Ansgar Player: Jason Male Half-Orc Barbarian 4 - CR 3 Chaotic Good Humanoid (Human, Orc); Deity: Gorum; Age: 16; Height: 6' 11" ; Weight: 300lb.; Eyes: Blue; Hair: Brown Ability Score Modifier 20 +5 16 +3 16 +3 STR STRENGTH DEX DEXTERITY CON CONSTITUTION Endurance : +4 to continue running, vs. nonlethal damage from a forced march, to avoid nonlethal damage from starvation/thirst, or to hold your breath INT INTELLIGENCE WIS WISDOM CHA CHARISMA Saving Throw 13 +1 14 +2 14 +2 Total FORTITUDE +8 = (CONSTITUTION) +5 = (DEXTERITY) Resist +4 +3 +1 +1 +4 = (WISDOM) Total Touch AC Ability Misc Temp Notes +3 Skill Name Acrobatics +1 +1 +2 Armor Shield Dex = 10 +4 +1 Size Natur Deflec Dodge Misc +3 13 Flat-Footed AC 14 Trap Sense : +1 bonus vs. traps CM Bonus CM Defense +9 22 = BAB Strength Size Misc +4 +5 - - = 10 BAB Strength Dexterity Size +4 +5 +3 - See the AC section (above) for situational modifiers that may also apply to CMD Base Attack +4 HP 45 Damage / Current HP Initiative Speed +3 40 ft Greatsword Crit: 19-20/×2 2-hand, S Both hands: +9, 2d6+7 Heavy flail Both hands: +9, 1d10+7 Crit: 19-20/×2 2-hand, B, Disarm, Trip Ranseur of the gargoyle (5/day) Both hands: +10, 2d4+8 Total Ability Ranks +8 DEX (3) 3 INT (1) 1 3 1 4 1 3 1 3 - Temp Speed greater than 30' : +4 jump Trap Sense : +1 bonus vs. traps WILL 17 Base Endurance : +4 vs. hot or cold environments and to resist damage from suffocation REFLEX AC Temporary Crit: ×3 2-hand, P, Disarm, Reach Appraise Bluff Climb Craft (armor) Diplomacy Disguise Escape Artist Fly Handle Animal Heal Intimidate Knowledge (history) Perception Ride Sense Motive Stealth Survival Swim +1 +2 +13 +7 +2 +2 +3 +2 +6 +2 +9 +2 +8 +6 +2 +2 +8 +4 CHA (2) STR (5) INT (1) CHA (2) CHA (2) DEX (3) DEX (3) CHA (2) WIS (2) CHA (2) INT (1) WIS (2) DEX (3) WIS (2) DEX (3) WIS (2) STR (5) Endurance : +4 to resist nonlethal damage from exhaustion Feats Armor Proficiency (Light) When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks. Armor Proficiency (Medium) When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license. Feats Experience & Wealth Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) You can make extra attacks of opportunity. Endurance (Shaman's Apprentice) +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue. Experience Points: 9000/15000 Current Cash: 2 PP, 130 GP, 73 SP, 6 CP Reputation: Fame: 6, PP: 6, 100 miles. Special Abilities Martial Weapon Proficiency - All You are proficient with all Martial weapons. Darkvision (60 feet) Power Attack -2/+4 You can see in the dark (black and white vision only). You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage. Elemental Rage, Lesser (1/rage) (Su) Shield Proficiency As a swift action, the barbarian can cause her melee attacks to deal an additional 1d6 points of energy damage (acid, cold, electricity, or fire) for 1 round. A barbarian must be at least 4th level to select this rage power. This power can only be used once per rage. You can use a shield and take only the standard penalties. Simple Weapon Proficiency - All Fast Movement +10 (Ex) Proficient with all simple weapons. A barbarian's land speed is faster than the norm for her race by +10 feet. This benefit applies only when he is wearing no armor, light armor, or medium armor, and not carrying a heavy load. Apply this bonus before modifying the barbarian's speed because of any load carried or armor worn. This bonus Orc Blood stacks with any other bonuses to the barbarian's land speed. Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race. Traits Berserker of the Society () Additional Rage Rounds Exposed to Awfulness (1/day) Vs Death/Incapacitation by demon: Reroll saving throw as free action, keep 2nd result. Vagabond Child (urban) (Escape Artist) Choose from Disable Device, Escape Artist or Sleight of Hand. It is a class skill and gains +1. Unarmed strike Crit: ×2 Light, B, Nonlethal Main hand: +9, 1d3+5 Masterwork Lamellar (leather) armor Max Dex: +3, Armor Check: -1 Spell Fail: 20%, Light +4 Orc Ferocity (1/day) 1/day, when brought below 0 HP but not killed, you can fight on for 1 more round as if disabled. The next round, unless brought to at least 0 HP, you immediately fall unconscious and begin dying. Rage (17 rounds/day) (Ex) A barbarian can call upon inner reserves of strength and ferocity, granting her additional combat prowess. Starting at 1st level, a barbarian can rage for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + her Constitution modifier. At each level after 1st, she can rage for 2 additional rounds. Temporary increases to Trap Sensesuch +1as(Ex) Constitution, those gained from rage and spells like Bear's A character gains intuitivethe sense alertsofher to danger traps,can giving Endurance, do notan increase totalthat number rounds that afrom barbarian her a +1 bonus on Reflex made to avoid traps and aThe +1 dodge bonus to rage per day. A barbarian saves can enter rage as a free action. total number AC againstofattacks made traps. These rise to +2 when the these of rounds rage per day by is renewed afterbonuses resting for 8 hours, although character reaches 6th level, to +3 when she reaches 9th level, to +4 when she hours do not need to be consecutive. Uncanny Dodge reaches 12th level, to (Ex) +5 at 15th, and to +6 at 18th level. You gain the ability to react to danger before her senses would normally allow While in rage, a barbarian gains a +4flat-footed, morale bonus to her you tosense do so.bonuses You cannot be caught norstack. do you Strength lose yourand Dex Trap gained multiple classes Constitution, well as a +2isfrom morale bonus In addition, she to bonus to AC ifasthe attacker invisible. You on stillWill losesaves. your Dexterity bonus takes a -2 penalty to Armor Class. The increase to Constitution grants AC if immobilized. You can still lose your Dexterity bonus to AC if an the barbarian 2 hit points per Hitthe Dice, butaction theseagainst disappear opponent successfully uses feint you.when the rage ends and are not lost first like temporary hit points. While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Elemental Lesser (1/rage) (Su) Acrobatics, Fly,Rage, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration. Tracked Resources Gear Total Weight Carried: 78.22/400lbs, Light Load (Light: 133 lbs, Medium: 266 lbs, Heavy: 400 lbs) Animal glue Animal glue Artisan's outfit (Free) Artisan's tools (Craft [armor]) Bandolier (empty) Cloak of resistance +1 Gear maintenance kit Grappling hook Greatsword Heavy flail Hip flask Hip flask Hip flask Masterwork Lamellar (leather) armor Money Ranseur of the gargoyle (5/day) Ring of climbing Survival kit Waterproof bag (empty) 0.5 lbs 0.5 lbs 5 lbs 1 lb 2 lbs 4 lbs 8 lbs 10 lbs 0.5 lbs 0.5 lbs 0.5 lbs 25 lbs 4.22 lbs 12 lbs 4 lbs 0.5 lbs Exposed to Awfulness (1/day) A barbarian can end her rage as a free action and is fatigued after rage for a number of rounds(1/day) equal to 2 times the number of rounds spent in the rage. A Orc Ferocity barbarian cannot enter a new rage while fatigued or exhausted but can otherwise enter rage multiple times Rage (17 rounds/day) (Ex)during a single encounter or combat. If a barbarian falls unconscious, her rage immediately ends, placing her in peril of death. Ranseur of the gargoyle (5/day) Languages Abyssal Common Special Abilities Beast Totem, Lesser (Su) While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s full base attack bonus. The claws deal 1d6 points of slashing damage (1d4 if Small) plus the barbarian’s Strength modifier. Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free download at Pathfinder® and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC®, and are used under license. Orc
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