Identifying the expressions of ecological self-awareness in children with PIMD* Development of an experimental observation setting * Juliane$Dind$ Ins0tut$de$Pédagogie$Cura0ve,$Université$de$Fribourg,$Switzerland$ Supervisor:$Pr.$Dr.$Geneviève$Pe0tpierre$ Introduc)on* Situation-based list Method* Despite the fact that self-awareness is a central topic in developmental and cognitivist psychology, it is rarely problematized in research on PIMD. Nevertheless, it is essential to understand better how these children build their perception of themselves and of the world. Few tools are available for professionals; the part left to the subjective interpretation of their pupil’s behavior is high. The ecological self-awareness (ESA) is the first sense of self developed by infants (Rochat, 1995): Permission to do this research has been obtained from the ethics committee on r e s e a r c h o f t h e C a n t o n d e Va u d (Switzerland). Grid of items deriving from various scales including: ! five subscales (corresponding to the dimensions of the ESA) ! a mix of eliciting and natural situations ! a description of critical and non-critical behaviors in each item Participants Experimental observations ! 26 children with PIMD (SIRG-PIMD, 2001)* ! 4-12 years old ! well-known by their special education teachers (since minimum one year) Experimental situations inspired by studies on the development of selfawareness in infancy: ! respecting methodological paradigms such as habituation, paired comparison, contingency ! soliciting diverse sensorial modalities ! strictly controlled Ethics Procedure Differen0ated$$ $ Animated$ Organized$ Percep0on$of$ one’s$body$as:$ Ac0ve$$ Situated$ Step 1: ! 6 children ! improvement of the situation-based list ! i m p r o v e m e n t o f t h e e x p e r i m e n t a l observations’ protocol Step 2: ! 20 children hfg$ ! data collection Before S1 and S2, the alertness profile of each child is done (Vlaskamp et al, 2010). Encoding ! dichotomous scoring of the items (yes/ no if the critical behavior is present/ absent) ! addition of the item’s scores in order to obtain the raw scores of each subscale ! conversion of the raw scores into quartiles scores Analysis of the data Ecological self-awareness (ESA) Each session is videotaped. Material Ques)ons* • Is it possible to develop an observation setting which could allow to identify indicators of ESA in children with PIMD? • How does ESA manifest itself in children with PIMD? Aims* • To create an observation setting of ecological self-awareness indicators adapted to PIMD • To test the validity of these indicators Data will be gathered from two sources : Situa0onK based$list$ Experimental$ observa0ons$ Elicited$situa0ons$ Adapted$from$ developmental$ research$in$infancy$ Natural$situa0ons$ Based$on$ habitua0on,$ paired$comparison$ paradigms$ * *" Defini(on" of" PIMD" (SIRG2 PIMD,"2001):"" ! profound"mental"disabili(es"" ! p r o f o u n d " n e u r o m o t o r" dysfunc(ons"" ! frequent""sensory"impairments" * ! intra-individual level: comparison of the scores of the list and of the results of the experimental observations ! inter-individual level: the profiles of ESA will be compared ! verification of the inter-observer agreement ! verification of the internal and external validity Expected*Results* * will be described ! diverse profiles of ESA ! these profiles will correspond to the theoretical description of self-awareness in PIMD in the scientific literature (Saulus, 2009) ! indicators of ESA will be highlighted References* Rochat, P. (Ed.). (1995). The Self in Infancy. Theory and Research. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science B.V. Saulus, G. (2009). Le concept d’éprouvé d'existence. Contribution à une meilleure lecture des particularités psychodéveloppementales du polyhandicap. In S. KorffSausse (Ed.), La vie psychique des personnes handicapées. Ce qu’elles ont à dire, ce que nous avons à entendre (pp. 29–44). Toulouse: Editions Eres. SIRG-PIMD. (2001). Newsletter Special Interest Research Group “Individuals with Profound Multiple Disabilities.” Newsletter SIRG-PIMD. Retrieved from pmddap Vlaskamp, C., Fonteine, H., Tadema, A., & Munde, V. (2010). Manual for the “Alertness in people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities” checklist. Groningen, Netherlands: Stichting Kinderstudies. Open access document. [email protected] - Université de Fribourg – Institut de Pédagogie Curative
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