INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 1. This Tender is open to all HDB licensed Contractors who are well-versed in Statutory Authorities' requirements and compliances. 2. Collection of Tender Documents The collection of the Tender Documents and Drawings shall be at the temporary office of Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS) at: 10 Ubi Crescent, Ubi Techpark, Lobby C #01-48 Singapore 408564 on 12 December 2014 from 12 noon onwards. 3. Tender Documents Each Tenderer will be provided with one set of Tender Drawings and Tender Documents. The Tenderer is advised to check the content page(s) against the document for any missing pages. If any page is found missing, they should inform the Consultants immediately. 4. Refund and Forfeiture of Tender Deposit A Tender Deposit of S$2,500 (Singapore Dollars: Two Thousand and Five Hundred Only) shall be made payable by crossed cheque to the Architect, 3DNA, upon collection of the Tender Document. The deposit of the unsuccessful Tenderer will be refunded if a bona fide tender is delivered. The tender deposit shall be forfeited if:(i) no tender is submitted (ii) tender submitted considered not valid or bona fide (iii) tender documents are not returned in good order. The tender deposit of the successful tenderer will not be refunded. It will be used to defray the costs of prints and lithography charges incurred for tender and contract purposes. 5. Submission of Tender The Tenderers area required to deliver by hand the Tender Drawings and the Priced Tender Document, all properly filled in, chopped, signed (to be endorsed by the Company Managing Director) and enclosed in a properly sealed envelope clearly marked : CONFIDENTIAL TENDER FOR PROPOSED ADDITIONS AND ALTERATIONS TO A COUNSELLING CENTRE AT HDB VOID DECK BLK 1 EUNOS CRESCENT #01-2509 SINGAPORE 400001 FOR PERSATUAN PEMUDI ISLAM SINGAPURA (PPIS) To: 3DNA Blk 123 Bukit Merah Lane 1 #03-72 Singapore 150123 Not later than 12 noon on 26th December 2014. Any tender received after the said date and time shall be considered not valid and not bona fide. 6. Non-Acceptance of Tenders Tenderers are to note that the Employer reserves the right and the Tenderers recognised such rights not to accept the lowest or any Tender. The Employer shall not be responsible or held liable for any expenses incurred by Tenderers in the preparation of the Tenders. 7. Tender Query Any query regarding the subject tender shall be in writing via email latest by 17 December 2014 and forward to :3DNA Blk 123 Bukit Merah Lane 1 #03-72 Singapore150123 Tel: 62718371 Fax: 6274 9271 Email: [email protected] and [email protected]
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