CONTAMINATED LAND MANAGEMENT IN FINLAND NORDROCS 2014, September 16, Stockholm Opening Session – Joint presentation by the Nordic EPAs Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE CONTENT OF PRESENTATION ● ● ● ● History and site statistics Legislation and administration Remediation practice Summary 2 HISTORY 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE MAJOR STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORK (AND OTHER HIGHLIGHTS...) ● 1989-1994 -> First national inventory of potentially contaminated sites ○ 10 400 sites identified ● 1993 -> Waste Act ○ Soil contamination and liabilities defined ● 1994 -> Generic/land-use related (unoficcial) guideline values for soil ○ Risk basis not reported -> unclear conception of risks -> conservative decisions ○ Remediation to GVs by excavation a “rule” ● 1995 -> Other highligts... 4 22.9.2014 FINLAND WINS WORLD ICE HOCKEY CHAMPIONSHIPS 4-1! Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE AND BEATS SWEDEN IN THE FINALS vs. 2 (WC) + 0 (OG) 9 (WC) + 2 (OG) 5 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE MAJOR STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORK (AND OTHER HIGHLIGHTS...) ● 2000 -> Environmental Protection Act ○ Specific section and articles on soil and groundwater contamination ○ Excavation to guideline values still continues... ● 2000 -> Another highlight from 2000 6 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE 22.9.2014 FINNISH MEN’S NATIONAL TEAM BEATS DENMARK IN FOOTBALL 2-1! Danish B team vs. 0 (WC or EC) 4 (WC) + 7 (EC), 1 gold 7 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE MAJOR STEPS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF REGULATORY FRAMEWORK (AND OTHER HIGHLIGHTS...) ● 2007 -> Decree on Assessment of Soil Contamination and Remediation Need ○ General requirements and trigger values for risk assessment ○ Risk-based guidelines values and separate risk assessment guidelines ● 2007 -> Soil state database ○ Information system with data from 24 600 sites (in 2014) ● 2014 -> New Environmental Protection Act ○ Implementation of Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU ● 2001 -> Going back to the highlights of the early millennium... 8 22.9.2014 FINLAND WINS GOLD IN MEN’S RELAY IN THE NORDIC Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE WORLD SKI CHAMPIONSHIPS AND BEATS NORWAY! vs. 0 + 4/1 6 + 36/13 9 SITE STATISTICS 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE WHAT SITES ARE WE TALKING ABOUT? ● 24 600 sites in the soil database ○ ○ ○ ○ Ongoing activities (36 %) No actions needed (18 %) Remediation or risk assessment needed (9%) Further investigations needed (37 %) ● From large industrial and planning areas to small yards Photo: Kimmo Järvinen 11 SOIL STATE DATABASE ● Identification based on past and present activities ○ Also remediated and investigated/assessed not contaminated sites ● Designed mainly for authorities ○ Environment, town planning, construction ● Public data, but no open access ○ Partly uncertain information Fuel stations and storages Waste treatment (eg. landfills) Repair shops for cars etc. Shooting ranges Metal industry Saw mills and wood impregnation sites Market gardens and plant nurseries Other industry Other activities REGULATION, LIABILITIES AND ADMINISTRATION 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE REGULATION OF CONTAMINATION ● Environmental Protection Act (EPA) o o Regulation of contamination/pollution integrated under one law Promotion of pollution prevention, sustainability, public participation etc ● Regarding contaminated land EPA defines o o o Prohibitions for soil and groundwater contamination Duties to notify, investigate, assess and treat contaminated soil and groundwater Liabilities and required administrative actions for remediation ● Decree on Assessment of Soil Contamination and Remediation Needs ○ General requirements for risk assessment ○ Threshold and guideline values Contamination defined by adverse effects/risks on multiple targets -> site-specific assessment 14 22.9.2014 LIABILITIES IN ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATION ● 1st category: Polluters pays -principle (=operator) o o o After 1979: 100 % responsibility 1962-1979: limited responsibility before 1962: no responsibility ● 2nd category: Property holder/owner o Operator not liable or not able to fulfill his responsibilities ● 3rd category: Local municipality o o Limited, if pollution before 1994 Obligatory, if pollution after 1994 ● Liabilities also in other legislation, private law and agreements Clear enough....? Call a lawyer! 15 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE 22.9.2014 ENVIRONMENTAL ADMINISTRATION 16 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE ROLE OF SYKE (= FINNISH EPA) ● Promoting work of ministry, authorities and other stakeholders ○ Preparing strategies, legislation and guidances ○ Developing tools and databases ○ Consulting on case-by-case basis ● Promoting active co-operation and knowledge exchange ○ Seminars, networks, working groups, R&D projects etc. 17 CONTAMINATED LAND MANAGEMENT PRACTICE 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE DEVELOPMENT OF COMMON APPROACH 1994 2007 LIMIT VALUES Multifunctionality ”Zero” tolerance 1980s 1990s Land-use related soil quality Risk-based land management 2000s 2015 RBLM SUSTAINABLE LM? 2010s Sustainable (and risk-informed) land management ● In Finland from limit values (1994 ->)... ● site-specific RA (2007->) ● From risk-based to sustainable land management (2015->)...? ○ Guidelines on risk assessment and sustainable risk management 9/2014 19 SuRF White Paper 2009 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE REMEDIATION STATISTICS ● Triggers for remediation ○ Land use change, construction works, property transactions, closing down of activities, suspicion/risks, national remediation programmes ● ● ● ● ● About 5000 sites remediated, about 250 new cases start annually Amount of excavated contaminated soil 0,5-1,5 Mtons / year Total annual costs 50-70 M€ Current share of costs: 2/3 private sector, 1/3 public sector State financing only 5 M€/year Remediation decisions (authoritative) per year 20 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE STATE FINANCING AND REMEADIATION PROGRAMMES ● State waste management work system ○ ○ ○ ○ ● Sites prioritized, but no remediation without state money So far 370 sites with total costs of €68 million €30 million (44 %) from state budget (2-4 M€/year), the rest from municipalities Only 10-15 new cases annually (ca. 5 % of all the remediation works) Finnish Oil Pollution Compensation Fund ○ For orphan oil contaminated sites; about 2 M€/year ● SOILI programme (1997-2014/15) ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Decommissioned petroleum stations or smaller fuel service sites Funded by Oil Pollution Compensation Fund and petroleum companies 1400 applications; 1000 investigated and 650 remediated Annual average total costs of 2,5 M€ Followed by JASKA programme for prioritized "orphan" oil contaminated sites 21 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE REMEDIATION PRACTICE NOW... ● Remediation focuses on soil, not groundwater ○ >90% based on excavation and off-site treatment of soil ○ < 10 % based on in situ (or on-site) ○ Soil guideline values used as remediation targets > 90 % ● Excavated soils treated or reused mainly in landfills/treatment centers Kimmo Järvinen 22 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE ...AND IN THE FUTURE? ● Based on present statistics, all sites will be remediated in about 100 years ○ Total cost: 4 000 000 000 € ○ 11 000 sites -> 75 000 000 m3 of excavated soil -> 3 750 000 truck loads -> excavating and transporting equivavalent amounts of virgin soils for backfilling -> C02 emissions and energy consumption etc... QUESTIONS ● ● ● ● Is present remediation practice efficient enough? Is it sustainable in the long run? Do all sites really need to be remediated ? When they do, is there a liable party and enough money? 23 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE IN ORDER TO CHANGE THE COURSE ● National remediation strategy ○ Objectives -> centralized desicion-making -> better prioritization ○ Funding mechanisms -> remediation programmes -> actions ● Sustainability integrated into practice ○ Objectives -> frameworks -> guidance and legislation ○ Methods/tools -> commitment -> sustainable remediation ● In Finland, the work is going on, but open dialogue and knowledge exchange is needed continuously 24 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE SUMMARY ● ● ● ● Rather consistent regulatory framework exist in Finland... ...but it is not always reflected to practice the best possible way Sustainability in remediation should be increased and promoted National and international co-operation important 25 22.9.2014 Jussi Reinikainen, SYKE THANK YOU! [email protected] 26
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