z T1·_ • CYPRUS GAZETTE. INDEX FOR THE YEAR 1890. Published by Authority. PRICE ONE SHILLING. PB15Tlm A.T THE GOVERNMENTPRINTING OFFIOE, NICOSIA.• THE CYPRUS GAZETTE INDEX, 1890. P.A.GE A Acanthou Cemetery, Accounts se« '' Cem1teries." Granted leave ••• 1666 .•• ... ... 1526 cipalities." Buoy, Famagusta Admiralty, se« "·Naval." ' ... Buildings, Municipal Bye-Laws se« "Muni- Bevenne and Expenditure, 1889....,...90 lfunicipa.I, see ".MunWipalities." Advertieemente, .Agriculture PAGE Bor, Capt. J. H. Washed away ... ... .•. New Buoy laid ••• ••• .•. Buoy removed and will not be replaoed... see " Gazstte, Cyprus." Agricultural Bank Bill , Cyprqs. Report on to 3ld De. 1589 cember, 1889 ••• . .1595 Field Watchmen·Law, 1885, ,A.me,ndrneµt 1582 Irrigatio~, see" Irrigation." Burial Grounds, S' e 11 .. . 1596 ••• 1636 ..• 1666 Cemeieries. '' nm Ahmet, Nairn · Appointed Native Office~, Police Cade, C. S. Quara.ntine againat, see "QuarantiM." .An:ier,ig& K~t~~tion Treaty with Uni~ Th'3 Cyprus Gazette n will be glad to receive corrections Animal Disease, see '' Oontagwua Duea1es (.Ani1nala)." C:-uelty to. Law respecting._... .•• 1608, 1631 Municipal Bye-Law1 as to, see "Municipalities." ef Appropriation any errors or omissions that may be-discooered in this Index: Laws 1~89-90. Supp,~ementary A.pprop:fiati~J,lLaw '1576,ltJ18, . . 107 1890-91. Appropriation ~w ... l55lt lll8, 1651 .lradippi~~~i, ~- . T9 pr~pare V"ote_r_..• Ltst.. Kilani Nahiab 1573 A~~is, Ag~'5.H.~ott .!!'Pointed .to &et a.a Ordinary Judge, DM!~r.i.®iCollrt, 'Ky:renia . ~·-·-· 1681 - + ' ·~ ••• - ·- • ~ Asia Minor =·· J)~th of, 29th Angus~, 189p •.•.• - 1615 ; 1516, 1635 Civil Procedure Amendment Law, 1885 Bella Pais Cemetery, se« "Cemet•ri~s." Bods Regulations •.. ..• 1557 Books Memoranda of Books printed and regi11teredin Cyprus to 3bt December, 18S9' ••. .•• --- ·- -·-···..- 1,)04 ibid. 1669 Appointed Forest Gar.rd 1:374 1535 1562 Bishop of Kitium Law to amend ... Rules of &ale Amended of 1638 Death of, !Jth Beptember. 1890 Appointed Turkish Clerk, District Court, Larnaca ... .•. _ _,.._ ··-- Warren, Col., granted leave ... Law, A. F. G., appointed to act Ohrystodulo, Antoni Beans, Tithe on, see " Tithes and T'aeee," Bedavi, Mustafa. "'- .Appointed to ant a.a Com.miBsiont:r, Limassol Chryea.nthos, Sales of, see " Titlu:s and Taees;" Tithe on ----· - 1535 Chetwynd, Major the Hon. E. J. Appointed Junior Clerk, Post Office Bank, Agricultural, He "Agriculture.'' Bark, Sales of, se« "<Forests," Barley ....,. 15Si •,•• Cholera, Q u.a.rantine for, see " Quarant·im. '' Ohristofidas, Agathoclas L. B --- ..• of Chief Secretary to Government, Appointment Granted leave ~.. Law respectlng .•. ..• .,. -1562,1618, 1667 Glossop,.F. G., appointed Super.intendent ... 1672 Oereala_ see '' Tith!J& a1Ul ·Taa:es.'' Cramm, S. Lambro, N. H. AsiJizes, Bee " Co·u. ts of JtUtic-. '' -' Atta Bey Amended scale of fees Oensu1, 1891 Certifying Officers, Appointments · <Jholera jii, see u {!ui&ra,ntine" Assim, Ahmed, Mufti Appointed to act as Ohie1 Commandant of Police and Inspector of Prisons 152tJ Commi.11aioner,Nicosia 1603, 1618 -------------Kyrenia 1677 Empowered to compound offences under 11 The Forest Law, 1889" 1685 'Cemeteries New cemetery to be provided near A. Menmon Church, Varoaha .•• ... .•. 1572 Burials in old ground prohibited ..• ••. 1633 Burial-a in old MoslelD. Cemetery, icanthou, prohibited ..• .••• 1590, 1597 ----Bella Pais Cemetery forbidden ••• 1693 -------·~---~- Kingdom, see" Treatie.t." Animals The Editor of'' c 1617t 1687 Alexandretta. ..• ••• 1638 .•. 15811,1636, 1665 .•. ... 1:'520 Clubs, Proprietary Exempted from regulations as to hours of closing Co.:tst Guards, see '' Quarant.'11e." Colombia Extradition Treaty with United Kingdom see "Treat;111. ' ' Commission to enquire Office see "La'IUl." into Land Registry 1670 THE CYFRUS GAZETTE INDEX, 1890. THE PAGE Commis~ioners, Appointments of Commissioners, .Assistants to, Appointment• of see" Police, Appointm~nt.~, Looai C011nnandant8." Commissioners' Offices, .Appointments 1542 1617 C.mstan tinides, Y. Consuls, Appointments Belgium, Mavroi'di, L. Limassol Nahieh ••. 1573 of ... .•. ... 1677 Contagious Diseasea (Animals) Yerolako scheduled as infected with animal disease... 1698 Bulletins of Epizuotic Diseases in Foreign Countries l;j09, 1521, 1528, 1536, 1543, 1552, 1564, 1574, 1583, 1597, 1605, 1618, 1634, l6H6, 1646, 1657, 1661, 1668, 1672, 1675, 1680, 1683, 168~ 1698, 1696, 1698 and Inft>ctious Diseases Small-pox at the Pirseus. Regulations respecting arrivals from .. . ... .. . ..• See a,Zso " Quarantine." Assim, Ahmed, death of To prepare Voters' Lish, Kyrenia Nahieh Notice to the public respecting . .. ... 1520 Proclamations under .• . .•. 1581, 1582 Certain cotton and seed to be passed free of duty ••• 1590 Council, E~ecutive Bes "Extrcutive Council." ---Legislative, see •'L~gislativ1 Iloumeil," Courts of Justice Appointed a Certifying Officer Assizes. ibUJ. D D~atlts Assim, A. Mufti __. .•. Chrysanthos, Bishop of Kitium 1665 1669 Debt 1527 1601 1681 •i. 1527 1601 1681 1527 1601 1681 1527 1601 1681 Debtors' Relief Law, 1889, to come into force lst AP.ril, 1890 .. . . •. ••. .•• 1520 Law to exempt certain goods from execution 1576,16~6, 1679 Draft Law for securing the payment.ot dt:.btildue te the Governuient .•: · · .•. · · .• . 1576 De$art.is, E. J. Appointed, temporarily, Health Officer,.Karavut&ssi · 1589, 1682 ' Dianellou, Konstandinoe Appointed 1527 1601 Disease, Contagious, ibid. Dudley, C. -1631 P. Member, Municipal ComniiSsion,Nico11ia 1523, . 1602, 1661) (Animal•)" see '' Contagi,ous Disea1e3 Law,1889 1527 1601 ... 1685 1681 COURTS ~nrident Parker, F. H., Papho Reith, W., Larnaca Seager, Major l-I. B., to act ai Kyrenia Ordinarv Judges Artemis, A. to act at Kyrenia Hafuz H. Limassol Ha.him M., Larnaca E 1520 ibid. Education, see" School.3.'' Egypt Commercial Convention with United Kingdom, see 1691 ibid. 1603 Cotton, U• "Cotton Law, 1889." Evthimiades, M. P. 1685 1645 l57S Examinations. au "Languages.". Excise, •~1 " Cuatorn1 and Exciu.'' Evcaf, 1603, 1635 1532, 1679 Forests General. Bark, sale of, notice respecting ••• 1660 Coopers' Hill Rngineering College, Forest Branch, Modification in Prospectus of 1573 J"irewood, sale of•.. 1096 Forest Law, 1890 1551, 1603, 1635 Offlcers empowered to compound offences under The Forest Law, 1889 ... 1695 Phy lloxera, see "Pkyllo:JJera." fl11limitetl Forest«. Famagusta. District Akhna Apostolos Andrea Ayia Napa Ormidhia loiira 1507, 1645 Sotira Ayia Varva.ra Satin, Ayios Nikandros Pa.ralimni Xy lophago, Pota.moaBlock J Akhna. Blocks 4 and 5 Akna, Ayia. Y oglou Block .•. } 1551, 1681 Ormidlua, Block 2 Xylophago I 1&18 Xylotymbo Appointed Clerk and Office, Nicosia .. • Xylotymbo Blockli l to 44 l Ormidhia HlO<'kIII. . .. .Ayia Napa, Sea Block .. ~ Paralimnl; Ayio&Joannie Block .. . t Do. Arkakouthfa Block .•. ' Do. Manigee Blocks A..and B•••• Do. Manna tou Neron ••. .J AyiOllNikandros, certain land removed from the Delimitation ••. Limassol District Episeopi Paramali I Interpr•ter, ..• Commissioner's 1542 .•. 1601 Appointed to act as Ordinary .Tadge, District Court, Limassol 1645 H Hakki, H. Granted leave i/Jid. Hammill, Major·General D. Appointed to act as Commissioner, Papho 1696 1509, 1682 Hashim, Mehmet Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, District Court, Larnaca High Commissi9ner, Private see " Prioat« Seoretary," Hilmi, H. Granted Ien.ve Secretary ••• 1573 to, ) Holidays .... Moveable Holidays, 1890 Queen's Birthday, 2lsi May, 1890 1573 1519 1176 Hore E. H Appointed to act as Island Postma11t~i:·~· . .. 1596 :• '. Ibrahim, Hussein Appointed Forest Guard 1679 Ice Pits, Troodoa, su '<Snoio Pits," Idlipi, Hassan . Appointed Clerk, Customs Department ... ..• 1645 Imports, se« "Owtom& and Ezciu." Indian Civil Service Notice respecting Examinations for 1674 Indian Forests 1698 1618 Forest«, FAZ11agusia District-Kani&ra-Malounda Appoi.ntmc·nts. Forest Uuard Christodulo, A. Ibrahim, H.••• Kokkinos Ch. Voudaska, C. C. ... Hafuz, Hadji Flax, Tithe on, see "Tith1s and Taxe1." Foreign Imprisonment (Expenses) Law Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, Imperial Re1erved 1672 Small-pox. in the Pirseus 1677 } " r1~eatiea." .•. Grain, see "Tithes and Taxfl.'' Greece f Empowered to compound offences under the Forest G 158J Granted leave ' COURT Chief J'llstwe Smith, '\V. J., to act Puisne Jutlgs Templer, F. G., to act Field Watchmen Law .Amendment Bill Fisher R. Notices respecting .ta. DISTRICT 1520 1589 1655 1645 ibid. Appointed Superintendent of Census, 1891 F Buoy, see "Na'tJal.'' Cemetery at V a.rosha, see "Ce111eteries." Forests, see "F01·csta." J rrigation, se« "Irrigation." Municipality, see Mwnwipalities." Prison, see " .Prisons;" Tithes, see " n.thes and Taxes." Fees, •f'e-"Oourts o:fJ!u.s:tice," "Land,'' "PasspO'l't8." 1890 .•• .•. . •. 1686 Imports Returns-Year 1889--90 .•• 1604, 1618 June Quarter, 1890 .•. •• 1655 Half-Year ended 30th September, 1890 .. 1686 Licensing Law, Amendments in 1527, 1603, 1635 Mr. Rossos' Bill 1589, 1636, 1665 Phylloxera, see ''Phyllo;r:era.'' Sponge Fishery ... ... .•. 1603, 1635, l6:j6 Wines a?d Spirits Assessment, l879-S9 1562 Clm·k Idlipi, H. Michaelides, M. J. ... Glossop, F. G. Famagnsta AppO'intments. Granted leave 1576, 1~18, 1635, 1657 Gazette, Cypru~ Advertisements of Notices of Writs of Summons ••. 1508, 1562, 1597, 1656,1646, 169S Index, 1889. Notice respecting sale of .•• .. . 1543 1603, 1635 Coast. Guards, se« "Q11a1·antirw." Cotton, sre "Cotton .Lani; 1889.'' Exports Retmns-December Qnarter, 1889 Year 1889-90 June Quarter, 1890 ... .•• Half-Year ended 30tb September, 1674 Fuleihan, M. Game Law, 1890 1534 1576 Crown Debts Bill Cruelty to Animals Law Customs and Excise PAGE lG19 Experts, see " C1!sto1RSand Exci..se. '' Extradition Treaties, 1ee "Tr~u.,t;es." r Gene1·al. Civil Procedure Amendment Law, 18~0.•. 1589, 1636, 1665, M.anclamus Law ... 1527, 1603, 1635 Rules of l':ia.lea.mended 1520 · Rulrs, Fees of Ctntrt, Municipal Councils' Amendment Law, 1889 Rules of Court under .•. ... .••. 1559 Advertiaemants of Notices of Writs of Summons under the Rules of Court, 1886 1503, 1552, 1597, 1696, 1646, iess Rules of Court, l8th November, 1890, as to signatures on Warrants issued on -Judgments of Courts ... 1691 SUPREME Jamaica, 1891. Notice respecting Expenditure, se« "Accoumts, n 1573 Crambi, Spiro iii Exhibition 1665 Crambi, H. 1601 Conventions, see " 'Treaties;" ConTicts, see '' Prisons:" Cotton Law, 1889 1573, 1666 1677 1890. Appointed to act as District Medical Officer, Kyrenia 1562 Members, Appointm.ents of Law, A. F. G., while acting as Queen's Advocate •. . l5Sl Chief Secretary ... 1636 Exemption from Seizure Law 1062, 1576, 16H6,1679 1674 INDEX, Fuleiha.n, A. Olm·k, Appo-int'llUJ'R,tof 1617 MUFTI GAZETTE PAGE E:x:ecuti ve Council Ma•sy, Col. W. J. Kilanfot·11,A. Y., to act at Kila.ni Macri di, S. Lefkoniko Contagious, Epidemic Famaguafa-4th June, 1890 ... 5th November, 1890 20th Janua.ry,1891 Kyrenia -12tb June, 1890 13th November, 1890 2lst April, 1891... Larnaca -29th May, 1890••. -30tb October, 1890 -26th January, 1891 L:imasaol -19th May, 1890 ••• -20th October, 1890 -16th February, 1891 Nicosia -J8th April, 1890 -Hth July, 1890••• -22nd September, 1890 -24tb November, 1890 -2nd M:a:rch,1891 Papho -8th May,1890 ••. -9th October, 1890 -5th Fehruary,1891 1669, 1680 ... 1573 1596, 1635 VILLAGE JUD~ES in Evthimiaciea, M. J'., Clerk and Interpreter, Nico1ia... Markides, J. S., Limaasol.. 'l'o prepare Voters' Litts. ... Macridi, B., Famagnsta Noud, 0., to act at Papho ... Zuchti Eff. Famaguata Greek Clerk Yianaki, C., Famagusta Turki:Jh Clerk Bedevi, M., Larnaca Kyrenia -Oade, C. S., to act ..• ••• 1677 Limassol-Clietwynd, Major the Hon. E. J., to act •• Ii 8 '> Nicosia -Cade, C. S., to act .. . 1603, 1618 -Thompson, H. J,., to act .. . ... 1503 Papho -Hammill, Major-General D., to act 1503, 1682 CYPRUS 1661, 1634 1638 ltl79 l:i70 ibid. Ooopers' Hill Royal Indian Notice respecting Engineering Oollege, 0 1573 Inf ectious Diseases, see "Contagiotu, Epidemic and Jnfectiou» JJU!etUJe," and" Quarantim." Irriga.tion Pedias Canal. Proposed Cleaniug of ••• 1527, 1591 ----Authorization fo:r irrigation work to be performed ••. 1668 Pedias and Idalia Canale do. • ... 1646 Kiti do. .•• 1602 Notice to Contractors .•. ilnd. lnigation (Committees) Law, 1890 •.. 1551. 1603, 1635 Calochorio (Larnaca) Proposed work ••. 1682, 1685 Island Postmaster, see "Poital ." ©DIGITIZED BY MAA \ ' t •: f !'J~~'°' : ~ ) ~ .:: ! f \ ;;.\· 1; i I •r l .'.i~f1HJE,.~~YP~P:S .G•.t\ZET/rE iv i"'" l :\ i ' ~.: .... ~.: I~DE.X, ~ ~ • ,t. ; ' ~890. 'l1HE CYPRUS GAZETTE ~~~~~~~~~~~--,.~,,..--~~~ PAGE J Laws and Drafts of Laws No. 1.-To i.1~i'ExhihitiOfl." Jamaica Exhibition, Jemil, Ahmed Appointed a. Chief Clerk, Land Registry Office •.. 1617 Kantara Forest see '' Forests. •• KaraTas Municipa.lity 1 see ''Municipalitit?1." Karavastassi Health Officer appointed at temporarily 1589, 1682 1573, 1866 King, M. lllness of Granted lea ve 1503 1603, 1618 Kiti Irrigation Works, see "Irrigation." Kitinm, Bishop of 1669 Kokkinos, Chamlambos Appointed Forest· Guard 1670 Kuffi, Hatlji Granted leave Kypiades, John Police 1617 Ky priano, N. To prepare Voters' Lists, Fn.magu.ata N ahieh 1573 Kyrenia Municipality, see "]}funid.pal1'ties.'' Prison, 1se " Prisons •.'' • /. L Lambri, Nicola Hadji Appointed Certifying Officer... ·· ..• .•• 1535 Laud Civil Procedure AmeudmeQt.I4w, LStO •.. l-589,,H!!S, 1665 Immoveable Property LimitaUon Law; 188v Amcrid~ ment Bill, 1890... ••• .•• · ;;,.,. 1597 La.nd Tranllfer Am.e.ndment Law, 1890 .•. 1562, 1636, 1665 Mortgaged Pro}fertyLaw,1890, Bale of 1541, 1618, 1657, 1666 Regilitration without production of Mukhtar'a Certificate, Notice of, (Hanna Prince) ... •. . 1519 Sale, Rules of, Amended .•• •.• .. . 1520 Sales, Notices of ••• 1506, 1507, 1541, 1542, 1669, 1670, 1680 Search Feea, reduced ••• .. . 1589, 1677 Land Registry Office, Appointments in OAief Olerl Jemil A:. Ol£Yrk, A116'i.Jttant ' Remzi, A. Commission of Enquiry into ~~.~- '.• 1.. . Smith G. Taylor, W. T. I Tbompaon, L. j 1617 1665 .,< ••• 1695 a. 1668,1679 J.apit!ios M11nfo1pality, see ''Municipali.tiu." Irrigation Works, see "I'F'T'igation.'' Monicipality, " se« Mu•icipalities." Tithes, see " Titke.t and Ta:z:tJJJ." ., 16~3, 1635 Leoers . A.ppoinied to act ea Queen's Advocate .•• ••. Member of Executive Council while acting as Queen's Advoc.de ••. .•. .. . ---to act ae Chief Sec.retary .. . .•• Member of E:x.eeutive Council while acting as Chief Secretary • .•. .. . .._ Hi51 ibid. 1636 ibi.d. Appoi.:itcd Ordinary Judge, District Court, Famagust a 1669, 1681') to act as Village Judge, Leikoniko 1677 Mails, see "Pust'1-l." Man<lamus Law, 1890 Interpreter, ... Commissioner'• 1617 Massy, Colonel William Ja.mes Secretary ..• to the High Com. . .• lli62 Clerk of the Executive Council ibid. Mattei, R. Elected Legislative Councillor 1681 l\ianoi:di, L. Appointed Ccnsul for Belgium 1676 Measures, see '' Wei.ghts and Measure•.'' 1520 Medical 1677 Health Office temporarily established at Karavastassi 1:182 1551 169r4 1582 Lefkara Legislative Council 1535 16-!9 Elections. (Mahometan) Election lat Electoral ... 1672 ___ (Noa-1iahometan) Zncl 1523, 1672 ~~~---~~~~Srd Proclamation, 2nd Mny, iS90, providing for cases where no valid nomiuation is made ... --- 1527, 1603 Ma.rkides, John Stylianou mtssioner 1527 Registration &f Theodotou, .Antonio, lst class Yennimatas, George P. . 1672 1666 Melios, C. Granted lean Merchandize Marke Law 1582 1589, 1682 Appointment•. CA,i8f Medical Oj!icer Slephen, G. N., to act . .. .•. 164-5 Chief Medical Officer to be Chief Superintendent of Quarantine ·... ••• .•. ••. 1610 DMtrict Medical Officer Famagu.sta. Yennimatas, G. P., to act 1680 Kyrenia. Fuleihan, A., to act 167~ Yennimatas1 G. P.~to ac~ ... 1667 L&rnac&.. Tsepu A., to act ••• 1531 Young, J. V. ••. ••• .•• 1608 ---District Medical Officer. to be Superintendent of Quarantine.;?... ••• ••• 1070 l/I@lt'IJ,.. Officer, L4T'llat:4 • To be Superintendent of Quarantine Medical.Practition~rs, Nicosia Milurides, Oh. 1529, 1602 To prepare Voters' Lists, Deyrmanlik Nahieh Mitzis, Th. Granted leave 1686 1\Ioghabghab, A. Granted leave 16-80 1578 Death of ••• 1665 Municipalities Ge'JUJral. Rules of Court under the "Municipal Councill' Amendment Law, 1889 " .•• ••• 15q9 Inaccurate Weight&and Measures, Morton 1679 Rates, Resolutions, Bye·La1v.1, ,S·o. Famagusta Bread, Sa.leof ••. Buildings Oontracta Fairs, Stallago and T'ickags at } ~ 1508 Roads, Disturbance uf Slanghter-hou!le Trade Rates J~ Kyrenia. 1.'rade Rates 1692 11 11 ~Iacridi, Styliano 1589 1589 1682 M NO'I'E.-Law No. XXI ...;_Relating to F_rau~ulen~ Marks on M.ercha.ndize, disallowed by He~ Majeaty ... ... ••• .. . 1681 Notice of Dist.rlet C. .Re;igns post as President, Municipal Commission, Morfou ... .Appointed Private Appointed President, Municipal Commiuion, Muft;, Tha Canvas and Traps. Notices of Sale of .•. lG35, 1617, 1667 Cotton, Tax: on ..• ... ••• ... Ui20 .Locnst Destruction Expenses Ord~n:mce, 1881, Draft Law to amend .•. .. . .•• 1689 L·rnati('~, Criminal Order in Council under "Tbe Colonial Pridoners' Removal Act, 1884" ... ... .. . lo2! Appointed C!erk and Office, Limassol Appointed Clerk, Ouseoms Morfou Munici_pality, se« "Municipalitiea.'' Tithe on, see "Tithes and T'axes:" Lymbouris, Michaelides, Michail To prepare Voten' Lista, Evdimu Nahieh Locusts No. XL-To amend the law relating to weights and measures ..• •.• .•• 1603, 1618, 1698 No XII.-To provide for t.aking the Census of Cyprus ••. ..• ... 1562, ibid ; 1657 No. XIII.-To amend the la.w relating to the powers of mortgagees and attorneys in trust for them to sell mortgaged property ... 1541, 1618, 16157,1666 No. XIV.-For making fur~her proviaion for the service of the twelve months ending the thirty-first day of March, 1890 ... ... 1576, 1618, 1657 No..XV.-To extend the close season for game 1576, 1618, 1635, 1657 No.• XVI.-Tb appropriate a sum not exceeding ninety-one thousand four hundred pounds to the service of the twelve months ending the th:!ty-first day of March, in the year of OW' Lord, one thousand eight handred and ninety-one 1651, 1618, 1657 No. XVII.-!'o exempt certain goods from execution 1662, 1636, '1679 No. XVHL-To further amend 'The Liceaaiug Law, : 1889. ... :.. .. .•. 1589, 'ibid., 1665 No. XlX.-To simplify and ·amend the Law as to the reg-istration of sales and mortga~es of immoveable property .. . ... .. . "1_562,--, ibid. No. XX.-To amend' The Civil Procedure Amend--, ment ·Law, 1885 ' . .. ... 1~89, --, No.XXII.-To enable the Government to take further meastPres of preoantion &gains• the. tntroiiudtion of the disease .known as the .Phyllo'xera i.n\o the Island a.nclagainst the spread oi the same should'. it ever be introduced .•. ..• ~5117,1669, l67.9, 1686 Rainfall 1889-90 Montis, Th. M:nnicip:llit_y.see ".lfunicip11litin.'' Roads, see "lVo:r:l.:s, Pubiio:" Lin.seed, Merchant Shipping, u~ "Shipping." Metoorologica.l Michaelides, P. G. 1578 !"617,163{ Limassol No. :X:.-Fo.r the prevention of cruelty to animals ... 1681 1635 Notice to Contractors 1634 Licensing Law, 1890 ... ... 1527, 1'303,1635 ~(Certificates) Law, 1890 ..• 1589, 1636, 1665 ---Pr.:>prietary Clubs exempted from rule as to elosfne hours •.. .. . .•. 1676 1551,--,-- Agricultural Bank Bill CrownDebts Bill Debtors' Relief Law, 1889, to eome info opcratfon lstApril, 1890 .•. .. . . ' .•. · · Field Watchmen Law, 1886 Amendment Bill Flax, draft Law to regulate the faking· of tithe on Immoveable Property Limitation Law Amendment Bill... ... .•. ·•• ··· Locust Desbrucbion Expenses Ordinance, 18&1. Draft Law to amend ··••• · ••• .•. Wine, draft law to make better provision for ensuring purity of ••. ••. · ;. • · ..• 1681 154.1 1551 New Building at Leper Farm. No. VI.-To provide for the better regulation of the Cyprus Sponge Fishery .•. .•. 1603, 1635, 1656 No. VIL-To provide for the issue of orders of mandamus to public bodies and persons having public duties to perform .•• .. . 1527, 1603, 1635 No. VIII.-To explain and amend the 'Pension• Ordinance, 1882.' ... .•. 1541, ibid., ibid. No. IX.-To amend 'The Forest Law, 1889.' Gerwral. Session to beholden, 1 Ith March, 1890 Speech, Address and Reply to A.Jdres5 •.• Larnaca. Law, A. F. G. lit27, 1603, 1635 No. II.-To regulate the appointment of Committee> under 'The Lrrigatlon (Regulation) Law, 1889' 1551 Municipality. 1:e~"1lfwiicipalities." Road, see" 1Vo1'ks,Public." Languages, E~aminations in Noticea of dates of amend' The Licensing Law, 1889" --,-- Death of, 9th September, 1890 Appointed Clerk and Interpreter, Appointment of Membt!rs. Mattei, B., 2nd Elecioral District ... Pal:eolo_~o<1, A. K., Srd Electoral Diatziet Taylor, W. T. ... ... . Vasaif, .A,, lst Electoral District ... ~ Vondi.zia.no,P. N., 2nd Electoral District Voters' Lists. List of persons to prepare i .»Dates of revision....--.-::------.. c: . 1685, ~,-- K ilaniotis, Aristides Y oannis .Appointed to act as VillaJe Judge, Kila.ni PAGE . No. HI.-To provide for the expense!!of ~~d_i!!,c;ii,Q..ent to the trial and conviction by British Cour.s having jurisu.iction in Foreign Countries of persons having their domicile in Cypras ... ..• 16031 1685 No. IV.-To amend tne 'Shipwrecked Passengers' Law, 1889.' .•• ..• · ... 1503, ibid., ibid. No. V.-To provide for the administra.tion o.f convicts' estates during the period of sentence K INDEX, 1890. PAGE 1673, 1666 1646 ••• 1686 Limassol Buildmgs-Drain.a.ge pipes and water sponta on Morfou Mnsicisn11'Licenses Pap ho Trade Rates 1698 ... 1696 -· 1581 Acoount», Fama.gusta-lst July to 3lst December, 1889 ••• 1538 lst January, to 30th June, 1890 ••• l67S Ka1·avas -lst July to Slat December, 1889 ••• 1563 lst January to SOthJune, 1890 ••• 1677 Kyrenia -lst July to Slst December, 1889 ••• 1552 Ist -January to SOthJune, 1890 ••• 1670 Lapithos -lrit July to 3Ist December, 1889 ••• 1563 . lst January to 30th June, 1890 ••• 1677 Larnaca -ht July to 3lsi; December, 1889 157.1 lst. January to 30th June, 1890 1677 Limassol -lllt July to 311JtDecember, l 889 1521 let January to SOth June,·1890 1670 Morfou -20th April to Slat December, 1889 1533 lst January to 30th June, 1890; 1689 NiC'OSia -lst July to Slat December, 1889 1603 l8t January to 30th J1111e, 1890 1670 Papho -ls1 July to 3lst December, 1889 1527 let January to SOth June, 1890 1659 Poli -Year 1889 ••• 15M ht January to SOth June, 1890 1659 Appoin.tme.1itl. Nicosia..Municipal Commission Dianellon, K. P., to be Member ••.• 1523, 1602, 1660 Michaelides, P. Ci., President 1623, 1602 Safvet Dede Sheikh Member 1660 Wo:rtabet, E.W., President ••• ••• il>i4. Morfon Municipal Commission Busib Hadji, to be President 1682 Electw1U. Nicosia, Order in Council ordering eleetJon ••• 1697 Ano Lefka.ra.- ... Murder 1667,1668 Notice of Reward o1fe:red by Government of Malta for apprehenaioa of murderer of a Sergeant of Police Mustafa, 0. Dismiaed 1542 ••• 1679 ©DIGITIZED BY MA·A THE CYPRUS INDEX, G.AZKTTE 1890. THE PAGE N Nairn, Ahmet, Naim, M. 8N "Ahmet." Appointed Member of Commission of Enquiry into Land Registry ••• .•• ••• ••• 1695 Naval . Buoy at Famagusta washed away ---~----New buoy laid --------finally removed ••• .. . .•• ••• 1596 ••• 1636 .•. 1666 Nicolaides, K. To prepare Voters' Lista, Paphos Na.hieh ••. 1573 ... ibid. No. 156. 2nd October, 1890 Extending time for d•llvery of tithe grain ••• No. 157. 18th November, 1890 Ordering the construction of Section IX. of the Limassol Road ••• ••• ••• No. 158. 5th December, 1890 Ordering that the time for payment of tithe on cereals for 1890-91 in Limasaol Di1trict 1hall be extended .•• ••• ••• ••• No. 159. 2Srd December, 1890 Removing from the Delimited State Forest certain land in Fa:o:mgusta3District ••• ••• Nouri, Osman Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, District Court, Papho •.•• .•. .•. ••• 1573 Palseologos, Aristoteles Papadopulo, .•• ••• Court, !'ama.•• ••• 1696 1618 15{1 1169 .•. 1526 . I' ••• By tll.e Officer Admin'isteri'l.tg the GO'Vern11ien.t .• -~lst February, 1890, Legislative Council to open 11th March, 1890 .•. .. . ••. By the High 00111-.mi81Jioner. "lst May, 1890. Cotton Law, 1889-enacting rules for exportation free of duty of cotton on which tithe shall have been paid under Clause 16 .•. 2nd May, 1890. Cotton Law, 1889--extending provisions of law to certain V::i,konrand other Ianda.,; .2nd May, 1890. Legislative Council-providing for cases where no person is nominated tor election .,. ·lOth November, 1890. Disallowing the Merchandise Marks Law, l890 ••. ... ... Orders in Council Passports .By The Queen. lSth December, 1889. Colonial Prisoners' Rei:qova.l Act, 1884. Regulations as to removal and return c,f prisoners and criminal lunatics .•• ... 1528 Orders in Council under the } 15th October, 1889 Foreign Jurisdiction Acts, f ~ 28th November, -1843 to 1878. · Notice re- J" 1°32 { specting lath December, -.•• ... the G0'1Jernrnent. No. 144. 7th February, 1890. Ordering that the time for the payment of iiihe for 1889-90 on all produce other than cereals, earoubs and silk in certain villages in the Larnaoa District shall be extended ••. 1526, 1535 No. 145. 13th February, 1890 Ordering the. rates ol postage to be charged on parcels poated to various countries and Coloniea 1532 .By the Hig /;, Oommia1J'ivner. .No. 146. 2Sth March, 1890 .Ordering that tithe on wheat, barley, vetches and oa.ts in the Districts of Papho, Famagusta, the Nahiehs of Lefka and Morfou in iihe District of Nicoaia and in Lower Lama.ea for the year 1890 shall be taken in kind .•• •.•• ••. 1562 No. 147. 16th May, 1890 Ordering that a .Municipal Council ahall be elected for Nicosia. .•. ... --1597 No. as. 20tb May, 1890 Naming the stores at which sh&llbe delivered tithe grain JGOI No. 14~. 3lst May, 1890 Red.ucing the rates of postage on parcels posted to ihe United Kingdom 1Gl7 No. 150. 12th June, 1890 Prdbibited articles not to be admitted from· countries not scheduled as infected with Phylloxera except by apecial permission of the Chief Collector of Cnatoms 1618 No. 151. 16th .June, 1890 Ordering the rates of p~ge to be charged on parcels posted to various Ooloniea ••• · 1638 No. 152. .24:thJuly, 1890 Rescinding Order in Council No. 11 of 29th .Jannary, 1886, respecting a.uusment of fresh winter broad beans ••• ••• ••• ••• 1646 No. 153. 26th August, 1890 Ordering that a road shall be oonstructed under " The Lefkara Roads Law,. 1887" connecting Ano Lefkara with Kofinou •.•• .••• 1665 No. 154. 28th August, 1890 !"UJ.ng time fo~ assessing value of wound silk 1665 No. 155. 2nd September, 1890 Ordering the establiahment of a Municipal Council at '.Ano Lefka.Ja ••• ••• 1667 Frederick ••• .•• ••• .•• 1691· 1582 Law, 1890 rl541, 1603, 1635 Petrides, A. To prepare Voters' Lists, Dagh Nahieh 15:'3 ----.c. ·--- Lefka--ibid, Phylloxera Law respecting ..• .•• 1591, 1660, 1679, 168i} Prohibited articles not to be admitted from countries not scheduled as infected with Phylloxera except by special permission of Chief Collector of Customs 1Gl8 .,. . Pirteus, The Sma.11-poxIn ••• Poli Municipality, Police ••• H• ••• ... HiOJ "Municipalities.'' Notice of Reward offered by Government of Malta for apprehenstou of murderer ol a.Sergeant of Police Fezea, "l'asscla and Turbans, Te:Q.ders invited for supply o.:f Clothing, Notice of Sale of ••• Appointments. Oltief Commandant Cade, C. 8., to act .•• Loral Ommnanda11Jrt Kyrenia, Ca.de,C. S., to act Uer/, aml Intmpeter Kypiades, J. .. Televantou, B. G. Native OfjieBT Naim, Ahmet ..• ... .•.. 1542 1655 1674 1521 1677 1617 1665 1617 Postal .Alterations in datea of Messageriea Maritimes Bteamers 1507 Paroel Post. Rates of Po1tage to the United Kingdom, and varioW1 countries and Colonies ••• ••• l5Sa, 1617, 1638 Po.t11t1Uter Hore, E. H., to act J•niur Cler& Ohristofi.dea. A. L. Prisons ... 1695 ••• 1668 ..,_. 1581 Sn.fvet Dede, Sheikh 1582 Sales of 1582 1686 Appointed Member, Municipal Commiuion, Nicosia) 166() Bark, see "<Forests;" Firewood '"" u Fore1tl." Land, see " Eamd;" Locust Btores, 1Jeo" Eocuets," Police Stores, see "Police." Tithe Grain 8IJe "Titlws and Ta:i:u." Wrocks, see " Sldpping." Schools Return of G~nte to MosleDl Sohools, 1888-89 .•• 1569 ... Appointed to act as President, District Court, KJl'eni& 1603 Q Secrets, Official iQua.rantine Dichelia, premises at set apart for performance of quarantine .•.• ..,. ·~·· ..•. 1'670 Regulations under " Infectious Diseases Preventioa Ordinance, 1883," ail to appointment aud powers of Guards . .• .,_. ..•.• ..•.. 167.4 Clwln·a fa Spain Spain and Balear-ie Islands. Arrivals from subjected to lO days' quarantine .. . ... 164:5 Spain and Balearic Islands, AJ:.riYalsfrom subjected to medical inspection .... •.. 1698 .Olwl1ra at Hedjaz Red Sea. Arrivals from subjected to 10 days' quarantine .... .,.. ..• .•• 1660 Red bea. Arrivals from admitted· to free pratique l69M Clwle1·a in A.~ia..1.liinor Alcxandret.ta. 10 days'... 1672 Gulf of 'ibid. ----to Latakin 1874 Mersina. to Tripoli 1675 ~-~~-Beyro~t --... 1680, 1685, 1691 Mersina free pratiqne 1685 JO days ... 1691 .• dalia to Beyrout 1692 No pasaeugers except .those .clomiciled in Cyprns or eomjng on Government business to be allowed to land ,,, 1692 Appoint111J.nt1J, Chief Su.p.e1"wilendent of Quq,rantin-e The Chief Medical Officer... .., .•. 1670 SuperintmulP.nts of Q'UM"antin~,Larnaea District Meciical Officer, Larnaca ,., ibid. Health Officer Queen's Advocn.te, Appointment La.w, A. F. G., to a.et To be celebrated on 2lst ?if;3y, 1890 Imperial Act 52 and 53 Viet., oh. 52 ••• ••.•. 158' Servi& Commercial Agreemeut wi*h Uni&edKingdom, ne "1reati.(JJI." Shipping Buoy at Famagu&:ta •.•.• ••.• 1596, J 6.S6,1666 Healtb 01Ucc &f>mpor&rUy establiahed at Karavast&Bii 1589, 1682 Merchant Ships, Toi:uiageof. Imperial A.et 52 and 5S Viet. oh, 43 ·n ••• ••• 163' -~Shipping Amendment A.et 52 and 68 Viet. ah. 46 ••.• .•. ••• ••• il>ill. Shipping Returns .. • •.• 1656, 1686 Shipwrecked Passengers' Law, Amenclme:ut Law, ii:rno .•. ... ... isos, rnos, 1636 Timber wuhed ashore. Notice of ule of ••• 15.27 Silk, see "Tithes atld Taxea." Slaughter Houses, Municipal, su "Muni,cipaliti68." Small-pox, S•e u Contagious,Epidemic and In- feetious Dieeases;" Bmi,h, G. Appointed Member of Commission of Enquiry into Land H.egistry ... 1686 Smith, W. J. Appointed to act as Chief Juaticc Snow Pits, Troodos 1520 Notice inviting tend era for hiring of -· Sofroniou, D. To prepare Votem' Lists, Oarpas Na.hieh 1681 ••• 1614 Spain, Quarantine against, 11e"Qu.arantiJU." Spirits, see "mnu." -· 1551 Sponge Fishery -·Stephen, G. N. 1576 .Appointed to act&.& Chief Medical Officer Stone Royalty on of Queen's Birthday Syria, Cholera in, au "Quarantine.'' .I!~. bland into ••• Seager, Major .M. B. Appointed President, Distric$ Court, Papho Fee reduced to ls. 3c.p. Appointed Member of. Oonimission of Enquiry Land Registry... .• • ••• s 1574 Hardyman Pensions Ordinance Amendment Worlu, .F'ublic.'• 1535 Municipality, 111·e ",1I>tnU:ipaU.ti,e.<:." Tithe in kind, see" Tithe1 and Taees," Parker, Bed " Boyalty on Stone Pnpho Oate, sale of,~~• " TithtJs and Tazes.'' Official Secrets, H6 °Secrete:" Roads, Rossoa, N. ..•. 1662 ]Public Wor~s, see "Works, Public,'' ,L. By tluJ Offi,cer Adminutering Revenue, su ''Accounta." 'Proclemationg Oh, Resigns Ordinary Judgeship, District gusta ••• ••• Inspector of Prison8 Oade, C. B., to act .. . ... Private Secretary to the High Commissioner Massy, Col. W. J. ._.. .•• l6H Konat•ntinou Elected Legislative Councillor To prepare Voters' Lista, Chrysofu Nahieh 0 vii PAGE Appointments. 1175 p Nicosia Municipality, see "llfunicipaliti,es." Tithe in kind, see" Tithes and Taa:r:1J." 1890. PAGl!l N. ----------Larnaca- CYPRUS G.A:ZETTE WDEX ••• 1603, 1630, H5G ... Ml -· 1868 R ••• 1616 Colonial Prisoners Removal Act, 18e4.. Order of Rer Majerty in Council 13th December, 1889, respectiDg removal and return of prisoners and criminal lunatics ••• . •• Convicts' Property Law, 1890 US5, l60S, Female Prison, Papho ,.•• hmir.gusta ••• Kyrenia •.•• 1562 152S l6Si U62 1668 1698 Rainfall 1889-90 Rassib H. ... ... ... 1670 T Appointed President, Municipal OommiBiion, Morfou 1682 Red Sea, (tuarantine against, ue "Quarantine ." Registration, see "Cendu& " and "Boob " Reith, W. Appointed President, District Conrt, Lama.ea .Re~i, ppointed Member, Legislative Council .•• 1561, 1581 Chainnan of Commission of Enquiry into Land Registry... •.. .•• ••• 1695 ••• 1691 Ahmed .Appointed Aasistant Land Re.gistry Clerk ••. Tnylor, W. T. 1665 Tchivitanidee, A. To prepare Voten' Lists, Kelokedara Nahieb ••• 157S Tchoba.noglu, Y. orfoq ••• ibitl. THE, CYPRUS GAZET'.fE INDEX, 1890. Vlll ' PA.GB Telegraphs, Submarine International v 1583 Convention for Protection of Televa.ntou, Spiros George 1655 Appointed Clerk and Interpreter, :Police Templer', F. G. 1520 1608 Appointed to act aa Puisne Judge Granted leave Theocharides, Y. To prepare Voters' Lists, Mesaoria Nabieh 1573 Theodotou, .Antonio Varosha Cemetery, se« "Cemeterw.'' Vassif, Ahmed 1681 Elected Legislative Councillor Vetches, Sale of, see."Tithes Vondiziano, Pericles N. and Taxes:" 1535 Elected Legislative Councillor Voudaska, Christofis Christofi Registered as a Medical Practdtioner in Cyprus 1672 1670 Appointed Forest Gua.rd Thompson, H. L. Appointed to act as Commissoner, Nteosta Granted leave .•. ..• .•. Appointed Membe:r of Commission of Enquiry into Land Registry ••. ... ... ..• 1503 1682 Tithes and Taxes Beaus, Fresh winter broad. Order in Council 29th January, 1886 rescinded .•. 164:6 Cereals. Tithe Assessment, 1890 1697 ibid. ---, Estimated production of, 1879-90 Cotton, see " Ootton.." 1576 Crown Debts Bill Exempt'.on from seizure Bill 1562 Law 1576, 1636, 1G79 1551 Flax., Tithe on, Draft Law r ••• Silk, wound. Time of assessment 1665 -----, and Cocoons. Tithe price ... 1674 'l'ithea, 1889, Larna.ca District (certain villages), on an 'produce ofher than cereals, caroubs and silk to be paid before 15th February, 1890 ... 1526, 1585 Tithe, 1890, to be taken in kind in Famagusta. and PaphoDistricts, Lefka. and Morfou Nahtehs (Nicosia Disrrict) and Lower Laruaca 1562 Tithe grain, sale of. notice respecting ... 1596 stores at which it sh vll be delivered 1601 ----Kastroulli Grain Score, notice to contractors •. . ... Hl02 ----Delivery of, extension of time for 1675 Tithe, 1890, Limassol District, on cereals to be paid before Slst December, 1890 1696 ,Trade Marks, see "lYlerchandiH Ma:rks.'' .Trade Rates, Municipal see "Municipalities." Trade .Returns Imports and Exports Shipping 1620,1604, 1618, 1655,1686 1655, 1686 Treaties Commercial Agreement between United Kingdom and Servi a. ••• ••_ •• • ••• Commercial ConYention between United Kingdom and Egypt ••• ••• ... .•. Extra.dition 'freaiy between United Kingdom and Colombia Extradition Treaty between United Kingdom and America .•• ••• .. . .. •. Extradition Treaty between United Kingdom and Tu'.l)is §lnt?.ma.rineTelegraphs, International Convention for Protection of w 1695 Warren, Colonel F. Granted leave Weights and Measures Law, 1890 ... Morfou Mnnicipality-lnaccura.te 1636 1503, 1618 measures 1679 Wheat, sale of, see "T:"~hesand Taxes." Wines Assessment, 1879-39 Clubs, Proprletary, exempted from order as to closing hours ... Licensing Law, 1890 ... 1527, 1603, . . . 1589, 1636, ---Certificates Law, 1890 Phylloxera, see "Pliylloxm·a." Purity of Wioes, Draft law to make .better provision for ... 1562 1676 1635 1665 1582 Woods and Forests, se« ••Forests," Works, Public Sales of old stores and material .. . 1693, 1535, lGiH Notices to contractors 160J, 163! Irrigation, see "Irrigation." Roads. .dunicipal Bye-Laws, see "1l:lunicipa,litim1." Lefkara-Kofino Road, Order in Council orJering construction of ... 166:'> ---Report of Committee 1696 Limassol Road, Section IX. Order in Council order· ing construction of 1691 W ortabet, Emia Whiting Appointed President, Municipal Commission, Nicosia 1660 W reeks, se« "Shipping,'' 1576 1583 y 1527 1602 1635 1583 Troodos Snow Pits, see"Snow Pits:" Y ennimatas, George P. Registered as a Medical Practitioner .•• .•• Appointed to act as District Medical Officer, Kyrenia Famagusta 1666 1667 1680 Yio.naki, Constandi .Appointed Greek Clerk, District Court, Famagu11ta 1617 Young, James Vance Tsepis~A. .l.ppointed to act as District Medical Officer, Larnaca 1531 Appointed a District Medical Officer ••• .•. 1603 Tunis ·Bxtradition Treaty with United States, 1~ "Treatie•.'' u United States Extradmoza Treaty with United Kingdom, soe"TreatilJ1." z Zuchti Appointed to act as Ordinary Judge, District Court, Famagusta ••• ••• ••• 1696, 1635
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