CURRICULUM VITAE Mr. BERNARD ABEIKU ARTHUR - MGIP MSc, Urban Development and Management, I.H.S Erasmus University, The Netherlands, PG.Dip Urban Poverty Strategies, I.H.S-The Netherlands PG Cert, Public Administration-GIMPA, PG Dip SME Consultancy-NISIET India, PG. Cert, Integrated Urban Planning-BTH Karlskrona, Sweden. B.A(Hons) Sociology&Law-KNUST, Official Address: P.O.BOX, 9065, Airport, Accra-Ghana Hse No. Plot No 13, Anahor Street, Gold Avenue North Legon Valley, Ashongman Accra, Ghana Email: [email protected] Mobile: 024-4695262, CONSULTANT-CODATU, France (October -December, 2013) I worked as a consultant on Urban Transportation for CODATU in the development of the 3 year strategic plan for Sub-Sahara Africa Transport program. My main assignment was to detail the current situation Nigeria and Ghana and to use the data collected to make forecast for the two major cities (Accra and Lagos). VISITING PROFESSOR I worked from April to October, 2013 at Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers- France as a visiting professor in Urban Development studies. Specifically researching and lecturing. Focus on Urban Development in Africa and Visions for City Development as well as the role of transportation in re-shaping cities in Africa. I have conducted 3 years research into the 'AFRICAN CITY' within the WORLD ECONOMY and contributed have contributed to scientific publications and articles published in French professional magazine “Ville de Developpment” Profile LECTURER - Ecole Polytcnique Federal Laussane I delivered a lecture at Ecole Polytecnique Federale Laussane, Switzerland on Visioning for African Cities/ Urban Development in Ghana. MANAGING DIRECTOR Currently, I work in an Urban Development consultancy firm (Ablkonsult Ghana Limited) as the Managing Director. The core focus areas are Urban Development planning and Management, Sustainable Development, Business Development and Management, Urban Transportation Planning, Research and Development. CHIEF EXECUTIVE Before that, I worked for 2 years, s8 months as the CEO for the Center for Urban Transportation in Ghana. An institution which was created by an Act of the parliament of the Republic of Ghana (Act 799, 2010) to undertake policy advise and review, offer excellent research and provide capacity development for all involved in urban transportation. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST I worked for 5 years as the Institutional and Urban Development Specialist for the Ghana Urban Transport Project from 2007 - 2011. During this period, I worked to create 11 Urban Passenger Curriculum Vitae of BAA 1 Transport Institutions at the Metropolitan and Municipal Authorities. I also worked to facilitate the development and passage of appropriate legal and regulatory frameworks for the regulation, planning and management of urban transportation in their respective jurisdiction. The result of this work has led to passage of a Legislative Instrument 1961 which decentralizes Transportation and Urban Roads from the national level to the local authority level. URBAN DEVELOPMENT PLANNING EXPERT I have private sector experience as a consultant - to GTZ/MLGRDE-SfDR in support for Urban Policy, World Bank/MoT/MLGRDE Urban Transport Project, and the Government of Cross River State, Nigeria on Urban Development and Revitalization of Inner city. I am a results-driven multi-disciplinary professional with over 19 years of distinguished post graduation career experience in various disciplines of Local Government, Development Planning, City Development Strategies, Management, Urban Planning and Policy formulation, Project Management, Procurement and Urban Transportation. Have been involved in managing several donor funded projects and programmes within Ghana. I have extensive knowledge, varied experience and skills in Urban Development Planning and Management, Urban Transportation, Local Government practice, Institutional Development and Capacity Building, Strategic Planning and Management, Project/Programme Coordination with key stakeholders, Project Implementation and Monitoring at all levels of the Project Cycle. I am a team player, with a strong commitment to performance and productivity and committed to staff development. Excellent interpersonal and analytical skills and the ability to grasp new ideas and integrate them into desired results. I possess work experience in the public service and private sector as well as with International Development Agencies. I started work as a District Development Planner, facilitated the establishment of the Urban Policy Unit at Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and worked as the Principal Planner for 5 years. CITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIST I have worked as a Consultant for UN-Habitat in the preparation of City Development Strategy for selected cities in Ghana. Worked as Coordinator for the Cities Alliance/Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly in the preparation of a City Development Strategy for Greater Kumasi. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION AND WATE MANAGEMENT Bernard worked exclusively for the re-design of the Ghana Urban Environmental Sanitation Programme of the Government of Ghana. I also worked for 3 years on this project. This was a world bank and Government of Ghana project with engineering, institutional and capacity building considerations. URBAN SANITATION Design of the urban sanitation concept out of which Zoomlion waste management services has been born. I worked with some persons and institutions in the design of the this programme which has led to the creation of one of the giant waste management and sanitation companies in Africa. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 3 Project management Urban Transportation Planning and Management Integrated Urban Planning Key Competencies Urban Development and Management Procurement of Services, Works and Goods Institutional/Organizational Development. Capacity Building City Development Strategic Environment and Safeguards( Resettlement Planning and Implementation) Experience 2010-Date 2007 to 2011 Feasibility Studies and Investment Appraisals Urban Development and Capacity Building in Ghana C.E.O.: CENTRE FOR URBAN TRANSPORTATION. The Center for Urban Transportation was established by an Act of Parliament to among others make recommendations on Urban Transport Policy and Strategy for the consideration of urban transport policy makers, urban transport operators and managers of urban transport systems. As a Center Of Excellence, it seeks to build the capacity to transform the urban transportation system in Ghana into a more informed and technologically enhanced system which is accessible, affordable, reliable, safe, efficient and able to optimize the movement of people, goods and services for the sustainable development and competitiveness of the urban areas. I worked on the mandate to oversee all project activities including procurement of a various Consultancy Services, Goods and Works. Particularly am in charge of the selection of the writing of Terms of Reference (TORs) and Request for Proposals (RFP) as well as the formation of Technical and Financial Evaluation Committees. All Evaluation reports are reviewed and validated by the CEO of the center. Occasionally, I chair and participate in the evaluation of proposals. I have supervised the recruitment of staff to the CUT ensuring that the various processes were in accordance with the Ghana Procurement Act, Act 663 and Donor Partner Guidelines and Rules. I have also been engaged in numerous negotiations with various consultant engaged by the centre. INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT SPECIALIST -GHANA URBAN PLANNING FOR URBAN TRANSPORT PROJECT This project is a Government of Ghana, World Bank, AFD and the Global Environmental Facility sponsored project. It is a 95M USD which seeks to improve mobility in participating MMDAs and to pilot a Bus Rapid Transit system for the Mallam to CBD component. The project also aims at reducing GHG emissions ultimately. There are five components for the project namely; Institutional Development, Traffic Management, Pilot BRT, Integration of transportation in Urban Development, Monitoring and Evaluation. 1. I had the mandate to facilitate and deliver the setting up of the various institutions and see their operationalization under this project including the PAO, UPTUs, the UTAC, the CUT and various Steering Committees on Transport Operators and the Regulators of Urban Curriculum Vitae of BAA 4 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Transportation in Greater Accra. I worked to also recruit/procure the services of 17 personnel for the various UPTUs as well as some staff of the PAO. These were engaged through procurement process in accordance with Act 663 as well as Donor Partner procurement guidelines. I also had the mandate under the PAO project to work and coordinate various institutional Development studies including the CUT, GAPTE, ENFORCEMENT Procurement of retainer consultants for the Institutional and Regulatory component of the Ghana Urban Transport Project Procurement of Consultant for the Greater Accra Passenger Transport Executive study to ascertain the legal/regulatory and Institutional aspects for the setting-up of a greater metropolitan institution to oversee and coordinate cross-cutting issues of urban transportation in the Greater Accra area. Procurement of the consultancy for the Enforcement study on the Regulatory regime of the Bye-Laws passed by the participating MMDAs in the Ghana Urban Transport Project. BACKSTOPPING CONSULTANT: GTZ/MLGRDE: URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH POLICY 2007 I worked as the key backstopping consultant for the preparation of the Concept paper on Urban Development Policy for Ghana and the strengthening of the Urban Development Unit in the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. On this assignment, I worked in the production of the Concept Paper for Urban Development which is currently being used in the preparation of the National Urban Development Policy. I also worked in preparation of various Terms of References (TORs) and RFPs for various consultancy services under this engagement. I also worked on evaluating a number of Technical and Financial Proposals and Negotiation of Contracts for the GTZ-Support for Decentralization Reforms under which this assignment was set. 2006-2007 COORDINATOR: PREPARATION OF AFD SUPPORTED MUNICIPAL CONTRACT PROJECT I worked as the coordinator with some French consultants and AFD officials in the preparation of the Municipal Contract Project which is an offshoot of the Economic Sector Work on Urban Development initially financed by the World Bank. I facilitated the preparation of the project documentation and the adoption of the various documentation for approval by the AFD board and subsequent execution. 2005-2006 COORDINATOR – CITIES ALLIANCE PROGRAMMES in Ghana I was selected to Coordinate Cities Alliance Projects and Programmes in Ghana. Out of this, the Kumasi City Development Strategy was borne and implemented from 2005-2006 with a budget support of 100,000 USD. 2004-2006 MLGRD COUNTERPART PLANNER: URBAN ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION PROJECT II This is a project which was set up by the then Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development to address the sanitation problems in five major cities in Ghana. The project has four main components namely, Institutional Development, Community Infrastructure Improvement, Drainage Improvement, Monitoring and Evaluation. I worked as Ministry’s counterpart staff for Planning and Institutional Development from 2004-2006 Curriculum Vitae of BAA 5 2003-2004 COORDINATOR: MAINSTREAMING OF DONOR FUNDED PROJECT INTO MLGRDE I was responsible for the coordination of technical team to prepare a detailed reform programme for the mainstreaming of donor projects in Urban Development into the main departments of the Ministry of Local Government 2001-2007 HEAD: URBAN DEVELOPMENT POLICY UNIT- MLGRDE I acted for eight (8) years as the head of the Urban Development Unit of the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. In this position I was responsible for all planning, Monitoring and Evaluation of development projects. I was responsible for the formulation and coordination of the Municipal Contract project (AFD support), Urban Development Policy (GTZ support), Municipal Finance Project (Cities Alliance support) and the facilitation of the Urban Management and Land Information System Project (Swedish support). I facilitated the preparation of the Unit’s 2004-2008 Strategic Plan and developed a new organizational structure and organogram for the unit. 2004-2006 NATIONAL COORDINATOR: ECONOMIC SECTOR WORK FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT IN GHANA The economic sector work was commissioned by the Government of Ghana through the Ministries of Finance and Economic Planning, Local Government, Rural Development and Environment and the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations. It was supported by the World Bank. The entire study focused on three clusters namely: Decentralization and Municipal Services, Land management and Local Economic Development. COORDINATOR: Urban Development Technical Team 2002-2004 2004-2005 This was a team set up by the MLGRDE involving heads of departments of the Ministry and technical officers from other Ministries, Departments and Agencies as well as persons from the Universities and research institutions. The role of the committee was to study various areas of urban development, the funding arrangements and the projects in the sector and propose improvements for coordination. LEAD FACILITATOR: Urban Management Land Information System I worked as the concept developer and facilitator during the preparation stage of this project. This project was set up by the MLGRDE to assist the Accra Metropolitan Assembly in the establishment of a detailed land Information system which will lead to house numbering as well as street naming in Accra. It was supported with a Swedish Grant and is being implemented by AMA with overall coordination by MLGRDE. The success of the project would lead to the up scaling of the process and success story to other Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 6 Local Government Capacity Building 2008 RESOURCE PERSON: Trainer/Resource Person urban planning and city management workshop for planning officers and coordinating directors. As part of efforts to strengthen the capacity of staff of newly created Districts, I was involved in the training of planning and Coordinating Directors of 20 districts in Local Government Administration and Urban Planning at the Institute for Local Government Studies. CONSULTANT: PREPARATION OF CITY DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY-KUMASI METROPOLITAN ASSEMBLY 2006 2004-2006 As part of an urban development project in Ghana. I was engaged to facilitate the preparation of a City Development Strategy for Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly. In the course of the execution of the assignment, participants were taken through training of the city development strategy process. RESOURCE PERSON: NATIONAL VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME/NATIONAL SERVICE SCHEME I worked as the key resource person on the development of a National Volunteer Programme to support human resource mobilization for national development in collaboration with the National Service Scheme. This was a successful programme which has now been mainstreamed into the National Service Scheme and accepted by Government and budgeted for annually. Out of this project, the National Youth Employment Programme was borne. 2005 CONSULTANT AND FACILTATOR: Training of District Assembly staff in Planning and Revenue Mobilization-WASSA AMENFI WEST DISTRICT ASSEMBLY Bernard was engaged to plan and manage the implementation of a District Revenue Mobilization Training programme for the Wassa Amenfi District Assembly. This was a project that aimed at strengthening revenue mobilization. It involve the establishment of a Revenue Database for the District and a detailed plan for improving revenue generation. 2004 CONSULTANT: Preparation of Medium Term Development plan- FANTEAKWA DISTRICT ASSEMBLY I was engaged to facilitate the preparation of the 2004-2008 Medium Term Plan for the Fanteakwa District in the Eastern Region of Ghana. This project was completed in 6 months from March to September, 2004. 2004 CONSULTANT: Preparation of Medium Term Development Plan for the Bibiani-Anwiaso-Bekwai District Assembly This was a project set up by the District Assembly authorities to prepare their Medium Term Plan for the 2004-2008 period. The assignment included the development of capacity building for the Assembly members and staff of the decentralized departments as part of the planning process. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 7 2005 CO-ORDINATOR: Africa-America Sister Cities Conference The conference was organized to bring along a number of City leaders and development partners to explore the possibility of exchanging ideas and create partnerships for mutual benefit. The conference brought along over 700 participants from Africa and America. 2005 PROJECT PLANNER: WORLD BANK –Okyehene secretariat for the Partnership for Traditional Authorities (PPTAP) I worked as the project planner in the preparation of the project as well as the coordinator for six months for the above mentioned project which was initially to cost 500,000 USD but eventually was supported with 1.8 Million USD. 2004 CO-ORDINATOR: Creation and Resourcing Newly Created Districts in Ghana In 2004 more Districts 28 Districts were created by Government and the challenge of resourcing these districts with Human Resource was given as a responsibility to Mr. Arthur. I mobilized 680 personnel on Voluntary basis for each of the Assemblies in three key professional areas namely; Planning, Engineering and Accounting. Personnel who decided after voluntary service to be incorporated into the Assembly structures were regularized. Till date over 97% of those personnel are working as District Assembly staff. 2003 CONSULTANT: Preparation of proposal for Multi-purpose market complex-Mfantsiman District Assembly I was the Development Planner for the Spanish government financed study for the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development/Mfantsiman District Assembly, for the development of a MultiPurpose Market Complex at Mankessim in 2003. This study assessed the needs of identifiable groups and communities in Mankessim and the design concept for the market. The results of the study were used to justify the funding requirement. 2001 CONSULTANT-UN-Habitat: preparation of Ghana City Development Programme This was an initiative by the Government of Ghana with support from the UN-Habitat to develop a comprehensive proposal for funding and technical support for the preparation of a country-wide City Development Strategy proposal for the five major cities in Ghana. ADVISER : Review of the National Development Planning Guidelines 2001 2001 I was involved in the review of the National Development Planning Guidelines with the view to making it reflect current development changes. This was an NDPC activity with support from the UNDP and facilitated by ILGS. CONSULTANT: Preparation of the Medium Term Plan for Mfantsiman District Assembly This was a project set up by the District Assembly authorities to prepare their Medium Term Plan for the 2004-2008 period. The assignment included the development of capacity building programme for the Assembly members and staff of the decentralized departments as part of the planning process. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 8 2000 2000 ASSOCIATE STAFF: Capacity Building to Support Decentralization in Ghana-CBDG I have worked as an associate staff to The Netherlands Government supported Capacity Building to Support Decentralization in Ghana. This project initially was set up to a credible capacity building project in strengthening the decentralization process under the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. A first group of staff were trained in the Netherlands to become trainer of trainers. The project led to the formation of the Institute for Local Government Studies and provided equipment and office accommodation. It ended in 2004. UN-HABITAT CONSULTANT: City Development Strategies for Elmina I worked as a consultant for the UN-Habitat in the preparation of a comprehensive proposal for city development strategies for 5 cities in Ghana from late 1999 to 2000. I worked closely with 5 other consultants selected to do specific studies for Accra, Kumasi, Cape-Coast, Elmina and Ho. This was completed in 2000 and Elmina Cultural Heritage Management Programme was borne out of it. 1997-1999 PROJECT COORDINATOR: Village Infrastructure Project (VIP I) I worked as the District Focal Person for the Village Infrastructure Project which was a World Bank and Government of Ghana collaborated Project to support deprived District in the construction of Roads, Micro Credit Support and Capacity Building. In this Project a number of farmer groups and women groups were assisted in appropriate technology and business planning as well as improved agriculture practices. 1995-1999 PROJECT COORDINATOR: Basic Education Sector Improvement Project (Besip) Wb/Gog I worked as the District Coordinator for this Project in the Mpohor Wassa East District from 1995199. During this period approximately, 19 Public School and Teachers Accommodation was constructed across the District worth about 1.4 Billion Cedis then. 1995-1999 DISTRICT PROJECT COORDINATOR: 3rd EU Micro Projects Programme This is a project being financed jointly by the European Union and the Government of Ghana. The loan component is of the order of ECU18 million. I was responsible as District Project Coordinator in the preparation of the project facility for the Mpohor Wassa East District Assembly and implementation coordination. My specific responsibility was in identifying projects, estimating costs and benefits, preparing project profiles and terms of references, procurement of Contractors, and the facilitation of community contributions in implementation of social development projects as well as taking part in negotiations and appraisal missions. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 9 1996-1998 RESOURCE PERSON: Netherlands Development organization: danfopa project This was a Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) sponsored project which aimed among others to support the poverty reduction programmes of the Local Government. My specific responsibility was for identifying groups and mobilizing to access micro credit and organizing them for repayment through group peer influences. The project closed on 30 th June 1998. 1995 DISTRICT PROJECT PLANNER: un-habitat STRENGTHENING COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME This is a UN-Habitat-Government of Ghana funded Project which aimed at supporting low income families, especially female headed households to improve on their incomes through a number of interventions with House improvement as the entry point. It was executed over a four year period from 1994-1999. I worked as the District Project Planner for one of the Mpohor Wassa East District; one of the deprived districts in the Western Region 1995 DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT PLANNING OFFICER- Mpohor Wassa East District Assembly I was recruited by the National Development Planning Commission, trained and posted to the Mpohor Wassa East District Assembly as the District Planning Officer. A position I held enviably well until 1999 when I embarked on a Post Graduate Course Urban Poverty Strategic Planning at the Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies in the Netherlands. During this period I prepared the first medium term plan for the district and collaborated with a number of development partners in facilitating development for the District. 1990 SECRETARY-GENERAL: KNUST STUDENTS REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL I was elected as the General Secretary of the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Students Representative Council for a one year period. I served faithfully in this capacity and achieved a number of good successes. In this capacity, I represented the students of the university at the Central Committee of National Union of Ghanaian Students and had the privilege of serving in a committee that mitigated in an indiscipline impasse at the University of Ghana when some 12 students were rusticated. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 10 2004 to Date Experience with Government, Donors and NGOs I have tremendous work experience with Task Managers, Team Leaders and consultants of donor agencies, Expatriate Consultant and contract staff engaged on projects. Some of the agencies whose staff I have worked with include the World Bank, AFD, DANIDA, GTZ, and DFID. I have worked as the head of the Urban Development Unit of the Policy Directorate of the Ministry of Local Government. Served as the National Coordinator for an International Analytical Study for Urban Development and Growth Policy for Ghana sponsored by the World Bank. I have also delivered lecture to SIDA sponsored training on Stockholm-Sweden for professionals in an Integrated Urban Planning course organized by HIFAB BV in collaboration with Blekinge Technical University, Karlskrona, Sweden. I worked as the InstitutionaL Development Specialist and head of Institutional and Urban Development Unit of the Urban Transport Project with the Department of Urban Roads of the Ministry of Roads and Highways. I am an executive member of the Ghana Institution of Planners. Registration No. 293 BOARD MEMBERSHIP BRRI: I am a Board Member of the Building and Road Research Institute of the Centre for Scientific and Industrial Research Ghana Institution of Planners (GIP) Executive Committee Member-2009-2012 EXPERIENCE Nigeria Nigeria Consultant/Adviser in Urban Development and Management to the Government of Cross River State, 2009 Urban Development and Institutional Technical Advisor to the Department of Public Transportation, Cross River State, Nigeria 2009 Visiting Professor with CNAM-France, April- August, 2013 Consultant-CODATU/SSATP, September-November, 2013. Lecture on Urban Development and Transportation in Africa at Ecole Polytecnique Switzerland Federal Laussane-Switzerland, 2013 Guest Lecturer at Institute for Housing and Urban Development Studies Alumni The Netherlands 50th Year anniversary, April, 2013 Guest at Columbia University/Earth Institute-Centre for Sustainable Urban U.S.A Development Studies, 2011 Guest presenter at IUD Course for Developing Countries, sponsored by SIDA and Sweden conducted by HIFAB, 2008. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ATTENDED France 2011 Public Transport Training for Sub-Sahara Africa- Funded by the World Bank and CODATULagos-Nigeria Participated in the 5 days training in Nigeria. A very enriching training programme for public transport practitioners in sub-sahara Africa. In all there were 35 countries represented in this training 2011 TRB Conference in Washington DC-USA Participated as a member of the Ghana delegation to the international conference on transportation. Curriculum Vitae of BAA 11 TRB Conference in Washington DC-USA 2010 Participated in the Annual Transport Review conference organized by the US Government and the World Bank to ascertain new perspectives in urban transportation. 2009 THREDBO CONFERENCE IN DELFT THE NETHERLANDS This is a professional conference on Public Transportation drawn from practitioners, professional bodies and Research and Development Organizations that meets once in every two year. I participated a after having co-authored a paper on Urban Transportation Institutional Reforms in Ghana. I did a presentation to this body. 2008 SINO AFRICAN ORIENTATION EXCHANGE ON SUSTAINABLE URBAN DEVELOPMENTSHANGHAI, CHINAs This exchange programme was organized under the auspices of GTZ to provide a platform for African and Chinese experts and practitioners to discuss Urban Development with the view to securing a more permanent means for technical and other exchanges. 2008 WORLD URBAN FORUM IV-NINJING, CHINA This conference was organized by UN-Habitat to bring together all professionals, research and development institutions, academia, funding agencies and governments to discuss the Worlds urbanization issues and to exchange new ideas on how to approach the urban agenda. WORLD URBAN FORUM III-VANCOUVER, CANADA This conference was organized by UN-Habitat to bring together all professionals, research and 2006 development institutions, academia, funding agencies and governments to discuss the Worlds urbanization issues and to exchange new ideas on how to approach the urban agenda .presentation were made by a number of organizations across the world 2006 AFRICAN MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE ON HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENTNAIROBI, KENYA This is a platform created under the African Union to address the numerous urban development and housing issues confronting Africa. It is composed of experts from member countries and some donor organizations in Africa. I have since 2006 been a member of Ghana’s team of experts who accompany the Ministers to the conferences. The conferences are organized under the African Union with support from the UN-Habitat. 2003 WATER FOR AFRICAN CITIES CONFERENCE-ADDIS ABABA, ETHIOPIA I was a member of the Ghana team that attended the first Water for African Cities conference in Addis Ababa in 2003. Nationality Ghanaian. Computer MS Office (including Word, Excel, Access, Power Point, Microsoft Project), Skills Education Curriculum Vitae of BAA 12 2007 2005 2004 2000 1999 1995 1991 Blekinge University for Technology/HIFABbv, Karlskrona-Sweden: Post Graduate Certificate in Integrated Urban Development Planning Ghana Institute for Public Administration (GIMPA), Accra-Ghana: Post Graduate Certificate in General Public Management for Senior Civil Servants National Institute for Small Enterprise Training, Hyderabad-India: Post Graduate Certificate in SME consultancy IHS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands/Lund University, Sweden: MSc. Urban Development and Management IHS, Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Post Graduate Diploma in Poverty Reduction Strategic Planning (PG Dip) Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology/NDPC/UNDP: Post Graduate Training for selected District Development Planners Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana: B.A (Hons). Sociology & Law Reference 1. Professor Seth Asiamah Past Provost College of Planning and Architecture Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Kumasi. 2. Mr. Frank Tackie President Ghana Institution of Planners Accra. 3. Dr. Eugene Atiemo Director CSIR/BRRI Kumasi I certify that the information provided is a true presentation of me. Signed Date Curriculum Vitae of BAA 13
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