Top 25 Sociology Graduate Programs US News and World Report 2013 Rankings *Funding Structure: Statements about funding opportunities are pulled directly from program websites. While most programs say that they offer funding for all admitted students, it is important to clarify what they mean by this. Programs generally offer some combination of teaching stipends, research stipends, and/or tuition reductions/waivers to admitted students. However, not all students receive all of these resources, and not all students are supported for the same amount of time. It is important to clarify funding opportunities with each individual department, speak with current students about the reality of the funding situation, and always be seeking additional sources of funding during and after the admission process. **Admission Rates: While some programs publish admission rates, many do not. This is because most programs strive for a consistent entering cohort size. Thus, the admission rate will vary from year-to-year based on the number of applicants. ***PhD Completion Rate: Information in this column is varied. Some programs were able to share the percentage of incoming students who complete a PhD within ten years (i.e. the number who do not drop out). Some programs did not have this information, but instead provided the average number of years it takes for most students to complete the PhD. Some programs did not provide either statistic. ****GPA and GRE scores: While some programs publish this information, many do not. This is because graduate school admission committees look at each applicant’s file holistically, rather than simply relying on GPA or test score “cutoffs,” as some undergraduate or masters programs might. Application committees consider the applicant’s entire life history, work experience, writing, personal statement, letters of recommendation, and research interests to assess whether or not that applicant would be a good fit for the program. While most programs like to see a GPA of at least 3.0, the individual GPA and GRE scores of admitted students may vary significantly. Thus, many programs feel that publishing such information would actually be counterproductive, as some qualified students may rule themselves out due to not meeting the “cutoff,” and other students may think they have an “in” based on their test scores, but might actually not be a good fit for the program. Indeed, it is recommended that applicants focus more on specific programmatic fit (intellectual community, research clusters, faculty research, etc.) to make their application decisions, rather than relying on GPA or GRE benchmarks. Rank 1 Funding Statement* Admission Rate** Entering Cohort Size “Graduate students ordinarily receive fellowships (full tuition and a stipend) that are renewed to cover the first five years of enrollment (contingent upon satisfactory progress through the program). Unlike most graduate programs, these fellowships do not require students to work as research assistant. When students do work as research assistants, as most will do at some point during the program, the money they earn is over and above the fellowship amount.” Varies. 2013/14: 15 Score School Name Princeton University Princeton, NJ (609) 258-4543 4.7 Rate of PhD completion within 10 years*** Not published, but 5 PhDs were awarded in 2011. Average GPA**** Average GRE Score**** Not published. Not published. CC Representation (former or current) 1 University of CaliforniaBerkeley Berkeley, CA (510) 642-4766 4.7 Through departmental grants and university9% level fellowships, the Department makes every effort to create an attractive funding package for every accepted student. In the last number of years most all the entering students have received 5 year funding packages comprised of a mix of university and departmental fellowships as well as academic teaching or research work. “The Department guarantees five continuous Most recent: years of funding to all students, starting in the 14.6% fall of 2011. Sources of funding will vary, and 10-year include, but are not limited to: project average: assistantships, teaching assistantships, 30% research appointments, traineeships and fellowships. The department nominates a number of students with the most promising academic records for University fellowships.” 2013/14: 15. 10-year average: 16 1 University of WisconsinMadison Madison, WI 608.262.2921 4.7 4 Stanford University Stanford, CA (650)724-2437 4.6 “The department currently provides students with funding for the first five academic years, including the first three summers.” 2013/14: 12 4 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI (734) 764-6324 4.6 “All students admitted to the Sociology Ph.D. Last year: Program are provided with five-year funding 270 packages. Typically, these funding packages applications consist of a combination of fellowships and were graduate student instructorships from a received, variety of resources including the Sociology and offers Department and the Rackham Graduate were made School, and through traineeships from the to 30 (11% Varies. 2012/13: 15 3-year average: 8 Shoot for about 12 for entering cohort About 90% 3.82 165 verbal 157 quantitative 5.0 writing 10-Year Average: “The Graduate School “We consider a GRE score 47% has set a GPA minimum below the 50th percentile of 3.0. The Graduate to be weak and a GRE Program of the above the 75th percentile Department of to be good.” Sociology and the Department of Community and Environmental Sociology has no strict cutoffs. Typically, the student we admit has an undergraduate GPA of at least 3.3. We prefer to see a GPA of 3.6 and above.” Not published. “There is not a “There is not a minimum minimum score score required for required for evaluation evaluation of your of your application by application by the the committee. Scores committee. Scores are are reviewed in the reviewed in the context of context of the the applicant's entire file.” applicant's entire file.” “100 percent of “Applicants who have “average verbal and students who been admitted have quantitative Graduate entered the undergraduate grade Record Examination doctoral program point averages in social percentile scores have between 2000 sciences courses of at been above the 80th and 2004 least 3.0 on a 4.0 percentile, although there completed the system, with the mean is considerable variation PhD as of August around 3.5. In recent around this value” Rachel A. Wright (formerly Rachel Lindenberg) Drew Foster Population Studies Center (for those acceptance) interested in demography), all of which include a full tuition waiver and health care benefits.” 6 6 6 Harvard University Cambridge, MA (617) 495-3812 4.5 University of Chicago Chicago, IL (773) 702-8677 4.5 University of North CarolinaChapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC (919) 962-1007 4.5 “For PhD students, Harvard awards full financial support for five years, typically for the first four years of study as well as the completion year. Ordinarily, in cases where the length of PhD study extends beyond five years, students secure financial support through various Harvard and non-Harvard opportunities, including research fellowships, research assistantships, and teaching fellowships.” 3% “New Funding structure started in 2007: Cut the size of the entering cohorts to make fewer, better funded offers. Full-tuition plus basic health insurance for five years. Unless they have funding from an outside source. This was a change from 4-years. Now it is 5 years Two levels 1) Tuition plus health insurance for 5 years plus a stipend starting in the third year of $22,000 in support. 2) Higher level awards the $22,000 starting in first year (rather than third year)” “Our department provides funding to its students in the form of tuition remission for the first 5 years. In addition, we have been able to consistently provide funding through Teaching Assistantships and Research Assistantships for the first 4 years, contingent Varies. “In recent years we have averaged almost 200 applicants 31, 2012. Average rate of PhD completion is 7.5 years.” “Changes “90%. But every year, probably closer based on to 100%. One of funding. the lowest dropThere is a out rates. Also Sociology One of the Proper highest program plus 3 placement rates.” joint programs. Between all 4, Time to cohort tends to completion: 7-8 be 12-15 years students. Just sociology: 11 offers for 8 students.” About 14. Stated duration of program: 7-8 years, but some have finished in six. About 12 Not published. years” 3.5 and above “Top percentiles are preferred. Quant is more important than qual.” 3.7 Five-Year Average: Verbal: 92%-93% Quantitative: 77% Analytical: 78% 3.7 “The average GRE scores for admitted students in recent years were 90th percentile in Verbal and 75th percentile in Quantitative.” Kathy Giuffre on satisfactory performance in the per year and department. accepted The result is that almost every student who approximate completes the doctorate in a timely fashion is ly 15 funded throughout their entire graduate percent of career.” them.” “UCLA has various funding opportunities 19% and almost all admitted PhD sociology students obtain competitive funding packages depending on their merit and progress in the program.” 9 University of California-Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA (310) 825-1313 4.4 10 Northwestern University Evanston, IL 847-491-5415 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA (215) 898-7665 4.3 “The Graduate School offers full tuition and a stipend to all students accepted to the PhD program for five years of study.” 4.3 “Five year funding package: includes tuition, stipend, and healthcare for all admitted students. (Some students were admitted but awaiting funding.) 2nd and 3rd year students are required to TA for four semesters.” 12 Columbia University New York, NY (212) 854-2973 4.2 12 Indiana UniversityBloomington Bloomington, IN (812) 855-2924 4.2 10 “The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GSAS) typically provides multi-year fellowships to all incoming Sociology Ph.D. students who request funding.” About 15 56% Not published. "B" average in all upper division and graduate level work Five-year average: 12% Five-year average: 11 Not published. 3.8 Varies. Not published. Not published. Carla Medalia Varies. 2013/14: 6 2012/13: 12 2011/12: 8 2010/11: 8 2009/10: 7 “Pretty much 100% of students complete within ten years.” 6 PhDs were awarded in in 2013/14; 11 in 2012/13; 8 in 2011/12 Not published, but 5 PhDs were awarded in 2012; 8 were awarded in 2011. Old Scoring Average: Verbal 680; Quantitative 720; and Analytical 5.0 Not published. Not published. Not published. Mary Patrick GPA of 3.3 or better Jaime Kucinskas, Evelyn Perry “We offer five-year financial packages to all “In recent admitted students. Funding comes in the form years, about of graduate assistantships or associate 150 instructor positions which provide a stipend, applicants health insurance, and a tuition remission.” have competed for 10 to 12 openings in the first-year cohort.” 2013/14: “10 plus 3 exchange students” Not published, Satisfactory: “GRE but 10 PhDs were scores are above the awarded in 2012; 70th percentile in each 5 were awarded of the three in 2011. categories—verbal, quantitative, and analytical writing.” Eric Popkin 14 Duke University Durham, NC (919) 660-5614 4.1 14 University of Texas-Austin Austin, TX (512) 232-6300 4.1 16 New York University New York, NY (212) 998-8340 4.0 “Financial aid is awarded to most graduate students for five years of study and sometimes longer. First year awards are given competitively to the strongest entering graduate students judged on prior academic records. Additional summer employment is often available. From the second through the fifth year, tuition and registration fee scholarships will continue for students doing satisfactory work. Usually stipends for advanced students are in the form of teaching assistantships or research assistantships on faculty-directed research projects. Other support is available through University fellowships.” Through Assistant Instructor, Teaching Assistant, and Research Assistant appointments, as well as a myriad of university, government, and private fellowships, we are typically successful in funding 100% of our graduate students during the academic year. “All students admitted into the Ph.D. program are offered full funding from NYU. The NYU Department of Sociology only accepts students whom we can fully fund for a minimum of five years. The funding generally covers full tuition, fees, student health insurance plus a fellowship stipend. In addition, students have the opportunity to teach. Teaching is separate from the funding package, and any teaching compensation is above and beyond the fellowship support.” 10%-24% admission rate since 2002. 201213 admitted 27 out of 149 applicants, or 18% Not published. 7 PhDs were awarded in 2012; The range has been from 3-11 PhDs awarded/year since 2002. Roughly 15% “15-20 (closer admission to 15)” rate “Between 6.2 and 6.6 people graduate with a PhD within ten years.” “We “Usually shoot typically for an entering receive cohort of approximate approximately ly 400 8-10 students.” applications. The amount of students admitted every year varies, but, typically, we offer admission to about 15-20 students” “Higher than 90%” 2012-13 scores: Upper-grade GPA: 3.6 – 3.7 Verbal:162 Quantitative: 154 Old Scores: Verbal: 584 Quantitative: 647 Upper-grade GPA: 3.68 “We do not keep track “We do not keep track of of the average GPA or the average GPA or GRE GRE score of admitted score of admitted students. GPAs and students. GPAs and GREs GREs are one of several are one of several factors factors we consider we consider when making when making admission decisions. We admission decisions. also consider research We also consider experiences, statement of research experiences, research interests, fit with statement of research the graduate program, and interests, fit with the other factors.” graduate program, and other factors.” Toni Pizza 17 Cornell University Ithaca, NY (607) 255-0024 3.9 17 Ohio State University Columbus, OH (614) 292-6681 3.9 17 Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity Park University Park, PA (814) 865-2527 3.9 20 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ (520) 621-3531 3.8 “Cornell funding packages typically offer five years of support, covering all tuition and providing a stipend for living expenses (including during the summer). In recent years, the field has been able to support students beyond their fifth year, usually through grantfunded graduate research assistantships. Any admitted student is offered a 5-year deal.” “All graduate students admitted to the Department will be considered for departmental support as Graduate Teaching Associates (GTAs), Graduate Administrative Associates (GAAs), or Graduate Research Associates (GRAs) for the “normal progress” period needed to complete their degrees. Most of our students work as GTAs. These associateships provide valuable teaching, research and academic experiences as well as financial support. “Usually have between 160-200 applicants, and make about 20 offers” “Generally about 5-7” “Pretty much all of them finish within 7 years” “GRE is more important than GPA” “GRE is more important than GPA” Not published. 2013/14 cohort: 11 Not published, but 3 PhDs were awarded in 2012; 3 were awarded in 2011. Not published. 3.6 or better “All students admitted to the program receive “The research assistantships or teaching department assistantships. This funding package includes a will admit stipend and a tuition waiver. We also have a about 25 strong record of providing summer support. students Students entering with a BA receive funding each year to for five, and with an MA it is four years its graduate Everyone who applies is considered for programs. funding. Everyone who enrolls is on some sort About 175 of funding. Because we only admit the number students of students we are able to fund.” apply.” “Hovers around 10” “Probably 90% complete” “The vast majority of students admitted to the program score above 310 on the GRE (verbal and quantitative combined).” “Most students admitted to the program have GPAs above 3.7.” Lauren Hughes “The vast majority of full-time students in the school receive some form of financial support.” 2011/12 cohort: 10 Not published. “No minimum score is required for admission. However, students with scores below the 50th percentile must offer especially strong supporting materials to be competitive.” “Students must have a minimum of 3.0 to be considered. Students with averages near the bottom of the acceptable range must offer especially strong supporting materials.” Wade Roberts Not published. 20 University of 3.8 Minnesota-Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN (612) 624-4300 “The department seeks to provide funding to all of its students in good standing throughout the length of their residency. This funding typically comes in the form of teaching or research assistantships of 50% which provides free tuition, subsided health insurance, and a stipend of approximately $14,000 over nine months.” On average, successful applicants to the program have Verbal scores of 162, Quantitative scores of 155, and Analytical scores of 5.0 (new scoring). 20 University of Washington Seattle, WA (206) 543-5882 3.8 20 Yale University New Haven, CT (203) 432-3313 3.8 “All applicants who are offered admission to Admission “Entering Not published, Old Scoring: the department are considered for funding, rate since cohort has but 7 PhDs were “In recent years the and historically we have been able to fund our 2003-04 has ranged from 9- awarded in 2012 average verbal score of students through most — if not all — of their ranged from 18. In 2012-13, applicants admitted time in graduate school. Most of our funding 11.1% there were 10 into our program was packages are modest multi-year packages that (2012-13) to in the entering in the low 600s, and cover tuition and health insurance, and 32.7% cohort.” the average include a job working as a Teaching Assistant (2004-05) quantitative score of for our undergraduate courses. Many of our admitted applicants graduate students apply for and receive was closer to 700” research or fellowship monies that allow them to focus more directly on their coursework or research. Departmental funding for continuing graduate students is contingent on continued good progress through the program and the state’s budget situation.” “All accepted students are fully funded for five 4% “Between six 75% are awarded Not published. years. In the first four years they receive full and ten new a PhD within 10 tuition and a living stipend and in the fifth or students are years. Average sixth year students are eligible for the admitted each time to dissertation write-up fellowship. In the third year.” completion: 7.3 and fourth years students are required to years. serve as teaching fellows to receive their stipend. In 2008–2009, the 12-month stipend is $25,000.” The undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of recent top applicants has been 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. Graduate applicants typically have GPA's of 3.9 on a 4.0 scale. If your GPA is not of this quality it will behoove you to address this deficiency in your Statement of Professional Objectives. 10-year average: Ranged from 3.64-3.72 Most recent: 3.69 Not published. Deb Smith Sarah Diefendorf Sandi Wong 24 University of 3.7 MarylandCollege Park College Park, MD (301) 405-6392 25 Brown University Providence, RI (401) 863-2367 3.6 Most graduate students are supported “We financially by sources connected with the typically department. Nearly all research and teaching receive over assistantships, as well as university 220 fellowships, include tuition waivers and applications benefits. Stipends for graduate assistantships for 10-12 and fellowships range from $14,500 to spots in our $16,000. Very competitive students who incoming receive fellowships through the graduate class.” school or through the department are also offered one-half of a graduate assistantship for a total stipend ranging from $21,750 to $22,125.” “The graduate school currently provides five “Last year years of funding to students in good standing. we were The course of study for the sociology PhD is able to designed to be completed in five years and admit less students are encouraged to do so. We than 10% of recognize that in certain cases, especially applicants” when involving primary data collection, the course of study may extend into a sixth and seventh year. Students who need to extend the course of study beyond five years must remain in good standing and will be expected to secure external funding.” Not published. 2013/14 cohort: 11 Not published, “Most of the applicants “The graduate school also Kathleen Denny but 7 PhDs were who are admitted to requires that a student awarded in 2012; our program typically have at least a 3.0 4 were awarded have a combined undergraduate GPA in in 2011. verbal and quantitative order to be admitted score of above a 315 without provision to any of on the new test.” the University of Maryland's graduate programs.” Not published, but 7 PhDs were awarded in 2012; 5 were awarded in 2011. “Many of our admitted applicants have GRE scores in the top deciles.” Not published.
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