fq t^n db, l^ a .14" "*: \#1iq 1-- i :" Yh$ , 1" # ?tY'? I C L1 0 uang Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, vietnam; Tel: COALIMEX P; \dgP"# l-84 4 3942 4684; pa1; +84 4 3822 5729; E mall e Ref No.. CLM/CS/DH3E/l 4 Date; September 27, 2014 RE. REQUEST FOR OFT-ER SUPPLY OF COAL EXTENSION THERMAL POWER PLANT TO DUYEN HAI 3 Dear Sir/Madam, (hereinafter called Basing on the Master Contract signed by and between Vietnam Electricity ,,EVN:,) and Vietnam National iloal and Mineral Industries Holding Corporation Limited (hereinafter called "Vinacomin"), Vinacomin - Coa (hereinafter called "Coalimex" or "Purchaser") is Ioo detailed offers for supply of coal to Duyen Hai 3 Exte called "DH3E TPP") on a long-term contrac basis (hereinafter called "Supplier(s)")' sellers, coal traders, coal-mine owners, coal producers, etc. Suppliers: potential The following information should be noted by the 1. Description of DH3E TPP Project: plant utilizing The DH3E Tpp project consists of a 1x600MW coal fired thermal power sub-bituminous and/or bituminous thermal coals' DH3E TPP is The construction of DH3E TPP is expected to be started in late 2014, and ltrst currently scheduled to come into commeroial operation in 2018' Accordingly' 2018. early or late2017 shipments of coal to DH3E'fPP are expected to take place in Hai District, The DH3E Tpp is located in Mu U Hamlet, Dan Thanh Commune, Duyen Vietnam' S'R' Tra Vinh Province, at the Mekong river mouth, in the southern part of 2. The DH3E TPP's Demand for Coal: power generation of DH3E TPP must be is 30 years)' contracted under long-term coal supply agr ents (The designed TPP's life and agreement the of date Each agreement shall have a term commencing on the effective continuing for a period of not less than l0 years' coal required to meet committed capacity that they will The design of the DH3E Tpp boilers and their main auxiliaries will be such quality/specification of be capable of handling/burning a wide range of coals, in which the coal shall ensure tnlt 1a; th-e thermal effrciency of the power plant is substantially and maintained; and (b) there is no adverse impact on the power plant's operation maintenance costs. Vllr -/ Page 1 u* :. dd, Kf4 "'.:: ,l L$ "fltu4,&ru \d.t$X $ "ffitf:'A E 47 , COALIMEX Qtang Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: +84 4 3942 4684; Fax: ) \1)4. E-mail: The total amount of coal to be supplied for DH3E TPP is expected to be 1.8 million metric tonnes per annum after the plant have been putting into commercial operation. Detailed information on requirements of coal technical specifications and Supplier's eligibility and qualification are stated in the enclosed Annex 1 and Annex 3. a J Conditions of Offer: Coalimex, in this regard, respectfully invites the eligible Suppliers who are interested in this project to submit their offer for coal supply to DH3E TPP as described in accordance with this Request for Offer (RFO) together with the following conditions: (i) This Request for Offer is open to the eligible Suppliers who have the capabilities and experiences to cover all or a parl of the quantity of coal to be supplied as specified in Section 2 of Annex 1. For the purpose of ow consideration, please submit in your offer the following information: o Full specification (typical and range) of every type/brand/source of coal that you are able and willing to supply to DH3E TPP in a long term (minimum 10 years). coal specifrcations shall comply with our requirements; o to euantity of each typeibrandlsource of coal that you are able and willing and amount annual maximum (minimum and supply io DH3E TPP per annum p".ioa of years of supply contract) in a long-term basis (at least ten (10) years from the commercial operation date of the DH3E TPP). The minimum volume of each type/brand/source of coal that you are able and willing to supply to DH3E TPP per annum shall not be less than 450,000 metric tonnes except for the first commercial operation year. Failure to comply with the required annual volume will be at Supplier's risk and may result in the non-consideration of its offer. Depending on the coal specifications proposed by the Suppliers, Coalimex wishes to discuss with the Suppliers to finalize the annual base tonnages of thermal coal for the contract; o Base coal price (BCP) of each type/brand/source of coal that you intend and plan to supply to DH3E T'PP. Please note that such BCP will be fixed for the whole term of the coal supply agreement (csA). contract coal price will be subject to Annex 2 attached herewith; o Name, location, annual production, and reseles of the coal mines where the above-mentioned types/brand of coal comes from; o Name, location, specifications, particulars and restrictions, if any, of the applicable load poits including their information and requirements including pieferable u.rr.l specifications, shipping procedure, applicable ship-loading rate in metric tonnei per day, applicable demurrage rate, applicable bulk carrier /t/i Page 2 " 'f., a{: l- ti,' ' I l'**+ Y ;B \rS '.: $ nrl r C 47, Quang Trung St, H oan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: +84 4 3942 4684; Fax: +84 4 3822 5129:E-mai1: COALIMEX size range (including Max. LOA, Max. Beam, Max. Draft information); and time for loading coal on a nominated vessel (max. 30.000 DWT) at such proposed loading port; o Amount of and other info about performance/payment security if such security is required stipulating in the CSA by you or your suppliers; Whether a deferred payment at thifiy (30) days after the date of the bill of lading is acceptable or not, although such a deferred payment is preferable. (ii) Each Supplier shall submit only one dossier of offer in one envelop. Any request for clarification of the Request for Offer should be e-mailed to Coalimex at the email addresses given hereunder after receiving the RFO but no late than October 10, 2014. Coalimex will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the RFO, which it receives, no later than October 13,2014. Coalimex will also hold a meeting at 09h00 (local time) on October 13,2014 at the address given in Section 4 hereunder in order to respond in person to any clarification requested by any prospective Supplier. E-mail addresses for the purpose of clarification of the RFO: pham hon gk han h,.lrEcoal i m ex t,n haint(l)coalimex vn vietdx(@coalimex.r'n khai ct(d,c c (iii) o al imex. r, n [email protected] At any time prior to the deadline for submission of offer, Coalimex, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Supplier may (1) amend the terms and conditions mentioned herein, and (2) extend the deadline for the submission of offer. (iv) Offers shall remain valid at least until March 31, 2015. An offer valid for a shorter period shall not be considered by the Purchaser. (v) The Suppliers shall give a detailed breakdown of the prices against each item for the purpose of valuing variations, evaluating the rationale compared with similar scope of supply and facilitating the negotiating process. Any item, which is not given in details, may cause the delay in negotiation process attributable to the Supplier's own risks and expenses. (vi) The Suppliers are required to submit, together with the offer, an offer security in a form of a bank guarantee letter issued by a commercial bank or credit institution for a value of US$100.000 (United States Dollars One Hundred Thousand). The bank Vri .a Page 3 a*" fui I ;:l *.: l i E t....t .i : r MEX C 47,Q uang Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: t-84 43942 4684:Fax + 84 43822 5129 E-mall COALIMEX _ guarantee shall remain effective for a period of thirty (30) days beyond the original validity period ofoffers, or beyond any period ofextension subsequently requested by the Purchaser. The form of the bank guarantee letter should be in accordance with the Annex 4. By submission of the offer, every Supplier agrees that Coalimex retains the right to request the guarantor for payment of the guarantee amount in case the prospective Supplier (l) withdraws its offer during the validity period of the offer, or (2) fails to negotiate the contract after Coalimex informs its acceptance of offer, or (3) fails to sign contract with Coalimex in accordance with the terms and conditions stated hereunder and proposed by the prospective Supplier, or (4) fails to sign contract with Coalimex in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed during the contract negotiation period. Unsuccessful Suppliers' offer securities will be discharged or returned as promptly as possible, but not later than thirty (30) days after the expiration of the period of offer validity prescribed by the Purchaser. The successful Supplier's offer security will be discharged upon the Supplier signing the CSA, and furnishing the performance security if such a security is required. (vii) The terms and conditions of contract for supply of coal shall be in accordance with the attached Annex 5, subject to Coalimex's right of amendments and/or further negotiation. (viii) The prospective Suppliers shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of offer, negotiation and/or execution of contract. Coalimex will in no case be responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the offering process. (ix) Coalimex retains the right to (1) select any or several prospective Suppliers for contract negotiation, and (2) accept or refuse any offer submitted by prospective Suppliers without reason, explanation and compensation at any point of time prior to awarding the contract. (x) By submitting their offer, prospective Suppliers shall deem accept the above conditions whether they are specifically or explicitly stated in the offer or not, although prospective Suppliers' explicit statement of acceptance is preferable. 4. Submission of Offers: Suppliers shall submit their offer to Coalimex by courier not later than 11h00 (local time) on November 10. 2014 at the address as follows: Coal Import Export Joint Stock Company Address: No. 47, Quang Trung Street, I-Ioan Kiem District, Hanoi, S. R. Vietnam +84 4 3942 4684 Tel: +84 4 3822 5129 Fax: Website: wr,r,w.coalimex.o0in.vn Vinacomin - v/1r '/ Page 4 I Trung St, Hoan I(rem, Hanor Vietnam; Tel. +84 4 3942 4684', COALIMEX Attn: Fax +84 4 3822 5129: E-mall Mr. Dao Xuan Viet, Deputy Manager, Coal Export-Import Department The envelope containing the offer shall be sealed, and shall bear the Project name, title and number of the RFO and a statement "DO NOT OPEN BEFORE" to be completed with the time and the date specified in Section 5 hereunder. If the envelope is not sealed and marked as required, the Purchaser will assume no responsibility for the offer's misplacement or premature opening. 5. Opening of Offers: Except otherwise decided by Coalimex, Coalimex will open all offers in the presence of the Suppliers' representatives who choose to attend, at 14h00 (local time) on November 10,2014 at the place specified in Section 4 above. The Suppliers' representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forwards to receiving your offer. dl i Vrr cu':' {xu?'t 'nttr F:$tlli; ong Khanh General Director Enclosure: (1) Annex I- Technical Speci/ications 0) Annex2-Price (3) Annex 3 - Supplier's Eligibility and Qualffication (4) Annex 4 - Form of Olfer SecuritY (5) Annex 5 - Contrctct Form Page 5 .. :.t r Trung St, Hoan COALIMEX , E Vietnam; Tel: +84 4 3942 4684;Fax: + 5129; E-mail: ANNEX 1 _ TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1. Qualify Coal supplied to this plant shall be sourced mainly from Indonesia. Although the coal sources may be varied, it is planned that on an annualized basis 70%o of the tonnage will comprise sub-bituminous coal and 30Yo of the tonnage will comprise bituminous coal. Specific data is based on the following table: Sub-Bituminous Coal A (70" on CV) Unit Total Moisture Bituminous Coal B Q0% on CV) Typical Range Typical Range %;o arb 34.00 <35.00 t2.00 <14.00 o/o adb 1s.00 <25.00 8.00 <12.00 Yo adb 4.00 <8.00 9.s0 <17.00 Yo adb 42.00 * 40.00 %o adb 39.00 o/o adb 100.00 %o adb 0.1s Proximate analysis 35.00 55.00 Balance 42.50 22.00 - 42.00 Balance 100.00 0.10 - 0.70 0.3s 0.35 - 1.20 55 40-60 36 34-50 Kcal/kg 5,500 >4.900 6.300 >6.000 Kcal/kg 4,271 >4,100 6,025 >5.600 Kcal/kg 3.898 - 5 750 >5 150 1,350 >r,200 Caloric value 3,700 4,000 Ash fusion tempera ture (reducing atmosphe re) OC 1,150 OC 1,200 OC r,250 1,600 1.300 1,600 :".- "C >1,i00 Page 6 Vttr #mruXA g"u* #Li -J ,\\i i\*sarry i 14*.6 ffi Kf"4 Wrrzfu;:"x # Y$4 $'d Weru I E Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: +84 43942 4684; Fax: +84 4 3822 5129;E -mail: COALIMEX Other parameters (fypical): Sub-Bituminous Coal A (70o/o on CV) Range Bituminous Coal B (30" on CV) Typical Ultimate analysis 72.41 77.30 s.46 1.06 0.19 Chlorine Oxygen * others 0.01 0.01 20.88 15.58 100.00 Ash composition (7o in ash) 23.00 55.90 13.00 32.50 17.75 3.20 31.00 6.s0 r.70 0.60 1.80 0.25 1.00 0.50 6.00 MnrO+ Others metallic oxides 0.20 0.04 0.s0 0.04 0.70 0.04 100.00 100.00 tti Page 7 *Fd r Trung St, Hoan Krem, Hanor Vietnam; Tel: +84 439424684;Fax: COALIMEX 2. D E- Quantity The estimated quantities of coal required for DH3E TPP are as follows: Planned Time Schedule of DH3E TPP Project Total Estimated Quantity required for DH3E TPP Year 2077 About 120,000 MT Year 2018 About 1.000.000 MT Year 2019 onwards About 1,800,000 MT per annum Page 8 E 47 COALIMEX , Qlang 'Irung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: 1-84 4 3942 46g4: Fax 5129; E- mail: ANNEX2_PRICESCHEDULE Contract coal price formula: GCND CCP: BCP x GCNB Where: CCP : the Contract Coal Price (in US$/Tonne, FOBT) for the relevant calendar month in which delivery is made FOB. BCP : the quoted Base Coal Price (in US$/Tonne, FOBT). This Base Coal Price fixed for the whole term of the contract. will be GCND : the simple average value of the globalCOAL NEWC Index as published weekly over a month period immediately prior to the calendar month in which the applicable coal delivery (FOBT) takes place. GCNB : the simple average value of the globalCoAL NEWC Index as published weekly over month close to the time of the contract price negotiation. a particular Qualify price adjustment: Final price for each shipment (in US$/Tonne, FOBT) : CCP +l- Pn, where Pn is price adjustments concerning actual quality parameters such as net calorific value, total moisture, ash, sulfur, etc. Formula for such Pn will be stipulated in Section 4 of Schedule 3 of the Contract Form. Vtr t Page 9 ".li ! ,* . :). r ilfiEX C 47 , Quang COALIMEX Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: r,84 4 3942 4684; Fax: +84 4 3822 5729: E-mall ANNEX 3 - SUPPLIER'S ELIGIBILITY AND QUALIFICATION 1. This Request for Offer is open to the eligible Suppliers who meet the below-required capabilities and experience from eligible source countries: 2. a .]. . Supplier has no record or history of litigation or adverse performance in the past five (5) years. . Supplier has the average annual turnover over the last three (3) years (20II,2012, and 2013) larger than twenty-tle (25) million USD. . Supplier has successfully performed at least two (2) coal supply agreements of at least 450,000 Metric tonnes per year in the last three (3) years. A Supplier may be a single entity, private entity or a government-owned entityr or any combination of such entities with the intent to enter into an agreement supported by a letter of intent or under an existing agreement in the form of a joint venture, consortium, or association (JV). In case of a JV: (i) all partners shall be jointly and severally liable; and (ii) the JV shall nominate a representative who shall have the authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the parlners of the JV during the offering process and, in the event the JV is awarded the contract, during contract execution. The Supplier shall furnish, as part of its offer, documents establishing the Supplier's eligibility to offer and its qualifications to perform the contract if its offer is accepted, as follows: o Certificate of business resistration. o A declaration certifying that Supplier has no record or history of litigation or adverse performance in the past five (5) years. . I Audited Balance Sheets and Income Statements for the last three (3) years (201I, 2072, and 2073). If not required by the law of Supplier's country, other Financial Statements acceptable to the Purchaser/Buyer for the last three (3) years. Govemment-owned enterprises in the Purchaser's country may participate only if they are legally and if they operate under commercial law, and if they are not a dependent agency of the financially autonomous, Purchaser. Vr; Page 10 Cr 47 , COALIMEX Qttang Trung St, Hoan I(iem, Hanoi, Vietnam; Tel: +84 4 3942 4684; Fax +84 4 3822 5129; E-mall: The proven records, such as the purchaser/buyer's certificate, to certify that Supplier has successfully performed at least two (2) coal supply agreements of at least 450,000 Metric tonnes per yeat in the last three (3) years. The list of proposed sub-suppliers for the procurement of coal. This list shall be declared the country of "origin" of goods and services. Sub-supplier's authorization (such as coal mine-owners etc.,) to confirm that the supply contract shall be executed and completed successfully. Evidence document proving the mining license/ mining permission and mineral export license cover the period ofthe contract ofat least ten (10) years. The details of the current economically mineable reserves at the particular mine(s) from which the Supplier intends to supply the coal brand(s) offered plus the economically mineable reserves that are forecast to exist at such mine(s) at the end of 2075, including report(s) on the investigation and evaluation of such coal mines, its chemical analysis and heating values. Documents showing annual coal production capability of particular mine(s) from which the Supplier intends to supply the coal brand(s) offered. o Other relevant documents may be required in the future. lil Page 11 .l -:-l r M Trung St, Hoan Krem, Hanoi Vretnam; 'l'el: 'r84 4 3942 4684; Fax'. + 84 4 382 2 5729;E-mail: COALIMEX ANNEX 4_ }'ORM OF OFI'ER SECURITY [Bank's Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or OfficeJ Beneficiary: _ (hereinafter called "the Purchaser") __ [Name and Address of PurchaserJ Date: OFFER GUARANTEE No.: We have been informed that [name of the Supplierl (hereinafter called "the Supplier") has submitted to you its offer dated [date of the offer/ (hereinafter called "the Offer") for the coal ("the RFO"). supply under the Request for Offer No. Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, the Offer must be supported by an offer guarantee. At the request of the Supplier, we [name, address and BIC CODE of BankJ hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of [amount in figuresJ ([amount in wordsJ) upon receipt by us of your first demand in writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Supplier is in breach of its obligation(s) under the offer conditions, because the Supplier: 1) withdraws its Offer during the period of offer validity specified by the Supplier in the Offer; or 2) having been notified of the acceptance of its Offer by the Purchaser during the period of offer validity, (i) fails or refuses to negotiate the contract, or (ii) fails or refuses to sign contract with the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions stated in the RFO and proposed by the Supplier, or (iii) fails or refuses to sign contract with the Purchaser in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed during the contract negotiation period, or (iv) fails or refuses to furnish the performance security if required. This guarantee will expire: (a) if the Supplier is the successful supplier, upon our receipt of a copy of the contract signed by the Supplier and the Purchaser and the performance security issued to the Purchaser if required in the contract; or (b) if the Supplier is not the successful supplier, upon the earlier of (i) our receipt of a copy of your notification to the Supplier of the name of the successful supplier who is not the Supplier; or (ii) thirty days after the expiration of the Supplier's Offer that falls on [validity date o.f the Offer/ However, in any circumstances, this Guarantee will expire on [expiry date of the Offer GuaranteeJ. Page 12 vil ^ ;; ii: Ar * ""? r Trung St, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi Vietram; Tel: +84 4 3942 4684 re Fax +84 4 3822 5129 E-mail: Consequently, any demand for payment under this guarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date. This guarantee is subject to the Uniform Rules for Demand Guarantees, ICC Publication No. 758. [signature(s)J ln Page 13 m E-mail: COALIMEX ANNEX 5 _ CONT CT FORM Page 14
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