committed to science t 41–061 717 99 77 f 41–061 711 93 42 committed to technology committe committed to technology committe molecular [email protected] committed to science Performance. Throughput. Reliability. Technology is the Key! Intelligent Solutions for Sample Storage. Technology is the Key! Microplates for Intelligent Sample Storage Secure storage of samples and chemical substances is a fundamental part of biology, medicine, and active ingredient research. In addition to individual containers such as Cryo.s™, reaction vessels, and test tubes, microplates are frequently used for storing multiple sample arrays. They provide a convenient, small and standardised footprint and are readily handled by automated picking systems. Tissue samples, chemical substances, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), and other organisms (nematodes, yeast, and bacteria) can be securely stored in microplates for long periods of time. Exceptional storage... Compound libraries Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA, plasmid, etc.) Peptides, proteins Tissue samples Active ingredients Organisms (yeast, bacteria, nematodes, etc.) With a prearranged matrix, alphanumeric well coding, and optional customised barcoding, microplates facilitate optimum mapping and monitoring of samples, even for large libraries of substances. All about the Plastic Polypropylene Single-use items utilised for laboratory sample storage are often made of polypropylene. Polypropylene is a partially crystalline substance with outstanding chemical and physical properties. Semi-transparent, it is resistant to many commonly used laboratory chemicals as well as highly resistant to cold and heat. Cycloolefins In recent years, cycloolefins have been gaining popularity for use in sample storage microplate manufacture. They are characterised by high clarity, transparency, rigidity, heat resistance, dimensional stability, low moisture absorption, and purity. Cycloolefins have a similar chemical structure to polyolefins, such as polypropylene and polyethylene. The transparency, DMSO resistance, and high degree of purity of cycloolefins render a well-suited material for microplate manufactures (Tab.1). Since the advent of sophisticated technologies such as acoustic liquid dispensing, cycloolefin microplates have become increasingly important, especially for use in active pharmaceutical ingredient research. Polypropylene (PP) Cycloolefin (COC/COP) Polystyrene (PS) Temperature stability Breakage resistance Chemical resistance Transparency Table 1: Material resistance of polypropylene and cycloolefin compared to polystyrene. A chemical resistance chart for various materials is contained within the Greiner Bio-One catalogue (Technical Appendix). This table is a general guide only. As many factors can affect the chemical resistance of a given product, its suitability for a specific application should be tested. Barcodes facilitate organisation 2 Performance Microplates for Acoustic Liquid Handling The latest technology utilises acoustic energy to transfer the smallest amounts of liquid from a storage plate into an assay plate (Fig. 1). The benefits: the method is rapid, extremely precise, reduces cost, and prevents cross-contamination. For accurate and precise acoustic liquid handling, the storage or source microplate must perform an entirely new function: the microplate well bottoms must enable a uniform transfer of acoustic energy with as little restraint as possible. Data and Facts Manufactured under strict production specifications with low tolerances Excellent for automation Individual bar coding on request May be used in both compound storage and screening assay applications Deionised, antistatic packaging Acoustic Liquid Handling Systems Presently there are two acoustic liquid handling systems commercially available. The ATS-100 manufactured by EDC Biosystems Inc. is quite flexible, as it can be readily configured to allow use of a wide range of compound storage microplate manufactures (Fig. 2a). ATS-100 Acoustic Liquid Handling System EDC Biosystems Inc., Fremont, CA, USA Figure. 1: Principle of acoustic liquid handling (acoustic droplet ejection): The source microplate is positioned above the instrument acoustic transducer, and the recipient target assay microplate is positioned upside-down directly above the source microplate. The transducer transmits acoustic energy through the well bottom of a compound storage (source) microplate to induce formation of small liquid droplet. The expended energy is the exact amount needed to transfer the droplet to the target well bottom of the recipient assay microplate. Once transferred, the droplet remains attached within the upside-down recipient assay microplate well bottom due to surface tension. 1536 Well COC Storage Plate | Cat.-No. 782 855 384 Well PP Storage Plate | Cat.-No. 781 201-906 384 Well UV-Star ® Microplate | Cat.-No. 781 801 384 Well Small VolumeTM UV-Star ® Microplate Cat.-No. 788 876 96 Well UV-Star ® Microplate | Cat.-No. 655 801 Figure 2a: Compatible storage microplates for ATS-100 acoustic liquid handling system 3 Greiner Bio-One cycloolefin UV-Star® microplates feature a thin 135 µm film bottom, which demonstrates excellent performance for acoustic liquid transfers within the ATS-100, especially because of their low dead volume. UV-Star® microplates are available in different formats, surface treated upon request. In contrast, the Labcyte Echo® system is standardised to use specific solid bottom microplates, generally pre-configured within the instrument (Fig. 2b). Microplate Design The 1536 well cycloolefin compound storage microplate was designed with a tapered, flat bottom well to reduce dead volume (Fig. 4). The microplate top features a smooth surface without alphanumeric coding to facilitate automation and heat sealing (Fig. 5). With the standard 10.4 mm height of a 1536 well microplate, the new 1536 well cycloolefin compound storage microplate is easy to integrate with existing HTS systems (Tab. 2). 5,15 Labcyte Inc., Sunnyvale, CA, USA 1536 Well COC Storage Plate | Cat.-No. 782 855 384 Well PP Storage Plate | Cat.-No. 781 201-906 384 Well Small Volume™ COC Storage Plate | Cat.-No. 793 855 Further microplates after approval by Labcyte Inc. Figure 2b: Compatible storage microplates for Echo® acoustic liquid handling system 10,4 Echo® Acoustic Liquid Handling System 1,34 Figure 4: Well design of the 1536 well cycloolefin storage microplate (cat.-no. 782 855) Accuracy in Acoustic Liquid Handling In cooperation with the pharmaceutical industry, Greiner Bio-One developed a 1536 well cycloolefin compound storage plate (cat.-no. 782 855) to fulfill the technical needs of this system. The homogeneity and the reproducibility of acoustic liquid transfers within this source microplate was monitored and proven in several realtime tests (Fig. 3). Figure 5: The 1536 well compound storage microplate for acoustic liquid handling features a smooth microplate top absent of alphanumeric coding to facilitate flush lid mounting and heat sealing 782 855 782 101 Well depth 5.15 mm 5.00 mm Well diameter top 1.70 mm 1.70 mm Cat.-No. Well diameter bottom Microplate height 1.34 mm 1.53 mm 10.40 mm 10.40 mm Table 2: Well geometry of the 1536 well compound storage microplate (cat.-no. 782 855) in comparison to a standard 1536 well PS microplate Figure 3: Transfer of 20 and 2.5 nl Tartrazine-DMSO-solution (50 mmol / l) from the new Greiner Bio-One 1536 well cycloolefin compound storage microplate into 384 and 1536 well assay microplates. Measurement of optical density for evaluation of the precision of the transfer process. The graph shows mean and standard deviation. 4 Well profile Product 3D H D Ø1 Ø2 V1 V2 96 Well UV-Star® (COC) Film Bottom suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosystems, Inc.) Cat.-No. 655 801 14.4 mm 10.9 mm 6.96 mm 6.58 mm 25 - 340 µl 392 µl 14.4 mm 11.5 mm 3.7 mm 3.3 mm 15 - 110 µl 131 µl 7.5 mm 5.5 mm 3.3 mm 14.4 mm 11.5 mm 3.8 mm 10.9 mm 5.5 mm 3.3 mm 1.84 mm 4 - 25 µl 28 µl 10.4 mm 5.15 mm 1.7 mm 1.34 mm 1 - 10 µl 12 µl 11.2 mm 6.5 mm 1.7 mm 1.47 mm 1 - 14 µl 16 µl 384 Well UV-Star® (COC) Film Bottom suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosystems, Inc.) Cat.-No. 781 801 384 Well Small Volume™ (COC) Film Bottom suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosysytems, Inc.) Cat.-No. 788 876 1.84 mm 4 - 25 µl 28 µl 3.6 mm 15 - 145 µl 152 µl 384 Well (PP) suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosystems, Inc.) and Echo® (Labcyte Inc.) Cat.-No. 781 201 - 906 384 Well Small Volume™ (COC) Solid Bottom suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosysytems, Inc.) and Echo® (Labcyte Inc.) Cat.-No. 793 855 1536 Well (COC) F-Bottom suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosystems, Inc.) and Echo® (Labcyte Inc.) Cat.-No. 782 855 1536 Well (COP) suited for ATS-100 (EDC Biosystems, Inc.) and Echo® (Labcyte Inc.) Cat.-No. 792 870-906 H = height of plate • D = well depth • Ø1 = diameter of well top • Ø2 = diameter of well bottom • V1 = working volume • V2 = total volume The rights to the name of the listed manufacturers are held by the companies above. 5 Throughput 384 Well and 1536 Well Polypropylene Plates strict test criteria, and continuous product controls ensure a continuous quality to eliminate failures, facilitating uniform, consistent, and reproducible results. Greiner Bio-One provides various solutions for technically challenging, scientific questions that require parallel analysis of sample arrays. Microplates with portrait orientation, such as 384 well or 1536 well formats, are chiefly used in automated processes where failures caused by poor plate quality can lead to high costs. Data and Facts Manufactured from medical-grade PP Excellent for automation Temperature stability (-196 °C to +121 °C) Well-suited for heat seals and adhesive films Alphanumeric well-coding Applications for use in storage or assay Customised barcoding performed upon request Greiner Bio-One 384 and 1536 well microplates are designed to allow simultaneous, rapid and efficient analysis of multiple targets under identical conditions. Virgin raw materials, precision engineering and pristine manufacture result in exceptional microplate integrity and flatness. Elimination of variances, stringent tolerances, Well profile Product 3D H D Ø1 Ø2 V1 V2 384 Well Microplate F-Bottom Cat.-No. 781 201 | 781 207 | 781 209 14.4 mm 11.5 mm 3.8 mm 3.6 mm 15 - 145 µl 152 µl 14.4 mm 11.5 mm 3.8 mm 3.8 mm 13 - 120 µl 130 µl 22 mm 19.3 mm 3.8 mm 3.8 mm 20 - 225 µl 240 µl 14.4 mm 11.5 mm 3.8 mm 1.52 mm 1 - 90 µl 107 µl 10.4 mm 7.6 mm 1.7 mm 1.7 mm 3 - 15 µl 18 µl 384 Well Microplate V-Bottom Cat.-No. 781 280 | 781 287 | 781 289 384 Deep Well MASTERBLOCK® Cat.-No. 781 270 | 781 271 384 Deep Well Small Volume™ Microplate Cat.-No. 784 201 1536 Deep Well Microplate Cat.-No. 782 270 H = height of plate • D = well depth • Ø1 = diameter of well top • Ø2 = diameter of well bottom • V1 = working volume • V2 = total volume 6 Reliability 96 Well Polypropylene Plates Polypropylene is biologically inert, exhibits low binding characteristics, high temperature tolerance, and is chemically resistant. This enables applications that use more extreme conditions to be performed. With unsurpassed quality manufacture, Greiner Bio-One’s 96 well polypropylene microplate formats are ideal for applications where enhanced resistance and volumes are required, to include storage of active ingredients, biomolecules, and tissue samples, as well as automated fractioncollection. The MASTERBLOCK® feature extended well volumes for large sample sizes or repeated serial dilutions. Data and Facts Manufactured from medical-grade PP Excellent for automation Temperature stability (-196 °C to +121 °C) Well-suited for heat seals, CapMats, and adhesive films Alphanumeric well-coding Applications for use in storage or assay Customised barcoding performed upon request Well profile Product 3D H D Ø1 Ø2 V1 V2 27 mm 23.3 mm 7 mm 7 mm 0.03 - 0.65 ml 0.78 ml 41.5 mm 38.2 mm 7 mm 7 mm 0.05 - 1.1 ml 1.22 ml 44 mm 41 mm 8.2 mm 8.2 mm 0.1 - 2.1 ml 2.42 ml 14.6 mm 10.9 mm 6.96 mm 6.96 mm 50 - 300 µl 355 µl 14.6 mm 10.9 mm 6.96 mm 6.96 mm 50 - 335 µl 340 µl 14.6 mm 10.9 mm 6.96 mm 6.58 mm 25 - 370 µl 392 µl 0.5 ml MASTERBLOCK® Cat.-No. 786 201 | 786 261 1 ml MASTERBLOCK® Cat.-No. 780 201 | 780 215 | 780 261 2 ml MASTERBLOCK® Cat.-No. 780 270 | 780 271 | 780 285 96 Well Microplate U-Bottom Cat.-No. 650 201 | 650 261 | 650 207 | 650 209 96 Well Microplate V-Bottom Cat.-No. 651 201 | 651 209 96 Well Microplate F-Bottom Cat.-No. 655 201 | 655 207 | 655 209 H = height of plate • D = well depth • Ø1 = diameter of well top • Ø2 = diameter of well bottom • V1 = working volume • V2 = total volume 7 Sealing of Microplates in Long Term Workflows A Brief Overview and Guideline Compound stores usually have been collected over years and contain thousands of sometimes irreplaceable samples. They represent a high commercial value and their tight and long term sealing and protection is a major requirement. CapMats In principle plates can be sealed using: Microplate Lids Heat Sealing Lids and CapMats For workflows in High-Throughput Screening and all applications involving long term or cold storage, the methods using lids or CapMats are not appropriate, as lids will not seal tightly and CapMats cannot readily be handled in automation. Adhesive Sealers Adhesive Sealers The use of adhesive seals can be used if storage conditions are not too harsh in terms of cold temperature and duration and the plates do not contain aggressive solvents. Adhesive seals have the advantage of leaving the plate undamaged. However, adhesive sealing may not be sufficient in long term storage at, or below - 20 °C. Adhesives could dry out and sealing will be compromised. Furthermore, DMSO and alcohols have the potential to dissolve adhesives allowing substances to potentially leach out into the sample. 8 Heat Sealing Heat sealing is widely acknowledged as the gold standard for long term and secure sealing, especially at low temperatures. A wide selection of materials exist which demonstrate excellent chemical resistance and allow different ways of re-access to the samples, such as piercing and peeling, without leaving traces of adhesive. Sealing materials are available to seal all plate materials, including polypropylene, polystyrene and cycloolefins. This way, any workflow can be reflected in terms of sealing, incubation and re-access. experiment using a 1536 well COC compound storage microplate (cat.-no. 782 855) and the A4S™ Roll Sealer from 4titude® Ltd. ( The sealing material was 100 % DMSO resistant “peel seal” giving good results on microplates manufactured of polystyrene, polypropylene and cycloolefins. When using a plate for the first time, sealing conditions need to be established to give the right balance between complete sealing and optimal preservation of the plate. Sealing conditions can be established quickly and reproducibly if a sealer is used showing high sealing pressure, precise control of temperature and excellent flatness. Once established, protocols can be stored and reused. Checking both the plate and the seal for the diameter of the wells after sealing gives an indication of well damage if the plate has been oversealed. Well diameter must be still wide enough to give good access for robotic needles. Establishment of Sealing Conditions In Figure 6, we present the results of such an initial sealed microplate Temperature 172 °C Time 1s Temperature 172 °C Time 2s Temperature 180 °C The results show: Peeling of the seal and checking the pattern of the rims in outer positions gives a good indication of completeness of sealing: No open rims must occur. Trials are started best at 175 °C for 2 sec. If outer positions are poorly sealed, temperature must be slightly increased. If well diameter is narrowed, the temperature must be lowered. pattern of the rims Comment With 172 °C and 1 seconds sealing time mild conditions no warpage or damage to plate some outer positions show imperfect sealing With 172 °C and 2 seconds sealing time mild conditions no warpage or damage to plate some positions show imperfect sealing With 180 °C and 2 seconds sealing time complete sealing no warpage or damage to plate Time 2s Temperature 180 °C Time 4s With 180 °C and 4 seconds sealing time complete sealing Narrowing of well diameter may obstruct pipetting with tips Figure 6: Establishment of sealing conditions on a 1536 well COC Microplate (Cat.-No. 782 855) 9 So That Nothing Gets Lost HTS Sample Management Customised Microplate Barcode Services When large quantities of samples and information are being processed, automated identification offers much needed organisation as means of sample / assay management. This is especially important for applications in High-Throughput Screening. Maximise time-effi- ciency and reduce the risk of manual transcription errors with barcoded microplates from Greiner Bio-One. Combining product excellence with superior value, customised barcoding provides another quality service to our HTS customers. We will provide solutions to your questions! Don’t lose track! An Overview of Greiner Bio-One Storage Plates 96 Well Polypropylene Microplates Well profile Sterile Colour Cat.-No. Quantity per bag/case 650 201 10/100 650 261 10/100 650 207 10/100 650 209 10/100 natural clear white black 655 201 10/100 655 207 10/100 655 209 10/100 651 201 10/100 651 209 10/100 Cat.-No. Quantity per bag/case 786 201 8/80 786 261 1/80 780 201 1/50 780 215 5/50 780 261 1/50 780 270 1/50 780 271 1/50 780 285 5/50 96 Well MASTERBLOCK® Well profile Sterile Colour natural clear white black Volume 0.5 ml Volume 1 ml Volume 2 ml 10 Don’t lose track! An Overview of Greiner Bio-One Storage Plates 384 and 1536 Well Polypropylene Microplates Well profile Sterile Colour Cat.-No. Quantity per bag/case 781 201 10/100 781 207 10/100 781 209 10/100 781 270 6/60 781 271 6/60 781 280 10/100 781 287 10/100 natural clear white black 384 Well 1 1 781 289 10/100 784 201 10/100 782 270 15/60 Cat.-No. Quantity per bag/case 655 801 10/40 781 201-906 10/100 781 801 10/40 788 876 10/80 793 855 15/60 782 855 15/60 792 870-906 15/60 1,2 1536 Well 1 Special Forms – Acoustic Liquid Handling Well profile Sterile Colour natural clear white black 96 Well UV-Star® (COC) 384 Well Compound Storage Plate (PP) 384 Well UV-Star ® (COC) 2,3 384 Well Compound Storage Plate (COC) 2 1536 Well Compound Storage Plate (COC) 1536 Well Compound Storage Plate (COP) Novartis Design / Low Evaporation Deep Well Plate Small Volume™ Design surface treated plates available on request 1 2 3 11
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