is essential in maintaining a high standard of corporate governance that safeguards the interests of shareholders and other stakeholders, and enhances the credibility and the reputation of the Company.” “CLP aims not just to give a comprehensive view of the organisation but also to communicate its value creation process to investors so that they can make better decisions. We believe transparency encourages long-term investment and facilitates business sustainability.” See April Chan’s winning remarks at 2014 ARA AWARDS 09 2014 REPORT OF THE YEAR NON-COMMERCIAL Audit Office of New South Wales The Audit Office of New South Wales is the statutory body that conducts audits for the Auditor General of New South Wales. The Audit Office received Gold Awards in 2012 and 2013, and a Governance Reporting Award in 2013. The judges said, “This report is a superb example of what can be done with a simple black and white report produced to a tight budget. The information is very accessible and provides a transparent and balanced view of the organisation.” MESSAGE FROM THE WINNER Tony Whitfield, Deputy Auditor General provided the following remarks. 12 annual report 12/13 “Winning the ARA Report of the Year Award in the non-commercial sector is a tremendous outcome for the Audit Office of New South Wales, a small agency with limited resources. “As auditors, we hold our clients to very high standards of transparency and governance and the fact that the ARA judges have recognised that our report demonstrates our own commitment to high standards is cause for much celebration. “This Award is a testament to all the hard work that goes into producing the annual report. There are many people across the organisation who contributed to the report. It is great to see their efforts recognised in this way.” 10 2014 ARA AWARDS Kick goals with the Graduate Diploma of Applied Corporate Governance I feel confident and equipped with the right skills and experience to take on challenges now and into the future Let us help you become a governance champion. ARA_AD_190x128,5.indd 1 “I became aware of the Graduate Diploma in my previous role as a lawyer at a national law firm. “Clients would talk about the advantages they’d gained from studying the course and becoming a member of Governance Institute. “With this accredited qualification, I feel like I’m not just another lawyer – it sets me apart in a meaningful way! “The Graduate Diploma is definitely a feather in my cap.” Chris Murphy AGIA Legal Manager and Company Secretary, Melbourne Stadiums Ltd Visit GraduateDiploma or call 1800 251 849 Semester 2 commences 11 August 2014 Formerly Chartered Secretaries Australia 2/07/14 12:11 PM 2014 ARA AWARDS 11 12 2014 ARA AWARDS RECYCLED Carbon Neutral Paper 2014 ARA AWARDS 13 2014 SPECIAL AWARDS 14 2014 ARA AWARDS CHAIRMAN’S AWARD FOR THE BEST FIRST TIME ENTRY CLP Holdings The Chairman’s Award, now in its 16th year, is for organisations that entered the Awards for the first time – and recognises quality in their performance in meeting the ARA Criteria. An innovative report. It deals comprehensively with both good and bad information and makes a large and diverse business understandable. The ARA was delighted that 38 organisations entered the Awards for the first time this year. FINALISTS 1. CLP Holdings 2. Mitchell Shire Council 3. MMG commitment to transparent reporting “ Our helps us to drive process improvements and cultural change with our employees, and gives our shareholders confidence in our strategic direction. “ Dr Peter Davis CEO, Aurora Energy S afe Work Australia congratulates Aurora Energy - winner of the 2014 Work Health and Safety Reporting Award. This is the sixth consecutive year that Aurora Energy has been recognised in this category. Safe Work Australia has proudly sponsored this category for the last three years. Work health and safety should be a fundamental part of your business decisions, activities and processes. Business and investors alike are increasingly recognising the positive impact of good work health and safety practices on an organisation’s bottom line. The value in using your annual report to demonstrate your commitment to work health and safety is clear. By making your work health and safety performance an integral part of your annual report, you are showcasing to investors, current workers, and future employees that worker safety is more than a generic slogan. You are demonstrating that your organisation identifies and manages all its business risks including work health and safety risks. Importantly, you are also establishing your organisation as a leader in work health and safety, one in which work health and safety is not an ‘add on’ but is integrated into business decisions and processes. It is still not too late to include work health and safety as part of your 2013-14 annual report. Need inspiration? See Aurora Energy’s winning annual report. Help us achieve the vision of the Australian Work Health and Safety Strategy 2012-22 of healthy, safe and productive working lives and reap the rewards. Safe Work Australia leads the development of national policy to improve work health and safety and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia. CONTACT US 1300 551 832 [email protected] 2014 ARA AWARDS 15 GOVERNANCE REPORTING AWARD The Governance Reporting Award was introduced in 1998 in association with the Governance Institute of Australia (formerly Chartered Secretaries Australia) to recognise quality and completeness of disclosure in reporting on governance. PRIVATE SECTOR BHP Billiton This comprehensive report makes you feel confident that BHP Billiton is committed to, and is actually exercising, good governance. The report is wellsupported by detailed governance information on the company website, such as thorough quality policies and a compliance checklist. Private Sector and Public Sector Awards are sponsored by Governance Institute of Australia. FINALISTS 1. BHP Billiton 2. Leighton Holdings 3. Woodside Petroleum PUBLIC SECTOR City of Kingston The well-structured, easy to navigate report describes the Council’s activities and its achievements against five stated community goals. The information provided is comprehensive. Thorough detail on governance demonstrates the Council’s compliance with accountability elements of the Victorian Local Government governance. ANNUAL REPORT 2012–13 Understanding, Deciding, Acting Your Council, Your Kingston FINALISTS 1. Audit Office of New South Wales 2. City of Gold Coast Council 3. City of Kingston 16 2014 ARA AWARDS WORK HEALTH & SAFETY REPORTING AWARD Aurora Energy This Award was introduced in 2000 to recognise excellence in reporting on new initiatives for, and actual performance in improving health and safety in the workplace. The Award is sponsored by Safe Work Australia. Energy to respond The report deals comprehensively with all aspects of health and safety, and demonstrates a firm commitment to employee, contractor and community welfare. The clarity of the descriptions of performance is of text-book quality. The report is a model for others to follow. Annual Report 2012-13 FINALISTS 1. Aurora Energy 2. Glen Eira City Council 3. Mirvac INTEGRATED REPORTING AWARD Stockland ARA introduced this Award in 2013 to participate in the evolution of this form of reporting. The succinct, highly readable report is strongly aligned to the Integrated Reporting Framework and well-tailored to its audience. Best practice disclosures in relation to materiality throughout the report are a highlight. Its strengths include discussion of challenges for the year, value chain, stakeholder engagement, and risks and performance. An integrated report is a concise communication about how an organisation’s strategy, governance, performance and prospects lead to the creation of value. The International Integrated Reporting Council has developed a global framework for integrated reporting. FINALISTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. CLP Holdings CPA Australia mecu National Australia Bank Stockland Stockland Annual Review 2013 The judges said the standard was very high and particularly commended CPA Australia as a first time entrant in this category that, unlike other finalists, had not participated in the IIRC Pilot Program. Annual Review 2013 2014 ARA AWARDS 17 ONLINE REPORTING AWARD This Award was introduced in 2008 to recognise excellence in presenting an annual report online. Finalists for the Online Reporting Awards made good use of online features to provide user-friendly reports, including easy ‘drill-down’ access to detailed information from summary statements. PRIVATE SECTOR mecu Limited The overall presentation is clear and emphatic. Through integration of online features, the reader has easy access to a chosen level of information. User-friendliness includes a feature that enables the reader to compile a personal report from a list of the report’s main components. FINALISTS 1. Asciano 2. Investa Office Fund 3. mecu Limited Award sponsored by Rifle Media PUBLIC SECTOR Main Roads Western Australia A clear, simply presented online report that enables the reader to move easily from one section to another. It is well-constructed and well-organised. Readers are able to easily drill down from broad statements to more detailed information. This is a refreshing simplification of ‘online’ that really works. FINALISTS 1. Australia Post 2. Main Roads Western Australia 3. Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia NOT-FOR-PROFIT SECTOR The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia This report is well-designed for on-screen viewing and sets a standard for imaginative and practical use of online features. Presentation and navigation are excellent. From the key messages the reader can readily access specific information to support the overall positioning of the organisation and the brand. FINALISTS 1. Australian Communication Exchange 2. Cancer Council of NSW 3. The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia 18 2014 ARA AWARDS COMMUNICATION AWARD The Communication Award was introduced in 1998 to recognise excellence in communicating with stakeholders. PRIVATE SECTOR National Australia Bank The report’s creative cover and informative case studies demonstrate the Bank’s philosophy of “What’s good for customers is good for business”. Sharp messaging conveys a strong focus on developing a differentiated business culture. This includes the concept of ‘non-negotiables’ as key priorities for NAB’s continued success. FINALISTS 1. Murray Irrigation 2. National Australia Bank 3. Telstra Corporation PUBLIC SECTOR Plant & Food Research PLANT & FOOD RESEARCH The report provides clear insights on the progress of Plant and Food Research in areas such as residue-free pest and disease control, and countering threats to the $1billion New Zealand kiwifruit industry. It has a clean, elegant design and offers the reader access to video, audio and infographics for more information. AnnuAl RePoRt 2013 FINALISTS Annual Report 2013 1. Australia Post 2. Civil Aviation Safety Authority 3. Plant & Food Research NOT-FOR-PROFIT SECTOR Kids Under Cover A well-written report, obviously produced on a slim budget, reflects a lively, organisation focused on preventing youth homelessness. The broadsheet newspaper format, with giant photos of clients of Kid’s Under Cover grabs and holds attention. An honest analysis of ‘opportunities for improvement’ provides transparency. FINALISTS 1. Children’s Medical Research Institute 2. Kids Under Cover 3. Scope 2014 ARA AWARDS 19 SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING AWARD The Sustainability Reporting Award was first introduced in 1997 as the Environmental Reporting Award and in 2005 became the Sustainability Reporting Award to recognise the broader focus of sustainability. PRIVATE SECTOR CLP Holdings Limited The completeness and credibility of the CLP Holdings sustainability report and its transparency in reporting performance impressed the judges. Operations and reporting scope were well-defined, and data was presented at both the Group and regional level. The interests of key stakeholders are addressed very well. FINALISTS 1. 2. 3. 4. CLP Holdings National Australia Bank Telstra Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Australia PUBLIC SECTOR Watercare Services An impact-oriented sustainability report clearly outlines sustainability drivers and is linked effectively to the annual report. It demonstrates transparency and gains credibility by drawing attention to gaps and challenges. Watercare Services is to be congratulated on its continued improvement in sustainability reporting. FINALISTS 2013 THINK ING A HE A D > 1. Main Roads Western Australia 2. New Zealand Superannuation Fund 3. Watercare Services of New Zealand 20 2014 ARA AWARDS ARA-HONG KONG SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING AWARD This Award was introduced in 2013 as a joint initiative of ARA and the Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA). CLP Holdings Given the complexity of the CLP group, its operations and challenges, the report writers should be commended for their achievement in putting together a readable, easily navigated, well scoped and credible sustainability report. The 2014 Finalists were the private and public sector winners of the Sustainability Reporting Award in the 2013 HKMA Best Annual Report Awards (held in November) and the 2014 ARA Awards respectively. CLP Holdings was a winner in both the HKMA and ARA Awards. FINALISTS 1. CLP Holdings 2. Tung Wah Group of Hospitals 3. Watercare Services ARA AUSTRALASIAN REPORTING AWARDS BANG 2014 ARA AWARDS 21 2014 GOLD AWARDS 22 2014 ARA AWARDS FOR ALL OF US COMMUNICATIONS & IT SECTOR Annual Report 2013 AUSTRALIAN BROADCASTING CORPORATION COMMUNITY & WELFARE EDUCATION & RESEARCH ANNUAL REPORT 2013 BRIDGE HOUSING CSIRO This role model report identifies Bridge Housings’ various stakeholders; states the organisation’s strategic plan and critical success factors; and reports on performance with respect to them. It is attractively presented with relevant photos, and graphs and tables relating to performance – and it is an enjoyable read. The report gives a well-organised, readerfriendly account of the performance and governance of a complex, national research organisation. It provides a benchmark for creating non-financial KPIs in a sector where outcomes are not easy to measure. The report is attractive, comprehensive and transparent. NATIONAL AUSTRALIA BANK NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION FUND The report achieves excellence in various aspects of reporting and succeeds in meeting the needs of NAB’s diverse range of stakeholders. In addition to a detailed financial report, the report package includes: a comprehensive annual review; a corporate responsibility report; and an integrated annual review. The report is comprehensive. It is wellstructured, the presentation has style, and all the key areas are addressed well. Major strengths are in reporting performance against the strategic plan; the effective use of case studies to illustrate the Fund’s activities; and a thorough GRI performance assessment. THE HOSPITALS CONTRIBUTION FUND OF AUSTRALIA A well-balanced report presenting a thorough review of performance against strategy, business goals and objectives. It is clear the ABC wishes to communicate with all of its stakeholders. The report is written in a clear, simple style that makes information accessible to all readers. FINANCIAL SERVICES The report provides in-depth coverage of key business areas and includes excellent disclosures on business performance. Major strengths of the report include: the corporate governance statement; the alignment of performance to strategic goals; and the coverage of industry statistics and trends. 2014 ARA AWARDS 23 HEALTH & MEDICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS & RESEARCH TRANSPORT AUSTRALIA POST WESTERN DISTRICT HEALTH SERVICE A well-structured report that provides a comprehensive account of the Health Services’ activities and presents good disclosures on key aspects of its core business, particularly in the areas of risk and stakeholder management. It achieved full marks on most of the ARA criteria. A well-presented, easy to read report that covers reporting obligations in a concise, readable and relevant manner. It contains excellent disclosures of the year’s performance and openly discusses the challenges the business faces and plans to address them. Annual Report 2013 HOW DO WE MEASURE UP? CLP HOLDINGS An innovative report in which complex information is clearly explained in terms a non-technical reader can understand. It describes key activities in the five markets in which CLP Holdings operates, and provides a solid outline of objectives and performance, highlighting the five capitals across the group. 2013 PRIMARY INDUSTRY SECTOR GRDC Annual Report 2012-2013 GRAINS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION A carefully-planned, easy to navigate report that thoroughly fulfils the ARA criteria. The presentation of content is succinct and interesting, suitable for both cursory readers and those who want the details. The covers and the opening gatefold provide an immediate overview of the organisation and its performance. THINK ING A HE A D > MARLBOROUGH LINES A well-documented report that provides extensive insights into Marlborough Lines operations. It presents performance outcomes linked to targets and discusses progress made toward achieving key goals. It communicates very effectively with standout statistics, clear graphics and effective presentation features. WATERCARE SERVICES The report provides a transparent outline of Watercare Service’s role in the community and its objectives, targets and performance. Strong visual elements catch the eye and help the reader to navigate through the report. A separate, well-presented GRI booklet is indexed to the main document. 24 2014 ARA AWARDS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – LOCAL GOVERNMENT < > CITY OF DARWIN Annual Report 2012/2013 ANNUAl REPORT 2012–13 I’m interactive Click here for more information BAYSIDE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF BOROONDARA CITY OF DARWIN A well-presented report that links performance to the Council’s strategic plan. Accountability is enhanced by a very good section on the Global Reporting Initiative and the challenges faced in meeting its outcomes. The governance section demonstrates the council’s openness on committee activities and internal and external audits. The report includes an excellent discussion on the linkage of strategic planning to key Council directions and the way performance is assessed. Commitment to accountability through reporting is evidenced by the financial statements and a reader-friendly financial summary which reinforces fiscal transparency. The report provides an excellent description of the governance of a diverse city and shows a strong commitment to Council staff. In each section, information is clearly presented to show whether or not performance targets had been met. A financial summary in layman’s terms addresses major areas of interest. ANNUAL REPORT 2012–13 Understanding, Deciding, Acting Your Council, Your Kingston CITY OF GOLD COAST COUNCIL CITY OF GREATER GEELONG A well-structured, clearly written report that enables readers to understand the Council’s business and its performance. Comprehensive data collected over five years, and a balanced scorecard approach transparently identify successes and failures. Disclosures on governance set a benchmark for other local authorities. The well-written summary section of this report demonstrates the Council’s pride in people and place. The easy to understand ‘Future Directions’ section and the detailed account of the year’s activities are directly linked to outcomes of the Council’s plan. Reporting of performance against targets is clear and concise. CITY OF KINGSTON This comprehensive report is well written and it has an effective design. The logically presented sections on performance are a pleasure to read. Outlines of achievements, challenges and plans for the year ahead are followed by thorough assessments and progress reports against each goal. 2014 ARA AWARDS 25 CITY OF RYDE CITY OF STONNINGTON GLEN EIRA CITY COUNCIL The report reflects a Council that really understands GRI and integrating reporting. A snapshot of achievements against the four year delivery plan is followed by details of performance for each of the Council’s strategic goals. The community financial summary demonstrates a commitment to open disclosure and transparency. A well-structured, tightly written, readable report in which information is presented in a logical sequence. The design facilitates easy access to information and draws the reader in. The report clearly identifies the council’s objectives, highlights major events and reports openly on achievements and current and future challenges. The report demonstrates the Council’s commitment to fully reporting its activities to its community and other stakeholders. It contains honest, well explained commentaries in plain language. The discussion of highlights, disappointments and challenges reflects a strong commitment to accountability and transparency. Community Links Lilydale 15 Anderson Street Ph 1300 368 333 Fax 9735 4249 Healesville 110 River Street Ph 03 5965 3501 Fax 03 5965 3500 Monbulk 21 Main Road Ph 03 9756 7677 Fax 03 9756 7907 Yarra Junction 2442–2444 Warburton Highway Ph 03 5967 2875 Fax 03 5967 1764 Annual Report 2012–2013 ANNUAL REPORT Ph 1300 368 333 Fax 03 9735 4249 Email [email protected] Web Yarra Ranges Council 12 13 Yarra Ranges Council PO Box 105 Lilydale VIC 3140 YARRA RANGES ANNUAL REPORT 2012-2013 Upwey 40 Main Street Ph 03 9752 6054 Fax 03 9752 6057 This document is available in alternate formats upon request and available online in larger print at MANNINGHAM CITY COUNCIL 7287 YR Shire Council_AR_COVER_FA.indd 1-3 A well-organised, easy to access, readerfriendly report that is an excellent example of transparent and accountable reporting. Performance is reported against strategic indicators and there is an easy to understand financial summary. The reporting of council’s structural financial information and the explanation of the 10-year financial strategy are impressive. YARRA RANGES COUNCIL 1/10/13 4:00 PM An excellent report that balances creative design with easy to comprehend text and data. There is a strong commitment to transparency beginning with an upfront summary of performance and an informative financial summary. Performance against strategic objectives includes explanations of why some targets were not achieved. 26 2014 ARA AWARDS PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – STATE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Bureau of Meteorology Annual Report 2012–13 Bureau of Meteorology Annual Report annual report 12/13 Commissioner of Taxation Annual report 2012–13 12 2012–13 AUDIT OFFICE OF NEW SOUTH WALES AUSTRALIAN TAXATION OFFICE BUREAU OF METEOROLOGY This excellent report provides a transparent and balanced view of the Audit Office. It includes both the good and bad news. Outstanding future sections provide positivity and focus. A user-friendly writing style makes information very accessible. Effective design and layout make the report easy to navigate. The opening summary provides an excellent snapshot of the organisation’s performance. This is supported by good coverage of all the required elements in a simple, clear format that makes the report a pleasure to read. The presentation of information in more than one format enhances communication. The report provides a comprehensive review of the Bureau’s services and performance outcomes. All aspects of the report are handled well. It is well laid out and contains a balance of facts, figures and effective photographs that tell the reader about the work of the Bureau. 2012.13 Annual Report Helping the most vulnerable CIVIL AVIATION SAFETY AUTHORITY The report provides a good understanding of CASA’s role in ensuring ‘Safe skies for all’. It is a balanced report with excellent coverage of performance. It acknowledges targets that have not been met and articulates strategies for redressing these issues. Complex concepts are simplified by use of clear, concise language. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH This informative report includes good disclosures on the challenges the Department faces. It provides an understanding of future directions and the new strategic plan. Good use is made of the opening pages to summarise outcomes. Detailed scorecards are used well to report performance. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES An excellent report for a very large organisation with a diverse portfolio. It is well-structured, and the effective collation and presentation of so much information is impressive. Overall the report focuses on the work of the Department, not just facts and figures. Illustrative case studies help to tell its story. 2014 ARA AWARDS 27 CALL FOR ENTRIES Call LawAccess NSW on 1300 888 529 for help over the phone, or your nearest Legal Aid NSW office to arrange a free advice interview. Legal Aid NSW offices Central Sydney PO Box K847 SYDNEY NSW 1238 Tel: 9219 5000 TTY: 9219 5126 parraMatta Civil & Family Law Level 5 91 Phillip St PARRAMATTA 2150 Tel: 9891 1600 Metropolitan offiCeS Parramatta Criminal Law Parramatta Justice Precinct Level 1160 Marsden St PARRAMATTA 2150 Tel: 8688 3800 TTY: 9687 7538 BankStown Level 8 Civic Tower 66–72 Rickard Rd BANKSTOWN 2200 Tel: 9707 4555 Burwood Level 4 74–76 Burwood Rd BURWOOD 2134 Tel: 9747 6155 TTY: 9747 0214 CaMpBelltown Suite 1 Level 4 171–179 Queen St CAMPBELLTOWN 2560 Tel: 4628 2922 fairfield Suite 1 Level 2 25 Smart St FAIRFIELD 2165 Tel: 9727 3777 liverpool Level 4 Interdell Centre 47 Scott St LIVERPOOL 2170 Tel: 9601 1200 penrith 95 Henry St PENRITH 2750 Tel: 4732 3077 Sutherland Ground floor 3–5 Stapleton Ave SUTHERLAND 2232 Tel: 9521 3733 regional offiCeS Coffs Harbour 41 Little St COFFS HARBOUR 2450 Tel: 6651 7899 duBBo 64 Talbragar St DUBBO 2830 Tel: 6885 4233 goSford 92-100 Donnison St GOSFORD 2250 Tel: 4324 5611 liSMore Suite 6 Level 4 29 Molesworth St LISMORE 2480 Tel: 6621 2082 orange Suite 4 95 Byng St ORANGE 2800 Tel: 6362 8022 taMworth Level 1 424–426 Peel St TAMWORTH 2340 Tel: 6766 6322 wagga wagga Ground floor 74-76 Fitzmaurice St WAGGA WAGGA 2650 Tel: 6921 6588 wollongong Ground floor 73 Church St WOLLONGONG 2500 Tel: 4228 8299 offiCe hourS: Central Sydney: 8.30am to 5.30pm All other offices: 9.00am to 5.00pm People who are hearing or speech impaired can communicate with us by calling the National Relay Service on 133 677. newCaStle Level 2 51–55 Bolton St NEWCASTLE 2300 Tel: 4929 5482 legal aid nSw annual report 2012–2013 BlaCktown Suite 36–37 ‘Kildare Court’ Level 2 13–17 Kildare Rd BLACKTOWN 2148 Tel: 9621 4800 nowra Level 2 59 Berry St NOWRA 2541 Tel: 4422 4351 Taking legal services into the community 2015 ARA AWARDS 2012-2013 Annual Report 300 copies of this annual report were printed by Image Print Pty Ltd Ltd. at an estimated cost of $28.00 per copy. Produced by the Communications Unit of Legal Aid NSW. This report is also available for viewing at JUDICIAL COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES LEGAL AID NEW SOUTH WALES The report is visually engaging, and the content is well-organised and very readable. The excellent coverage of governance, and the effective use of charts and tables to support the discussion of performance outcomes are key aspects of the report that make it stand out from others. The report provides superb insights into what Legal Aid New South Wales does for the community and how it has performed. It is clearly written and provides a frank and honest account of the issues and challenges the organisation faces. Good case studies demonstrate the on-the-ground impacts of its activities. “Your interest in, and commitment to achieving a very high standard in reporting will undoubtedly be reflected in the future performance of your organisation.” Hugh Morgan AC Patron, Australasian Reporting Awards Entries open 1 September 2014 General closing date for entries 28 November 2014 ANNUAL REPORT 2012-13 Victorians shaping Victoria Closing date for 31 December YE reports 30 January 2015 Late submission Late submissions of reports may be arranged if reports are not available on the closing date. MAIN ROADS WESTERN AUSTRALIA VICTORIAN ELECTORAL COMMISSION The consistent presentation of information throughout the report makes it a pleasure to read. The performance snapshot and operational performance sections are excellent. Good design and use of space make the report easy to navigate. The use of colour to highlight the importance of safety is a nice touch. The Commission has prepared a well thought-out report that is visually attractive. Ease of navigation is enhanced by the use of tab separators for each section. Good use of the inside covers to deliver fast facts, and an excellent financial summary provide easy access to the key messages of the report. Entry information 28 2014 ARA AWARDS RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT RETAIL _2012/13 Sydney Opera House Annual Report Celebrating 40 years in 2013 LIBRARY COUNCIL OF NSW A very well-written report that provides an extensive overview of performance for the year. The report’s strengths include an easy to read strategic planning framework and a comprehensive report of performance against clearly-defined measures. SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE WESFARMERS A well-presented report that celebrates the 40th Anniversary of the Sydney Opera House. Outstanding aspects of the report include the messages from the Chairman and the CEO; the reporting of financial performance; and excellent cross-referencing between sections. The diverse and complex activities, achievements and challenges of the Wesfarmers Group have been clearly presented in a way that should satisfy the needs of all readers. The outstanding features of the report are its strong commitments to transparency and accountability. RESOURCES & MINING SECTOR AURORA ENERGY BHP BILLITON WOODSIDE PETROLEUM The up-front summary of highlights and challenges gives readers an immediate sense of Aurora Energy’s performance. The report reflects strong community engagement and a focus on business ethics. Cross referencing is used effectively to reinforce compliance to work health and safety, environmental and other requirements. Despite its size, this 305 page report successfully manages to capture and keep reader interest. The well-illustrated first few pages of critical information set the scene. Overall, the report covers a number of jurisdictions, complex compliance achievements, and disclosure requirements in a succinct, highly readable manner. The report provides readers with a good understanding of Woodside’s activities during the year and its future challenges. It is wellwritten and cleverly structured with effective use of graphs, charts and tables to present the highlights. Coverage of sustainability; work health and safety; and personnel is comprehensive. Rifle Media delivers your message with greater accuracy and range. Proud major sponsor of the 2014 Australasian Reporting Awards Rifle Media is one of Australia’s fastest growing, independent communication agencies specialising in corporate and new media design. Our experienced team operates 24/7 to manage complex projects from concept design through to delivery — providing solutions to meet our clients’ time-critical goals. »» »» »» »» »» »» »» »» Annual Reports Prospectuses Transactional Documents Corporate Profiles Shareholder Engagement Investor Presentations Branding and Logo Development Digital Design and Websites P: 02 9290 2668 Level 2, 65 York Street Sydney 2000 NSW 30 2014 ARA AWARDS ARA CONGRATULATES 2014 GOLD AWARD RECIPIENTS TO RECEIVE A GOLD AWARD A REPORT MUST • • • • Achieve overall excellence in annual reporting Provide high-quality coverage of most aspects of the ARA Criteria Provide full disclosure of key aspects of its core business Address current legislative and regulatory requirements 1. Audit Office of New South Wales 2. Aurora Energy 3. Australia Post 4. Australian Broadcasting Corporation 5. Australian Taxation Office 6. Bayside City Council 7. BHP Billiton 8. Bridge Housing 9. Bureau of Meteorology 25. Legal Aid NSW 10. City of Boroondara 26. Library Council of NSW 11. City of Darwin 27. Main Roads Western Australia 12. City of Gold Coast Council 13. City of Greater Geelong 14. City of Kingston 28. Manningham City Council 29. Marlborough Lines 30. National Australia Bank 15. City of Ryde 16. City of Stonnington 31. New Zealand Superannuation Fund 17. Civil Aviation Safety Authority 32. Sydney Opera House 33. The Hospitals Contribution Fund of Australia 18. CLP Holdings 19. CSIRO 20. Department of Health 34. Victorian Electoral Commission 21. Department of Social Services 35. Watercare Services 22. Glen Eira City Council 37. Western District Health Service 23. Grains Research and Development Corporation 24. Judicial Commission of NSW 36. Wesfarmers 38. Woodside Petroleum 39. Yarra Ranges Council Trends in Annual Reporting The reports entered in the 2014 ARA Awards showed annual reports are continuing to evolve in response to community, business and regulatory expectations. There were a number of discernible trends: • In the better reports there was a noticeable readiness to address bad news. • In not-for-profit reports, technical compliance with regulatory obligations has improved. • More information is being made available to readers, both in the report and via increased cross referencing to data in other printed documents and online sources. • Consequently, in many reports, the number of pages continued to increase. Government and non-commercial organisations are helping their readers to mange this with improved indexing, something listed companies appear to be slower to adopt. • Apparent responses to tighter cost control continued. Reports were printed in ways that looked less costly and there was further migration to online reports as the main reporting medium. • The trend from basic, downloadable pdf online reports to more reader-friendly, easy to navigate interactive online reports continued. Many organisations provided both an interactive report to read online and a pdf version which enabled selected parts of the report to be printed. Keith Roberts Chair of the ARA Awards Committee 2014 ARA AWARDS 31 ARA CONGRATULATES 2014 SILVER AWARD RECIPIENTS 1. Aboriginal Hostels 2. Auckland Transport 3. Australian Communication Exchange 4. Australian Competition & Consumer Commission 5. Australian Crime Commission 6. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 7. Australian Red Cross 27. Indigenous Business Australia 28. Insurance Australia Group 29. Karingal 30. Ku-ring-gai Council 32. Lockyer Valley Regional Council • 35. Meat & Livestock Australia 36. Mitchell Shire Council 37. MMG 13. Cbus 38. Multiple Sclerosis Society of Queensland 14. Churches of Christ in Queensland 39. Murray-Darling Basin Authority 15. City of Stirling 40. New South Wales Electoral Commission 16. Cochlear 17. Colac Otway Shire Council 18. Compassion Australia 19. Darwin Port Corporation 20. Department of Defence 21. Department of Human Services 22. Department of Transport and Main Roads 23. Ergon Energy 24. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation 25. Frankston City Council 26. Growthpoint Properties Australia Provide quality coverage of most aspects of the ARA Criteria Provide adequate disclosures of key aspects of the core business Address current legislative and regulatory requirements Just fail to reach the Gold standard 33. Logan City Council 9. Australian Unity 12. Caritas Australia • • 34. Macedon Ranges Shire Council 11. Brisbane City Council • 31. Life Without Barriers 8. Australian Trade Commission 10. Baw Baw Shire Council TO RECEIVE A SILVER AWARD A REPORT MUST 52. St John Ambulance Australia SA 53. St John of God Health Care 54. Suncorp Group 55. Telecommunications Industry Ombudsman 56. The City of Rockingham 57. The Deaf Society of NSW 58. The Smith Family 59. Tourism NT 60. Townsville City Council 41. Northcott 61. Vector 42. NSW Ministry of Health 62. Victorian Auditor-General’s Office 43. NSW Ombudsman 44. Office of the Auditor General for Western Australia 63. Warrigal Care 64. Water Corporation 45. Penrith City Council 65. Wyong Shire Council 46. QBE Insurance Group 66. Yarra City Council 47. Queensland Audit Office 48. Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children 49. Scope 50. Somerville Community Services 51. South Burnett Regional Council 32 2014 ARA AWARDS ARA CONGRATULATES 2014 BRONZE AWARD RECIPIENTS TO RECEIVE A BRONZE AWARD A REPORT MUST • • • • Largely meet the requirements of the relevant ARA Criteria Provide satisfactory coverage of most aspects of the ARA Criteria Provide high-quality disclosures in several major areas Address current legislative and regulatory requirements 1. ACON Health 2. Alzheimer’s Australia Vic 3. annecto – the people network 4. Beach Energy 17. Defence Housing Australia 43. National Museum of Australia 18. East Gippsland Shire Council 44. Noweyung 19. Eastern Health 45. Oz Minerals 20. Endeavour Foundation 46. Port Phillip and Westernport CMA 21. Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland 47. Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia 22. Evolve Housing 48. Queensland Law Society 23. Fair Work Ombudsman 49. Queensland Urban Utilities 24. Fortescue Metals Group 50. RCR Tomlinson 25. Goodman Group 51. Retirement Benefits Fund 26. Gladstone Regional Council 52. St Vincent de Paul Society Queensland 27. Greater Bendigo City Council 5. Benetas 28. Gumala Aboriginal Corporation 6. Cancer Council NSW 29. iiNet 7. 30. Imdex Canterbury Surrey Hills Community Finance 8. Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service 31. International Women’s Development Agency 53. Stockland 54. Surf Life Saving Sydney Branch 55. Sutherland Shire Council 56. Telstra Corporation 57. The University of Melbourne 32. Kempsey Shire Council 58. Tourism Australia 9. Children’s Medical Research Institute 33. Kids Under Cover 59. University of Technology, Sydney 10. City of Darebin 35. Mackay Regional Council 11. City of South Perth 36. Mackay Sugar 12. City West Housing 37. Masonic Homes 13. Clough 38. McConnell Dowell 14. CPA Australia 39. mecu 15. Crime and Misconduct Commission Queensland 40. Moreland City Council 16. CrimTrac Agency 34. Latrobe City Council 41. Murray Irrigation 42. National Film and Sound Archive of Australia 60. Victoria Police 61. Wellington City Council 2014 ARA AWARDS 33 Thank You The ARA Coordinators and Adjudicators are all professional people who willingly volunteer their time and expertise to support the ARA in achieving its objectives. They put in many long hours of work during the rigorous ARA judging process. The ARA gratefully acknowledges the vital contributions they have made to the Awards process in 2014. Tim Sheehy, ARA Chairman COORDINATORS AND ADJUDICATORS GENERAL AWARDS Mr Andrew Crawford Coordinator COORDINATORS AND ADJUDICATORS SPECIAL AWARDS Mr Eric Davis INTEGRATED REPORTING AWARD Mrs Helen Dong Ms Joanne Cain Coordinator Mr Kegan Kashian Ms Vaishnavi Ravishankar Mr Rod Miller Mr Nick Ridehalgh Mr Richard Sanzin Ms Jillian Riseley Mr Richard Sharpe Ms Anna Stewart Mr Anthony Tieppo COMMUNICATION AWARD Mr Roy Totino Mr Brian Mahoney Coordinator Mr Geoffrey Michels Ms Judith Maude PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – LOCAL GOVERNMENT Mr Alan Colegate Mr Raymond Lane Coordinator Mr Ross Barr Mr Liam Hayes Mrs Karen Abrahams Ms Anna Farr Mrs Melissa Reiter Mrs Kate Brewster GOVERNANCE REPORTING AWARD Mr Simon Warren Mrs Michelle Bryne Mr Marc Wanstall Coordinator Ms Mirjana Jovetic Mr Hilary Cuerden-Clifford Mr Peter Abraham COMMUNITY & WELFARE; PROFESSIONAL SERVICES & TRADE ASSOCIATIONS Mr Mark Ebery Ms Jane Byrne Mrs Sharon Frank Ms Heymala Eardley Mr Phil Hughes Ms Ellen Herlihy Ms Chantal Husk Ms Karen Lange Mr Andrew Ireland Ms Catherine Maxwell Mrs Janice Knowles Ms Irene Sitton Ms Marianne Mcarthur Mr Andrew Strain Mrs Meriel Pickering Mr Bill te Kloot Mrs Gail Power Mr Christopher Weh Mrs Manoja Ratnayake Mr Chris Wells Mr Craig Rowsell WORK HEALTH & SAFETY REPORTING AWARD Ms Linda Stoneman Mr Arthur Delbridge Coordinator Ms Jane Tebbatt Mr John Hordor Ms Rebecca Biddulph PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – STATE & FEDERAL GOVERNMENT Ms Sharron O’Neil Dr Sue Keay Mr Stephen Varady Coordinator Mrs Lorelei Dalen Mrs Kendy Burke Mr Les Wallace Ms Sandra Christians FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR Mrs Sarah Darvall Mr John Corrigan Coordinator Ms Emma Davis Mr Adrian Grant Ms Aileen Duke Mr Richard Sanzin Ms Lynette Farquhar HEALTH & MEDICAL RESEARCH; RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT Ms Davina Jones COMMUNICATIONS & IT; INFRASTRUCTURE, LOGISTICS & TRANSPORT Mr Daniel Fowler Coordinator Ms Rona Hayes Coordinator Ms Karen Bullock Mr Nic Bolto Mrs Mary Gillman-Clarke Mr Geoff Hoare Ms Maryanne Graham Mr David Abbott Coordinator Miss Monique Barns Mr Peter Batten Mr Malcolm Duce Ms Beth Fiedler Mr Mark Hindle Ms Karen Huxley Mr Jeffrey Luckins Ms Aastha Malhotra Mr Michael Sewell EDUCATION & RESEARCH; PRIMARY INDUSTRY Ms Moya Pennell Coordinator Ms Portia Branton Coordinator Miss Leigh-Ayn Absolom Mrs Dianne Hobday Mrs Dianne Monopoli Ms Carolyn Stewart-Smith Dr David Sutton MANUFACTURING; RETAIL; PROPERTY Ms Kate Lumley Ms Joanne Maples Ms Antonia Miller Mrs Barbara Palframan-Smith Mr Stephen Payne Mr Iain Summers Ms Anita Whittaker RESOURCES & MINING AUSTRALASIAN REPORTING AWARDS LIMITED Mr Yashwant Lal Coordinator ABN 11 145 956 172 Locked Bag 17, Australia Square NSW 1215 or Suite 601, 20 Loftus Street Sydney NSW 2000 Mr Alf Briscoe Tel: 61 2 9241 1240 Fax: 61 2 9247 2495 Email: [email protected] Mr Stuart Cowper Ms Sally Castle Ms Lorri Clarke Mr Dimitri Constantinous Mr Tom du Preez Mr Greg MacDonald Ms Maggie Meng Mr Anthony Osman Mr Richard Owen Mr Carlton Boyse Ms Julie Hill ONLINE REPORTING AWARD Mr Rod Miller Coordinator Dr Ron Knight Mr Arthur Delbridge Mr Damien Long Mr Ross Barr Mr Carlton Boyse Assoc Prof Roslyn Petelin Mr Stuart Guthrie Miss Nikki Jordan SUSTAINABILITY REPORTING AWARD Ms Fiona Baxter Coordinator Ms Sarah Davidson Ms Julia Leske Ms Nancie-Lee Robinson Mr Jon Ward Ms Susanne Etti Ms Vaishnavi Ravishankar Mr James Porteous Ms Alice Cope Ms Cathlin Thurbon Ms Louisa Harris-Baxter Ms Lucy Johnston Mr Simon Robinson ARA GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE SUPPORT OF: EVENT PARTNER AND PRINCIPAL SPONSOR Sponsor, Report of the Year Award Sponsor, Governance Reporting Award Sponsor, Work Health and Safety Reporting Award Sponsor, Online Reporting Award SUPPORTERS AUSTRALASIAN REPORTING AWARDS LIMITED ARA is a not-for-profit organisation that was established in 1950 to encourage effective communication of financial and business information. ARA is run by volunteer professionals from business, government and not-for-profit organisations. ABN 11 145 956 172 Locked Bag 17 Australia Square NSW 1215 Suite 601, 20 Loftus Street Sydney NSW 2000 Design: Rifle Media Printing: Oxygen Print Mailing: Future Sources Mailing House Paper supplied by Spicers Paper Editorial: Anderson Knight Pty Ltd Tel: 61 2 9241 1240 Fax: 61 2 9247 2495 Email: [email protected]
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