January 2015 Chinchillas Silver-Lead-Zinc Deposit GROSSO GROUP MEMBER COMPANY Technical Update Disclaimer Forward-Looking Statements This Presentation contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Canadian securities legislation. Such forward-looking statements concern the Company’s anticipated results and developments in the Company’s operations in future periods, planned exploration and development of the Chinchillas project, plans related to its business and other matters that may occur in the future. These statements relate to analyses and other information that are based on expectations of future performance as outlined in the PEA, including silver, lead and zinc production and planned work programs at Chinchillas. Statements concerning reserves and mineral resource estimates may also constitute forward-looking statements to the extent that they involve estimates of the mineralization that will be encountered if the Chinchillas property is developed and, in the case of mineral reserves, such statements reflect the conclusion based on certain assumptions that the mineral deposit can be economically exploited. Forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which could cause actual events or results to differ from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, without limitation: risks related to precious and base metal price fluctuations; risks related to fluctuations in the currency markets (particularly the Argentinean peso, Canadian dollar and United States dollar); risks related to the inherently dangerous activity of mining, including conditions or events beyond our control, and operating or technical difficulties in mineral exploration, development and mining activities; uncertainty in the Company’s ability to raise financing and fund the development of the Chinchillas project pursuant to the PEA; uncertainty as to actual capital costs, operating costs, production and economic returns, and uncertainty that development activities will result in a profitable mining operation at Chinchillas; risks related to mineral resource figures being estimates based on interpretations and assumptions which may result in less mineral production under actual conditions than is currently estimated and to diminishing quantities or grades of mineral resources as properties are mined; risks related to governmental regulations and obtaining necessary licenses and permits; risks related to the business being subject to environmental laws and regulations which may increase costs of doing business and restrict our operations; risks related to the Chinchillas property being subject to prior unregistered agreements, transfers, or claims and other defects in title; risks relating to inadequate insurance or inability to obtain insurance; risks related to potential litigation; risks related to the global economy; risks related to the Chinchillas property being located in Argentina, including political, economic, social and regulatory instability. Should one or more of these risks and uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. The Company’s forward-looking statements are based on beliefs, expectations and opinions of management on the date the statements are made. For the reasons set forth above, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. The information provided in this presentation is not intended to be a comprehensive review of all matters and developments concerning the Company. It should be read in conjunction with all other disclosure documents of the Company. The information contained herein is not a substitute for detailed investigation or analysis. No securities commission or regulatory authority has reviewed the accuracy or adequacy of the information presented. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements. We advise U.S. investors that the SEC's mining guidelines strictly prohibit information of this type in documents filed with the SEC. U.S. investors are cautioned that mineral deposits on adjacent properties are not indicative of mineral deposits on our properties. The contents of this presentation have been reviewed and approved Mr. Brian McEwen, P.Geol., VP Exploration and Development of the Company and a Qualified Person as defined in National Instrument 43-101. GRG.V 2 Chinchillas Silver Project Overview Updated PEA provides positive economic outlook for 12 year open-pit mine life at 8,000 tpd: After-tax NPV8% of $226M & 24.3% IRR Pre-production capital costs of $237M Cash operating cost of $9.22/oz Ag Indicated Resource: 72.3 Moz Ag / 95.9 Moz Ag Eq (24.6 Mt @ 91g/t Ag, 0.65% Pb, 0.31% Zn) Inferred Resource: 40.2 Moz Ag / 68.7 Moz Ag Eq 22.0 Mt @ 57g/t Ag, 0.61% Pb, 0.68% Zn Project remains open for expansion & New drill targets throughout the properties Project advancing to feasibility GRG.V 3 Chinchilla and Chinchilla 1 Properties GRG.V 4 NI 43-101 Resource Statement Mineral Resource Statement for the Chinchillas Project, August 29th 2014by Kyle Howie, MAIG, Bruce Davis, FAusIMM, Bruce Smith MAusIMM Resource Class/Zone Tonnage Ag Pb Zn Ag Eq Ag Pb Zn (Mt) (g/t) (%) (%) (g/t) (Moz) (Mlbs) (Mlbs) Total Ag Eq (MOz) Indicated Resources Silver Mantos 12.6 84.7 0.48 0.45 113.4 34.2 131.7 123.4 45.8 Mantos Basement 12.1 98.2 0.83 0.16 129.0 38.2 219.8 43.2 50.1 Total Indicated Resources 24.6 91.3 0.65 0.31 121.1 72.3 351.5 166.6 95.9 Inferred Resources Silver Mantos 6.2 60.1 0.59 0.62 97.8 11.9 80.3 83.7 19.4 Mantos Basement 5.3 98.8 0.85 0.11 128.8 16.7 98.9 13.1 21.8 Socavon del Diablo 7.3 27.3 0.44 1.13 76.2 6.4 70.3 182.8 17.9 Socavon Basement 3.2 49.9 0.62 0.72 91.6 5.2 44.6 51.3 9.6 Total Inferred Resources 22.0 56.9 0.61 0.68 97.1 40.2 294.1 330.9 68.7 1. The AgEq formula used is (Pb x 31.172) + (Zn x 31.172) + (Ag x 1). 2. Totals may not add correctly due to rounding 3. A resource constraining shell was developed based on metal prices of US$35.00/ounce silver, US$2.00/pound zinc and US$2.00/pound lead. Within that shell, the resource has been reported using a cutoff grade of 40 g/t Ag Eq. The cutoff was determined using operating costs of US$16.00/tonne for processing, US$9.00/tonne for G&A (US$25.00/t total) with metal prices of US$22.00/oz silver, US$1.00/pound zinc and US$1.00/pound lead, and a process recovery of 90%, based on the 2014 Preliminary Economic Assessment. (See reported filed on SEDAR dated January 20th, 2014 for details.) The pit slope used for the resource shell is 45 degrees. 4. Mineral resources, which are not mineral reserves, do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, sociopolitical, marketing, or other relevant issues. 5. The quantity and grade of reported Inferred resources are uncertain in nature and there has been insufficient exploration to classify these inferred resources as Indicated or Measured, and it is uncertain if further exploration will result in upgrading them to an Indicated or Measured category. GRG.V 5 Mining Comparison Pirquitas (Silver Standard) Chinchillas 200m $NSR Ref: www.silverstandard.com, Sept 2013 corporate presentation GRG.V • Favourable flat lying geometry & near surface mineralization = low strip ratio (Blocks) >= 15 >= 25 >= 40 >= 50 >= 60 >= 70 6 Attractive Mining Scenario ✔Open pit amenable Low strip ratio Mineralization starts at surface ✔Higher grade silver core in Silver Mantos Zone ✔Multiple flat-lying mineralized zones ✔Highly Altered Rock GRG.V 7 Infrastructure PEA: Two all-season access routes 66 km High Voltage line upgrade required; Access to water from local and regional wells Thickened tailings to be stored in lined impoundment built from mine waste rock OTHER ITEMS Communications available Other existing precious/metal mining operations GRG.V 8 PEA & Metallurgy ✔ High recoveries of silver, lead & zinc (bench scale locked-cycle testing) ✔ Standard flotation methods ✔ Chinchillas to produce 2 separate saleable concentrates: silver-bearing lead, and zinc Lead Concentrate (Silver grades are annual averages) Ore_1 (BAS) Ore_2 (MAN) Ore_3 (SOC) Lead Silver Lead Silver Lead Silver Recovery 93.5% 95.0% 95.0% 94.5% 94.5% 93.0% Grade 70.0% 8.3 kg/t 62.2% 10.3 kg/t 66.0% 3.8 kg/t Zinc Concentrate (Silver grades are annual averages) Ore_1 (BAS) Ore_2 (MAN) Ore_3 (SOC) Zinc Silver Zinc Silver Zinc Silver Recovery 75.0% 3.0% 80.0% 2.3% 85.0% 4.0% Grade 52% 1.3 kg/t 53.0% 271 g/t 60.0% 70 g/t GRG.V 9 PEA Model Parameters Summary of Parameters Processing rate Strip Ratio Average Annual Silver Production Total Ag produced Average Ag grade Average Ag recovery (Pb Con) Life of Mine Total Unit operating cost Unit tpd Moz Moz g/t % years $/t feed 8000 2.4:1 8 90.4 85.5 94% 12 $23.19 Total Unit cash cost without credits $/oz Ag $9.22 From NI 43-101 Technical Report titled “Preliminary Economic Assessment Update for the Chinchillas Silver-Lead-Zinc Project, Jujuy, Argentina” by Kuchling et.al. Effective date October 30th 2014, Filing date December 3rd 2014.) GRG.V 10 PEA Cost Summary Capital Costs including 20% Contingency Pre-production Capital (Includes pre-stripping, infrastructure) mining capital (US$ M) costs, process plant, Sustaining Capital over life-of-mine $237 $84 TOTAL CAPITAL $321 Unit Operating Cost Assumptions Unit Cost US$/t feed $2.33 $7.90 Mining – Feed $/t material Processing $/t feed $12.25 $12.25 Tailings $/t feed $0.09 $0.09 G&A $/t feed $2.95 $2.95 TOTAL GRG.V $23.19 11 PEA Cash Flow & Sensitivity Summary of Results Before Tax After Tax NPV 0% (millions) $883.2 $569.6 NPV 5% (millions) $515.2 $321.8 NPV 8% (millions) $372.8 $225.5 30% 24.3% 3.2 3.4 IRR Payback period (years) Silver Price Per Ounce After-tax NPV8% (millions) IRR Payback Period (years) $17 $ 90.2 14.9% 5.2 $22 $ 225.5 24.3% 3.4 $25 $305.0 29.2% 2.6 *All values quoted in US dollars, using base case metal prices of $22 per ounce silver, $1 per pound of lead, $1 per pound of zinc. GRG.V 12 Chinchillas Path to Feasibility Goal is to continue rapid advancement, and move to a Feasibility Study stage 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Property Acquisition Social/Enviro Studies Phase I Drilling Phase II Drilling Metallurgy Resource Estimate PEA Phase III Drilling Resource Update PEA Update Phase IV Drilling Engineering Studies Permitting Feasibility Study Development GRG.V 13 Growth Strategy ─ Baseline resource/PEA Completed ─ Recent resources expansion, PEA update ─ 16-20,000 m Phase IV program will infill to upgrade resource categories, test limits, and provide possible expansion of resources ─ Subsequent programs will target Chinchillas South which has potential for 100 to 160 mt grading 32 to 40 g/t silver equivalent ─ ~70% of the property remains under explored GRG.V Note: Target Potential grades and quantities are conceptual in nature; there has been insufficient exploration to define a mineral resource nor is it certain that further exploration will results in the target being delineated as a resource 14 Chinchillas – A low risk opportunity Chinchillas provides investors with the potential for near term production at anticipated low capital and operating costs. CATEGORY RISK COMMENTS Resource LOW Good potential that resource will increase significantly and be converted to reserves with upside potential Metallurgy LOW +90% recoveries in preliminary test work. Mining and Processing Method LOW Open pit 2.4:1 strip ratio with higher-grade, lower strip ratio starter pit. Concentrator plant process proven technology Infrastructure LOW Existing roads with power and water in close proximity. HSEC and Permitting LOW Good community support, existing operating mines in close proximity GRG.V 15 Capital Structure Shares Issued Warrants 7,964,600 Options (avg price = $0.35) 5,685,000 Fully Diluted Market Capitalization Ownership (insiders/friends/family) GRG.V 48,978,789 62,628,389 ~$12.5M ~50% 16 Contact Corporate Head-Office: Suite 709, 837 W Hastings St Vancouver, BC, Canada V6C 3N6 Telephone: 604 687 1828 Toll free: 1 800 901 0058 [email protected] www.goldenarrowresources.com GRG.V 17 Appendix A - A Visionary Mr. Joseph Grosso is a respected entrepreneur with extensive international business experience having operated for decades in North/South America as well as in various European and Asian countries. Of Italian descent and fluent in Italian, English and Spanish, Mr. Grosso lived in Argentina and Peru where he acquired a very deep appreciation for Latin culture and successfully developed a vast network of contacts which have been very beneficial to the associated companies of the Grosso Group. Mr. Grosso has developed a strong network of long-term national and international financial relationships. He has experience in financing, marketing strategies and has successfully formed strategic alliances and negotiated with mining industry majors such as Barrick, Teck, Newmont, Yamana Gold and Vale S.A. JOSEPH GROSSO Executive Chairman CEO and President During a family visit to Argentina in 1993, Argentina’s undeveloped geology east of Chile was the great motivator for Mr. Grosso’s career change into the mining industry where he became a mining pioneer in Argentina and thereafter discovered the world-class Gualcamayo project, now in production by Yamana Gold. Mr. Grosso’s additional discoveries include the world-class Navidad silver deposit now held by Pan American Silver; the Rio Tabaconas gold project and now he is on the trail of yet another discovery with the Chinchillas silver project. Led 3 major discoveries: Navidad (Pan American Silver) Gualcamayo (Yamana) Chinchillas (Golden Arrow) GRG.V 18 Appendix B - Key Management BRIAN McEWEN PGeol. - VP Exploration & Development Mr. McEwen is a professional geologist with more than 30 years of exploration and production experience in open-pit and underground mining projects and operations. The extent of his experience is global in managing numerous projects in Canada, US, Europe, Asia, Africa and throughout Latin America. Mr. McEwen’s previous roles include more than a decade with MRDI (AMEC Peru) where he was responsible for project management, economic resource and reserve calculations for various precious and base metal companies worldwide, including BHP Billiton, CM Antamina, Teck, Hochschild and Phelps Dodge among others. DARREN C. URQUHART, C.A.– CFO & Corporate Secretary Mr. Urquhart is a Chartered Accountant with more than 10 years of experience working in both public practice and industry. Mr. Urquhart is presently engaged in public practice accounting offering CFO and accounting services to TSX Venture Exchange listed exploration companies in the Vancouver area. Mr. Urquhart began his career working as an audit accountant with Grant Thornton LLP, then later worked as a senior tax accountant with Lohn Caulder Chartered Accountants and more recently served as a consultant to an international private equity company. Mr. Urquhart obtained his Chartered Accountant designation in 2001 and is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of British Columbia. In 1995, Mr. Urquhart obtained his B.A.Sc. (Electrical Engineering) from the University of British Columbia. GRG.V 19 Pioneering Exploration In Argentina 1993: A Mining Vision 2013: A Mining Reality Argentine discovery Grosso Group discovery Grosso Group property GRG.V 2 0 20 Appendix C – Option Terms Chinchillas Option Terms Golden Arrow may acquire a 100% interest in the Chinchillas project by making the cash payments to the vendor as follows: Timing On Signing Cash Payments ($US) PAID $20,000 By January 2012* $80.000 PAID By July 2012 $150,000 PAID By July 2013 $250,000 PAID July 2014 to July 2015 $466,000* ONGOING By July 2015 $900,000 Total $1,800,000 Furthermore the Company must make an additional payment of $1.2 million to the vendor upon the commencement of commercial production. See August 3rd, 2011 Press Release for further details. *An amendment to the original Option Agreement was signed on July 11, 2014 whereby a US$150,000 payment was made upon signing (completed), a final payment of US$250,000 is due by the end of 12 months, and on the 21st day of each month subsequent to the signing an additional payment of US$6,000 is due, for a new maximum total 3rd anniversary payment of US$466,000. The Company can at any time make the final payment of US$250,000 without penalty, thereby cancelling all further US$6,000 monthly payments. GRG.V 21
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