Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors Morning Report: Colborne bucks the insider selling trend April 21, 2014 Canada's morning overview of insider filings with a special focus on companies that may interest active and momentum-oriented investors. Canadian Company Insider Filing Tally* - Yesterday INK Market-Wide Sentiment Indicator* INK Market-Wide Sentiment Indicator: 163.2% INK Sentiment Reading: Overvalued INK Venture Sentiment Reading: Undervalued *Filing Tally represents Toronto Stock Exchange and Venture companies with public-market transaction SEDI filings of directly-owned equity securities. Indicators represent companies with buy-only transactions divided by companies with sell-only transactions of direct ownership equity securities in the public-market by officers and directors (exclusive of officers and directors of subsidiaries or insiders) filed over the last 60 days. The chart line shows insider sentiment trends by connecting the historic indicator daily readings going back one year. See our market report for commentary on indicator readings. Report Tutorial Video : English Overview: Sentiment and Stocks We are seeing a lot of insiders selling in the oil and gas area, but Surge Energy (SGY) CEO Paul Colborne (LEG) is not one of them. The junior oil and gas producer CEO along with another director have been buying company shares recently, even as the stock rallies. Surge has operations in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba. In western Alberta, it is targeting the Doig/Slave and Point/Bluesky formations while in south-eastern Alberta it is focused on the Mannville Group. In south-western Saskatchewan it is targeting the Shaunavon/Viking. In the Williston Basin which straddles across the Manitoba and Saskatchewan border, it is focused on the Mississippian Group. On March 31, the company announced plans to buy Longview Oil (LNV) which has assets in south-western Saskatchewan and central Alberta in a deal estimated worth $429 million at the date of the announcement including debt. If the deal goes through, Surge expects to exit 2014 producing 21,350 barrels of oil equivalent per day (84% oil and liquids). The stock currently has a mostly sunny INK Edge outlook, placing it in the top 30% of all stocks ranked. The stock is not cheap on a valuation basis, although it has a relatively high 7.7% dividend yield. The stock is up more than 20% over the past month so a short-term correction or pause cannot be ruled out. About INK Research Through our PDF reports, as well as our alerts, interactive charting and analytical services delivered via, INK provides insider news and knowledge to investors. For sales and trial subscription information please contact [email protected] or call us at 604-669-4465 #333. See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 1/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Today's Chart Surge Energy Inc. (SGY) Chart reflects public-market and option-exercise transactions of common shares (unit trusts) by company officers and directors. USD transactions are converted to Canadian dollars by us using the Bank of Canada noon rate on the transaction date. Over the past 30 days, Surge Energy (SGY) CEO Paul Colborne has spent $2,569,605 buying 385,000 shares in the public market. That works out to an average price of $6.67. On Thursday, director Robert Allen Leach bought 50,000 shares at $6.97. See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 2/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Top-10 Tables: Yesterday's Activities Tables represent public market transactions of directly held equity securities plus purchases and sales of these securities from the exercise of options by company officers and directors filed on or after April 17, 2014. Transactions filed on Saturday and Sunday are aggregated into Friday's number. INK may adjust certain filings for common filing errors on a reasonable efforts basis. - Public market transaction - Exercise of options Top 10 Net "CO2" Buying Top 10 Net "CO2" Selling (By dollar amount, 000's) Surge Energy (SGY) MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) DirectCash Payments (DCI) Confederation Minerals (CFM) Lomiko Metals (LMR) Corvus Gold (KOR) Mammoth Resources (MTH) BRP (DOO) Altai Resources (ATI) Las Vegas From (LVH) (By dollar amount, 000's) $683.7 $64.2 $63.8 $50.0 $23.4 $7.0 $6.0 $6.0 $5.5 $5.3 Dollarama (DOL) DHX Media (DHX) Peyto Exploration & Devel (PEY) St-Georges Platinum & Bas (SX) Cielo Waste Solutions (CMC) Montana Gold Mining (MGM) Infinity Minerals (IFN) Megastar Development Corp (MDV) $-1,749.5 $-219.7 $-200.0 $-25.0 $-5.3 $-5.2 $-2.3 $-0.1 "CO2" may included Board chairs, CEOs, Presidents, CFOs, Treasurers, and Controllers of companies. See data description above. Top 10 Net Insider Buying Top 10 Net Insider Selling (By dollar amount, 000's) Clairvest Group (CVG) Surge Energy (SGY) MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) Treasury Metals (TML) MAG Silver (MAG) AlarmForce Industries (AF) Plaza Retail REIT (PLZ) Martinrea International (MRE) DirectCash Payments (DCI) Rubicon Minerals (RMX) (By dollar amount, 000's) $3,127.6 $1,032.3 $900.0 $127.5 $114.3 $84.0 $81.0 $69.4 $63.8 $59.9 Trilogy Energy (TET) Dollarama (DOL) DHX Media (DHX) Peyto Exploration & Devel (PEY) Sandvine (SVC) Alimentation Couche-Tard (ATD) Storm Resources (SRX) Pacific Rubiales Energy (PRE) Canadian Western Bank (CWB) Parex Resources (PXT) Top 10 Net Insider Buying $-2,079.4 $-1,749.5 $-328.2 $-200.0 $-116.8 $-108.2 $-107.9 $-90.1 $-37.4 $-35.8 Top 10 Net Insider Selling (By volume, 000's) (By volume, 000's) MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) Treasury Metals (TML) Lomiko Metals (LMR) Confederation Minerals (CFM) Surge Energy (SGY) Rusoro Mining (RML) Clairvest Group (CVG) 01 Communique Laboratory (ONE) Mammoth Resources (MTH) Pine Cliff Energy (PNE) 1,500.0 400.0 332.0 200.0 150.0 148.0 140.0 100.0 100.0 90.0 Gondwana Oil (GO) Avcorp Industries (AVP) St-Georges Platinum & Bas (SX) Montana Gold Mining (MGM) DHX Media (DHX) Cielo Waste Solutions (CMC) Bri-Chem (BRY) Infinity Minerals (IFN) Alberta Star Development (ASX) Peyto Exploration & Devel (PEY) -3,500.0 -246.0 -200.0 -97.0 -64.4 -35.0 -15.0 -15.0 -10.0 -5.0 See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 3/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Top-10 Tables: Yesterday's Activities (cont'd) Tables represent public market transactions of directly held equity securities plus purchases and sales of these securities from the exercise of options by company officers and directors filed on or after April 17, 2014. Transactions filed on Saturday and Sunday are aggregated into Friday's number. INK may adjust certain filings for common filing errors on a best efforts basis. - Public market transaction - Exercise of options - Information that has been adjusted or estimated by INK - Amended filing - CEO Buy - CFO Buy - Officer Buy - Director Buy - CEO Sell - CFO Sell - Officer Sell - Director Sell Yesterday's Top 10 Individual Buy Filings (By volume) Company Name MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) Treasury Metals (TML) Pine Cliff Energy (PNE) Confederation Minerals (CFM) Lomiko Metals (LMR) Rusoro Mining (RML) MBAC Fertilizer (MBC) Clairvest Group (CVG) Lomiko Metals (LMR) Insider Name Security Silva, Antenor Silva, Antenor Henderson, Marc Charles Fink, George Frederick Dick, Lawrence Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Keep, Gordon Peterson, David Robert Wagman, Michael Adam Gill, Amrit Paul Singh Unit/Share Price 571,500 571,000 350,000 200,000 200,000 157,000 148,000 143,000 140,000 125,000 0.60 0.60 0.30 0.65 0.25 0.08 0.03 0.60 22.34 0.07 Security Unit/Share Price Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Class A -3,500,000 -200,000 -145,000 -110,000 -100,000 -100,000 -55,700 -53,986 -40,000 -35,000 0.01 0.13 0.10 0.65 0.06 0.10 31.43 5.34 3.55 0.15 Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Common Shares Yesterday's Top 10 Individual Sell Filings (By volume) Company Name Gondwana Oil (GO) St-Georges Platinum & Bas (SX) Avcorp Industries (AVP) Pine Cliff Energy (PNE) Montana Gold Mining (MGM) Avcorp Industries (AVP) Trilogy Energy (TET) Storm Resources (SRX) Sandvine (SVC) Cielo Waste Solutions (CMC) Insider Name Grant, Troy James Dumas, Francois Schoenfeld, Jeffery Drummond, Gary J. Ellwood, Edward Leith Schoenfeld, Jeffery Williams, John B. Devlin, John Joseph Colman, Chris Allan, Clayton Donald See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 4/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: Top TSX Companies with Net Buying Companies with insider and significant shareholder trading on the TSX during the previous trading day (max 50). Before using this data please read the last section "About Marker Trading Reports" found at the end of this document. Ticker Company Name Industry CDH LOR CVG CNR TRI RTG XTG TEL SGY CKI KGI T RMX TML AET.UN THI WEW GWO CM ESI INN.UN CP EMY.UN TVK LTS MBA CLS CF IGM UCD.UN ACZ.UN HLF OSL.UN BPF.UN KOR CCZ EXN TLF.UN RBN.UN CIC HEN.UN CIQ.UN GH BUA.UN BUI PLI AHF DOL DHX TOF.UN Corridor Resources Lorus Therapeutics Clairvest Group Canadian National Railway Thomson Reuters RTG Mining Xtra-Gold Resources Tellza Communications Surge Energy Clarke Kirkland Lake Gold TELUS Rubicon Minerals Treasury Metals Argent Energy Trust Tim Hortons Webtech Wireless Great-West Lifeco CIBC Ensign Energy Services InnVest REIT Canadian Pacific Railway Man GLG Emerg. Mkt In Fd TerraVest Capital Lightstream Resources CIBT Education Group Celestica Canaccord Genuity Group IGM Financial 1st Asset Morningstr Us C American Core Sectors Div High Liner Foods OCP Senior Credit Fd Boston Pizza Royalties Corvus Gold CriticalControl Solutions Excellon Resources Tech Leaders Inc Fd Blue Ribbon Income Fd CanBanc Income Energy Leaders Inc Fd Canadian High Income Eqty Gamehost Bloom U.S. In & Gr Fund Buhler Industries ProMetic Life Sciences Aston Hill Financial Dollarama DHX Media Taylor N. A. Eqty Opp Fd Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Biotechnology & Medical Research Private Equity Ground Freight & Logistics Professional Information Services Gold Mining Integrated Telecommunications Services Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Investment Trusts Gold Mining Integrated Telecommunications Services Gold Mining Gold Mining Investment Trusts Quick Service Restaurants IT Services & Consulting Life & Health Insurance Banks Oil & Gas Drilling Hospitality REITs Ground Freight & Logistics Oil Related Services and Equipment Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Educational Services Semiconductors Investment Banking & Brokerage Services Investment Management & Fund Operators Seafood Product Preparation & Packaging Restaurants & Bars Gold Mining IT Services & Consulting Integrated Mining Closed End Funds Hotels & Motels Agricultural Machinery Biopharmaceuticals Investment Management & Fund Operators Discount Stores Entertainment Production Share or Unit Volume Buy Sell Net 250,000 200,000 143,000 110,600 84,100 75,000 47,000 41,000 40,300 38,100 36,600 30,800 25,000 23,500 23,400 17,600 17,000 60,400 15,000 14,700 14,700 13,900 11,600 11,000 10,000 8,500 8,400 5,700 5,100 5,000 5,900 4,200 4,200 4,100 4,000 4,000 3,200 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 2,000 1,500 1,500 -43,600 -1,500 -300 250,000 200,000 143,000 110,600 84,100 75,000 47,000 41,000 40,300 38,100 36,600 30,800 25,000 23,500 23,400 17,600 17,000 16,800 15,000 14,700 14,700 13,900 11,600 11,000 10,000 8,500 8,400 5,700 5,100 5,000 4,400 4,200 4,200 4,100 4,000 4,000 3,200 3,000 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,400 2,400 2,200 2,100 2,000 1,900 1,700 1,500 1,500 See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 5/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: Top TSX Companies with Net Selling Companies with insider and significant shareholder trading on the TSX during the previous trading day (max 50). Before using this data please read the last section "About Marker Trading Reports" found at the end of this document. Ticker Company Name Industry BSX TKO DC.A TET FT HWO IRG BNE BIR.WT NAL PRE GIB.A PEY GDG.UN POU DOO BCE EFR TCK.B BMO TD MDF CVI.A CWB BA AVL CGO PN CTC.A MSI ATD.B TA Y Y.WT Belo Sun Mining Taseko Mines Dundee Trilogy Energy Fortune Minerals High Arctic Energy Serv Imvescor Restaurant Group Bonterra Energy Birchcliff Energy Newalta Pacific Rubiales Energy CGI Group Peyto Exploration & Devel Global Dividend Growers I Paramount Resources BRP BCE Energy Fuels Teck Resources Bank of Montreal The Toronto-Dominion Bank Mediagrif Interactive Calvalley Petroleum Canadian Western Bank Bell Aliant Avalon Rare Metals Cogeco PNI Digital Media Canadian Tire Morneau Shepell Alimentation Couche-Tard TransAlta Yellow Media Yellow Media Gold Mining Specialty Mining & Metals Real Estate Development & Operations Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Integrated Mining Oil Related Services Restaurants & Bars Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Waste Management, Disposal & Recycling Services Oil & Gas Exploration and Production IT Services & Consulting Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Integrated Oil & Gas Recreational Products Integrated Telecommunications Services Integrated Mining Banks Banks E-commerce & Auction Services Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Banks Wired Telecommunications Carriers Rare Earth Minerals Cable Service Providers IT Services & Consulting Auto Vehicles, Parts & Service Retailers Outsourcing & Staffing Services Supermarkets & Convenience Stores Renewable Utilities Advertising & Marketing Advertising & Marketing Share or Unit Volume Buy Sell Net 80,000 1,449 38 -195,000 -74,300 -70,300 -39,201 -23,700 -17,500 -16,042 -15,200 -10,000 -9,700 -9,500 -5,350 -4,600 -4,000 -3,600 -3,000 -4,141 -2,500 -2,500 -1,802 -1,778 -1,485 -1,300 -1,000 -689 -500 -347 -200 -184 -166 -65 -50 -7 -4 -115,000 -74,300 -70,300 -39,201 -23,700 -17,500 -16,042 -15,200 -10,000 -9,700 -9,500 -5,350 -4,600 -4,000 -3,600 -3,000 -2,692 -2,500 -2,500 -1,802 -1,778 -1,485 -1,300 -1,000 -651 -500 -347 -200 -184 -166 -65 -50 -7 -4 See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 6/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: Top Venture Exchange Companies with Net Buying Companies with insider and significant shareholder trading on the TSX during the previous trading day (max 50). Before using this data please read the last section "About Marker Trading Reports" found at the end of this document. Ticker Company Name Industry PGC SPC YEL PPE TDC GGY SPP SEV BVD.UN OAG MAU LL ASX ZAD REV SMG HME KRS BHR ENT GZD NHK ROG FLX RPN NWE ZC ASE REX MFX ROS.H PML HLM MOO GRO AUG MYA CMJ TZR ATI NXE BCG NOU FFP POH.H Plato Gold Superior Copper Macusani Yellowcake Pacific Paradym Energy Tyhee Gold Goldeye Explorations Spot Coffee (Canada) Spectra7 Microsystems Boulevard Industrial REIT Oremex Silver Mexigold Canada Rare Earth Alberta Star Development Zadar Ventures Regent Ventures SIERRA Madre Developments Hemisphere Energy Kairos Capital Blackheath Resources ENTREC Grizzly Discoveries Nighthawk Gold Roxgold Fieldex Exploration Red Pine Petroleum New West Energy Services Zimtu Capital Corp. Asante Gold Orex Minerals Minfocus Exploration Roscan Minerals Panoro Minerals Houston Lake Mining Mooncor Oil & Gas Gold Royalties Auryn Resources Maya Gold & Silver Colombian Mines Terrace Energy Altai Resources NexGen Energy BCGold Nouveau Monde Mining Ent. Con Firstfund Cap Corp. Planet Organic Health Gold Mining Integrated Mining Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Gold Mining Gold Mining Cafés Semiconductors Industrial REITs Rare Earth Minerals Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Integrated Mining Gold Mining Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Shell Companies Integrated Mining Freight Trucking Integrated Mining Gold Mining Gold Mining Precious Metals & Minerals Shell Companies Oil Related Services and Equipment Investment Trusts Gold Mining Integrated Mining Specialty Mining & Metals Integrated Mining Integrated Mining Integrated Mining Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Shell Companies Integrated Mining Integrated Mining Integrated Mining Oil & Gas Exploration and Production Natural Gas Exploration & Production - Onshore Integrated Mining Investment Trusts Shell Companies Share or Unit Volume Buy Sell Net 144,000 116,500 90,000 75,000 70,000 61,000 54,000 50,000 48,000 31,000 31,000 28,000 30,500 20,000 20,000 18,000 17,000 15,000 15,000 13,900 13,000 12,500 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,500 3,500 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 400 -10,000 144,000 116,500 90,000 75,000 70,000 61,000 54,000 50,000 48,000 31,000 31,000 28,000 20,500 20,000 20,000 18,000 17,000 15,000 15,000 13,900 13,000 12,500 12,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 4,500 3,500 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 500 400 See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 7/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: Top Venture Exchange Companies with Net Selling Companies with insider and significant shareholder trading on the TSX during the previous trading day (max 50). Before using this data please read the last section "About Marker Trading Reports" found at the end of this document. Ticker Company Name Industry NDR ADK LMR FCV SDZ NX SEL XME GOE ROR IFN CMI RGC DV SIO MAC ZEN ABM New Dimension Resources Diagnos Lomiko Metals Focus Ventures Security Devices Intl Noka Resources Penfold Capital Acq. IV Xmet Goldeneye Resources Run of River Power Infinity Minerals C-Com Satellite Systems Redstar Gold Dolly Varden Silver SENSIO Technologies THEMAC Resources Group Zenyatta Ventures Athabasca Minerals Integrated Mining Software Specialty Mining & Metals Gold Mining Integrated Mining Shell Companies Gold Mining Integrated Mining Renewable IPPs Integrated Mining Satellite Service Operators Gold Mining Computer Hardware Specialty Mining & Metals Specialty Mining & Metals Construction Materials Share or Unit Volume Buy Sell Net 115,000 6,000 -4,749,500 -1,497,000 -1,596,000 -160,000 -142,001 -93,000 -95,000 -77,000 -25,000 -21,000 -15,000 -9,800 -8,000 -7,500 -5,000 -5,000 -5,000 -1,000 -4,749,500 -1,497,000 -1,481,000 -160,000 -142,001 -93,000 -89,000 -77,000 -25,000 -21,000 -15,000 -9,800 -8,000 -7,500 -5,000 -5,000 -5,000 -1,000 See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 8/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: Marker Trading Report Corrections Companies with Marker Corrections reported yesterday - please see the respective INK Company Insider report for details. TSX Venture Exchange Ticker Company Name Ticker Company Name CDH ESI SRV.UN T Corridor Resources Ensign Energy Services Sir Royalty Income Fund TELUS ICG Integra Gold See important disclaimer at the bottom of the last page. Page 9/10 Providing Insider News and Knowledge to Investors April 21, 2014 Daily Marker Trading Reports: About Marker Trading Reports The goal of Marker Trading reports is to provide investors with a "heads up" that insider or significant shareholder trading is taking place in a stock. These reports indicate if company officers, directors, and other insiders along with shareholders who own more than 10% of company shares have made a trade on either the TSX or TSX Venture Exchange during the previous trading day. This is based on preliminary information reported by the exchange which is collected from third parties. This data is subject to error. Once we are provided corrected information from the exchange, INK will make every reasonable effort to publish corrections to any Marker Trading report that contained inaccurate data by noting the details of the revision in the relevant INK Company Insider report. Corrections will only show up once so this report should be monitored daily if using the Marker Trading data. The details of who bought and at what price will be reported by INK in its Latest Filing section of the Company Insider report after an insider filing is made with regulators for the Marker Trading transaction. This may involve a delay of a number of days. In addition, some trades that show up as Marker Trading may be exempt from insider reporting requirements and in these cases details will not be reported by INK. Some of the common exemptions granted from regular insider reporting requirements are certain purchases made in automatic employee purchase plans granted under National Instrument 55-104 or transactions made by eligible investment funds that rely on National Instrument 62-103 (Part 4). Links to these documents can be found on INK Research's website under the FAQ section, question 1 ( It is INK's understanding that while exempt eligible investment fund transactions may be marked, such transactions may also be exempt from the marker process. Therefore, it is possible an exempt 10% shareholder may make a trade and not be marked and also not be required to make an insider filing which would show up as a transaction in the INK Company Insider report. The term "marker" is used because brokers put a special "flag" beside any buy or sell order executed by insiders or significant holders on either the TSX or TSX Venture Exchange. At the present time, Marker Trading reports are not available for insider trades made on alternative Canadian exchanges such as Alpha Trading Systems or on US and other foreign stock markets. Disclaimer: User agrees to only use information contained in this report for the purposes as set out in section 6.2 of COMPANION POLICY 55-102CP TO NATIONAL INSTRUMENT 55-102 of the Canadian Securities Administrators and to comply with all privacy laws. INK provides general information. INK is not an investment advisory service, a financial planner, an investment advisor nor a securities advisor. INK does not purport to tell people, or suggest to people, what they should buy or sell for themselves. Opinions and recommendations contained herein should not be construed as investment advice. Do not assume that any recommendations, insights, charts, theories, or philosophies will ensure profitable investment. Users should always consult with and obtain advice from their professional licensed financial advisor, including their tax advisor, to determine the suitability of any investment. INK recommends that anyone making an investment or trading securities do so with caution. Users should perform full due diligence and investigate any security fully before making an investment or before the execution of a security trade based upon information learned through INK. Investors should obtain annual reports and other company information to complete their own due diligence in any investment. Neither INK nor anyone affiliated with INK is responsible for any investment decision made. INK has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information provided is accurate at the time of inclusion; however, there may be inadvertent and occasional errors. INK makes no guarantee of accuracy or completeness. Insider transaction filings are from SEDI®; SEDI® is a registered trade-mark owned by the Alberta Securities Commission. All information and opinion expressed herein is subject to change without notice. INK employees may have an ownership or investment interest in any stock mentioned in this report. Copyright © INK Research Corp. All rights reserved.
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