No. 720,122. PATENTED FBB.,10, 1903. y J. D. DSPDY. l METHOD OF DRDPARINO. ODRDAL FOOD PRODUCTS. APP-LIOÁTION FILED FEB. 13. 1902. . N0 MODEL. I. faz?. _\ I 0 ÍNVEÑTOR. PATENT OFFICE. UNITED STATES JOSIAH B. ESPEY, OF SPRINGFIELD, OHIO. METHOD OF PREPARING CEREÀL-FOOD PRODUCTS. SPECIFICATION forming partici' Letters Patent No. 720,122, dated February 10, 1903. Application filed February 13, 1902. Serial No. 93.961. (No specimens.) To a/ZZ whom it 11m/y concern: rows. Be it known that I, JosIAH B. EsPEY, aciti zen of the United States, residing at Spring iield, in the county of Clark and State of Ohio, solution is withdrawn through the pipe b2, and the grain, cleansed of all impurities and mi (post-cnice address 222 West Main street,) reservoir a2. Y From here it is fed to a huller have invented an Improved Method of Pre c. This huller consists of a bed-plate c', above After the treatment of the grain the l nute organisms, is discharged into the bin or 55 paring Cereal-Food Products, of which the which, but not in contact therewith, is a re following is a specification. volving plate c2, having a central opening sur rounded by a hopper c3. My invention relates to a new method of IO The upper side of preparing food products, especially to food the plate czis provided with a series of radial products produced from cereal grains, where arms c4. _ As the grain is fed into the hopper by cooking of the product in its preparation c3 suf?cient liquid is admitted through the ' pipe c5 to loosen the hull or bran, and the The object of the invention is to provide a Weight of the mixture in the hopper Will 65 method of preparing food products free from cause it to pass between the revolving plate allimpurities and germs and of such form that ¿c2 and the bed~plate c', where it will be rubbed it maybe conveniently packed for shipping sufficiently to separate the hull from the edi and be prevented from deteriorating under ble portion of the grain, but not to mash or varying climatic conditions. crush the grains. After the mixture has 70 My peculiar food product is the result of passed between these plates the overflow of treating any of the Well-known cereal grains, liquid is allowed to pass oí through the pipe as oats, rye, wheat, corn, dac., in a manner c6 and the grain is discharged through the .spout c7 into the vate by the action of the ra hereinafter described. In order that the various steps necessary to‘ dial arms c4, which revolve,`as indicated by 75 25 produce these food products may be more the arrow in Fig-2. In _the vat c the grain is easily understood, reference is made to the thoroughly washed in pure water, a constant stream of which Hows from the pipe e’. Dur drawings herewith, in Which Figure l is a sectionalview somewhat dia ing the washing of the grain it is agitated by grammatic in nature of a building contain thestirring-armsc2. The freeportionsofhull, is rendered unnecessary. 30 ing facilities for producing my improved food products. Fig. 2 is a plan view of the huller c, and Fig. 3 is a plan view of a drier~screen. 85e., being the lighter part, float to the top and are carried off by the overiiow through the spout e3. The Water being drained from Like parts are represented by similar let-A the vat by the pipe e4, the grain is discharged into the reservoir as. ters of reference th roughout the several views. 35 In the drawings, A A represent the'walls of If desired, the grain may be conveyed di a building devoted to the production of my rect from the vat b to the vat e by the conduit improved articles of food. fwithout passing through the huller c. - A 85 From the reservoir d? the grain is fed to a ct is a grain bin or garner to which the grain cooking-receptacleg, in which itis thoroughly 90 From this bin a the grain is con-` cooked by steam from4 lthe perforated pipes is conveyed through a spout a’ from the grain elevator. ducted to a vat b, where it is treated with a ’. Other methods of cooking might be em bath of-non-poisonous germicidal purifying ployed; but steam is preferred, because while solution, preferably consisting of an alkaline it thoroughly cooks the material it also leaves the individual grains practically intact or 95. bath containing a small amount of formalde 45 hyde or a weak solution of formaldehyde alone. This solution removes the impurities, kills all ani'malcules, germs, dac. whole. By washing the grain and then cooking it In order after being treated to the germicide all of the that the grain may be thoroughly and evenly latter left remaining in the grain is destroyed. In order that the grain may not “bridge” treated, stirring arms or blades b’ are pro 50 vided. These blades are adapted to be driven and choke the cooker, an agitating-wheel g2 in opposite directions, as indicated by the ar is provided. IOC '720,122 ' 23 From the cooker g the grain passes to a drier h, which consists of a series of overlying incline screens hf. These screens h’ are sup ported on suitable rollers ou the sides of the drier, and each screen is connected to a ver tical shaft h3 by a link h4 and an eccentric h5, by which the said screens are given a Vibra to persons limited in time and facilities for 25 cooking. Having thus described my invention, I claim 'l‘he method of preparing the cereal-food product herein described, which consists in treating the grain to a bath containing for tory movement, causing the grain to travel maldehyde and thoroughly agitating the same A current of heated while so treated, subjecting the grain to a air is forced through the drier by the fan t'. rubbing action to remove the hulls and ñoat The grain falls from the lowest screen of the ing oiï the hulls, washing the hulled grain, 35 series to a conveyer t", by Which it is carried cooking the whole hulled grain in a thorough from screen to screen. to a suitable mill, as indicated atj. The re manner so that the individual grains will be sulting product will Vary in form and taste left practically intact or whole and so that in accordance with the degree of fineness to any of the bath solution that may be left re which it is ground by the millj and the cereal maining in the grain after the washing opera from which it is produced; but whatever the tion Will be eliminated or destroyed, drying texture of the productor the grain from which the hulled and cooked grain, and then grind it is made the essential features will be the ing the grain to a suitable degree of fineness, same, the result being a food product of a wholesome, palatable, and nutritious nature, free from all injurious impurities, easily pre substantially as set forth. JOSIAI-I Bl ESPEY. Witnesses: pared at a great saving of time, fuel, and M. E. REED, trouble. H. D. LUTZ. It is a food product of great value
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