STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. ORGANISATION Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) 1 IBIS Ghana Northern | Bole, Zabzugu/Tatale; Upper East | Garu-Tempane, Talensi-Nabdam; Upper West| Lawra, Nadowli Northern Sector Mining Intervention: CSOs and communities and their members particularly women groups and people with disabilities are strengthened to undertake advocacy on their rights using appropriate legal and policy instruments. CSOs, District Assemblies (DAs), Traditional Authorities (TAs) and mining companies are meeting regularly to discuss and resolve mining-community issues including land, resettlement and compensations and local content to benefit communities and prevent conflicts and its effects on communities, women and children. Traditional Authorities, DAs and CSOs have implementing mechanisms to identify early warning signals, prevent and manage conflicts. DAs and communities have mechanisms and structures to prevent child mining and abuse of their rights to education. Stakeholders are aware of potential benefits and dangers of mining, and engage in evidence based advocacy. July 1, 2012June 30, 2013 (no cost extension September 2013) 2 Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) National Enhancing Parliament’s Oversight Role through an Effective Implementation of the Recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee on Judgement Debts in Ghana: A high level of integrity and due diligence exhibited by senior public officers and politicians, leading to reduced wastage and inefficiencies in the utilisation of public resources through payment of judgement debts; Public outcry and calls on government to act on reports of PAC and ARICs. A highly sensitised citizenry that is empowered to report suspicious transactions in their offices and communities. Effective ARICs in place and functioning, hence, making the PAC an effective anti-corruption institution. A reader-friendly report on actions and inaction of government on the recommendations of the PAC published for public consumption. October 1, 2012 September 30, 2013 3 COLANDEF National, Western | Ahanta West, Ellembele, Jomoro, Mpohor/ Wassa East, Nzema East Municipal, Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan Establishing a Multi-Stakeholder Consultative Dialogue Platform for the Oil & Gas Industry in the Western Region: Establish institutional mechanisms and organisational structures that lay the foundation for a sustainable consultative multi-stakeholder dialogue platform for productive interaction between community, businesses and government on development concerns relating to the Oil and Gas Industry. All Relevant Stakeholder Institutions and Groups identified, organised and brought on board to their respective spaces within the Consultative Framework Model; Secretariat established with systems and structures in place to support the Dialogue Platform; Implementation of Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Platform Tested. July 1, 2012April 30, 2013 STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES ORGANISATION 4 Ghana Federation for the Disabled (GFD)/Law and Development Associates Promoting effective implementation of the Persons with Disability Act 715: A draft comprehensive Legislative Instrument (LI) for the Persons with Disability Act 2006 (ACT 715) developed and presented to the Ministry of Employment & Social Welfare and other duty bearers for onward submission to Parliament for consideration. 5 Institute of Financial and Economic Journalists (IFEJ) IFEJ Advocacy Programme: To improve on the advocacy role of financial and economic journalists as well the general public for in depth analysis and deliberations on governance issues especially budgets and its related policies. To give journalists the insight on how the national budget is prepared, implemented, monitored and evaluated. To enhance media engagement with the public and the legislature to get a deeper understanding of what the informed and uninformed Ghanaian think about the budget process of government. To enable journalists advance their advocacy role in policy initiation, implementation and monitoring. March 10, 2013 - May 31, 2013 6 Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences (GAAS) 2012 GAAS Public Forum Programme-Accountability in Governance: Symposium on Economic Accountability; Symposium on Social Accountability; Roundtable discussion on Political Accountability and Good Governance. July 22-July 24, 2013 7 Financial Accountability and Transparency, Africa (FAT-Africa) Roundtable discussion on the SSNIT Annual Report for the year that ended on 31 December, 2011. June 2013 August 2013 Civil Society and Institutional Foundation (CSIF) Debate Forum on Legitimacy and Relevance of NGOs: The debate forum seeks to provide an opportunity for relevant stakeholders within civil society organisations, the state and academia to critically debate on and assess the impact, the relevance and challenges that face NGOs especially in recent years. 1. NGOs have become critical on their own roles; 2. NGOs have begun to reflect over their legitimacy in terms of governance and impacts; 3. A working committee is formed for more coordinated debate forums in Northern Ghana; and 4. State and NGOs begin to engage each other productively. February 1 28, 2014 8 Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) No. August 10, 2012 November 9, 2012 STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. 9 10 Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) Global Arts and Development Centre (GADEC) One billion Rising, Vagina Monologues and Vagina Outreach: To raise awareness about violence against women and children and encourage the ordinary person to become a change agent because lasting social and cultural change is spread by ordinary people doing extraordinary things To bring the appropriate legislation or policies to the people and also collate gender violence and related information so as to help policy makers become more appreciative and proactive in policy formulation through the use of interactive theatre. To get decision makers especially the traditional rulers in selected districts to appoint an ombudsman who will serve as a gender liaison between the traditional authorities and the law enforcement agencies. April 1, 2013 - October 31, 2013 Women in Law and Development in Africa (WiLDAF) Making the Illegality Right: Ensuring Muslim Marriage Comply with Statutory Marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance: Muslim marriages in Ghana are registered under the Marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance (Cap 129) by the Registrar General’s Office and Metropolitan, Municipal and District Assemblies. It is expected that the necessary tools being the Marriage Register and registration forms will be produced by the Government of Ghana to facilitate registration. Additionally Muslim priests will be duly licensed and gazetted to facilitate registration. Increased public discussion on the apparent discrimination against Muslims to garner support for the tools. Increased knowledge among Muslims of the provisions of the Marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance to build demand for requisite register, forms and data. At the end of this project, a strategic meeting will be organised to build upon the recommendations in the analysis of the Law, and develop a road map to continue the advocacy and awareness. At the end of the 9 months following advocacy (meetings, lobbying, media interactions etc.) by Muslim leaders from the 4 groups supported by 20 legal literacy volunteers and other civil society groups (Muslim and non-Muslim), government actors introduce tools for registration of Muslim marriages under Cap 129 and make them available. November 1, 2012-August 31, 2013 (revised to: April 2013December 2013); Extended from December 2013-March 2014 ORGANISATION STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. ORGANISATION Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) March 10, 2013 - March 31, 2015 11 TWN Africa Sustaining and Deepening Ongoing Mining and Development Policy Reforms and Contract Re-negotiations Beyond 2012 and Domesticating the Africa Mining Vision: Increased public visibility of the domestic mining reform agenda, the contract renegotiation process as well as of the Africa Mining Vision.Enhanced engagement by civil society actors with policy makers and officials around evidence-based policy proposals for mining and development reforms. Educational and policy material on mining reforms produced and disseminated. Strengthened policy knowledge and advocacy cooperation among a diverse range of CSOs on mining and related development policy issues centred around the mining policy reform agenda and contract renegotiation process. 12 African Women Lawyers Association (AWLA) Lobby For The Passage Of The Property Rights Of Spouses Bill And The Intestate Succession Bill Into Law: 1. Passage of the Property Rights of Spouses and the Intestate Succession Bills into laws. 2. Increase keystakeholders understanding and pressure especially Traditional Authorities, Women Groups and Media on the Property Rights of Spouses and the Intestate Succession Bills for passage into law. August, 2013 - July 31, 2014 Ghana Federation for the Disabled (GFD) (2) Affirmative Action for Persons with Disabilities in Ghana: To stimulate conversation by stakeholders in the disability movement and elicit the commitment and action of the Ministry of Gender and Social Protection to expanding the scope of the proposed affirmative action bill, currently at the preparation stage, to include clear provisions on PWDs. Stakeholders in the disability movement including the parliamentary caucus on disability would present a consolidated position on key areas of disability and not less than 50% of those inputs will be adopted by the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection into the affirmative action bill. January 15, 2014 September 30, 2014 General Agricultural Workers’ Union (GAWU) Citizens Movement Against Corruption (CMaC): To reduce drastically the level of corruption in society as a whole. Create awareness in a nonpartisan manner. Raise public awareness and secure government responsiveness to citizens’ demand. Relevant laws in place (including the RTI); institutions established and resources to enforce laws/policies; and accountability to the people of Ghana. January 15, 2014 December 31, 2014 13 14 STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. ORGANISATION 15 Legal Resource Centre (LRC) 16 Northern Ghana Network for Development (NGND) Project Key Results Offered Elections 2012: Truth Be Told Project: Selected Election related cases published in the media would have been thoroughly investigated and published for the good of the general public. Strengthening Civil Society Participation In Enhancing Transparency and Accountability in The Programmes And Activities Of The Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA): A vibrant civil society platform established, and participating in and influencing the policies, programmes and projects of SADA for poverty reduction and equitable national development in a transparent manner. 1. Knowledge and understanding of Civil Society Organisations and general public in the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone on SADA enhanced to facilitate their contributions/suggestions to SADA programmes and projects. 2. SADA demonstrates enhanced transparency and accountability in its programmes and projects to key stakeholders. 3. Provisions of Sections 12(2) and 12(5) of SADA Act 850 (2010) are adhered to with respect to Stakeholder participation and inputs into the programmes and projects of SADA. Section 12(6) is amended and the financial burden of participating in the meetings of the SCC by Civil Society members is removed. Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) November 1, 2012October 31, 2013 October 1, 2013 November 30, 2014 4. Civil Society Platform on SADA is able to undertake evidence based advocacy. 17 COLANDEF (2) Sustaining Stakeholder Engagements Around Oil And Gas Issues Through An Institutionalized Western Regional Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue Platform: • Inventory of oil related CSR Projects in the Western Region done as part of baseline information for the Dialogue. • Training and sensitisation conducted on the Operational Guidelines for all members of the dialogue platform. • Western Regional Multi-stakeholder Dialogue Forum Operationalised. December 1, 2013 - June 1, 2014 STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES ORGANISATION Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) Institute of Chartered Accountants (ICAG) Advocacy for IPSAS and GIFMIS Adoption: 1. Stakeholders would understand and appreciate the need to adopt IPSAS in Ghana; 2. MOFEP , CAGD, GAS, IAA, NDPC, and other stakeholders of Public Sector Financial Reporting would lend their support and co-operation to the adoption process; 3. A strategic document to guide the adoption and implementation would be produced; 4. IPSAS would be implemented as an integral part of the GIFMIS project; and 5. Accountants and Auditors in the public sector would have an in-depth knowledge about the modules of the GIFMIS as well as the contents and application of IPSAS. October 1, 2013 - April 30, 2014 19 Centre For Alternative Development (CENFAD) Strengthening Citizens Participation in the Governance and development of the Upper East Region: Enhanced citizens participation in the development of the region’s strategic development planning and increased accountability of the RCC and other regional governance bodies to the citizens of the Upper East region for the realisation of the objectives of the regional strategic plan. 1. A participatory citizens’ centred Regional Development Strategy produced. 2. A strengthened regional network of CSOs and other Governance institutions active and playing effective and collaborative role in ensuring equitable and sustainable development of the region. 3. Local authority actors demonstrating responsive and accountable leadership. November 1, 2013 December 1, 2014 20 Professional Network Association North (PRONET) Deepening Citizens Participation In Governance In The Upper West Region: A citizen-led Regional Development Strategy produced to increase responsiveness of local authority actors. 1. Upper West Region network of CSOs reactivated and engaging with Local Authority Actors. 2. Local Authority Actors demonstrating responsive and accountable leadership. November 1, 2013 August 31, 2014 No. 18 STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. 21 22 23 Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) Public Sector Reform Secretariat (PSRS) Coordination of Open Government Partnership (OGP) Action Plan Implementation: The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a new multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen governance and is overseen by a Global Steering Committee of governments and civil society organisations (CSOs). 1. Print OGP Action Plan and disseminate 2. Generate nation-wide awareness for OGP 3. Monitor and evaluate OGP Action Plan implementation 4. Produce annual report January 1, 2014 December 31, 2014 STAR-Ghana Steering Committee STAR-Ghana II Consultations: The programme Steering Committee (SC) is being supported with a grant to lead the processes for the design of a framework for a possible successor programme to STAR-Ghana. This includes the implementation of learning visits to Bangladesh and Tanzania, stakeholder consultations in Ghana and TA to analyse existing documentation on governance programmes in Africa with a view to identifying lessons and examples of good practices. The framework will be submitted to the donors for their consideration. August 2013 - June 2014 Peasant Farmers Association of Ghana (PFAG) Improved And Increased Uptake And Access To Quality Healthcare By Rural Farmers Especially Women, Children And Farmers With Disabilities In The NHIS: 30% increase in uptake of NHIS bearers for rural small scale women, men and disabled farmers in the Northern sector {Upper East Region-Garu-Timpaani District (Zaari and Guuni), Upper West Region-Sisala East District (Nanyua, Kong and Chingchang), Northern Region Gushiegu District (Zinindo) and Kariga District (Yamo-Kariga) as a result of improved attitude of service providers and ability of farmers to renew their NHIS registration. 1. 20% increase in the number of farmers holding valid NHIS ID cards (registered or renewed) and using them to access health care in the target communities. 2. 5% increase in report of positive attitude from service providers through community score cards. September 1, 2013 January 31, 2015 ORGANISATION STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) Socioserve-Ghana Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 Voice Ghana Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 26 Choice Ghana Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 27 Centre for Rural Improvement Services (CRIS) Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 No. 24 25 ORGANISATION STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) 28 West Africa Aids Foundation (WAAF) Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 29 National Catholic SecretariatDepartment Of Human Development (NCS) Assessing The “Social Value” Of The Work Of Star-Ghana’s Grant Partners: An action-research pilot project to measure the ‘social value’ of the work of STAR-Ghana’s grant partners (GPs) in particular and CSOs in Ghana. The lessons and learning from the pilot will be used to assist in the refinement of STAR-Ghana’s VFM strategy and will be a contribution to learning on measuring value for money (VFM) in governance programmes such as STAR-Ghana. December 1, 2013 February 28, 2014 Revenue Watch Building Capacity for Strengthened Parliamentary and Media Oversight of Oil, Gas and Mineral Resources in Ghana: To ensure the effective implementation and monitoring of the legal framework governing the extractive sector, as well as to strengthen oversight of the oil, gas and mining sector in Ghana. To strengthen effective and consistent oversight by the media of extractive resources and revenues, contributing to their improved use for the public good in Ghana. November 1, 2013 December 31, 2014 No. 30 ORGANISATION STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES ORGANISATION Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) 31 Media Foundation for West Africa (MFWA) Promoting Professional Standards and Enhancing the Watchdog Role of the Ghanaian Media: Improved Professional standards (at least 40% reduction in professional and ethical infractions) among 40 targeted media outlets; and enhanced watchdog role of the media through increased critical, investigative reporting (30 stories) that instigate policy debates and actions on key issues related to education, health, extractives and governance. 1. Forty major media outlets in Ghana (25 radio stations; 10 newspapers; and 5 news websites) have improved professional standards, reflected in at least 40% reduction in ethical and professional infractions in those media outlets. 2. The Watchdog role of the Ghanaian media is enhanced through the production of thirty (30) critical, investigative reports on health, education, extractives and governance issues ( 10 per quarter from second to fourth quarter) with at least 40% of those stories prompting policy debates and/or actions by duty bearers at national, regional or district levels. February 1, 2014 December 31, 2014 32 Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organisational Development (CIKOD) Strengthening Civil Society Voice on the Plant Breeders Bill • Civil Society and citizens’ inputs included in the consideration of the Plant Breeders Bill. • Platform created for continuing civil society and peasant farmers’ dialogue with key stakeholders such as Parliament, MOFA, etc., on Biosafety Act, GMOs in Ghana, the Seed Breeders Bill and the G8 New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition. March 1, 2014 December 31, 2014 33 Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) Advocacy Towards The Creation Of A Civilian Police Oversight Body Independent Of Government Control: 1. An active network of CSO’s working to promote increased accountability and transparency in the GPS through advocacy on the civilian oversight body. 2. A co-ordinated advocacy towards the proposed civilian complaint authority and increased public awareness on the need for a truly independent civilian authority. May 1, 2014 - November 30, 2014 No. STEERING COMMITTEE APPROVALS - STRATEGIC OPPORTUNITIES No. ORGANISATION Project Key Results Offered Grant Period (Reporting quarterly) 34 International Institute of ICT Journalism (Penplusbytes) in partnership with Financial Accountability and Transparency Africa Producing a Citizen's Budget for Ghana: Increased access to national budget by citizens through development of simplified citizens' budget. May 1, 2014 - November 30, 2014
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