Barriers to the maximum penetration of RES in island electrical systems CANARY ISLANDS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (ITC) Renewable Energy Department Salvador Suárez El Hierro, June 25th 2014 • Current energy situation of the Canary Islands • Overcoming barriers to RES penetration in island systems • Energy storage • Grid stability analysis • Wind and solar forecasting • Demand management • Distributed generation • New RES technologies • Economic barriers • Other barriers • Conclusions CURRENT ENERGY SITUATION OF THE CANARY ISLANDS Balance Energético de Canarias 2011 Navegación OIL 7.337.665 Tep 99,32 % 4.022.634 Tep FACTOR CONVERSION Petróleo crudo 1,0 Tep/Tm Gasolinas 1,1 Tep/Tm Queroseno 1,1 Tep/Tm Gasóleos 1,0 Tep/Tm Fuelóleos 1,0 Tep/Tm 1.024.466 Tep Generación Eléctrica 2.097.200 Tep 19.919 Tep Calor 1.341.974 Tep Electricidad 805.657 Tep 30.512 Tep FACTOR CONVERSION Energía Eléctrica 0,086 Tep/MWh Eólica 0,086 Tep/MWh Fotovoltaica 0,086 Tep/MWh Pérdidas Trans+Distr. 54.661 Tep 171,318 Tep 112,879 Tep 295.927 Tep Ayunt. Cabildos 151,777 Tep GOBCAN 30.797 Tep Installed Electric Power and Energy Production 2011 TOTAL Power (MW) 3,177.3 9,368 Energy (GWh) LANZAROTE Power (MW) Energy (GWh) 229.1 874.7 TENERIFE LA PALMA Power (MW) Energy (GWh) 116.4 273.52 LA GOMERA Power (MW) Energy (GWh) Power (MW) Energy (GWh) 1,333 3,715 GRAN CANARIA Power (MW) Energy (GWh) 23.2 74.06 1,251.7 3,707 FUERTEVENTURA Power (MW) Energy (GWh) EL HIERRO Power (MW) Energy (GWh) 13.1 44.87 210.8 677.97 Daily eletric power demand curve. Yearly peak load for Gran Canaria and Tenerife (2011) 600 550 500 MW 450 400 350 300 250 200 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 hora Gran Canaria (31-dic) Peak load Gran Canaria Tenerife Lanzarote Fuerteventura La Palma La Gomera El Hierro 2011 576,90 MW 573,50 MW 143,00 MW 111,80 MW 49,90 MW 12,20 MW 7,70 MW Tenerife (16-mar) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Solar Potential Hours of sun> 3.000 h/year Radiation 6 kWh/m2 -day Wind Potencial Average wind spead of 6 to 8 m/s Production in the Canary Islands: 3.000 – 4.500 h. eq. PECAN 2006: Objetives RES 2015 Tipo 2006 PECAN (2015) Eólica 137 MW 1.025 MW Minihidráulica 1,3 MW 13,6 MW* Solar Fotovoltaica 0,6 MW 160 MW 80.000 m2 460.000 m2 Solar Térmica Solar Termoeléctrica 30 MW Biocombustibles 30 MW Olas 50 MW INSTALLED WIND POWER 2011 : 143,93 MW LANZAROTE LA PALMA Potencia (MW) 5,880 Energía(GWh) 11,499 % Penetracion* Potencia (MW) 8,775 Energía(GWh) 27,273 % penetración 3,12% 4,20% CANARIAS TENERIFE % Penetración eólica * Potencia (MW) 36,680 Energía(GWh) 76,830 % penetracion 3,79% GRAN CANARIA 2,07% Potencia (MW) 79,050 Energía(GWh) 212,738 % penetración 5,74% LA GOMERA EL HIERRO Potencia (MW) 360 Energía(GWh) 579 % penetración Potencia (MW) 100 Energía(GWh) 297 % penetracion 0,66% FUERTEVENTURA 0,78% * % Penetración eólica = energía produc. / total energía demanda Potencia (MW) 13,085 Energía(GWh) 25,577 % penetración 3,77% POTENCIA FOTOVOLTAICA INSTALADA 2011: 152,867 MWp LANZAROTE LA PALMA Potencia (MW) 4,418 Energía(GWh) 5,7 % Penetración* Potencia (MW) 6,468 Energía(GWh) 8,1 % Penetración 0,93% 2,10% CANARIAS TENERIFE % Penetración FV * Potencia (MW) 97,256 Energía(GWh) 160,61 % Penetración 2,47% GRAN CANARIA 4,32% Potencia (MW) 34 Energía(GWh) 44,5 % Penetración 1,2% LA GOMERA EL HIERRO Potencia (MW) 0,009 Potencia (MW) 10,678 Energía(GWh) 16 Energía(GWh) 12,5 % Penetración 1,85% % Penetración Potencia (MW) 0,033 Energía(GWh) 48 % Penetración 0,11% FUERTEVENTURA 0,02% * % Penetración FV = energía produc. / total energía demanda BARRIERS TO MAXIMUM PENETRATION OF RES IN ISLAND SYSTEMS MAXIMIZING PENETRATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGIES The need for enacting policies to support renewable energy is often attributed to a variety of barriers that prevent investments from occurring. Barriers to renewable energy penetration in Islands electric power systems Electric System Land Planning Economic-Administrative issues Estrategy for maximizing RES penetration Grid stability studies Energy storage Forecasting of wind and sun Demand Management Distributed generation ENERGY STORAGE • Solutions allowing for storage of excess RES produced during valley hours of the electric demand curve, and feeding it back to the grid during peak consumption. • Short term energy storage to manage RES variability and fluctuations • Finding energy vectors for RES applications in Transport. Pilares del nuevo between paradigma –island Almacenamiento energía Differences energy de demand generation from wind energy systems Electrical demand Wind generation Fuente and 100 % RES models for islands based on the El Hierro experience Maximizing RES Penetration in Insular Grids: Canary Islands Several Storage Projects ongoing, promoted by the utility (ENDESA) and the TSO (Red Eléctrica de España): NaS, ZnBr, Supercaps, Flywheels Pumped-Hydro Storage (Peak Shaving) 4 systems planned: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, La Palma, La Gomera HYDROGEN AS AN ENERGY CARRIER 3 kWh Thermal energy 1 atm 0 ºC Electricity H2 4.5 kWh/Nm³H2 89.9 g de H 2 89.9 g de H2 2.9 litros 350 bar Electricity 1.5 kWh Fuel cells 1.5 kWh η = 50 % Heat HYDROGEN: ITC’S most relevant RES – H2 projects RES2H2 HYDROBUS H2 energy vector Practical experiences allowing ITC to progress on the H2 technologies learning curve HYDROHYBRID H2 automotive fuel With 1.025 MW of wind-power (PECAN: target 2015), and by using energy surpluses from valley time, H2 could be produced to feed 600 urban buses. GRID STABILITY ANALYSIS Determining the maximum admissible levels for RES penetration in the island electrical systems, and proposing actions to reinforce the small and weak island grids 1 BALANCE GENERATION - DEMAND Technical limitations and difficulties to manage power fluctuations in small electrical grids. High penetration of intermittent RES generated electricity induces stability problems in the small and weak electrical islands electrical grids. Grid parameters and quality of supply CRITERIA Voltage level Fast variation of voltage Harmonic distortion of voltage LIMITS +/- 10% (Integrated over 10 minutes) +/- 8% (Integrated over 3 seconds) THD-U < 8% Limits of frequency variation in normal operating regime 49,85Hz/50,15Hz (Integrated over 5 minutes) Limits of frequency variation in a contingency +/- 2% de 50Hz; 49Hz/51Hz (Integrated over 240ms) The rigorous study of the grids is important to determine the weakest Cualquier modificación red por ampliación, incorporación de nuevos o cambios points which have toenbela reinforced in order to strengthen the equipos capacity of de criterios de explotación suponer el incumpliendo de alguno de los requisitos de electrical grids to absorb puede the RES electric power. seguridad o límites técnicos . Analysis of the Lanzarote-Fuerteventura electrical system Stationary and dynamic stability studies of the electrical grid to realistically asses the RES penetration limits, and cost effective solutions to reinforce the grids Lanzarote: Peak laod 170,30 MW Interconnection 66 kV Playa Blanca – Corralejo 132 kV Playa Blanca – La Oliva Punta Grande 244,24 MW Diésel and gas turbine Las Salinas 187,43 MW Diésel and gas turbine Fuerteventura Peak load 123,80 MW Modelling on PSAT Modelling on PSS®E v32. WIND AND SOLAR FORECASTING PV AND WIND FORECASTING Reliable wind and solar forecasting is possible through the development of climate models for 48 hours forecast. An important tool for electrical generation programming that would make a maximum use of available RES MEASUREMENT STATIONS NETWORK • 23 Radiometric stations • 33 Wind stations WEATHER FORECAST SERVICE: to estimate the energy to be injected in the grid by photovoltaic and wind generators within a 696 hours time horizon (MM5, WRF). NWP (Numerical Weather Prediction): Modells MM5/WRF y post processing with artificial intelligence techniques. DEMAND MANAGEMENT DEMAND MANAGEMENT: water desalination 20% of energy production goes to water desalination and water distribution. Use of desalinated water Residential & touristic 374,000 m³/day 153 plants Agriculture 146,000 m³/day 100 plants Energy consumption for water desalination: 1Kgr fuel/ m³ of desalinated water. - For 522.000 m³/day - Import 150.000 Ton fuel /year. DEMAND MANAGEMENT: Electric cars 30% of oil consumed in the internal market goes to the road transport sector. Peak shaving: More than 1 million vehicles could charge at valley hours of the electric demand curve DISTRIBUTED GENERATION DERLAB: Distributed Generation Laboratory R&D lines • Assessment of new approaches for electric network control • Load and Storage Management • Communication protocol interfaces aimed to improve management and control strategies (ITC’s) • Microgrid testing • GD Interconnection elements testing • Strategies for the integration of distributed generation sources (solar, wind …) in the insular electric networks ITC’s MICROGRID TESTING PLATFOTM: Distributed generation lab Power electronics lab LABORATORIO DE ELECTRÓNICA DE POTENCIA Stand-Alone RES Systems Punta Jandía Wind Diesel System, Fuerteventura SDAWES UPS WT WT SM F T 1:1 8 x RO VC EDRSW PUMPS Microgrid for La Graciosa Objectives Minimizing the needs for fossil fuels to satisfy the electricity demands from households, productive activities and public services, by maximizing the penetration of RES. Electrric Loads 658 permanent residents 342 houses Currently there is a submarine cable connection with power capacity of 1,030 kW, and a yearly electric consumption of 3.484.914 kWh. Minimum power 204,08 kW Maximum power 668,00 kW Microgrid for La Graciosa The microgrid will combine photovoltaic, wind and diesel systems to supply, in a stand alone mode, the electrical needs of the island of La Graciosa. Control and power conditioning unit Energy storage: batteries Batteries Loads NEW RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES Repowering Urgent need to repower existing wind farms in the Canary Islands to optimize in terms de kWh/m2 Reduction of visual impact: a new turbine can replace a group of several old wind turbines, and the angular velocity of the rotor is lower A 7.5 MW wind turbine is able to substitute 41 old 180 kW machines. Off-shore wind Integrated photovoltaic systems BIOMASA Waste to energy Due to the complex topography of islands, lack of large farming areas, difficulties to implement extensive mechanization of agriculture and water shortages, it is not possible to develop energy crops efficiently in most islands. Therefore biomass energy available is limited to the different residues from which energy could be recovered. Waste a renewable energy resource Biomass energy complementary to other unmanageable RES such as wind and photovoltaic Potentially usable waste as biomass energy • Municipal Solid Waste, MSW • Sewage sludge • Animal farming • Agricultural • Forest residues Energy recovery from waste is a key element in the fight to reduce the volumes of waste accumulating in landfills in island’s landfills. Biodigester The biodigesters are very simple designed equipment, and inside a controlled anaerobic digestion process can be developed to convert the organic fraction of waste into usable products: methane gas and fertilizer. AFLUENTE Biogas Pila de descarga Pila de carga Fermentador EFLUENTE RATIONAL USE OF ENERGY Solar energy Salida agua caliente FORZADA Colectores solares Intercambiador de calor Entrada agua fría Bomba TERMOSIFON Depósito acumulador de agua caliente ITC solar collector testing lab (LABSOL) • First in Spain accredited lab by ENAC • SOLAR KEYMARK Objetives • Optimize systems and components used in solar installations • Provide the necessary technical support to Public Administration and companies from the field of solar thermal energy ECONOMIC BARRIERS Needed EC support for overcoming existing barriers to maximum penetration of RES in European Islands Existing barriers to RES include technical, regulatory/administrative, marketing, but European support should focuss in existing financial barries to private investment in RES projects Large capital cost and little in operation: • High initial investments cost of the infrastructure, and relative long payback periods • High financing costs can greatly affect the price and competitiveness of RES energy The EC could contribute to RES projects in European island regions though • Favourable loans • Capital subsidies • Support of tariff support schemes ISLE-PACT 20 % 20 % + 20 % = Reductions ALL PARTNERS – Identification of projects Number of Number of Partners Identified analysed Projects projects Co - WESTERN ISLES 3 3 P1 –GOTLAND 3 + 3* 3 P2 - MADEIRA 5 2 P3 – CANARY ISLANDS 7 7 P5 – GREEK ISLANDS 24 11 P6- CRETE 22 7 P7 - SARDINIA 6 6 P8 - MALTA 6 6 P9 - CYPRUS 6 3 P10 - SAMSØ. 4 2 P11 - AZORES 4 2 TOTAL 92 54 NEEDED PUBLIC BANKABILITY SUPPORT INDEX 0% - 10% 0 11% - 20% 1 21% - 30% 2 31% - 40% 3 41% - 50% 4 51% - 60% 5 61% - 70% 6 71% - 80% 7 81% - 90% 8 91% - 99% 9 100% 10 This index indicates % of public support that project needs to achieve bankability (produce a positive return on investment for the private investor). RESULTS OF BANKABILITY ANALYSIS Identify and analyse potential Renewable Energies, Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Transport feasible projects, to foster private investment with public support (public-private partnership) BANKABILITY 25% * Bankable by themselves without any need of public support 20% Projects BANKABILITY No. of INDEX PROJECTS 00* 6 13% 0 8 13% 1 11 20% 2 9 17% 3 6 11% 4 5 9% 5 3 6% 6 3 6% 8 1 2% 9 2 4% TOTAL 54 100% 15% 10% 5% 0% 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bankability Index 8 9 ADMINISTRATIVE BARRIERS Administrative barriers Restrictions on siting and construction of RES plants due to lack of spatial planning • Wind parks face specific environmental concerns related to siting along migratory bird paths and coastal areas. • Urban development or territorial protection affect the availability of land where to installed RES systems • Especially spatial planning for RES infrastructure take many years. Lack of planning for promotion of clean renewable energies Although ambitious objectives are set by national and regional authorities with respect to RES promotion, not always a credible realistic planning to achieve the objectives exists. Lack of cooperation between different authorities and standard procedures Authorities at local, regional and national level are involved in the authorization processes. Complex, long, expensive not optimize administrative procedures to obtain RES licences. Many organizations and intermediate structures of consultation without having a coordination between them. TRAINING Renewable Energies training at ITC Project developers may lack sufficient technical, financial, and business development skills. Managers, engineers, architects, lenders, or planners may lack information about RES technology characteristics, economic and financial costs and benefits, geographical resources, operating and maintenance requirements and sources of finance. Training on all educational levels: Installation, operation, and maintenance courses that will contribute to improve workers technical skills and increase their productivity. 52 SUMMARY • The small and weak island grids limit the penetration of variable and intermittent RES, without risking grid stability. • Technological development of energy storage solutions will condition future development of RES. It is necessary an R&D effort to overcome existing technical restrictions imposed by weak and small island grids • Wind energy is the most promising RES in the Canary Islands. The shortage of land will require installation of offshore wind farms using available technological solutions for deep-water • Water desalination and electric vehicles offer interesting possibilities for demand management • Solar Thermal Energy could help to significantly reduce electricity demand • Most RES projects involve technologies that lack the competitive maturity of fossil fuel based technologies. To attract private investors regional, national and European public support are needed. A key issue is the correct implementation of training activities that allow for the elimination of an important barrier related to the lack of qualified personal, and offers the opportunity for job creation. • Strong Public-Private partnership needed to promote RES and energy efficiency in European Islands. Muchas gracias
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