Florida Governmental Utility Authority

Florida Governmental Utility Authority
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Video Conference
Board Members Present
Lea Ann Thomas, Chair, Polk County
Ken Cheek, Vice Chair, Citrus County
Shane Parker, Vice Chair, Hendry County
Robert Sigmond, Alternate Director, Pasco County
Pam Keyes, Alternate Director, Lee County
Michael Vuolo, Director, Desoto County
Flip Mellinger, Director, Marion County
Staff Present
Robert E. Sheets, FGUA System Manager, GSG
Steve Spratt, FGUA Assistant System Manager, GSG
John Pelham, FGUA General Counsel, Pennington P.A.
Heather Encinosa, FGUA Utility Counsel, Nabors, Giblin, & Nickerson
Kaamilya Pereira, Board Clerk, GSG
Kevin Grace, Asst. Division Director & Management Services Manager, GSG
David DiLena, FGUA Chief Financial Officer, GSG
Rob Dickson, FGUA Capital Program Manager, GSG
Jerry Connolly, FGUA Operations Manager, GSG
Matt Rihs, Pasco Community Services Representative, GSG
Michael Wilson, West Regional Manager, GSG
Steve Levine, Real Property Manager, GSG
Michael Currier, South Regional Manager, GSG
Donna Lizotte, Lehigh Acres Community Services Representative, GSG
Lori Salgado, North Ft. Myers Community Services Representative, GSG
Michelle Burnett, Lady Lake Community Services Representative, GSG
Guests Present
Ed Mitchell, US Water Services
John Jenkins, Nabors, Goblin & Nickerson
Call to Order
Ms. Lea Ann Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Ms. Thomas provided an invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Thomas led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Approval of the December 19, 2013 FGUA Meeting Minutes
Mr. Shane Parker motioned to approve the M 1, December 19,
19, 2013 FGUA Meeting Minutes
inutes. Mr. Ken Cheek
seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
January 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes
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Acceptance of the December 19, 2013 FGUA Workshop Outcome Notes
There was a consensus of the Board to accept the December 19, 2013 FGUA Workshop Outcome
Outcome Notes.
Consent Agenda
CA 1
Ratification of Work Authorization No. USWWT 1414-145 Ratification with US Water / Wade Trim, LLC
for the Replacement of Manhole No. 66-63 at 7400 Humboldt Ave. in the FGUA Pasco Utility System
Provided for the Board’s review and consideration was a request for the ratification of Work Authorization No.
USWWT 14-145 with US Water / Wade Trim, LLC for the replacement of Manhole No. 6-63 at 7400 Humboldt Ave. in
the Pasco Utility System. Manhole No. 6-63 located in the front yard of 7400 Humboldt developed a severe
depression around the entire perimeter of the manhole which subsequently caused the adjacent driveway and
sidewalk to cave in. Neighboring water services were damaged and had to be rerouted to maintain service. Soil
bores were taken to determine the condition of the soils surrounding the manhole, and were determined to be very
loose down to 20 feet. The manhole was replaced along with 20 ft. of piping to the east and west of the manhole.
The damaged driveways, sidewalks, curbing and a section of the roadway were also replaced. Due to the depth of
the repairs, site dewatering was needed along with maintenance of traffic and sanitary sewer bypassing for an
extended period of time. These repairs were done in phases due to the scope of damage. Staff recommended
Ratification of Work Authorization No. USWWT 14-145 with U.S. Water / Wade Trim, LLC in the amount of
$197,181.87 for replacement of Manhole No. 6-63 in the FGUA Pasco Utility System.
CA 2
Approval of the FGUA Standard
Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with
AOR Real Estate, LLC for FGUA Developer Project 1313-005 SSD, Florida Cancer Affiliates Located in
the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System
Provided for the Board’s review and consideration was the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and
Service Agreement with AOR Real Estate LLC, for Developer Project 13-005 SSD located at 3611 Little Road, New
Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, in the Seven Springs Utility System. This project will consist of a 22,000 SF
medical office. Construction is anticipated to be completed in the third quarter of 2014. This CSA provides for water
and wastewater service to this project. The water facilities from Florida Cancer Affiliates will connect to the FGUA’s
12-inch water main located on the west side of Little Road. The wastewater facilities from the project will connect to
the 4-inch force main located on the west side of Little Road. Staff recommended approval of the FGUA Utility
Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide water and wastewater service to Florida Cancer
Affiliates, FGUA Project No. 13-005 SSD, located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System.
Mr. Ken Cheek motioned to approve the Consent Agenda,
Agenda, items CA 1 and CA 2. Mr. Shane Parker seconded the
motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
Finance and Administration
FA 1
Other Items
There were no Finance and Administration items presented.
OP 1
Approval of Work Authorization No. GSG 1414-27 with Government Services Group, Inc. for General
14--97 Tomoka View Hydro Tank
Inspection Services related to Work Authorization No. USWWT 14
Relocation in the FGUA Aqua Unified Utility System
Mr. Rob Dickson presented agenda item OP 1, Work Authorization No. GSG 14-27 under which GSG will provide an
estimated 18 hours of general inspection services related to the Tomoka View Hydro Tank Relocation being
completed by USWWT under Work Authorization USWWT 14-97, FGUA Project No. UAO30. Installation of a Hydro
Tank at the Tomoka View WTP will help to improve system reliability, better regulate system pressure and reduce
water main breaks. In order to reduce costs associated with this project the Hydro Pneumatic Tank and Pedestals
located at the 48th St. WTP will be relocated to the Tomoka View WTP. Additional work to be performed by the
contractor includes excavating the site to set the pedestals, setting the hydro tank, installing a new air volume
controller, site glass assembly, tank bypassing, installing inlet and discharge piping to the existing water main. Repiping all three (3) high service pumps, inlet and discharge piping, and re-wiring the pressure controls, and other site
modifications to accommodate the tank install. Staff recommended approval of Work Authorization No. GSG 14-27
with Government Services Group, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,710.
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Mr. Michael Vuolo motioned to approve OP 1, Work Authorization No. GSG 1414-27 as presented.
presented. Mr. Ken Cheek
seconded the motion. All were in favor and
and the motion was unanimously approved.
OP 2
Other Items
There were no other Operations items presented.
Informational Items
IN 1
Status Update on the FGUA Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Program
The FGUA Capital Improvement Project report was provided to the Board.
IN 2
Status Update on the FGUA Monthly Community Outreach Program
The FGUA Community Outreach Program reports for each system were provided to the Board.
IN 3
FGUA Inactive Account Collection Summary
The FGUA Monthly Inactive Account Collection Summary was provided to the Board.
System Manager
SM 1
Florida Governmental Utility Authority Election of Officers for 2014
Mr. Robert Sheets stated that once a year, the Authority elects a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer.
The term for these positions is one year. The System Manager may be appointed Secretary-Treasurer at the
discretion of the Board and this has been the historical practice. Mr. Sheets recommended that the Board entertain
nominations for all positions and elect members to serve for the 2014 annual term.
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Ms. Lea Ann Thomas to serve as
as Chair. Mr. Ken Cheek seconded. All were in favor and
the motion was unanimously approved.
Ms. Thomas thanked the Board for electing her for the 15th year as Board Chair. Ms. Thomas asked the Board if they
would like to continue electing (2) Vice Chairs. There was a consensus of the Board to continue electing two (2) Vice
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Mr. Ken Cheek to serve as Vice Chair. Mr. Michael Vuolo seconded.
seconded. All were in favor
and the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Mr. Doug Meurer to serve as Vice Chair. Ms. Pam Keyes commented that
that due to Mr.
Doug Meurer’s schedule,
schedule, he would prefer to not serve as Vice Chair during this
this calendar
calendar year.
year. There was no second.
Mr. Ken Cheek nominated Mr. Shane Parker to serve as Vice Chair. Ms. Pam Keyes seconded. All were in favor and
the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Ken Cheek nominated the System Manager, Mr. Robert Sheets to serve as Secre
tarytary-Treasurer. Mr. Shane
Parker seconded. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
SM 2
Modification of 2014 Board Meeting Schedule
Mr. Sheets presented the modification to the previously adopted 2014 Board Meeting Schedule, which was
requested by Mr. Bruce Kennedy due to standing Development Review Committee meetings he attends which
conflicts with the previously approved FGUA schedule. Staff confirmed that these changes would not create conflicts
with most of the other Board Directors. Staff recommended approval to modify the Board meeting schedule for the
August meeting to be held on Thursday, August 28, 2014 and for the November 20th meeting to be held at 10:00
Mr. Flip Mellinger motioned to the Modification of 2014 Board Meeting
Meeting Schedule as presented. Mr. Shane Parker
seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
SM 4
Other Items
Mr. Sheets announced that FGUA will be making a presentation at the AWWA/WEF Utility Management Conference
in Savannah, Georgia in February about the success of the utility improvements in Pasco County.
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Utility Counsel
UC 1
Other Items – Update on Springs Protection Act
Mr. John Jenkins addressed the Board and provided an update on the draft bill known as the Springs Protection Act.
Mr. Jenkins noted that this bill has not been filed yet and he will provide more information as this bill moves forward.
General Counsel
GC 1
Approval of the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with
Morton Plant
Plant Mease Health Services, Inc. for FGUA Developer Project 1313-004 SSD, Baycare Trinity
Surgical Center Located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System
Mr. Pelham presented GC 1. Provided for your review and consideration is the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure
Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with Morton Plant Mease Health Services, Inc., for Developer Project 13004 SSD located at 2044 Trinity Oaks Blvd, New Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, in the Pasco (Seven Springs)
Utility System. This project will consist of a 14,994 SF medical office building. Construction is anticipated to be
completed in the fourth quarter of 2014. This CSA provides for water and wastewater service to this project. The
water facilities from Baycare Trinity Surgical Center will connect to the FGUA’s existing 8-inch water main located
within the utility easement on the property. The wastewater facilities from the project will connect to the existing
gravity system located within the utility easement on the property. Staff recommended approval of the FGUA Utility
Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide water and wastewater service to Baycare Trinity
Surgical Center, FGUA Project No. 13-004 SSD, located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System.
Mr. Ken
Ken Cheek motioned to approve GC 1, FGUA Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide
13--004 SSD, located in the Pasco
water and wastewater service to Baycare Trinity Surgical Center, FGUA Project No. 13
(Seven Springs) Utility System.
System. Mr. Michael Vuolo seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was
unanimously approved.
GC 2
Other Items
There were no other General Counsel items presented.
SM 3
Update on Utility Bond Cost Containment Legislation
The Board was provided a report from Mr. Michael Harrell of Pennington, P.A. on the efforts regarding the Utility
Bond Cost Containment Legislation. Mr. Sheets stated that staff continues to attend briefings educating host
counties on the legislation as requested by the Board at the last meeting. Mr. Sheets noted that presentations to
Marion, Citrus and Pasco Counties have been well received. Mr. Sheets was also informed by Mr. Doug Meurer that
there may not be a need to make presentation to Lee County, as he provided the information to the Lee County
Board and there were no concerns. Mr. Shane Parker stated the same in regards to the DeSoto County Board. Mr.
Sheets stated that he believes the bill will advance as Legislative members learn of the benefits.
Board Items
BD 1
Other Items
There were no Board Items presented.
Hearing no objections, Ms. Thomas adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m.
______________________, Chair / Vice Chair
January 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes
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Florida Governmental Utility Authority
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thursday, January 16, 2014 at 1:00 pm
Video Conference
Board Members Present
Lea Ann Thomas, Chair, Polk County
Ken Cheek, Vice Chair, Citrus County
Shane Parker, Vice Chair, Hendry County
Robert Sigmond, Alternate Director, Pasco County
Pam Keyes, Alternate Director, Lee County
Michael Vuolo, Director, Desoto County
Flip Mellinger, Director, Marion County
Staff Present
Robert E. Sheets, FGUA System Manager, GSG
Steve Spratt, FGUA Assistant System Manager, GSG
John Pelham, FGUA General Counsel, Pennington P.A.
Heather Encinosa, FGUA Utility Counsel, Nabors, Giblin, & Nickerson
Kaamilya Pereira, Board Clerk, GSG
Kevin Grace, Asst. Division Director & Management Services Manager, GSG
David DiLena, FGUA Chief Financial Officer, GSG
Rob Dickson, FGUA Capital Program Manager, GSG
Jerry Connolly, FGUA Operations Manager, GSG
Matt Rihs, Pasco Community Services Representative, GSG
Michael Wilson, West Regional Manager, GSG
Steve Levine, Real Property Manager, GSG
Michael Currier, South Regional Manager, GSG
Donna Lizotte, Lehigh Acres Community Services Representative, GSG
Lori Salgado, North Ft. Myers Community Services Representative, GSG
Michelle Burnett, Lady Lake Community Services Representative, GSG
Guests Present
Ed Mitchell, US Water Services
John Jenkins, Nabors, Goblin & Nickerson
Call to Order
Ms. Lea Ann Thomas called the meeting to order at 1:02 p.m.
Ms. Thomas provided an invocation.
Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. Thomas led the assembly in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.
Public Comment
There were no public comments.
Approval of the December 19, 2013 FGUA Meeting Minutes
Mr. Shane Parker motioned to approve the M 1, December 19,
19, 2013 FGUA Meeting Minutes
inutes. Mr. Ken Cheek
seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
January 16, 2014 Meeting Minutes
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Acceptance of the December 19, 2013 FGUA Workshop Outcome Notes
There was a consensus of the Board to accept the December 19, 2013 FGUA Workshop Outcome
Outcome Notes.
Consent Agenda
CA 1
Ratification of Work Authorization No. USWWT 1414-145 Ratification with US Water / Wade Trim, LLC
for the Replacement of Manhole No. 66-63 at 7400 Humboldt Ave. in the FGUA Pasco Utility System
Provided for the Board’s review and consideration was a request for the ratification of Work Authorization No.
USWWT 14-145 with US Water / Wade Trim, LLC for the replacement of Manhole No. 6-63 at 7400 Humboldt Ave. in
the Pasco Utility System. Manhole No. 6-63 located in the front yard of 7400 Humboldt developed a severe
depression around the entire perimeter of the manhole which subsequently caused the adjacent driveway and
sidewalk to cave in. Neighboring water services were damaged and had to be rerouted to maintain service. Soil
bores were taken to determine the condition of the soils surrounding the manhole, and were determined to be very
loose down to 20 feet. The manhole was replaced along with 20 ft. of piping to the east and west of the manhole.
The damaged driveways, sidewalks, curbing and a section of the roadway were also replaced. Due to the depth of
the repairs, site dewatering was needed along with maintenance of traffic and sanitary sewer bypassing for an
extended period of time. These repairs were done in phases due to the scope of damage. Staff recommended
Ratification of Work Authorization No. USWWT 14-145 with U.S. Water / Wade Trim, LLC in the amount of
$197,181.87 for replacement of Manhole No. 6-63 in the FGUA Pasco Utility System.
CA 2
Approval of the FGUA Standard
Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with
AOR Real Estate, LLC for FGUA Developer Project 1313-005 SSD, Florida Cancer Affiliates Located in
the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System
Provided for the Board’s review and consideration was the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and
Service Agreement with AOR Real Estate LLC, for Developer Project 13-005 SSD located at 3611 Little Road, New
Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, in the Seven Springs Utility System. This project will consist of a 22,000 SF
medical office. Construction is anticipated to be completed in the third quarter of 2014. This CSA provides for water
and wastewater service to this project. The water facilities from Florida Cancer Affiliates will connect to the FGUA’s
12-inch water main located on the west side of Little Road. The wastewater facilities from the project will connect to
the 4-inch force main located on the west side of Little Road. Staff recommended approval of the FGUA Utility
Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide water and wastewater service to Florida Cancer
Affiliates, FGUA Project No. 13-005 SSD, located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System.
Mr. Ken Cheek motioned to approve the Consent Agenda,
Agenda, items CA 1 and CA 2. Mr. Shane Parker seconded the
motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
Finance and Administration
FA 1
Other Items
There were no Finance and Administration items presented.
OP 1
Approval of Work Authorization No. GSG 1414-27 with Government Services Group, Inc. for General
14--97 Tomoka View Hydro Tank
Inspection Services related to Work Authorization No. USWWT 14
Relocation in the FGUA Aqua Unified Utility System
Mr. Rob Dickson presented agenda item OP 1, Work Authorization No. GSG 14-27 under which GSG will provide an
estimated 18 hours of general inspection services related to the Tomoka View Hydro Tank Relocation being
completed by USWWT under Work Authorization USWWT 14-97, FGUA Project No. UAO30. Installation of a Hydro
Tank at the Tomoka View WTP will help to improve system reliability, better regulate system pressure and reduce
water main breaks. In order to reduce costs associated with this project the Hydro Pneumatic Tank and Pedestals
located at the 48th St. WTP will be relocated to the Tomoka View WTP. Additional work to be performed by the
contractor includes excavating the site to set the pedestals, setting the hydro tank, installing a new air volume
controller, site glass assembly, tank bypassing, installing inlet and discharge piping to the existing water main. Repiping all three (3) high service pumps, inlet and discharge piping, and re-wiring the pressure controls, and other site
modifications to accommodate the tank install. Staff recommended approval of Work Authorization No. GSG 14-27
with Government Services Group, Inc. in the not-to-exceed amount of $1,710.
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Mr. Michael Vuolo motioned to approve OP 1, Work Authorization No. GSG 1414-27 as presented.
presented. Mr. Ken Cheek
seconded the motion. All were in favor and
and the motion was unanimously approved.
OP 2
Other Items
There were no other Operations items presented.
Informational Items
IN 1
Status Update on the FGUA Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Program
The FGUA Capital Improvement Project report was provided to the Board.
IN 2
Status Update on the FGUA Monthly Community Outreach Program
The FGUA Community Outreach Program reports for each system were provided to the Board.
IN 3
FGUA Inactive Account Collection Summary
The FGUA Monthly Inactive Account Collection Summary was provided to the Board.
System Manager
SM 1
Florida Governmental Utility Authority Election of Officers for 2014
Mr. Robert Sheets stated that once a year, the Authority elects a Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary-Treasurer.
The term for these positions is one year. The System Manager may be appointed Secretary-Treasurer at the
discretion of the Board and this has been the historical practice. Mr. Sheets recommended that the Board entertain
nominations for all positions and elect members to serve for the 2014 annual term.
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Ms. Lea Ann Thomas to serve as
as Chair. Mr. Ken Cheek seconded. All were in favor and
the motion was unanimously approved.
Ms. Thomas thanked the Board for electing her for the 15th year as Board Chair. Ms. Thomas asked the Board if they
would like to continue electing (2) Vice Chairs. There was a consensus of the Board to continue electing two (2) Vice
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Mr. Ken Cheek to serve as Vice Chair. Mr. Michael Vuolo seconded.
seconded. All were in favor
and the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Shane Parker nominated Mr. Doug Meurer to serve as Vice Chair. Ms. Pam Keyes commented that
that due to Mr.
Doug Meurer’s schedule,
schedule, he would prefer to not serve as Vice Chair during this
this calendar
calendar year.
year. There was no second.
Mr. Ken Cheek nominated Mr. Shane Parker to serve as Vice Chair. Ms. Pam Keyes seconded. All were in favor and
the motion was unanimously approved.
Mr. Ken Cheek nominated the System Manager, Mr. Robert Sheets to serve as Secre
tarytary-Treasurer. Mr. Shane
Parker seconded. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
SM 2
Modification of 2014 Board Meeting Schedule
Mr. Sheets presented the modification to the previously adopted 2014 Board Meeting Schedule, which was
requested by Mr. Bruce Kennedy due to standing Development Review Committee meetings he attends which
conflicts with the previously approved FGUA schedule. Staff confirmed that these changes would not create conflicts
with most of the other Board Directors. Staff recommended approval to modify the Board meeting schedule for the
August meeting to be held on Thursday, August 28, 2014 and for the November 20th meeting to be held at 10:00
Mr. Flip Mellinger motioned to the Modification of 2014 Board Meeting
Meeting Schedule as presented. Mr. Shane Parker
seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was unanimously approved.
SM 4
Other Items
Mr. Sheets announced that FGUA will be making a presentation at the AWWA/WEF Utility Management Conference
in Savannah, Georgia in February about the success of the utility improvements in Pasco County.
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Utility Counsel
UC 1
Other Items – Update on Springs Protection Act
Mr. John Jenkins addressed the Board and provided an update on the draft bill known as the Springs Protection Act.
Mr. Jenkins noted that this bill has not been filed yet and he will provide more information as this bill moves forward.
General Counsel
GC 1
Approval of the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with
Morton Plant
Plant Mease Health Services, Inc. for FGUA Developer Project 1313-004 SSD, Baycare Trinity
Surgical Center Located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System
Mr. Pelham presented GC 1. Provided for your review and consideration is the FGUA Standard Utility Infrastructure
Conveyance and Service Agreement (CSA) with Morton Plant Mease Health Services, Inc., for Developer Project 13004 SSD located at 2044 Trinity Oaks Blvd, New Port Richey, Pasco County, Florida, in the Pasco (Seven Springs)
Utility System. This project will consist of a 14,994 SF medical office building. Construction is anticipated to be
completed in the fourth quarter of 2014. This CSA provides for water and wastewater service to this project. The
water facilities from Baycare Trinity Surgical Center will connect to the FGUA’s existing 8-inch water main located
within the utility easement on the property. The wastewater facilities from the project will connect to the existing
gravity system located within the utility easement on the property. Staff recommended approval of the FGUA Utility
Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide water and wastewater service to Baycare Trinity
Surgical Center, FGUA Project No. 13-004 SSD, located in the Pasco (Seven Springs) Utility System.
Mr. Ken
Ken Cheek motioned to approve GC 1, FGUA Utility Infrastructure Conveyance and Service Agreement to provide
13--004 SSD, located in the Pasco
water and wastewater service to Baycare Trinity Surgical Center, FGUA Project No. 13
(Seven Springs) Utility System.
System. Mr. Michael Vuolo seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion was
unanimously approved.
GC 2
Other Items
There were no other General Counsel items presented.
SM 3
Update on Utility Bond Cost Containment Legislation
The Board was provided a report from Mr. Michael Harrell of Pennington, P.A. on the efforts regarding the Utility
Bond Cost Containment Legislation. Mr. Sheets stated that staff continues to attend briefings educating host
counties on the legislation as requested by the Board at the last meeting. Mr. Sheets noted that presentations to
Marion, Citrus and Pasco Counties have been well received. Mr. Sheets was also informed by Mr. Doug Meurer that
there may not be a need to make presentation to Lee County, as he provided the information to the Lee County
Board and there were no concerns. Mr. Shane Parker stated the same in regards to the DeSoto County Board. Mr.
Sheets stated that he believes the bill will advance as Legislative members learn of the benefits.
Board Items
BD 1
Other Items
There were no Board Items presented.
Hearing no objections, Ms. Thomas adjourned the meeting at 1:35 p.m.
______________________, Chair / Vice Chair
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Florida Governmental Utility Authority
Board Agenda Item
Thursday, February 20, 2014
CA 8
Acceptance of the Conveyance Closeout Package for Jean Devereaux Apartments,
FGUA Developer Project No. 12-003 NFMD Located in the North Fort Myers Utility
System in Lee County, Florida
Attached for your review and consideration is the Conveyance Closeout Package for the Jean Devereaux Apartments,
Florida Governmental Utility Authority (FGUA) Developer Project No. 12-003 NFMD located in Lee County, Florida.
The project is located at 419-431 Monterey Street and 420-434 Capitol Street, North Fort Myers, FL.
The FGUA will be providing wastewater collection service only to this project. Included in this conveyance to the
FGUA is 3,393 LF of 4” HDPE force main, 74 LF of 4” PVC force main, 178 LF of 8” HDPE force main and casing, one
(1) manhole and associated infrastructure. The total value of assets being contributed to the FGUA for this project is
Please refer to the attached Developer Conveyance Checklist explaining the items provided and the dates the items
were submitted.
Staff recommends acceptance of the Conveyance Closeout Package for the Jean Devereaux Apartments Utility
Facilities that are located in the North Fort Myers Utility System, Lee County.
Budget Impact
Contributed asset total for Lehigh Acres Goodwill is $72,989.07.
Board Action
Moved by:
Seconded by:
Action Taken:
Item Required
Item Required
All of the i nfrastructure bei ng conveyed lies within the 10’ Non - Ex clusive Easement
for Sewer and Water L i nes Per C ovenants & Restrictions as Recorded in OR Book
2871, PG 909 of the Publi c R ecord s of L ee C ounty, Florida, the 60’ Rig ht - of- Way of
Brown Road as recorded i n OR Book 1722, PG 3914 and PB 7, PGS 54 - 55 of the
Public Record s of L ee C ounty , Florida and the 50’ Rig ht - of- Way of M onterey Street as
recorded in and PB 7, PGS 54 - 55 of the Public Record s of L ee C ounty, Florida
Item Required
Item Required
Comments: Gulf Coast Underground, Inc. & Robert's
Well Drilling, Inc.
Item Required
Item Required
Comments: Gulf Coast Underground, Inc. & Robert's
Well Drilling, Inc.
Item Required
ONE (11” X 17”) COPY
Item Required